Uploading calendar from sony clie

How do I get calendar data, address data, etc. from my Sony Clie to the ipod touch without typing everything manually?  The Clie itself is dead so the files are on my PC with Vista operating system.

Can you sync the Clie data to someprogam that the iPod can sync with?
Can you export the the data  and then import the data in a program that the iPod can sync with.  This usually applies to Address book.

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    Transfer it to your computer and import into iTunes, make sure it's in a compatible format. Then simply sync with the iPad. If you have a camera connection kit and you know the footage is compatible you can connect it directly.
    Follow the link to see formats

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    Hi Dale:
    Welcome to discussions.
    If you can't return the camera for a DV Tape camera with a firewire, then start here:
    Using Mpeg (DVD) footage

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    Are you trying to sync to the Palm DT calendar, or iCal? 
    You should be able to sync to the Palm DT calendar from you Clie. You would access the settings on the Palm DT, select Hotsync, then Conduit Settings, Then make sure it is set to syncronize under calendar. If these settings are correct, and you still are unable to sync, you may have a data corruptions issue on you Clie. You can try to overwrite either the Clie, or the Plam DT by selecting HH overwrites DT, or DT overwrites HH depending wher you most update

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    I am only bumping your post up, I do not know what is going on. You have probably finalized your project by now. My first thought is you mention nested scene sequences and I thought the edl process would not accept nest. I would have to navigate off to re-research that statement.
    Why I reply is I have been testing the edl process and have been able to achieve sucess with exporting edl with audio as 'none' but failure to import edl with WAV audio into Speedgrade.
    Yes, another member has a post regarding 'Major EDL Export BUG in 8.2!' in this pasted link
    MAJOR EDL Export BUG in 8.2!
    which is error with respect to WAV, and same error results as I am seeing with my WAV edl export text files
    My research has led me to your post and I find it very interesting. Thanks for the details. I am not done with my research, just using all the data to see how I can include audio in an edl without error. My previous method was to export the edl without audio and import the audio separately. I now want to include audio,
    another thought is your text files - they appear short, as in they say FROM CLIP NAME: (clip name), but no file extension
    EDIT: I think the problem I am having with exporting edl WAV files is that the edl text file does not show the .wav file extension. I can export an edl and have the WAV file extension show, but it is not the sequence that I want to export as an edl. The sequence that does export out the edl file extension is the sequence where I cut sections of audio into my next sequence. It behaves like your nested sequence not giving file extension.
    Thats all I can say is that my edl isn't giving me a file extension for my WAV due to it being cut from another sequence.

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    My wife and I own an iMac (April 2011) and just recently got iPhones.  We share one iTunes account (mainly for our uploaded music from CD).  Do we each need to have our own iTunes account?  What about iCloud?  We want to utilize the same Calendar/Contacts

    JoeyV325 wrote:
    Is there a way to move music/apps from one ID to a new ID?
    One of you create a new AppleID and one use the existing AppleID.
    But you can still use the items in each iTunes library.
    Create separate computer logins for each of you.
    This will give you each your own data. Contacts, calendars, photos, etc. (and your own iTunes library).

