Use one counter to trigger another

I would like to use ctr0 as a trigger source for ctr1, i.e. ctr1 should begin to run every time ctr0 produces a rising edge. This works good as long as I produce only one puls with ctr0, however I Iike to retrigger ctr1.
The code I am using yet is attached, but it works only for a single puls of ctr0.
Does anybody know how to implement this in LabVIEW?
(used hardware board: PCI-6025E)
Attachments: ‏41 KB

Hi MG83,
I will try to respond to your question:
I have done some minor modifications. First I have changed from frequency / duty cycle back to high time / low time control.
I I tried to change the upper counter (actually counter 0) from the
"continous samples" mode to the "finite samples" mode, because I want
to produce only a finite number of pulses (e.g. 10), but then I get
exactly the same error as yesterday.
If you let the configuration like I made with your card number, you will not receive any error message.
If you want to generate 10 Pulses you must start the task again after each generation.
If you receive the same error as yesterday, you don't configure the counters correctly.
First try to generate pulses on the counter0 without counter1 and after that try to do the both simultaneously...
PS: Take care that you don't have the test panel open at the same time.
Is it possible that I simply do not have enough
hardware resources for this purpose on the PCI-6025E-Board? Or where is
the problem?
No there is here no problem, I try with a 6025 and it work exactly as on my 6040...
Another question: You use the "is task done"-VI
for the lower counter. However this counter is cofigured to be
retriggerable, so I wonder, if the "is task done"-VI can ever return
TRUE? Or in other words: How should this task know, if there are no
further trigger events so that it is done?
It's te same method as in the example...You must hold the task open...and you use this function to chack if an error occure, if you don't use function in the loop, you don't check the errors and don't have informations...
Try first to use my example and if the a problem come, post your question with a screen shot of the error that you receive.
Please take care that the counter are right configured and that you did not open tasks on the same ressources...

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Vic,
    This is actually expected on an M Series device.  Here's a timing diagram from the M Series User Manual that might make this a bit more clear:
    The device actually uses one counter to gate the other so the result is a finite pulse generation.  If you can provide the gate from another source, you may configure a continuous pulse generation on both counters and gate them (DAQmx calls this a "Pause Trigger") from this external signal. 
    You might also want to look into using Correlated Digital I/O to generate multiple finite pulses (up to 32 lines on your 6229 and 6259).  You could use one of the counters to generate a timebase for the digital lines, and build the waveform accordingly.
    One thing to note is that our new X Series boards can generate a finite pulse generation on a "single" counter (there is actually a paired internal counter that allows for this).  There are four user-accessible counters on X Series devices, meaning you could generate four finite pulse trains.
    Best Regards,
    John Passiak

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    Hi Andrzej,
    please check out this thread: Set parameters values depending on other parameters
    I had a discussion about query results as input for another query in there.
    For creating a workbook, just click on the save button after you ran your query in the bex.
    Message was edited by: Siegfried Szameitat

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    Hello Vijay,
    It takes one counter for each digital frequency you want to measure and the PCI-6602 has 8 counters total.  This means that the maximum number of digital frequencies you can measure is 8.  If you want to measure 16 frequencies you'll need 16 counters.
    Single counter frequency measurements are made by comparing the board's time base (80 MHz) to an external frequency.  The board counts the number of time base periods that occur during one period of your incoming frequency.  When you configure the board to take a single counter frequency measurement the card routes the time base to the source of the counter and then you connect the frequency you want to measure to the gate of the counter.
    Here are a couple of articles that explain how these measurements are taken and calculated.  (The second article is on period measurements so for frequency measurements you measure period and take the inverse):
    Making Accurate Frequency Measurements
    Period Measurements with a Counter
    There are example programs available in the LabVIEW example finder.  You can locate these by going to Help>> Find Examples... The examples you want is:  Hardware Input and Output>> DAQmx>> Counter Measurements>> Digital Frequency>> Measure Digital Frequency- Low Freq 1
    I hope this explains how counters work and why you need one counter per measurement.

