Use of Infotype 0034.

Hi All,
1.) While promoting an employee, let me know what is the use of 0034 infotypes & what is the possible reasion for action i should maintain.
2.) What are all the infotypes i should maintain while promoting an employee.
Awaiting for your early response.

Hi Rajesh,
Corporate Functions
In this section, you can determine the corporate functions of your employees and store these in the infotype Corporate Function (0034).
In this step, you define the corporate functions that occur in your company.
You want be able to store the corporate function "first-aid assistant" or "course administrator" in this infotype.
Find out which corporate functions you want to store.
Standard settings
The SAP standard system contains samples entries of corporate functions.
Make use of this functionality.
1. Check the SAP sample entries.
2. Create new entries according to your requirements.
Define the time constraint for these new entries.
3. Delete any entries that you do not require.
When u come to promote an employee u need to see as per ur business Requirement mostly u can have 0001,0007 and 0008.
Few reasons for promotions can be
Outstanding Performance
Annual Appraisal.
Obtaining Addt. Qualifications
Change in Position.
Change in Pay/Benefit.
Promotion with Pay Increase.
Promotion without Pay Increase

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    I've an issue with infotype 0034. I set time constraint to 2, but when creating a new occurence, the system doesn't delimit the previous one if it concern a different subtype.
    Can someone please help?

    Dear Karim,
    IT-0034(Corporate Functions)  Time constraint is T  that sap standard, which depends upon subtype,
    then why are you changing the time constaint to 2.
    where as with time constraint T you can see all the records.
    in IT-0034 it will ask you for start date and End date of record.
    why do you want system to delimit the record ?
    i suggest you to use the sttandard one.

  • Infotype 0034 Grade input in Italian

    Dera Friends,
    Hello to all this is my first time on the forum.
    When I attempt to add a Grade to a Personnel Record using Infotype 0034 when logged on in Italian using either PA30 or PA40 I receive the error message 'Infotype 0034 does not exist in table T591S'
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    Sometimes this happens... I have 3 suggestions
    1. Raise an OSS message - SAP could recommend something to you.
    2. Change the infogroup, bring the IT15 after all other infotypes.
    3.You can maintain one IT15 during the action and request user to use the PA70 for fast entry.
    But new upload or save with 0 for the IT15 without values.

  • Use of "infotypes" statement

    What is the use of infotypes statement.
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    infotypes: 0041.
    tables: pernr.
    data: record type standard table of p0041,
    lfs_rec like line of record.
    parameters: p_pernr type persno.
    call function 'HRAR_READ_INFOTYPE'
    personnel_number = p_pernr
    infotype = '0041'
    RC = RC
    infotype_table = record
    exception_infotype = 1.
    loop at record into lfs_rec.
    write:/10 lfs_rec-pernr,
    30 lfs_rec-begda,
    42 lfs_rec-endda,
    54 lfs_rec-dar01,
    60 lfs_rec-dat01.
    In the above code they have used
    infotypes: 0041.
    But 0041 is not used anywhere in the program.
    I have read that infotypes statement is used to create a internal table. But here i have no clue they have craeted internal table separately.
    Please help
    Thanks in advance,

    hi Bala,
    You are right,  infotypes statement is used to create a internal table. Infotype can be used as reference to the standard table. eg if we consider the case of standard table PA0001, then is infotype is 0001.
    in case of this code:
    call function 'HRAR_READ_INFOTYPE'
    personnel_number = p_pernr
    infotype = '0041'
    RC = RC
    infotype_table = record
    exception_infotype = 1.
    we are passing infotype as '0041', so it will read from standard table PA0041 and it will fetch data from that table according to p_pernr and the data will be fetched into the internal table 'record'. That is why infotypes are used.
    I hope this explaination is sufficient.

  • INFOTYPE 0034 - Time Constraint for Subtypes Issue

    I have an issue, our organisation maintains many subtypes for infogype 0034, and we want to delimit the previous entry regardless the subtype (same problem as yours) and i am not able to make it work the way we want..
    Example :
    employee joins the organisation and has the subtype '07' - home worker- for Infotype 0034 with following dates :
    Start date : 01.01.2010
    End date : 31.12.9999
    now at a later date, the subtype of infotype changes as '09' - factory worker - for infotype 0034 with following dates :
    Start date : 04.05.2010
    End date : 31.12.9999
    now, as we make an entry for subtype '09' with starting date as 04.05.2010 it should delimit the previous entry and the previous entry should have following dates
    Starte date : 01.01.2010
    End date : 03.05.2010
    i have tried changing TC for IT 0034 in V_T582A to 'T' and TCs for subtypes as '1' in V_T591A as i found response for similar to this issue in one of the threads, but it does not resolve my issue
    so, can experts suggest me what shall i do to make the IT 0034 behave in way that whenever there is a new entry for subtype it delimits the old entry (regardless of subtypes)?
    Response will be highly appreciated

    Please check the threads.
    Re: Subtype wise record delimit for IT-0034 .
    You can also check the user exit.. EXIT_SAPFP50M_002,LXPADU01.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Sandip Biswas.

  • Which feature use for Infotype 1000 in OM

    which feature use for Infotype 1000 in OM  .....

