Uplink failover scenarios - The correct behavior

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Hello Dears,
I’m somehow confused about the failover scenarios related to the uplinks and the Fabric Interconnect (FI) switches, as we have a lot of failover points either in the vNIC , FEX , FI or uplinks.
I have some questions and I hope that someone can clear this confusion:
A-     Fabric Interconnect failover
1-      As I understand when I create a vNIC , it can be configured to use FI failover , which means if FI A is down , or the uplink from the FEX to the FI is down , so using the same vNIC it will failover to the other FI via the second FEX ( is that correct , and is that the first stage of the failover ?).
2-      This vNIC will be seen by the OS as 1 NIC and it will not feel or detect anything about the failover done , is that correct ?
3-      Assume that I have 2 vNICs for the same server (metal blade with no ESX or vmware), and I have configured 2 vNICs to work as team (by the OS), does that mean that if primary FI or FEX is down , so using the vNIC1 it will failover to the 2nd FI, and for any reason the 2nd vNIC is down (for example if uplink is down), so it will go to the 2nd vNIC using the teaming ?
B-      FEX failover
1-      As I understand the blade server uses the uplink from the FEX to the FI based on their location in the chassis, so what if this link is down, does that mean FI failover will trigger, or it will be assigned to another uplink ( from the FEX to the FI)
C-      Fabric Interconnect Uplink failover
1-      Using static pin LAN group, the vNIC is associated with an uplink, what is the action if this uplink is down ? will the vNIC:
a.       Brought down , as per the Network Control policy applied , and in this case the OS will go for the second vNIC
b.      FI failover to the second FI , the OS will not detect anything.
c.       The FI A will re-pin the vNIC to another uplink on the same FI with no failover
I found all theses 3 scenarios in a different documents and posts, I did not have the chance it to test it yet, so it will be great if anyone tested it and can explain.
Finally I need to know if the correct scenarios from the above will be applied to the vHBA or it has another methodology.
Thanks in advance for your support.

A few things about Fabric Failover (FF)  to keep in mind before I try to address your questions.
FF is only supported on the M71KR and the M81KR.
FF is only applicable/supported in End Host Mode of Operation and applies only to ethernet traffic. For FC traffic one has to use multipathing software (the way FC failover has worked always). In End Host mode, anything along the path (adapter port, FEX-IOM link, uplinks) fails and FF is initiated for ethernet traffic *by the adapter*.
FF is an event which is triggered by vNIC down i.e a vNIC is triggered down and the adapter initiates the failover i.e it sends a message to the other fabric to activate the backup veth (switchport) and the FI sends our gARPs for the MAC as part of it. As it is adapter driven, this is why FF is only available on a few adapters i.e for now the firmware for which is done by Cisco.
For the M71KR (menlo's) the firmware on the Menlo chip is made by Cisco. The Oplin and FC parts of the card, and Intel/Emulex/Qlogic control that.
The M81KR is made by Cisco exclusively for UCS and hence the firmware on that is done by us.
Now to your questions -
>1-      As I understand when I create a vNIC , it can be configured to use FI failover , which means if FI A is down , or the uplink from the FEX to the >FI is down , so using the same vNIC it will failover to the other FI via the second FEX ( is that correct , and is that the first stage of the failover ?).
> 2-      This vNIC will be seen by the OS as 1 NIC and it will not feel or detect anything about the failover done , is that correct ?
>3-      Assume that I have 2 vNICs for the same server (metal blade with no ESX or vmware), and I have configured 2 vNICs to work as team (by the >OS), does that mean that if primary FI or FEX is down , so using the vNIC1 it will failover to the 2nd FI, and for any reason the 2nd vNIC is down (for >example if uplink is down), so it will go to the 2nd vNIC using the teaming ?
Instead of FF vNICs you can use NIC teaming. You bond the two vNICs which created a bond interface and you specify an IP on it.
With NIC teaming you will not have the vNICs (in the Service Profile) as FF. So the FF will not kick in and the vNIC will be down for the teaming software to see on a fabric failure etc for the teaming driver to come into effect.
> B-      FEX failover
> 1-      As I understand the blade server uses the uplink from the FEX to the FI based on their location in the chassis, so what if this link is down, > >does that mean FI failover will trigger, or it will be assigned to another uplink ( from the FEX to the FI)
Yes, we use static pinning between the adapters and the IOM uplinks which depends on the number of links.
For example, if you have 2 links between IOM-FI.
Link 1 - Blades 1,3,5,7
Link 2 - Blades 2,4,6,8
If Link 1 fails, Blade 1,3,5,7 move to the other IOM.
i.e it will not failover to the other links on the same IOM-FI i.e it is no a port-channel.
The vNIC down event will be triggered. If FF is initiated depends on the setting (above explanation).
> C-      Fabric Interconnect Uplink failover
> 1-      Using static pin LAN group, the vNIC is associated with an uplink, what is the action if this uplink is down ? will the vNIC:
> a.       Brought down , as per the Network Control policy applied , and in this case the OS will go for the second vNIC
If you are using static pin group, Yes.
If you are not using static pin groups, the same FI will map it to another available uplink.
Why? Because by defining static pinning you are purposely defining the uplink/subscription ratio etc and you don't want that vNIC to go to any other uplink. Both fabrics are active at any given time.
> b.      FI failover to the second FI , the OS will not detect anything.
> c.       The FI A will re-pin the vNIC to another uplink on the same FI with no failover
For dynamic pinning yes. For static pinning NO as above.
>I found all theses 3 scenarios in a different documents and posts, I did not have the chance it to test it yet, so it will be great if anyone tested it and >can explain.
I would still highly recommend testing it. Maybe its me but I don't believe anything till I have tried it.
> Finally I need to know if the correct scenarios from the above will be applied to the vHBA or it has another methodology.
Multipathing driver as I mentioned before.
FF *only* applies to ethernet.

