XML not loading in SWF

Please, please someone help. I have been at this for days and can't see the woods for the trees any more.
I have a swf embedded in a htm file. I pass FlashVars to it with a view to setting colours for symbols already in the swf.
No matter what I do I simply cannot get the xml loaded. Can someone help and have a look at the following code and tell me where I am going wrong.
I am using Flash CS4/AS 3. The default class is com.main and all .AS files are located in a folder 'com' within the root. All fla. .swf and  .xml files are located in the root.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<p>Hello World!</p>
    <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" WIDTH="550" HEIGHT="400" id="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf" ALIGN="">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
    <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf">
    <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high>
    <PARAM NAME="FlashVars" value="xmlfile=myxml2.xml" />
    <EMBED FlashVars="xmlfile=myxml2.xml" width="550" height="400" src="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF NAME="8 - WHN Sixth Floor.swf" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED>
package com
import com.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.events.*;
public class main extends MovieClip
  public var gx:getXML;
  public var xmlFileName:Object;
  public function Main()
   //addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init );
  private function init():void 
   //removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init )
   //var xmlFileName:Object = stage.loaderInfo.parameters;
   var gx:getXML = new getXML("myxml2.xml");
package com
  // Static Class
  import com.*;
  import flash.display.SimpleButton;
  import flash.xml.XMLDocument;
  import flash.xml.XMLNode;
  import flash.xml.XMLNodeType;
  import flash.events.*;
  import flash.net.URLLoader;
  import flash.net.URLRequest;
  import flash.net.URLVariables;
  import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
  import flash.geom.ColorTransform;
  import flash.net.navigateToURL;
  import flash.system.fscommand;
  public class getXML extends SimpleButton
   public var xmlData:XML;
    public function getXML(xmlurl:String):void
     var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
     loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, LoadXML);
       var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(xmlurl);
        //urlReq.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;  
        //var variables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
        //urlReq.data = variables;
        //try {  
              //} catch (error:Error) {  
                  //trace ("Unable to load requested document.");  
    public function LoadXML(e:Event):void
     xmlData = new XML(e.target.data);
     //xmlData = new XML("myxml2.xml");
     var rslt:XMLDocument = new XMLDocument();
     rslt.ignoreWhite = true;
     for (var i=0; i<rslt.firstChild.childNodes.length; i++)
      staticClass.note_Array.push(xmlData.data[i].mc_name + "##" + xmlData.data[i].note);
     var k = staticClass.mc_Array.length  
     var j = 0;
     for each (var val:String in staticClass.mc_Array)
      var btn:SimpleButton = SimpleButton(this.parent.getChildByName(val));
      if (btn != null)
       var rojo:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
       rojo.color = uint (staticClass.color_code_Array[j]);    
       btn.transform.colorTransform = rojo;
       btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
       btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, onOver);
       btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onOut);
       * Set mouse over separate colour
       btn.alpha = 3;
     function onClick(e:MouseEvent )
      trace(e.currentTarget.name + "----" + staticClass.url_Array[e.currentTarget.name.substring(7, e.currentTarget.name.length)-1]);
      if(staticClass.url_Array[0] != "None")
       navigateToURL(new URLRequest(staticClass.url_Array[0] + "?Room=" + e.currentTarget.name), "_self");
       fscommand("RoomType", e.currentTarget.name);
     function onOut(e:MouseEvent )
      e.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("HoverText").text = "";
      e.currentTarget.alpha = 3;
     function onOver(e:MouseEvent )
      e.currentTarget.alpha = 1.5;
      for each (var val:String in staticClass.note_Array)
       if(e.currentTarget.name == val.substring(0, val.indexOf("##", 0)))
        e.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("HoverText").text = val.substring(val.indexOf("##", 0) + 2, val.length);
        //e.currentTarget.parent.getChildByName("HoverText").text = "HELP ME";
package com
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class staticClass
   public static var head_Array:Array = new Array();
   public static var color_code_Array:Array = new Array();
   public static var url_Array:Array = new Array();
   public static var note_Array:Array = new Array();
   public static var mc_Array:Array = new Array();
   public static var url_Array1 :Array = new Array();

i don't think you're using Main or you would see error messages.
what's the following trace() reveal:
oh, i can see an error in Main, too:
package com
import com.*;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.SimpleButton;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
import flash.events.*;
public class main extends MovieClip   // main should be Main
  public var gx:getXML;
  public var xmlFileName:Object;
  public function Main()
   //addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init );
  private function init():void 
   //removeEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init )
   //var xmlFileName:Object = stage.loaderInfo.parameters;
   var gx:getXML = new getXML("myxml2.xml");

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    Can you look at the name of the file you're loading before you load it? So, if it contains .swf don't load? Aside from that, you can get the content type before the image/file is finished loading. You do it with the LoaderInfo object... something like this:
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    steviln wrote:
    > I have problems using an SWF i have made. The SWF is
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    Transparency is purely browser end, nothing to do with the
    Could you provide problematic URL? Funny thing tho, this
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    but more commonly in Safari, while in your case, the other
    way round.
    Anyway, if possibly, give us the URL so we can check it out
    first to find out whether it's
    your end or general problem, then will try to go from there.
    Best Regards
    "Never play Leap-Frog with a Unicorn."
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    src="fit-mamas.swf" name="fit-mamas"
    bgcolor="#FFFFFF" quality="high"
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    The video works for me on Linux. The server seems to be slow and playing stops all the time.
    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

