URLLoader Not?

I have a REST client that makes use of URLLoader to perform
it's needs and have a question if anyone else is seeing issues with
it. URLLoader no longer dispatches any events or throws any
exceptions when connecting locally. Running Flex Builder on the Mac
calling a local jBoss servlet to do it's thing. The URL's are
correctly being formed as I can see the request hit the servlet.
What is problematic is URLLoader acts as though it closes the
response stream right after the request has been made. Whatever
event I listen for (I have added all URLLoader events) never fire
nor are any exceptions thrown. It isn't a timeout issue as it has
been working and now suddenly stopped. (the servlet completes it's
processing in less that 1/10th of a second.
I have also seen this exact behavior when I was running Linux
in a VMWare Fusion Virtual Machine and was able to overcome that
behavior by forcing the traffic to bounce off of an external router
rather than run across a NAT'd connection locally. It feels like
URLLoader fails when it attempts to make a local connection.

Believe I have resolved this. It appears that a null
exception that was not seen in the IDE or Debugger that was due to
a misbehaving SQL command (event dispatch with a null value)
side-affected the event dispatch on URLLoader.

Similar Messages

  • URLLoader not working in any browsers but fine in the Flash IDE

    I have a problem that seems very strange. A flash script is using URLLoader to update some records and send back a message.
    In the flash IDE there is no problem. However, when I upload to the server, or viewing the swf file locally in any browser, the browser just hangs and does not show anything.
    I have also added a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR handler which does not give me any information.
    The URLloader is communicating with a php script. I have found out that it works with a .txt file.
    Is the anything that needs to be included in the php script?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Everyone
    I have managed to find the answer.
    The PHP script had a comment line after the echo statement. Once this was removed the application started the work fine in all the browsers.

  • URLLoader not working in Photoshop panel?

    I have started creating a panel plugin for Photoshop, but I seem to have run into a road block. I am using a simple URLLoader to grab some info from the internet, but when I load the plugin it never seems to be called nor does it fail. Here is an example of what I am trying to do.
    var url:String = "http://www.mySite.com/page.php";
    var urlR:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    urlL = new URLLoader();
    urlR.contentType = "text/plain";
    urlR.data = "var=something";
    urlL.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleted);
    urlL.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onFault);
    Is there something I am missing here?
    I have checked the obvious things like:
    Verified "Allow Extensions to Connect to the Internet" is checked in Preferences/Plugin-ins/
    Added Security.allowDomain(url); and Security.allowInsecureDomain(url);
    Even added the swf file location to the flash global settings.
    All to no aval. Any help would be appreciated. It looks like help on panels outside of the flex environment is pretty scares atm.

    Both onComplete and OnFault contain a single command that will cause an alert in Photoshop. For example;
    CSXSInterface.instance.evalScript("alert", "completed");
    CSXSInterface.instance.evalScript("alert", "fault");

  • URLLoader question

    Hi All,
    I'm struggling with the usage of an URLLoader.
    The problem is that basically, I need to load SWF's, but if an error occurs (for example, the swf does not exist or the user is not logged in), I want to send a text (JSON) message back to the flash player in order to properly inform the user.
    So basically, I'd like to know if the URLLoader's dataFormat property must be set manually, or if it is influenced by say, the contentType of the returned data. If so, what contentType (or other headers) must I set in order to distinguish swf (binary) and text in the receiving URLLoader?
    If this is not possible, is there another way to do this?
    The following works fine (when loading an swf)
    var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(myUrl);
    req.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader("pragma", "no-cache"));
    loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY; // <! Mostly ok, but when an error occurs, the dataFormat should be 'text'.
    And on complete,
    var l:Loader = new Loader();
    var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = l.contentLoaderInfo;
    loaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSWFLoadIOError);
    loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSWFLoadComplete);
    // Now I can dynamically instantiate symbols using l.contentLoaderInfo
    Best regards and Thanks in advance,

    Ah, yes, I'd like to get a custom message from the server, instead of the "Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type." which doesn't mean anything to an end-user.
    If I save the URLLoader in my class, I can use that one to get the (binary) data, (urlloader.bytes) and if i can convert that to a String, I have the solution.
    I checked, and this works:
    private var _urlLoader:URLLoader;
    // Load swf
    _urlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest(_cfg.url);
    req.requestHeaders.push(new URLRequestHeader("pragma", "no-cache"));
    var variables:URLVariables = null;
    _urlLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY; // Expect a binary swf
    protected function onComplete(e:Event):void {
         var loader:Loader = new Loader();
         var loaderInfo:LoaderInfo = loader.contentLoaderInfo;
         loaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, onSWFLoadIOError);
         loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onSWFLoadComplete);
    public function onSWFLoadIOError(e: IOErrorEvent) :void {
         // Get the binary data loaded from the URLLoader, not the Loader
         var b:ByteArray = this._urlLoader.data as ByteArray;
         var s:String = this.byteArrayToString(b);      // Try to convert the byteArray loaded to a String
    private function byteArrayToString(b:ByteArray):String {
         var t:String = "";
         for(var i:int=0; i<b.length; i++) {
              t=t + String.fromCharCode(b.readUnsignedByte());
         return t;
    It's a pity however that now I have to store the _urlLoader in the class, as I can't access it from the IOErrorEvent.
    Maybe there's a better solution, like peeking in the binary data for the first bytes of an SWF, but I'm not sure if that's a better solution.
    I still think that the URL loader should adapt it's dataFormat, depending on the contentType returned from the server.
    Best regards,