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    From your post, it would be better ask this to the WDK and driver development forum. This forum discuss  application compatibility testing, common compatibility issues, and best practices for creating Windows-based applications. So your post is off
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         p_in_template_target IN target_arr,
         p_out_count          OUT NUMBER,
              SELECT count(*) into p_out_count
         FROM TABLE(CAST(p_in_template_target AS                     target_arr)) arr;
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    Here is what I have updated:
    1.     Created the table target_table
    CREATE Table target_table
    target_id          NUMBER(10),
    target_entity_id NUMBER(10),
    dd           CHAR(3),
    fd           CHAR(3),
    code      NUMBER(10),
    target_pct      NUMBER,
    template_nm VARCHAR2(50),
    p_symbol      VARCHAR2(10),
    pm_init          VARCHAR2(3),
    target_name     VARCHAR2(20),
    target_type     VARCHAR2(30),
    target_caption     VARCHAR2(30),
    sort_order      NUMBER (4)
    2.     Inserted data into the table : The script has around 10140 rows. Pls let me know how can I send it to you
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    PROCEDURE test_target_weights
         v_target_rec target_table%ROWTYPE;
         CURSOR wt_cursor IS
         Select * from target_table;
         v_count NUMBER := 1;
         v_target_arr cws_target_arr:= target_arr ();
         v_target_arr_rec target_rec;
         v_rec_count NUMBER;
         OPEN wt_cursor;
              fetch wt_cursor into v_target_rec; -- fetch data from table into local           record.
              exit when wt_cursor%notfound;
              --move data into target_arr
              v_target_arr_rec :=                     cws_curr_pair_entity_wt_rec(v_target_rec target_id,v_target_rec. target_entity_id,
              v_target_arr(v_count) := v_target_arr_rec;
              v_count := v_count + 1;
         end loop;
         close wt_cursor;
         -- run table cast on target_arr
         SELECT count(*) into v_rec_count
         FROM TABLE(CAST(v_target_arr AS target_arr)) arr;
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('p_out_count ' || v_rec_count);
         DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('v_count ' || v_count);
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    v_count 10140
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    v_count 10140

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    Pop-up Window in Dreamweaver (Behaviors Panel)
    1.  Insert an image or type some text.
    2.  Select it and go to the Properties Panel link field.  Browse for the file or type the full URL (http://example.com).
    3.  Go to the Behaviors Panel and hit the plus sign to add a new behavior.
    4.  Select Open Browser Window.
    5.  Browse to file or type the URL (Yes, a 2nd time).
    6.  Set the height, width and other optional attributes for your pop-up window. (See link below for details)
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/dreamweaver/cs/using/WSc78c5058ca073340dcda9110b1f693f21-7b07a .html
    7.  Hit OK.
    8.  Verify that the behavior's trigger event is onClick.  If it's not, click the event box to show other trigger options.
    9.  IMPORTANT!  Go back to the Properties Panel and replace the first URL in the link field with javascript:() which makes the primary link into a null link.  If you don't do this, the link will open twice: once in the pop-up window and again in the parent window.
    Save your page and preview in browsers.
    PS. It takes longer to explain all these steps than it does to do it.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists 

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    I'm struggling to get a handle on this control.  So far, my experience with TableView has been pretty good.  I love the features you get with this Pagination control out of the box, but some of the choices that were made with regards with what APIs to expose confuse me.  The frustrating thing about callbacks is that sometimes you can get caught in this callback hell where there are all sorts of callbacks being invoked and you don't really know why.  Often times, the Javadoc does not indicate that there is a default listener being applied to certain property that may invoke one of these callback.  I don't mean to sound like a rant.  Overall my experience with JavaFX 8 has been very positive so far.  I can usually always find a workaround if a come across a weird issue with an out of the box control.  Worst comes to worst, I'll write my own Pagination control.
    Thanks for your time.

    For anyone else that may come across this post.  I was able to find a workaround by simply using a field, boolean pageCountReset, and then bounding all of the logic in my page factory call back with a condition checking for this boolean value i.e. if (!pageCountReset) // continue, else // noop.  Then, if I need to reset the page count, I set my boolean to true so that the page factory callback results in a noop.  Because the pagination control under the hood will make currentPageIndex=0 (as I talked about above) if the page count is reset, I then have to be very explicit and either call my page factory callback manually to refresh the current page if it still valid, or I call pagination.setCurrentPageIndex(<new index>) so that the page factory callback will be invoked and pageCountReset will be false at this point, so I can successfully transition pages.

  • AlwaysOn Failover Scenarios

    I have implemented AlwaysOn feature between two standalone SQL Server instances hosted on two Clustered nodes in two different subnets (multisite clustering with Node and File Share Majority quorum). I have configured AlwaysOn for
    automatic failover between the primary and the only secondary replica. There are two databases in it. The implementation did went successful.
    Now, I before going live, I wanted to test the failover scenarios. First one was to manually failover between the nodes from SQL Server side, as well as from Failover Cluster Manager consoles. Both went perfect.
    But, the second test was to stop the SQL Server service, and see the result. When I stopped the primary, the resource group in the Cluster Manager failed, and the databases were also not connecting. I expected the Availability group should have
    failed over to the secondary node, and the db's should have been up and running.
    Did I miss something in the implementation part above, or it is an expected behavior of AlwaysON? If yes, then what does automatic failover imply?
    Thanks  & Regards

    I have implemented AlwaysOn feature between two standalone SQL Server instances hosted on two Clustered nodes in two different subnets (multisite clustering with Node and File Share Majority quorum). I have configured AlwaysOn for
    automatic failover between the primary and the only secondary replica. There are two databases in it. The implementation did went successful.
    Now, I before going live, I wanted to test the failover scenarios. First one was to manually failover between the nodes from SQL Server side, as well as from Failover Cluster Manager consoles. Both went perfect.
    But, the second test was to stop the SQL Server service, and see the result. When I stopped the primary, the resource group in the Cluster Manager failed, and the databases were also not connecting. I expected the Availability group should have
    failed over to the secondary node, and the db's should have been up and running.
    Did I miss something in the implementation part above, or it is an expected behavior of AlwaysON? If yes, then what does automatic failover imply?
    Thanks  & Regards
    upon re-reading the question.. i think we need some clarity..what do you mean failover  node..you do not fail over over the node,, you fail over the services running on the node but in your case, you said you have  stand alone sql instances - which
    is required for always on.. so, by fail over node - you mean you took node OFFLINE - either take the sql service OFFLINE and/or entire NODE offline... what did the Always ON status show when you connected to the sql instance running on another node. it should
    be now primary.
    when you take first node offline or one sql service offline, the sql service will not fail over because is not sql cluster, it will fail over only the database that are set up for always on. not even all the database,just the ones set up for it... 
    in other words, it will failover the "always on" service...which takes care of the AG databases on the node to determine which is priiary/secondary
    you dashboard on the secondary instance - AG dashboard should tell you the status,,,
    Hope it Helps!!

