Url param form posting

Hey so I feel like I'm missing something as it doesn't seem like this should be hard, I have a jsf page that has a form 'login' with 2 params 'name' and 'password' and a commandButton to submit. I'd like to be able to hit the page with params and fire off the commandButton action immediately without the page loading. It seems like it should be easy, but I'm just not having any luck.

Many systems seem to be able to take simple form params as POSTs or GETs ;) I have no idea about JSF, but regardless I can send the form params as POSTs if it matters. I agree doing JS auto submit is crap. I could also write another page with some kind of crappy Filter that loads the Session bean of the page I really care about and directly run the action I am trying get to happen. But then I have an extra .xhtml page, yet another Filter, and multiple path ways to this code for future maintenance developers to not notice and screw up when refactoring. ;)
It just seems like if you had a simple jsf form displayText.jsf that had one submit button and one input text and the result was just a the text from the input field it would be possible to hit displayText.jsf?text="HelloWorld"&form_SUBMIT=1 (or using a POST of the variables if needed) and have it just display HelloWorld on the page.
Maybe I'm just missing something about how JSF sets up and processes a page.

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    via HTML web pages, using FORM ACTION="post" against "get".
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    on the URL, but security really wasn't an issue on that phase of the application. Now that it is, I'm researching
    further on how to use the ACTION="post" to mask the parameters from the URL and not receive failures in the process.
    I've seen multiple references in books showing the simple process of calling the procedure/function
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    We are running 9i, but not running 9iAS. Is it necessary to have 9iAS in order to reap these benefits,
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    Any information, or direction, would be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance.

    Encrypt the value of parameter and decrypt it back in processRequest of target page ??

  • Severe form POST error in Weblogic 6.1 with inputCharset and UTF-8

    If you specify the following parameters in your web.xml (this is
              required for support of non-ASCII charsets including UTF8)
              form POSTs no longer work under WebLogic 6.1SP1. ie. we cannot forward
              to a new page with any forms. We tried the following test files,
              running test.jsp and entering data and looking at the weblogic console
              for return data in test2.jsp but none appeared. Does anyone have an
              idea what I am doing wrong?
              Attached is test.jsp and test2.jsp....
              <html><head><title>Posted Form Test</title></head><body>
              // dump out the request params to the console for debugging...
              System.out.println("parameter dump from test.jsp");
              System.out.println(" char encoding == " +
              Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
              while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
              String name = (String) enum.nextElement();
              String value = request.getParameter(name);
              System.out.println("param '" + name + "' == '" + value + "'");
              // get the request param
              String data = request.getParameter("data");
              if (data == null || data.length() == 0) {
              <h4>No data submitted yet.</h4>
              <% } else { %>
              <h4>Request parameter received: <%=data%></h4>
              <% } %>
              <form action="test2.jsp" method="post">
              Type in some data: <input type="text" name="data">
              <input type="submit">
              <%-- simple JSP to get a request dispatcher and forward the request
              <%@ page import="javax.servlet.*" %>
              // dump out the request params to the console for debugging...
              System.out.println("parameter dump from test2.jsp");
              System.out.println(" char encoding == " +
              Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
              while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
              String name = (String) enum.nextElement();
              String value = request.getParameter(name);
              System.out.println("param '" + name + "' == '" + value + "'");
              // forward on to the test.jsp page
              RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("test.jsp");
              rd.forward(request, response);

