Use SP_Transaction notification for Production Oder

Hi all!
Can i use SP_Transaction notification  for Production Order.
We have two user A and B is manager of A.
When A create a production order  but A can not use Release function in order to chage status from Planed to Relase.
Only B can Release.
How can use SP_Transaction notification  .

Import this code into sp_transaction notifocation:
If @object_type =N'202'
If (@transaction_type = N'A')
declare @userBO nvarchar(2)
set @userBO = (select T0.usersign from OWOR T0 where T0.docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
if @userBO = '1' --code user 'A'
update OWOR
set status = 'R'
where docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del
Then user A try to add document, click on add button, sp_transaction notification procedure will be executed, and status document will change to 'Released'

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  • Sp_Transaction Notification For Purchase Order Item Checking

    Hello All,
    I need to create a sp_Transaction notification for Purchase Order where system will check that the document to be added
    with Vendor 'A' and ItemCode 'ERT' should not be be previously added for the same vendor 'A.
    Doc No.  Vendor   Item Code
    1                A            ERT
    Is added
    Next if the Purchase Order is added with same vendor and same Item then system should block the entry and throw a message
    'Purchase Order Already Entered for Vendor 'A' with Item Code 'ERT'"
    This checking will be done for each line item of currently entered Purchase Order Document.
    Thanks ,

    Hi Amit,
    i found this on forum. Try this,
    if @object_type = N'22' and @transaction_type in (N'A', N'U')
    declare @line1 int
    declare @lin1 int
    declare @out1 int
    Set @out1 = 0
    SET @lin1 = 0
    Declare @Vend as varchar(200)
    Declare @ItemCode as varchar(200)
    Select @Vend = CardCode From OPOR Where DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
    Select @line1 = Max (LineNum)FROM POR1 WHERE POR1.DocEntry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del
    While @lin1 < @line1
         Select @ItemCode=ItemCode From POR1 Where DocEntry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del and LineNum = @lin1
          if (SELECT COUNT(T0.DocEntry) FROM POR1 T0 inner join OPOR T1 on T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry
          WHERE T0.ItemCode = @ItemCode and T1.CardCode = @Vend)> 1
               Set @Out1 = 1
               Set @lin1 = @lin1+1
    Set @lin1 = @lin1 + 1
    if @out1 = 1
          Set @error = 1
          Set @error_message = 'Item Code in line ' + CONVERT(nvarchar(4), @lin1) + N'already Exists For This Vendor!'
    Check this too Stored procedure in purchase order for duplicate item for a vendor
    Edited by: Joseph Antony on Jan 11, 2011 1:37 PM

  • Use sql notification for console application C#

    I have developed ucma C# console application which sends IM  to users. 
    Now I want to send IM if any new entry is added in the table 
    So i want to use query notification .
    I have enabled service broker on my database .
    And I have added code for sqldepedency  in my code file.
    as follows.
    public static void Main(string[] args)
    UCMASampleInstantMessagingCall ucmaSampleInstantMessagingCall =
    new UCMASampleInstantMessagingCall();
    public void connectionfunction()
    string connectionString = @"Data Source=PIXEL-IHANNAH2\PPINSTANCE;User ID=sqlPPUser;Password=ppuser1;Initial Catalog=Ian;";
    SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
    string statement = "select * from dbo.tblTest";
    SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(statement, sqlConnection);
    // Create and bind the SqlDependency object to the command object.
    SqlDependency dependency = new SqlDependency(sqlCommand, null, 0);
    dependency.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(dependency_OnChange);
    private void dependency_OnChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
    private void Run() { // Initialize and startup the platform. Exception ex = null; try { // Create the UserEndpoint _helper = new UCMASampleHelper(); _userendpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint();
    Now I want to run this application in the background , so f any new entry is added it will notify my C# application and call run function.
    i tried above code but it was not working.
    Sample code is avaliableon net but it is for form application and we can see output if we run the form application .
    so if i want to run my C# application what should I do?

