Uppercase Lowercase Strings

Can you convert a string to capitalize? I know UCASE will
make the text
all caps, and LCASE will make it all lowercase, but is there
a way to
make it just capitalize the first letter?

Hm, I just took out UCase and it worked. Nevermind.
Dan Galfano wrote:
> Can you convert a string to capitalize? I know UCASE
will make the text
> all caps, and LCASE will make it all lowercase, but is
there a way to
> make it just capitalize the first letter?
> Thanks!

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    Might have a hardware issue that was caused by the minor liquid spill.
    Take it to Apple to have them look at it.  I think they do a free diagnostics.  That way you can find out what's wrong with your MB.
    Good luck....Hope you get it sorted out.

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    If you developed your own screen to call that function, make sure your screen field refers to a data element or domain that is case sensitive.

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    I hope you can correct this bug.
    thanks a lot

    Thank you for all the replies.  DS Store reply "kinda" of helped me solve this problem.  My problem is now totally fixed.
    You can go to his link, but if problem still happens then follow link to apple support and follow the step by step procedure for removing all apple problems.  This fixed my problem.  But, follow each step.
    click installing and removing itunes
    click uninstalling itunes
    last, click removing and reinstalling itunes, quick time and other software components for Windows 7
    This link has great, detailed instructions for removing all apple components and reinstalling.
    Good luck

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    Thanks in advance,

    In this case, this is not acceptable, since the files or directories on disk can be in any case. I just need the entered case to be exactly the same as the files.
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    From http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.3/docs/api/java/io/File.html (see equals or compareTo method) :
    "On UNIX systems, alphabetic case is significant in comparing pathnames; on Win32 systems it is not."
    I would like to force the Unix way of doing.

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    PS: Change qms0012l and it works fine.

    cannot use run_report_object here cause I cannot create a report object in menu (like how we can do it in forms).
    Create a generic named Report node in the forms that you reference from the RunReport object request. This way you can run Reports from a menu

  • DPS - uppercase/lowercase binds

    In DPS 6.3 running on RHEL 4. I see application binds coming in twice, once for uppercase, once for lowercase, see example. Is this default behavior and can it be stopped?
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - CONNECT - INFO - conn=2390216 client=54.xx.xx.xx:4679 server=lctsp1110.xxx.com:1389 protocol=LDAP
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - PROFILE - INFO - conn=2390216 assigned to connection handler cn=default connection handler, cn=connection handlers, cn=config
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - OPERATION - INFO - conn=2390216 op=0 BIND dn="*cn=fsmrs*,ou=dmz,ou=xxx,ou=services,dc=im-2,dc=com" method="SIMPLE" version=3
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - SERVER_OP - INFO - conn=2390216 op=0 BIND dn="*cn=FSMRS*,ou=DMZ,ou=xxx,ou=Services,dc=iM-2,dc=com" method="SIMPLE"" version=3 s_msgid=970 s_conn=pedr2:174717
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - SERVER_OP - INFO - conn=2390216 op=0 BIND RESPONSE err=0 msg="" s_conn=pedr2:174717
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - SERVER_OP - INFO - conn=2390216 op=0 BIND dn="cn=FSMRS,ou=DMZ,ou=xxx,ou=Services,dc=iM-2,dc=com" method="SIMPLE"" version=3 s_msgid=2 s_conn=pxnm31:175523
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - SERVER_OP - INFO - conn=2390216 op=0 BIND RESPONSE err=32 msg="" s_conn=pxnm31:175523
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - OPERATION - INFO - conn=2390216 op=0 BIND RESPONSE err=32 msg="" etime=0
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - OPERATION - INFO - conn=2390216 op=1 UNBIND
    [16/Jun/2009:22:00:11 -0400] - DISCONNECT - INFO - conn=2390216 reason="unbind"
    Second question is our proxy services internal and external clients. As in the example above, client connections always will go to default connection handler first and then get sent to a custom connection handler after a bind. Our default connection handler is set to use all data views (internal & external). So in the example above the first bind succeeds because it found the entry in the internal directory. The second bind fails because it searched in the external directory. Is proxy designed to send all client connections first to the default connection handler? Our default handler is ordered last on the list of handlers. My concern is that if an app id connects and gets sent to the wrong data view the bind will fail.
    Thanks for any assistance.