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    var loader01:Loader;
    function openGame1(evt:Event):void
    loader01 = new Loader();
    var requestSWF01:URLRequest = new URLRequest("game01.swf");
    loader01.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, processHandler);
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    var stav:Number=loaded/total;
    loaded_txt.text=(Math.round(stav*100))+" %";
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    function errorHandler(evt:IOErrorEvent):void
         trace ("Error: " + evt.text);
    I found out that this works only for loading swf, which has only one frame (and all actionscript on that frame)... It seems that if there are more frames, than it will not load complete swf (hmm maybe it is caused, because not all objects on frames are export in first frame). Preloading starts but after for example 20 % the event.INIT is fired and the external swf starts to play (and crashes..).
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    Please is there a solution for this kind of problem?  Any help or pointing is welcome.
    regards Boris

    just curious, is the file you want to load the swf into set up exactly the same way with the same stage size, fps, and layers?

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    id="imgComp" width="250" height="150" source="C:/projects/Flexprj/file1swf" autoLoad="true" complete="fnTest()"/>
    The above code is working find and it is loading the swf fine
    The problem comes when I read a list of files and load it..  I read a CSV file,  to get a list of SWF names.
    Then I have the following
    (var iLoop:int=0;iLoop<_arrBanners.length;iLoop++) {      imgComp.source =       imgComp.source =
    _arrBanners[iLoop];     imgComp.load();
    1. If I give something like this. It is not loading the SWF and
    2. If I give a URL for the imgComp.source , does that download the SWF each time. If so, is there any way to download all the files to local and load from thr.
    Thanks & Regards

    I'm not sure I understood the question, but if you use SuperImage from
    quietlyscheming.com, it will cache images in memory so if you try to get
    them again it will be very quick.

  • AS3 load external swf problem, please help...

    Hey guys, I am really in need of an answer here. I would tremendously grateful if someone has the answer. I'll keep it simple and right to the point:
    1. I have created "index.swf" in AS3. Has it's own "MainClass" class.
    2. I created "holder.swf" which is the main landing page. Has 2 buttons, for the viewer to load the site in fullscreen or standard.
    3. In the timeline of "holder.swf" I have created 2 frames, 1st frame containing the buttons, second frame containing the AS3 external swf loader script.
    It does not seem to want to load my "index.swf".
    I have tested a million different ways, it load other swf's just fine, AS2 and AS3, but for some strange reason it just will NOT load "index.swf".
    This is driving me crazy, I have a feeling it has something to do with a class conflict. I have tried (import MainClass;) in the first frame of "holder.swf" and no luck.

    Hey kglad,
    Thanks for the quick reply!
    Well here is the problem... With the exception of a few things I need to update, as well as implementing some better preloaders etc... the site is running alright...
    About a week ago I decided that I wanted to site to start with the above landing page. A simple "holder.swf" which would give the viewer something to look at before entering the site... (ideally I want to find a script that will begin loading "index.swf" while the viewer is still on "holder.swf", but I'll figure that out later).
    Anyhow, I created "holder.swf" as I have many times before, and for some reason it does not seem to want to load "index.swf" into the second frame when instructed to do so... does that make sense?
    So... ideally I would like the site to start on the above graphic, then once the button is clicked, "index.swf" opens up...
    It's driving me crazy, because my code works on other swf's I've tested it with, just not with index.swf, which leads me to believe there is something in the MainClass.as file which is causing it not to load...
    What are your thoughts?
    Oh, and many thanks again!!!

  • Load a swf-access network only

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    to load another swf that can access network only;
    the two swf are all in local,when I test it in Flash CS3 ,it
    is OK;but when play the main swf in my computer ,it can not load
    another swf file(access network only) ,thanks for your help!

    Im trying to accesing to the functions of Slide4.swf in http://b.elementfx.com/  from other server, in the same server i call the functions and it works, but it doesnt from other.

  • Swf file not loading over Https(SSL) on Internet Explorer...

    hi ,
    I have a .swf file used in html file and i try to browse using "https(SSL)".it will loads fine in Firefox, but in Internet Explorer wont able to load. When right-clicking it says "movie not loaded".
    even i googling for the same and i got below option but i am still not able to get flash on html page. it will working fine in Internet Explorer,FireFox etc when we use"http".
    1) add headers like "Cache-Control: must-revalidate" or "Cache-Control: max-age=0" or "Cache-Control: no-store" etc
    2) use CrossDomain.xml
    we also able to load swf in https on Internet Explorer but for that we have to do below settings in Internet Explorer browser.
    1) Go to Tools --> Click on Internet Option --> click on Advanced tab --> Now in security section checked mark on "Do not save encrypted pages to disk".
    but above way is not a proper way to resolve the https issue

    found this within the Adobe forums, seems to solve your issue.
    I would make sure to use the crossdomain file as well.