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    Hello christopher,
    Well, you may give this another try, though it's a little out of the scope of your original question. (Technically, custom icon and preview are two things ; ))
    The following script will try to get preview image , i.e. pair of 'PICT' and 'pnot' resources, from Photoshop JPEG file and put it in the corresponding AppleWorks 6 file's resource.
    If recent Photoshop JPEG file still stores the preview image in that fashion, this script should help. Otherwise, it would do nothing, hopefully. (Try the script on a test folder first.)
    To run this script, you need to install Satimage.osax that is free scripting additions made and distributed by Satimage-software, France. See script's comment for more details.
    Good luck,
    -- SCRIPT
      make PICT preview of AW6 file from the paired jpg file with fine preview.
      * Using 'list resource', 'load resource' and 'put resource' of Satimage OSAX.
        • Install Satimage OSAX in either of:
        * download sources:

      Usage -
        • Copy this script into new window of Script Editor and run it.
         It will let you choose source folder to process and then
         get 'PICT' and 'pnot' data from jpg files and put them into corresponding cwk files.
        * The script assumes that
          - the source folder contains AW6 files and Photoshop jpg files loosely; and
          - their file name extensions are 'cwk' and 'jpg' respectively; and
          - file names without exension are the same for corresponding files.
      source folder structure -
        target folder:
          file1.cwk  -- AppleWorks 6 file
          file1.jpg  -- corresponding (Photoshop) jpg file with fine PICT preview
      result folder structure -
        target folder:
          file1.cwk  -- AppleWorks 6 file with fine PICT preview obtained from corresponding jpg file
          file1.jpg  -- jpg files with fine PICT preview (not changed)
    on main()
    script o
    property aa : {}
    property fda : choose folder with prompt "Locate the folder to process." -- source folder
    property fdp : fda as Unicode text
    property jpgext : ".jpg" -- jpg file name extension (including period, case insensitive)
    property cwkext : ".cwk" -- AppleWorks 6 file name extension (idem.)
    -- get list of jpg files
    tell application "Finder"
    set aa to (files of fda whose name ends with jpgext) as list -- JPGs
    end tell
    -- get 'PICT' and 'pnot' resource data from jpg file and put them into cwk file.
    set d to -(count jpgext) - 1
    repeat with a in my aa
    set a to a's contents -- Finder reference of jpg file with fine PICT preview
    set n to a's name -- jpg file name
    set a to a as alias -- alias of jpg file
    set p1 to fdp & (n's text 1 thru d) & cwkext -- corresponding AW6 file path
    set a1 to p1 as alias -- alias of corresponding AW6 file
    -- get PICT and pnot resource data from jpg file
    set {PICTid} to list resources "PICT" from a
    set {pnotid} to list resources "pnot" from a
    set PICTdata to load resource PICTid type "PICT" from a
    set pnotdata to load resource pnotid type "pnot" from a
    -- put PICT and pnot resource data to cwk file
    put resource PICTdata to a1 type "PICT" index PICTid with name ""
    put resource pnotdata to a1 type "pnot" index pnotid with name ""
    on error -- ignore it silently
    end try
    end repeat
    end script
    tell o to run
    end main

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    I have a requirement of processing the following.
    I have to select the rows for which few selected attributes are null. Then I need to take one more attribute for these rows and check that if the value of that row exists for any other row except this one. If that id exists for another row ,then I have to update two fields concatenate with the value.
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    and rowId not in(select rowId from TEMP_ARTICLE_TABLE where ARTICLE_NO is null and COLOR_BOTTOM is NULL and COLOR_TOP is NULL));
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    SP Code:-
    FOR rec in Cur_CCNID
    [Error] PLS-00225 (5: 102): PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'CUR_CCNID' reference is out of scope
    [Error] ORA-00904 (5: 102): PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "CUR_CCNID"."ROWID": invalid identifier,
    [Error] PLS-00225 (11: 102): PLS-00225: subprogram or cursor 'CUR_CCNID' reference is out of scope,
    [Error] ORA-00904 (11: 102): PL/SQL: ORA-00904: "CUR_CCNID"."ROWID": invalid identifier
    Please guide me if there is abetter way or how to correct these errors.

