Urgent Regarding Oracle Spatial

We are running arc SDe on Oracle 8.0.5. Is it advisable to modify the values in sdoindex and sdogeom table values thru triggers itself. If so, what is that SDO_CODE. How to calculate value for that column. Please advise.
Thanks in advance

Thanks For entertaining , can you please elobrate your explanation.Actually i am very new to the spatial Oracle.
Actually i know that there is a standard known as WGS84 but which are the valid values...e.g....
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dan abugov:
Hello Raju,
If you want to use the units parameter, you must be in wgs84 (long/lat).
The valid bounds for the coordinate system in long/lat are -180 to 180, and -90 to 90.
Hope this helps,

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    This is vamsi krishna. I am new to oracle applications. I am looking for material which contains different examples for:
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    2) Forms and forms customization(all types of examples)
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    Refer to Oracle Application Developer Guide.
    Applications Releases 11i and 12
    In addition, the following links should be helpful.
    Oracle Apps Tutorials
    Oracle Integration Repository

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    There are many references, both within Oracle and on the Internet.
    Oracle® HTTP Server Administrator's Guide
    Oracle® Forms Services 10g Advanced Configurations
    How to use FORMS with FIREWALL and PROXIES
    Metalink Note 291606.1
    Apache Module mod_proxy

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    GID x1 y1 x2 y2
    1 1 2 3 4
    1 3 4 5 6
    1 5 6 7 8
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    how i can get the training .
    with regards
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    There are some books in the docu library: http://otn.oracle.com/pls/db10g/db10g.homepage
    Oracle University has courses on Oracle (surprise, surprise)

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      FROM a a1,
           a a2
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    SELECT *
      FROM a,
    Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    For database access from Java, you will use JDBC.
    For the specifics of the oracle spatial database, you'll have to check the documentation/forum of Oracle.
    * [How To Ask Questions The Smart Way|http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html]
    * [JDBC Tutorial|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/index.html]

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    i have less time to finish my project
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    thank u
    ([email protected])

    For database access from Java, you will use JDBC.
    For the specifics of the oracle spatial database, you'll have to check the documentation/forum of Oracle.
    * [How To Ask Questions The Smart Way|http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html]
    * [JDBC Tutorial|http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/jdbc/index.html]

  • Loading shapefiles into Oracle Spatial

    Fellow Oracle Spatiallers!
    Currently we edit Oracle Spatial data by checking data out into a shapefile,
    making our changes off-line, and reloading the shapefile back into Oracle.
    Instead of using the Oracle Spatial supplied tool, we decided to purchase
    a utility called the "Spatial Loader" from a company called Geometry Pty Ltd
    (http://www.geometryit.com). There are a number of reasons why we decided to
    go that way which might become evident from the command line parameters of
    this utility:
    Usage: Shp2Spt [Arguments] [Options]
    Usage: Java com.geometryit.spatialloader.oracle.AdvancedJavaSpatialTranslator [Arguments] [Options]
    [Arguments] must specify these values:
    -o create
    type of operation to perform
    create creates a new table, must not exist already
    recreate creates a new table, may exist already
    init drops existing table, creates a new one
    append appends data onto existing table
    -f <shape_file>
    the shape file or project to translate
    -l <table,column>
    target table and column for the geometry data
    -D <database>
    target database name
    -u <username>
    username for RDBMS
    -p <password>
    password for RDBMS
    [Options] values are not necessarily required:
    -s <server_name>
    name of server with database
    -port <port_number>
    the port to connect to on the server
    -ufi <column_name>
    specify the name of the UFI field (unique ID)
    -seq <sequence_name>
    specify the sequence to use for the spatial data unique IDs
    -a none
    attributes mode
    none no attributes will be transferred
    all all attribtues will be transfered as found
    file= file containing lines of the form:
    <shape_attribute> selects the column to be output
    <rdbms_column> name of the column in RDBMS
    -srid <id>
    specify the Spatial Reference ID for the spatial data
    (this must be set to use Spatial Reference Transformations)
    -i [<level>] or -i rtree
    create an index for the generated table
    the <level> parameter is an optional integer
    representing the depth of the quadtree created
    if rtree is specified, the index created will be
    an rtree
    -c <commit_interval>
    number of rows to commit after
    -t <tolerance>
    tolerance value for metadata
    -r none
    used to determine number of decimal places to round vertices to
    if you use the tolerance-parameter option, specify the -t parameter before -r
    ignore geometry collections
    split geometry collections
    -sgd f
    split geometry direction [forward | reverse]
    -update-metadata <true/false>
    update the Oracle Spatial Metadata table after loading data
    -validate <true/false>
    perform Oracle Spatial validation after loading data
    verbose mode on
    -h or -?
    display this help message
    The main things I like about this tool are:
    1. One step (no conversion to sqlloader form followed by a call to the sqlloader).
    2. The ability to round the coordinates of the shapes in the shapefile by applying
    the XY tolerance values held in the SDO_GEOM_METADATA table.
    This is quite important because our editing package - due to double/single precision
    issues - can actually move coordinates but those movements are sub the precision of
    the actual data. By rounding to the nominate precision we can detect situations where
    no actual change to the shape (and its attributes) was made and thus not create superfluous
    revisions within the database.
    3. It will correctly re-wind the coordinates of the outer/inner shells of polygons. This is
    important as ESRI shapefiles are agnostic on the winding order: an outer shell coordinates
    can be listed in either clockwise or anti-clockwise order.
    4. You can specify the primary key (UFI) column (numeric) and an Oracle Sequence number such
    that each new shape loaded can have its UFI assigned from that sequence.
    Because of this flexibility, and the excellent support (it is a purchasable product) from the
    developers, I can heartily recommend this loader to fellow Spatiallers. It is worth every
    penny I spent on it. Try the free version on their website and if, like me, you like it,
    purchase it!