    If you specify the following parameters in your web.xml (this is
              required for support of non-ASCII charsets including UTF8)
              form POSTs no longer work under WebLogic 6.1SP1. ie. we cannot forward
              to a new page with any forms. We tried the following test files,
              running test.jsp and entering data and looking at the weblogic console
              for return data in test2.jsp but none appeared. Does anyone have an
              idea what I am doing wrong?
              Attached is test.jsp and test2.jsp....
              <html><head><title>Posted Form Test</title></head><body>
              // dump out the request params to the console for debugging...
              System.out.println("parameter dump from test.jsp");
              System.out.println(" char encoding == " +
              Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
              while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
              String name = (String) enum.nextElement();
              String value = request.getParameter(name);
              System.out.println("param '" + name + "' == '" + value + "'");
              // get the request param
              String data = request.getParameter("data");
              if (data == null || data.length() == 0) {
              <h4>No data submitted yet.</h4>
              <% } else { %>
              <h4>Request parameter received: <%=data%></h4>
              <% } %>
              <form action="test2.jsp" method="post">
              Type in some data: <input type="text" name="data">
              <input type="submit">
              <%-- simple JSP to get a request dispatcher and forward the request
              <%@ page import="javax.servlet.*" %>
              // dump out the request params to the console for debugging...
              System.out.println("parameter dump from test2.jsp");
              System.out.println(" char encoding == " +
              Enumeration enum = request.getParameterNames();
              while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
              String name = (String) enum.nextElement();
              String value = request.getParameter(name);
              System.out.println("param '" + name + "' == '" + value + "'");
              // forward on to the test.jsp page
              RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher("test.jsp");
              rd.forward(request, response);

  • Portal URL's and Form Posting

    When I use the following url in a form POST method, I receive a "page cannot be found" error when I click submit, but if I go directly to the page by entering the url in my browser, it works. Why is that?
    How do I call another page in Portal through a form POST method using JSP?

    Hello Angela,
    you should find everything you need in :
    - the pdk-java sample 'event form' (eventform.jsp and publicparam.jsp)
    - the pdk articles
    (explained source code of the event form sample)
    (what to do in portal once your jsp-application is running)
    For your jsps, you'll know how to create the events, th event's parameters, how to call the htmlFrormActionLink() method, and finally get back the params from the request.
    Else, to create a link to a page, use the constructEventLink() in the EventUtils class (see API DOC deployed with JDPK on your OC4J)
    Hope this helps.

  • URL Param + ManagedBean + form submit Question

    I have a managed bean and configured the bean so that i takes params from the url and sets them automatically. The bean parameter is a integer value.
    So when i call samplePage.faces?param1=23 then the bean takes the parameter from the url and i can query the database and present the result. That works perfekt
    My problem is now the following:
    On this page i have a form and some input tags to edit values, and now i want to submit the form and update the record in the database. (The record is identified by the url param)
    But when i submit my form i got a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - java.lang.IllegalArgumentException exception.
    I thing that is because the action of the form has this parameter not ( action=samplePage.faces without my param) and when the bean tries to get the param from the url, which is not existing, then the exception is thrown.
    Any suggestions what i can do?

    i assume you have 2 managed beans that are in request scope. one bean for the overview page, one for the details page.
    overview page:
    create the link with the h:outputlink component which has one nested h:outputtext (the link text) and several nested f:param components. that means, you write one f:param for every parameter you want to pass to your details page. in your example, this would be only the id.
    ... so now you click the link ...
    details page:
    the id-parameter is available in the field "myId" in your details bean via this entry in faces-config.xml:
         </managed-bean>In DetailsBean, first you have to retrieve the data from the database. This could be done in the constructor or in a method annotated with @PostConstruct.
    Also, save the id in a h:inputhidden. You will need the id again in the next step.
    ... now the user edits the data and presses submit ...
    (All Parameters are lost at this point.) In your action, read the id from the h:inputhidden field. Now you have everything to update your database entry.