    The basic answer to your problem is use SQL. A single SQL statement can very likely do the entire operation. There is no need for using row by row (called slow by slow) processing in PL/SQL.
    PL/SQL is inferior when it comes to crunching database data. That is the territory of the very powerful and very flexible SQL language. Or simply put: Maximise SQL. Minimise PL/SQL.*
    As for cursors - a cursor is the compiled and executable for a source code program (e.g. SQL statement). It is not a result set. This cursor/program outputs data. It even takes parameters in the form of bind variables. Which means the same cursor (executable) can be used repeatedly, even by different sessions, and executed with different parameters (called bind variables).
    Want to insert 10 million rows? Single SQL cursor (executable program). Called 10 million times. Each time with different parameters (bind variables). Via 10,000 different application sessions. At the same time.
    So a cursor calling a cursor - not really a sensible approach. Cannot be done the way you want in your code. Is used for unique processing requirements like running PL/SQL in parallel using pipe line table functions.
    Bottom line - whoever told you to write a stored proc to do this, is wrong. The correct solution is writing SQL to perform the processing and update you need. That SQL can then be placed inside PL/SQL in order to manage the execution of that SQL cursor and deal with validation of input parameters, handling errors, code instrumentation and so on.

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    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:ymaps="" xmlns:xsd="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="newtest.xsd">
    <!--Locator Version>
    <description>location information</description>
    <ymaps:Address>Roosevelt Blvd</ymaps:Address>
    <ymaps:CityState>Monroe, NC</ymaps:CityState>
    I worte an xsd as follows for the above xml
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:ymaps="" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
    <xsd:element name="rss">
    <xsd:element name="channel">
    <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" />
    <xsd:element name="link" type="xsd:string" />
    <xsd:element name="description" type="xsd:string" />
    <xsd:element ref="ymaps:Address" />
    <xsd:element ref="ymaps:CityState" />
    <xsd:element ref="ymaps:Zip" />
    <xsd:element ref="ymaps:Country" />
    <xsd:attribute name="version" type="xsd:decimal" />
    I am getting the below exception for that
    line numbner ---|13|---Column---|41|-----
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component 'ymaps:Address'. It was detected that 'ymaps:Address' is in namespace '', but components from this namespace are not referenceable from schema document 'file:///E:/test/samples/newtest.xsd'. If this is the incorrect namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'ymaps:Address' needs to be changed. If this is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to 'file:///E:/test/samples/newtest.xsd'.
    at Source)
    Could any one help me?
    Thanks in advance
    Samba Damerla

    Hi Andrzej,
    please check out this thread: Set parameters values depending on other parameters
    I had a discussion about query results as input for another query in there.
    For creating a workbook, just click on the save button after you ran your query in the bex.
    Message was edited by: Siegfried Szameitat

  • How to use one button to drive another button click

    I'm trying to figure out a way to fix a bug in my application.  The simple fix would be to have a single button that drives a MouseCLICK event on another button everytime the PlayBar in my application reaches the end of the screen and returns to its origin.
    How would I achieve this?  I have made a lot of headway since I last posted a question in the ActionScript 3 forum, which was only yesterday evening.
    Thanks in advance,

    The application is an audio application.  It is like a drum machine sort of.
    Currently there is a grid and whenever active cells get hitTest'ed by the PlayBar they become deactivated, the PlayBar returns to the origin, and when you relaunch the Play functionality the deactivated cells no longer play a sound.
    I have a button which reactivates the sounds.
    I also have a button which has a bug in it that loops the sounds. 
    To go around the looper button that has a bug in it I would like to use a Button "Z" which automatically clicks the "reactivate the sounds" button every time the PlayBar returns to the origin and the PlayBar will then continue to play and return to the origin in a looping fashion.  If the Button Z is in an active state this looping will continue.  To stop looping, click the Button Z until it is no longer in an active state and the PlayBar will then remain at the origin.

  • Using one swf to preload another swf

    Hey everyone,
    I have two swf files, one is a preloader and the second is
    the main file. I want to preload the main file using my preload
    swf. It works, however the main swf starts to play after about 11%
    of it is preloaded, how can i stop this? I want to preload the
    entire main swf and then have it play. Here is the code i'm using
    in my preloader swf. I'm fairly new to this so any help is much
    appreciated. Thanks in advance.
    this is Lee Brimelow's site; he has some really good
    tutorials on this and other topics; I've found them pretty helpful.
    look into loaders and event listeners.
    good luck.