  • Help -- Script timing out during http event listener

    So, I have created an HTTPService to retrieve an XML file. The event listener is basically just parsing that XML file and doing another necessary calculation. Unfortunately, the script times out because while small in size, there's a lot of data in it.  I know there's a way to override this with the compiler, but this doesn't seem like a smart thing to do. What are other solutions?
    I need the XML data to be loaded when the Flash player loads because it basically displays graph data that people need to be able to see as soon as the page finishes loading.
    Thanks so much for you input. I didn't anticipate this timeout problem!

    I changed my code to use the URLLoader(), not that it would resolve the problem, but maybe it's the preferred way to do this?
    Project Overview (that's relevant):
    The XML data is a bunch of numbers that I need to display on a graph as soon as the page is loaded. So, it must be parsed and obviously remapped to the height of the panel.
    The mostly relevant code:
    // openXML() is being called by my controller, which is called by my application's initialize
    public function openXML():void {       
                var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
                loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadXML);
                loader.load(new URLRequest(xmlURL));
    private function loadXML(evt:Event):void {
                var xml:XML = new XML(evt.target.data);
                // setup all <R> (Reading) tags as an xml list
                xmlList = xml.R;
                for (var i:int=0;i<xmlList.length();i++) {
                // each value will then need to be remapped to fit the panel
                // call the gsrController -- which will in turn draw all this stuff       
    So the problem is, I'm new to Flex, and the lack of multithreading seems to be hurting me? I would LOVE for a way for the openXML() file to be able to return the xmlList so that I can take all of that logic OUT of that event listener, which is the way it should be. But how could I do that? I don't think that I can tell openXML() to wait on that event listener before it returns anything - haha.
    When I was testing this stuff a few days ago, everything was working perfectly, it was when I used data that corresponded to 40 minutes worth of video that it became a problem!
    (And to provide a better overview of what I'm doing, the XML data is for drawing this line that the video player ticker is syncing up with as the video plays......)

  • URLLoader works great localhost but live does not work

    I have been working on this for a few days on the localhost set up, retriving data as varaibles from a php string.
    There is a output.php file located on the server
    My Flash code for retriving the code(the swf in embedded into a menu.php file that is in this dir http://example.com/room/menu.php)
    var theloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    theloader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;   
    theloader.load(new URLRequest("http://example.com/room/output.php"));
    theloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, turnOn);
    There is no error given by Flash, i just does not load
    This is what i have tried(as far as the link is concered)
    theloader.load(new URLRequest("http://example.com/room/output.php"));
    theloader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.example.com/room/output.php"));
    theloader.load(new URLRequest("/output.php"));
    theloader.load(new URLRequest("output.php"));
    Still is not loading the file, Any Suggestions would be helpful

