Updating to ios7 finally

I have an iPad (3rd gen) Wi-Fi, iOS 6.1.2 and I am finally updating my ipad to IOS 7, but currently ios 7.04 is available. How do I do this? Do I have to do it in stages?

Nope, no requirement to do incremental updates. You can upgrade from 6.1.2 to 7.0.4.

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    After updating to iOS7 on my iPhone 4 I cannot enable location services. How do I enable location services? I have tried turning off restrictions but that did not work.

    I finally just resolved this after not being able to enable location services since upagrading to iOS 7. Posting the solution here 'cause I couldn't find it anywhere else.
    I enabled Restrictions under Settings > General > Restrictions and created a passcode (I'm not sure if this was part of the solution, but it wasn't enabled for me by default.)
    In Restrictions, under Privacy, Location Services was set to "Allow Changes" (This still didn't solve the issue of the greyed-out Location Services switch though - I still couldn't turn it on.)
    Also in Restrictions, I also switched "Find My Friends" to "Allow Changes"
    Once I did step 3, the switch under Settings > Privacy > Location Services was no longer greyed out and could be switched on.
    Hope this helps!

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    Update to ios7 on a Power Mac G5 Dooable?

    Yes.... I know....   but then I would loose the ability to back the Iphone up, coordinate calendars, offload photos, etc...   And yes... I know I can turn on Icloud and access the Icloud website...  but that is also a major change in work flow...  especially when I have 4TB of disk drive sitting right beside me....  Anyway you look at it, it is both time and money...
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    It's a shame... because it is much more complicated than it needs to be... If Window's XP can be supported... certainly OSX 10.5.8 could have been supported as well..   But 10.5.8 users are a captured market for Apple who will eventually (be forced to...like now!) upgrade.  Window's XP users are prime new market targets to become "Switchers". When I upgrade our network, Apple's market share does not go up.  When a Window's XP user first buys a Mac... bells ring on Wall Street... So it goes....
    (ps... I will still encourage all my friends on Windozzzz.. to get a Mac!)

  • IPad won't turn on after update to ios7

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    Guess what apple, no it is not, this is a result of the updgrade to ios7!!!  My iPad worked perfect before and I will not be paying £199 to replace it!!!
    If anybody else has had similar problems please let me know.

    Try this reset ...
    Tap Settings > General > Reset > Reset All Settings
    If that doesn't help, restore the iPad  >  Tunes: Restoring iOS software

  • Is anyone having difficulty viewing calendar or adding appointments on iPhone 5 after updating to iOS7?

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    Also, the touchscreen isn't as sensitive sometimes, but not always.

    In the new layout when you finally get to the months overview,
    you need to swipe up and down to scroll through months.
    And I fully agree with you, this new overview in calendar is not very nice or clear.

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    I had a perfectly working iPad4 (16Gb wifi) running iOS6 with no issues. I finally decided to update it to iOS 7.1.1 and ever since I have been having issue on wake up, either when opening the smart cover, pressing the home key or pressing the power button. The iPad just wakes and the screen is white/grey. And this will happen a few times when repeatedly tried and then it will wake up fine to the unlock screen. During this process, the iPad will be stationary on the desk. Other times it wakes as normal. Once it's woken as normal, it functions fine in all respects. It just seems to be associated with power up.
    It seems to occur most when left for some time in sleep/standby mode
    I have tried a factory reset/restore (via iTunes) but this has had no effect.
    The iPad has not been dropped or knocked in any way since the update either so I don't see it being a physically caused issue - and as I mentioned, once it wakes as normal it functions as expected fully.
    Sadly it is also outside the apple 1 year warranty period
    I would be grateful of any ideas

    HI Barry,
    THanks for  the reply. That was the first thing I tried, before even a full iTunes restore.
    I feel you are right and I will have to make an appointment at a genius bar. I wish I hadn't made the upgrade to iOS 7 as that's when it all has gone pear shaped.

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    litemotiv wrote:Nice entrance Bruce Lee JR, welcome!
    Thanks~!! I usually like my presence to be known and not just sit in the dark I wanna become apart of the community~!! Actually, every activity I do, I like to get involved~!!
    cybertorture wrote:
    wow man, u really enjoy this ? ... well u ll see here many ppl like yr self who feels @ home here after a looooooong distro hopping
    well be welcome here and long live ARCH !
    LONG LIVE ARCH~!!!!! Hek yeah I enjoy, especially since I was a major power user of XP & strictly XP. There was everything I ever needed. The only thing was that, if there was an Open-Source alternative, I would take it. I didn't know much about Linux other than that it ran EXTREMELY well as a server just as FreeBSD does. Once I finally took the time to google Linux, read about ditributions,open source and read blogs and read community comments etc.. I was like" I gotta be apart of this~!!" because XP was the shizz. But now Linux, more specifically, ARCH~!!!!!

