Hi Everybody,
I am beginner in Oracle ;;; somebody can help me please There 're two days and I can't resolve the problem :
I must recover from a giving URL values to insert them in an Oracle table.
The form of the URL is www.url1.com or www.url2.com and the data in my HTML page is like :
Salary: 123.45
I want to ask if exist in Oracle a means of recovering data starting from the URL to insert it in a table. The structure of my table is TAB(URL, SALARY, NAME)
For example in our case, I must insert: (url1, 123,45, DAVID)
Thanks a lot,
Best Regards
Message was edited by:

Thank you Yoann,
But I need to parse the contents of my HTML page and insert them in my Oracle table.
tye contents of my HTML page is always like that :
Salary: DATA
Name: DATA
and I have to get the url as a parameter and to parse the HTML page and then
insert it in a table. The structure of my table is TAB(URL, SALARY, NAME)
For example in our case, I must insert: (url1, 123,45, DAVID)
Thanks a lot,
Best Regards
Message was edited by:

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    also can javascript hover-off links from a webpage be put into

    1. Flash contains a TextField component which has
    html support, not enough to support the usual html required of
    an active web page.
    html tags for Flash Player 8
    2. You can use usual html
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    Flash requires a different design mentality than do
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    You need to add the javax.servlet classes to your classpath.
    Easiest way is to extend the JRE in eclipse with those classes so that it would automatically be applied to every new project. Go to Window - Preferences - Java - Installed JREs - Select the JRE used - Edit - Add External JARs - add the JAR with javax.servlet classes to the JRE system libraries.
    You can use the javaee.jar of the Java EE 5.0 SDK [1] or the Glassfish /lib directory [2], or the servlet-api.jar of Tomcat's /lib directory [3].
    [1] http://java.sun.com/javaee
    [2] https://glassfish.dev.java.net
    [3] http://tomcat.apache.org

  • Error while connecting with the url using odata...please help

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    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=edge' />
      <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=UTF-8'/>
      <title>Table with OData Binding</title>
         <script id='sap-ui-bootstrap' type='text/javascript'
      // the root URL of the OData service - prefixed with a local URL to a proxy which forwards the request,
    circumventing cross-domain restrictions
      // IMPORTANT: this proxy must be available for the code example to run!
      var url = "http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc";
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      var entityCustomerRef = metadata.dataServices.schema[0].entityType[2];
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      for ( var i = 0; i < listOfProperties.length; i++) {
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      new sap.ui.commons.Label({
      text : listOfProperties[i].name,
      new sap.ui.commons.TextField().bindProperty("value",
      listOfProperties[i].name))) }
      oTable.setModel(oModel); // set model to Table
      oTable.placeAt("content"); // place model onto UI
      <body class='sapUiBody'>
      <div id='content'></div>
    but when i try to execute the same it is not loading any data and showing the error as :
    2014-07-21 16:04:05 (default) : https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/resources/ - sap.ui.ModuleSystem sap-ui-core.js:80 
    2Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 501 (Not Implemented) http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata
    XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata. Invalid HTTP status code 501 odata.html:1
    2014-07-21 16:04:16 The following problem occurred: Failed to execute 'send' on 'XMLHttpRequest': Failed to load 'http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/$metadata'. -  sap-ui-core.js:80
    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 501 (Not Implemented) http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/CustomersXMLHttpRequest cannot load http://services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers. Invalid HTTP status code 501 odata.html:1
    2014-07-21 16:04:17 The following problem occurred: HTTP request failed0,, -  sap-ui-core.js:80;;
    But i can launch the url with metadata through browser..kindly help???

    Hi Arun,
    replace the following line in your code:
    var url = "http/services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc";
    with the following:
    var url = "proxy/http/services.odata.org/Northwind/Northwind.svc";
    It will either work fine or this error will be skipped.

