Upload a directory

I need to write a jsp such that I need to select a directory and upload all the files under that directory and its subsequence subdirectories into server, how to do that?

I don't believe this is possible from a standard HTML page (applets/java applications aside). The spec defines a File input type, which maps to a specific file, not directory structures. Since your JSP has no access to the client other than what HTML is spits out to it, there is no java code in your JSP to perform that functionality.

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    Hi Experts
                               In my scenario i need to upload a directory with n number of excel file from my presentation server to application server . Please do help on that (note : directory with many file not an single file )

    Here is the Code for List of Files from the Specific Directory to Application Server(SAP)..
    PARAMETER: p_fdir            type pfeflnamel DEFAULT '/usr/sap/tmp'.
    data: begin of it_filedir occurs 10.
            include structure salfldir.
    data: end of it_filedir.
    Get Current Directory Listing for OUT Dir
      call function 'RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL'
                name     = p_fdir
                file_tbl = it_filedir.
    List of files are contained within table it_filedir
      loop at it_filedir.
        write: / it_filedir-NAME.

  • How to upload entire Directory / Multiple Files

    Dear Friends,
    I am trying to design a very user friendly servlet page for uploading multiple files from a PC to Unix server. I need some suggestion on what java library or ftp client to use for this.
    There are about 8 files to upload (sized ranging from 200kb to 60MB, The files are a mix of binary and ascii data). I don't want the user to have to click on the browse form button on the webpage 8 times to select the files. In fact all of the files will reside in a directory with a barcode as the name.
    I would like to have the user simply select the directory and submit the form. I will then have a parser that is automatically invoked to parse these files, verify the formats and use the data to populate the next page that is shown to the user for data confirmation.
    The hardest part for me is figuring out what tool to use for the upload section. Any suggestion on what tool (FTP client library, etc.) would be highly appreciated.
    In the forum I found lots of examples for uploading single files but none for uploading entire directory or just multiple files. Am I asking the wrong question? Are there any example out there that I can look?
    I do not favor using a full blown ftp tool on the side because I think it increases the chance for user errors. (miss selecting a file, wrong directory, ascii vs binary).
    Wayne Chen
    [email protected]

    There are two ways to upload multiple files:
    1. Package them all into a zip file on the client, upload that file, unpackage them on the server.
    2. Upload one file at a time.
    If you're asking about servlets then you can't do number 1 because you can't access the files on the client. And you've said you don't want to have the client upload the files one at a time. From this it follows that you need some logic on the client that can either zip and upload the files, or upload the files one at a time, without requiring user intervention. The Java form of client-side logic from a website is an applet. In this case you would have to sign the applet, since an applet can't access the client's file system without the client's permission.

  • Uploading a Directory

    Hi All,
    I am new to Flash. I want to upload an directory into a Web
    server. Will it be possible using Flash. If possible. Could you
    some information about the same.
    Thanking you.
    With best regards
    Aruna gulla

    Thanks. I'm currently using APEX as the front end. Ths only procedures I saw dealt with hard-coding a directory (see below). I just need to loop thru my emp table (to get the file name based on emp id) and upload the file from the user defined directory in the DB.
    /* This needs to be done by SYS */
    EXEC dbms_java.grant_permission( 'YOUR_SCHEMA', 'java.io.FilePermission','d:\datapump','read' );
    /* Where YOUR_SCHEMA is your schema name and d:\datampump is your directory */
    /* This needs to be done my your schema */
    CREATE TABLE directory_list
    filename VARCHAR2(255 BYTE),
    directory_name VARCHAR2(255 BYTE)

  • Uploading a directory (not file)

    folks... i have one question. Is it possible to upload a directory (that has other directories, files in it) using RMI. Right now i am able to upload one single file as
    public void upload(String fileName, byte[] buffer);
    what i am doing is i get file name, i create a file with that name and write the byte buffer[] in it.
    But i am wondering how can i upload a whole file? any ideas

    zip it first and send it. Have you ever been able to upload or download folders? That's not how file systems work....