    This is the file script, the php does not give any html, it simply outputs the requested string, no whitespaces nothing like that
    Any help will be aprecaited, I just noticed that sometimes the animation freezes when it comes to loading the showImages function
    import fl.transitions.*;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    import flash.events.TimerEvent;
    var theloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    theloader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;   
    theloader.load(new URLRequest("output.php"));
    theloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, turnOn);
    //Set the Timer for the Images to Show up
    var delayCall:Number = 3000;
    var repeatCall:int = 1;
    var imagesShow:Timer = new Timer(delayCall, repeatCall);
    //Add Event Listener for the imagesShow Timer
    imagesShow.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, showImages);
    //Define Text Formats
    //1st is Heading Text
    var headingTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    headingTxt.font = "Eurostile";
    headingTxt.size = 18;
    headingTxt.color = 0x40ABE3;
    headingTxt.bold = true;
    headingTxt.underline = true;
    //2nd is Car Name Text
    var carnameTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    carnameTxt.font = "Eurostile";
    carnameTxt.size = 14;
    carnameTxt.color = 0x40ABE3;
    carnameTxt.bold = true;
    carnameTxt.underline = false;
    //3rd is Car Description
    var cardescTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    cardescTxt.font = "Eurostile";
    cardescTxt.size = 10;
    cardescTxt.color = 0xF6F9FA;
    cardescTxt.bold = true;
    cardescTxt.underline = false;
    //4th is for Car Price
    var carpriceTxt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    carpriceTxt.font = "Eurostile";
    carpriceTxt.size = 15;
    carpriceTxt.color = 0xF6F9FA;
    carpriceTxt.bold = true;
    carpriceTxt.underline = false;
    function showImages(event:TimerEvent):void {
    var bmw:MovieClip = new bmw_mc();
    var ferrari:MovieClip = new ferrari_mc();
    var lambo:MovieClip = new lambo_mc();
    var mercedes:MovieClip = new mercedes_mc();
    bmw.x = 260;
    bmw.y = 340;
    mercedes.x = 50;
    mercedes.y = 18;
    lambo.x = 530;
    lambo.y = 20;
    ferrari.x = 570;
    ferrari.y = 370;
    bmw.rotation = 20;
    var bmw = new TransitionManager(bmw);
    bmw.startTransition({type:Zoom, direction:Transition.IN, duration:4, easing:Elastic.easeOut});
    addChildAt(bmw, 0);
    var mercedes = new TransitionManager(mercedes);
    mercedes.startTransition({type:Iris, direction:Transition.IN, duration:2, easing:Strong.easeOut, startPoint:5, shape:Iris.CIRCLE});
    addChildAt(mercedes, 0);
    var lambo = new TransitionManager(lambo);
    lambo.startTransition({type:Blinds, direction:Transition.IN, duration:2, easing:None.easeNone, numStrips:10, dimension:0});
    addChildAt(lambo, 0);
    var ferrari = new TransitionManager(ferrari);
    ferrari.startTransition({type:Fade, direction:Transition.IN, duration:8, easing:Strong.easeOut});
    addChildAt(ferrari, 0);
    function turnOn(event:Event):void {
    //Looking After Spacing    
    var tft:Number = 325;
    var twt:Number = 325;
    var tct:Number = 50;
    var tst:Number = 50;
    //Looking after heading Text
    var category:TextField = new TextField();
    category.text = "CAR LIST";
    category.x = 400;
    category.y = 300;
    var movieTween:Tween = new Tween(category, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 600, 400, 2, true);
    var categoryone:TextField = new TextField();
    categoryone.text = "TRAILER LIST";
    categoryone.x = 50;
    categoryone.y = 300;
    var cargoTween:Tween = new Tween(categoryone, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 0, 50, 2, true);
    var categorytwo:TextField = new TextField();
    categorytwo.text = "CARGO";
    categorytwo.x = 120;
    categorytwo.y = 25;
    var cocktailTween:Tween = new Tween(categorytwo, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 0, 120, 2, true);
    var categorythree:TextField = new TextField();
    categorythree.text = "BIKES";
    categorythree.x = 430;
    categorythree.y = 25;
    var shotsTween:Tween = new Tween(categorythree, "x", Elastic.easeOut, 600, 430, 2, true);
    //Iterating through the loop
    for (var i:Number = 0; i < theloader.data.count; i++) {
    if (theloader.data["carcat" + i] == "CarList") {   
    var carname:TextField = new TextField();
    var cardesc:TextField = new TextField();
    var carprice:TextField = new TextField();
    carname.y = tft;
    carname.x = 400;
    cardesc.x = 400;
    cardesc.y = tft+13;
    carprice.y = tft+5;
    carprice.x = 525;
    carprice.text = "$" + theloader.data["carprice" + i];
    carname.text = theloader.data["carname" + i];
    cardesc.text = theloader.data["Bevdes" + i];
    var myTween:Tween = new Tween(carname, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 2, true);
    var myPTween:Tween = new Tween(cardesc, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    var myDTween:Tween = new Tween(carprice, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    carname.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    cardesc.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    tft += 30;
    if (theloader.data["carcat" + i] == "Bikes") {   
    var carnameW:TextField = new TextField();
    var cardescW:TextField = new TextField();
    var carpriceW:TextField = new TextField();
    carnameW.y = twt;
    carnameW.x = 50;
    cardescW.x = 50;
    cardescW.y = twt+13;
    carpriceW.y = twt+5;
    carpriceW.x = 200;
    carpriceW.text = "$" + theloader.data["carprice" + i];
    carnameW.text = theloader.data["carname" + i];
    cardescW.text = theloader.data["cardesc" + i];
    var myTweenW:Tween = new Tween(carnameW, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 2, true);
    var myPTweenW:Tween = new Tween(cardescW, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    var myDTweenW:Tween = new Tween(carpriceW, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    carnameW.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    cardescW.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    twt += 30;
    if (theloader.data["carcat" + i] == "Cargo") {   
    var carnameC:TextField = new TextField();
    var cardescC:TextField = new TextField();
    var carpriceC:TextField = new TextField();
    carnameC.y = tct;
    carnameC.x = 120;
    cardescC.x = 120;
    cardescC.y = tct+13;
    carpriceC.y = tct+5;
    carpriceC.x = 270;
    carpriceC.text = "$" + theloader.data["carprice" + i];
    carnameC.text = theloader.data["carname" + i];
    cardescC.text = theloader.data["cardesc" + i];
    var myTweenC:Tween = new Tween(carnameC, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 2, true);
    var myPTweenC:Tween = new Tween(cardescC, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    var myDTweenC:Tween = new Tween(carpriceC, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    carnameC.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    cardescC.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    tct += 30;
    if (theloader.data["carcat" + i] == "Trailers") {   
    var carnameS:TextField = new TextField();
    var cardescS:TextField = new TextField();
    var carpriceS:TextField = new TextField();
    carnameS.y = tst;
    carnameS.x = 430;
    cardescS.x = 430;
    cardescS.y = tst+13;
    carpriceS.y = tst+5;
    carpriceS.x = 540;
    carpriceS.text = "$" + theloader.data["carprice" + i];
    carnameS.text = theloader.data["carname" + i];
    cardescS.text = theloader.data["cardesc" + i];
    var myTweenS:Tween = new Tween(carnameS, "alpha", Regular.easeOut, 0, 1, 2, true);
    var myPTweenS:Tween = new Tween(cardescS, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    var myDTweenS:Tween = new Tween(carpriceS, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
    carnameS.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    cardescS.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    tst += 30;

