User with dba rights

I want to know the detail of all the users having dba rights.
their username and password .
what to do.

Please use this but u cannot see password becuaseits
usally encrypted.To be more precise: it is not usually
encrypted, it's always encrypted. And in
recent versions the dict. column is not even
populated at all.To be even more precise ;) it is hashed not encrypted
Message was edited by:

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    same user with administrative rights on all the servers in single domain user as a part of administrator group in all the servers:
    same user is configured as administrator on all the servers in one domain at windows 2003 server. Should this user be made part of domain admin and then this can be set up in the group of administrator for all the servers.
    How this is technically different?
    If same user is set up as an administrator on all the servers in domain, will it have the same access on all the files as a domain admin user?

    If the account is not admin on the domaincontrollers and the account is not member of domain admins or any other privileged AD group, the account has only user privileges on AD and thus cannot perform actions like creating and managing  accounts,
    groups, OUs,policies, sites, other words cannot potentially ruin Active Directory.
    I think that is a pretty big difference.
    In fact, it is bad practice to perform you daily server management with an AD privileged account.
    In regards of file access. The domain administrator will be just an admin, and thus has the privilies assigned to the local admin group, just as any other admin. But if it are different accounts they might be member of different groups assigning different
    privileges. Always be carefull when assuming resulting privileges will be the same.

  • Performance tab not working in Enterprise Manager for user with dba role

    Database: 11g2
    New to Oracle. Don't want share SYS user account among dbas. Tried to create user with dba role to perform all tasks.
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    Hi Gourav,
    This is the wsdl url:
    Kind Regards,

  • Create user with dba privileges

    How do I create a user with DBA privileges in Oracle? The user should be able to create, insert, delete, truncate and other functions without any limits. Do I have to issue GRANT statements?

    I don't believe there's any way to create a user and grant privileges in one command.
    First, create the user:
    CREATE USER  foo  IDENTIFIED BY  bar;Then grant the privileges. There's a pre-defined role called DBA that has all the privileges you mentioned.
    GRANT  dba  TO  foo;It's easy to write a script to do these two commands together, so you could say
    @CREATE_USER  foo  bar  dba

  • Install for users with limited rights.

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    Hi, not that I have heard of. If you can't update, then most likely you are under Group Policy and the IT Department would be in charge of that.
    If it is possible, then someone else would need to reply to you.

  • Additional User with admin rights

    Hi all,
    i checked the documentation but i could not found a possibility to create an additional user with admin rights to access the Vibe Management Console.
    Does anybody know if this is possible and how to do this?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Willem,
    thank you for the great post. It did the job very well.
    >>> <[email protected]> schrieb am 1.8.2013 um 07:46 AM:
    > arlorenz;2275156 Wrote:
    >> Hi all,
    >> i checked the documentation but i could not found a possibility to
    >> create an additional user with admin rights to access the Vibe
    >> Management Console.
    >> Does anybody know if this is possible and how to do this?
    >> Thanks in advance
    >> Alex
    > Hey Alex,
    > Yes, that's possible. It's somewhat a twofold/threefold process, as
    > you have to give an accounts right to administer the zone, and then also
    > have to give that account rights to the personal workspace root (to be
    > able create/delete user accounts) and any workspaces that need to be
    > administered.
    > I always create an vibe-admins group (local group) that gets the rights
    > to the zone and workspace roots. Then add the needed users to that
    > group.
    > Access for the zone can be set within the administration console:
    > ml
    > Then add the needed rights on the workspace roots, Global, personal &
    > team workspaces.
    > !Do note that admin is the only user that is not allowed to get
    > blocked. Other admin users can be filtered out via ACL's.
    > Cheers,
    > Willem

  • Using an NT user with DBA privileges does not permit to create schema : why ?

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    I have two NT users with DBA privileges.
    But, when I use the migration workbench to create the oracle schema, my users are not granted.
    Why ?

    Please clarify your problem.
    The workbench creates users (which are visible in the oracle model within the tool) with the password oracle .
    I am not sure if you are asking about accessing the database using your OS user identity, or have you found that the users exist but do not have dba privileges.
    Oracle Migration Workbench Team

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    Use Database Vault -

  • Adobe Updater can be run only by users with administrator rights error on 2003 termianl server

    I just installed the latest security update of 8.1.7 on my two terminal servers. Now when each users logs in, they get the following error.
    Insufficient Rights (title)
    Adobe Updater can be run only by usrs with administrator rights.
    They simply click OK and it goes away but it is very annoying. It seems like every time their is an update to Adobe Reader, something goes wrong.
    Does anybody have any thoughts on how to stop the Adobe Updater from loading when my users login? Thanks,

