USB Boot Satellite p755

Hi,I can´t boot with USB to install a linux OS, I press F12 and select USB but de system jump to HDD.

If you can't solve your issue and no one in the community can help, contact support to speak with a tech support agent at (800) 457-7777.
- Peter

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    you sould try to press F12 when the Toshiba screen appears! Then a small boot menu is shown. Choose USB-FDD and then it should work.
    Bye campino

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    Hey, thx for reply.
    It's my friend's laptop and not mine :) And the reason why he wants to install Windows 7 from USB is that I adviced that to him. As I have older Satellite laptop and I prefer to install it in that way - it's faster and i guess more precise :) Plus, my Mat****a DVD mechanic has been screwed for one year now (and I am not going to pay 200 $ for a new internal DVD mechanic at all).

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    This is very old notebook model
    From my experience such old notebook series did not support booting from USB flash memory stick.
    Some of the series supported booting from USB FFD drive (its a drive which supported diskette. Maybe you can remember ;-) )
    However, Im quite sure the BIOS would not support the booting from USB flash memory stick

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    Serving Christ in Belize!
    Go to Solution.

    Satellite P755-S5215
    Info: an error occurred while attempting to rad teh boot configuration data 
    If you didn't burn a repair disc, download one from here. Scroll down to Windows 7 System Repair Disc 64-bit.
       Create a Windows 7 System Repair Disc
    Use it to boot to the Windows Recovery Environment.
       What are the system recovery options in Windows 7?
    At that command prompt, enter this and tell us what you get back.
       bootrec /RebuildBcd

  • Hard Disk issue with Toshiba Satellite P755-S5390

    Well, I'm at my wit's end on this one so after several months of searching for an answer I'm presenting this one to my fellow Toshiba users.
    I have a Toshiba Satellite P755  that I purchased around March of 2012 so it is well out of warranty unfortunately. I'm having an odd issue that could just be a faulty hard drive but I wanted to see if anyone had any similar experiences with their Toshibas that might lead this to be a recurring issue with other Toshibas.
    The first symptoms my laptop experienced were the computer locking up and the hard drive light staying lit constantly. This first happened right after I was using WIn 7 disk management to shrink the main partition so I could create a second partition. The exact step this happened at was when I had already shrunk the main partition and had just finished creating the second partition. It hadn't even refreshed the disk management screen when it just locked up completely.
    I left it locked up for almost a half hour and then did a forced shutdown and when it came back up it was really slow and the hard drive light was staying lit constantly. Eventually it wouldn't even start up and the drive light still stayed on constantly (not even blinking, just solid on).
    My first thought was obviously hard disk failure so I grabbed a spare that should have worked perfectly as it was just harvested from a perfectly fine little netbook. I popped the drive in and reinstalled Win 7 and it worked fine...for a few weeks. Then it did the exact same thing except this time it eventually just wouldn't recognize any boot media. I cursed my bad luck in having two failed hard drives and used an older one that I had spare that, as I recall, worked fine when I harvested it from the old laptop it came out of. It worked again...for a couple of days. Then it did the same thing as the first (hard drive light staying lit, not responding hardly at all). I even hooked all these little laptop hard drives up to my file servers SATA ports and they loaded fine and I was able to back stuff up.
    My dilemma here is that I know it could just be that I was using old hard drives and maybe by some chance they all failed because they were old but I'd hate to buy a new hard drive if that's not the problem.
    Has anyone had any similar experiences with their Toshibas? I even tried testing the RAM and even removing one module at a time. I also tried pulling the battery and running it straight from the charger thinking maybe it was shorting something out.
    As an additional note. One interesting thing that happened after the third drive went bad was that I plugged in the original hard drive thinking I could further troubleshoot and it worked perfectly fine for about a month. It then proceeded to do the same thing again. That's about where I am now. The only other thing I did was yesterday when I pulled the battery and tried it. It did respond very well for at least long enough to almost finish the reinstall to factory partitions but it failed at the last minute and rebooted. It then loaded the Windows startup screen and locked up with the hard drive light staying lit solid.
    Sorry for the novel but I wanted to make sure all my troubleshooting steps were documented so no one suggested those. My last step is to pop in another used drive and install Ubuntu and see what happens then.
    Go to Solution.