  • Not receiving COMPLETE event in URLLoader

    I'm querying a web application in a remote server through XML files and receiving answers in the same file format. Until now, sometimes I received a connection error:
    Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: http://server/Services/startSesion.com
        at reg_jugadores_fla::MainTimeline/queryGQ()
        at reg_jugadores_fla::MainTimeline/reg_jugadores_fla::frame1()
    When this occurs, trying to access the services through a web browser, there's a test page where you can try queries, returns a "500 Internal server error". I managed that problem adding a listener to catch the error:
    xmlSendLoad.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, catchIOError);
    But since yesterday I can't connect anymore using Flash while it's possible to access the test page. I'm not able to talk to any support guy as the company is closed for vacations! I added listeners to try to know what's happening and this is the result in the output window:
    openHandler: [Event type="open" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2]
    progressHandler loaded:154 total: 154
    httpStatusHandler: [HTTPStatusEvent type="httpStatus" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 status=200]
    AFAIK, status=200 means OK but why the COMPLETE event isn't dispatched?. So, is there anything I can do or just wait until the tech guys return from the beach?
    Thanks in advance
    queryGQ(sessionURL,sessionQS);  // Start session
    function queryGQ(url:String,qs:String):void {
    var serviceURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://server/Services/"+url);
    serviceURL.data = qs;
    serviceURL.contentType = "text/xml";
    serviceURL.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
    var xmlSendLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
    dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadXML);
    dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler);
    dispatcher.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
    dispatcher.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);
    dispatcher.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler);
    dispatcher.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, catchIOError);
    function openHandler(event:Event):void {
    trace("openHandler: " + event);
    function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
    trace("progressHandler loaded:" + event.bytesLoaded + " total: " + event.bytesTotal);
    function securityErrorHandler(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
    trace("securityErrorHandler: " + event);
    function httpStatusHandler(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void {
    trace("httpStatusHandler: " + event);
    function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
    trace("ioErrorHandler: " + event);

    View may not fire events. View may call method on other controller (component / custom) and this controller fires event.
    You are absolutely right: in WD only instantiated controllers receives the event, event itself does not cause controller instantiation.
    The only controller that is always instantiated is component controller.
    Custom controllers instantiated on demand when their context is accessed or user-defined method called.
    As far as view may not have externally visible context nodes and methods (you may not add view controller as required to other one and use nodes/methods of view), the only time when view is instantiated is when it get visible for first time.
    To solve your problem, try the following:
    1. Save event parameters to component controller context node element before firing event.
    2. Create mapped node in target view and set node from controller as source.
    3. In wdDoInit of target view insert the following code:
    null, //no wdEvent
    Valery Silaev
    SaM Solutions

  • URLLoader does not work

    I am following the URLLoader example
    I'm compiling with -mxmlc -use-network=false Main.as
    Both main.swf and the file I'm trying to download (test.txt) reside in the same directory
    I get the open even then the HTTPStatus event (status == 0) then nothing happens
    I verified that the file is found: I changed the file name to xtest.txt and promptly got an ioError event.
    I tried to compile without -use-network=false and the load failed with an error #2148 as expected
    I changed the url to http://test.txt, compiled with -use-naetwork=flase and the load failed with error #2028 as expected
    I added a timer to make sure the flash is running, and it does
    In short I think it simply is broked!
    Compiled using flex sdk "Version 3.3.0 build 4852"
    The player's about sends me to http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ ,  which reports "You have version 10,0,32,18 installed"
    The URLLoader is suported since player v9
    Browser is firefox, and I am running it on Linux
    Here's the code:
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        import flash.utils.setInterval;
        import flash.net.URLRequest;
        import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
        import flash.net.URLLoader;
        import flash.net.URLLoaderDataFormat;
        import flash.events.IEventDispatcher;
        import flash.events.Event;
        import flash.events.IOErrorEvent;
        import flash.events.HTTPStatusEvent;
        import flash.events.SecurityErrorEvent;
        import flash.utils.ByteArray;
        public class Main extends Sprite
            private var downloadUrl:String;
            private var downloadRequest:URLRequest;
            private var downloadLoader:URLLoader;
            private var downloadBytes:ByteArray;
            private var downloadStarted:Boolean = false;
            private var downloadDone:Boolean = false;
            private var statusLine:TextField;
            private var statusText:String = "";
            private var timerStep:Number = 100;
            private var elapsedTime:Number = 0;
            public function Main()
                statusLine = new TextField();
                statusLine.width = 400;
                statusLine.height = 400;
                statusLine.multiline = true;
                statusLine.wordWrap = true;
                statusLine.text = "Starting";
                // NOTE: Adobe livedocs for setInterval says:
                // "Instead of using the setInterval() method, consider creating
                //  a Timer object, with the specified interval, ..."
                // except it does not work! stick with setInterval() for now
                elapsedTime = 0;
            private function showStatus():void
                var txt:String = "";
                elapsedTime += timerStep;
                if (downloadDone)
                    txt += "Download done ";
                if (downloadStarted)
                    txt += "Downloading ";
                txt += statusText + "\n";
                txt += " > " + Math.round(elapsedTime/100)/10 + " < ";
                statusLine.text = txt;
            public function download(url:String):void
                downloadStarted = false;
                downloadDone = false;
                downloadUrl = url;
                downloadRequest = new URLRequest(downloadUrl);
                downloadLoader = new URLLoader();
                try {
                    downloadLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
                } catch (error:Error) {
                    statusText = "download failed: " + error.message;
            private function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void
                dispatcher.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,downloadSecurityErrorHandle r);
            private function downloadStartedHandler(event:Event):void
                downloadStarted = true;
                statusText += "Started " + event;
            private function downloadCompletedHandler():void
                downloadDone = true;
                statusText += "Completed ";
            private function downloadSecurityErrorHandler(event:Event):void
                statusText += "SecurityError (" + event + ")";
            private function downloadHttpStatusHandler(event:Event):void
                statusText += "HttpStatus(" + event + ")";
            private function downloadIOErrorHandler(event:Event):void
                statusText += "IOError (" + event + ")";

