Urgent..!!! Image Icon in Title of JDialog

Can sombody tell me how to set Image Icon on the title of the JDialog window?.
Thanx in advance

In order to change the icon image in a JDialog, you have to set it in the Frame owner. For example:
JFrame frame = <whatever>;
Image image = <whatever>;
JDialog dialog = new JDialog(frame); // if this dialog displays an icon, it will be the same as that of the JFrameShaun

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    Thank for your help in advance

    I have done as:
    Image image;
    n("fault image");
    but when I run my application, I can't see the database_yellow.png in the
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    kind regards,

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    hi sumit,,
    actually the funtionality is i need to pass one value to lov query in controller.The query results are being displayed on the lov page after i set that value in where clause. Since i need to set that value in where cluase before the query execution(lov page display) thats why i need to set fireaction on image onclick of icon.
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    lov 1 val1
    lov 2 val2
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    Message was edited by:

  • Image Icon not showing in "get info" for OS 10.9.4

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    I do on occasion get jpgs and pngs that won't render a thumbnail or preview in MacOS.  I have 10.9.5
    I don't have this problem, although I just have CC and CC 2014 on my Macbook.
    I would open those up in Preview.app and try a Save As... and I would get the thumbnail and thumbnail preview back.
    Not really the best idea,but you can see if it helps.
    These  are my file saving options, perhaps there is something there you can try.

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    Please guide me.
    Mehaboob Jaan

    Ok here is my instanceconfig.xml file and i dont see anything called style.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <JavaHome>C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16</JavaHome>
    <CredentialStorage type="file" path="C:\OracleBIData\web\config\credentialstore.xml" passphrase="secret"/>
    <!-- other settings ... -->
    <!-- To configure a limited set of languages to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLanguages> tag below and choose a subset set of language tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. -->
    <!-- <AllowedLanguages>cs,da,de,en,es,fi,it,ja,ko,nl,no,pt,pt-br,sv,zh,zh-tw</AllowedLanguages> -->
    <!-- To configure a limited set of locales to be available to users uncomment the <AllowedLocales> tag below and choose a subset set of locale tags from the list. Values must be comma separated. -->
    <!-- <AllowedLocales>cs-cz,da-dk,de-at,de-ch,de-de,de-li,de-lu,en-au,en-ca,en-cb,en-gb,en-hk,en-ie,en-jm,en-nz,en-ph,en-us,en-za,en-zw,es-ar,es-bo,es-cl,es-co,es-cr,es-do,es-ec,es-es,es-gt,es-hn,es-mx,es-ni,es-pa,es-pe,es-pr,es-py,es-sv,es-uy,es-ve,fi-fi,fr-be,fr-ca,fr-ch,fr-fr,fr-lu,fr-mc,it-ch,it-it,ja-jp,ko-kr,nl-be,nl-nl,no-no,pt-br,pt-pt,sv-fi,sv-se,zh-cn,zh-mo,zh-sg,zh-tw</AllowedLocales> -->
    <!-- <Disconnected><ArchiveIbots>true</ArchiveIbots><DisconnectedDir>disconnected</DisconnectedDir></Disconnected> -->
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    I'm doing a project on Drag and Drop and resizing of image icons.
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    if u want i can provide the source code.
    thanks in advance

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    Any help would be greatly appreciated, some code or link to tuturial, ect.
    /** DiceRoller.java
    * Roll, print, Gui
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class DiceRoller extends JFrame
         private ImageIcon[] image  ;
         public String[] images = { "empty", "dice1.jpg",
                   "dice2.jpg", "dice3.jpg", "dice4.jpg",
                   "dice5.jpg", "dice6.jpg" };
         public Dice die;
         private int rollVal;
         public int rollNum;
         private JLabel j1;
         public DiceRoller(){
              j1= new JLabel("");
           die =new Dice();
           int rollVal;
           rollVal = die.roll();     
           image = new  ImageIcon[images.length];
         for(int i = 0; i < images.length; i++){
          image[i] = new ImageIcon(images);
         if (image!=null){
         System.out.println("Roll = "+die.roll());

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class IconExample {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
                public void run() {
        static void launch() {
            try {
                Icon[] icons = new Icon[6];
                for(int i=0; i<icons.length; ++i) {
                    String url = "http://www.eureka-puzzle.be/cast/images/dice" + (i + 1) + ".jpg";
                    icons[i] = new ImageIcon(new URL(url));
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new RuntimeException(e);
        static void display(Icon[] icons) {
            JPanel cp = new JPanel();
            for(Icon icon : icons) {
                cp.add(new JLabel(icon));
            JFrame f = new JFrame();