  • ZCM 11.2.3a Image upload error [directory does not exist]

    We are uploading a number of images to the server.
    A lot of these are large images and the workstation has been build as a VMWare workstation.
    So far with the exception of one, all have uploaded successfully.
    One image is failing to upload when it is about halfway through. The error displayed on the workstation says "Directory not found"
    Looking at the novell-pbserv.log I see the following error message related to the image upload.
    RWCC unknown compression command code: 0x4000000 (67108864)
    RIP2 RWCC faiolure 3, 1851,
    Any help /ideas appreciated.

    Hi Shaun,
    No we are using the the ZCM 11.2 pxe boot files.
    Although we have upgraded to ZCM 11.2.3a the image files from 11.2.3.a and the latest October Imaging update are crashing.
    I did post on the forums regards this and have a SR open for it. # 10865188291
    We are testing an upload of this particular image for the 3rd time. The other images have uploaded without issues.
    They have run a defrag on the disk prior to uploading.

  • How to set the  Upload Destination Directory for RichFileUpload ?

    Hi! I'm using the RichFile Upload component for uploading the files to server..
    I have configured the file the size to be uploaded, but could not set the destination directory... The web.xml entries I have in my project is:
    <!-- Maximum memory per request (in bytes) -->
    <!-- Use 500K -->
    <!-- Maximum disk space per request (in bytes) -->
    <!-- Use 5,000K -->
    <!-- directory to store temporary files -->
    <!-- Use an ADFUploads subdirectory of /tmp -->
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    By default the uploaded files are stored in :
    I'm using Linux OS and JDev11g .
    Why is the desination directory configured in web.xml not being used?
    Am I doing any thing wrong?
    Any suggestions ?
    Thanking you,

    Hi! Ric,
    This is the entire web.xml :
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
    <web-app xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/web-app_2_5.xsd" version="2.5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee">
    <description>Empty web.xml file for Web Application</description>
    <!-- Maximum memory per request (in bytes) -->
    <!-- Use 500K -->
    <!-- Maximum disk space per request (in bytes) -->
    <!-- Use 5,000K -->
    <!-- directory to store temporary files -->
    <!-- Use an ADFUploads subdirectory of /tmp -->
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    And about the other details you asked :
    1. I'm not using any custom UploadFileProcessors.. I'm using the default one.
    2. I tried with and with out the TrinidadUploads directory
    But still the same effect!
    Can you suggest where I'm going wrong?

  • Browsing and uploading a directory using jsp/jsf

    Hello to all,
    We can browse an upload a file to the server, but how can we browse the directory and upload it?
    Thanks in advance.

    Remember that at the end of the day, JSP results in an HTML page so you are subject to the same restrictions as a plain ol' HTML page. So the short answer is you can't.
    You can create a (signed) java applet and embed that on the page to possibly do what you want.

  • Upload Entire Directory Using CFFILE

    I need to write an application that will allow the user to
    select all the contents of a directory on their local hard drive
    (or just point to the directory) and upload all the files in that
    directory to a location on a the web server. The user should not
    have to point to a file, just select all the contents at once.
    Does anyone know how to to so this using CFFILE? We are using
    ColdFusion 8.
    Thanks in Advance!!

    > If not, there must be a away--ColdFusion is such a great
    program, and I have
    > gotten it to do just about anything we need it to do
    except upload multiple
    > files files at once to our server...
    The files you are uploading are on the client computer.
    ColdFusion has
    *no* interaction with the client computer at all. All
    communications are
    between client and WEB SERVER. File uploads are handled by
    the client
    computer, using the provisions of the HTTP protocol, which -
    as implemented
    by a web browser - only allows for single files to be
    uploaded, via each
    file input control on a form.
    If you want multiple files to be uploaded from a client
    computer using a
    single control, you need to use something other than a web
    browser (as
    suggested by someone else: some manner of applet, perhaps
    embedded in an
    HTML document).
    The applet will pass the data to the web server, and if the
    request is for
    a mime type that the web server has been configured to pass
    to ColdFusion
    (usually a CFM or a CFC file), then the web server will pass
    the request to
    ColdFusion, which will deal with it however you tell it to.
    The problem isn't getting the files to CF; it's getting them
    to the web
    server in the first place. CF's got nothing to do with your
    problem (or,
    intrinsically, its solution).