    silly mistake... notice how all callback functions take an argument "event"Event" ... all that is _except_ the downloadCompleted handler
    i changed
    private function downloadCompletedHandler():void
    private function downloadCompletedHandler(event:Event):void
    and this code started to work
    unfortunatly, the compiler does not catch this sort of error.

  • XML not loading in SWF

    Please, please someone help. I have been at this for days and can't see the woods for the trees any more.
    I have a swf embedded in a htm file. I pass FlashVars to it with a view to setting colours for symbols already in the swf.
    No matter what I do I simply cannot get the xml loaded. Can someone help and have a look at the following code and tell me where I am going wrong.
    I am using Flash CS4/AS 3. The default class is com.main and all .AS files are located in a folder 'com' within the root. All fla. .swf and  .xml files are located in the root.
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <p>Hello World!</p>
        <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="400" id="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf" ALIGN="">
        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
        <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf">
        <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
        <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF>
        <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" value="xmlfile=myxml2.xml" />
        <EMBED FlashVars="xmlfile=myxml2.xml" width="550" height="400" src="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF NAME="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED>
    package com
    import com.*;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
    import flash.events.*;
    public class main extends MovieClip
      public var gx:getXML;
      public var xmlFileName:Object;
      public function Main()
       //addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init );
      private function init():void 
       //removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init )
       //var xmlFileName:Object = stage.loaderInfo.parameters;
       var gx:getXML = new getXML("myxml2.xml");
    package com
      // Static Class
      import com.*;
      import flash.display.SimpleButton;
      import flash.xml.XMLDocument;
      import flash.xml.XMLNode;
      import flash.xml.XMLNodeType;
      import flash.events.*;
      import flash.net.URLLoader;
      import flash.net.URLRequest;
      import flash.net.URLVariables;
      import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
      import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
      import flash.net.navigateToURL;
      import flash.system.fscommand;
      public class getXML extends SimpleButton
       public var xmlData:XML;
        public function getXML(xmlurl:String):void
         var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
         loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);
           var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(xmlurl);
            //urlReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;  
            //var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
            //urlReq.data = variables;
            //try {  
                  //} catch (error:Error) {  
                      //trace ("Unable to load requested document.");  
        public function LoadXML(e:Event):void
         xmlData = new XML(e.target.data);
         //xmlData = new XML("myxml2.xml");
         var rslt:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument();
         rslt.ignoreWhite = true;
         for (var i=0; i<rslt.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++)
          staticClass.note_Array.push(xmlData.data[i].mc_name + "##" + xmlData.data[i].note);
         var k = staticClass.mc_Array.length  
         var j = 0;
         for each (var val:String in staticClass.mc_Array)
          var btn:SimpleButton = SimpleButton(this.parent.getChildByName(val));
          if (btn != null)
           var rojo:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
           rojo.color = uint (staticClass.color_code_Array[j]);    
           btn.transform.colorTransform = rojo;
           btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
           btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);
           btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOut);
           * Set mouse over separate colour
           btn.alpha = 3;
         function onClick(e:MouseEvent )
          trace(e.currentTarget.name + "----" + staticClass.url_Array[e.currentTarget.name.substring(7, e.currentTarget.name.length)-1]);
          if(staticClass.url_Array[0] != "None")
           navigateToURL(new URLRequest(staticClass.url_Array[0] + "?Room=" + e.currentTarget.name), "_self");
           fscommand("RoomType", e.currentTarget.name);
         function onOut(e:MouseEvent )
          e.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("HoverText").text = "";
          e.currentTarget.alpha = 3;
         function onOver(e:MouseEvent )
          e.currentTarget.alpha = 1.5;
          for each (var val:String in staticClass.note_Array)
           if(e.currentTarget.name == val.substring(0, val.indexOf("##", 0)))
            e.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("HoverText").text = val.substring(val.indexOf("##", 0) + 2, val.length);
            //e.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("HoverText").text = "HELP ME";
    package com
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class staticClass
       public static var head_Array:Array = new Array();
       public static var color_code_Array:Array = new Array();
       public static var url_Array:Array = new Array();
       public static var note_Array:Array = new Array();
       public static var mc_Array:Array = new Array();
       public static var url_Array1 :Array = new Array();

    i don't think you're using Main or you would see error messages.
    what's the following trace() reveal:
    oh, i can see an error in Main, too:
    package com
    import com.*;
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.SimpleButton;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.display.Stage;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
    import flash.events.*;
    public class main extends MovieClip   // main should be Main
      public var gx:getXML;
      public var xmlFileName:Object;
      public function Main()
       //addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init );
      private function init():void 
       //removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init )
       //var xmlFileName:Object = stage.loaderInfo.parameters;
       var gx:getXML = new getXML("myxml2.xml");