  • SC3.2, S10, V40z - failover scenarios/troubles

    Few days ago I finished the above setup (2 nodes, sc3.2, sol10x86 - all updates).
    There are two shared storages connected to the cluster: T3(fiber) and 3310(scsi raid)
    Configured atm is a single MySQL instance in active-standby mode.
    Later, an NFS service might be added.
    There are three global mounts.
    The system need to get into production asap but there were some problems while testing the failover scenarios.
    = Disconnecting any combination of interconnect cables - WORKS
    = Disconnecting any combination of network cables - WORKS
    = Shutting down any node - WORKS
    = Powering off any node - WORKS
    = RGs and resources are switched as expected and any node is able to take ownership
    The one test which failed was when the SCSI and FC cables were unplugged.
    In both cases, both nodes were rebooted almost instantly.
    Is this behavior configurable or expected?
    Any suggestions for another test scenario?
    I found a single forum thread with similar problem described which was tracked down to bad grounding ... anyone else having experience with that?
    I can send more details if anyone is able to help.
    Thanks in advance !!!

    OK, I repeated the scenario yesterday.
    For some reason only the node which was mastering the RG was rebooted after panicking about state database records.
    I'm not sure if this is a natural behavior or if there is some misconfiguration.
    Please, see the logs and cluster info below:
    Cluster Info
    -- Cluster Nodes --
    Node name Status
    Cluster node: CLNODE2 Online
    Cluster node: CLNODE1 Online
    -- Cluster Transport Paths --
    Endpoint Endpoint Status
    Transport path: CLNODE2:ce1 CLNODE1:ce1 Path online
    Transport path: CLNODE2:bge1 CLNODE1:bge1 Path online
    -- Quorum Summary --
    Quorum votes possible: 3
    Quorum votes needed: 2
    Quorum votes present: 3
    -- Quorum Votes by Node --
    Node Name Present Possible Status
    Node votes: CLNODE2 1 1 Online
    Node votes: CLNODE1 1 1 Online
    -- Quorum Votes by Device --
    Device Name Present Possible Status
    Device votes: /dev/did/rdsk/d7s2 1 1 Online
    -- Device Group Servers --
    Device Group Primary Secondary
    Device group servers: new_mysql CLNODE1 CLNODE2
    Device group servers: new_ibdata CLNODE1 CLNODE2
    Device group servers: new_binlog CLNODE1 CLNODE2
    -- Device Group Status --
    Device Group Status
    Device group status: new_mysql Online
    Device group status: new_ibdata Online
    Device group status: new_binlog Online
    -- Multi-owner Device Groups --
    Device Group Online Status
    -- Resource Groups and Resources --
    Group Name Resources
    Resources: mysql-failover-rg mysql-has mysql-lh mysql-res
    -- Resource Groups --
    Group Name Node Name State Suspended
    Group: mysql-failover-rg CLNODE2 Offline No
    Group: mysql-failover-rg CLNODE1 Online No
    -- Resources --
    Resource Name Node Name State Status Message
    Resource: mysql-has CLNODE2 Offline Offline
    Resource: mysql-has CLNODE1 Online Online
    Resource: mysql-lh CLNODE2 Offline Offline - LogicalHostname offline.
    Resource: mysql-lh CLNODE1 Online Online - LogicalHostname online.
    Resource: mysql-res CLNODE2 Offline Offline
    Resource: mysql-res CLNODE1 Online Online - Service is online.
    -- IPMP Groups --
    Node Name Group Status Adapter Status
    IPMP Group: CLNODE2 sc_ipmp0 Online ce0 Online
    IPMP Group: CLNODE2 sc_ipmp0 Online bge0 Online
    IPMP Group: CLNODE1 sc_ipmp0 Online ce0 Online
    IPMP Group: CLNODE1 sc_ipmp0 Online bge0 Online
    CLNODE1:root[]didadm -L
    1 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d1 INTERNAL DISKS/HARDWARE RAID
    2 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d2 INTERNAL DISKS/HARDWARE RAID
    3 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874D0D000DA3EEd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d3 FC VOLUMES
    3 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874D0D000DA3EEd0 /dev/did/rdsk/d3 FC VOLUMES
    4 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874D49000686F0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4 FC VOLUMES
    4 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874D49000686F0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d4 FC VOLUMES
    5 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5 SCSI RAID
    5 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c5t1d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d5 SCSI RAID
    6 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c5t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6 SCSI RAID
    6 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c5t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d6 SCSI RAID
    7 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874DA900088862d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7 FC VOLUMES
    7 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874DA900088862d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d7 FC VOLUMES
    8 CLNODE2:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874DDD000CE109d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d8 FC VOLUMES
    8 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c4t60020F200000C51E48874DDD000CE109d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d8 FC VOLUMES
    11 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c0t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d11 INTERNAL DISKS/HARDWARE RAID
    12 CLNODE1:/dev/rdsk/c1t0d0 /dev/did/rdsk/d12 INTERNAL DISKS/HARDWARE RAID
    CLNODE1:root[]metaset -s new_binlog
    Set name = new_binlog, Set number = 8
    Host Owner
    CLNODE1 Yes
    Driv Dbase
    d5 Yes
    d6 Yes
    CLNODE1:root[]metaset -s new_mysql
    Set name = new_mysql, Set number = 5
    Host Owner
    CLNODE1 Yes
    Driv Dbase
    d3 Yes
    d4 Yes
    CLNODE1:root[]metaset -s new_ibdata
    Set name = new_ibdata, Set number = 7
    Host Owner
    CLNODE1 Yes
    Driv Dbase
    d7 Yes
    d8 Yes
    metadb info
    CLNODE1:root[]metadb -s new_binlog
    flags first blk block count
    a m luo r 16 8192 /dev/did/dsk/d5s7