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    The icon for Safari has probably moved to make room for new apps. Scroll the Home screen to look for it.
    You cannot reverse the upgrade.

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    Hi Celia51510,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The article below may be able to help you with this issue.
    Click on the link to see more details and screenshots. 
    I can't tell from your post if you are using a Windows or a Mac Computer.
    Try deleting the iTunes application and redownloading the version you need below:
    iTunes 11.1 Download for Mac
    iTunes 11.1 for Windows (64-bit)
    - Judy

  • I have a 3rd generation iPad running iOS7.0.2, and since updating to iOS7, it will not mirror to an AppleTV.  The devices will connect, but the video monitors show only a blank screen.  The AppleTV's work fine with various other iOS & OSX devices. Ideas?

    I have three AppleTV's where I work.  I have two at home.  I have an iPhone 4S running iOS7.0.2 which mirrors smoothly via AirPlay.  I have a 2011 MacBook Pro and a 2011 iMac, both running Mountain Lion, both of which mirror smoothly through AirPlay.  I have a 3rd generation iPad running iOS7.0.2, and since updating to iOS7, it will not mirror.  The iPad will connect to the AppleTV, but the TV's and projectors only show a black screen when connected: the iPad screen looks as it should, except that the transitions become jumpy when connected via AirPlay.  This is true on both networks: at home and at work.  Another gentleman using the network where I work has the most recent iPad, also running iOS7.0.2, and he is having the same problem.  I have tried to "Reset All Settings."  I have tried to "Restore."  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Has anyone else experience difficulty mirroring the iPad through AirPlay since the release of iOS7.0.2?

    No problems exists with the router (on either network described above) or the multiple AppleTV's which are able to mirror multiple other OSX & iOS devices seamlessly. The problem is strictly with the iPad and iOS7.
    The following information was helpful:
    Big Apple fan
    Re: AirPlay with AirServer connectivity problem
    Oct 14, 2013 9:43 AM (in response to ceb2652)
    This is an iOS 7 AirPlay mirroring bug...
    To make matters worse, the iPad automatically drops its mirroring session 45 seconds after it auto-locks.
    3-4 mirroring sessions is all it takes for the iPad mirroring to freeze up.
    After this happens, mirroring to an Apple TV only projects a blank screen.
    Once the mirroring is hung, the only way to fix it is to restart the iPad.
    Apple please fix this iOS 7 issue!

  • I updated to iOS7 and my deleted photos came back.  How do I make sure this doesn't happen again?

    I updated to iOS7 and my deleted photos came back.  How do I make sure this doesn't happen again?  I want to get rid of the ones I already got rid of, but if they just keep coming back that will be a waste of time. 
    Can anyone help?
    When I sync with itunes, the photos sections says I am syncing with my iphone, so I assume that anything I physically delete from my iphone should not be showing up again.  Right?
    Thanks in advance.
    PS- I don't use iphoto. 

    Is that really how sync works?
    If you read this, http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4236  and this http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1314  they don't actually make how sync works very clear.  I had thought that syncing my device to itunes would allow I tunes to copy what was currently on my phone so that I could restore that information when needed ie if your phone dies and you need to do a clean install of the iOS system, you always have what is currently on your phone saved in Itunes.
    Specifically reading this:
    To delete Camera Roll photos and videos from your device
    There are two methods to delete items from the Camera Roll:
    Import the Camera Roll to your computer and choose to delete items after import.
    Delete photos and videos from your device manually:
    Open the Photos application and open the Camera Roll.
    Tap the Action button.
    Tap each photo to select it.
    Tap the Delete button.
    Note: For photos and videos you want to save, import them to your computer before deleting them from the Camera Roll.
    What you seem to be saying is that iTunes saves every contact, message, photo etc and when you click sync, it reuploads things that you deleted?  This seems like it should work the opposite.  Make a mirror image of my iPhone on my computer, not make a mirror image of my computer onto my iPhone.  You delete things for a reason. 
    Help- anyone else?  Is razmee209 right?

  • IMessage is not working on my iPad since updating to ios7.0.6

    iMessage is not working on my iPad since updating to ios7.0.6
    It worked well before doing the latest update.
    iMessage on My iPhone 4 works fine after doing the same update.
    Have done all the usual things plugging into computer, complete shut down and reboot, nothing has worked.
    It keeps asking for password for Apple ID, I know I am entering the correct ID,  check network is also being displayed.
    Nothing wrong with my network either, other iPads and iPhones are working fine on the same network.
    Would like this fixed ASAP.