  • Creating a cfhttp multi part form post for google docs upload

    Hey all,
    If you saw my last thread, you know I am working with google docs and uploading documents to it. Well I got basic document uploading working, but now I am trying to include meta data. Google requires you to include the metadata with the actual file data and seperate them by using a multi part form upload. I don't know exactly the process for doing so, but they have a handy code snippet of the desired results at
    http://code.google.com/apis/documents/docs/3.0/developers_guide_protocol.html#UploadingDoc s
    So I am basically trying to mimic that payload, however I am continually getting an error stating that there are no parts in a multi part form upload.
    <errors xmlns='http://schemas.google.com/g/2005'><error><domain>GData</domain><code>InvalidEntryException</code><internalReason>No parts detected in multipart message</internalReason></error></errors>
    to be exact. I am not really sure what I am doing wrong here. I figure it is one of two things, either I am not including the actual data in the payload properly (I am currently using a body type param for the payload, but I have also tried a formfield named content to deliver it. Neither worked). So maybe I need to do something else tricky there? The other thing which I am not reallly sure about is the content-length attribute. I don't know exactly how to calculate that, and I read in another forum that a content length attribute was messing that guy up. Right now I am just taking the lenght of the payload string and multiplying by 8 (to get the number of bytes for the entire payload) but hell if I know if that is right. It could be I just don't know how to set up the parts for the message, it seems pretty straight forward though. Just define a boundary in the content-type, then put two dashes before it wherever you define a new part, and two dashes trailing the last part.
    Anyway, here is my code, any help is much appreciate. I'm a bit beyond my expertise here (not really used to trying to have to roll my own http requests, nevermind multipart post form data) so I'm kinda flailing around. Thanks again.
    <cffunction name="upload" access="public" returnType="any" hint="I upload the document." output="false">
        <cfargument name="filePath" type="string" required="false" hint="file to upload.">
        <cfargument name="docType" type="string" required="yes" hint="The document type to identify this document see google list api supported documents">
        <cfargument name="parentCollectionId" type="string" required="no" hint="the name of the collection/collection to create (include collection%3A)">
        <cfargument name="metaData" type="struct" required="no" hint="structure containing meta data. Keyname is attribute name, value is the value">
        <cfset var result = structnew()>
        <cfset result.success = true>
            <cfif structkeyexists(arguments,"parentCollectionId")>
                      <cfset arguments.parentCollectionId = urlencodedformat(parentCollectionId)>             
                      <cfset result.theUrl = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/#arguments.parentCollectionId#/contents">
                        <cfset result.theUrl = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/">
                  <cffile action="read" file="#arguments.filePath#" variable="theFile">
                <cfsavecontent variable="atomXML">
                     Content-Type: application/atom+xml
                    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
                    <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:docs="http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007">
                      <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005##kind"
                        <cfloop collection="#arguments.metaData#" item="key">
                    Content-Type: text/plain
            <cfset result.postData = atomXML>
            <cfhttp url="#result.theUrl#" method="post" result="httpRequest" charset="utf-8" multipart="yes">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="GoogleLogin auth=#getAuth()#">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="GData-Version" value="3">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Length" value="#len(trim(atomXML))*8#">           
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="multipart/related; boundary=END_OF_PART">
                <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Slug" value="test file --END_OF_PART">
                <cfhttpparam type="body" name="content" value="#trim(atomXML)#">
                   <cfset packet = xmlParse(httpRequest.fileContent)>
                <cfif httpRequest.statusCode neq "201 created">
                    <cfthrow message="HTTP Error" detail="#httpRequest.fileContent#" type="HTTP CODE #httpRequest.statusCode#">
                <cfset result.data.resourceId = packet.entry['gd:resourceId'].xmlText>
                <cfset result.data.feedLink = packet.entry['gd:feedLink'].xmlText>
                <cfset result.data.title = packet.entry.title.xmlText>  
                <cfset result.data.link = packet.entry.title.xmlText>    
                     <cfset result.data = httpRequest>
            <cfcatch type="any">
                 <cfset result.error = cfcatch>
                <cfset result.success = false>
        <cfreturn result>
    Also, this is what my atomXML data ended up looking like when it got sent to google. This isn't the WHOLE request (it doesn't include the headers, just the body).
    Content-Type: application/atom+xml
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:docs="http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007">
    <category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#document"/>
    <TITLE>Woot Test</TITLE> </entry>
    Content-Type: text/plain
    I'm a test document lol!

    Woot, I got it. I had to send the gData version number, and change the URL.
    Here is the working function.
    <cffunction name="upload" access="public" returnType="any" hint="I upload the document." output="false">
        <cfargument name="myFile" type="string" required="false" hint="file to upload.">
        <cfset var result = "">
        <cfset theUrl = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full">
        <cffile action="read" file="C:\website\xerointeractive\testing\test.txt" variable="theFile">
        <cfset fileSize = createObject("java","java.io.File").init("C:\website\xerointeractive\testing\test.txt").length()>
        <cfhttp url="#theURL#" method="post" result="result" charset="utf-8" >
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Authorization" value="GoogleLogin auth=#getAuth()#">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="text/plain">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Slug" value="test file">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="GData-Version" value="3">
            <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Length" value="#fileSize#">
            <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#theFile#">
        <cfreturn result>

  • How do you pass XML as a URL param?