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    Googling the error you reported found this:
    from there, you can focus in on:
    I've had the same problem, and with the help of this forum have resolved it. Here's the simple summary, condensed from Hogster's description of his troubleshooting in response to other posters' suggestions.
    In your home,
    Go to Library/Caches.
    Probably you will discover that the Safari folder in there has a little padlock on the icon, indicating it is locked. This may have been done by Safari Enhancer or something else, to prevent caching and speed things up. But it interferes with certain uploading processes (my troubles were always with uploading photos to photo websites).
    Select the Safari folder (inside ~/Library/Caches), and hit Apple-I (for GetInfo). Uncheck the "Locked" checkbox.
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    If this doesn't help, keep googling.

  • How do I centre javascript in a HTML page? Please help!

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    I have fully tested the coding which I downloaded and it all seems to work as well as I need it to.
    The only problem that I have is that the javascript or at least the banner it produces are always firmly stuck to the left. They need to mbe in the centre to fit the rest of the page, but I can't seem to get them to centre.
    Here's how the page is set up and coded:
    in the page I have:<html>
    <p>Each test banner links back to this page. Your banner would link to whatever site/location you required.</p>
    <script type=text/javascript src="http://www.UkVariety.co.uk/banner/div_construct2.js"></script>
    <script type=text/javascript>
    var _banners = new Array();
    function addBanner(_bannerHTML){
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 1' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad1.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 2' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad2.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 3' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad3.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 4' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad4.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 5' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad5.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 6' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad6.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 7' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad7.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 8' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad8.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 9' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad9.gif'></a>");
    addBanner("<a href='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/banners.html'><img border=0 alt='Advertiser 10' src='http://www.ukvariety.co.uk/Images/banners/Ad10.gif'></a>");
    var div2 = new NewDiv2(window, "banner", _banners[0],0,0,50,50,500,"ABSOLUTE");
    var count=0; /* which one to start with */
    function doIt() {
    <script type=text/javascript>
    </html>The javascript links to a file caled div_construct2.js
    This file contains the following coding:
    isNS = document.layers?true:false;
    isIE = navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft") != -1
    function NewDiv2(window, id, body, left, top, width, height, zIndex, absolute) {
        this.window = window;
        this.id     = id;
        this.body   = body;
        var d = window.document;
        d.writeln('<STYLE TYPE="text/css">#' + id + ' {');
         if (absolute) d.write('position:absolute;');
         else          d.write('position:relative;');
        if (left)   d.write('left:'  + left  + ';');
        if (top)    d.write('top:'   + top   + ';');
        if (width)  d.write('width:' + width + ';');
         if (height) d.write('height:' + height + ';');
         if (zIndex) d.write('z-index:' + zIndex + ';');
    if (isNS) {
        NewDiv2.prototype.output             = function()      { var d = this.window.document;d.writeln('<DIV ID="' + this.id + '">');d.writeln(this.body);d.writeln("</DIV>");this.layer = d[this.id];}
        NewDiv2.prototype.moveTo             = function(x,y)   { this.layer.moveTo(x,y); }
        NewDiv2.prototype.moveBy             = function(x,y)   { this.layer.moveBy(x,y); }
        NewDiv2.prototype.show               = function()      { this.layer.visibility = "show"; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.hide               = function()      { this.layer.visibility = "hide"; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.setZ               = function(z)     { this.layer.zIndex = z; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.setBgColor         = function(color) { this.layer.bgColor = color; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.setBgImage         = function(image) { this.layer.background.src = image;}
        NewDiv2.prototype.getX               = function() { return this.layer.left; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.getY               = function() { return this.layer.top; } //was right .. ??
        NewDiv2.prototype.getWidth           = function() { return this.layer.width; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.getHeight          = function() { return this.layer.height; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.getZ               = function() { return this.layer.zIndex; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.isVisible          = function() { return this.layer.visibility == "show"; }
        NewDiv2.prototype.setBody            = function() { for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) this.layer.document.writeln(arguments);this.layer.document.close();}
