User Preferences showing weird activity

I just took a look in my Preferences folder on my user sisde and I am seeing lots of folders with strange one or two charecter names. I click ont he folder and there is nothing inside. Suggestions? Can I delete these if they are empty?

Does this page contain anything useful?

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    REP-0004: Warning: Unable to open user preference file.
    How to solve this wraning?And actually what it means

    Have a look at the following documents and see if it helps.
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    I think you need to do setting in grantt chart view Day,Week,Month in stead of user preference as " do not show time".

  • User status shows active in portal for inactive LDAP users

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    Users listed in the LDAP as deleted or inactive are still listed in EP
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    Hello there,
    i have the same problem: We have several domains that sometimes contain users with the same user-id. This happens, if a user is "moved" from one domain to another: A new user with the same user-id is created in the new domain and the user-status of the user in the old domain is set to "inactive".
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    OK, found it. I recalled this happened just after I bound the machine to Active Directory. I had chosen to allow administration by enterprise admins, and I guess somewhere up the line, somebody has turned on showing List of Users as the preference. I unbound, unchecked, restarted and now all is well.
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  • Inspector Adjustments HUD show weird characters

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    Does anyone have an idea what's happening here.
    See these screenshots for better explanation of this problem. Thanks.
    file://localhost/Users/norbert/Desktop/Screen%20Shot%202011-11-10%20at%2012.01.0 8%20AM.png

    Do you perhaps have two Aperture installions - the old one with weird menus and the new installation, freshly installed from the App Store? Search with Spotlight for "Aperture". Your most recent Apterure should be the one installed in "Applications"; is the one you deleted still sitting in the Trash?
    After force-quitting the new Aperture and opening again your Aperture Library could still be set to be opened with the older Aperture Version, if that were still there.
    Where is that DGGNG string coming from?
    searching with locate from the Terminal I found the string inside the package (and the, as part of the localization strings of the "Geode.framework"
    % locate DGGNG
    /Applications/ ces/English.lproj/DGGNGBlurOperation.strings
    /Applications/ ces/English.lproj/DGGNGBurnOperation.strings
    /Applications/ ces/English.lproj/DGGNGContrastOperation.strings
    /Applications/ ces/English.lproj/DGGNGMultiplyOperation.strings
    /Applications/ s/English.lproj/DGGNGTintOperation.strings
    /Applications/ s/English.lproj/DGGNGVibrancyOperation.strings
    If I look inside these localization files with XCode, I see the correct description of these effects:
    %open -aXCode /Applications/
    /* Interface */
    DGGNGMultiplyOperation = "Polarize";
    DGGNGMultiplyOperationLong = "Polarize (Multiply)";
    inputIntensity = "Intensity";
    inputIntensityTooltip = "The amount of polarization effect applied to the area brushed on the image";
    For some strange reason your Aperture seems to use the filename of the localization file instead of the strings defined inside the file? Are maybe the correct localization files missing in your Aperture version? Which country have you set in the "Language and Text" preference pane of the System Preferences? I did not see a localization file for "british english", eg.