    How do you pass XML as a URL param?

    I don't know why I wasn't thinking about this when I made my
    last post. If they're pasting some XML into a form, that's one
    thing. But if they need to send XML to your site from their own,
    you can setup a Coldfusion Component (CFC) as a Web Service to
    accept XML through a WSDL call.
    Check out the
    Developers Center for
    on creating web services

  • SSO with a website using Apache Httpclient form post

    Hi ,
    I am trying to obtain, SS0 with a website, that accepts the user information via post.
    I tried using app Integrator, but the website sends a cookie in first request, and redirects to another URL. App Integrator is only catching the first response.
    Thus i tried implementing this Form post using Apache HTTPClient class inside the Abstractportacomponent, as shown..
    The login is taking place. But, When i click on any link on the page, It is redirecting to the login page again, I am wondering where should i give the Cookie, so the portal request will include that cookie in its subsequent requests, so that i wont be prompted for login agian..
    thank you,
    public void doContent(IPortalComponentRequest request, IPortalComponentResponse response)
                      String url = "http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/gold_online/validate.asp";
                      //Here, calling the timberline comes into place.
                       HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
                        PostMethod method = new PostMethod (url);
                        method.addParameter( "code","xxxxxxx");
                        method.addParameter( "upass", "xxxxxx" );
                                  int statusCode = client.executeMethod( method );
                        if( statusCode != -1 ) {
                             // The Status code for this first request is 302..which is a redirect with the redirect path
                             Header locationHeader = method.getResponseHeader("location");
                             Header cookie = method.getResponseHeader("set-cookie");
                             String redirectedURL = locationHeader.getValue();
                             String host = "http://www.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.com/gold_online/";
                             redirectedURL = host+redirectedURL;
                             GetMethod method2 = new GetMethod (redirectedURL);
                             method2.addRequestHeader("Accept", "image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, /");
                             int statuscode2 = client.executeMethod( method2);
                             String contents  = method2.getResponseBodyAsString();
                             // Converting the Relative URLs to Absolute URLs
                             contents = replace (contents,"src=\"","src=\""+host);
                             contents = replace(contents,"href=\"","href=\""+ host);
                             Cookie ck = new Cookie("cookie", cookie.getValue()) ;
                             //adding the cookie to the response...

    Hi Manish,
    first, welcome on SDN! About your question:
    The URL iView in SP9++ has been reported quite instable from different sides (just do a look on "URL iView" within this forum). The alternative for the aim you have is to use the good "old" application integrator iView, which behaves very stable and will do what you want without hesitating...
    Also see URL iView and HTTP System - SSO to web app
    Hope it helps
    PS: Please consider to reward point for helpful answers on SDN. Thanks in advance!

  • How to parse ', (, ) in a form post?

    I am doing a form post to get a description input from user.
    <INPUT class=inputText TYPE="text" NAME="f_description" MAXLENGTH="200" SIZE="40" VALUE="">
    String l_description= request.getParameter("f_description");
    String sqlInsert="INSERT INTO myTable (DESCRIPTION) VALUES('"+l_description +"')";
    CM.executeUpdate (sqlInsert);  I am using Oracle database. When the data entered consist of ', (, ) it will break the sql Statement. What can I do to solve this problem?
    Thank you.