    NewDiv2.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventname, handler) {this.layer.captureEvents(NewDiv2._eventmasks[eventname]); var newdivel = this;this.layer[eventname] = function(event) { return handler(newdivel, event.type, event.x, event.y, event.which, event.which,((event.modifiers & Event.SHIFT_MASK) != 0),((event.modifiers & Event.CTRL_MASK)  != 0),((event.modifiers & Event.ALT_MASK)   != 0));}}
    NewDiv2.prototype.removeEventHandler = function(eventname) {this.layer.releaseEvents(NewDiv2._eventmasks[eventname]);delete this.layer[eventname];}
    NewDiv2.prototype.centerX = function() {this.layer.moveTo(Math.round((window.pageXOffset+document.width-100)/2),this.layer.top)}
    NewDiv2._eventmasks = {onabort:Event.ABORT,onblur:Event.BLUR,onchange:Event.CHANGE,onclick:Event.CLICK,ondblclick:Event.DBLCLICK, ondragdrop:Event.DRAGDROP,onerror:Event.ERROR, onfocus:Event.FOCUS,onkeydown:Event.KEYDOWN,onkeypress:Event.KEYPRESS,onkeyup:Event.KEYUP,onload:Event.LOAD,onmousedown:Event.MOUSEDOWN,onmousemove:Event.MOUSEMOVE, onmouseout:Event.MOUSEOUT,onmouseover:Event.MOUSEOVER, onmouseup:Event.MOUSEUP,onmove:Event.MOVE,onreset:Event.RESET,onresize:Event.RESIZE,onselect:Event.SELECT,onsubmit:Event.SUBMIT,onunload:Event.UNLOAD};
    if (isIE) {
    NewDiv2.prototype.output = function() { var d = this.window.document;d.writeln('<DIV ID="' + this.id + '">');d.writeln(this.body);d.writeln("</DIV>");this.element = d.all[this.id];this.style = this.element.style;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { this.style.pixelLeft = x;this.style.pixelTop = y;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.moveBy = function(x,y) { this.style.pixelLeft += x;this.style.pixelTop += y;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.show = function() { this.style.visibility = "visible"; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.hide = function() { this.style.visibility = "hidden"; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setZ = function(z) { this.style.zIndex = z; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { this.style.backgroundColor = color; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { this.style.backgroundImage = image;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.getX = function() { return this.style.pixelLeft; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getY = function() { return this.style.pixelRight; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.style.width; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.style.height; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getZ = function() { return this.style.zIndex; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.style.visibility == "visible"; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setBody = function() { var body = "";for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {body += arguments[i] + "\n";}this.element.innerHTML = body;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventname, handler) { var NewDiv = this;this.element[eventname] = function() { var e = NewDiv2.window.event;e.cancelBubble = true;return handler(NewDiv2, e.type, e.x, e.y, e.button, e.keyCode, e.shiftKey, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey); }}
    NewDiv2.prototype.removeEventHandler = function(eventname) { delete this.element[eventname];}
         NewDiv2.prototype.centerX = function() { this.style.pixelLeft=Math.round((document.body.clientWidth+document.body.scrollLeft-300)/2)}
    * The following was written by:
    * Dario Guzik
    * Spam unfriendly email address: dguzik AT bigfoot DOT com
    if (isNS6) {
    NewDiv2.prototype.output = function() { var d = this.window.document;d.writeln('<DIV ID="' + this.id + '">');d.writeln(this.body);d.writeln("</DIV>");this.element = d.getElementById(this.id);this.style = this.element.style;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.moveTo = function(x,y) { this.style.pixelLeft = x;this.style.pixelTop = y;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.moveBy = function(x,y) { this.style.pixelLeft += x;this.style.pixelTop += y;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.show = function() { this.style.visibility = "visible"; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.hide = function() { this.style.visibility = "hidden"; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setZ = function(z) { this.style.zIndex = z; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setBgColor = function(color) { this.style.backgroundColor = color; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setBgImage = function(image) { this.style.backgroundImage = image;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.getX = function() { return this.style.pixelLeft; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getY = function() { return this.style.pixelRight; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getWidth = function() { return this.style.width; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getHeight = function() { return this.style.height; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.getZ = function() { return this.style.zIndex; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.isVisible = function() { return this.style.visibility == "visible"; }
    NewDiv2.prototype.setBody = function() { var body = "";for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {body += arguments[i] + "\n";}this.element.innerHTML = body;}
    NewDiv2.prototype.addEventHandler = function(eventname, handler) { var NewDiv = this;this.element[eventname] = function() { var e = NewDiv2.window.event;e.cancelBubble = true;return handler(NewDiv, e.type, e.x, e.y, e.button, e.keyCode, e.shiftKey, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey); }}
    NewDiv2.prototype.removeEventHandler = function(eventname) { delete this.element[eventname];}
    NewDiv2.prototype.centerX = function() { this.style.pixelLeft=Math.round((document.body.clientWidth+document.body.scrollLeft-300)/2)}
    If anyone could help, I would be most grateful and could even offer a free advert for a while if needs be.
    Thanks in advance
    "I think my brain exploded"