  • Problem with URLLoader in AS3

    Hello All,
    I have asked on this fourms before about how to load data from asp.net and I have some suggestions about using URLLoader to load my data with a nice tutorial on it
    I have used it but the problem now that when I change the data in asp.net part it suppose to load it when i run the flash file or refresh the page that content my swf file , but that is not occured
    what happen that the flash seems to chash the data and every time I run it return the same data , and when I close the flash progrem and re open it again it retrive the new data
    so if any one know how to solve this problem I will be thankful
    Thanks in Advance

    append something that changes when you load your asp file:
    yoururlloader.load(new URLRequest("youraspfile.asp?nocache="+Math.random().toString()));

  • Var Request Works Locally but not when Placed Online

    When I run this code on machine locally, it works perfect, however when I put it online it no longer works, can anybody help?
    Additionally the only the reason i placed the var request in a function was because I have another var request earlier in the code as was not sure how to run it without a duplicate entry error.
    function goresult() {
         var request:URLRequest=new URLRequest("http://www.whichpartyshouldivotefor.co.uk/wp-content/themes/test/leadingparty.php");
         var getresult:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
         getresult.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
    function completeHandler(evt:Event) {
         var conservativeresult=evt.target.data.conservative;
         var libdemresult=evt.target.data.libdem;
         var labourresult=evt.target.data.labour;
         trace (conservativeresult);
         vote.text = conservativeresult;

    My best guess is that you are coming across a security sandbox violation - AKA a crossdomain scripting error.
    This means that you need a crossdomain.xml on the root of your web-host that allows "whichpartyshouldivotefor.co.uk"

  • Why is this RSS Feed not working?

    Here is the code I used on the RSS Parser file. Yet when I
    open the flash viewer no changes have been made from the original
    example I pulled this from. Sorry, the code is listed twice. The
    second version is when I used "attach code" and I can't seem to
    delete the original cut & paste.
    Mind you, I'm just getting through the latter stages of a
    beginner Flash course, so if possible, please keep explanations
    relatively understandable to a newbie. :)
    package com.example.programmingas3.rssViewer {
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.events.*;
    * RSSParser includes methods for
    * converting RSS XML data into HTML text.
    public class RSSParser extends EventDispatcher {
    * The text to use as the title of the application
    public var sampleTitle:String = "Raw Story: Breaking News";
    * The text to use as the description of the application
    public var sampleDescription:String = "Bringing you the news
    the supposed liberal media won't";
    * The URL of the source RSS data. Alternate URLs are listed
    as comments.
    * Note that in order to use RSS data from a network address,
    the source server
    * needs to impliment a cross-domain policy file. For
    details, see the "Flash Player
    * Security" chapter in the Programming ActionScript 3.0
    public var url:String = "
    * The XML object containing the source RSS data
    public var rssXML:XML;
    * The string that will contain the converted HTML version of
    the RSS topic data.
    public var rssOutput:String;
    * The title of the RSS feed.
    public var rssTitle:String;
    * Used to load RSS data.
    private var myLoader:URLLoader;
    * An event used to signal that the HTML version of the RSS
    data has been written.
    private var dataWritten:Event;
    * Initiates loading of the RSS data.
    public function RSSParser() {
    var rssXMLURL:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
    myLoader = new URLLoader(rssXMLURL);
    myLoader.addEventListener("complete", xmlLoaded);
    * Invoked when the RSS data is loaded. This method parses
    through the
    * XML data by looping through each item element in the XML,
    * the title description and link elements in the item
    * The buildHTML() method returns HTML in the form of an
    * object, which is converted to the rssOutput string.
    * The channel.title property of the rssXML is used as the
    * title for the RSS feed. When the method is complete, it
    * a dataWritten event, which notifies the host application
    of the
    * completion.
    public function xmlLoaded(evtObj:Event):void {
    rssXML = XML(myLoader.data);
    var outXML:XMLList = new XMLList();
    /* The source RSS data may or may not use a namespace to
    * its content.
    if (rssXML.namespace("") != undefined) {
    default xml namespace = rssXML.namespace("");
    for each (var item:XML in rssXML..item) {
    var itemTitle:String = item.title.toString();
    var itemDescription:String = item.description.toString();
    var itemLink:String = item.link.toString();
    outXML += buildItemHTML(itemTitle,
    XML.prettyPrinting = false;
    rssOutput = outXML.toXMLString();
    rssTitle = rssXML.channel.title.toString();
    dataWritten = new Event("dataWritten", true);
    * Builds an XMLList object that represents a segment of HTML
    * based on the three string parameters that define the
    title, description,
    * and link information from an RSS item.
    * The return text is of the following form:
    * <p>itemDescription<br/><a
    private function buildItemHTML(itemTitle:String,
    itemLink:String):XMLList {
    default xml namespace = new Namespace();
    var body:XMLList = new XMLList();
    body += new XML("<b>" + itemTitle + "</b>");
    var p:XML = new XML("<p>" + itemDescription +
    var link:XML = <a></a>;
    link.@href = itemLink; // <link
    link.font.@color = "#008000"; // <font
    // 0x008000 = green
    link.font = "More...";
    body += p;
    return body;