    I agree, actually, I would modify it to use prepared statements. But if you are going to go the route of encoding special characters (assuming escaping doesn't work or you don't want to worry about different DB escape methods), maybe it would be better to replace the chars with character code escapes like URLEncoding schemes do... char becomes %xx, where xx is the character's hex value. For example, a space becomes %20. I would write my own escape and unescape methods for these. You'd have to convert % signs as well, and whatever other characters.
    This is code that I have for escaping chars for HTML usage, but you can replace the list of chars and escapes with corresponding values to do it like %xx.
          * Encodes any special characters in the specified string with their
          * entity equivalents. 
          * @param  str  the original string
          * @return  the encoded string
         public static String encodeEntities(String str) {
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(str);
              // must replace '&' first
              char[] chars = {     // list of characters to replace
                   '&',      '<',      '>',      '\'',      '\"'
              String[] ents = {     // list of entities to replace with
                   "&",      "<",      ">",      "&apos;", """
              int len = Math.min(chars.length, ents.length);
              for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                   for(int j = 0; j < sb.length(); j++) {
                        if(sb.charAt(j) == chars) {
                             sb.replace(j, j+1, ents[i]);
              return sb.toString();
         * Decodes any entities in the specified string with their character
         * equivalents.
         * @param str the encoded string
         * @return the decoded string
         public static String decodeEntities(String str) {
              if(str == null) {
                   return null;
              StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(str);
              String[] ents = {     // list of entities to replace
                   "&",      "<",      ">",      "&apos;", """
              String[] chars = {     // list of characters to replace with
                   "&",      "<",      ">",      "\'",      "\""
              int len = Math.min(chars.length, ents.length);
              int k = 0;
              for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                   for(int j = 0; j < sb.length(); j++) {
                        k = j + ents[i].length();
                        if(k >= sb.length()) {
                        if(sb.substring(j, k).equals(ents[i])) {
                             sb.replace(j, k, chars[i]);
              return sb.toString();

  • Xml over http form post and response example

    can some one point me to http form post/get  syntax to send and receive xml...let me know

    Use the cfhttp tag. For example, suppose the xmlDoc is already defined. Then you could post the document using
    <cfhttp url="the_url" method="post">
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="content-type" value="text/xml">
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="content-length" value="#len(xmlDoc)#">
        <cfhttpparam type="header" name="charset" value="utf-8">
        <cfhttpparam type="xml" name="message" value="#xmlDoc#">

  • Xsql:delete-request key-columns has to be form posted data?

    I am trying to link a hyperlink "delete" on a table to a page "jobs-list-delete.xsql?jobnumber={JOBNUMBER}". When I use:
    <form method="post" action="jobs-list-delete.xsql?jobnumber={JOBNUMBER}">
    <input type="submit" value="delete"/>
    it worked fine. but I want to use "delete" as a hyperlink instead of a button, so I tried the following:
    unfortunately, it didn't work with the above hyperlink.
    I would like to know if xsql:delete-request key-columns value has to be form posted data instead of a query string in an URL from a hyperlink. Is there any way to work around this?
    The code I used in jobs-list-delete.xsql is as follows:
    <xsql:delete-request key-columns="jobnumber" table="jobs" transform="request-to-InsertJob.xsl"/>
    Wenqi Dwyer

    <xsql:delete-request> works with a posted XML request or a POST'ed HTML form.
    To delete things with a simple HTTP GET, you can use <xsql:dml> and a DELETE statement.