    When I check the DS log, the bind is coming across as anonymous, but when I check the DPS log, the bind is coming across as cn=bogus.
    I would expect when you bind as a user that doesn't exist in the directory, you'll get an error 32. To me, this is separate than allowing anonymous binds, which we do allow.
    The problem we have, is that a certain device prompts user to login, before they e-mail. They have to enter their uid, and then a password. If they enter their user id and a blank password, the DPS accepts the connection, and the client believes they are now logged in as the user specified, so their e-mail address is pulled from ldap and populated. This means anyone can spoof e-mail from anyone else. This is a relatively low level problem, in terms of e-mail spoofing, but a very large problem if you think about what other access a user could be granted. I.e. if we were using DPS to authenticate users for access to sensitive information.
    When I bind using a real LDAP entry, with a blank password, dps allows the connection, and forward me to a DS. Behind the scenes, it really doing anonymous auth to the back-end DS, but the client doesn't know that. When I try and bind with a real ldap dn, and a blank password, against the DS directly, I get an error 48. My question is, why doesn't DPS issue the same error code?
    BTW, I was able to use ldapsearch to bind as cn=bogus against the DPS, but not against the DS.

  • Uppercase/lowercase problem in smartform

    I created smartform and print program for that.I am giving some input fields(text) thru program and printing in smartform.when I give text in lowercase/uppercase it converts and displays in uppercase.I want to print in smartform as they type in text field.What is the solution for this?

    Check in SE84 and use a domain/data element with LOWER CASE check.
    I think there is a PARAMETER addition also with LOWER CASE...just check help on PARAMETER statement or search forum for the same. Otherwise search and use some standard domain or create one for your usage with LOWER CASE check.

  • Uppercase / Lowercase

    This problem has been raised before, and Don asked me to issue a new question.
    please see the thread :-
    Re: Uppercase / Lowercase

    I have teied to make this problem as easy to understand or du8plicate as i can.
    I cannot get the query to work if the text file has a case (for the host name) different to the host name actually saved in the db.
    db links =
    Hostname_txt.Hostname --> SRMHOST.HOSTNAME
    input file hostname_txt.Hostname :-
    {if {Hostname_txt.Hostname} = {SRMHOST.HOSTNAME}
    lowercase({Hostname_txt.Hostname}) = {SRMHOST.HOSTNAME}
    lowercase({Hostname_txt.Hostname}) = lowercase({SRMHOST.HOSTNAME})
    then "FOUND IT"
    else "not found"
    this displays :-
    hostname srmhost.hostname
    FOUND IT appwd644
    If i change the input file to APPWD644 i get nothing.
    Database Server has Case Insensitive checked.
    hostname.txt file is a regular .txt file created with notepad.  Thanks John

  • Uppercase/Lowercase Text to be printed in SAPScript. Space Problem.

    Hi All,
    I have developed a Script for PO Display. I am writing the PO Lineitem text EKPO-IDNLF which will be maximum 40 chars in length. I have allocated some 20 characters place for the same and it is being printed in 2 lines.
    If the text is entered in small alphabets it is occupying less place and if the same is written in Capital letters it is occupying more place. i.e, the amount of place that is being occupied by this variable is dependent on the case in which it is entered.
    1. Is there any possibility to know if the text is entered in capital letters or small.  
    2. Is there any possibility to know how many characters are entered in capital letters and how many    in small letters.
    Thanks in advance for your esteemed replies.
    Raghavendra Goutham P.

    Hi again,
    1. I don't think this kind
       of JUSTIFIED (alignment)
       can be done field wise.
    2. There is no point in this kind of requirement.
    3. either it will show like this
    4. We cannot do it capital/lower case wise
       and its not worth it !!!
    amit m.

  • FontMetrics on uppercase string

    Hi, I have a problem when getting the width of a string in my app using the method computeStringWidth() passing in an instance of the FontMetrics class.
    Because my string is un uppercase it seems to give me an incorrect value back, looking through the forums it seems this is only the case for uppercase and the method works perfectly with lowercase Strings.
    Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

    Looks OK to me!
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Fred2 extends JFrame
        public Fred2()
            JPanel panel = new JPanel()
                public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
                    String test = "hello world";
                    String test1 = "HELLO WORLD";
                    FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics();
                    System.out.println(fm.stringWidth(test) + " " + SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, test));
                    System.out.println(fm.stringWidth(test1) + " " + SwingUtilities.computeStringWidth(fm, test1));
                    int w = fm.stringWidth(test);
                    g.drawString(test, 0, 20);
                    w = fm.stringWidth(test1);
                    g.drawString(test1, 0, 40);
            panel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400,200));
        public static void main(String[] args)
            new Fred2().setVisible(true);

  • How to search for upper/lower case using string using JAVA!!!?

