URGENT: Lost document

I have a problem opening an index.xml.gz file. That is a file found inside a Pages document.
I am indeed trying to recover the text from that document since no application want to open it.
The only apps I am able to open it with is Textwrangler, unfortunatly I can see only funny caracters.
Please help that document is due wednesday.
I have tried to open it with both unzip and gunzip command under the terminal without success...
I really dont understand and I am sure there must be a way to recover the text from that corrupted file...
Sincerely, I would really appreciate help and the sooner would be the better...
Cheers I will hope for the best

Last news,
Ok after what I discovered, I am not sure I will be able to recover anything from that file.
After creating my test file, I realised that I could read the actual XML code using textwrangler were as the other broken file I cannot understand the caracters I see.
Here is a part of the code I see in my broken file:
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    Hi Claire.Adams!
    I have an article for you that can help you restore this device from your iCloud backup:
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    If he needs to reset his password or security questions, I have two articles that can help you with that:
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    Apple ID: If you forget your password
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Have a good one!

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    If you had two documents and you replaced one document with the other than your chances of recovering the original document are very slim at best. There is no Apple program that could retrieve it. It is possible, but unlikely that a program like Data Rescue from Prosoft Engineering might be able to recover it but I doubt it. There are professional companies like Drive Savers that probably could recover it but they are very very expensive. Your chances of recover are best if you use your computer as little as possible.
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    Was that a local document, or a document that you opened directly from a website or email attachment?
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    Hello, Kristen,
    1. To check for hard drive or hardware problems:
    • Startup from the Apple Hardware Test disc which shipped with your machine and run the tests to see what results are returned.
    • Launch Disk Utility -- it is in Applications --> Utilities folder. Click on the very top hard drive icon in the column on the left. It may have numbers and letters in its name. Then at the bottom of the window see if S.M.A.R.T. Status is Verified. If so, this tells you that the hard drive mechanism is functioning normally at this time.
    2. To check for operating system problems:
    • After checking the S.M.A.R.T. Status, click on the indented icon under the top one. It will have a name -- maybe Macintosh HD. Click the button to Repair Disk Permissions.
    • Go to this link --> Using Disk Utility and fsck to resolve startup issues or perform disk maintenance -- and scroll down to the section titled Try Disk Utility and follow the steps listed there in order to Repair the disk.
    • DiskWarrior is a commercial repair utility sold by Alsoft. It is not already installed.
    No Alibi.
     PowerBook G3 Pismo.  PowerBook G4 Titanium.   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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