Upgrading security components for playback of protected video (error t:6003/ c:4110.)

Sorry, I'm getting the same, but want an answer too... have done all the renaming / reinstalling / security settings etc.... 3 different browsers in all!

Yep...This only works for Tower PCs or Modular laptops.... that can replace HDDs or optical drive.... Due to the Windows Registry being screwed up the applications security won't work... . Things you need....Windows 10 ISO ( Google search. )USB pen drive...Secondary HDD blank... >60GB and erased NOT a Shared OS drive... as that adds issues...Secondary HDD bay or Expansion HDD caddy to replace optical drive..  What to doBurn the windows 10 iso to USB drive (Google search)Install the Secondary HDD formated to NFTS....Reboot PC and enter bios/EFI boot from USB pen drive and run the USB pen drive installer...Install windows 10 to the Blank HDD...Finish install process...Reboot computer to windows 10 HDD from Bios.....install bare minimum apps Firefox and silverlight  Solved all my Silverlight issues ZERO error codes now...... http://helpforum.sky.com/t5/Sky-Go/Windows-10-And-SkyGo/m-p/2292732/highlight/true#M20346 Dual boot to HDD from now on when you want to watch Skygo ... 

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    Given that your answer to 1. is 'pre-installed' and 3. is 'No', I think the only thing to do is to take it to an Apple store (ideally the one you bought it from) and have them reinstall it for you.
    The intended solution in cases like yours is that you should be able to reboot and install even a wiped disk by using Apple's servers over the internet (you do this by restarting with 'command-r' and choosing 'reinstall Lion'). However if this isn't working for you then you need to get the store to do it. Don't let them fob you off with 'go home and try again'. Have them do it in the shop (you're still covered by Applecare warranty so it should cost you nothing save the inconvenience of the trip and possibly leaving the machine there while they fix it).
    A reinstall should leave all your own personal data and programs in place.
    Note for future: when you get it fixed, first thing to do is buy a cheap external drive and start keeping a backup (either Time Machine or clone with Carbon Copy Cloner).
    Message was edited by: softwater

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    Hello, berti,
    Welcome to the discussions! It sounds as if you are doing all the correct things.
    Problem # 1:
    Some of us have had the same experience with IM HD5. The playback begins to jerk and stutter even though there is nothing wrong with the movie. If you can still work with your movie, you will find that the resultant DVD is fine, no stuttering or skipping. I have found that the playhead stops and jumps from one photo or clip to the other. To check that my transitions are ok, I manually move the playhead so I can see the effect. I have learned that the end result will be ok, so I just continue finishing the movie. Yesterday, I had to restart my computer after I quit iMovie (for another reason, not due to iMovie) and when I launched iMovie again, the playback was better. Restarts may not always help, though.
    Problem #2:
    I have also had problems exporting back to the camcorder. Previous to upgrading to Tiger, my exports went flawlessly. After Tiger, began having difficulty. Things worsened after the upgrade to QuickTime 7.0.3. Also, if iMovie is jerking and skipping, you will have problems with the exporting.
    My solution is to save the movie as QuickTime Full Stream. You can easily do this because you have a lot of free space. (You are duplicating your movie, so you need space for it).
    After the QuickTime movie has been created, open a new iMovie and name it. Then, import the new QT movie into the new project. Save it, and then try to export that to your camera. That has worked for me every time.
    Post back if this does not help.

  • Yoga 2 Pro Protected Video

    I just bought a Yoga 2 Pro a few days ago and Am pretty happy with it, however I am having an incredibily annoying time with it when it comes to video. Any windows 8 app that plays protected video does not work. It sends and error message similar to this one (from netflix): 
    With that said, I've already read the forum https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Idea-Windows-based-Tablets-and/Updated-Yoga-13-to-Windows-8-1-Now-No-Vi... and it seemed like the solution was to install a really old audio driver from before windows 8.1. I tried installing this driver but it stated it could not find the device for this driver installation, so that was a bust. Another solution on this post was to go into the audio settings and disable the enhanced sounds, I've also done this and there have been no changes in my results.
    I also tried re-isntalling every single driver from lenovo support page including, bios, audio, graphics, as well as the power driver (there was another problem with that which the new driver fixed). After installing I still get the error message that shows above. This is increfibly annoying as I expect to be able to use my laptop out of the box and have fully updated and working drivers.
    Along with new drivers I searched the protected video errors and found this page on microsoft support: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2777760 
    On this page they say that you need to update with the KB2768703 update. Because my winfows update says there are no updates available, even though I'm missing several, I went and manually downloaded the updaate, but it states that it cannot be applied to this machine. I've compared installed updates from this computer to a friend who also has a yoga 2 pro, and he has about 10 more newer updates that are simply not working on this machine (they all say canot be applied to cuurent machine when manually downloadinig).
    WIth all of that said, does anyone have any widsom on how I can solve this issue? I'd very much like to watch videos through apps and actually have an excuse to like windows 8.
    Edit: I forgot to mention that I also tried the registery fix supplied by the microsoft support sight, and in the registry the protection option wasn't even present, so that fix did not work either.
    Go to Solution.