    a luo r 16 8192 /dev/did/dsk/d6s7
    CLNODE1:root[]metadb -s new_mysql
    flags first blk block count
    a m luo r 16 8192 /dev/did/dsk/d3s7
    a luo r 16 8192 /dev/did/dsk/d4s7
    CLNODE1:root[]metadb -s new_ibdata
    flags first blk block count
    a m luo r 16 8192 /dev/did/dsk/d7s7
    a luo r 16 8192 /dev/did/dsk/d8s7
    md.tab - 3 configured mirrors mounted as global
    d110 -m d103 d104
    new_mysql/d110 -m new_mysql/d103 new_mysql/d104
    d120 -m d115 d116
    new_binlog/d120 -m new_binlog/d115 new_binlog/d116
    d130 -m d127 d128
    new_ibdata/d130 -m new_ibdata/d127 new_ibdata/d128
    Log at time of failure - CLNODE1 is the master - SCSI cable disconnected - CLNODE2 takes over RG after CLNODE1's panic
    Aug 7 14:16:27 CLNODE1 scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci@1d,0/pci1022,7450@1/pci1000,1010@1/sd@0,0 (sd81):
    Aug 7 14:16:27 CLNODE1 disk not responding to selection
    Aug 7 14:16:28 CLNODE1 scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci@1d,0/pci1022,7450@1/pci1000,1010@1/sd@1,0 (sd82):
    Aug 7 14:16:28 CLNODE1 disk not responding to selection
    Aug 7 14:16:33 CLNODE1 scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci@1d,0/pci1022,7450@1/pci1000,1010@1/sd@0,0 (sd81):
    Aug 7 14:16:33 CLNODE1 disk not responding to selection
    Aug 7 14:16:35 CLNODE1 scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci@1d,0/pci1022,7450@1/pci1000,1010@1/sd@1,0 (sd82):
    Aug 7 14:16:35 CLNODE1 disk not responding to selection
    Aug 7 14:16:38 CLNODE1 scsi: [ID 107833 kern.warning] WARNING: /pci@1d,0/pci1022,7450@1/pci1000,1010@1/sd@0,0 (sd81):
    Aug 7 14:16:38 CLNODE1 disk not responding to selection
    Aug 7 14:16:38 CLNODE1 md: [ID 312844 kern.warning] WARNING: md: state database commit failed
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 cl_dlpitrans: [ID 624622 kern.notice] Notifying cluster that this node is panicking
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 unix: [ID 836849 kern.notice]
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 ^Mpanic[cpu1]/thread=fffffe800030bc80:
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 268973 kern.notice] md: Panic due to lack of DiskSuite state
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 database replicas. Fewer than 50% of the total were available,
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 so panic to ensure data integrity.
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe800030bb80 md:mddb_commitrec_wrapper+8c ()
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe800030bbc0 md_mirror:process_resync_regions+16a ()
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe800030bbf0 md_mirror:check_resync_regions+df ()
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe800030bc50 md:md_daemon+10b ()
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe800030bc60 md:start_daemon+e ()
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] fffffe800030bc70 unix:thread_start+8 ()
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 672855 kern.notice] syncing file systems...
    Aug 7 14:16:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 733762 kern.notice] 1
    Aug 7 14:16:40 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 904073 kern.notice] done
    Aug 7 14:16:41 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 111219 kern.notice] dumping to /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1, offset 429391872, content: kernel
    Aug 7 14:16:52 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 409368 kern.notice] ^M100% done: 148178 pages dumped, compression ratio 4.10,
    Aug 7 14:16:52 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 851671 kern.notice] dump succeeded
    Aug 7 14:19:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release 5.10 Version Generic_118855-36 64-bit
    Aug 7 14:19:39 CLNODE1 genunix: [ID 172907 kern.notice] Copyright 1983-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Thanks in advance!

  • What is the expected behavior in a zone after adding a new static route in Solaris 10....

    Hi Folks,
    I have a few Solaris 10 production machines here at work and had a strange thing happen. I added a new route to these machines using the "add route <destination > <gateway>" command and my web applications running in the zones on these machines froze up. The applications that froze had no reason to do this as they have never talked to the machine in this new route. Here is the old route table via netstat -rn:
    Routing Table: IPv4
    Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface U 1 6794 bge1 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 U 1 7980 bge0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 34 UG 1 9 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 44 UG 1 934 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 82 UG 1 161975 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 82 UG 1 1766 U 1 0 bge0
    default UG 1 8411 UH 225713773 lo0
    Here is the route table after I added my one additional route (note the top line):
    Routing Table: IPv4
    Destination Gateway Flags Ref Use Interface UGH 1 5 U 1 5757 bge1:3 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 U 1 484 bge0:2 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 114 UG 1 2 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 43 UG 1 944 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 77 UG 1 160823 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 0 UG 1 183 U 1 0 bge0:2
    default UG 1 1850 UH 58 225894 lo0:3
    My question is why did my application die and need to be restarted after this one simple route was added? What is the expected behavior in a zone after adding a new route to the root zone?
    Tom Gellert

    Greg- Dreamweaver CS4/Live View integration with BrowserLab allows you to send interactive states of a local site/design directly to BrowserLab (dynamic data, rollover/mouse interaction states, widget states, et al), and from behind firewalls no less- definitely a scenario we covered.  You can get the extensions (which require Dreamweaver CS4, of course) up on the Labs site: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/browserlab/

  • What are the correct answers ?

