Uploud pic

dear all i have the following code in browsing button
Filename := Get_File_Name(' ','','(*.jpg)|*.jpg|(*.gif)|*.gif|(*.jpeg)|*.gpeg|(*.DOC)|*.DOC|(*.PDF)|*.PDF|');
:LB_INC_PIC.NAME := :system.cursor_record;
:LB_INC_PIC.TYPE :=D2K_OSFiles.Extension(Filename);
:LB_INC_PIC.SIZE_MB :=round((WIN_API_FILE.FILE_SIZE(:FROM_PATH)/1024)/1024,4) ; ----- this not working
the last statement wihich bring the file size is not working and it giving null
can any body help
icant get the picture size
and i already attached the folowing libraries
please i need help
Edited by: osama on 12/12/2009 03:48 ص

please checkout the following link and u will find for form 6i and as well as for form 10g.
download the fmb and check.
if its Correct/helpful please mark it thanks.

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    Well I'll guess you're using iPhoto 11:
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    No that's not possible.
    If you have any suggestions that you think might enhance the Apple TV you can send Apple your feedback here 

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    This tutorial is very straight forward. http://support.apple.com/kb/HT4236
    Keep in mind you cannot select multiple folders to sync, iTunes will do exactly what you describe.
    What you can do is sync one folder and all the contents of that folder will sync.  In other words, create a folder with all the pics you want synced, you can seperate them into subfolders and then select that "master" folder as your sync point.

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    Yes, I know the photos stored on the device... But which app are you accessing the photos with? Which app do you want to be able to highlight more than one pic at a time in?
    There are literally thosands of apps that access the iOS Photo Library - which one(s) are you using?

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    - The iPod got erased since it sounds iTunes identified that the iPod has been synced with another computer and she said yes to making this computer her syncing computer. It could also she restored the iPod from the backup of another iPod, iPhone or iPad that was in iTunes. If in iTunes you go to Preferences>Devices is there a backup listed for her iPod with a date/time when she first connected the iPod to the computer. If so then restore the iPod from that backup.
    iOS: How to back up
    Note synced media like apps and music are not included in the backup,
    You can redownload iTunes purchases by:
      Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    - Regarding the App store. The App store is not in Safari. It is a separate app. Also, could the Apple store be hidden by Restrictions? Settings>General>Restrictions. Further, can you find the App store via the Spotlight search on the iPod?

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    The iPhone will behave as any other camera would when connected to a Windows PC. I suggest you check Windows user forums for similar issues related to any/all cameras.

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    Plugins usually are installed externally to Firefox. However, you can disable them in Firefox so that Firefox does not use them.
    SearchReset is supposed to automate the task of resetting certain preferences, but you still can edit them manually if necessary.
    '''''Address Bar Search'''''
    (1) In a new tab, type or paste '''about:config''' in the address bar and press Enter. Click the button promising to be careful.
    (2) In the filter box, type or paste '''keyword''' and pause while the list is filtered
    (3) Right-click '''keyword.URL''' and choose Reset. This should restore Google as the default for address bar search.
    Does that work?
    '''''Search Box'''''
    Usually it works to choose your preferred search engine from the drop-down. To remove an unwanted search engine plugin, usually the Manage Search Engines... choice at the bottom of the drop-down takes care of it.
    Do either of those work?
    There might be another way to hijack that search box; I think some of the other frequent responders probably are more familiar with it than I am.

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    thisComp.layer("Element Position 2").toComp([0,0,0]);
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    Can someone help me correct the new position without manually adjusting the ([0,0,0]) value in the expression line?

    If I am not mistaken, the null you are trying to use is parented. You need to use toWorld instead of toComp.

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    That message means that you have to restore the iOS software because something went wrong. Follow the instructions here. I hope that you have a backup.
    iTunes: Restoring iOS software - Support - Apple

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