    After another session of googling and looking things up I finally fixed my issue. I stumbled across this article about things you should do the second you open the lenovo up. The first section that talks about the graphics driver is what I had to do in order to get it working. This included UNINSTALLING the Graphics Driver in the programs and features and then installing the latest directly from intel's site. You can read the article here: http://iamjstyle.hubpages.com/hub/Things-You-Must-Do-To-Your-Lenovo-Yoga-2-Pro

  • Getting Error message while trying to access security editior for a IDT universe

    I have created universe in SAP BO4.1, using IDT.
    I have applied row level security for User Groups using Security Editor.
    I have published the changes to repository.
    But when I am trying to re open the security editor for that universe its throwing error:
    "Unable to load security for universe ID ATF10O... (IDT 022123)."
    I am not able to edit row level security, even this security restriction is not restricting data in WebI report.
    Thanks for your response.

    Hi Sonal,
    The local file of Business Security Profile is missing or damaged.
    Use the workflow to reset the problematic Business Security Profile in the filestore. After that, you can manually re-create the new Business Security Profile to make it working.
    Logon to CMC and find the ID of the universe with issue(e.g. 9010).
    Logon to Query Builder (http://<web server>:<port>/AdminTools/).
    Find the detail information about this universe with the following SQL statement:
    select * from CI_APPOBJECTS where SI_ID = 9010
    In the Search Results List, you will find a row with the title of SI_SL_BSPS (Business Security Profile), note down the number of it(e.g. 9016).
    Then search with the following SQL statement in the Query Builder:
    select * from CI_APPOBJECTS where SI_ID = 9016
    In the Search Results List, SI_PATH is the local file address of the Business Security Profile (e.g. frs://Input/a_146/035/000/9106/).
    Then you can back up the file and delete it.
    Select a Business Security Profile without issue and rename it as the deleted one.
    Put the new normal Business Security Profile under the location of the deleted file.
    Then you can delete it in the IDT and recreate it normally.
    Refer: SAP Note - 2080272 - Error "Universe access failure Unable to load security for Universe ID XXX (IDT 022123)" appears when editing a Business Security Profile in Information Design Tool
    --Raji. S

  • Flash Player 10.3 video playback protected content Error #3343?

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    I have an iMac G5 with Intel Core Duo 2 processor and OS X 10.5, so Flash Player is the most up-to-date version my computer can have.
    I went to Adobe site and followed instructions for removing the bad Adobe Flash Access DRM module, deployed in 2011. Replaced it with the corrected DRM module. When I ran the test for protected content through the Adobe demo video player, no video played and received message: Error #3343. IV check failed.
    What is error #3343? How can this be resolved?
    Would greatly appreciate anyone's help on this.

    I have the exact same problem as everyone above. "error #3343 IV check failed".
    OS: OS X 10.5.8
    Flash Version:
    I wanted to watch a show I bought on Amazon Video, and it told me I need to upgrade my Flash Player. I'm running OS X 10.5.8 so the newest for me is It sucessfully installs and low and behold, Amazon Video tells me that I need to upgrade my Flash Player. I followed all the necessary protocol according to Adobe, deleting all the files in the Native Cash folder, going to the protected video test page, and loading the correct URL into the player. It did put the folder in Native Cache that Adobe said it would, but clearly it doesn't work.
    This is clearly a bug in the newest verion of Flash Player for OS X 10.5 users.
    Seriously anyone from Adobe or any moderator bring attention to this problem so that it can be fixed. Don't alienate your customers just because they're using an OS that's 5 years old.