    Hi Manker,
    Objective of Features is to default based on certain conditions.
    Infotype 1000 is to create an object and doesnt not make use of Any Feature...or in simple words, NO FEATURE EXISTS for Infotype 1000.
    If this doesnt answer your query, appreciate if you can ask your question more clearly.
    Hope this helps.
    Kumarpal Jain.

  • Use an infotype inside a BADI

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    I need to use the infotype 0021 like a parameter of my badi, but when I try to declare it I've got this error:
    Infotypes is not supported in the OO context....
    Can anybody help me?
    Thanks a lot,

    ok I do it myself! thanks!

  • What for do we use the infotype 0041

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    You can use the Report Designer for creating reports and displaying them on the web.
    You can refer to the below links for more information -
    Hope this helps!

  • How to use HR infotypes in abap

    hi i m new for ABAP HR .
    how i can use or extract data from infotypes.

    You can get data from Infotypes as like normal tables ..
    ex : consider the infotypes PA0001 , PA0002.
    so there will be table named as pa0001 & pa0002 correspondingly..
    so ur normal SELECT  statement itself will work..
    reply back for further queries..
    With Regards,

  • ECM - Compensation Management use of infotype 760 Eligibility Override

    We are using Infotype 760 to override compensation determined by the feature but are unclear as exactly how this infotype should be used. It is clear that it will override the compensation eligibility on an individual basis but how should data be entered on the IT. Is the start/end date of the infotype to be based on the review period or from the day entered to the high end, or for the period of ineligibility. Also in this case how is the Eligibility date field to be used. We will be using this IT to set EE's to ineligible, but cannot find any documentation on it.

    Thanks Amit,
    That is fine for this reward period and they EE will not receive anything this run. But the ineligibility may only run for one year e.g 01/07/2006 - 30/06/2007 what do we need to do here in order for them to be eligible again from 01.07.2007 again without manual this when we use the Eligibility date field' and enter a date of say 01.07.2007 so they will be included again.
    Also do you know if it can also be used to override eligibility for a partial period and so let the Feature decide for the first part of the year, then for the last six months set to ineligible which case what start/end dates are used?
    Thanks in advance

  • Error while creating absence record in PA30 using 2001 infotype

    Hi all,
    iam getting an error while creating absence record for infotype 2001for LOP(unpaid)
    error : No quota available for att./abs. 6000 for pers. no. 61000052 between 31.12.2009 and 31.12.2009
    i have did
    Create a absence type LOP
    Determine Entry Screens and Time Constraint Classes
    Define Counting Rules
    Assign Counting Rules to Absence Types
    Payroll: India>>Absences>Describe Absence Valuation Rules 01 Unpaid Leave
    Group Absences for Absence Valuation>>Absence valuation rule>>F4 country grouping 40>> assign 01Unpaid Leave
    please solve this

    Actually I don't know how your system is configured.
    However, the error you're receiving seems you have assigned the absence type to a quota type.
    Please go to your counting rule and check whether Deduction rule - absence quotas - within entitlement field is filled.
    If yes, get the deduction rule value and go to
    SPRO Time man- Time data rec - Absences - Absence Cat - Abs counting - rules for counting (new) - deduction rules for abs quotas and check the quota type in here.
    If there is a quota assignment in place, before creating an IT2001 you need to create a IT2006 for that specific time period.
    Or, you need to delete the quota assignment via two config steps mentioned above.

  • Table used by Infotype 0027 - Cost Distribution

    I need to know which tables does infotype 0027use. I want to get the Cost center(s) for each person stored in infotype 0027, but I don't konw in which table is this data stored.

    Hi Fernando,
    Have you checked database table PA0027.
    All HR PA infotypes nnnn have a database table PAnnnn.

  • LSMW using HR Infotype

    Hi All,
    My requirements is to do one LSMW project for the modification of DOB field in IT0002. The problem is the screen is different for various employees(Based on the configuration).
    Eg : Pernr   screen
           1000   2000
           1001   2001
    So while running the batch input session, it's giving error message. Because the screen in the recording may not match with the screens calling while running the sessions.If anybody of you can suggest a solution it would be grateful .
    Thanks in Advance,

    what configuration you made ? How it is specifing ?
    If it not stopping and updating others then it ok if it is not updating all and stoping at the error messge then you have to pass in the file with the recognization.
    Otherwise let me know what config you did.
    Somtimes you have to write coding in the LSMW check with the ABAPer for this for skip this kind of error for this BDC is perfect or to create two Projects.
    Manoj Shakya

  • Updating a table using a custom OM infotype

    Hey gurus,
    I have created a custom OM infotype HRP9608. I wish to use this infotype to update a table.
    I marked it as an external, country specific infotype and blanked out the Database table from SM30 (table T777D)
    I have also blanked out the FM. for tab name using SM30 (table T77ID) and added in Read Function and Primary Table.
    The infotype gets created correctly, but when i add it as an external infotype the screen changes. Can someone please provide me with a solution.

    See the given link, It may help you.

  • HOw to add list box using enhacement of standard infotype

    Using enahancement infotype, I wanted to add a list box field in inftyp 01.
    The module pool ZP000100 & screen no 200 already existed .In the layout editor the field didnot get displayed hence I took it from dictionary.
    I have adde the code in pbo & pai for adding values in list box.
    problem is that data is not getting saved when i enter data in pa30 inftyp 01.
    Kindly guide me.


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