  • HTTP Submit & FORM Post

    Where can I find an example of how to submit form data in a format used by HTML forms (URL-encoded Data - HTTP post)?
    Im just learning Acrobat 7.xand Form designer 7.x and cant figure out how to attach code to the Submit HTTP button. A client has a generalized forms post decoder/foward as e-mail program. The url would be, for example:
    http://www.ourwebsite.org/cgi-win/deField.exe method="POST"
    and it needs the Acrobat form to have the hidden field:
    femail=[email protected]   (email address to send form info to)
    What we really want to do is:
    1.     Use an interactive Acrobat form to collect and validate data from users over the Internet (by querying a database) as they fill in the form
    2.     Merge both user-entered data, and user-specific data pulled from the db, into the pdf form
    3.     Returned the completed form to the user for printing at their location,
    4.     And capture the full data into our database.
    .Ive scoured the product literature and the dev user forums and seen some limited FAQs and advice but its pretty murky. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    <[email protected]> ha scritto nel messaggio <br />news:[email protected]...<br />> Where can I find an example of how to submit form data in a format used by <br />> HTML forms (URL-encoded Data - HTTP post)?<br />> I'm just learning Acrobat 7.xand Form designer 7.x and can't figure out <br />> how to attach code to the Submit HTTP button. A client has a generalized <br />> forms post decoder/foward as e-mail program. The url would be, for <br />> example:<br />><br />> <a href=http://www.ourwebsite.org/cgi-win/deField.exe> method="POST"<br />><br />> and it needs the Acrobat form to have the hidden field:<br />><br />> [email protected]  (email address to send form info to)<br />><br />><br />> What we really want to do is:<br />><br />> 1.    Use an interactive Acrobat form to collect and validate data from <br />> users over the Internet (by querying a database) as they fill in the form <br />> .<br />> 2.    Merge both user-entered data, and user-specific data pulled from the <br />> db, into the pdf form .<br />> 3.    Returned the completed form to the user for printing at their <br />> location,<br />> 4.    And capture the full data into our database.<br />><br />><br />><br />> .I've scoured the product literature and the dev user forums and seen some <br />> limited FAQs and advice but it's pretty murky. Any help will be greatly <br />> appreciated.<br /><br />Maybe I don't understand your question well and so my answer can be of no <br />help for you, but the first two points can be easily done with Designer and <br />a web service that send the data retrieved from a specific request (i.e. <br />your customer inserts his userid and automatically some data appears in the <br />form). You simply have to create a button that retrieves data from this <br />webservice (first you have to create a data connection to your webservice).<br />The third point can be achieved using a print button (that is ready to use <br />in the library). Remember that you can making all the operations you want to <br />do without re-loading the PDF, but simply by doing the call to your <br />webservice after the user filled in the form.<br />The forth point can be achieved using a submit botton that has the <br />controltype set to submit, then you can send your data in the format that <br />you choose. Of course, in the submit URL you can specify an email.<br /><br />Sorry if I don't understand your request :)<br /><br />Ciao,<br />Alessio<br /><br />Bye,<br />Alessio

  • HTTP Multi-Form Post - And Config?

    Hey Everyone,
    I'm stuck on a situation where my code in PRD does not behave like my code in DEV and QAS. This code is a simple multi-part HTTP post to an external system. Nothing special. There are two variables in my equation:
    1. DEV and QAS are on a higher kernel level than PRD. The kernel has not migrated that far yet.
    2. I have the cryptographic library active on DEV and QAS, but not on PRD. Like the kernel, it has not migrated there yet.
    Mind you, I've double checked the SICF and SMICM settings to guarantee they are identical in all systems. Is there something else that I have missed?
    I have seen situations before where kernel applications have "tightened the bolts" on weak code, so I thought perhaps my code was "weak." Would someone mind giving a glance over to see if something is missing? Note that it works great in PRD, but not in QAS and DEV. It could be just sloppy code that crumbled under the stringent eye of a new kernel.
    Here is the code...thanks for your attention.
    DATA:  http_client       TYPE REF TO if_http_client.
        CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create
            host    = lv_host
            service = '80'
            scheme  = '1'
            client  = http_client.
    *These steps fill the HTTP Post basic settings for communication back to the URL that first Posted to SAP.
        http_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~request_uri'     value = sourcetask_http_url ).
        http_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~request_method'  value = 'POST' ).
        http_client->request->set_header_field( name = 'Content_Type'     value = 'multipart/form-data' ).
        http_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~server_protocol' value = 'HTTP/1.1' ).
    * Variable Fields Need to Map to EDMS Form *These steps fill the MIME multi-part form fields with values.
        http_client->request->set_form_field( name = 'taskstatus' value = 'Done').
        http_client->request->set_form_field( name = 'attributes_ref_canddoc_1' value = attributes_ref_canddoc_1 ).
        http_client->request->set_form_field( name = 'wf_status' value = wf_status ).
        http_client->request->set_form_field( name = 'forms_dlm_lbl_form_change_type_1' value = form_change_type_1 ).
        http_client->request->set_form_field( name = 'forms_dlm_lbl_form_change_ref_1' value = form_change_ref_1 ).
        http_client->request->set_form_field( name = 'forms_dlm_lbl_form_dp_repart_1' value = form_dp_repart_1 ).
      *This step sends the HTTP Post to the external system.
        http_client->send( ).
    *This step is necessary to make sure the communication was a success. Without it a failure won't be known.
        CALL METHOD http_client->receive
            http_communication_failure = 1
            http_invalid_state         = 2
            http_processing_failed     = 3
            OTHERS                     = 4.