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    We are upgrading JAVA components to SP-STACK 12 for our system GD0(ECC
    6.0 TWS ),and we were struck in the middle(only few components have been  deployed and for others it is throwing error).
    The error it throws from /SDM/program/log/ is
    "Cannot login to the SAP J2EE Engine using user and password as providedin the Filesystem Secure Store. Enter valid login information in the
    Filesystem Secure Store using the SAP J2EE Engine Config Tool. For more
    information, see SAP note 701654."
    And for this I followed note#701654 and updated the password of admin in Filesystem Secure Store and restarted the J2ee server ,even after doing
    all this steps also still we are facing the same problem.
    Currently when I try to login into J2ee engine through URL
    :(<host>:<port>) it displays "Application you have requested is stoped",and when I check throw jcmon all three were under running
    Kindly advise me on this..as I am struck in halfway..
    Best Regards

    Hello Nirmal,
    Thanks for Update,
    I tried again by changing the password through configtool "secure store" and then I restarted j2ee_engine also .Even though i am getting the same error while applying through SDM tool & JSPM tool also.
    This is error log it shows in SDM tool screen at the time of deployment.
    Deployment started Thu Sep 13 13:15:22 BST 2007
    Starting Deployment of DocumentServicesLicenseManager
    Aborted: development component 'DocumentServicesLicenseManager'/'com.adobe'/'Adobe Systems'/'710.20060929113452.336248'/'2', grouped by software component 'ADSSAP'/'sap.com'/'SAP AG'/'1000.''/'2':Cannot login to the SAP J2EE Engine using user and password as provided in the Filesystem Secure Store. Enter valid login information in the Filesystem Secure Store using the SAP J2EE Engine Config Tool. For more information, see SAP note 701654.com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.extern.DeployManagerAuthExceptionWrapper: Wrong security credentials detected while trying to obtain connection to the J2EE Engine. (message ID: com.sap.sdm.serverext.servertype.inqmy.extern.EngineApplOnlineDeployerImpl.checkLoginCredentials.DMAUTHEXC)
    Deployment of DocumentServicesLicenseManager finished with Error (Duration 4108 ms)
    Starting Deployment of ADSSAP
    Aborted: software component 'ADSSAP'/'sap.com'/'SAP AG'/'1000.''/'2':Failed deployment of SDAs:development component 'DocumentServicesLicenseManager'/'com.adobe'/'Adobe Systems'/'710.20060929113452.336248'/'2' : abortedPlease, look at error logs above for more information!
    Deployment of ADSSAP finished with Error (Duration 1549 ms)
    Can you kindly update me  ASAP, to fix this problem..
    Thanks one and all for helping me.
    Best Regards

  • Best video format to encode for playback on iBook G4 1.2GHz?

    I have been scratching my head for a week on this. What is the best video format that is highest quality and will playback smoothly on my iBook g4 and my iPhone 4? It has 1.25GB of RAM and I upgraded the HD to a WD 250GB 5400 RPM IDE drive 2 years ago and it's running dual boot Leopard 10.5.8 and Tiger 10.4.11 (keeping Tiger for Classic Mode).
    I have a very large HD video collection consisting of 720p HD DVDs and 1080p Bluray discs that I have already spent a year to convert to MKV and MP4 files for storage on my media server. They have all been ripped and encoded with H264 using Handbrake. The average 720p movie is about 4.5GB and the average 1080p movies run about 8GB. I have over 100 movies stored on my media server and they playback fine on all my computers. They work fine on all my Windows 7 systems, they even play fine on my G5 2.0GHz DC late 2005 Powermac with 8.5GB Ram and the NVidia 7800GT.
    Most of my 720p files can be reduced in size and or quality to 1-2GB and are playable on my iPhone 4, iPad 2 and even my little Acer Aspire One netbook in m4v or mp4 format.
    I know my iBook is out of date, but no matter what compression method I have tried, the only thing it can play is MPEG-2 encoded media. And it cannot handle any h264 video I make, even at 480p settings using the simple profile. Since MPEG-2 takes 4-8GB per movie, this is a huge waste of HD space. And if I encode my movies like the old iPod video size, it looks like crap in full screen. I really want to store about 20 movies on this iBook for playback when I travel since I have 2 extra batteries. I need to movies to playback on the iBook and be able to transfer them to my iPhone 4 or iPad at any time.
    Is there any method for getting 480p to encode and playback well on this iBook without making it look like crap or using the old DivX avi standard? If I have to reduce all my movies for playback on the iBook, I don't want to go lower than 480p because I want the same conversions to work on my iPhone 4 as well with decent quality. It is redundant to keep making copies of each movie for each device. Anyone have any suggestions? I don't want to take my little netbook around with me because the screen is too small and there is no opticle drive.
    If anyone has any ideas, please post which Handbrake profile or other that can work... or let me know if my iBook is just garbage now. Thanks!