    I ended up finding the solution at this link.
    Erech_Belt said
    5. Aug 14, 2008 7:22 AM in response to: (LeaAnn_Coldren)
    Re: Insufficient Rights Window for non-admins after 8.1.2 successful install
    Here is the solution I found.
    "Renaming %program files%/Common Files/Adobe/updater5 to something else removed the error."
    This seems like a brute force approach, but it does work. I checked the event logs after doing this and don't see any errors in the App or System logs. This folder is the location of AdobeUpdater.exe and all of the Adobe .cer files, so it makes sense that this works, but seems like it should generate other errors...
    This is not how I wanted to solve the problem but it did solve it.

  • One connection user with full rights for a bunch of schemas

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    My program uses logical "firms" to allow separation of clients client data. Sounds like Row Level Security - or even Views - would be saving you some grief here.
    The most dynamic created tables are used to optimize performance for (sub-)queries builded at runtime by the user. Do you really have benchmarks to prove that building tables through dynamic execution of DDL results in faster response times than plain queries? Are the query structures some various that temporary tables won't do?
    Cheers, APC

  • SP2010: Users with Contribute rights can Add but not edit items in Calendar View

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    - The members of the user's group have Contribute rights on the Calendar list, and on each of the specific Calendar items tested
    - I logged in as a member of the same group and am able to Add items in the calendar view, but when I click on an item title the Ribbon options (including Edit) are not available - whether I created the item or not
    - While logged in as a member of that group, I can edit calendar items using the Allitems view, using the dropdown menu and Edit Item (if I click on the item title, I get the item details without the Ribbon)
    - I created a new Calendar view ("Calendar2") but the problem was the same
    When logged in with admin rights, I get the Edit ribbon when I click on an item title from the Calendar view. Is there a way to do the same for non-admin users? Thanks. 

    According to your post, my understanding is that you were able to add items into a Calendar List, but you couldn’t edit some items of the Calendar List in Calendar View as a member of your group with Contribute rights. And if you edit the Calendar List’s
    items in the “All Events” view or log in with admin rights, you can edit these items.
    Therefore, I wonder if you use the “Calendar Overlays” to display some items of other Calendar Lists in the current Calendar List as John suggested.
    And if you don’t have permissions to edit items of other Calendar Lists, you can’t edit those items of other Calendar Lists in the current Calendar List in Calendar View.
    So, I recommend that you should check if using the “Calendar Overlays” to display some items of other Calendar Lists in the current Calendar List at first.
    If yes, you need to check if you have permissions to edit items of other Calendar Lists.
    For test, I suggest that you can create a new Calendar List and test to see how it works.
    Best Regards,
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • User with admin rights can't access files through the command prompt

    I have a strange situation where I have 2 users both setup exactly the same with admin rights on a 2003 (32 bit) server through an AD group membership, but one can do everything as expected but the other can't.
    The one that can't is trying to execute a program is a command prompt and keeps getting access denied or invalid directory when trying to cd into the folder.   I double and tripled check the permissions and they are correct, this person should have
    full admin.  In fact I did a effective permissions through explorer and it states full rights.  Along those lines this person can also access the folder in question through explorer just not a command prompt. 
    Has anyone seen this before ? and if so what can be done about it.

    Can the user execute the program through explorer? In Windows Server 2003, the Users group does not have Read and Execute permissions to the command processor (Cmd.exe). 
    You could refer to the article below to resolve the issue:
    "Access is denied" error message when you run a batch job on a Windows Server 2003-based computer
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Users with Admin Rights

    I've been looking through the Admin Ref Manual and Admin Guide (9.0.42) to see if there is a way to list the users that have been given Administrative rights on any given node within the node network on our server. I thought I remember seeing this documented somewhere but now I can't find it.
    Does anyone know if it's possible and if so where is it documented?
    Thanks in advance for you words of wisdom! :)

    In the BASIC web browser login popup there is a read-only field called
    "Realm". This is what is specified in the tab. It is merely there for
    informational purposes for the user logging in.
    Neil Smithline
    WLS Security Architect
    BEA Systems
    "veena" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3ae5ab86$[email protected]..
    does weblogic support different security domains for different web
    applications ? if not, what is the purpose of the Auth Realm Field in the
    Other Tab when installing a web application ?
    "Neil Smithline" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3ae563d4$[email protected]..
    This is not possible in current WLS releases. Each "administrativedomain"
    (referred to simply as a "domain" in WLS doc) corresponds to one andexactly
    one "security domain". Users have the same permissions throughout the
    We are currently considering various options for how to support this inthe
    Neil Smithline
    WLS Security Architect
    BEA Systems
    "Nick Roberts" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    Can anyone provide information about how to have different users
    have admin rights to different servers in a domain ?
    Is there any documentation on the different resources defined in
    the ACLs list of the default server ?