    Hi Shuan,
    As part of the zip file created for the next training course to be posted for Oracle Spatial on OTN (within the next few weeks) there is a free (unsupported, undocumented) version of a shape to sdo converter. This should work, but it is unsupported. It will create a layer that then needs to be migrated into 8.1.6 format.
    If you need it quite soon send email to [email protected] and I can get it to you.
    Hope this helps,

  • Oracle Spatial and Oracle Forms

    Does anyone have experience with Oracle Spatial and Oracle Forms?
    I have generated a form, which is based on a view. The view uses the mdsys.sdo_relate operator. Somehow I am unable to get the form to perform (to get one record it takes over 20 minutes). While useing sql-navigator to process the same statement it seems no problem. The query that also uses the view, is then processed in 10 seconds.
    I also noticed that when text-functions like ' lower' of ' upper' are used to query the view, the query is processed within 15 seconds. If I don't use ' lower' or ' upper' it takes a long time (> 20 minutes) to process the query. Is it possible that this causes the bad performance of the form?
    On metalink I have found that forms and spatial do not cooperate because of the pl/sql version that
    forms6 uses. There is no solution presented, does anyone know of a work around?
    My configuration is:
    Oracle 8.1.7 on WIN2K @ PIII-800Mhz 256 Mb memory.
    Formsbuilder 6
    If requested I can post the queries that I have made.
    With regards,
    Gerjan Walrecht
    [email protected]

    Hello Priya,
    Look into the following.
    1. Book - Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g by r. Kothuri, A. Godfrind, E. Beinat. This book provides a nice introduction on Oracle Spatial concepts and have examples.
    2. Look at the Oracle Spatial & Graph User Guide
    2. Book - Applying and Extending Oracle Spatial by S. Greener and S. Ravada. This book provides hands on information for advanced oracle spatial application developers. Practical guide on hands-on examples, Data models and  develop cross-vendor database solutions.
    3. This oracle spatial forum, once you understand these concepts.
    In the future consider Certification on Oracle Spatial 11g Certified Implementation Specialist.

  • Help define the requirements for an Oracle Spatial management tool

    We are developing a tool that, we hope, will be indispensable for all Oracle Spatial and Locator dbas/users. We've released version 1.0, but we need your help to define the requirements for the next version.
    What features would you like to have in a management tool for your spatial databases?
    The features we've got so far:
    1. Viewing of vector data in a map + attributes
    2. Loading from shapefiles
    3. Exporting to shapefiles
    4. Validating metadata, indexes and spatial data.
    We are adding editing of vectors in the next version - basic stuff for add, update and delete.
    But there must be a lot more. What do you find difficult to do in Oracle Spatial/Locator? What would you like in a tool such as this?
    Any feedback either to myself or the forum is much appreciated.
    [email protected]
    PS If you like to have a look at what we have done so far, go to http://www.geometryit.com/products/spatialConsole.php