  • I can`t see the ddl for upload inside directory in TFS 2010

    I have privilegies of developer in tfs, but when I wanted upload a ddl file in a directory, the screen of upload didn't show the ddl file for upload, the filter was "all files".
    I don't know why i can't see the ddl file to upload.
    Can you help me?

    Hi neonash,
    To add a file to a source folder of tfs, you can follow the steps below get it done:
    1. Connect to the team project of TFS by using Team Explorer
    2. Open Source control explorer window, right click the folder that you want to add the file to
    3. Select "Add items to folder", then select the file to add it
    4. Right click the folder to check in pending changes
    You can also refer to this
    page for more information about add files to version control.
    Best regards,

  • WebUtil - Upload Entire Directory

    Is it possible to upload an entire directory using WebUtil (loading all of the files in the directory into the database? Anyone out there done anything like this?

    Yes, you can download everything, but one by one.
    Firstly get the list of the directory files:
    Then use the Webutil_File_Transfert.Client_To_DB() function to upload each file in your database.

  • Manaul Podcast upload & Podcast Directory problems

    I have a couple of podcasts that have been downloaded on another computer, which I cannot get itunes to recognise as podcasts.
    I've saved them in the 'My Received Podcasts' folder, they're in the library with genre set to Podcast but cannot get them to come up in the Podcast department.
    I am unable to click on 'Podcast directory' at the bottom of the Podcast screen.
    Am sure I'm missing something basic. Some assistance would be appreciated.

    Did you ever find an answer? I have the same problem.

  • Allowing To Select Upload Directory in Webserver

    I'm required to improve my upload webpage so that user are allowed to choose which folder in the webserver into which they can upload some files. Since I haven't been that long working with Java and JSP, I had no luck solving this problem.
    Can anyone kindly give me some advice as to how to achieve this? Website with such feature will help too.

    there is no easy solution.
    You will have to create a browser for the upload file directory where the users are allowed to downlaod too, in that browser users select the path and you need to retrieve it to do the actual download.
    Most web containers use it to allow you to upload things but i have seen a package for it yet,.

  • Directory upload is it possible in java?

    Actually my client Requirement is Upload a directory with a Minimum of 1GB data using Jsps and Java in a Web Base Application. But I found most of the libraries in java supports file upload only
    Can you please help me in this regard. Is there any libraries for Directory upload that to Minimum of 1GB. if any please give me details. and my final question is Does java supports directory upload ?

    Many ways,
    1. Take backup of the existing data in any UTF-8 locale.
    2. Perform the Data import in any UTF-8 locale.
    3. Verify the contents through the ldapsearch commands.
    Same steps applies to any interfaces like, CLI or UI.
    3. a Importing using Command line,
    Before doing so you need to be sure that does file contains different locale data, i.e., NON_ASCII
    The ldif file must be stored in UTF-8 encoding, and set your server locale to UTF-8 to run the below command.
    $ dsconf import -h host1 -p 1389 /local/file/example/demo1.ldif \
    ou=People,dc=example,dc=com3.b Using Directory Service Control Center Interface web based ui.
    3.c Using ldapjdk API, using JNDI,JSP technologies, for more information see http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ldap/TOC.html
    3.d Using Protocol based import
    Hope it helps

  • Displaying of uploaded directory in a tree structure using servlet

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    Could you please explain it more and if possible can u give piece of code??I will be grateful to you...

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