    Using FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/ht4319
    Troubleshooting FaceTime http://support.apple.com/kb/TS3367
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime + iMessage: Setup, Use, and Troubleshooting
    Troubleshooting FaceTime and iMessage activation
    iOS: FaceTime is 'Unable to verify email because it is in use'
    Using FaceTime and iMessage behind a firewall
    iOS: About Messages
    Set up iMessage
    iOS and OS X: Link your phone number and Apple ID for use with FaceTime and iMessage
    How to Set Up & Use iMessage on iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch with iOS
    http://osxdaily.com/2011/10/18/set-up-imessage-on-iphone-ipad-ipod-touch-with-io s-5/
    Set Up Alert Sounds
    Extra FaceTime IDs
    Troubleshooting Messages
    Troubleshooting iMessage Issues: Some Useful Tips You Should Try
    Setting Up Multiple iOS Devices for iMessage and Facetime
    http://macmost.com/setting-up-multiple-ios-devices-for-messages-and-facetime.htm l
    FaceTime and iMessage not accepting Apple ID password
    http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/facetime-and-imessage-not-acc epting-apple-id-password/
    Fix Can’t Sign Into FaceTime or iMessage iOS 7
    FaceTime, Game Center, Messages: Troubleshooting sign in issues
    Unable to use FaceTime and iMessage with my apple ID
    iOS 7 allows you to block phone numbers or e-mail addresses from contacting you via the Phone, FaceTime, or Messages
    http://howto.cnet.com/8301-11310_39-57602643-285/you-can-block-people-from-conta cting-you-on-ios-7/
    How to Block Someone on FaceTime
    My Facetime Doesn't Ring
    How to watch FaceTime calls on the big screen with Apple TV
    Send an iMessage as a Text Message Instead with a Quick Tap & Hold
    To send messages to non-Apple devices, check out the TextFree app https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/text-free-textfree-sms-real/id399355755?mt=8
    How to Send SMS from iPad
    How to Receive SMS Messages on an iPad
    Apps for Texting http://appadvice.com/appguides/show/apps-for-texting
    You can check the status of the FaceTime/iMessage servers at this link.
     Cheers, Tom

  • One or more of the updates requested by Final Cut Server could not be...

    We are getting the warning " One or more of the updates requested by Final Cut Server could not be applied. (one or more replacement file(s) had unexpected track settings.)" when a FCPv6.06 (possibly also FCPv7.0) project file is checked-out of Final Cut Server v1.5.1. The assets linked to the project are cached down successfully (this in not an XSAN environment) but opening the project alerts to some offline media files (not all) and we need to manually relink them to the assets in the Final Cut Server cache. All is good again until the project file is checked-out of FCSvr to another workstation.
    Having a look at the path of the offline files it is referencing the path of the assets as they were on the previous editor's (different) workstation. None of our workstations have the same path to the Final Cut Server cache.
    My understanding and experience is that FCSvr manages the paths for FCP linked assets and modifies the checked-out file's path to point to the workstation's FCSvr cache?
    Can you tell me how I can resolve this issue?

    I may have resolved this issue today or I'm at a stage where I can't replicate it. The problem may have been propagating from a within a template FCP project file we use to start our productions. I assume it was a corruption of the FCP file that FCSvr didn't recognise?

  • Any ideas about how to restore old appearance on my iPhone?  I just updated to IOS7 and really dislike the new appearance. I have to log on to see percentage of power used since I can't see it on my opening screen. I also want the gray folders back.

    I just updated to ios7 and do not like the redesign. I want the old design back. Has anyone found out how to restore the old appearance. I do not understand why the change. I now have to unlock my phone to be able to check my battery level because my screensaver has a light color in the upper corner and I can't read the text. I want the gray panel back.

    See Recover your iTunes library from your iPod or iOS device.

  • My apple camera connector comes up with an error "this accessorty is not supported.." on my iPhone 4 now that I have updated to iOS7, previously it worked fine.  Any suggestions?

    I have an iPhone 4 and a camera card connector (bought from apple) which worked fine together, then I updated to iOS7 and now when I plug it in it says " This accessory is not supported by this iPhone."
    Any suggestions on how to get my certified apple camera connector working with my iPhone again would be greatly appreciated.  I really wish I hadn't updated to iOS7....

    You need to update iTunes to 11.1 on your PC

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