    Andrew knows what I have asked for but for others to think about and to start
    the ball rolling, here's what they are:
    1. Ability to enter own SQL commands but with PARAMETERS for attributes
    and shapes as in the following examples:
    SELECT ...
    FROM my_spatial_table a
    WHERE a.ATTRIBUTE = :attr
    AND MDSYS.SDO_RELATE(a.shape,:polygon,'mask=anyinteract') = 'TRUE'
    When executed the attribute value is asked for via a input box (data type?)
    and the user is asked to define the SDO_GEOMETRY for the :polgygon parameter via mouse clicks on the screen.
    Similarly, this would work for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE...
    INSERT INTO my_spatial_table (shape) values(:polygon)
    The data type of an attribute parameter could be determined in two ways:
    a) By querying the Oracle catalog;
    b) By using a "PARAMETERS" command before the query as follows
    PARAMETERS name type [(size)] [, name type [(size)] ...]
    The PARAMETERS declaration has these parts:
    name     The name of the parameter.
    type     The type of the parameter.
    size     The size of the parameter in characters or bytes.
    2. When executing an SQL SELECT statement I would like the tool
    to suggest the HINTS that are needed to improve performance.
    3. Following on from 2, I would like to Tick an option that would return the
    EXPLAIN PLAN that the query optimizer used when executing my query.
    4. The tool has to support ALL Oracle's spatial vector data types.
    5. It would be nice to be able to work with GeoRasters. Since Spatial Console
    imports/exports shapefiles why not the same for rasters. However, the problem
    with supporting foreign data formats is WHERE DO YOU STOP!!!!!
    6. You could allow for the styling of the Spatial Console to be stored in the MapViewer catalogs or use the MapViewer catalogs when styling an Sdo_Geometry if it exists (I note that your tool extracts the SDO_METADATA
    why not the MapViewer metadata as well)?