    after doing one sample swing application, i assumed the exam will be easy. when i took the exam, i couldn't do anything...
    what are the correct answers ??/
      Which one of the following converts the Image i into the BufferedImage bi? 
    Choice 1  
    bi = new BufferedImage(0, 0, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)bi.createGraphics();
    Choice 2  
    bi = new BufferedImage(i.getWidth(this), i.getHeight(this), 1);
    Choice 3  
    bi = new BufferedImage(i.getWidth(this), i.getHeight(this), 1);
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)bi.createGraphics();
    Choice 4  
    bi = new BufferedImage(i, i.getWidth(this), i.getHeight(this), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); 
    Choice 5  
    bi = new BufferedImage(i, i.getWidth(this), i.getHeight(this)); 
      Which one of the following indicates all of the layout managers (from the list above) that allow you to set the space between the components from an instance of the LayoutManager itself? 
    Choice 1  
    CardLayout, FlowLayout, GridBagLayout, GridLayout 
    Choice 2  
    Choice 3  
    BorderLayout, GridLayout 
    Choice 4  
    BorderLayout, FlowLayout, GridLayout 
    Choice 5  
    BorderLayout, CardLayout, FlowLayout, GridBagLayout, GridLayout 
    JFrame jf = new JFrame();
    JTextField jtf = new JTextField("JTextField");
    JButton jb = new JButton("JButton");
                          new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,1,2));
      Which one of the following indicates the positions of the JTextField jtf and JButton jb relative to the JFrame and each other? 
    Choice 1  
    jtf and jb are in the top-center of the Jframe; jtf is to the left of jb, 2 pixels apart. 
    Choice 2  
    jb is in the top-right corner of the JFrame with jtf 1 pixel to the left of it. 
    Choice 3  
    jtf is in the top-left corner of the JFrame with jb 1 pixel to the right of it. 
    Choice 4  
    jb is in the top-right corner of the JFrame with jtf 2 pixels to the left of it. 
    Choice 5  
    jtf is in the top-left corner of the JFrame with jb 2 pixels to the right of it
    public void drawText(Graphics2D g, String text){
      Font f = new Font("Century Gothic", Font.BOLD, 10);
      g.drawString(text, 20, 20);
      Given the above sample code, what happens if the "Century Gothic" font is NOT available? 
    Choice 1  
    The Font() constructor fails, causing "f" to be null, and the setFont() method throws a NullPointerException. 
    Choice 2  
    "Century Gothic" is a built in Java font, which always exists within the Java runtime environment. 
    Choice 3  
    The code does not compile because only the following "logical" font names are supported in Java: Dialog, DialogInput, Monospaced, Serif, SansSerif, and Symbol. 
    Choice 4  
    The Font() constructor throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
    Choice 5  
    A default Font object is returned and is used
    Sample Code 
    public void drawText(Graphics2D g, String text){
      Font f = new Font("Century Gothic", Font.BOLD, 10);
      g.drawString(text, 20, 20);
      Given the above sample code, what happens if the "Century Gothic" font is NOT available? 
    Choice 1  
    The Font() constructor fails, causing "f" to be null, and the setFont() method throws a NullPointerException. 
    Choice 2  
    "Century Gothic" is a built in Java font, which always exists within the Java runtime environment. 
    Choice 3  
    The code does not compile because only the following "logical" font names are supported in Java: Dialog, DialogInput, Monospaced, Serif, SansSerif, and Symbol. 
    Choice 4  
    The Font() constructor throws an IllegalArgumentException. 
    Choice 5  
    A default Font object is returned and is used. 
    How must do you interact with a JTextField in order to generate an ActionEvent? 
    Choice 1  
    Tab into the JTextField from another Component. 
    Choice 2  
    Type in the JTextField. 
    Choice 3  
    Activate the cursor in the JTextField. 
    Choice 4  
    Hit <RETURN> while the cursor is in the JTextField. 
    Choice 5  
    Hit the spacebar while typing in the JTextField. 
    public class TimerTest implements ActionListener{
      public static void main(String[] args){
        TimerTest test = new TimerTest();
        javax.swing.Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer(100,test);
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev){
        System.out.println("Timer ticked.");
      Given the above sample code, what is the result when the code is run? 
    Choice 1  
    The words "Timer ticked." are printed to the console once after 100 milliseconds. 
    Choice 2  
    The words "Timer ticked." are printed to the console every 100 microseconds. 
    Choice 3  
    The words "Timer ticked." are printed to the console every 100 seconds. 
    Choice 4  
    The words "Timer ticked." are printed to the console every 100 milliseconds. 
    Choice 5  
    Nothing, the Timer is not started. 
    1. JSlider slider1 = new JSlider (JSlider.VERTICAL, 0, 100, 50);
    2. slider1.setPaintTicks(false);
    3. slider1.setMajorTickSpacing(10);
    4. slider1.setMinorTickSpacing(2); 
      What changes do you have to make to the above Sample code so that there are six Major Ticks and four Minor ticks between each Major Tick? 
    Choice 1  
    Replace line 3 with slider1.setMajorTickSpacing(17); 
    Choice 2  
    Replace line 2 with slider1.setPaintTicks(true);
    Replace line 3 with slider1.setMajorTickSpacing(17);
    Replace line 4 with slider1.setMinorTickSpacing(5); 
    Choice 3  
    Replace line 3 with slider1.setMajorTickSpacing(5);
    Replace line 4 with slider1.setMinorTickSpacing(4); 
    Choice 4  
    Replace line 2 with slider1.setPaintTicks(true);
    Replace line 3 with slider1.setMajorTickSpacing(20);
    Replace line 4 with slider1.setMinorTickSpacing(4); 
    Choice 5  
    Replace line 4 with slider1.setMinorTickSpacing(6); 
       Which one of the following defines a set of three JRadioButtons (b1, b2, and b3) so that only one JRadioButton can be selected at a time? 
    Choice 1  
    ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup();
    g.add(b1); g.add(b2); g.add(b3); 
    Choice 2  
    b1.group(true); b2.group(true); b3.group(true); 
    Choice 3  
    JRadioButton jbs[] = {b1, b2, b3};
    ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup(jbs); 
    Choice 4  
    The default behavior of JRadioButtons is such that only one can be selected at a time as long as they are in the same Container. 
    Choice 5  
    ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup(b1, b2, b3); 
    Sample Code 
    public static void main(String args[]){
      What is the role of the method in the code above? 
    Choice 1  
    To provide a place for initialization code when instantiating the current class. 
    Choice 2  
    It is the first method run when a class is run with the Java Interpreter. 
    Choice 3  
    It serves no specific function. It is a residual method from Java 1.0. 
    Choice 4  
    It is the first method that the Java Compiler converts to bytecode when creating a .class file. 
    Choice 5  
    To process command-line parameters when running the Java Interpreter 
    How do you create a menu item, Save, with a shortcut key of Ctrl+S? 
    Choice 1  
    You have to override the KeyPressed event of the top level Frame and handle the Ctrl+S to call the menu item's actionPerformed. 
    Choice 2  
    JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
    Choice 3  
    JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
    save.enableShortcut(KeyEvent.CTRL_KEY + KeyEvent.S); 
    Choice 4  
    JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
    Choice 5  
    JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
    save.addShortcutKey( new KeyStroke(KeyStroke.S | KeyStroke.CTRL_KEY) ); 
    GridBagConstraints gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints(1,1,2,1,1,3,10,1,new Insets(5,5,5,5),1,1);
      In regards to the above code, which one of the following indicates jb's grid position? 
    Choice 1  
    Grid position 2,1 
    Choice 2  
    Grid position 1,2 
    Choice 3  
    Grid position 1, 1 
    Choice 4  
    Grid position 10, 1 
    Choice 5  
    Grid position 1, 3 
    GridBagConstraints gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints(1,1,2,1,1,3,10,1,new Insets(5,5,5,5),1,1);
      In regards to the above code, which one of the following indicates jb's grid position? 
    Choice 1  
    Grid position 2,1 
    Choice 2  
    Grid position 1,2 
    Choice 3  
    Grid position 1, 1 
    Choice 4  
    Grid position 10, 1 
    Choice 5  
    Grid position 1, 3 
    Which one of the following is necessary when changing an Applet to a standalone application? 
    Choice 1  
    Add a no-argument constructor. 
    Choice 2  
    Remove the init(), start() and stop() methods. 
    Choice 3  
    Remove "extends JApplet" or "extends Applet". 
    Choice 4  
    Add a main() method. 
    Choice 5  
    Change the import statement so that it imports an Application container rather than Applet or JApplet. 
    Which one of the following adds the String "Java" to the JComboBox jcb? 
    Choice 1  
    ComboBoxModel cbm = jcb.getModel();
    Choice 2  
    Choice 3  
    ComboBoxModel cbm = jcb.getModel();
    Choice 4  
    Choice 5  

