Upgrade WinXp- WinVista: itunes settings

I want to pass from Xp to Vista, but I want to be sure to not lost nothing of my itunes' settings, like counters, playlist, date of last play and all about my library.
What have I to save?

You need to save the iTunes Library.itl file.
Article on that - but take note, it needs to be updated for Vista:
Also you need to first make sure that the actual music files are stored in the same path. If you are using the iTunes defaults, this will be a problem! The library pats won't work and everything will have a ! next to it.
User settings are different between XP & Vista
XP iTunes default path is
C:\Documents and Settings\ username \My Documents\My Music\iTunes\iTunes Music
Vista iTunes default path is different - I believe it is
C:\Users\ username \Music\iTunes\iTunes Music

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    Hi, i had the same problem and tried this,
    Somehow iTunes is tied to Safari. Try this:
    Someone mentioned to clear all website data and history in safari, stupid but it was either this or the below that fixed it
    or this,
    Disable Wi-Fi Networking Services
    Many users have reported that they’ve solved their issues by disabling Wi-Fi Networking under Settings > Privacy > Location Services > System Services. This only relates to your location being used for Wi-Fi Networking, so it doesn’t disable Wi-Fi entirely.
    Please let me know if it works.

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    It is exactly the same. What you can try is to restore only your user files but not apps, so you will not restore most of the rubbish you had before.
    See the answer 1.
    No, it should not, always that you do not format the Boot Camp partition by mistake, so be very careful.
    In this case, the best way is to copy your user files to an external drive manually, so after formatting the hard disk and reinstalling Mac OS X you do not have to restore anything from the Time Machine backup and you only have to copy back the files, but this will not keep your mails.

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    Hi Martyputz,
    This happened, because iTunes on a Windows doesn't really work like iTunes for Mac. Read this [article|http://lifehacker.com/software/itunes/geek-to-live--how-to-move-an-itu nes-library-from-a-pc-to-mac-and-back-242468.php] and follow carefully the instructions...
    Hope this helps!

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    If you were able to do a Time Machine backup you may not need this, but in my case, both Seagate drives failed before I could complete the entire backup. (In one case that left me with a large file that I could access by right-clicking and choosing Show Contents). If you don't want to restore from Time Machine but you were able to rescue your data, or if you want to have a fresh start on everything you can still pull from your Time Machine backups.
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    I first copied all my backed up music folder, back into my Music folder where they were before. (This included the iTunes folder inside the Music folder.)
    Just in case that wasn't enough, and I don't think it was last time I tried this, I found this article on how to remove all files related to iTunes:
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    A summary of the relevant portions of the article, but make sure to replace "drag it to the trash" with "add it back here from your backup" (and note that a "~" symbol means it's under "Users/YourName"):
    1. In the Finder, choose Go > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library/ and click Go.
    2. Locate the iTunes folder and then drag it to the Trash.
    3. Choose Go > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library/Preferences/ and click Go.
    4. Locate the preference files that have names beginning with com.apple.iTunes and move them to the Trash.
    File Names should be:
    * com.apple.iTunes.eq.plist
    * com.apple.iTunes.plist
    * com.apple.iTunesHelper.plist
    5. Choose Go > Go to Folder and type in /Library and click Go.
    6. Locate the iTunes folder, and then move it to the Trash.
    7. Choose Go > Go to Folder and type in ~/Library/Preferences/ByHost/ and click Go.
    8. Locate the preference files that have names beginning with com.apple.iTunes and move them to the Trash.
    So I held my breath and launched iTunes on my newly installed system for the first time, and before I turned blue in the face, I notice that I did not see the "Accept License" window, and all my songs were in, ratings and selections and all! Even the podcasts began resuming downloads.
    As for my iPhone, I noticed my Applications were already in too. I held my breath again and plugged it in, re-transferred my pictures right away in iPhoto, and it asked me if I wanted to back up my Applications from my iPhone, telling me if I didn't then they would be removed from my iPhone. Twist my arm, fine, I chose the option to back them up and it synced for a long time. It was an uncomfortable 20 minutes or so. (In fact, I'm writing this as it's about to finish.)
    It ended up giving me a warning about how some apps were not authorized to be transferred to my computer, and gave me a list of 28 Apps (out of well over 100 on my iPhone). They weren't removed from my iPhone though! I synced again, and the same warning, so I selected Transfer, and this time no error at the end. I synced a third time, and no error messages!!!
    I'm sure there are plenty of other places that might tell you the same information, but I couldn't find anything out there. Hopefully this will help someone. If anyone else has something to add or can offer any more advice on this, that would be nice too.