  • Oracle Spatial User Conference  - GITA Conference Seattle

    Oracle Spatial User Conference
    Please note that online registration for this event is now closed.
    Thursday, March 13, 2008
    Sheraton Seattle Hotel
    1400 6th Avenue
    Seattle, Washington USA
    GITA invites you to attend the Oracle Spatial Users Conference. If you are currently a user, solutions provider, or systems integrator who depends upon Oracle’s spatial technologies, or if you want to learn why thousands of organizations use Oracle’s spatial database and application server capabilities, this is one event you won’t want to miss.
    Learn about the latest Oracle geospatial technologies and the business and technical benefits they provide as users, solutions providers and Oracle executives share real world experience with the world's most widely used geospatial information technology platform.
    More details will be posted soon—sign up for e-mail updates today!
    Thursday, March 13, 2008—Seattle, Washington
    Preliminary Agenda
    Please check back for updates in the future. This agenda is subject to change.
    Feb. 12 Update: Complete user sessions schedule and abstracts posted
    Wednesday, March 12
    6:00 – 8:30 p.m.      Oracle Spatial User Conference Reception — Cirrus Ballroom, Sheraton Seattle Hotel
    Open to registered & paid user conference attendees only. Registration will be available at the door.
    Thursday, March 13
    8:00 – 8:30 a.m.
    Oracle Spatial Special Interest Group Meeting
    8:30 – 9:00 a.m.      Welcome – Oracle
    9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
    Maps in Business Solutions and Applications (Jayant Sharma)
    * Fusion Middleware and BI
    * OGC Web Services
    * Work and Asset Management
    * Mobile Workforce Management
    10:30 – 11:00 a.m.
    11:00 a.m. – Noon
    Oracle Spatial 11g – Technical Overview (Siva Ravada)
    * What’s Better?
    * What’s New?
    * What Would You Like To See?
    12:00 – 1:30 p.m.
    Award Luncheon
    1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
    Track A
    Mapping & Business Intelligence Applications in Insurance and Retail
    Audatex Insight: Claims Analytics with Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Oracle MapViewer
    Yasser Kanoun, Principal Consultant, KPI Partners
    Sally Suico, Audatex
    Audatex Insight is a claim analytics application that presents automobile claims data in graphical and geographical views for management decision support.
    This presentation describes how the integration of Oracle MapViewer with OBIEE dashboards allowed Audatex to display claim analytics geographically. For instance, a user can view the average cost of car repair variance, for a specific insurance company compared to whole industry, on US map at desired geographical levels.
    CatPortal's LocWizard: An Innovative Approach to Mapping Insurance Risk Intelligence and Enabling Faster Decision Making
    Guru Rao, President, Catastrophe Systems,
    Aon Re Services, Inc.
    Deepak Badoni, Vice President, Catastrophe Systems, Aon Re Services, Inc.
    Instant access to policy and location level insurance data is one of the keys to faster decision making during and after a catastrophe event. Using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition and Oracle MapViewer, Aon Re Global has developed an industry leading business intelligence and mapping tool that allows users to seamlessly navigate between reports and maps.
    The design was driven entirely by their clients’ need to answer key questions about their exposures and losses to catastrophes. The system uses a blend of custom programming and out-of-the-box functionality to create an interface that allows users to create powerful visualizations and reports with a few mouse-clicks – which previously took days, even weeks of manual effort.
    Unobtrusive Spatial Enablement of the Oracle Business Intelligence Suite at RL Polk
    Steven Pierce, Principal, Johnston McLamb
    Robert Murray, Technical Product Manager, RL Polk
    This presentation will describe RL Polk’s approach to integrating Oracle MapViewer into Oracle Business Intelligence Suite using Oracle MapViewer's Non-Spatial Data Provider. The NSDP brought an elegant and efficient approach to integrating spatial and non-spatial data in real time.
    Track B
    Oracle Spatial in Public Sector
    Maximizing the Value of Cuyahoga County-Wide GIS Using Oracle Spatial and Oracle Fusion Middleware
    J. Kevin Kelley, Geospatial Information Officer, Cuyahoga County
    G. Patrick Zhu, Software Systems Developer,Michael Baker Corporation
    Discover how to leverage Oracle Spatial and Fusion Middleware technologies to solve current complex county-wide Geospatial needs. Cuyahoga is implementing a cutting-edge architecture to support Grid computing, service-oriented architecture (SOA) and event-driven architecture (EDA) that delivers unprecedented flexibility, performance and scalability.
    Web Mapping with Microsoft Virtual Earth and Oracle 10g in U.S. EPA's Grant Tracking Systems
    Trevor Quinn, Principal Developer, Systalex Corporation
    This presentation details how a U.S. EPA enterprise web application was "geo-enabled" using Microsoft Virtual Earth and Oracle Application Express, and how the back-end Oracle 10g database was transformed into a spatial data engine for Virtual Earth. The presentation demonstrates how to make Oracle MapViewer maps available to commercial mapping APIs as cached tiles, and describes how to serve feature data directly from the database to Virtual Earth using AJAX and PL/SQL.
    Automatic Vehicles Monitoring System at Cotral
    Giovanni Corcione, Sales Consultant, Oracle Italy
    Paolo Castagno, Principal Consultant, Oracle Italy
    Diego Ponzi, Production Monitoring- Innovation Manager, Cotral SPA
    The Automatic Vehicles Monitoring (AVM) system at Cotral SPA monitors a fleet of 1600 buses that take about 4600 trips per day on a "near real time" basis. Through GPRS/HTTP, buses send information such as position, events, alarms, timing, schedule to a central system for storage and analysis in the Spatial Data Infrastructure, based on Oracle Spatial, for bus monitoring, mapping, reporting and trip planning. With Oracle’s linear referencing, buses can be located and displayed in real time. The Oracle MapViewer browser front-end renders interactive maps with dynamic bus positions according to routes and bus stop positions. A demo will be shown.