    Update: I've reviewed the system profile, the ICF, the Crypto Library, the RFC, the ICM, rewritten my code in numerous ways, reverted the kernel back to its original level...all to no avail. What did come of it is this...and a lesson I've learned many times and should have been more astute and critical from the start. When the downstream system you are communicating with tells you they have not made a change and it must be SAP...well, make sure they are not lying. "Well, the change we made wouldn't affect that." Oh...really.

  • Form posting data to email

    I have been working on this code and have not been able to make it work. I don't know what is wrong, any input will be appreciated. I have also tried uploading the file on the server but still no email.
    3 files below form file,coldfusion file, crossdomain file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
       import mx.events.*;
       import flash.net.*;
       import mx.controls.Alert;
       import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
              import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
       private const FORM_URL:String = http://www.mysamplesite.com/formSend.cfc;  
          public function gotoEmail(e:Event):void {
             var u:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto:" + urlLink.text);
          public function handleResult(event:ResultEvent):void
                 Alert.show( "Thank You", "Alert!", Alert.OK );
             public function handleFault(event:FaultEvent):void
                your_comment.text = event.fault.toString();
       private function resetForm():void
        your_name.text = "";
        your_email.text = "";
        your_comment.text = "";
    <mx:HTTPService id="commentForm"
             <date>{your_name.text} </date>
        <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
      <mx:Form id="contactForm" visible="true">
       <mx:FormItem label="Student Name">
        <mx:TextInput id="your_name" width="310"/>
       <mx:FormItem label="Your Email">
        <mx:TextInput id="your_email" width="{your_name.width}"/>
      <mx:FormItem label="Date:">
                <mx:TextInput id="date" />
      <mx:FormItem label="Students Address:">
                <mx:TextInput id="address" />
            <mx:FormItem label="City:">
                <mx:TextInput id="city" />
            <mx:FormItem label="Students Birthday:">
             <mx:TextInput id="studentbirthday" />
             <mx:FormItem label="Father’s (or Guardian’s) Name:">
             <mx:TextInput id="fathername" />
             <mx:FormItem label="Mother’s (or Guardian’s) Name:">
             <mx:TextInput id="mothername" />
             <mx:FormItem label="Home Phone:">
             <mx:TextInput id="phone" />
            <mx:FormItem label="Comment">
        <mx:TextArea id="your_comment" width="{your_name.width}" height="125"/>
       <mx:ControlBar width="100%">
                 <mx:Label id="urlLink" click="gotoEmail(event);" text="Email: [email protected]"/>
                 <mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
                 <mx:Button label="Submit" click="commentForm.send()"/>
    Cold Fusion file
    <!--- [email protected] --->
    <cfmail to="[email protected]" from="#form.email#" subject="Inquiry from new customer" server="">
    You have received a message
    Sender's name: #form.name#
    Sender's email address: #form.email#
    Father's Name:#form.fathername#
    Mothename :#form.mothername#
    crossdomain.xml file
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
    <allow-access-from domain="*" />
    <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="www.mysamplesite.com"

    Moved to the Dreamweaver Application Development forum, which deals with PHP and other server-side issues.

  • Protocol 'form-post' not available

    We have developed a webservice using Weblogic Workshop 8.1 service pack 2. It has
    been working very well. It's been in production for a couple of months now. We
    are moving to a new environment where everything is clustered. I have changed
    nothing on my ear, but I now get back the following error when I try to call the
    Any Idea's?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <faultstring>java.lang.RuntimeException: Protocol 'form-post' not available on
    this operation.</faultstring>
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Protocol 'form-post' not available on this operation.

    Hi Lomeus,
    There is a "How do I" [1] on setting up the cluster that may be of
    value. RU using the cluster name? Also see the docs here [2].
    Lomeus Cloete wrote:
    We have developed a webservice using Weblogic Workshop 8.1 service pack 2. It has
    been working very well. It's been in production for a couple of months now. We
    are moving to a new environment where everything is clustered. I have changed
    nothing on my ear, but I now get back the following error when I try to call the
    Any Idea's?
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <faultstring>java.lang.RuntimeException: Protocol 'form-post' not available on
    this operation.</faultstring>
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Protocol 'form-post' not available on this operation.

Maybe you are looking for

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