    I'll have a go but I am not saying they are all correct...
    Question 1.
    Which one of the following converts the Image i into the BufferedImage bi?
    Choice 3 (assuming this implements the imageobserver interface)
    bi = new BufferedImage(i.getWidth(this), i.getHeight(this), 1);  //1 is BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB
    Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)  
    g.drawImage(i,0,0,this);Good luck with your homework...
    Question 2.
    Which one of the following indicates all of the layout managers (from the list above) that allow you to set the space between the components from an instance of the LayoutManager itself?
    Choice 4
    (GridBagLayout uses GridBagConstraints to decide component spacing, card layout does not provided component spacing due to the deck nature used)
    Question 3.
    JFrame jf = new JFrame();
    JTextField jtf = new JTextField("JTextField");
    JButton jb = new JButton("JButton");
    jf.getContentPane().setLayout( new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT,1,2));
    jf.getContentPane().add(jb);    Which one of the following indicates the positions of the JTextField jtf and JButton jb relative to the JFrame and each other?
    Choice 3 jtf is in the top-left corner of the JFrame with jb 1 pixel to the right of it.
    Question 4
    public void drawText(Graphics2D g, String text)
         Font f = new Font("Century Gothic", Font.BOLD, 10);  
         g.drawString(text, 20, 20);
    }    Given the above sample code, what happens if the "Century Gothic" font is NOT available?
    Choice 5 A default Font object is returned and is used
    Question 5.
    How must do you interact with a JTextField in order to generate an ActionEvent?
    Choice 4 Hit <RETURN> while the cursor is in the JTextField.
    Question 6.
    public class TimerTest implements ActionListener
         public static void main(String[] args)
               TimerTest test = new TimerTest();    
               javax.swing.Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer(100,test);  
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev)
              System.out.println("Timer ticked.");  
    }    Given the above sample code, what is the result when the code is run?
    Choice 5 Nothing, the Timer is not started.
    Question 7.
    1. JSlider slider1 = new JSlider (JSlider.VERTICAL, 0, 100, 50);
    2. slider1.setPaintTicks(false);
    3. slider1.setMajorTickSpacing(10);
    4. slider1.setMinorTickSpacing(2);    What changes do you have to make to the above Sample code so that there are six Major Ticks and four Minor ticks between each Major Tick?
    Choice 4 Replace line 2 with slider1.setPaintTicks(true); Replace line 3 with slider1.setMajorTickSpacing(20); Replace line 4 with slider1.setMinorTickSpacing(4);
    Question 8.
    Which one of the following defines a set of three JRadioButtons (b1, b2, and b3) so that only one JRadioButton can be selected at a time?
    Choice 1 ButtonGroup g = new ButtonGroup(); g.add(b1); g.add(b2); g.add(b3);
    Question 9.
    Sample Code
    public static void main(String args[]){ }
    TYPO - should be public static void main(String[] args){ }
    What is the role of the method in the code above?
    Choice 2 It is the first method run when a class is run with the Java Interpreter.
    Question 10.
    How do you create a menu item, Save, with a shortcut key of Ctrl+S?
    Choice 2 JMenuItem save = new JMenuItem("Save");
    Question 11.
    GridBagConstraints gbc1 = new GridBagConstraints(1,1,2,1,1,3,10,1,new Insets(5,5,5,5),1,1); gbl.addLayoutComponent(jb,gbc1);
    In regards to the above code, which one of the following indicates jb's grid position?
    Choice 3 Grid position 1, 1
    Question 12
    Which one of the following is necessary when changing an Applet to a standalone application?
    Choice 1 Add a no-argument constructor.
    Choice 2 Remove the init(), start() and stop() methods.
    Choice 3 Remove "extends JApplet" or "extends Applet".
    Choice 4 Add a main() method.
    Choice 5 Change the import statement so that it imports an Application container rather than Applet or JApplet.
    mmm. not a good choice of answers. look at the following link...
    Question 13.
    Which one of the following adds the String "Java" to the JComboBox jcb?
    Choice 5 jcb.addItem("Java");

  • How to obtain the correct inventory value of an open order within a Period?