    3:00 – 3:30 p.m.
    Break / Vendor Booths
    3:30 – 5:15 p.m.
    Track A
    Utilities Case Studies
    A Case Study: Re-engineering Cable Industry Business Processes with Spatial Database Technologies
    Dennis Beck, President, Spatial Business Systems
    This presentation highlights how a suite of customer-service related business applications are being deployed to change cable industry. An overview of the key design criteria will be presented along with highlights of the technical challenges that were faced in building a large-scale set of applications. Details of the applications will be highlighted as well as an overview of the technical implementation considerations and challenges. The presentation will conclude with a demonstration.
    Web based geospatial business applications - embedding the CAD/GIS client
    Philip O'Doherty, CEO, eSpatial Inc.
    Jon Polay, VP Sales, eSpatial Inc.
    This talk looks at the emerging drive towards development of geospatial GIS/CAD features within web enabled business applications. It has always been a goal to embed CAD like capabilities within business applications, but it is only recently that the required database and software infrastructure has made this possible. Leading Wireless Telecommunications Company, Verizon, will present its VEGA Application. This demo includes CAD data editing and manipulation features, seamlessly provided as an end to end process, all accessible within a pure web browser.
    Foundations of the New Enterprise: Managing Critical Business Data using Oracle Spatial
    Justin Lokitz, Director of Sales Engineering Organization Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging
    Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC) is among the top ten Water and Waste Water utilities in the United States. Early on, to support its business needs with regards to geospatial data, WSSC had built a system using software from many traditional GIS vendors that lacked integration and support for many vital business processes. In 2006 WSSC moved all enterprise data to Oracle Spatial (vector and raster data) and implemented the Leica Geosystems' ADE suite.
    Modeling Utility Networks with Oracle Spatial Network Data Model
    Peter Manskopf, Senior Consultant, GE Energy
    The capabilities in Oracle Spatial allowed GE to build its next generation GIS client using Oracle Spatial as the data repository. The Oracle Spatial network data model provides the primitive spatial data structures required to model and meet the complex needs of utility customers. This presentation will give a technical overview how an electrical utility network can be modeled using the Oracle network topology model. The presentation will cover: How Oracle Spatial data structures can be used to model a connected utility network. How the SDO_NET API is used to perform different types of network tracing crucial to utilities. A demo will show the GE client performing network operations on Oracle Spatial.
         Track B
    Oracle Spatial in Public Sector & Map Production
    Using Oracle Spatial and MapViewer for Evaluation of Urban Area Development in Brazil
    Andre Luis Carvalho da Motta e Silva, Stategical Projects Director, CODEPLAN
    Gustavo Neves de Andrade Lemes, Consultant, Sete Serviços
    Fernando Targa, Development Director, GEMPI
    To meet information demand concerning income and job generation programs implemented by Brazil’s Federal District Economic Development Office (SDE), the Federal District Planning Company developed the Urban Areas Management System (SIGAU). Local areas are evaluated through performance indexes that take into account urban features, land plot, block and district, and analysis/simulation of a large volume of data from many governmental offices and systems. Thematic maps enable follow up and decision making on current programs. Oracle Spatial, GeoRaster and MapViewer provide a safe, high performance implementation platform. A demo will be shown.
    Creation, Publication & Update of Maps out of Databases
    Sebastien Lanoe, Product Marketing Manager, Lorienne SA
    The production of maps out of GIS databases is often a challenging process. Lorienne innovates with a new map production environment for map creation, map publication and map updates from Oracle Spatial, with a focus on high quality, production cost, data integrity and diversification of map products across media. The case study with Tele Atlas data stored in Oracle Spatial will address the benefits, the level of quality, the efficiency of the production process and its dedicated user-friendly environment.
    Reengineering Desktop Thick Workgroups into Web
    Rich Enterprise Clients
    Bryan Hall, Spatial Architect, L-3 Communications
    Jeff Walawender, Senior Software Engineer, L-3 Communications
    Cost cutting requires reengineering spatial solutions to directly address business requirements. But enterprise computing for spatial data has, with even "Web 2.0", required the user to lose the responsiveness and feedback that traditional desktop thick client GIS software has provided. We took a different approach in the re-engineering effort and concentrated on making it work as much like a traditional desktop thick client - while simplifying use, making editing more reliable, and actually speeding up rendering. All this, while only supporting one versioned Oracle Spatial database, and application tier for all users.
    Complete eGovernment solution at City of Bolzano
    Stefan Putzer, CreaForm
    Giulio Lavoriero, Director of Engineering, CreaForm
    The City of Bolzano, Italy has a unique, complete editing and publishing environment for geographical data. The Oracle Spatial-based enterprise editing environment supports import and export into geospatial tools from Bentley and ESRI, and network modeling from Oracle Spatial. Data is shared with GeoJAX, an easy-to-use geographical web browser that uses the Oracle MapViewer framework in combination with J2EE and AJAX for browsing Oracle Spatial data. This provides a flexible viewer supports spatial queries, and can be fully customized (style and functionality). Users can easily import any kind of geographical data from an ESRI file, edit it with a CAD precision functionality and make those data visible to anyone via the web in a very short time.
    5:00 – 5:30 p.m.
    Closing Reception
    Questions about the Oracle Spatial Users Conference? Contact us!
    Phone: 303-337-0513 Fax: 303-337-1001 E-mail: [email protected]