  • Applet very slow and shows no activity, but its running

    I have a new applet for the users, but I am reluctant to implement until I get some others opinions. It is very slow (30 - 40 seconds)
    Before it outputs a screen with about 20 lines, it reads 90 different html files. It looks at the forth rec of each to extract a name. It also gets the file size to determine if the record needs to be on the screen.
    Anyway, it does 4 reads on 90 files. = 360 reads. Oops, it also reads and loads a 80 record file at the beginning. So total is 440 reads.
    It takes 30 - 40 seconds. Which is not horrible, but it is not good. What really bothers me is that the applet screen shows no activity. At the bottom is shows "done" and "100%". Task Manager shows no activity. But if you just let it sit there, it will finally fill the screen. Pretty amazing to me. I would much rather see a "progress bar" moving on the bottom like other screens. Actually, a progress bar would solve it, because the users are not in a big hurry anyway.
    I am using "openStream" and "readLine" for the files.
    Any opinions?
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class urlaa extends JApplet
    //zz  implements Runnable, ActionListener
          implements ActionListener
    // zz added
        private JLabel item;
        private JList itemList;
      int par;
      int errorflag = 0 ;
      int orgsize = 14900 ;
      String par1;
      String s;
      String e1;
      String e2;
      String e3;
      String w1;
      String w2;
      String w3;
      String w4;
      int i = 0;
      int len ;
      int size ;
      String stringsize ;
      URLConnection conn ;
      int i2 = 0 ;
      int k = 0;
      int current = 0;
      String s1 ;
      String s6 ;
      String s7 ;
      String s8 ;
      String printline ;
      String pageLink;
      String arr[]  = new String[150] ;
      String arr2[] = new String[150] ;
      String arr3[] = new String[150] ;
      int arr4[] = new int[150] ;
      String inputLine;
      Thread runner;
      public void init()
             String parameter = getParameter("par1");
             if (parameter != null)
                 par = Integer.parseInt(parameter);
                 par = 99;
    // zz         Button goButton = new Button("Go");
    // zz         goButton.addActionListener(this);
    // zz         add(goButton);
    // zz   added
            this.item = new JLabel();
            Container container = this.getContentPane();
            this.itemList = this.getList();
            URL u;
            InputStream wis = null;
            DataInputStream dis;
            int rcnt = 0;
            int rcn2 = 0;
           //    1)  read filelist.txt file
           //         and load into a table.
           //    2)  close the filelist.txt file
           //    3)  Use the tabled file names to
           //         read and see if the bio
           //         has been done
           //  1) Read filelist.txt and load table
            u = new URL("");
            catch (MalformedURLException e)
              errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
              e1 = ("FILELIST.TXT MalformedURLException: " + e.getMessage()) ;
                u = new URL("");
                wis = u.openStream();
            catch (IOException ioe)
              errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
              e1 = ("FILELIST.TXT IOException : " + ioe.getMessage()) ;
    //      does not work     size = wis.getContentLength() ;
                // Convert the inputStream to a buffered DatainputStream.
                dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(wis));
                // Read 1st record to set up while loop
                     s1 = dis.readLine() ;  // get 1st rcd
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                     errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                     e3 = ("FILELIST.TXT IOException : " + ioe.getMessage()) ;
                   while (s1 !=  null)
                   {  // load file names loop
                   if (errorflag == 0)
                   {  // if errors
                    arr[i] = s1 ;
                    i++ ;
                    s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                    catch (IOException ioe)
                      errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                      s1 = null ; // force end of loop
                      e3 = ("load table read failed" + ioe) ;
                    rcnt++ ;
                    if (rcnt > 100)  // test code
                    {                // test code
                      errorflag = 1;
                      s1 = null ;
                      e3 = "Load table is looping!!" ;
                   }  // end of error check loop
                   }  // end of table load loop
               int lasttableentry = i ;  //
                   // CLOSE the filelist.txt file
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    e3 = ("close of filelist.txt file failed" + ioe) ;
    //   End of filelist read and load and close
    //      ptr to whats new names in table arr
            i = 0 ;
    //      While more names in table,
    //        Connect and Open file
    //        Read file until 4th rcd (rel 3rd rcd)
    //          if rcd has date, then move it to table
    //          else
    //          bump to next file name
              w1 = arr[i] ;
              w2 = w1.substring(1, 4) ;   // ONLY USED FOR CHK FOR XXXX
    //    ______________  start of major loop  _____________
            boolean morenames = true ;
            while (morenames)
            {  // Name table loop
            if (errorflag == 0)
            {  //if no errors
                u = new URL(w1);
                  URLConnection conn ;
                  conn = u.openConnection();
                  size = conn.getContentLength();
                catch (IOException e)
                  errorflag = 4 ;
                  morenames = false ;
                  e1 = ("file size logic failed " + w1) ;
              catch (MalformedURLException e)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    morenames = false ;
                    e1 = ("next whats new url error : " + w1) ;
    // compile error                break ;
                  u   = new URL(w1) ;
                  wis = u.openStream();
              catch (IOException e)
                errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                morenames = false ;
                e2 = ("next whats new open error :  " + w1) ;
    //   compile error            break ;
    //            Convert the inputStream to a buffered DatainputStream.
                  dis = new DataInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(wis));
                if (errorflag == 0)
                {  //if no errors
    //  does not work                       String s2 = dis.readLine(3) ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                         s1 = dis.readLine() ;
                       catch (IOException e)
                         errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                         morenames = false ;
                         e2 = "whats new file MalformedURLException: " ;
                       // file is larger than original non-bio file size
                       if (size > orgsize)  //  if file size > original file size
                       String s2a = s1.substring(0, 5);
                       String s3 = "                       " ;
    //                 Only look at title records to get the name
                       if (s2a.equals("<titl"))
                          int k2 = 7 ;
                          int l = k2 + 1 ;
                            while (!s1.substring(k2, l).equals("<"))
                              k2++ ;
                              l++ ;
                          s3 = s1.substring(7, k2) ;
                          s3 = "               " ;
    //                 s3 now has blanks or the name
                       arr2[k] = w1 ;    // move name into arr2 (link to bio)
                       arr3[k] = s3 ;    // move name into arr3 (bio name)
                       arr4[k] = size ;  // move in file size
                       k++ ;
                       } // end of if length > 36
                } // end of chk for error flag zero (no errors)
                  //  now we have to close this whats new file
                   // CLOSE the current whats new file
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    morenames = false ;
                    e3 = ("close of the current whats new file failed" + ioe) ;
                  //  end of the close
              rcn2++ ;
              if (rcn2 > 100)  // test code
              {                // test code
                 errorflag = 2;
                 morenames = false ;
                 e3 = "Searching files is looping!!" ;
              i++ ;           // bump to next whats up name
              w1 = arr[i] ;   // load it into work string
              if (i > lasttableentry)
                morenames = false ;
              } // end of error checking loop
                  morenames = false ;
            } // end major name table loop
                   // CLOSE the last whats new file
                   catch (IOException ioe)
                    errorflag = 1 ;  // set error flag to stop while loops
                    e3 = ("close of last whats new file failed" + ioe) ;
    // end of init
    //     _________________ other methods  ______________________
    // zz added
        private JList getList() {
            // Create a List
            JList tempList = new JList(arr3);
            // Enable single selection
            return tempList;
        private JButton addButton() {
            JButton button = new JButton("Select Item below and click here to go to the bio");
            return button;
        private JPanel getPanel() {
            // set layout to GridLayout 3 rows and 1 columns, no separations
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,1,0,0));
            JScrollPane spane1 = new JScrollPane(this.itemList);
    //       panel.add(new JLabel("Example List"));
            return panel;
    //   _______________  actionPerformed method  ____________________
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
           s8 = "actionPerformed";
    // zz added
            String command = evt.getActionCommand();
            // Get the selected value from the list and update the JLabel
    //  try to redirect to selected url
             int idx  = itemList.getSelectedIndex() ;
             String urlvalue = this.arr2[idx] ;
             URL u = new URL(urlvalue);
             this.getAppletContext().showDocument(u, "_self");
         catch(Exception e)

