Using a string variable as a query SQL statement

I want to construct a custom SQL statement in a string var, then use that var in the cfquery statement.  What is the proper syntax?  Here is my feeble attempt:
  <cffunction ...>
  <cfset var sql_txt="">
        <cfquery name="qSBJs" datasource="cfBAA_odbc">
    <cfreturn qSBJs>
I've tried using no " or # or just # or just " but nothing works.
what about:
        <cfquery name="qSBJs" datasource="cfBAA_odbc" sql="#sql_txt#">
nope.  I wish there was a sql property I could fill *before* the execution of the query.  Any suggestions?

Hi Adam, and/or anyone who may have a few minutes to check this... I got the following code to work.  It calls the getSBJs function from Flash Builder 4.  I get the correct result set back.  Long table names are replaced with short abreviations.  Note that some local vars are declared but not used in the following example. I will use them in the future versions of this same code.  Since I will in the future, like a donkey, mindlessly use this same method for all my queries, it would be much appreciated if I could get a guru to check this code for:
-Pure idiocy
-Mild insanity
-SQL injection vulnerability
-Memory leakage
-Scope dangers
(ignore emoticons, see the underlying text)
    <cffunction name="AbrvTblNms" output="false" returntype="string" >
        <cfargument name="txt" type="string" required="true" />
        <cfset var qAbrvs="">
        <cfset var output_str="#ARGUMENTS.txt#">
        <cfquery name="qAbrvs" datasource="cfBAA_odbc" result="rsltAbrvs">
    <cfloop query="qAbrvs">
            <cfset output_str = Replace(output_str, '[' & qAbrvs.TBL_NM & ']', qAbrvs.ABRV, "ALL")>
        <cfreturn output_str>
    <!--- Fetch a list photo subjects whose records contain the given search word(s) --->
    <cffunction name="getSBJs" output="false" access="remote" returntype="any" >
        <cfargument name="srch_val" type="string" required="true" />
        <cfset var qSBJs="">
        <cfset var sql_txt="">
        <cfset var whr=""> 
        <cfset var b=False>
        <cfset var in_txt="">
        <cfset var fm_dt="">
        <cfset var to_dt="">
        <cfset var on_dt="">
        <cfset var pht="">
        <cfset var srch_str="">
        <cfset var srch_trm="">
        <!--- Transfer the srch_val to a local variable for further manipulation --->
        <cfset srch_str = "#ARGUMENTS.srch_val#">
            An empty search term argument is handled by the BAA FlashBuilder front end.  We test for it again here,
            and substitute a dummy value, in case this function is called by something other than the intended
            FlashBuilder front end, and that front end doesn't protect us from an empty search term argument.
            Remember that we must still "hand back" a valid query structure to avoid causing a data type error
            in the calling function, so we search for a dummy value that will allow the query to proceed but is
            guaranteed to return an empty result set.  If the srch_val argument is not empty, transfer the value of
            the srch_str local variable to the srch_trm local variable.
        <cfif Not (Len(srch_str))>
        <cfset srch_trm = "#srch_str#">
        <cfset sql_txt =
            "SELECT DISTINCT
              BAA_SBJ [BAA_SBJ]
        <cfset whr = "([BAA_SBJ].SBJ_NM CONTAINING TRIM( rm_srch_trm1 ) OR " &
                "[BAA_SBJ].NOTE CONTAINING TRIM(:prm_srch_trm2 ) OR " &
                "[BAA_SBJ].SBJ_DOB CONTAINING TRIM(:prm_srch_trm3 ) OR " &
                "[BAA_SES].SES_TYP CONTAINING TRIM(:prm_srch_trm4 ) OR " &
                "[BAA_SES].NOTE CONTAINING TRIM(:prm_srch_trm5 ) OR " &
                "[BAA_IMG].NOTE CONTAINING TRIM(:prm_srch_trm6 ))">
        <cfset sql_txt = Replace(sql_txt,"[WHERE_CLAUSE]", "#whr#", "ALL")>
        <cfset sql_txt = AbrvTblNms(sql_txt)>
    <!--- Through experimentation, I learned that each occurance of a param must be uniquely named.
              It would be very handy, if the param value was applied to *all* occurances of the param.
                    That way, I could get away with using one .addParam line instead of 6 --->
        queryService = new query();
        queryService.addParam(name="prm_srch_trm1", value="#srch_trm#", cfsqltype="VARCHAR");
        queryService.addParam(name="prm_srch_trm2", value="#srch_trm#", cfsqltype="VARCHAR");
        queryService.addParam(name="prm_srch_trm3", value="#srch_trm#", cfsqltype="VARCHAR");
        queryService.addParam(name="prm_srch_trm4", value="#srch_trm#", cfsqltype="VARCHAR");
        queryService.addParam(name="prm_srch_trm5", value="#srch_trm#", cfsqltype="VARCHAR");
        queryService.addParam(name="prm_srch_trm6", value="#srch_trm#", cfsqltype="VARCHAR");
        result = queryService.execute();
        qSBJs = result.getResult();
        <!--- <cfquery name="qSBJs" datasource="cfBAA_odbc">
        </cfquery> --->
        <cfreturn qSBJs>
THANKS TO ADAM AND DAN FOR HELPIMG ME GET THIS FAR!  Now, don't let me embarass you by doing something dum and giving you "credit", if you see me doing something dum above.  Thanks!

