USB port possibly blown???

Hey Guys,
Here is my situation:
First of all I am a drummer and I use my PB in live shows to run our backing tracks.Last night we were rehearsing for a show this friday and I went to plug the PB into a DI box to get it patched into the PA system and the sound guy where we practicing had no clue as to what he was doing and had the channel unmuted and the gain wide open.Well needless to say it made a insane noise and I immediately unplugged the PB.
I was using one of those Turtle Beach USB to audio adapters because my sound out is bad(another story in itself) and it immediatly would not power back up and I could smell it had burned inside.Then this morning I tried to use that usb port and it is dead.
I am not sure if it is fried or what but I thought I would see if you guys had any input as to if it would be an expensive fix through apple.
So this is so long but thanx for reading if you did.

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Sometimes resetting the PRAM or power manager fixes USB ports:

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    It is worth a try:
    You will need a minimum of OS 8.6, and then you need to custom install USB Adapter Card Support 1.4.1:
    USB PC cards only supply a minimum of bus power, so if you wanted to connect a USB HD, it will require it own power supply.
    You may wish to consider this hardware configuration:
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    - Buy a USB card reader for the PC:
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    This is possible, but not with Bonjour or any other fixes.  It is just a printer set up based on the Port name of the Airport,
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    It won't work, they are linked to your account and can only be played via iTunes on a computer, an iOS device or Apple TV. You might be able to get a cable to link your Mac to your TV so that you can play/mirror it through your TV e.g. if it's a Macbook with an HDMI socket and your TV also has an HDMI socket then you could try an HDMI to HDMI cable (Apple do them, and electrical stores should also have them) - I've used one to play iTunes TV programmes on my TV (though I don't think that I got sound through my TV, only my Mac).
    Message was edited by: King_Penguin

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    The following one has 2 USB 3.0 ports:,2817,2422860,​p
    **Click the KUDOS thumb up on the left to say 'Thanks'**
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    bkroczak wrote:
    Either is fine. I looked on ebay and battery pack chargers seem to be available to plug into USB ports. Until now my cameras only took regular batteries. I'm not sure if it will take an awful lot longer than charging at 110V but at least it's possible.
    I'd be surprised if this effort pans out. The only Canon camera I've ever owned that could charge its own battery was a G-5. And I'm pretty sure it didn't do it through a USB port. It had, IIRC, a special charging port. and the charger itself ran on 110VAC.

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    Thanks for the response, but ironically enough, I feel really stupid after posting that because a couple minutes after posting that my DELL mouse started working again, but I honestly don't know how long that'll last. After it started working again, I tried switch which port it's plugged into again, and the other one (the one closest to me) still isn't working. If it stops working again (which it probably will), I'll definitely take it to the Apple Store. But, for some reason almost every time I take a device to the Apple Store, it fixes the problem itself when I get there, and then stops working after I leave (like just now.)
    That's happened a couple times, like when my computer was heating up alot, and when my phone's sound kept shutting off by itelf.
    Anyways, I want to keep this discussion up just because I know it'll stop working soon. But, yeah, I was planning on taking it to the Apple Store anyways, but I think the earliest I can is probably Saturday or Sunday, so I'll do that then.
    Thanks for the response!

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    Sorry, but not possible.
    Time Machine can only back up the internal drive(s) in a Mac....or a drive that is connected directly to a Mac via USB or FireWire.....provided that the drive is formatted in Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    I am not recommending this, but you might be able to move the drive from the USB port to the Mac, and have Time Machine back it up that way.....then move it back to the USB port on the Time Capsule......but this will involve doing some risky things.....and manually changing settings around everytime you make the swap. Something will surely go wrong....but up to you if you want to try it.
    Carbon Copy Cloner will back up the drive connected to the USB port on the Time Capsule to the Time Capsule disk, but these will not be Time Machine backups.  SuperDuper claims to also be able to do this.....but I have not tested it.

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    Thank you For your time and thoughts!
    I went by the Apple Store and they told me that there was a "Flat Rate" repair service for this particular part where they would replace the logic board along with the USB ports for $350. Seems like best avenue. All of this would have been moot but my wifi in the computer also doesn't work so I was using my phone as a hot spot and tethering it to the computer for Internet access when the last port quit. This left me with no internet and no printing capabilities on the computer I use for my business. Basically became a nice paperweight. lol
    They will ship it off Monday and I should have it back Thursday!
    Again, thank you!