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    thank you Shoot.  I was afraid that the n word would answer that querie.  OK.  Please recommend a FREE software that I can use to import on to the hard drive that is reliable and w/out error messages e.g. "Browser will close" as in sonys PMH a new replacement for PMB that fails horribly.  I uninstalled and installed the Sony  PMH four or five times w/Sony "Techs" [I you want to call them that].  And they admitted that the software has problems.  The final solution from the "tech" on the phone was that to just keep on uninstalling and install until it worked.  Wow!  That coming from Sony the electronics Giant.  Below is the transcript of one of the chats concerning this issue.  
    3:37 PM  Connected. A support representative will be with you shortly.
    3:38 PM  Support session established with Angie (C70I).
    3:38 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    Hello! Welcome to Sony Online Support. My name is Angie.
    3:38 PM 
    GLAD to see you
    3:38 PM 
    same problem
    3:39 PM 
    browser will close error
    3:39 PM 
    I was in settings this time when it froze and closed
    3:39 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    I understand that when you run 'PMH' you get an error as 'Browser stopped working'.
    3:40 PM 
    3:40 PM 
    3:40 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    Thank you for confirming.
    3:40 PM 
    3:41 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    Well, based on the information you have provided seems that issue can be with operating system.
    3:43 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    As we have solved the issue earlier and worked fine, there can not be a problem with the 'PMH' software.
    3:43 PM 
    "seems" seems very vague
    3:43 PM 
    can I just reinstall the pmbrowser
    3:44 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    This is the first time we have come across such issue.
    3:44 PM 
    r u saying that PMH does not work w/Windows 7!!!
    3:44 PM 
    you s
    3:45 PM 
    think Sony would be so stupid to eliminate themselves from the market like that??
    3:45 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    I suggest that you contact your computer manufacturer before you uninstall the software and install 'PMB'.
    3:45 PM 
    Angie (C70I):
    'PMH' is a compatible software for Windows 7.
    3:45 PM 
    So you agree that PMH can not work on my computer as well???
    3:46 PM 
    so make it work
    3:46 PM 
    do you have a supervisor
    3:47 PM 
    check the web it is not the first time this issue has risen
    3:47 PM 
    are you trained

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    I do not think there will be any way to revert back to an earlier system.
    The "current" problem with some cameras and card adapters resulted from Apple changing the amount of current available to USB devices, apparently to prevent them from running down the iPad's battery.  It appeared when the iOS was updated from 3 to 4.  On my iPad 2, I find that a little bit more current is available now under iOS 5.
    One way to get around the problem is by using a powered USB hub.  Another is to remove the card from the camera and use the SD adapter from the Camera Connection Kit.  If your Sony used a CF card, then you will need to find a CF-to-USB adapter that does not draw too much current.  I have one that works, but also have a couple that do not.

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    I believe PocketMirror from http://www.chapura.com should do just what you need. It will move everything from your Palm to Outlook, which iTunes can then work with. Hope it helps!

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    However, I can upload the files on my 667 MHz PowerBook running OS 10.4.5.
    John Kramar

    You need to get Missing Sync for Palm OS from MarkSpace.com. It'll let you sync your Clie with your Mac. I use it with my TJ37 and it works perfectly.

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    My problem is that if I sync my Sony Clie activating the iCal-option "Show birthday calender" I have all birthday entries twice on my handheld. If I tick off "Show birthday calender" in iCal and snyc, they appear only once on the handheld but of course I can't see them on iCal any more... Any suggestions? Thx
    iBook 1.07 GHz PowerPC G4   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Sony CLIE T625C

    If you synchronize with a Birthday calendar enabled on your Macintosh desktop or portable computer and have also enabled the Palm contacts database on your Clié to show birthdays, when you synchronize, both birthday entries will show up in the Calendar database on your Palm device. This occurs because the data is coming from two different applications, but is not perceived as being the same data.
    To avoid this problem, disable either the Birthday calendar on your computer (which you have already tried) or disable the birthdays feature on the handheld.

  • Delete All Calendars from iPad?

    Simple question; hopefully a simple solution.
    I want to delete all calendars from my iPad2, so that I can then copy the calendars from my Mac onto it?
    I want all of the data deleted from my iPad, and don't want it to show back up again.
    Like I said, it should have a simple solution.
    iPad 2, iOS 4.3.3 14 GB
    MacBook Pro, 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3, Mac OS X 10.6.8

    Does this help you:
    Repeat the same procedure for all calendars.
    If the calendars came in via an Exchange account, you can remove the calendar syncing by editing the exchange account (settings -> mail, contacts and calendar -> accounts) and switch "calendar" in this (http://blog.fosketts.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Exchange-Account-MCC.png) dialog to off.