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Configuration;
    using System.Security.Principal;
    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
    using System.Net;
    using System.Threading;
    using System.Diagnostics;
    using Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration;
    using Microsoft.Rtc.Signaling;
    using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
    //using Microsoft.Rtc.Collaboration.Sample.Common;
    namespace UserPresence
    class UCMASampleInstantMessagingCall
    #region Locals
    // The information for the conversation and the far end participant.
    // Subject of the conversation; will appear in the center of the title bar of the
    // conversation window if Microsoft Lync is the far end client.
    private static String _conversationSubject = "The Microsoft Lync Server!";
    // Priority of the conversation will appear in the left corner of the title bar of the
    // conversation window if Microsoft Lync is the far end client.
    private static String _conversationPriority = ConversationPriority.Urgent;
    // The Instant Message that will be sent to the far end.
    private static String _messageToSend = "Hello World! I am a bot, and will echo whatever you type. " +
    "Please send 'bye' to end this application.";
    private InstantMessagingCall _instantMessaging;
    private InstantMessagingFlow _instantMessagingFlow;
    //private ApplicationEndpoint _applicationEndpoint;
    private UserEndpoint _userendpoint;
    private UCMASampleHelper _helper;
    private static SqlDependency dependency;
    private static string connectionString = @"Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=MyDatabase;Integrated Security=SSPI";
    // Event to notify application main thread on completion of the sample.
    private AutoResetEvent _sampleCompletedEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
    #region Methods
    /// <summary>
    /// Instantiate and run the InstantMessagingCall quickstart.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="args">unused</param>
    //private string _helper;
    //UCMASampleHelper _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();
    public static void Main(string[] args)
    UCMASampleInstantMessagingCall ucmaSampleInstantMessagingCall =
    new UCMASampleInstantMessagingCall();
    var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
    SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
    "select col1 from dbo.tblTest",
    // Create a dependency (class member) and associate it with the command.
    dependency = new SqlDependency(command, null, 5);
    // Subscribe to the SqlDependency event.
    dependency.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(onDependencyChange);
    // start dependency listener
    private static void onDependencyChange(Object o, SqlNotificationEventArgs args)
    private void Run()
    // Initialize and startup the platform.
    Exception ex = null;
    // Create the UserEndpoint
    _helper = new UCMASampleHelper();
    _userendpoint = _helper.CreateEstablishedUserEndpoint();
    Console.Write("The User Endpoint owned by URI: ");
    Console.WriteLine(" is now established and registered.");
    List<string> _Users = new List<string>();
    _Users.Add("sip:[email protected]");
    _Users.Add("sip:[email protected]");
    foreach (string useruri in _Users)
    // Setup the conversation and place the call.
    ConversationSettings convSettings = new ConversationSettings();
    convSettings.Priority = _conversationPriority;
    convSettings.Subject = _conversationSubject;
    // Conversation represents a collection of modes of communication
    // (media types)in the context of a dialog with one or multiple
    // callees.
    //Convers conver =new ConversationParticipant
    Conversation conversation = new Conversation(_userendpoint, convSettings);
    InstantMessagingCall _instantMessaging = new InstantMessagingCall(conversation);
    // Call: StateChanged: Only hooked up for logging. Generally,
    // this can be used to surface changes in Call state to the UI
    _instantMessaging.StateChanged += this.InstantMessagingCall_StateChanged;
    // Subscribe for the flow created event; the flow will be used to
    // send the media (here, IM).
    // Ultimately, as a part of the callback, the messages will be
    // sent/received.
    _instantMessaging.InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequested +=
    // Get the sip address of the far end user to communicate with.
    //String _calledParty = "sip:" +
    // UCMASampleHelper.PromptUser(
    // "Enter the URI of the user logged onto Microsoft Lync, in the User@Host format => ",
    // "RemoteUserURI");
    // Place the call to the remote party, without specifying any
    // custom options. Please note that the conversation subject
    // overrides the toast message, so if you want to see the toast
    // message, please set the conversation subject to null.
    // _instantMessaging.Conversation()
    _instantMessaging.BeginEstablish(useruri, new ToastMessage("Hello Toast"), null,
    CallEstablishCompleted, _instantMessaging);
    catch (InvalidOperationException iOpEx)
    // Invalid Operation Exception may be thrown if the data provided
    // to the BeginXXX methods was invalid/malformed.
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write actual handling code here.
    ex = iOpEx;
    if (ex != null)
    // If the action threw an exception, terminate the sample,
    // and print the exception to the console.
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write actual handling code here.
    Console.WriteLine("Shutting down platform due to error");
    // Wait for sample to complete
    // Just to record the state transitions in the console.
    void InstantMessagingCall_StateChanged(object sender, CallStateChangedEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Call has changed state. The previous call state was: " + e.PreviousState +