    Some updates regarding the Oracle Spatial User Conference 2008.
    1 - Presentations are now available at
    All submitted presentations have been posted except for the 3:30 track B slides. Those will be available in a day or two.
    2 - Survey for Conference Attendees: If you attended the conference, please take a few minutes to complete the brief survey: http://www.zoomerang.com/Survey/survey-intro.zgi?p=WEB227LQXQUMMD.
    Take the survey by April 2 to be entered in a random drawing to receive a copy of the Pro Oracle Spatial for Oracle Database 11g book. We'll also give away 10 GITA shoulder bags.
    Thanks to the speakers, sponsors, and participants for a great conference!

  • Oracle Spatial 10g R2 Java API

    Hi All,
    I have a JAVA tool said to be written for Oracle Spatial 10g R2 Java API which uses for example the class oracle.spatial.georaster.JGeoRaster. I have to port it to 11g R2. The tool is definitely written for an earlier version, because compilation fails on for example JGeoRaster.getProperties() method which is not present in the new API. For this new API I have a fine Javadoc documentation here:
    I have searched for a similar one for 10g R2 but found only like
    which misses the oracle.spatial.georaster package. Is there such a package and if so, where can I find docs for it?
    thank you in advance, best regards: Balázs Bámer

    Hi Balázs,
    the GeoRaster Java API was first released with 11gR2. Your first link points to that, or this link:
    your second link points to 10g Oracle Spatial Java API, which doesn't include any GeoRaster related API. your tool might have been developed based on the old INTERNAL georaster jar file, which is not supposed to be used by your java program. But if you do want the api doc, you can run javadoc or jdeveloper to find out the api from the old sdogr.jar file.

  • Oracle Spatial Performance with 10-20.000 users

    Does anyone have any experience when Oracle Spatial is used with say 20.000 concurrent users. I am not interested in MapViewer response time, but lets say there is:
    - an app using 800 different tables each having an sdo_geometry column
    - the app is configured with different tables visible on different view scales
    - let's say an average of 40-50 tables is visible at any given time
    - some tables will have only a few records, while other can hold millions.
    - there is no client side caching
    - clients can zoom in/out pan.
    Anwers I am interested in:
    - What sort of server would be required
    - How can Oracle serve all that data (each Refresh renders the map and retrieves the data over the wire as there is no client side caching).
    - What sort of network infrastructure would be required.
    - Can clients connect to different servers and hence use load balancing or does Oracle have an automatic mechanism for that?
    Thanks in advance,