    Please when you have a question post the feed URL, not its contents. For reference, your feed is at
    You have failed to close the category tag, which renders the feed unreadable. You need to add a line as here:
    <itunes:category text="Games &amp; Hobbies">
    <itunes:category text="Video Games"/>
    Though it doesn't affect the validity of the feed, your link tag:
    leads to a server directory, not a page.

  • Mp3 and TimerEvent not in sync

    Last night a buddy of mine who I make music with was asking
    me if I could get objects to move in flash in sync with the sounds.
    I said I might be able to, and figured it would be good to load an
    mp3, a simple hihat called hihat.mp3. My idea is to set up a
    TimerEvent that calls a function 'hitHiHat()' every 250
    milliseconds. Problem is, when I run the program, the sound of the
    mp3 is not in sync. I thought this might be a bad idea because the
    TImerEvent might not be very accurate, but I remember reading
    somewhere that the TimerEvent is VERY accurate. If it's not, I
    definitely can't do what I'm trying to do, because the idea is to
    have multiple instruments playing. If it's not the TimerEvent, I
    thought that maybe it's the _sound.play() function that is lagging,
    or that maybe there is a conflict with the mp3 already playing when
    the hitHiHat function is called. Please let me know if I could do
    something to make this program have a bit more rhythm, or if it's
    just a bad idea altogether (code below). THANKS!
    package {
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.events.Event;
    import flash.events.MouseEvent;
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import flash.net.URLLoader;
    import flash.net.URLRequest;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.xml.*;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter;
    //import kurt.classes.Console;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.TimerEvent;
    import flash.media.Sound;
    import flash.media.SoundChannel;
    public class gentlemansound extends Sprite {
    private var tf:TextField = new TextField();
    private var circle:Sprite;
    private var tempo:Timer;
    private var _sound:Sound;
    private var urlReq:URLRequest;
    private var soundChan:SoundChannel;
    private var needsToPlay:Boolean;
    public function gentlemansound() {
    private function init():void {
    needsToPlay = true;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    circle = new Sprite();
    _sound = new Sound();
    urlReq = new URLRequest("sounds/hihat.mp3");
    _sound.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, startHiHat);
    tempo = new Timer(250);
    tempo.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, hitHiHat);
    tf.width = 400;
    tf.height = 200;
    tf.border = true;
    tf.multiline = true;
    tf.x = 10;
    tf.y = 20;
    //tf.x = stage.stageWidth / 20;
    //tf.y = stage.stageHeight / 20;
    tf.text = "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
    blah blah blah blah";
    private function startHiHat(event:Event):void {
    private function hitHiHat(event:TimerEvent):void {
    if (needsToPlay == true) {
    soundChan = _sound.play();
    needsToPlay = false;
    soundChan = _sound.play();

    the timer function (along with setInterval and every other
    loop in flash) is inaccurate and very much dependent on local
    system speed. in short, there is no loop in flash suitable for
    synch'g sound and anything else. the ear it too sensitive to even
    small mis-timings.
    you can however, create a self-correcting loop based on
    getTimer() (which is as accurate as the local system clock) which
    can maintain a small error tolerance. even this, however, may not
    be satisfactory for your purposes and you may need to synch sound
    and animation in a flv.

  • Problem constructing a web service request wich does not include namespace

    I'm evaluating Flex 3 for a web development.
    I'm having problems with a web service invocation.
    This is the soap request made with Soap UI:
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="
    <mx:WebService id="giService" wsdl="
    http://..." result="onResult(event)">
    <mx:operation name="querySoftware">
    When invoking operation I get this error:
    [RPC Fault faultString="HTTP request error"
    faultCode="Server.Error.Request" faultDetail="Error: [IOErrorEvent
    type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
    text="Error #2032: Error de secuencia. URL: ]
    at mx.rpc::AbstractInvoker/
    http://www.adobe.com/2006/flex/mx/internal::faultHandler()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\project s\rpc\src\mx\rpc\AbstractInvoker.as:216
    mx.rpc::Responder/fault()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\Responder.as:49 ]
    mx.rpc::AsyncRequest/fault()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\rpc\AsyncRequest .as:103]
    DirectHTTPMessageResponder/errorHandler()[E:\dev\3.0.x\frameworks\projects\rpc\src\mx\mes saging\channels\DirectHTTPChannel.as:343]
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
    at flash.net::URLLoader/redirectEvent()
    I see that Flex is making the request like the following
    wichi is not correct according to Soap UI request:
    How could I construct the request to include the open:
    Thanks a lot.