    "and the current state is: " + e.State);
    // Flow created indicates that there is a flow present to begin media
    // operations with, and that it is no longer null.
    public void InstantMessagingCall_FlowConfigurationRequested(object sender,
    InstantMessagingFlowConfigurationRequestedEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Flow Created.");
    _instantMessagingFlow = e.Flow;
    // Now that the flow is non-null, bind the event handlers for State
    // Changed and Message Received. When the flow goes active,
    // (as indicated by the state changed event) the program will send
    // the IM in the event handler.
    _instantMessagingFlow.StateChanged += this.InstantMessagingFlow_StateChanged;
    // Message Received is the event used to indicate that a message has
    // been received from the far end.
    _instantMessagingFlow.MessageReceived += this.InstantMessagingFlow_MessageReceived;
    // Also, here is a good place to bind to the
    // InstantMessagingFlow.RemoteComposingStateChanged event to receive
    // typing notifications of the far end user.
    _instantMessagingFlow.RemoteComposingStateChanged +=
    private void InstantMessagingFlow_StateChanged(object sender, MediaFlowStateChangedEventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("Flow state changed from " + e.PreviousState + " to " + e.State);
    // When flow is active, media operations (here, sending an IM)
    // may begin.
    if (e.State == MediaFlowState.Active)
    // Send the message on the InstantMessagingFlow.
    _instantMessagingFlow.BeginSendInstantMessage(_messageToSend, SendMessageCompleted,
    private void InstantMessagingFlow_RemoteComposingStateChanged(object sender,
    ComposingStateChangedEventArgs e)
    // Prints the typing notifications of the far end user.
    Console.WriteLine("Participant "
    + e.Participant.Uri.ToString()
    + " is "
    + e.ComposingState.ToString()
    private void InstantMessagingFlow_MessageReceived(object sender, InstantMessageReceivedEventArgs e)
    // On an incoming Instant Message, print the contents to the console.
    Console.WriteLine(e.Sender.Uri + " said: " + e.TextBody);
    // Shutdown if the far end tells us to.
    if (e.TextBody.Equals("bye", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
    // Shutting down the platform will terminate all attached objects.
    // If this was a production application, it would tear down the
    // Call/Conversation, rather than terminating the entire platform.
    _instantMessagingFlow.BeginSendInstantMessage("Shutting Down...", SendMessageCompleted,
    // Echo the instant message back to the far end (the sender of
    // the instant message).
    // Change the composing state of the local end user while sending messages to the far end.
    // A delay is introduced purposely to demonstrate the typing notification displayed by the
    // far end client; otherwise the notification will not last long enough to notice.
    _instantMessagingFlow.LocalComposingState = ComposingState.Composing;
    //Echo the message with an "Echo" prefix.
    _instantMessagingFlow.BeginSendInstantMessage("Echo: " + e.TextBody, SendMessageCompleted,
    private void CallEstablishCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
    InstantMessagingCall instantMessagingCall = result.AsyncState as InstantMessagingCall;
    Exception ex = null;
    Console.WriteLine("The call is now in the established state.");
    catch (OperationFailureException opFailEx)
    // OperationFailureException: Indicates failure to connect the
    // call to the remote party.
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write real error handling code.
    ex = opFailEx;
    catch (RealTimeException rte)
    // Other errors may cause other RealTimeExceptions to be thrown.
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write real error handling code.
    ex = rte;
    if (ex != null)
    // If the action threw an exception, terminate the sample,
    // and print the exception to the console.
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write real error handling code.
    Console.WriteLine("Shutting down platform due to error");
    private void SendMessageCompleted(IAsyncResult result)
    InstantMessagingFlow instantMessagingFlow = result.AsyncState as InstantMessagingFlow;
    Exception ex = null;
    Console.WriteLine("The message has been sent.");
    catch (OperationTimeoutException opTimeEx)
    // OperationFailureException: Indicates failure to connect the
    // IM to the remote party due to timeout (called party failed to
    // respond within the expected time).
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write real error handling code.
    ex = opTimeEx;
    catch (RealTimeException rte)
    // Other errors may cause other RealTimeExceptions to be thrown.
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write real error handling code.
    ex = rte;
    // Reset the composing state of the local end user so that the typing notifcation as seen
    // by the far end client disappears.
    _instantMessagingFlow.LocalComposingState = ComposingState.Idle;
    if (ex != null)
    // If the action threw an exception, terminate the sample,
    // and print the exception to the console.
    // TODO (Left to the reader): Write real error handling code.
    Console.WriteLine("Shutting down platform due to error");
    So i want to call run method when new entry is added in the database . and this application is not like any form application . In form application we display data when programs loads as like your RefreshDataWithSqlDependency
    function . But in my application my application will run (send IM) when any new entry is added in the database . As I need running application to achieve notification , what kind of changes are required?