    jagossage wrote:
    But if you just let it sit there, it will finally fill the screen. Pretty amazing to me. The onus is on you, the developer, to decide how to distract your users as they wait for your code to finish. Why should you expect something to do it for you?
    I would much rather see a "progress bar" moving on the bottom like other screens.Ah, I think I see where you're confused. The progress bar and applet loading subtitles, etc are Java's way of presenting the progress of loading the applet. Once it's fully loaded, though (which it is when your code starts running), it hands off control to you. It's in your hands at that point.

  • Firefox for Mac preferences shows .qif file format for quicken as "quicktime image format"-wrong application and won't let me select anything else

    Post to Firefox forum; Oct.2011
    Re: Quicken 2007; Mac OS 10.5
    Problem: can’t import or download Qif format files into quicken from bofa or Chase. Mac can’t recognize; how do I set preferences in Firefox (or Safari).
    I previously used Firefox on my old Mac G4 with OS 10.3.9; the above issue existed with that system and Firefox 2.00.2 (or similar). I then "tried" to move to a G5 Mac with OS 10.5, hoping that an updated Mac Operating system and updating Firefox would solve that problem.
    I'm now working on my son's MacBook Pro, OS 10.5.8, 2.4 ghz Intel Core 2 Duo; 2gb Memory; 2 gb 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM.
    I still have a problem in Firefox Preferences trying to download .qif files. BofA Mortgage accounts only allow downloading of .qif files. My .qfx download works fine, but the error message is as follows:
    The error message is that this is a corrupted file or one that Preview doesn't recognize.
    and it is still a problem when trying to download Quicken .qif format files for our B of A mortgage.
    The preferences for Firefox under File Helpers won't let me name the extension I want; instead, it CONFUSES .qif (Quicken Interchange Format) with .qtif (Quicktime Image Format) for Mac.
    Therefore, when I download .qif files and try to import them to Quicken, I get a message that this is a corrupted file:
    thanks for any help.
    Val in Seattle

    Well, in the end, I just gave up and deleted the photos, in the hope that it was something to do with them. Took some more photos and they seem to have imported without any problems at all.
    Given that the same irksome photos loaded on the wife's macbook without so much as a murmur, how weird is that?
    Still- all's well that ends well. Thanks for the suggestions- much appreciated.