    -I am trying to write a program that will examine each letter in the string and count how many time the upper-case letter 'E' appears, and how many times the lower-case letter 'e' appears.
    -I also have to use a JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() to tell the user how many upper and lower case e's were in the string.
    -This will be repeated until the user types the word "Stop". 
    please help if you can
    what i have so far:
    public class Project0 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
      String[] uppercase = {'E'};
      String[] lowercase = {'e'};
      String isOrIsNot, inputWord;
      while (true) {
       // This line asks the user for input by popping out a single window
       // with text input
       inputWord = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Please enter a sentence");
       if ( inputWord.equals("stop") )
       // if the inputWord is contained within uppercase or
       // lowercase return true
       if (wordIsThere(inputWord, lowercase))
        isOrIsNot = "Number of lower case e's: ";
       if (wordIsThere(inputword, uppercase))
         isOrIsNot = "number of upper case e's: ";
       // Output to a JOptionPane window whether the word is on the list or not
       JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The word " + inputWord + " " + isOrIsNot + " on the list.");
    } //main
    public static boolean wordIsThere(String findMe, String[] theList) {
      for (int i=0; i<theList.length; ++i) {
       if (findMe.equals(theList[i])) return true;
      return false;
    } // wordIsThere
    } // class Lab4Program1

    So what is your question? Do you get any errors? If so, post them. What doesn't work?
    And crossposted: how to search for upper/lower case using string using JAVA!!!?

  • Agentry First letter uppercase rule

    is there a (not too complex) way to convert an uppercase string to a string where only the first characters of the words are upper case?
    The field contains multiple words and every word should begin with a capital.
    There are only string rules for all uppercase or all lowercase strings..

    Hi Dieter,
    This can be done using the JAVASCRIPT function. You can write javascript code to do the work and call that code from within an Agentry rule.
    For example, the following rule (paste into your editor) is using the Javascript code on the City property  to make the first characters of the words uppercase and the rest lowercase.
    (@JAVASCRIPT ((*argv[0].toLowerCase$28$$29$.replace$28$ /$28$^|\s$29$$28$[a-z]$29$/g , function$28$m,p1,p2$29${ return p1+p2.toUpperCase$28$$29$; } $29$;)) :>12"City")

  • Wanted: Popup which allows the user to enter one string

    as the topic states, I am searching for a (modal) popup which lets the user enter one string in a text field and returns this string.
    I am currently using the function module 'POPUP_TO_GET_ONE_VALUE' for this purpose which works quite good - BUT it has one major drawback: the string that is returned is entirely in capital letters. This is not acceptable as I want to build a case-sensitive search based on the input...
    Any suggestions are greatly appreciated !
    Best regards,

    I'm just finished with your first reply - checked out 'POPUP_TO_SEARCH_VALUE' - and you already gave a second option - marvellous !
    Will try the other one out right now.
    You are right, the parameters that reference to the DDIC made me wonder and decide against this FM when I searched through all the available popups some time ago.
    To your first reply:
    the popup is quite good. It does indeed deliver a 'case preserved' string. What I don't like is the checkbox and the fact, that the confimation button is labeled 'search' rather than just the 'ICON_OK'. I should mention at this point that I reuse the popup in other scenarios where the string is not used for a search but to name certain objects. Again an all uppercase string (or all lowercase string as well) is unwanted.
    Now on to the second popup...

  • Is it possible to have two fonts apply to one string? or use symbols amongst normal font?

    Is it possible to apply two different fonts to one string, or use symbols amongst normal font? My purpose is to display an Omega symbol after some number.
    ".99982 Ω" or "-180 φ"
    I am using version 6.0,
    Thanks in advance!
    Go to Solution.

    It's not possible to use differnt fonts in the same text control (string, text message, text box, listbox...) or in the label for any control.
    An alternative solution can be to use a font that natively includes the letters / symbols you need. Within CVI 6 native fonts you can use NISystemMetaFont which includes uppercase omega letter together with other commonly used greek letters (and uppercase / lowercase alphabet and numbers, of course  ).
    In charmap the font is seen as NISYSTEM: with that program you can see all characters included in the font file and select / copy each of them to paste in CVI controls if you need it.
    Proud to use LW/CVI from 3.1 on.
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