  • How to use smart form for production orders

    Hello Experts,
    I have a couple of questions about printing out production orders from SAP, from OPK8.
    My ABAPer has developed a smart form and I am trying to use the same for the list LG01, i.e. the object list.
    Since, there was no place to assign a smart form directly, so the ABAPer has copied the existing print program , defined for my ref. order type and LG01 and assigned the new smart form inside the program. This new program has now been assigned against my ref. ord type, LG01 and all the plants, as seen in screenshot below.
    Now, what is happening is that when I give print for my order, a pop-up screen asks for the printer. I give LOCL , check 'print now' and then click on the print preview.
    I can see the new form that has been developed and it is alright.
    Then, when I click on the back arrow, once again the print pop-up screen appears. Now, when I enter LOCL, print now and click  the print preview, then I see another form open up before me. I am assuming that this is some form which was pre-configured in the system, under the section 'Forms', for the same object list LG01.
    Do I have to assign the new smart form under the section "Forms' also, for the ref order type and LG01? or the change in the section 'print programs' is enough for the new form to kick in? Please guide me. I tried to but it gave the error that the form is not created in English. Also , my form is a smart form, not a SAPScript or PDF form, so I wonder if that will help at all.
    Requirement :-      I need to suppress this second form somehow but do not know how to do it. I want that only one form, i.e. my smart form should be printed out when someone gives print from the order.
    Let me know if something is not clear.

    Hi P,
    Go a few steps down and remove flags on the documents you don't want to print:
    this are just suggestions, they can be changed in your production order, in CO02, menu Order->Settings->List Control.

  • Configure and use push notifications for IOS - Xamarin

    Is it possible to configure and use push notifications in SharePoint 2013 apps for iPhone Xamarin.
    Recently I started creating a Xamarin application that supports both Android and IPhone application. So my doubt here is, Is it possible to create a solution in SharePoint Server for sending
    push notifications and a client side iOS - Xamarin application for receiving the notifications.
    If Possible how I can create the same. Please help. If it is not possible anyone please suggest me a workaround to implement the same.

    This is not a permanent fix but through this you can easily use the apps
    Go to Settings> General> Accessibility> Guided Access
    Now tap the Guided Access and turn it on.
    Now go straight to the app which is having this problem. After opening the app press the home button 3 times to activate the Guided Access mode.
    After activating and choosing a password you'll see that there is no "connect to iTunes to use push notifications in ios 8.1" pop up any more.
    If you want to leave the app press the home button three times again.
    It works 100%

  • SP_Transaction notification for Cash account non negative value

    Hi I wrote the following  SP_Transaction notification when cash account is going negative in outgoing payment.its working fine in 2005B.
    But it is not working in any one help me.
    IF @transaction_type IN (N'A', N'U') AND (@Object_type = N'46')
         if  Exists ( select t0.currtotal from oact t0 inner join ovpm t1 on t0.AcctCode=t1.CashAcct
         where  t0.currtotal <=0 and t1.docentry=@list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    SELECT @Error = 1, @error_message = 'Cash account should not be negative!'
    Edited by: ArulPrakasan P on Nov 21, 2008 1:42 PM

    No , ia m not getting any error message in 2007B.
    then i tried the following... I restored the 2005B database to 2007B.then it got upgraded to 2007B,then i tried to add the out going payment with the above SP_transactionnotification.
    now i got the following error msg...
    [microsoft] [sql native client] [sql server] : conversion failed when converting the varchar value '@list_of_cols_val_tab_del' to datatype int
    Edited by: ArulPrakasan P on Nov 24, 2008 9:14 AM
    Edited by: ArulPrakasan P on Nov 24, 2008 9:15 AM

  • How to connect in itunes to use push notifications for iphone5

    I need some help. How to connect in Itunes so i can use push notifications in my iphone...

    Check to the right --->
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  • Using custom notification for email????

    I have notice one thing or just overlooked it but I can not for the life of me find a way to change the alert sound for email notification, do anyone care to enlighten me on where this option is?
    Will be greatly appreciated..