    I am not asking you how to rip a DVD. I am asking how to convert any video file for decent playback on my iBook or iPhone!
    This feature is available in iTunes so you can convert your DVDs to iPod playable formats. But when iTunes or Handbrake (or even Apple Compressor) convert anything, even my own videos made with Final Cut and iMovie, they will play on any iDevice other than my iBook unless I use the lowest most terrible video format.
    I am just trying to figure out the proper video format the iBook can play. I am not ripping the DVD's right now... did that years ago anyways (and half of the videos I want to convert I made with iMovie during my travels in China and Hong Kong... I am just trying to play movies I already own on an older iDevice... my iBook. Converting purchased videos and home made videos is in no way illegal.
    You misunderstand what I am asking. I am not trying to break digital copyright. If this is breaking digital copyright, then why does iTunes allow me to convert the movies for my iPhone 4 in the first place? You are telling me if I didn't purchase the movie from Apple I cannot watch it on my iPhone and iBook? That is not right.
    I just want to know what the proper video playback requirements are for the iBook hardware. Plain and simple. If it is illegal in any way to tell me how to do it, just tell me what video my iBook supports. Apple tells me what video my iPhone supports ie. 1280x720p @ 29fps.... blah blah blah. Seems so far the iBook can only play a DVD MPEG-2 stream and no advanced codecs like h263 or h264. I just want to know what format the iBook can handle.
    I have exported movies from iTunes and of my time in Hong Kong from iMovie and I cannot get them to play on the iBook at all if they are even 480p. So I just need to know what the max video playback is. If it can only play 320x240 or something, it is completely useless. I remember years ago when I bought the iBook, it did play the sample h263 and h264 videos that Apple had on their website (some of them 480p-720p)... but today it seems it can't play anything but 320x240 or less without getting locked up. I know the HD video requirements are G5 or higher... but we are talking DVD size cannot play in h264 mp4 formats, only MPEG-2 formats. This makes no sense? So I need to know the exact maximum resolution, framerate and codec this iBook 1.2 GHz can handle.
    Don't tell my watching movies on my iBook, even the ones I made is illegal.

  • My ipod wont let me buy any apps because it says i have an invalid security code for my moms credit card but its the right one. and it also says i owe money for upgrading an app does anyone know how to remove my moms credit card cause i cant figure itout

    my ipod wont let me buy any appps because it says i have an invalid security code for my moms credit card but its the right one. and it also says i owe money for upgrading an app does anyone know how to remove my moms credit card cause i cant figure itout

    To change asccount information see:
    Changing Account Information
    For the code issue this may help.
    iTunes Store: My credit card's security code or zip code does not match my bank's records
    For a standard iTunes account you need a valid payment method even for free apps and app updates.
    What is making it think that you own money for an app upgrade?

  • How can I connect my iMac to a TV for playback of videos? My TV does not have HDMI.

    How can I connect my iMac to a TV for playback of videos? My TV does not have HDMI.

    You need to find out what video out you have on your iMac, and what kind of video inputs there are on your TV.
    It will help to know exactly what model iMac and exactly what make/model TV you have.
    Depending on the exact model iMac you have, it may have miniVGA, miniDVI, miniDisplayPort or Thunderbolt output.  Your TV may have composite, S-video, component, DVI, VGA or HDMI inputs.  Once you confirm what kind of ports your iMac and TV have, then we can probably suggest the correct cable or adapter so you can connect them to each other.

  • Can someone tell me how to fix this error in 10.4.11 on a G5 Quad Core 2.5GHz Tower...A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]

    Can someone tell me how to fix this error in 10.4.11 on a G5 Quad Core 2.5GHz Tower...A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]

    That's an error reported from DVD Player I believe...
    kDVDErrorMissingGraphicsDevice = -70017, // A valid graphics device is not available.
    There's some conjecture it has to do with HDCP, or Video Card problems, but the only 2 cures/fixes I found were Software related, one was cured by updating the OS, another by replacing the Video kexts.
    I think this error also shows up if trying to use DVD player in Safe Mode, (too much research isn't good! ).
    At the Apple Icon at top left>About this Mac.
    Then click on More Info>Hardware>Graphics/Displays and report like this...
    NVIDIA GeForce 7800GT:
      Chipset Model:          GeForce 7800GT
      Type:          Display
      Bus:          PCI
      Slot:          SLOT-1
      VRAM (Total):          256 MB
      Vendor:          nVIDIA (0x10de)
      Device ID:          0x0092
      Revision ID:          0x00a1
      ROM Revision:          2152.2
    VGA Display:
      Resolution:          1920 x 1080 @ 60 Hz
      Depth:          32-bit Color
      Core Image:          Supported
      Main Display:          Yes
      Mirror:          Off
      Online:          Yes
      Quartz Extreme:          Supported
      Status:          No display connected
    Can't think of much to try at the moment, but perhaps reapplying the big 10.4.11 combo, Repair Permissions, & reboot would help, not sure.
    The combo update for PowerPC-based Macs...