  • SWF files not loading onto page in Catalyst output.

    This is a new one that I have not yet seen.  I have a large assortment of SWF files set up in Scroll Panes and they are not loading up when I check the project using Firefox or Safari.  The site is here:
    Go into any page linked from the top row and then hit a sub page.  When you see a scroll bar come up on the right side of the film strip yet nothing inside the film strip you will see the issue.
    This is really serious and could screw up my entire project so any advice would be really helpful.  I need to figure out why the SWF files are not loading in on the browser with the files from the server when they work just fine using the local deploy files.  Everything works just fine from the machine but when I try to get it to download from the server nothing.
    All of the SWF files are built in Flash CS5 using AS3 and contain some simple links and commands.  Some of the SWF files are coming up just fine, it is just the latest batch of files I have uploaded that are giving me the problem, but only off the server.  The same files work just fine in local mode.
    Thanks in advance,

    This is not an apples to apples comparison but I think it will Illustrate the differences.  This is a sample of code from Catalyst that works:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:fclib="com.adobe.flashcatalyst.components.*" xmlns:d="http://ns.adobe.com/fxg/2008/dt">
                protected function mac_btn_clickHandler():void
                    navigateToURL( new URLRequest( encodeURI("http://www.mcintoshlabs.com")), "_blank");
                protected function integra_btn_clickHandler():void
                    navigateToURL( new URLRequest( encodeURI("http://www.integrahometheaters.com")), "_blank");
        <fclib:SWFController loadForCompatibility="true" source="assets/images/ElectronicMain2c.swf" x="0"/>
        <s:Button skinClass="components.Button1" x="0" y="1328" d:userLabel="Mac_btn" click="mac_btn_clickHandler()"/>
        <s:Button skinClass="components.Button1" label="Button" x="0" y="1768" d:userLabel="Integra_btn" click="integra_btn_clickHandler()"/>
    This is an example of the AS3 code that was confounding the SWF load on the example I gave:
    button_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToWebPage);
    function fl_ClickToGoToWebPage(event:MouseEvent):void
        navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.mcintoshlabs.com"), "_blank");
    button_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToGoToWebPage_2);
    function fl_ClickToGoToWebPage_2(event:MouseEvent):void
        navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.integrahometheater.com/"), "_blank");
    Now these are from the same page, the first of which is online right now here:
    This particular code is used on the Electronics page.  When I look at the two side by side it seems there are some syntax differences but I do not know enough about AS3 to tell what the important differences are.
    Thanks for looking,

  • SWF not loading on website---Help please...

    Hi everyone,
    I'm not really new to Flash; I know how to get around persay. Though this task has me almost in tears. I'm trying to put a video playlist on my website. It has 3 videos. The playlist requires a few files in which I put in a folder named "video testing". Heres what I did:
    I created a video playlist in Adobe Flash CS4 with some Actionscript.  I published it in html and flash(swf). Afterwards, I saved the playlist as “MyVideoPlaylist”.  I put all of these files in a folder named “video testing”. This folder contains:   “MyVideoPlaylist.swf”   “MyVideoPlaylist.fla”   “playlist.xml”   “video”  “thumbs”. The video folder contains all the videos for the playlist and the thumbs folder contains the thumbnail images for the playlist. I opened up Filezilla and uploaded all files in that folder to the “flash” folder within the root directory. Since I’m using wordpress I browsed to the page that I wanted to put the flash in and placed the following code in the html section:
    <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.burnnoticefanatic.com/flash/MyVideoPlayer.swf"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.burnnoticefanatic.com/flash/MyVideoPlayer.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
    After pasting the code, I viewed the page and saw that the video was not loaded, just a blank white background. Though, when right-clicked, you see the flash options. When I type in the full URL to the swf, the playlist loads correctly. You can see it here: http://www.burnnoticefanatic.com/flash/MyVideoPlaylist.swf
    When its embedded with the code above, it doesn’t work.  
    To see what I mean can be found on the page:  http://www.burnnoticefanatic.com/video-gallery

    What does "http://www.burnnoticefanatic.com/promo.swf" have to do with the file you have been talking about? 
    As far as you saying "it could be that the swf file needs the videos and thumbs to play it correctly"... I assumed you were attempting to use them.
    It's hard to solve this if the right players aren't in the game.  The code you are using in the web page is old-style code.  I would expect that if you publish an html file using Flash and use that code for embedding your file it will solve some potential problems, though those may not have been encountered yet.

  • Problem when load more swf files work with xml files into my movie

    hi ;
    I have one flash file & more of swf files which work with xml files .
    when I load one swf file into my flash file  and remove it and load anther one on the same movieclip in my flash file it load the old swf file.
    when i load one on movieclip and remove it and load anther swf  on anther movieclip the file doesn`t work  and stoped.
    when test my flash file to load and remove swf files without xml file it work fine but when repleaced the swf files with other work with xml files the problem hapend.

    YOu should trace the names of the files that are being targeted for loading to see if they agree with what you expect.  If you want help with the coding you will need to show the code that is relevant to your problem (not all of it)

Maybe you are looking for