    Satellite P755-S5390 Specifications
    Satellite P755-S5390 Support Page
    justinmbarnes wrote:....I popped the drive in and reinstalled Win 7 and it worked fine...for a few weeks.
    How did you reinstall Win 7 on the replacement drive?  Did you use the the Toshiba Recovery Disks you should have created as per the directions on page 74 of your User's Guide, following the recovery directions on page 76, and return your unit to its factory default out-of-the-box setup? What happens if you return your unit to its factory default set up? This is considered the gold standard test on whether you have a hardware problem/failure, as opposed to a driver-software-conflict problem.
    You seem quite familiar with Windows Disk Management software, yet you don't mention running the built in disk 'Error-checking' utility.
    If you believe you may be suffering from some kind of hard drive problems, this would seem a logical step. You can access this utility by clicking on 'Start' -> click on 'Computer' -> right click on 'C:' drive -> click on 'Properties' -> click on the 'Tools' tab -> under 'Error-checking' click the 'Check now...' button -> put check marks on both the 'Automatically fix....' and 'Scan for...' options -> click the 'Start' button. The utility will inform you it can't be run now and ask if you want to schedule for the next restart, agree and restart your computer. Depending on the size of your hard drive and the problems the utility may encounter this could take from 20 minutes to several hours.
    Let us know what happens. Good luck.

  • How is your Satellite P755?

    I have owned 5 Toshiba laptops.  The first 4 were free thanks to a generous business relationship over the past 8 years, along with some cool flat screens.  I love my Portege but the technology is very old now.  They are all
    still working.  The long-term performance got me hooked on Toshiba.  I purchased a
    Qosmio X505 last December and that is one of my favorite pc’s ever.  I just love the X505.  Best laptop in the world. 
    I am looking at purchasing 2 more laptops.  One will be for school and the other for work.  My sweet deal with
    Toshiba can get me 2 laptops, but not what I am looking for. I am looking at the Satellite P755 with the core i7.  Any thoughts?
    I know the model we are looking at has no multi-drive (no Blue Ray) and no Bluetooth.  Blue ray is
    not a huge deal breaker.  Blue tooth might be for one laptop, but I can always add it.  I was hoping for more USB 3.0 but the 755-s5259 has only 1 port.  I understand this only has 720p for HD, but this isn’t a deal breaker either.  I know it won’t perform like my X505 Qosmio but I am not expecting the same performance.  My price is $699, but I am still haggling with my contact about price, sweeter deal, etc.
    Does anyone have this laptop or a 755 w/out 3D?   If you could purchase again, would you?  Or would you purchase another model?  How do you like it over the past few months?  What is the biggest complaint?  What is your favorite feature? 
    Any thoughts would be
    appreciated.  Thank you ..

    I have a P775 - I know not exactly the series your looking at but, a few things I can tell you in general.
    The Intel graphics are decent but they're still not nearly as good as the NVIDIA chipsets, so I would go for that - massive performance increase all around and you typically dont have to pay much more for it.
    I am very happy to see they've toned down the ultra-shine on the monitors. My only real complaint would be that. Slightly too shinny of a monitor and the viewing angle is really tight. Don't get me wrong, the colors/quality if fantastic... it just has a very tight viewing angle to see everything 100% accurately. For instance, I'll plop the laptop down and watch something on Netflix streaming, switch positions even the slightest and I have to readjust the angle of the screen.
    Otherwise, I'm very happy with it. Would I buy it again? Mmm yes. But I would really have prefered the NVIDIA chipset and a screen that had better viewing angles.