    Wildman is the Notification tone for Gmail or Yahoo
    Wildman if your T-bolt is like my Droid Incredible.  in setting it up.  an this might sound weired but when i set my Notication Tone for My Yahoo Account i had to go in to the sound settings to set a Notification Ring Tone.
    Now on Gmail i just went into Gmail > More > Settings > checked an enabled  the  Notifications an selected the Ringtone

  • Sp_transaction notification for serial number duplication

    Hi All
    I need your help with this sp , i found it here on the portal and its not working 100% please check and see if you guys can assisit me.
    ALTER proc [dbo].[SBO_SP_TransactionNotification]
    @object_type nvarchar(25),                     -- SBO Object Type
    @transaction_type nchar(1),               -- [A]dd, <u>pdate, [D]elete, [C]ancel, C[L]ose
    @num_of_cols_in_key int,
    @list_of_key_cols_tab_del nvarchar(255),
    @list_of_cols_val_tab_del nvarchar(255)
    -- Return values
    declare @error  int                    -- Result (0 for no error)
    declare @error_message nvarchar (200)           -- Error string to be displayed
    select @error = 0
    select @error_message = N'Ok'
    declare @val nvarchar (1200)           -- Error string to be displayed
    declare @chrin nvarchar(30)
    declare @item nvarchar(455)
    declare @SysSer nvarchar(455)
    declare @qry nvarchar(255)
    declare @IntSer nvarchar(32)
    declare @whs nvarchar(8)
    declare @count int
    declare @base nvarchar(6)
    set @count = 0
    --     ADD     YOUR     CODE     HERE
    IF @transaction_type IN ('A','U') AND (@object_type = '94' )
    set @item = LEFT( @list_of_cols_val_tab_del, CHARINDEX(CHAR(9),  @list_of_cols_val_tab_del,1) - 1)
    set @SysSer = substring(@list_of_cols_val_tab_del, len(@item)+1, 30)
    --set @qry = 'select intrserial from osri where itemcode =' + @item + ' and convert(varchar,sysserial) = convert(varchar,' + @SysSer + ')'
    select @IntSer = intrserial from osri where itemcode = @item and convert(varchar,sysserial) = convert(varchar,@SysSer)
    set @error_message = @IntSer
    set @error = 1
    select @error, @error_message
    select @error, @error_message
    and I have serial number checking on every transactions.

    Here is a working SP
    declare @val nvarchar (1200)           -- Error string to be displayed
    declare @chrin nvarchar(30)
    declare @item nvarchar(455)
    declare @SysSer varchar(10)
    declare @qry nvarchar(255)
    declare @IntSer nvarchar(32)
    DECLARE @count int
    set @count = 0
    --S/N Duplication Check
    IF @transaction_type IN ('A','U') AND (@object_type = '94' )  -- For Goods Recipts
    set @item = LEFT( @list_of_cols_val_tab_del, CHARINDEX(CHAR(9),  @list_of_cols_val_tab_del,1) - 1)
    set @SysSer = ltrim(rtrim(substring(@list_of_cols_val_tab_del, len(@item)+2, 30)))
    select @IntSer = intrserial from osri where itemcode = @item and convert(varchar,sysserial) = @SysSer
    IF @count > 1
    set @error = 1
    set @error_message = N'Duplicate S/N was found in the system for Item No.' +@item +' S/N : ' + @IntSer

  • Recommendation of use for MaxDB for production use and Oracle comparison

    Hi all,
    We are about to propose to a customer of ours the use of SAPDB for production use. This would be a good way to reduce license costs.
    Previous use of this DB platform has shown that it is mature, but since I am not a basis or DBA, I can't really pinpoint if we miss a lot of functionality.
    Who could provide some info on the following:
    1 - Are there major functionalities that Oracle provides that MaxDB doesn't?
    2 - Customer reference (or your inputs) on success stories.
    Thanks in advance.

    > Who could provide some info on the following:
    > 1 - Are there major functionalities that Oracle provides that MaxDB doesn't?
    I would ask:"What functionalities do you expect from a database system?" - and then "Can MaxDB provide those functionalities?". It does not makes sense, IMHO, to compare "possible" things if you never need them.
    > 2 - Customer reference (or your inputs) on success stories.
    We run MaxDB (former ADABAS D, former SAPDB) for 12 years now on all our systems. Our main ERP 6.0 EHP4 has a size of 3 TB, we run on Linux serving about 900 users (700 concurrent), a BI with roughly 1 TB (with BWA), CRM with 600 GB, and tons of portals and smaller systems (SRM, SRM-MDM 7.1, GTS 7.2, SolMan,  PLM (cProjects), Content Servers and more).
    There are, as with every database, "performance problems" in special areas but generally our response times are below 500 ms on the main ERP.
    One drawback of the MaxDB is the fact, that it does not use UTF-8/CESU-8 to store the data (yet) so if you use only single byte codepages in a Unicode system, you will neverless consume the full 2-byte space per character.
    Basically I think that you can run roughly 98 % of the current systems on MaxDB without any impacts.