    Dear Experts,
    Raw materials R72 and R82 are required to produce Semifinished Product S10.
    Semifinished product S10 is required to produce Fnished product F20
    On 10th August 2011, I created and released a Process Order for material S10 copying component  raw materials R72 and R82..
    On 10th August 2011, Goods issue for component materials R72 and R82 were done for this process order using tcode MIGO (mvt type 261).
    It usually takes four to five days to properly blend components R72 and R82 to obtain S10.
    It means Goods Receipt for this process order will likely be done on 14th or 15th August  2011 when this blending has been completed.
    On 12th August 2011, Management suddenly issues a directive that stock take should be carried out in the plant, and my process order is still open and cannot be closed ( or goods receipt cannot be done) because blending is yet to be completed.
    Please how do I take care of this scenario/situation (since Goods Issue has been done already but Goods Receipt is yet to be done) so that I will get the  correct value of my inventory?
    How will the Accountants see or get the correct value of inventory without writing off the value of the Raw Materials that has been issued against this process order already?

    Hi ,
    Please configure the steps in SPRO ..
    Product Costing Controlling -> Cost Object Controlling -> Product Cost by Order -> Period end closing -> Work in Progress
    Configure all the steps , it needs to be ideally done by the FICO consultant , please revert back or search SDN regarding issues in configurations

  • Using Case when statement in catalog doesnt result in the correct sql

    I am running into an issue on my current project wherein, I am not able to see the correct formula in the physical query as I am seeing it in the logical query:
    Logical query:
    SET VARIABLE QUERY_SRC_CD='Report',SAW_SRC_PATH='/shared/Email/SFDC_InitRespTimel_Main';SELECT s_0, s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4, s_5 FROM (
    0 s_0,
    "CIN"."Calendar"."FIis Yr Nm" s_1,
    "CIN"."Calendar"."Fis Qtr Nm" s_2,
    "CIN"."SF Origin Dim"."Group" s_3,
    **CASE WHEN MIN("CIN"."SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt") IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_HOUR,MIN("SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt"),"CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Created Dt"))/count("CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Case Number") END s_4,**
    **REPORT_AGGREGATE(CASE WHEN MIN("CIN"."SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt") IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_HOUR,MIN("SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt"),"CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Created Dt"))/count("CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Case Number") END BY "CIN"."Calendar"."Fis Qtr Nm","CIN"."SF Origin Dim"."Group") s_5**
    FROM "CIN"
    (("Calendar"."FISCAL_YEAR_NAME" IN ('FY2011', 'FY2012', 'FY2013')) AND ("SF_EailMsg_L"."Status" = '3') AND ("Calendar"."FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME" <> 'Q1 FY2011'))
    Physical Query:
    select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4
    (select T13596.CRTDDT_DT as c1,
    T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME as c2,
    T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME as c3,
    T13313.GRP as c4,
    DW_SF_EMLMSSG_L T13275,
    SF_ORGN_L_DIM T13313,
    DW_SF_CS_L T13596 /* SF_CS_L_Fact */
    where ( T4813.CALENDAR_KEY = T13596.CRDT_KEY and T13275.PRNTID = T13596.ID and T13275.STTS = '3' and T13313.ORGN_KEY = T13596.ORGN_KEY and (T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME in ('FY2011', 'FY2012', 'FY2013')) and T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME <> 'Q1 FY2011' )
    ) D1
    where ( D1.c5 = 1 )
    SAWITH0 AS (select min(T13275.MSSGDT_DT) as c1,
    count(T13596.CSNMBR) as c2,
    T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME as c5,
    T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME as c6,
    T13313.GRP as c7
    DW_SF_EMLMSSG_L T13275,
    SF_ORGN_L_DIM T13313,
    DW_SF_CS_L T13596 /* SF_CS_L_Fact */
    where ( T4813.CALENDAR_KEY = T13596.CRDT_KEY and T13275.PRNTID = T13596.ID and T13275.STTS = '3' and T13313.ORGN_KEY = T13596.ORGN_KEY and (T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME in ('FY2011', 'FY2012', 'FY2013')) and T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME <> 'Q1 FY2011' )
    group by T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME, T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME, T13313.GRP)
    select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    D1.c6 as c6,
    D1.c7 as c7
    (select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    min(D1.c1) over (partition by D1.c6, D1.c7) as c3,
    sum(D1.c2) over (partition by D1.c6, D1.c7) as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    D1.c6 as c6,
    D1.c7 as c7,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY D1.c6, D1.c7 ORDER BY D1.c6 ASC, D1.c7 ASC) as c8
    SAWITH0 D1
    ) D1
    where ( D1.c8 = 1 )
    I want to know if you have seen this scenario earlier?
    Basically, the case statement in the logical sql is not getting executed correctly in the physical sql. Also,I see a SAWWITH0 in the query. Have you seen this before.
    If you have any inputs on how to fix this, please share.
    Thanks in advance.
    -Mayank Sharma