    You might want to ask this on a JavaScript forum.
    Java and JavaScript are not related.Now his brain probably experienced not just a mere explosion, but more like an atomic one.

  • Unable to pass report column value to url in select statement. Please help

    Hi all,
    I am trying to pass the report column value as follows:
    select key, num,
    case when Attachmentcnt(KEY) != 0 then
    'f?p=&APP_ID.:91:&SESSION.:'' '':NO::P91_KEY,P91NUM,P91_PREVPG:'And I am passing values as follows:
    '#KEY#,'#NUM#','9' ELSE null
    END Attachment
    from tableA
    But, I am not able to figure out correct sysntax to pass these column values. Can anyone give me some help. I appreciate it.
    Edited by: sumak on Jun 23, 2009 12:11 PM
    Edited by: sumak on Jun 23, 2009 12:22 PM

    If you're trying to generate a column with a URL, try something like the following:
    select key, num,
    case when Attachmentcnt(KEY) != 0 then
    'f?p=&APP_ID.:91:&SESSION.:'' '':NO::P91_KEY,P91NUM,P91_PREVPG:'
    || tableA.key || ',' || tableA.num || ',' || :P91_PREVPG
    else NULL
    FROM tableA;
    But the best way to pass these would include checksum values against the values of your parameters (to make sure a user doesn't hack them). You'll need to check the Apex User manual for details - See "Understanding Session State Protection".
    Good luck,

  • I can not make my button open up an anchor tag on a url in Flash PRO. PLEASE HELP!?

    step1btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToWebPage_1);
    function fl_ClickToGoToWebPage_1(event:MouseEvent):void
      navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.wfftutah.com/courses.html#step1"));

    So I finally got the code to work but not in Chrome. I've been trying to tweak the code to work in Chrome but my head is hurting.
    Anyone else have this problem with Chrome not working with .swf files and urls?

  • Xerces Parser... Please Help.

    I have a problem when I use the XERCES Parser.
    I want to generate a Option FieldType of a HTMLForm.
    My code is:
    Element select = sourceDoc.createElement("select");
       select.setAttribute("name", name);
       select.setAttribute("required", required);
       if (Numitems > 0){
        for(int k=0;k<Numitems;k++){
           Element option = sourceDoc.createElement("option");
           option.setAttribute("value", items[k]);
    }and then generate:
    <select name="form/camp1" required="true" value="">
    <option value="hola"/>
    <option value="adeu"/>
    <option value="peich"/>
    But I want that the parser result could be:
    <select name="form/camp1" required="true" value="">
    <option value="hola" HOLA </option>
    <option value="adeu" ADEU </option>
    <option value="peich" PEICH </option>
    How can I do it??
    Thank you.
    PD:Excuse me my English.