  • Getting notifications for groups, based on administrator attributes

    We have multiple development teams who want to subscribe to notifications that are relevant to the targets that they use. We also have an operations team that cares only about notifications for production targets involved in batch jobs.
    What is the approach for doing this?
    We can create groups of targets (i.e. 1 group for each team. )
    But we don't want to set up multiple copies of every notification rule, each tied to one of these target groups. What we would like is to have a notification rule that can connect the relevant targets to an attribute of each administrator. We can use Department or Line of Business, for example, on the target and on the administrator, if that would get us a solution.
    I looked at the 'target privileges' for a user but I did not see anytihng specific to receiving notifications. (Most of our administrators have 'view' access to more targets than they would want notifications for.)
    Is it possible to implement soemthing like this?
    We are using Enterprise Manager Cloud Control

    Suppose I have Red, Blue, and Green development teams, plus the Operations team.
    I recognize that one approach would be:
    - Create a Red incident rule, which includes only targets of interest to the Red team
    - Create a Blue incident rule, which is just like Red but includes only targets of interest to the Blue team
    - Create a Green incident rule, which is just like Red or Blue but includes only targets of interest to the Green team
    - Create an Operations incident rule, which is just like the above but includes only targets of interest to the Operations team
    and tell the Red team to subscribe to the Red incident rule, etc.
    I think this is what you are suggesting. But to do this, I have created (and must maintain) multiple rules which are clones of each other, except for the targets they apply to.
    I would much rather have one incident rule, that everyone can subscribe to, but notifies each only for the targets that we have somehow associated to each administrator.
    Is this something that can be done? Or is it wishful thinking?

  • Issue for Production

    We are getting the following error when we use the "Issue for Production" form
    "StoreDocData: 0 : The Loged on User does not have permission to use the object"
    Is there an authorization I have missed?

    Please check if you are using any add-on and the user has relevant permission.
    Also please check the code if any, given in SP_Transaction Notificication.
    SAP Business One Forums Team.

  • Control cycle for production staging SAP WM

    We currently have control cycle for kanban purchase orders. Do I need to create new control cycle production staging. Actually I will be using fixed bin for production consumption. Kindly confirm whether existing control cycle of purchase order can be used.

    Material Staging Indicator for Production Supply
    The material staging indicator defines the method of how needed materials can be supplied for production with the assistance of the Warehouse Management system.
    As with the location coordinates (warehouse number, storage type, and storage bin), the system files this indicator in the control cycle.
    The following staging types are supported:
    "1": Pick parts
    These materials are picked according to the required quantity specified in the production order.
    "2": Crate or kanban parts
    These materials are always removed from the warehouse in full cases. These can be ordered, for example, as soon as a case of needed parts is emptied in production.
    "3": Release order parts
    Release order parts are scheduled individually and the quantities are supplied manually to replenishment storage bins based on the requirements of production orders and the stock levels in the scheduled production supply areas.
    "4": Manual staging
    Materials are staged manually. For example, you can transport individual components using manually created transfer orders, or you can use the bypass method to transport them directly from the goods receipt zone to production. In goods receipt posting, postings are made to the production storage bins from the control cycles.
    "0": Not relevant to WM-PP
    These materials are not relevant to WM staging. They cannot be requested using the WM system.

  • BC Sets for Product Compliance

    Hi guys,
    We are looking at option of copying customization table values using BC sets for Product Compliance.
    I don't think we can use BC sets for Incident Management and Risk Assessment part.
    However I know you can use BC sets for product compliance part so my question is how do we use
    BC sets? Any documentation/link or suggestions on what are the steps?

    Dear D M
    we are not using BC sets. I have only come in touch with them using EHS classic and not EHSM.
    Check may be this SAP online help to get some ideas:
    Business Configuration Sets (BC-CUS) - SAP Library
    PS: you can execute in any case what is known as an "cross transport"; This option should be well known (I assume) as it it one "classical" solution to get one configuraiton from one SAP system to a different one (pay attention: Release status should be the same; but this is true as well for BC sets).
    this is nbot the same as using a BC set !

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