    This is the logical and physical query that I am getting now.
    My question is that, why am I not seeing the division operator (/) anywhere in the physical query. I am worried that the physical query is not being executed correctly.
    Please clarify:
    SET VARIABLE QUERY_SRC_CD='Report',SAW_DASHBOARD='/shared/Email/Email',SAW_DASHBOARD_PG='Initial Resp Time',SAW_SRC_PATH='/shared/Email/SFDC_InitRespTimel_Main';SELECT s_0, s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4, s_5 FROM (
    0 s_0,
    "CIN"."Calendar"."FIis Yr Nm" s_1,
    "CIN"."Calendar"."Fis Qtr Nm" s_2,
    "CIN"."SF Origin Dim"."Group" s_3,
    CASE WHEN MIN("CIN"."SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt") IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_HOUR,MIN("SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt"),"CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Created Dt"))*1.0/count("CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Case Number")*1.0 END s_4,
    REPORT_AGGREGATE(CASE WHEN MIN("CIN"."SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt") IS NOT NULL THEN SUM(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SQL_TSI_HOUR,MIN("SF_EailMsg_L"."Msg Dt"),"CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Created Dt"))*1.0/count("CIN"."SF_Case_L_Fact"."Case Number")*1.0 END BY "CIN"."Calendar"."Fis Qtr Nm","CIN"."SF Origin Dim"."Group") s_5
    FROM "CIN"
    (("Calendar"."FISCAL_YEAR_NAME" IN ('FY2011', 'FY2012', 'FY2013')) AND ("SF_EailMsg_L"."Status" = '3') AND ("Calendar"."FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME" <> 'Q1 FY2011'))
    [2012-10-25T22:20:58.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [TRACE:2] [USER-23] [] [ecid: a5bccb33dce3bd12:-c49596b:13a898b42b5:-8000-0000000000007756] [tid: 601c] [requestid: 1d4c0001] [sessionid: 1d4c0000] [username: weblogic] -------------------- General Query Info: [[
    Repository: Star, Subject Area: CIN, Presentation: CIN
    [2012-10-25T22:20:58.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [TRACE:2] [USER-18] [] [ecid: a5bccb33dce3bd12:-c49596b:13a898b42b5:-8000-0000000000007756] [tid: 601c] [requestid: 1d4c0001] [sessionid: 1d4c0000] [username: weblogic] -------------------- Sending query to database named CIN (id: <<177780>>), connection pool named CINADMIN: [[
    select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4
    (select T13596.CRTDDT_DT as c1,
    T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME as c2,
    T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME as c3,
    T13313.GRP as c4,
    DW_SF_EMLMSSG_L T13275,
    SF_ORGN_L_DIM T13313,
    DW_SF_CS_L T13596 /* SF_CS_L_Fact */
    where ( T4813.CALENDAR_KEY = T13596.CRDT_KEY and T13275.PRNTID = T13596.ID and T13275.STTS = '3' and T13313.ORGN_KEY = T13596.ORGN_KEY and (T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME in ('FY2011', 'FY2012', 'FY2013')) and T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME <> 'Q1 FY2011' )
    ) D1
    where ( D1.c5 = 1 )
    [2012-10-25T22:20:58.000+00:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [TRACE:2] [USER-18] [] [ecid: a5bccb33dce3bd12:-c49596b:13a898b42b5:-8000-0000000000007756] [tid: 601c] [requestid: 1d4c0001] [sessionid: 1d4c0000] [username: weblogic] -------------------- Sending query to database named CIN (id: <<178213>>), connection pool named CINADMIN: [[
    select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    D1.c3 as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    D1.c6 as c6,
    D1.c7 as c7
    (select D1.c1 as c1,
    D1.c2 as c2,
    min(D1.c1) over (partition by D1.c6, D1.c7) as c3,
    sum(D1.c2) over (partition by D1.c6, D1.c7) as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    D1.c6 as c6,
    D1.c7 as c7,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY D1.c6, D1.c7 ORDER BY D1.c6 ASC, D1.c7 ASC) as c8
    (select min(T13275.MSSGDT_DT) as c1,
    count(T13596.CSNMBR) as c2,
    T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME as c5,
    T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME as c6,
    T13313.GRP as c7
    DW_SF_EMLMSSG_L T13275,
    SF_ORGN_L_DIM T13313,
    DW_SF_CS_L T13596 /* SF_CS_L_Fact */
    where ( T4813.CALENDAR_KEY = T13596.CRDT_KEY and T13275.PRNTID = T13596.ID and T13275.STTS = '3' and T13313.ORGN_KEY = T13596.ORGN_KEY and (T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME in ('FY2011', 'FY2012', 'FY2013')) and T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME <> 'Q1 FY2011' )
    group by T4813.FISCAL_QUARTER_NAME, T4813.FISCAL_YEAR_NAME, T13313.GRP
    ) D1
    ) D1
    where ( D1.c8 = 1 )

  • Call RFC for Lookup from BPM. how to determin the correct target system

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    The issue is I can have multiple SAP systems so to determin the SAP system for the correct lookup is necessary.
    in the rec determination step of Config I can configure multiple receivers but this isthrowing an error saying the multiple receivers cannot be determined for sync step.
    Any idea why is such an error occuring

    Multiple Receivers cannot be configured for a Synchronous Interfaces. reason is that when you are sending the request message to the target systems, XI will recieve multiple responses for one request and this is aginst the concept of Synch Message Processing.
    You will have to have an option of determining the receivers inside your BPM and using separate Send Steps for each of these.

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    I have checked the sales organisation and distribution channel. This is for the sales scenario.
    I simulated this rule in Maintain Determination Rules. I entered the Sales Org and no agents (employees) were found.
    The org data profile Z0001 has been assigned to the transaction.
    The Object Permitted in Determination has been checked for the sales scenario in the Organisational Model.

    Hi PePe
    I made the change and it worked as I wanted it. Thanks a lot.
    You say there's no need to Maintain the Responsibilities Rule. Can I ask what this section does and why it can be one or the other?

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    Skype also in short messages.
    Only Mail Pilot resists and shows all dates in the correct manner.
    I'm using Mavericks. But I have another account also with Mavericks without this rare behavior!

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