Upgrade to FCP 5.1 -- Configuration error

After upgrading to 5.1 I was able to use FCP without any problems until I shut down the computer. Then when I logged back on and tried to open Final Cut I got this error message:
"Configuration Error.
This program requires certain hardware or software which is missing.
Quartz Extreme Support."
My graphics card is a GeForce FX5200. My first thought is that I have to get a new card. But I have another G5 that also has that card in it and that one runs fine with the 5.1 upgrade. The monitors are different, other than that I think everything is the same. Any ideas?
G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

Thanks for the suggestion. I trashed these preferences:
Final Cut Pro POA Cache
Final Cut Pro 4.5 Preferences
Final Cut Pro 5 Prefs
Still have the same error message.
G5   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

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    Ah, but now you have a mac that uses a different chip...older versions of FCP will not work on the new configuration. You need to upgrade to FCP 5.1.

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    #29: Need AGP Graphics card
    Shane's Stock Answer #29 – Error: “Need AGP Graphics card”
    The Final Cut software is looking for a graphics card type that is required for that version of the software. FCP 4 and FCP 4.5 were released when AGP cards were the requirement. Attempting to open this on a Mac with a PCIe graphics card, such as an Intel Mac, will cause this error. FCP 4.5 is not supported on the Intel Macs. If you happen to have a PowerPC Quad processor Mac and get this error, you can try this hack:
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    I hate to be the one to say this but most people including me reinstall the OS and FCS2 from scratch. FCS2 is not like most Mac apps. It installs deep in the OS. Do a search on installing FCS2 and you will see all the problems folks are having with upgrading.
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    1. Used superduper to clone boot drive
    2. Got all program disks ready to go.
    3. I Made disk images of all the programs I have on disk and put them in a folder on an external drive. Loads the programs faster this way and now I have a backup. I also made sure I had all the downloaded programs I bought like flipfactory in that same folder
    4. Did a clean install of Tiger. (for me Leopard is not ready yet. Its sitting on my desk.) Keep the external drive with the clone of your drive plugged in to you Mac.
    5. After the install was finished I used Migration Assistant to move all  USER settings and network settings only from the cloned drive. DONT MOVE THE PROGRAMS OVER WITH THE ASSISTANT.
    6. Repaired permissions
    7. Updated Tiger to last update 10.4.11. Be careful not to update Quicktime to 7.4 I use 7.3.1 with no problems. Do a search on quicktime and you will see why.
    8. Install software and keep repairing permissions along the way. and doing software updates.
    9. Drank a nice cold brew and was happy that I now have a clean install and my FCS2 works perfectly.
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    You are in the Final Cut Pro forum and find more focused help over in the FCExpress forum.
    That said, usually these messages arise when you are installing an older, non-intel version of the software on an intel machine.
    You can not update it, you need to purchase the upgrade to the current Universal Binary (aka intel ready) version of the software for it to run properly.
    Good luck,

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    Configuration Error
    A problem has occured with the licensing of this product. Restart your computer and re-launch the product.
    If this problem still occurs after restarting, contact Customer Support for further assistance, and mention the error code shown at the bottom of this screen.
    Error: 213:5
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    any ideas how to proceed?

    You have a permission issue with your SLStore directory.  I would recommend completing solution 2 of "Configuration error" CS5 -
    http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/configuration-error- cs5.html#main_SLStore.

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    You should upgrade to FCP 5.1 or 6 as Jerry says.
    However, if you are desperate you could try this :-
    Install just your FCP 3 upgrade and also put in your FCP 1 serial number when asked.
    Whenever you try to open FCP you will probably get an error message. Click the "esc" key and FCP should open.

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    But upon launching the product, i get the error message as 'configuration error 15'
    my friend told me to repair the disk permission and rename the adobe pcd folder
    But still I am getting the same error
    Any suggestions ?

    This is a User-to-User forum.  We do not have any knowledge into what Apple will or will not do.
    However, based on past history, it is unlikely Apple will invest anything except critical security updates into Mac OS X 10.5.  I could be wrong.
    If you really REALLY need Java 1.6 on your Mac, you should consider upgrading to a newer version of Mac OS X.

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    I am on an iMac with i7 and Nvidia 780M with 4 GB VRam. OSX 10.9.3

    If you upgraded to 10.9.3 then you can go back to 10.9.2 by following the instructions here: http://www.macissues.com/2014/05/21/10-9-3-causing-headaches-for-mac-pro-users/
    If you did not try repairing permissions. Try deleting your Library/Application Support/ Adobe / After Effects CC folder and then updating. Try setting the permissions for both your user and system library AE folder to read write for everyone. I ran the upgrade to 10.9.3 on my Mac mini after reading all of the precautions and repairs. I'm now running 10.9.3 with no problems for AE on a Mac Mini with no problems. I have not upgraded my MacPro yet but probably will when the current project is complete.

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