  • Satellite P755-S5120 Freezing on Startup

    I have only had my laptop for a couple months now and it has worked greatly until now. The other day I got on it and a Toshiba software update popped up, which was a BIOS update. I did it and it said you have to restart, which I clicked yes. It went through the update and went to restart, when Windows 7 screen with the logo came up it froze and stays there. I tried to reboot and it gave me two options to start normally or run a system repair. The system repaid just goes to a black screen and does nothing. I tried to hit F8 on bootup and tried to boot from the last good boot and Windows still froze. I am guessing Windows 7 has a problem with an update of sorts. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi, I have the same story. I also have a Satellite P755-S5120 with part no PSAY1U-0DV026<ES5.07> My laptop has been working fine since purchasing it months ago and after doing the BIOS update this morning I cannot get my computer to boot. I also cannot get the BIOS menu (I can't access the F2 BIOS Menu feature on the Toshiba logo as it doesn't get to that point). It gets stuck on loading windows phase of bootup or if tried from safe mode or other trouble shooting bootups it just gets a black screen.
    I've also tried holding escape on power up for 3 seconds to try to press f1 to get to BIOS but I never get the F1 option.
    Any help appreciated, Zach.

  • Is there a way to access purchased apps from the app store on windows computer? For USB boot drive

    Having a problem with my Macbook (13", Late 2009 I believe) after attemption to update iOS to OS Mavericks. Have run into the grey screen of death, and have almost exhausted all options, including reseting pram, accessing fsck, and even using disk utility to reinstall the iOS. I believe that during the initial update (which is the root of the problem), there was some corruption within the directories which I believe can be contributing to my problem.
    I was hoping to find a way to access my purchased apps from the app store on a windows computer so that I can make a USB boot drive in order to rule out the hardware problem that I am currently speculating.
    Please advise, thanks in advance!

    Yes if you have the iPod and iTunes set up to sync via wifi. However, you have to do it from your one syncing computer and the iPod and computer have to be on the same network.

  • Blue screen on Satellite P755-10c

    My laptop toshiba satellite p755-10c was restarted and covered many times this week with a blue screen of death! Does anyone know what is the problem?

    BSOD can be cause by hardware problem or serious software issue.
    I think you should firstly recover the notebook using the Toshiba HDD recovery or the Recover disk which you have created as described in user manual.
    If the BSOD would still appears, try to update the display driver and BIOS (if newer version is available)
    Of course the BSOD could appear also if the RAM starts to malfunctions or if the internal temperature increases to a higher level and affects the internal parts.

  • Windows 8 does not have a USB boot option

    QuestionHow can I boot my Windows 8 laptop from a USB device? I created a recovery disk on a USB thumb drive.
    So far I have:
    Entered into the UEFI (BIOS) and set USB to boot first.
    Disabled secure boot.
    I tried to reboot using the general setup options for startup in the windows settings page. I choose boot from USB through the UEFI, but got an error message that system does not have a USB boot option.
    To confirm I also created a bootable DVD with an ISO burner, but my laptop cannot detect a DVD boot option either.
    I assumed that the firmware of the UEFI for this computer allowed a bootable USB but in practice I cannot seem to get this work.
    AnswerTo assist with not being able to boot from a USB device on a Windows 8 laptop, perform the following:
    Plug in USB bootable device.
    Hold down F12 when restarting and access UEFI menu (option is below drive list). If system is set to fast boot, CLICK HERE for instructions on entering the UEFI.
    Go to UEFI and make USB "1st boot".
    Disable secure boot.
    Go to the "Advance" Tab, select "System".
    Change boot order from UEFI to CSM.
    Save changes and exit (F10).
    Computer will restart and boot from USB drive.
    When finished go back into the UEFI and set defaults then save changes and exit (F10). Windows 8 will reboot normally next reboot.

    Done that, only choices are "Set up Firefox to Sync" & "Pair a Device". No ''UNLINK THIS DEVICE". Your turn.

  • Creating a USB boot image for LabviewRT

    I have installed Labview 8.2 and the "update 8.2.1" for Labview RT Standard version from the web.
    I am trying to create a bootable image for a target Laptop PC, using a USB jump drive.
    When I run NI-MAX and select TOOLS->RT Disk Utilities->Create Desktop PC Utility USB Drive, a popup dialog appears that says:
       "This utility will reformat a USB drive with a Labview Real-Time boot USB utility for use with a USB boot-capable Desktop PC. Make sure the USB drive is connected to your computer before you continue.
        Do you want to use this utility?"
    Clicking on Yes, shows a dialog selection window, with a single entry ="Version 8.2", and an OK and Cancel button.
    Selecting the OK button, shows an error popup titled: Measurement & Automation Explorer" with text="Unable to detect USB drives"
    The jump drive is 32MB and is visible in WINDOWS Explorer.
    WHY will NI-MAX not see or use this jump-drive ?
    ( I have tried two different jump drives from two different manufacturers)

