Upgrade einzelner Produkte der CS6 möglich?

ich habe die CS 6 Design Standard im Einsatz und würde lediglich den Acrobat Pro X (dort enthalten) auf die Pro X1 upgraden. So wie ich das sehen, gibt es aber nur noch Mietmodelle.
Ist es überhaupt möglich nur ein Produkt aus der Suite upzugraden? Und muss ich mieten oder gibt es auch eine Kaufoption?
Danke & Gruß

Ist es überhaupt möglich nur ein Produkt aus der Suite upzugraden?
Nein, ist es nicht, da die Aktivierung an die Seriennumemr der Suite gebunden ist.

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    I don't want to upgrade to Adobe Creative Suite 6 - as I do not need all the programs, just photoshop.
    Unfortunately that option is not possible.
    You cannot upgrade a Creative Suite to a standalone product.
    Creative Suites can only be upgrades to other Creative Suites.
    You'll need to return Photoshop CS6 upgrade since you cannot use it.
    Return, cancel, or exchange an Adobe order
    Some options:
    Buy a Creative Suite upgrade, or
    Buy a full new copy of Photoshop CS6, or
    Join the Cloud

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    I apologise, I had overlooked that; it should be possible, though.
    Quote from
    FAQ | Adobe Creative Suite
    Owners of a CS5 or CS5.5 suite edition qualify for upgrade pricing to a CS6 suite edition. Owners of an individual CS5 or CS5.5 product qualify for upgrade pricing on that CS6 product. Any version earlier than CS5 will not be eligible for upgrade pricing.

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    Du bist wahrscheinlich mit dem Problem, dass so viele von uns mit 2011 Maschinen werden mit - ein Defekt im Löten von der GPU, die erste wird allgemeine Ursache Bildschirm Probleme und schließlich zu einer unbrauchbar Maschine führen. Leider ist Apple die Anerkennung des Mangels und die einzige Angebot, das sie liefern den Nutzern ist eine Hauptplatine ausgetauscht werden - die bis $ 700 + USD aufrufen können.
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    Um dieses Problem stoßen mehr lesen, siehe -> https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4766577?tstart=0.
    Viel Glück,
    PS: Dies wurde "übersetzt" vom Englischen ins Deutsche mit Google Translate - mich nicht für alles, was lächerlich klingen mag schuld!

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    Hi MC_ADSK,
    You can download the CS6 software you bought from : http://www.adobe.com/downloads  and install.

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    Correct. The only upgrade from a Suite is to a Suite. You get a great price reduction by purchasing a suite, what you loose is the ability to upgrade any components individually.

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    What, are you trying make me feel GUILTY about being upset that Adobe's new strategy negatively affects my livelihood?
    As far as Adobe's policy change announcement goes, I have no idea how it was announced.  I DO know I was not sent an email notification, though they have my email address and record that I'm a CS3 owner.  Presumably it was announced somewhere on Adobe's website, and further disseminated through various digital and print trade publications.  I respect Adobe's right to not reverse its decision.  If our business decided to put a sign on the front doors (since we don't have contact info for all of our past customers) saying we'd closed that night at 5 PM instead of 11 PM as usual, we aren't obligated to let in latecomers.  But I'd also recognize their right to be mad at us for wasting their travel time.  What I WOULDN'T do is tell them it's THEIR fault for not being proactive and calling ahead to confirm the expectation that our hours are still the same as they've been for the last decade.  NOR would I be surprised if we didn't get their $50 that month.  These Germans tend to hold grudges.

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    It's not clear what  you are asking.
    If you're asking whether there is an upgrade path from a lower version to Photoshop to Photoshop CS6 ( Photoshop 13.x), then the answer is yes.  You can upgrade from Cs5 to CS6 perpetual license for $199.00.  Just go to the store and, initially ignore the full $699 price.  Just click on "Buy" and you'll be presented with a black dropdown menu where you can choose between Full and Upgrade.  The dialog will then guide you.
    If you want to sign on to the monthly subscription model where you pay every month and never really own Photoshop, then that's just a matter of subscribing, regardless of whether you have a prior version or not.
    If you're asking whether you can upgrade from CS6 to a higher version, then the answer is no.  There will never be a CS7.  In the future it will be by subscription only.

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    Sorry, it's not possible to upgrade from CS2 to CS6. CS2 is too old.
    Unfortunately you must pay full price.
    Only CS5/CS5.5 qualifies to upgrade to CS6.
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    Now we need to upgrade to Master Collection CS6. Is it 525$ right? Please reply?

    There are no upgrades for Student and Teacher versions.
    Full Student and Teacher versions are deeply discounted and are the only versions available.
    Which version do you currently own?

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    Soll ich oder nicht!!!!!!
    Vielen Dank für eure Hilfe

    Hallo Herr Adelberger,
    vielen Dank.
    Beste Grüße
    Carsten Neder
    Freiberuflicher Grafiker
    Carsten Neder
    Talhofstraße 24b
    82205 Gilching
    Tel.: 08105 | 777 57 55
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    Mail: [email protected]
    Web: www.grafiksuite.de
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    Print & Webdesign
    Die Grafiksuite finden Sie auch in facebook und twitter!
    Am 27.02.2014 um 07:05 schrieb Willi Adelberger <[email protected]>:
    Re: Kann ich OS X Mavericks ohne Probleme laden, so das meine Programme in der CS6 noch funktionieren?
    created by Willi Adelberger in Deutsche Foren - View the full discussion
    CS6 ist kein Problem auf Maverick. Alle Produktaktualisierungen solltest Du auch installieren.
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  • Upgrade from cs5 to cs6 will not install

    Hi, I purchased and downloaded the upgrade from CS5 to CS6 including the Akamai installer. but the upgrade will not install and I am unable to contact Adobe anywhere for a solution to my issue.  I have uninstalled CS5 using Adobe CC Cleaner and it still won't install.  Help!!!

    Upgrade from CS5 to CS6
    I downloaded 2 files;
    Photoshop_13_LS16.exe   1.2MB
    Photoshop_13LS16.7z    1.1GB
    plus the instructions file
    (I've downloaded these files now 3 times and tried them all)

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    Okay...it's a brand new computer (Dell XPS 8500) and I just bought one of the products before I realized that the CS3 wasn't compatible with Windows 7.  Do I delete the CS3 and reinstall the after-market product?  Or do I delete the after-market product and reinstall and it automatically finds CS6? 
    I've been trying to get this running for three days!  LOL  I'm ready to throw it out the window....
    Thanks for your speedy reply and thanks in advance for any more light you can shed on my situation! 

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    My inexperience assumed that the CS6 would overwrite the CS3 in the upgrade, but now I have two programs....one with my after-market products and one without.
    Any help out there?? 
    Thanks in advance...

    Okay...it's a brand new computer (Dell XPS 8500) and I just bought one of the products before I realized that the CS3 wasn't compatible with Windows 7.  Do I delete the CS3 and reinstall the after-market product?  Or do I delete the after-market product and reinstall and it automatically finds CS6? 
    I've been trying to get this running for three days!  LOL  I'm ready to throw it out the window....
    Thanks for your speedy reply and thanks in advance for any more light you can shed on my situation! 

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