    Both the iPhone & touch are designed to be synced with itunes on a regular basis. Neither are storage devices & not syncing is not only foolish, but as you've found out runs the risk of complete data loss. Purchased apps can be re-downloaded for free, as long as you use the same account that was used to originally purchase them. You can view your itunes purchase history under Store>View My Account>Purchase History. Music is a one time download. Its your responsibility to backup this content. You can try contacting itunes support regarding the lost music, plead your case & hope for the best. Whether they add the lost music to her download queue is strictly up to them:

  • Just upgraded to latest iTunes for Windows.  Rebooted the PC as required.  When I bring up iTunes I get a pop message saying "An unknown error occured (-42110)".  What does that mean?

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    What does it mean?
    How do I fix it?

    Removing the SC Info folder as per the "Error 3001," "-42110," or "5103" section in the Specific Conditions and Alert Messages: (Mac OS X / Windows) section of the following document seems to help most folks reporting the iTunes launch 42110s:
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting

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    It does not magically appear in a new place.  It will only be where you put it.
    Copy everything from your old computer, or your backup copy of your old computer, to your new one.

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    If you are getting an 'account not in this country' message then try going to the bottom of the Featured tab in the App Store app on your iPhone and tap on your account id, tap on 'View Apple ID' on the popup and log into your account, and then select the Country/Region section and select New Zealand.
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    If you're buying HD movies, you can change the setting in the Store preferences in iTunes to prefer 720p. Or you can just buy SD versions.

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    B Noir --
    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your taking the time to help me with this problem.  I'm doing a healing technician training class at my church, and have most of my study material on my ipod.  It cashed this weekend which hindered my preparation for my class tomorrow night.  I went to the local "Apple Store" late last night and they could get me up and running.   They suggested that I call the APL CARD line which I did today, but they gave me a nice run around seccession, and did nothing.  Then I was lead to "Google" my question, which eventually lead me to the "Apple" site.  Praise the LORD for your help and may you be richly blessed with multiplied blessings in all that you put your hands to do.  May you receive a great harvest.  As far as I'm concerned you were used by the LORD, and are the real genius!!!

  • Path in itune \settings\extended correct but titles not found ( ! symbol )

    Hi to everybody
    I made probably a mistake somewhere trying to find a place for my 10 GB "iTunes Music" directory.
    To make it short the situation is as follows:
    Finally I moved back the "itunes music" dir to its original place in \ownfiles\ownmusic and indicated its place in \itune \settings\extended.
    The path of "iTunes Music" is displayed in settings correctly but titles are not found: I got 3000 times "!".
    If i click upon a title i am asked to indicate manually again its directory. then it works, but i would hate do have to do it 3000 times....HELP
    acer Windows 2000

    The ! means that the songs have been moved out of the iTunes music folder or even deleted altogether.
    Use Explorer to search for them.
    On the Start menu, click Search.
    Click All Files and folders.
    In the "All or part of the file name" field, type a song or album title and then click Search.
    If you see the files you are looking for in the Search Results window, you can add them back into your iTunes library.

  • Since upgrade ios  and iTunes can't access homeshare on ipad

    Since upgrade ios and iTunes can't access homeshare on ipad. I see 'share', when using music app on iPad. I click on it and then select my MacBook Pro. Circle starts goes half way the stops. My Apple TV works great. So iTunes on MacBook must be set up right.  Videos app is similar, the circle just spins and spins. My wifi is an apple airport. I beginning to think I have invested badly. I have signed out and in  again of home share on iPad and MacBook  as advised. I have read and re-read. Is there a solution?

    Hello Gary,
    Thank you for the details of the issue you are experiencing with Home Sharing.  It sounds like you are not able to access iTunes from your iPad using Home Sharing.  I found an article with steps that I think would help with this issue.
    I recommend reviewing the full article below, but I think steps 4-7 are specifically useful for what you described:
    Troubleshooting Home Sharing
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

  • I´ve bought Iwork suite for my mac book pro in a retail store, 2/3 years ago, can I made any upgrade version through Itunes without paying any additional fee?

    I´ve bought Iwork suite for my mac book pro in a retail store, 2/3 years ago, can I made any upgrade version through Itunes without paying any additional fee?
    Someone could assit me on this particular issue?

    When you open the application you will have the opportunity to select software update.
    You can also go to the App store and check under Purchases and Updates and if the update still does no appear select Store > Check for unfinished downloads.  
    Having said all that, please do think carefully before you do upgrade. For a great many users the latest version has been a bitter disaapointment (see various other discussions here), as it has lost considerable functionality in the drive to ensure compatitbility with iOS.

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