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    I want to use my iBook to tell my iMac - both on the same wireless network - to open iTunes and which songs to play. Sounds like the sort of thing I should be able to do but, like I already said, no idea where to start.
    Can anyone put me on the right track?

    This can be done by remote desktop connection / VNC. However, it can also be done via AppleScript if you like as well.
    Apple Remote Desktop is a separate product, however, you can enable in the Sharing preferences to allow remote desktop connections and connect via freeware apps like Chicken of the VNC. This sill allow you to view and interact with the desktop of one machine from the other.
    In the case of AppleScript, you can enable receiving Apple Remote Events on the iMac and then control iTunes (or whatever) as you would were it locally. For example:
    tell application iTunes of machine "eppc://username:[email protected]"
    play playlist "80's Hair Bands"
    end tell

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    Get the enclosure as Ralph suggests.
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  • New to LABVIEW. How can I use one analog channel to trigger acquisiton of a signal on another analog channel?

    I am new to using Labview and have been tasked to write data acqusition program for my company. We are attempting to log 6 machines, each with their own asynchronous trigger (I can't use one trigger for all 6 machines). I have the idea to use (for example) ai0 for the measurement and ai1 for the trigger (for one machine), yet I see nothing in the documentation on how this is done. I have tried playing around with the DAQ express VI (I am using Labview7) but still don't see a way to have the setup I am looking for. I'm sure this is a relatively easy question, but I'm unsure where to go to look for an answer. Any helpful pointers or guidance in the right direction
    would be very helpful!

    If what you want to do is start the acquisition of channel 0 when channel 1 reaches the trigger condition and not start channel 2 until channel 3 reaches it's trigger condition, then no, you cna't do that unless you have multiple daq devices. What can be easily done is continuously acquire all channels and monitor your trigger channels. When the trigger condition is met, then perform the analysis/logging. On the Analyze>Waveform Monitoring palette is the Basic Level Trigger Detection function. Use one for each trigger channel and have it return either the index or relative time of the trigger occurance. This value can then be used to idex that portion of the measurement channel that you're interested in.

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    I have a problem in generating a retriggerable delayed pulse with a single counter(triggered through a signal at gate) using PXI 6070E card. VI was developed in NI LabVIEW traditional DAQ Ver.7.1. I have used the "delayed pulse generator config" VI and a "Start counter" & "Stop counter" VIs for the purpose. But there is no output seen at the out terminal of counter. So I introduced a "wait" VI and set it to 1 sec. Now the pulse output appears but some pulses are missing mometarily after every 1 sec interval. (any solution for this)
    I have gone through a few similar requests in the forum but they suggest either to use two counters or to generate a finite pulse train which does'nt fit my application. Moreover PXI 6070E has only 2 counter timers. I am already using one counter to measure the frequency of a pulse train(signal 1). The application requires to generate a delayed retriggerable pulse for every pulse in signal 1. So I have only one counter left.
    Can I measure the frequency of signal 1 by analog means.? so that I can use two counters for pulse generation. (Signal 1 is a TTL signal).
    Request some help.
    Thanks in Advance

    A finite pulse train (N_Pulses >= 2) does require the use of 2 counters on most of our older hardware including your 6070E.  If you're just talking about generating a single retriggerable pulse, you would only need one counter.
    Here's an example in Traditional DAQ that shows you how to set a retriggerable pulse generation (it also allows you to adjust the characteristics of the pulse on-the-fly).
    If you're writing a new program, you might consider switching to DAQmx as it supports NI's latest hardware and recent OSes should you ever need to upgrade.  Traditional NI DAQ is no longer in active development.  Here's an example of how to implement a retriggerable pulse generation in DAQmx.  You should take note that you can't use the two drivers to simultaneously talk to the same piece of hardware, although you should be able to go back and forth by resetting the Traditional DAQ driver before switching to DAQmx.
    Best Regards,
    John Passiak

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