Upon saving, GB alters audio clip, stretching it from 4 to 4.5 bars

Here is the problem: I have a song with a 4 bar "real instrument" clip in it. I alter the song. Resave it as another file name. When I reopen the song, the clip plays back incorrectly (too slow). It plays over 4.5 bars, not 4. Sometimes, it actually shows the clip stretched out to be 4.5 bars. Needless to say, this ruins the song. I have not touched this clip between the time I play it ok, then save and it plays too slow.
Any suggestions gratefully accepted!
PS Although I just posted about this problem, I thought it had to do with the mobile pre interface, but that was a red herring. It is the same with the interface or with internal audio. Thank you.

For what it's worth -
I erroneously stated earlier that the "Mobile" quality video played well in QuickTime & iTunes.  That's not true.   When I converted/downlaoded the same video from Clip Converter using the Mobile settings, the sound is messed up in bot programsh.  The specs for the filer are:
The same clip played & sounded well in both Quick Time & iTunes (but not on iPhone) when downloaded at Standard Quality (360p - specs in previous post).  
I notice the FPS & the Data Rate of the "Standard" clip are out of parameter based on the requirements I quoted.
Really all I want to know is how to download some YouTube videos & get them to play well on my iPhone.  If I can learn to understand the hows & whys, that'd be great too.  But definititely secondary!

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                        if (encoding.equals(AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED))
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    My impression is the same as your's but I'm not at my studio PC at the moment to try it.
    You can use this tool to see exactly what files (along with some other useful things) are being used in an AA session once you exit AA.

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    Thank you.
    OS Windows 7 x 64; 3.2 MHz; 2 TB; 12 GB Ram-9GB ram allocated to Adobe.
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    One can add a Marker by tapping the * key on the numeric keypad. You could do this every 30 sec. (you can drag any about, if you miss the cue). Then, I'd use a "beep" SFX file, and place one at each of these Markers. If you have an SFX file that has any pre-roll in it, first thing that I'd do is alter it in Audacity, or any sound editing program, so that the actual "beep" comes at the very beginning of the Clip, and do a Save_As, then Import that edited SFX file.
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    Good luck,

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    I reloaded the original song in iTunes, followed the instructions "How to convert a song to a different file format".

    Hello, again, Old Toad,
    Here is the webpage weblink that has the MP3 audio clip:
    BUT! AND, IT'S A HUGE BUT! In the iWeb publishing screen, the MP3 player has a '?' under the image.
    However, upon uploading the site, the MP3 player is functioning! And, plays perfectly well. Go figure?
    I cannot discern how or why this occurred after many attempts prior to my contacting you, the player in iWeb publishing mode was in a 'non-function' state. However, in desperation to have the player functional, I gave it another go round, and VOILA!, it uploaded successfully. It's a mystery to me.
    What I am going attempt to do for the other website that originally had the two players, is upload it even though iWeb shows they are not published and see what happens.
    It may be a website issue after all rather than the 'MP3 player'. That being the case, I will contact the ISP Domain Host and arrange for more space for this particular site.
    The website that successfully uploaded the player is very small. The other one is a huge. It may be a case scenario that the latter is on overload.
    Back to you later to see what happens next and verify the status quo for the original site the players were loaded.

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    Yes. For example: Clip A will have a peak amplitude of -13.9db. I'll normalize it and it'll adjust to -7db. Save the project, close out, then come back a couple of days later and Clip A will have reverted as if I never normalized it. However, not all of my clips will revert. Some will remain normalized so I have to go in each individually and normalized it again, rather than being able to select all and normalize. Is there any other alternative to normalizing a clip, or even an entire sequence, other than my process and the "Normalize Master Track" option under the 'Sequence' tab? When Normalize Master Track I receive an error message "The selected audio track cannot be normalized to the requested level because it would require track keyframes greater than 0 dB."
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    Did you read the link I posted about no sound when playing mts video?  I do not know if Photoshop had the same problem as LR
    I did download a sample video from your camera model.  Sound played in windows media player but not Photoshop.
    Also saw problem reported  no sound MTS video in Premier Pro.
    Check out this Google search
    https://www.google.com/search?q=No+sound+playing+MTS+video+&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS546US546&oq=MN o+sound+playing+MTS+video+&aqs=chrome..69i57.18373j0j8&sourceid=chrome&espv=210&es_sm=122& ie=UTF-8
    Official Response
    Paul Kleczka (Customer) 1 year agoI worked with Lily offline.
    Unfortunately, because of licensing restrictions, Lightroom only supports Dolby Digital audio with 2 channels or less. The files in question had Dolby 5.1 audio. So it appears the behavior of playing video with no audio in Lightroom is as expected.

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    thank you!

    You probably mean the Audio Track Mixer.
    If after writing it reverts to Latch that is a setting you can turn off in the panel menu.
    Did you add a keyframe to start writing.

  • Linking audio clips in timeline

    This must be as simple as I obviously am:
    I would like to link some audio clips together (which currently run one after another) in the timeline in order that I can then drag them into the the viewer where I can then alter the levels and pans across the clips as a whole.
    At the moment, when I select the clips and then drag them into the viewer, I just get the first clip as if taken from the browser, with the in / out points marked (i.e. what I originally dragged from the viewer into the timeline).
    Have I explained this well enough? Can anyone help please?

    as usual there a few ways you can do this .. just not the way you're trying to!
    you can adjust pan for a selection of clips by choosing Modify menu > Audio > Pan Left/Center/Right
    you can adjust the levels for a selection of clips by choosing Modify menu > Levels... which brings up the Gain Adjust window: in there you can make a releative or absolute adjustment to the selected clips
    alternatively you could select those clips then choose Sequence meny > Nest Items which will create a new sequence containing those selected clips, replacing the selection in the current sequence with a single (nested sequence clip) ... then you can drag that one up into the viewer and adjust pan and levels as if it were a single merged clip
    alternatively you can change your View menu > Playhead Sync to "Open"
    then as you move your playhead in the timeline/canvas the clip under the playhead will be automatically loaded into the Viewer window where you can adjust pan/levels as required

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