  • How to set default User preferences in Analyzer for all users

    How to set default User preferences in Analyzer for all users<BR><BR>Hi,<BR><BR>I would like to set some settings in Analyzer as default for all users. For example:<BR>1. Display | Char<BR>2. right mouse click on char | Chart Properties<BR>3. Axes tab<BR>4. "Format: Currency" i would like to change to "Format: Number".<BR><BR>How to set default values to all users? Is this possible?<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR>Grofaty

    I'm pretty sure higher access superceedes, so you could set up a group with no actual access, just to get the preferences working, then their individual security will dictate what they can do. I haven't tested this fully, but I beleive this is how it will work.<BR>As far as setting the preferences, go into the admin console and right click on the group, then select Preferences. To apply the group preferences to a user, add the user to the group, then right click on the user, select preferences and from the upper left corner, use the drop down to select the active preference, in this case, it will be the group you created and added them to.<BR><BR>HTH

  • UCM 9.1 7975 Sets can't restrict user preferences

    We have CallManger 9.1 installed and just noticed that we can't restrict the settings on the 7975 sets to only User Preferences - all 7 options are showing
    Is there a patch with the 9.1 for the 7975 sets?

    Mac OS X now uses the clang compiler, and it is possible the package has not been ported to work with the pickier clang compiler.
    If your system has gcc, you could maybe try hacking the Makefile to use gcc instead of cc (or maybe export CC=gcc, again assuming you have an older copy of gcc on your system).  You might also try specifying some CFLAGS to disable some compiler checks.  It is possible you will need to modify the sources to fix obnoxious coding violations that both clang and gcc will not ignore.
    Or you might check if one of the Mac OS X package managers have already ported the package:,,

  • User Preferences not saved in 10.6.8

    I have a Mac Book Pro running 10.6.8. Somewhere along the way something got messed up in the permissions (I assume) and none of the user preferences are saved i.e. items added to the toolbar in Safari, iTunes account log in, prefered browser, browser window size and position, etc.
    I have run Disk Utility a number of times, and every time it "repairs" dozens of permissions, and when I run it again, it repairs the same ones (pretty sure anyway) definitely dozens of repairs everytime, no matter how many times I repair.
    I did a user migration to a clean install, no help, all the old problems came with the migration. I have reinstalled the OS twice since then. Hoping I won't have to wipe the drive and start from scratch.
    Thanks, T Bruce

    First off, Permissions repair won't touch anything in your user. Stop repairing Permissions. Generally a waste of time anyway.
    Do a GetInfo (Cmd-I) on the Preferences folder in your user (home folder) Library. What does it say for Sharing and Permissions?
    It should show that you, your user, has Read and Write and everyone No Access.
    I would suggest using the following procedure to reset your home folder Permissions, which may fix this problem.
    Boot from the Mac OS X Install Disc:
    Insert the disc.
    Shut down the computer.
    Turn it on again whilst holding down the C key.
    You can let go when you see a spinning dial.
    Click through the menus until you after you’ve accepted a license agreement.
    Snow Leopard: At the top, click Utilities -> Reset Password.
    Lion: At the top, click Utilities -> Terminal. Type resetpassword in the Terminal and press Enter.
    Click on your main hard drive.
    In the dropdown box under “Select the user account” make sure to select your username.
    Underneath where it says “Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs”, click the Reset button.
    Press cmd + Q to Quit the Reset Password application. Press it again if you have a Terminal open.
    Click Mac OS X Installer in the top left and click Quit Mac OS X Installer.
    Click the Startup Disk button.
    Click on your main hard drive and click the Restart button.

  • User Status LKD is active(ORDTMC1001)

    While doing capital purchase order through internal order a message is being appeard as "User status LKD is active(ORDTMC1001).
    What could be the possible solution ?
    Best Regards,
    Samrat Roy

    Dear Waman,
    Whenever I create new Internal Order user status shows PLIM and LKD under Control Data of Internal Order master. Go to Set / Reset and uncheck the tick from status LKD and save the record. Why this status become locked i.e, LKD automatically in every internal order creation ? How it can be removed and during creation of new internal order user status will show only "PLIM". What should be the actual status of Status Profile for Internal Order ?
    Best Regards,
    Samrat Roy

  • Some user preferences lost

    My brand-new Mac Mini was fine last night as of midnight. Sometime today, many but not all of my user preferences/software registration settings were lost. Eudora will not open, with an error message in the console log, Couldn't reopen address book databsse. Home directory may not be ready or is missing.
    The home directory is still therre, as are all my files; in the directory I reach using cd ~. I did not rename my home directory. Obviously relevant, I can only see 3 accounts (including my usual account) in the log-in window. The folders are in the users directory on the hard drive, and they look normal in every way I can tell. NetInfo manager shows the accounts there, however.
    All login items (chronosync, USB overdrive,etc) are missing from
    I have VMware Fusion on the machine, and there are error messages that it could not enter super-mode.
    Looking at the permissions on my home folder, the owner is show as "unknown". Since (thank God) I was using an administrator account, I changed the owner to myself.
    But what on aerth might have happened? Where could the other two accounts have gone? I'd be most grateful for a pointer in the right direction!