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    Thank you.
    P.S. The USB device I worry about is a pair of USB warm slipper (to be worn on feet in cold winter). Its label reads "5V / 2.5W", which should be safe. But I once connected it and a mouse to a USB hub, then to a single MBP USB port, and the mouse stopped working in a few seconds, and came back normal only after I switched it to another port. Now the slipper is connected to a port by itself, but I am just afraid that the USB slipper can go malfunctioning all of a sudden and drain a lot of current to burn the USB port.

    ...But I once connected it and a mouse to a USB hub, then to a single MBP USB port, and the mouse stopped working in a few seconds, and came back normal only after I switched it to another port....
    Likely the hub is only barely able to handle the 500mA requirement.  Many powered USB hubs have "cheap" power adapters and can't handle any high surge situations.  Many devices like heating elements and motors have "surge currents" where the initial powering on of the device has a much larger current flow than during normal usage.  Think of it like riding a bicycle.  You have to push hard on the pedals to start off, but it's easier to pedal after the bike is moving.
    ...Now the slipper is connected to a port by itself...
    If you mean the device is plugged into the Mac's USB port, then you should know that all Macs for the past few years provide more than the 500mA minimum for USB.  Some other computers also provide higher power.  But most USB hubs I've seen were limited to 500mA.
    If you are plugged into the hub, not the Mac, then the power adapter for your hub may be barely adequate or possibly even defective.
    ...but I am just afraid that the USB slipper can go malfunctioning all of a sudden and drain a lot of current to burn the USB port.
    IMHO, I would stop using the heater with any computer USB port.  There is always the possibility that eventually something could short out in the heating element and cause a catestrophic surge through the USB port.  The electronics in computers are quite delicate and I'd be paranoid about the device damaging my computer.  (BTW, I have an electrical engineering background so I'm paranoid about power issues all the time anyway. )  Even if the heater is plugged into a hub, the surge current could damage the other devices plugged into the hub.  While not as catastrophic as a dead computer, I'd still be irked to have to replace my mouse, digital camera, printer, webcam, etc.
    Instead, I recommend plugging the heater into it's own "power adapter."  One of those that give a USB port to charge a cellphone or whatever.  Plug the power adapter into a power strip.  Place the power strip in the floor next to the slippers.  That way you can conviniently turn the strip on and off with your toes as you're putting on your slippers.

  • Possible USB port damage using non-powered USB hub?

    Referring to the recent discussion on ruining firewire ports with damaged peripherals, a related question concerning the possibility of damage to the USB port:
    I have an old iPod Shuffle, USB only, and a camera card reader, both of which which get pulled and connected "on the fly" to a bus powered USB hub which is attached to one of the USB ports on the iMac. Am I risking similar damage to the iMac USB port, itself, if something goes bad on the Shuffle or the card reader? Should I be using a POWERED USB hub to avoid direct damage to the iMac USB hub? (And, assuming it will have to be USB 2.0, will it be backwards compatible to USB 1.1?)

    No, my belief is that FireWire devices are more prone to damaging the circuitry behind the port due to connecting and disconnecting on-the-fly (compared to USB). There is supporting documentation on the web, for example.
    (there are many more)
    Mechanical failure (wear and tear) through constant plugging and unplugging is a secondary consideration.
    If your FireWire device is constantly connected, this issue does not exist (and there is no wear and tear either). On my Intel iMac, my external FireWire drive is always connected, and I use the direct port on the Mac. If I ever need to disconnect it, I shut down my iMac and then disconnect. The other FireWire port is connect to a hub, and that is where I connect and disconnect FireWire devices on-the-fly (old iPod, small bus-powered drive, and video camera).
    If your iPod shuffle is the old +thumb drive+ style with the USB plug, you should be using a self-powered hub. That may be why it is not reliable. Also, that plug on the old shuffle is the most likely part to fail, so it is possible that it is getting worn out. I bought a bunch of used and reportedly broken iPod shuffle (the older white type) on eBay to see if I could fix any of them. I would say, 80% of the time, it was broken due to a faulty USB plug (no data connection). On the rare ones broken for another reason, I used that good USB plug to get another shuffle working. (A few worked after using the iPod Reset Utility, without any other repair. )
    But I'm getting off topic with the shuffle talk...