  • HT2638 Hi, I'm running on IPhoto 09 Version 8.1.2 & recently developed a problem I have recently developed a problem. I am unable to upload photos from my iphone the process will start and maybe upload a few then it freezes.

    When i try to upload photos from my iphone iphoto freezes after a few have been uploaded, force quit shows that it is still running. I have left it running for days with no change. In addition Places is continually running, would this have an effect?
    Help much appreciated.

    The next step is to repair your main library: apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    2 - run Option #4 to rebuild the database.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button and select the library you want to add in the selection window..
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

  • Sony Clie NZ90 and Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)

    Good afternoon!
    I have done my best to Search and read through many of the Sticky and normal posts that might relate to trying to get my Clie to talk to my new HP laptop, on both this forum as well as others.  I think that there may still be a couple of things to try; however, I would be very appreciative if one or more of you can help shorten the process for me, since I've already invested a dozen hours or so on this issue and I'm a bit tired and frazzled.
    - My Clie came with Palm Desktop v4.x.  In its HotSync Manager or elsewhere, I do not see a bluetooth setting.  I'm wondering if that it's only in Palm Desktop v6.x?  If so, is Palm Desktop v6.x compatible with Sony Clie NZ90 (i.e., can I upgrade to v6.x without losing all of my data)?  If not, is there any way I can do a bluetooth HotSync using Palm Desktop v4.x?  Both the Clie and my HP laptop have bluetooth.
    - My new HP laptop is a 64-bit machine.  I have tried installing the Sony Clie / Palm Desktop software from both the regular as well as the x86 Program Files directories, and I get an immediate incompatibility notice, so I am unclear as to how to get Windows 7 to recognize the Clie and Palm Desktop even using the Aceeca drivers.  Running under Windows 7 is not critical, since I have a Windows XP Virtual Machine that seems to work well, but I figured I should ask in case I was missing something obvious.
    - As I said previously, I have the Windows XP Virtual machine up and running.  I installed the Sony Clie / Palm Desktop software with no problem, and I can use the Palm Desktop v4.x.  However, when I try to HotSync via USB, the Windows XP Virtual machine tries to load drivers, and can't find them.  In the past (on previous Windows XP machines), I have just had to specifically point the wizard to (browse to) the NZ90 drivers, and they would load.  This failed on my laptop.  I tried the Aceeca drivers, and they, too failed.  Going to the Device Manager, I see that it's identified as a virtual machine device, rather than seeing it as a Palm Handheld device.  Could this be the problem, and if so, is there a workaround?
    - Is there anything else I'm missing at this point that can get me up and running?
    Thank you in advance for all of your patience and expertise!
    Post relates to: Pre Plus p100una (AT&T)

    Something may be awry with the special registry permissions on the My Music folder, Just. I think the iTunes installer looks for those in order to determine just where the default location of My Music is on a given computer.
    But since this is a first-time install, the situation should be pretty simple to recover from.
    Hold down the shift key when you go to launch iTunes. In the dialog box that comes up, select "Create library" and put the library where you please.
    Probably a good idea after doing that to try launching iTunes again, just to make sure that it is still finding the iTunes folder. But by default, next time you open iTunes (after creating a new library), it should try to open the library in the location you created the library in.

  • Uploading photos from iPhoto to Walmart

    I read the above thread and it is noted as solved, but I disagree. My mother has brand new Mac Book Pro with iPhoto 08. I have a iMac with iPhoto 08. When we go to upload photod to Walmart.com using the upload tool, my mothers new Mac Book Pro has the IPhoto library as a "place" to upload photos from... my iMac does not have that option. Both using same version of the software.
    I have screenshots to post but can not find a way to post here.
    anyone have this issue?

    For accessing photos for use outside of iPhoto read Terence Devlin's treatise on file access.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. Just put the application in the Dock and click on it whenever you want to backup the dB file. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.
    Note: There's now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

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