    I actually worked through this problem yesterday. This thread
    should help you:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=60&catid=585&threadid =1377262&enterthread=y

  • [locked] adobe flash player plugin not working in FFox 3.6.8

      I run Windows XP Home fully auto-updated, have IE8+ latest FFox browser 3.6.8, and have installed (as Admin) your Shockwave Flash Player
    and plugin Ver.  FFox Plugin Check says "Up to date".  At least 10 times per day, I get a Javascript alert of "script error" when I try
    to view Flash Content. I have thoroughly researched this prob on your site, but find no answer to my prob, hence this thread.
      Please tell me:
    1. How to fix this, and
    2. Why I should not COMPLETELY block ALL Flash content with freeware tools.
      It would be a pity, because I have 5 MILLION hits on my YouTube (and other .flv/swf- hosted vidsites)....  but I have no option now but to consider
    your latest update unusable and incompatible with my Firefox-secured sys. I did sucessfully dodge your slyly unethical attempt to default-install
      McAfee junkware, as I am responsible for securing quite a few computers in my law firm. I use and regularly update & scan w/:
      AVG Antivirus, Spybot S&D+Teatimer resident, and the free Zonealarm firewall. I have updated my Java and Javascriptscript and always keep
      Javascript turned on. I also run SpywareBlaster and occasional free Kaspersky, Panda, and F-secure Virusscans. I am virus/spyware free.
      I wrote my first line of code in 1968.
      The only problem I and my users have is with YOUR Flash product updates/plugins in FFox,  crashing and generating  a Javascript errmsg.
       You have even completely locke up my computer, which NEVER happens to me unless gates does it. I fear I have fallen for the old trick of
       getting v. 1 of an existing ware, to be patched later, in the evil M$oft way.  If your products only work with M$oft OS's and browsers,
       you are violating the well-known Google Success maxim of "don't be evil!"  And the common-sense rule that content-delivery Netware
       should be Browser- independent. I know you code mostly for intrusive-adware, and have allowed for that. But I am getting VERY tired of seeing
       a Javascrpt errmsg and the words on my FFox browser "The Adobe plug-in has crashed. Send crash report"- which I always do.
       I know Open Source wares are pressing you hard, but yes, the .PDF Reader WAS designed to be the first common format other than ASCII.
       You are falling far short of user-acceptance comapared to days past. Your products are WAY overpriced bloatware. PLEASE don't be the
        Bill Gates of served-out pictorial content, where "it's ALL proprietary". That will kill your sales and inspire freeware-writers more than you can
        believe.  If you fail to fix this bug speedily in your freeware, you will suffer the Fate of Vista. I NEVER buy into a ver.1.0, but you have forced me to,
       and it doesn't work.  Fix it- put out a hotfix or patch, or the WHOLE OPEN SOURCE/SHAREWARE Community of Users like me will not even
       CONSIDER buying your products.  I write for your benefit, not mine. .PDF and Word/.wmv files are NEEDED by users. DON'T BE EVIL!
        HELP me! I've already installed OpenOffice and my next sys's OS will be a flavor of UNIX..  You do business in the WRONG way for 2010-users!
        Or are you copying the outdated, universally hated-by-pros M$oft business-model? In less than a decade of Internet time, there won't even BE a
        Microsoft- except for those who are complete Net-Noobs and can be victimized easily. IE8 is a constantly-patched virus magnet. Please
        DO NOT go down that road.....for your own good.
        The De-Crasher

         Uhhh, whatever, ednob. Take offense at whatever you want to- it's your constitutional Right.
        Yes, it's pretty hard to make all these deep-rooted proggies work together. But I think that's the Coder's job to anticipate, not mine.
         All the secuityware I use is pretty popular.  AND-
         I'm too busy in the courtroom to spend much time as a TOTAL what's-new $product$ nerd.
         This answer is that I'd just like my sys to be able to access my weather site Intellicast.com , which my NEW! BETTER! Flash 10
         installation just froze hands-down in the best, latest, most secure browser- FFox. For 15 minutes. That's all I have for you.
          Adios!    You can go away now.  I billmy tim at $200/hr and have lectured by invitation to NASA, DECUS and a whole lot of other folks.
         Been using the Net since 1991- when you HAD to learn UNIX.
        For the man who really tried to HELP me, Syncwulf, here is some error-data I could capture- even with a frozen browser
        I had to kill with Task Manager.
         The message the INTELLICAST SITE reported to me was
      Error: Error #2058: There was an error decompressing the data.
        at flash.utils::ByteArray/_uncompress()
        at flash.utils::ByteArray/uncompress()
        at MethodInfo-1()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
        at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
        at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete()
      And naturally it froze before I could even send off a Crash Report to help Adobe.
      Too bad for that other window I had open to a client, eh? Had to end the whole FFox run, all tabs.
      All help appreciated, but all snotty lectures from guys who were wetting their diapers when I was using
      Princeton's IBM 360/91 in 1969 to program in ALGOL 60 will be ignored.
      Thanks, SYNCWULF! Your reply arrived at the speed of electrons thru copper = 9 inches per nanosecond.
      - The DeCrasher

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