    Does your jump drive conform to the USB Mass Storage Device Class?  What drive letter are you using?  Did you create it by running the command line utility "subst"?
    Have you tried doing this on a different computer?  Are the USB ports 1.1 or 2.0?
    Clint M
    National Instruments

  • Creating a Mavericks USB boot drive after the horse has bolted.  Can I create a bootable USB drive from my iMac after installing Mavericks without saving the Install OS X file?  Do I need to re- download the whole 5.29 Gb again?

    Creating a Mavericks USB boot drive after the horse has bolted.  Can I create a bootable USB drive from my iMac after installing Mavericks without saving the Install OS X file?  Do I need to re- download the whole 5.29 Gb from the App Store again?  My problem is my 4Gb/month allowance on a 12 month contract.  I cannot purchase a data block from my ISP and although my speed is theoretically slowed to 64k after reaching my 4Gb, it actually ceases to download in reality.

    HI tasclix, it depends what you mean by an OS X boot drive.
    If you want a recovery disk from which you can reinstall (by re-downloading) or recover from a time machine backup, then nbar is correct.
    If, however, you want to boot and run the OS X installer from the USB drive (so that you don't need to download again), then you will need a copy of "Install OS X"; see this article:
    Before downloading again, search your system to see if the installer is still there - it's usually in the /Applications folder unless it has been deleted, but check your whole system for it anyway, you never know, you might still have it somewhere.
    Message was edited by: SilverSkyRat

  • Can I switch out a hard drive for an SSD without having to clone the existing hard drive, and then install Yosemite from an USB Boot Drive onto the new SSD?

    Can I simply replace a hard drive with a new SSD and just install Yosemite from a USB boot drive onto the SSD? I recently bought a used MBP and it has absolutely no files on it except for the OS, and so I'm assuming I don't need to clone the current hard drive as I can just reinstall the OS onto the new SSD.

    Honey_Revenge wrote:
    Just a quick follow up question, is formatting the SSD with HFS+ done in Disk Utility?...
    It's possible that the SSD will be set up for use on a PC, which means it will have a Master Boot Record partition table rather than a GUID Partition Table, which is what Yosemite needs. In Disk Utility, select the SSD and click the Partition button. Create a new Partition Layout and click the Options... button at the bottom. You'll likely see MBR is selected. Choose GUID instead and Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for the Format.

  • 4530s DC CARD or USB BOOT not working even if it has this option in bios

    i just posted a message but i think it's in the wrong section..
    Hi, i just got a HP ProBook  4530s , I5 processor, Intel HD 3000 , i have a problem with it, i can't boot on any usb or sd card, i tried all linux versions i could find and also some live windows and bartPE, on my sd card i get the "Disk read error" as soon as i choose the booting device and on usb it goes a little bit further i can see the linux logo some processes starting and then same error related to write on disk, the sd card and usb are not in read only mode and on my other laptop a older one 6730s everything works...
    Also all the usb and sd card work perfect in windows, when i boot from internal HDD.
    Is there a fix for it??  Or can anybody that has this laptop test if it works booting from usb or sd card, maybe it's a problem with this unit..
    i have tried all available bios verions and various usb devices but as i said the usb sticks all worked on my other laptop but not on this one.
    Oh and also is there a bios option to stop virus check on boot? as far as i could test that is the only option in bios that is not there and i can't test with it ON/OFF.. any help would be apreciated because i can return the laptop for 30 days and i allready have it for one week. and i really need this option to work.
    PS - sorry for my bad english but i'm from Europe

    Quote from: Svet on 13-May-12, 00:13:31
    do >>Clear CMOS Guide<< with power cord removed
    Yes, I've tried this. I pulled the power cable, waited two minutes, hit the CMOS button, and also removed the battery, and waited another minute.
    After which, I loaded optimized defaults, but the problem remains.
    Ice Piq

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