  • Access Denied for User with Contribute Rights to a SP list

    I have two users that I have given Contribute Rights on a SharePoint 2010 site - the SP list in question is inheriting permissions from the Parent site, as well as other lists in the site. These two users can edit items in the all other lists on the
    site except for this one in question.
    It is only one list that they cannot view or edit list items. They can view the items in the list, but when they try to open an item in display or edit form, it gives the access denied.
    Other users on the site are NOT having these issues - with the same permissions.
    I researched this problem and have tried various solutions with no luck. I have checked to see that there are NO item level permissions set up; I have deleted the user from the site collection, then added them back, with no luck.
    I am at a loss on what to do.
    Please help

    Timestamp               Process                                
     TID    Area                           Category                     
     EventID Level      Message  Correlation
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg4 Verbose  Groups for process identity 'DOMAIN\spadmin': 'DOMAIN\Domain Users', 'Everyone', 'SHAREPOINT\WSS_ADMIN_WPG', 'SHAREPOINT\WSS_RESTRICTED_WPG_V4', 'SHAREPOINT\WSS_WPG', 'BUILTIN\IIS_IUSRS', 'BUILTIN\Performance Monitor Users', 'BUILTIN\Users',
    'BUILTIN\Administrators', 'NT AUTHORITY\SERVICE', 'CONSOLE LOGON', 'NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users', 'NT AUTHORITY\This Organization', 'NT SERVICE\SPTimerV4', 'LOCAL', 'DOMAIN\Group Policy Creator Owners', 'DOMAIN\Department_Schedules_ReadWrite', 'DOMAIN\Sage50_ReadWrite',
    'DOMAIN\GrainCleaners_ReadWrite', 'DOMAIN\Domain Admins', 'DOMAIN\IT Department', 'DOMAIN\RDP_Users', 'DOMAIN\Engineering_ReadWrite', 'DOMAIN\Inventory_ReadWrite', 'DOMAIN\Schema Admins', 'DOMAIN\FabTrol', 'DOMAIN\Enterprise Admins', 'DOMAIN\Software', 'DOMAIN\Denied
    RODC Password Replication Group',  17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg1 High     Group WSS_WPG... 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: DOMAIN\spadmin 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: DOMAIN\spservice 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: DOMAIN\SearchSvc 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: DOMAIN\spContent 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: DOMAIN\WebAnalProcessSvc 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: DOMAIN\svcAppPoolSecure 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_WPG: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg1 High     Group WSS_ADMIN_WPG... 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_ADMIN_WPG: BUILTIN\Administrators 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_ADMIN_WPG: DOMAIN\spadmin 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:41:06.17  OWSTIMER.EXE (0x01E4)                    0x0AD0 SharePoint Server Search       Administration               
     dmg2 High     Group WSS_ADMIN_WPG: DOMAIN\rawtecadmin 17e8c7b4-fa35-4040-ac83-fe55f721590d
    03/11/2014 10:50:15.56  w3wp.exe (0x0098)                        0x19B8 SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     b4ly Medium   Leaving Monitored Scope (Request (GET:
    Execution Time=115.2334 0c90a46f-e4ea-46b5-a566-e7a9f404c0aa
    03/11/2014 10:50:15.66  w3wp.exe (0x0098)                        0x16CC SharePoint Foundation        
     Monitoring                     nasq Medium   Entering monitored scope (Request (GET: 
    03/11/2014 10:50:15.66  w3wp.exe (0x0098)                        0x16CC SharePoint Foundation        
     Logging Correlation Data       xmnv Medium   Name=Request (GET: 9446cae0-8ef5-4ffa-aad8-798d3139a2e7

  • Directory service : find user with admin rights

    I'm just taking over an existing LPAD server and i need to know which user on the directory has admins rights.
    I'm playing around with ldapsearch, but i'm not able to get the right search string.
    Os is Solaris 10 5/09 s10s_u7wos_08 SPARC.
    Any thoughts ?

    Can the user execute the program through explorer? In Windows Server 2003, the Users group does not have Read and Execute permissions to the command processor (Cmd.exe). 
    You could refer to the article below to resolve the issue:
    "Access is denied" error message when you run a batch job on a Windows Server 2003-based computer
    Best Regards,
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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