    As I understand you want to add a text to your node.
    that should do it

  • After clicking hyperlink URL, slide restarts at beginning - please help

    I'm having this same problem which was posted a few months back and didn't receive any replies. Does anyone know how to fix this. It is a major problem as I have several slides where I'll need to click a URL and the return to the presentation only to have to click away to get back to where I was:
    I have set up a slide with several bullet points contain name of various websites. These bullets are set to appear on each click. They also have their hyperlinks activated and linked to their respective URLs. The problem occurred when the slide is in play mode, when clicked on any of the bullet which opens the website in the web browser (this part is perfect); but when going back to the slide, it does not go back to where the sequence of the bullet it was at; instead, it start from the beginning state of that particular slide. For example, if I click on the 3rd bullet (after I clicked build in for the first two bullets), it active the 3rd bullet’s website, but when I go back to Keynote, it revert back as none of the bullet has already been displayed (it revert back to the beginning blank slide). My question is after the website link ifs opened, how can I get back to where I left off in Keynote instead going back to the beginning of the slide?

    I'm having this same problem which was posted a few months back and didn't receive any replies. Does anyone know how to fix this. It is a major problem as I have several slides where I'll need to click a URL and the return to the presentation only to have to click away to get back to where I was:
    I have set up a slide with several bullet points contain name of various websites. These bullets are set to appear on each click. They also have their hyperlinks activated and linked to their respective URLs. The problem occurred when the slide is in play mode, when clicked on any of the bullet which opens the website in the web browser (this part is perfect); but when going back to the slide, it does not go back to where the sequence of the bullet it was at; instead, it start from the beginning state of that particular slide. For example, if I click on the 3rd bullet (after I clicked build in for the first two bullets), it active the 3rd bullet’s website, but when I go back to Keynote, it revert back as none of the bullet has already been displayed (it revert back to the beginning blank slide). My question is after the website link ifs opened, how can I get back to where I left off in Keynote instead going back to the beginning of the slide?

  • Please help with fontface

    Hi Guys, can anyone help please, I am really loosing my mind after several hours of failing to figure this out.
    I tried to insert (metadata - html for head) the code provided here: http://tinyurl.com/kvvn582 It works excelent for all browser except IE (off course), but curiously also Firefox (both mac and win version)
    To be completely sure that there is no problem on my side I inserted code from W3schools that was linked above, with fonts on their server:
    font-family: myFirstFont;
    src: url('http://www.w3schools.com/css3/Sansation_Light.ttf'),
    url('http://www.w3schools.com/css3/Sansation_Light.eot'); /* IE9 */
    but same problem again - all browsers display font fine, but firefox and IE dont.
    I also created html file with the code below and opened the file it in all browsers, same problem again only Firefox now uses Verdana..
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <style type="text/css">
    @font-face {
        font-family: "myFirstFont";
        src: url(http://www.w3schools.com/css3/Sansation_Light.ttf) format("truetype");
        font-family: "myFirstFont", Verdana, Tahoma;
    <p><b>Note:</b> Internet Explorer 9 only supports .eot fonts.</p>
    With CSS3, websites can finally use fonts other than the pre selected "web-safe" fonts.
    Can you please help? Thank you.

    You may look into Mozilla and Microsoft bug references or known issues for this one.
    I found a somewhat similar issue being discussed on Mozilla forums: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/956597
    Doesn't look like anything with Muse.