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    Via Media Card, one option is a 3rd party backup app called Ultimate Backup.
    For the native LINK method, my memory tells me that BT integration was not included, so that won't work. I don't know if any 3rd party tools can work that way or not.
    Good luck!

  • Is it possible to disable USB ports on iMac?

    I've got a pair of 27" iMacs which will be utilized as Flash Pro workstations by employees and subcontracted illustrators and animators. In the interests of security, specifically -- protecting my intellectual property (animated content), I'm interested in setting up these iMacs such that nobody can copy any files they're working on to an external hard drive, or upload the file as an attachment to a webmail account or to an external server.
    It is my understanding that I can set up a standard account and via network preferences, disable the wireless, ethernet, and firewire functions, which could then only be reactivated by an admin account password. But it would appear there is no way to disable the USB ports. Is such a thing possible? Is there a way to disable the USB ports on an iMac or any Mac?
    In the event there is no way to disable the USB ports, is there a way to prevent someone from copying files on this iMac to external hard drives or uploading files to webmail programs or servers offsite?
    How do employers prevent employees and subcontractors from copying or sending intellectual property offsite?

    Per Eric Ross's link above, it would appear that one can use Workgroup Manager from the Server Admin Tools, to manage user accounts even on a Standalone Computer -- not running on a network or utilizing the OSX Server Software -- as seen in the following statement from Eric's link:
    MacInTouch Reader
    "...   As an additition to Espen Koht's contribution, it should be mentioned that the 'Workgroup Manager' is part of the 'Server Admin Tools', which are distributed free of charge by Apple. Media access whether USB or Firewire for all users can be configured 'standalone' on each Mac computer by the user "Administrator"- it works!"
    So I installed the Server Admin tools. According to the Workgroup Manager Help document, there appear to be two steps required to make the tools operational. First -- Setting Up an Administrator Computer and second -- Create a Directory Administrator Account. The Workgroup Manager Help document does not clearly explain how to configure a standalone computer for Workgroup Manager.
    When I open the Workgroup Manager or Server Admin apps, I am presented with a window containing three fields that must be filled in. One is Address. The second is User Name. The third is Password. How do I determine the address? Do they mean IP address? What do I enter in the address field?
    Regarding the Name and Password fields, do I enter the name and password of my admin account for this computer?... or use a completely different name and password?
    Again the objective is to enable more comprehensive management and restrictions of Standard User accounts utilizing Workgroup Manager on a standalone computer.

  • Is it at all possible to connect an external HD to a time capsule into the USB port

    I am trying to connect an external drive into USB port of a time capsule to increase capacity. How does one get this done?

    You normally need a powered hub.. the TC is notoriously underpowered USB. Even if the USB drive is powered.
    The USB drive should be formatted fat32.. poor.. or HFS+.. hugely better.

  • Display USB ports blown, please please help!

    Please try and offer some type of suggestion....
    i got a second Apple Cinema display the other day. The white, plastic kind.
    so, now i have two. yay!
    except when i plugged in the new/ second display into my powermac G5, it immediatley put the cpu to sleep...hmmm
    woke it up, and the display was working fine.
    except the USB ports didn't work anymore...
    i needed the USB ports though for my mouse and keyboard. so, i plug my original apple cinema display in again, works great
    except ....the USB ports on that display are now not working either!!
    So, this free new display either..
    - blew out the usb ports on TWO displays, which makes no sense.
    - plugging in the second display changed a setting in the Mac that allows the USB ports on the display to work....
    no clue
    i've restarted
    unpluged and replugged both displays
    click 'detect display'
    no effect
    Please try and offer me a suggestion on this!
    otherwise I guess it's off to the shop to get a USB hub (the usb ports on my Powermac still work fine)

    Reset SMC.
    Choose the method for:
    "Resetting SMC on portables with a battery you should not remove on your own".
    If this does not help, contact Apple.

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