UpGrade  for 2  yr contract

I have 1 more year on my present contract My discount will be in November but it says I can get an upgrade but won't let me select month to month, 1 year
it ONLY states a 2 year contract.
I want to replace my phone. I have a Windows 6.1 OS and would like to get a droid
Should I wait for the Discount in November? or upgrade now and extend 2 more years?

ajleb wrote:
Should I wait for the Discount in November? or upgrade now and extend 2 more years?
If you take advantage of your currently available discount (annual upgrade, 2 yr discounted price on the phone of your choice) you will sign a new 2 yr contract beginning now; the old contract will be wiped out.  The additional NE2 discount will go away for good, and you will pay a $20 "early upgrade" fee on top of the discounted price.  If you jus have to have a new phone NOW, this is one way to get it.
If you wait till November, you will get the 2 yr discounted pricing, plus and additional $30 or $50 NE2 credit, and your new contract will begin when you sign the new contract, and run two years from that point.
Hope all of this, with the other answers, has helped to clear the confusion.  Post back if you have more questions.

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    Message Edited by joshua32 on 05-30-2006 :8 PM

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    Application Compatibility
    Applications Compatibility (2)

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    ios 6
    now i cannont do anything it is close

    - iOS: Not responding or does not turn on
    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
    How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    - If not successful and you can't fully turn the iOS device fully off, let the battery fully drain. After charging for an least an hour try the above again.
    - If still not successful that usually indicates a hardware problem and an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store is in order.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar       

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    I maintain characteritic for PO
    Doc Type
    Net Order Value
    Purchasing Group
    I maintain characteristic  for contract
    Company code
    Target Value
    Doc Type
    Purchasing group
    My class consist of
    Doc Type
    Net Order Value
    Purchasing Group
    Company code
    Target value
    Q1: Do i need to maintain ALL characteristic value when i define my release strategy for PO or Contract as some characteristic only apply to PO only or contract only?
    Q2:  What option do i have if i need to maintain all characteristic value ? leave it blank ? empty
    Currently my PO release is working fine but when i try to maintain the contract release inside the class . my PO release is not triggering . I maintained diffrent release group for both PO and Contract .
    Thank for your advice

    First of all
    For purchasing like PO,pr,contract you can able to get in ekko table.No need to maintain separate release unless if it your business requirement.Take Document type as one of the characteristics it will distinguish whether it is PO or contract.
    You have to maintain all the characteristic value then only it will trigered release.
    Check the release indicator as well.
    Hope it will help.

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    for DigitalPersona Personal in the future. There will be no updates for
    Firefox 4 nor Internet Explorer 9. IF they work they work, if they do
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    DPPersonal and forgo Firefox 4 or IE 9, or vice versa. DigitalPersona
    is leaving the consumer market and is focusing on business applications.
    In fact, DigitalPersona Personal will not longer be supported after
    Mid-April of this year.
    We apologize for any inconvenience this might cause. Sincerely, Tech Team "
    In other words, there will be NO update.

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    Go to Solution.

    When you are going through the upgrade process the screens list what lines you have and what ones are available for upgrades. All you do is tell them what lines upgrade you will be using and they will just use that lines eligibility to upgrade your phone.
    All secondary retail stores such as Best Buy are connected to the carriers systems. Best Buy sees exactly what the carrier sees on their systems. Interfaces may be different but the information is the same. So any changes to the account made at Best Buy is making a direct change on the carriers computers in this case ATT.

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