  • Please help me configure a new 8core for FCP

    I need to configure a new 8-core for FCP mainly. I need to keep the expense reasonable so dont want to spend extra $$$ if i dont have to.
    I edit files from many different camera's these days. Mostly weddings & demos.
    I want to go with an 8 core either Two 2.26GHz, OR 2.66GHz? Is the 2.2 fast enough with FCP?
    How much ram do i need?
    Do I need to stripe 2 sata drives together for the video?
    Which video card?
    Can you recommend any other software/hardware that will help me?
    Here is a link to apples spec page:

    sarecco wrote:
    Welcome to the family. if you are not familiar with the Macintosh operating system, get yourself a book.
    sarecco wrote:
    I want to go with an 8 core either Two 2.26GHz, OR 2.66GHz? Is the 2.2 fast enough with FCP?
    Either will work fine.
    sarecco wrote:
    How much ram do i need?
    As much as you want but 8G will be adequate. More might not help significantly.
    sarecco wrote:
    Do I need to stripe 2 sata drives together for the video?
    Depends on the video you're trying to use or if you want to do 9 camera multiclips. Maybe.
    sarecco wrote:
    Which video card?
    The stock 4870 is the gold standard for Motion; the current rev of FCP does not care much about the GPU but we are hoping future revs will use the card directly.
    sarecco wrote:
    Can you recommend any other software/hardware that will help me?
    Umm, withotu knowing what you need to do, of course not.
    sarecco wrote:
    No sweat, ignore those other guys. We see this post about once a week around here so you can easily research it on the forum. Strongly urge you to locate your local Macintosh user group.

  • CSS IE fine not Firefox,safari, etc Please help

    I am new and learning. I build a website and online the CSS works fine with IE (windows), but Firefox( windows,mac) and Safari (mac) are  not using the css.  I did run the browser compatibility check in Dreamweaver and says it's ok, not issues. 
    Checking the mozillaezine I saw people reporting the same issue and the members of that forum are saying that it happens because the "doctype declaration" used is not standard. They say "Make sure you use a DOCTYPE that causes the page to be rendered in standard mode in all browsers".
    sounds good, but  I have no idea about it, I don't know if I can use the declaration they are advising or not, I am learning this thing trial/error basis I guess.
    I did use a Dreamweaver template  to create my template page - the doctype declaration was there - . I did use my template page then to develop the site.  the declaration I am using is :
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    Other site advised to change the <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    for <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8;FF=3;OtherUA=4" /> I did change it and nothing happens.
    the mm_BibleGarden.css link is set relative to the document, as it was the linking in the original template.
    http: //PalmBeachBibleGarden.org
    <http://web.me.com/stmarks/PalmBeachBibleGarden/Index.html>  redirects to http://web.me.com/stmarks/PalmBeachBibleGarden/Index.html
    Could you please help me? I am really tired trying to fix and learn myself what to do to fix it.

    , everybody.
    I FIXED!
    After surfing on the net as crasy, I found the problem and the solution.
    It's a server configuration problem. My website is hosted at mobile.me (Apple) my server reports itself as "AppleIDiskServer-1D2305".
    in which CSS is ignored when viewed from the production server, but works fine locally. This is usually caused by a misconfiguration of the server and is not a browser bug.
    I fixed the problem as follows
    1. Login to me.com and go to iDisk
    2. Compress all the css/html files into an archive using the gears menu in the online interface.
    3. Delete the original files.
    4. Decompress the files and move them from the decompressed archive to their original spot.
    I did this and it did correct the mime type so now the site displays with formatting via the external stylesheet.
    I hope this thread will help people who are hosting with Apple mobile.me and

  • Definitons of scema,direcotry,dictionary,control file,library..please help

    hi ,
    Can you please tell me the defintions of scema,direcotry,dictionary,control file amd library in oracle
    Please help me by giving the definitions.....

    Is it a kind of homework ?
    Information you ask for are available through many system views. When I ain't sure of it's name I usually do something like this:
    select *
      from all_objects
    where object_name like '%CONTROL%'to get a list of objects that might help me finding control files.
    Another method is actually searching for information in dictionary view.