  • Macbook Pro Retina 15" flashing image/icon of world on screen at startup

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    Search on globe at startup.
    When I did up came some answers from way back in 2006.
    It said to go to preferences startup & select the start up.  I tried that & then restarted & while it seemed to take awhile then the rest has been faster.
    It was saying something about losing where to find the start up so it was hunting until it found it.  Something like that.
    I'm on a 2012 13" MacBookPro running Mavericks.
    Before this I had noticed it flashing back & forth between a gray screen & Mavericks screen on boot up (I was back & forth while booting & came back to see that. knew it wasn't good so shut down. Waited a few & then started up. It worked.)
    It was funny since I had been wanting to go to Apple store & had talked about going w sister in law. That morning they said they were going in because hers wasn't working at all. So then I booted up & had that happen.
    So I called & made a Genius bar appt. They checked & didn't find anything, but I had been getting the globe on bootup which kind of concerned me. Also its been rather slow booting & shutting down.

  • Not showing image in basic copy gif image icon and place on html page

    Trying to do a basic copy gif image icon and place it on a basic html page.
    The image shows up in my local page and shows on remote side but when I go to view in browser it does not show as a image. It shows the border but no image.
    The directions were (working with windows xp and IE8)
    Download the image to your C:\temp folder.
    4. Copy the gif file from your C:\temp folder and paste it in the same folder where your .html or .asp file is.
    I copied the image with right click save as in many different areas of computer. I even put on desktop.
    I add image and it shows on the site I am working in but when putting to remote side it does not view as an image on the browser.
    I have cleared cashe as well as pressed cntrl/refresh and still nothing.
    Other images work and show.

    Basic assumptions:
    You have Defined a site.
    All files reside within the defined site (including image files)
    All files use the appropriate file extensions, for example, image.gif
    You have saved and uploaded all site files to your server.
    You are EXACTLY naming the source image (no errant capital letters) in the link.
    If your other images are linking properly and showing, delete this image and insert it again (or re-link it to the image file within your site structure).

  • Preview Image icon in Finder

    Hi everyone!
    I couldnt exactly find a help topic for this...
    I just want to know why the image icon in the finder windows doesnt change when you alter the image in preview? Say I cropped an image in preview or rotated it, the preview icon of the image in finder is the original but when you click to open it, its the altered image.
    Should I have clicked on something in the preferences? Or is it really like that.
    Because in my desktop, the image does change when it got restarted but not in the finder window.
    Any reply would be appreciated....thanks!

    I have the same problem. I edit my pictures with HP Photosmart Studio. I might crop it, rotate or change it to black and white but the icon will stay the same. When I open it in Preview it is fine. I also have Windows XP installed through parallels, the strange thing is when I go to XP windows explorer it shows the correct Icon and correct image for the picture.
    It really buggin me please help.
    Also when I try to upload a picture I can not switch it to thumbnail like in Windows to see the picture I am attaching. Any ideas???

  • How do I make image icons in finder window previews of the image?

    The image icons in my finder window are just generic jpeg icons (they are set to open automatically in Preview). How do I make them previews of the images themselves? When I "get info" on the icon, there is a very nice preview of the image - I would like to see the same quality preview in the icons themselves.
    Thank you very much for your help.
    Powerbook   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    Hi Sam,
    From your Finder "View" menu (without a Finder window open) >> "Show view options" >> do you have "show icon preview" check marked? And with the Finder window open "show icons" and "show preview icons" checkmarked?
    EDIT: I may have misunderstood your question. If you're talking about the small file icons, not in the preview frame if you have PhotoShop it should do it with a save as PS file. Otherwise you may be able to paste the image but I'm not sure.
    [email protected]
    Message was edited by: macjack

  • Which Listener I should use if I drag and Drop an image/icon into a JPanel?

    Dar Friends:
    Happy new year.
    I try to drag and Drop an image/icon into a JPanel, and hope I can immediately detect it after DND,
    Which Listener I should use in this JPanel if I drag and Drop an image/icon into a JPanel??

    Thank camickr .
    I can dnd an image into a JPanel called JPanelOld already, I hope to use another JPanel or JTree to listen to any Dropped Image in JPanelOld later on so I can take some action in another JPanel or JTree.
    so what kind of Listener I should use for my purpose??
    where to add this Listeners??
    Happy New Year.

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