    I did repair permission, but I gather that that only fixes permissions for installed items, not user folders. At any rate, it didn't help. I checked the disk with Disk Utility, and Disk Warrior 4 ( which found the usual minor issues, not nothing useful).
    Having retaken control of my home folder, now I'm concerned with what happened. There was nothing I could find in the logs to indicate what happened. I had the mini connected to the monitor through an Iogear DVI KVM, and when the computer woke up, it had to redetect the display. I would hope that couldn't cause permissions for the home folder to be lost; but I've connected the mini directly to the monitor for now.

  • Calling User Preference event from within portlet

    Not sure if anybody else has looked at this but we are in the process of rolling out a new G6 Portal and on a number of portlets want to take advantage of the ability to turn off the portlet header. However in doing so you loose access to the inbuilt support for providing access to the User Preference, if one has been defined as part of the portlet definition. This is relevant on a number of portelts that we want to migrate to the new G6 portal.
    So rather than try and re-invent this from scratch using a different 'link' in the portlet itself we were wondering if you can 'call' the inbuilt user preference functionality from within the portlet code. i.e. When a user clicks on the link within the portlet it performs exactly the same action and interaction within the portal as if they clicked on the User Preference icon in the portlet header.
    We have had a look around to see if this is possible but not come up with anything yet so thought we would seek comments from this forum.
    Many thanks in advance,
    Ross Ellard
    Devonport Management Ltd

    Hey Ross,
    I just realized I have to do the same thing on a very limited scale (3-5 portlets).
    SO I just wrote a little bit of (shoddy) code to show community preferences based on group membership.
    It works for me, but I get the feeling your looking for something like communityactionsdata geared toward portlets, which unfortunately I dont think exists. If you put it in as an enhancement request then support will contact you to discuss your options.
    Here is the code that I'm using for now:
    <pt:standard.when pt:test="stringToACLGroup('group=1,755,760;').isMember($currentuser)">
    <immg border="0" src="htttp://localhost/imageserver/plumtree/portal/public/img/action_portlet_edit.gif">
    The only problem is that the preferences submit button refreshes the popup to the portal. So I might need to tweak that a hair so it just closes the popup.
    edited to prevent the forum from trying to use the code I provided
    Message was edited by:

  • Programmatically changing user preferences when creating an InfoView user in code

    Post Author: rickp101
    CA Forum: .NET
    I am very new to BO (using Business Objects 11.5) so bear with me if I am not clear or seem to have no idea what I'm talking about.
    As a .NET Developer I have been asked to work on a project that involves creating new BO users and logging them in from an ASP.NET application (in order to mimic a single sign in system from another piece of software). I have found most of the information I require for this in the .NET SDK. However there is one function the client would like that I have not been able to find a solution for, and that is to change the users document viewing preferences.
    Within InfoView, if you go into user preferences, under the General tab there is the following option:
    For each document, show me ...
    descriptionownerdateinstance countactions and description (if selected) initially not hidden
    I think by default all of the boxes are checked however the client only wants the description showing for each user when they are set up. Is this something that can be modified within the code when the user is created or is each user going to have to change this themselves manually once logged in?
    Any help will be much appreciated.

    Post Author: Ted Ueda
    CA Forum: .NET
    The InfoView settings aren't documented, unfortunately, but with sufficient trial-and-error, you'd be able to determine the correct values.
    The settings are stored in the SI_DATA property 'desktopsettings' for a User object - you can have a look by logging onto 'Query Builder', accessible from the admin launchpad, and entering a query of the form: "Select SI_ID, SI_NAME, SI_DATA From CI_SYSTEMOBJECTS Where SI_KIND='User' And SI_NAME='<username here>'".
    You'd see that, if you've specified the properties manually in InfoView (the property is not there by default) that it consists of '&'-separated key=value entries. 
    You'd retrieve the value via Enterprise .NET SDK call User.GetProfileString("desktopsettings"), and set new values via User.SetProfileString("desktopsettings", <new string value here>). 
    The specific values you're interested in are booleans dv0=1, dv1=1, dv2=1, dv3=1, and dv4=1.
    Ted Ueda

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