  • Please help How to clear session after calling method..is anything wrong

    I am facing issue while adding and removing text fields, looks like somehow textfields values are stored in session.
    Please help, is there anything wrong in the code...
    Example Detail :
    a) I am genereating textfields dynamicaaly using ui:repeat
    If I add 3 textfields say with Values "AAAA", "BBBB" and "CCCC" in a row.
    b) When I click on remove link against "BBBB" row, on the UI it removes "CCCC" BUT I checked the backend methods which handles this, it looks like it is removing correct "BBBB" in ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink().
    c) Even if "CCCC" is removed, assuming 2 rows with "AAAA", "BBBB" are left on clicking "Add treatment link" it adds a row but displays value as "CCCC"
    There is no database interaction at this point.
    Log on clicking "ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink()" link:
    +[STDOUT] ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), compare reagent hashcode : reagentEnitty[0]16784247, HASCODE FROM FORM UI=16784247+
    +[STDOUT] ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), Size of T=3+
    +[STDOUT] ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), FINAL Comp name left = AAAA+
    +[STDOUT] ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), compare treatment hashcode 2 : TreatmentEntity[1]5700104, HASCODE FROM FORM UI=5700104+
    +[STDOUT] ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), TreatMent.CompName TO REMOVE =BBBB+
    +[STDOUT] ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), FINAL Comp name left = CCCC+
    +[STDOUT] ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), outside for, reagent.getTreatment() = [com.entity.Treatment@b4818[+
    +], com.entity.Treatment@56fa08[+
    +], com.entity.Treatment@127d1b4[+
    <ui:repeat value="#{projectHome.reagent.treatment}" var="itreat">
    <h:inputText value="#{itreat.treatmentCompoundName}"/>
    <h:commandLink action="#{projectHome.removeTreatmentLink}"
      onclick="if (!confirm('Are you sure you want to remove this treatment?')) return false;">
    <f:param name="re_hashcode" value="#{info.hashCode()}"/>
    <f:param name="tr_hashcode" value="#{itreat.hashCode()}"/>
    public class ProjectHome extends EntityHome<Project> {
    public String removeTreatmentLink(){
      javax.faces.context.FacesContext facesContext = (new org.jboss.seam.faces.FacesContext()).getContext();
      javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest hsr=(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)facesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
      String reagentHashcode=hsr.getParameter("re_hashcode");
      String treatmentHashcode=hsr.getParameter("tr_hashcode");
      for(int i=0;i<reagent.length;i++){
          System.out.println("ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), compare reagent hashcode : reagentEnitty["+i+"]"+reagent.hashCode()+", HASCODE FROM FORM UI="+reagentHashcode);
    int sz=reagent[i].getTreatment().size();
    Treatment t[] = new Treatment[reagent[i].getTreatment().size()];
    for(int k=0;k<t.length;k++){
    System.out.println("ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), Size of T="+t.length);
    Treatment t1[] = new Treatment[t.length-1];
    ArrayList<Treatment> al= new ArrayList<Treatment>();
    for(int j=0;j<t.length;j++){
    System.out.println("ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), compare treatment hashcode 2 : TreatmentEntity["+j+"]"+t[j].hashCode()+", HASCODE FROM FORM UI="+treatmentHashcode);
    System.out.println("ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), TreatMent.CompName TO REMOVE ="+t[j].getTreatmentCompoundName());
    System.out.println("ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), FINAL Comp name left = "+t[j].getTreatmentCompoundName());
    System.out.println("ProjectHome.removeTreatmentLink(), outside for, reagent[i].getTreatment() = "+reagent[i].getTreatment());
    return "";

    In the future, you should be posting JSF related questions at the JSF forum.
    I see in your message history that you already posted one there some days ago. Since I saw it again, yes I recall your topic and I also recall that I initially ignored it because you marked it as urgent. [That was not so smart|http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html].
    val_123 wrote:
    Please help, is there anything wrong in the code... According to your problem: you need to preserve exactly the same datamodel during the apply request values phase of the form submit request as it was during the render response phase of the initial display request. This is also told several times in all of those countless "commandlink dont work in datatable" topics in the JSF forum. The same story goes on other UIData components like ui:repeat as well.
    Edited by: BalusC on 1-dec-2008 14:47

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