    Patrick, et al.
    There are lots of things one can do to improve performance in mapping environments because of a lot of the visualisation is based on "background" or read-only data. Here are some "tips":
    1. Spatially sort read-only data.
    This tip makes sure that data that is close to each other in space are next to each other on disk! Dan gave a good suggestion when he referenced Chapter 14, "Reorganize the Table Data to Minimize I/O" pp 580- 582, Pro Oracle Spatial. But just as easily one can create a table as select ... where sdo_filter() where the filtering object is an optimized rectangle across the whole of the dataset. (This is quite quick on 10g and above but much slower on earlier releases.)
    When implementing this make sure that the created table is created such that its blocks are next to each other in the tablespace. (Consider tablespace defragmentation beforehand.) Also, if the data is READ ONLY set the PCTFREE to 0 in order to pack the data up into as small a number of blocks as possible.
    2. Generalise data
    Rendering spatial data can be expensive where the data is geometrically detailed (many vertices) esp where the data is being visualised at smaller scales than it was captured at. So, if your "zoom thresholds" allow 1:10,000 data to be used at 1:100,000 then you are going to have problems. Consider pre-generalising the data (see sdo_util.simplify) before deployment. You can add multiple columns to your base table to hold this data. Be careful with polygon data because generalising polygons that share boundaries will create gaps etc as the data is more generalised. Often it is better to export the data to a GIS which can maintain the boundary relationships when generalising (say via topological relationships).
    Oracle's MapViewer has excellent on-the-fly generalisation but here one needs to be careful. Application tier caching (cf Bryan's comments) can help here a lot.
    3. Don't draw data that is sub-pixel.
    As one zooms out objects become smaller and smaller until they reach a point where the whole object can be drawn within a single pixel. If you have control over your map visualisation application you might want to consider setting the SDO_FILTER parameter "min_resolution" flag dynamically so that its value is the same as the number of meters / pixel (eg min_resolution=10). If this is set Oracle Spatial will only include spatial objects in the returned search set if one side of a geometry's MBR is greater than or equal to this value. Thus any geometries smaller than a pixel will not be returned. Very useful for large scale data being drawn at small scales and for which no selection (eg identify) is required. With Oracle MapViewer this behaviour can be set via the generalized_pixels parameter.
    3. SDO_TOLERANCE, Clean Data
    If you are querying data other than via MBR (eg find all land parcels that touch each other) then make sure that your sdo_tolerance values are appropriate. I have seen sites where data captured to 1cm had an sdo_tolerance value set to a millionth of a meter!
    A corollary to this is make sure that all your data passes validation at the chosen sdo_tolerance value before deploying to visualisation. Run sdo_geom.validate_geometry()/validate_layer()...
    4. Rtree Spatial Indexing
    At 10g and above lots of great work went in to the RTree indexing. So, make sure you are using RTrees and not QuadTrees. Also, many GIS applications create sub-optimal RTrees by not using the additional parameters available at 10g and above.
    4.1 If your table/column sdo_geometry data contains only points, lines or polygons then let the RTree indexer know (via layer_gtype) as it can implement certain optimizations based on this knowledge.
    4.2 With 10g you can set the RTree's spatial index data block use via sdo_pct_free. Consider setting this parameter to 0 if the table/column sdo_geometry data is read only.
    4.3 If a table/column is in high demand (eg it is the most commonly used table in all visualisations) you can consider loading (a part of) the RTree index into memory. Now, with the RTree indexing, the sdo_non_leaf_tbl=true parameter will split the RTree index into its leaf (contains actual rowid reference) and non-leaf (the tree built on the leaves) components. Most RTrees are built without this so only the MDRT*** secondary tables are built. But if sdo_non_leaf_tbl is set to true you will see the creation of an additional MDNT*** secondary table (for the non_leaf part of the rtree index). Now, if appropriate, the non_leaf table can be loaded into memory via the following:
    This is NOT a general panacea for all performance problems. One should investigate other options before embarking on this (cf Tom Kyte's books such as Expert Oracle Database Architecture, 9i and 10g Programming Techniques and Solutions.)
    4.4 Don't forget to check your spatial index data quality regularly. Because many sites use GIS package GUI tools to create tables, load data and index them, there is a real tendency to not check what they have done or regularly monitor the objects. Check the SDO_RTREE_QUALITY column in USER_SDO_INDEX_METADATA and look for indexes with an SDO_RTREE_QUALITY setting that is > 2. If > 2 consider rebuilding or recreating the index.
    5. The rendering engine.
    Whatever rendering engine one uses make sure you try and understand fully what it can and cannot do. AutoDesk's MapGuide is an excellent product but I have seen it simply cache table/column data and never dynamically access it. Also, I have been at one site which was running Deegree and MapViewer and MapViewer was so fast in comparison to Deegree that I was called in to find out why. I discovered that Deegree was using SDO_RELATE(... ANYINTERACT ...) for all MBR queries while MapViewer was using SDO_FILTER. Just this difference was causing some queries to perform at < 10% of the speed of MapViewer!!!!
    6. Consider "denormalising" data
    There is an old adage in databases that is "normalise for edit, denormalise for performance". When we load spatial data we often get it from suppliers in a fairly flat or normalised form. In consort with spatial sorting, consider denormalising the data via aggregations based on a rendering attribute and some sort of spatial unit. For example, if you have 1 million points stored as single points in SDO_GEOMETRY.SDO_POINT which you want to render by a single attribute containing 20 values, consider aggregating the data using this attribute AND some sort of spatial BUCKET or BIN. So, consider using SDO_AGGR_UNION coupled with Spatial Analysis and Mining package functions to GROUP the data BY <<column_name>> and a set of spatial extents.
    6. Tablespace use
    Finally, talk to your DBA in order to find out how the oracle database's physical and logical storage is organised. Is a SAN being used or SAME arranged disk arrays? Knowing this you can organise your spatial data and indexes using more effective and efficient methods that will ensure greater scalability.
    7. Network fetch
    If your rendering engine (app server) and database are on separate machines you need to investigate what sort of fetch sizes are being used when returning data from queries to the middle-tier. Fetch sizes for attribute only data rows and rows containing spatial data can be, and normally are, radically different. Accepting the default settings for these sizes could be killing you (as could the sort_area_size of the Oracle session the application server has created on the database). For example I have been informed that MapInfo Pro uses a fixed value of 25 records per fetch when communicating with Oracle. I have done some testing to show that this value can be too small for certain types of spatial data. SQL Developer's GeoRaptor uses 100 which is generally better (but this one can modify this). Most programmers accept defaults for network properties when programming in ADO/ODBC/OLEDB/JDBC: just be careful as to what is being set here. (This is one of the great strengths of ArcSDE: its TCP/IP network transport is well written, tuneable and very efficient.)
    8. Physical Format
    Finally, while Oracle's excellent MapViewer requires data its spatial data to be in Oracle, other commercial rendering engines do not. So, consider using alternate, physical file formats that are more optimal for your rendering engine. For example, Google Earth Enterprise "compiles" all the source data into an optimal format which the server then serves to Google Earth Enterprise clients. Similarly, a shapefile on local disk to the application server (with spatial indexing) may be faster that storing the data back in Oracle on a database server that is being shared with other business databases (eg Oracle financials). If you don't like this approach and want to use Oracle only consider using a dedicated Oracle XE on the application server for the data that is read only and used in most of your generated maps eg contour or drainage data.
    Just some things to think about.