  • I can't get dvds to play "There was an initialization error. A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]  Anybody know how to resolve this?

    I can't get dvds to play and, instead, get "There was an initialization error.  A valid video device could not be found for playback. [-70017]"  I went in for a Genius appt Friday and it played for the tech...but now I'm back home (one and a half hours from the store) and I'm getting the error message again when I try to load a dvd.  Any recommendations?

    Hello, try this...
    Bootup holding CMD+r, or the Option/alt key to boot from the Restore partition & use Disk Utility from there to Repair the Disk, then Repair Permissions.
    Reboot... any change?

  • What QT7 settings do I use to export a 1080p video for playback on iPhone4? I'm using the iPhone to playback 1080p video on 1080p monitor. Is this possible?

    Does anyone know what settings I should use to export a 1080p video for playback on iPhone4? I'm hoping to use the iPhone4 to playback 1080p video on 1080p monitor. Is this possible?
    I have previously saved my .mov file as Apple TV, but the quality is reduced from 1920x1080 to 960x540. I was unable to sync the higher quality file to my phone (and am worried this is the limitation of the hardware). I added this file to iTunes, added to a playlist, and sync'd to my iPhone. The playback works but the resolution is obviously a lower quality.Is it possible to keep the higher quality for playback through a 1920x1080 hd monitor?  Otherwise, would I be able to sync a 1920x1080 mov file to a new iPad or other device? Thanks in advance to your answers.

    Does anyone know what settings I should use to export a 1080p video for playback on iPhone4? I'm hoping to use the iPhone4 to playback 1080p video on 1080p monitor. Is this possible?
    No. Only the iPhone 4S, iPad3, and TV3 currently support 1080p30 content. Even then the 1080p30 playback support for your monitor may depend on how the device is connected. The iPhone 4 is limited to 720p30 playback.
    Is it possible to keep the higher quality for playback through a 1920x1080 hd monitor?  Otherwise, would I be able to sync a 1920x1080 mov file to a new iPad or other device?
    Not on your current device. As previously stated, the latest generation of iPhone, iPad, and TV devices support a maximum 1080p30 playback capability but may be limited to lower resdolutions depending on your method of connection to your monitor. This information can be found on the Apple web site TechSpecs page for each respective device.

  • Valid video device could not be found for playback (-70017)

    valid video device could not be found for playback (-70017)
    is th emessag eI get on two Dual 2gHz G5s.
    VLC Player plays th eDVDs jus fine...but APple DVD Player not.
    Anybody with a hint on this?
    TIA and regards
    Janne A.

    This is the DVD drive BTW:
    Capacity: 7.33 GB
    Model: SONY DVD RW DW-U21A
    Revision: AADB
    Serial Number:
    Removable Media: Yes
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk2
    Protocol: ATAPI
    Unit Number: 0
    Socket Type: Internal
    OS9 Drivers: No
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported

  • Valid video device not be found for playback (-70017)

    I have read an identical unsolved discussion to my problem here: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=3067284&#3067284
    I have an intel Mac Mini 1.66 Ghz Intel Core Duo with 1 G ram running 10.4.10.
    When I put in a DVD the dialogue says: Valid video device could not be found for playback (-70017)
    I have tried deleting the preferences, but no luck?
    Any thoughts?

    When you insert a commercial DVD, does the system show any sign of attempting to open an application? It should, by default, open DVD Player, but you could get that error if you were trying to play something like a DVD with a different region code.
    Check the CDs & DVDs preference pane, and look at what it says against 'when you insert a video DVD'. If this isn't set to open DVD player, then select that and see if that gives better results.
    If you are trying to play DVDs from another region, you might download and install VLC player from http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-macosx.html This is a versatile player application which can cope with out-of-region DVDs. Once installed, use the CDs and DVDs preference pane to set that as the preferred application to open when inserting a video DVD, and see if that works.

Maybe you are looking for

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