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    I didn't look at the example, but if you want to secure your application then you should use container managed security. Read this .
    Anyway, you could add this before return "good"; in your login_action()
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    Shweta ,
    <i>Sometimes receiver will want to execute SQL statement dynamically</i>....
    How you will get the query dynamically? Ok Let me assume, consider they are sending the query through file, then its definitely possible. But u need BPM and also not sender JDBC receiver adapter instead, receiver JDBC adapter.
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    Check this from SAP help...
    Update SQL Statement
    You have the following options:
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    As far as I know you can not give parameter to a select query like that. You should describe the tablename and the columnname as string type.  Then assign the values to them you want to use in query.
    data: str_table type string.
    data: str_column type string.
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    The variable can be taken into account in the SELECT order contained in the Record Group used by the LOV.
    e.g. Select ... From ... Where column = :block.radio_group ...Francois

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    WHERE ("A" = '200904') AND ("B" BETWEEN '100801' AND '101412')
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    Oracle recommends the usage of bind-variables.
    In that case the Statement would need to look like:
    SELECT "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H"
    This would reduce the cost to 11.000 which is 40% of the statement before.
    My question now is: Can anything be done to influence the generation of the SQL statement to make it better performing?

    It is always better to test yourself. Using bind variable is always a good practice and optimizer avoids hard parsing (soft parsing will be done here) if bind variables are used.
    So yes, if this function is being executed several times frequently then second execution onwards it may run faster.
    If you want to see actually what is happening behind it, trace it (using tkprof) and see the result.
    See the below link to know more about SQL TRACE and tkprof.
    Edited by: Avinash Tripathi on Nov 16, 2010 11:46 PM

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    String CF = "UnixCommandsAppModLocal";
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    ViewObject vo = am.findViewObject("Command_options_view");
    vo.setNamedWhereClauseParam("cmdID", 1);
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    a). Don't keep posting new questions in the same thread. It really does decrease the usability of the forum. Now, if someone searches for "INFO: ADF Faces is running with time-stamp checking enabled," they will find a post about null pointer exception in a bind variable and think, "oh, that doesn't apply to me." If your question is answered, mark the answer as correct. New questions go into a new thread. Kind of funny that the thread I pointed you to with the answer to your question also has this same admonishment.. ;)
    b). I'll relent and answer your new question. Ignore that INFO message. It is not an error. It will ALWAYS ALWAYS appear when you run your application in the embedded OC4J with JDeveloper. Had you searched the forum for "INFO: ADF Faces is running with time-stamp checking enabled" you would find that the first hit (among some others) has this same answer

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                                       int nG=arrayGrupo.getTamanho(); //size of the array
                                       String xpto=String.valueOf(nG);
                                       Grupo "xpto"= new Grupo(); //here is the problem
    Rui Gon�alves

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    <% if (request.getParameter("grupoNome") != null ) {
                                       Grupo newGrupo = new Grupo(nomeG,descG,arrayGrupo.getTamanho()+1);
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    I don�t know if I made myself clear but is quite hard to explain my problem.

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