  • Poor performance with Oracle Spatial when spatial query invoked remotely

    Is anyone aware of any problems with Oracle Spatial ( with patches 6989483 and 7003151 on Red Hat Linux 4) which might explain why a spatial query (SDO_WITHIN_DISTANCE) would perform 20 times worse when it was invoked remotely from another computer (using SQLplus) vs. invoking the very same query from the database server itself (also using SQLplus)?
    Does Oracle Spatial have any known problems with servers which use SAN disk storage? That is the primary difference between a server in which I see this poor performance and another server where the performance is fine.
    Thank you in advance for any thoughts you might share.

    OK, that's clearer.
    Are you sure it is the SQL inside the procedure that is causing the problem? To check, try extracting the SQL from inside the procedure and run it in SQLPLUS with
    set autotrace on
    set timing on
    SELECT ....If the plans and performance are the same then it may be something inside the procedure itself.
    Have you profiled the procedure? Here is an example of how to do it:
    Prompt Firstly, create PL/SQL profiler table
    Prompt Secondly, use the profiler to gather stats on execution characteristics
      l_run_num PLS_INTEGER := 1;
      l_max_num PLS_INTEGER := 1;
      v_geom    mdsys.sdo_geometry := mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,45,45,90,0,135,45,180,0,180,-45,45,-45,0,0));
      dbms_output.put_line('Start Profiler Result = ' || DBMS_PROFILER.START_PROFILER(run_comment => 'PARALLEL PROFILE'));  -- The comment name can be anything: here it is related to the Parallel procedure I am testing.
      v_geom := Parallel(v_geom,10,0.05,1);  -- Put your procedure call here
      dbms_output.put_line('Stop Profiler Result = ' || DBMS_PROFILER.STOP_PROFILER );
    Prompt Finally, report activity
    COLUMN runid FORMAT 99999
    COLUMN run_comment FORMAT A40
    SELECT runid || ',' || run_date || ',' || run_comment || ',' || run_total_time
      FROM plsql_profiler_runs
      ORDER BY runid;
    COLUMN runid       FORMAT 99999
    COLUMN unit_number FORMAT 99999
    COLUMN unit_type   FORMAT A20
    COLUMN unit_owner  FORMAT A20
    COLUMN text        FORMAT A100
    compute sum label 'Total_Time' of total_time on runid
    break on runid skip 1
    set linesize 200
    SELECT u.runid || ',' ||
    FROM   plsql_profiler_units u
           JOIN plsql_profiler_data d ON u.runid = d.runid
                                         u.unit_number = d.unit_number
           JOIN all_source als ON ( als.owner = 'CODESYS'
                                   AND als.type = u.unit_type
                                   AND als.name = u.unit_name
                                AND als.line = d.line# )
    WHERE  u.runid = (SELECT max(runid) FROM plsql_profiler_runs)
    ORDER BY d.total_time desc;Run the profiler in both environments and see if you can see where the slowdown exists.

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