Using a Variable with AJAX

Below I have posted code that I have on two different PHP files, tsearch12.php and votes12.php. The code works great. The file "tsearch12.php" uses AJAX to go to votes12.php to perform some functions. However, the first page has a variable called "find." These two pages only work together when the variable "find" equals "santafe." I would like them to work together regardless of what "find" equals. In other words, I would like to replace the table name "santafe" in votes12.php with the variable "find," but I want the variable "find" to equal the same value in both tsearch12.php and votes12.php. The variable "find" is going to tsearch12.php from another file, which has a simple HTML form with "<form action="tsearch12.php" method="post">" and "<input type="text" name="find" size="55"/>". Anyway, how do I use the variable "find" in votes12.php?
Thanks in advance,
On tsearch12.php, I have:
# <head> 
# <script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.pack.js'></script> 
# <script type='text/javascript'> 
# $(function(){ 
#     $("a.cell1").click(function(){ 
#     //get the id 
#     the_id = $(this).attr('id'); 
#     // show the spinner 
#     $(this).parent().html("<img src='images/spinner.gif'/>"); 
#     //fadeout the vote-count  
#     $("span#votes_count"+the_id).fadeOut("fast"); 
#     //the main ajax request 
#         $.ajax({ 
#             type: "POST", 
#             data: "action=vote_up&id="+$(this).attr("id"), 
#             url: "votes12.php", 
#             success: function(msg) 
#                 $("span#votes_count"+the_id).html(msg); 
#                 //fadein the vote count 
#                 $("span#votes_count"+the_id).fadeIn(); 
#                 //remove the spinner 
#                 $("span#button"+the_id).remove(); 
#     $("a.vote_down").click(function(){ 
#     //get the id 
#     the_id = $(this).attr('id'); 
#     // show the spinner 
#     $(this).parent().html("<img src='images/spinner.gif'/>"); 
#     //the main ajax request 
#         $.ajax({ 
#             type: "POST", 
#             data: "action=vote_down&id="+$(this).attr("id"), 
#             url: "votes12.php", 
#             success: function(msg) 
#                 $("span#votes_count"+the_id).fadeOut(); 
#                 $("span#votes_count"+the_id).html(msg); 
#                 $("span#votes_count"+the_id).fadeIn(); 
#                 $("span#button"+the_id).remove(); 
# </script> 
# </head> 
# <body> 
# <? 
# //This is only displayed if they have submitted the form 
# if ($searching =="yes") 
# //If they did not enter a search term we give them an error 
# if ($find == "") 
# echo "<p>You forgot to enter a search term"; 
# exit; 
# // Otherwise we connect to our Database 
# mysql_connect("mysqlv3", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error()); 
# mysql_select_db("sand2") or die(mysql_error()); 
# $find = strip_tags($find); 
# $find = trim ($find); 
# $result=mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM sand2 LIKE '%$find%'") 
# or die(mysql_error()); 
# if(mysql_num_rows($result)>0){ 
# while($table=mysql_fetch_row($result)){ 
# print "<p class=\"topic\">$table[0]</p>\n"; 
# $r=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$table[0]`"); 
# print "<table class=\"navbar\">\n"; 
# while($row=mysql_fetch_array($r)){ 
# $effective_vote = $row['votes_up'] - $row['votes_down'];  
# print "<tr>"; 
# print "<td>".'<a href="http://'.$row['site'].'" class="links2">'.$row['site'].'</a>'."</td>"; 
# print "<td class='votes'>".'<span class="votes_count" id="votes_count'.$row['id'].'">'.number_format($effective_vote).'</span>'."</td>"; 
# print "<td class='ballot'>".'<span class="button" id="button'.$row['id'].'">'.'<a href="javascript:;" class="cell1" id="'.$row['id'].'">'.Vote.'</a>'.'</span>'."</td>"; 
# print "</tr>\n"; 
# print "</table>\n"; 
# else{ 
# print "None found"; 
# $anymatches=mysql_num_rows($result); 
# if ($anymatches == 0) 
# echo "Sorry, but we can not find an entry to match your query<br><br>"; 
# ?>    On votes12.php, I have:
# <?php 
# mysql_connect("mysqlv3", "username", "password") or die(mysql_error()); 
# mysql_select_db("sand2") or die(mysql_error()); 
# function getAllVotes($id) 
#     Returns an array whose first element is votes_up and the second one is votes_down
#     $votes = array(); 
#     $q = "SELECT * FROM santafe WHERE id = $id"; 
#     $r = mysql_query($q); 
#     if(mysql_num_rows($r)==1)//id found in the table 
#         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r); 
#         $votes[0] = $row['votes_up']; 
#         $votes[1] = $row['votes_down']; 
#     return $votes; 
# function getEffectiveVotes($id) 
#     Returns an integer
#     $votes = getAllVotes($id); 
#     $effectiveVote = $votes[0] - $votes[1]; 
#     return $effectiveVote; 
# $id = $_POST['id']; 
# $action = $_POST['action']; 
# //get the current votes 
# $cur_votes = getAllVotes($id); 
# //ok, now update the votes 
# if($action=='vote_up') //voting up 
#     $votes_up = $cur_votes[0]+1; 
#     $q = "UPDATE santafe SET votes_up = $votes_up WHERE id = $id"; 
# elseif($action=='vote_down') //voting down 
#     $votes_down = $cur_votes[1]+1; 
#     $q = "UPDATE santafe SET votes_down = $votes_down WHERE id = $id"; 
# $r = mysql_query($q); 
# if($r) //voting done 
#     $effectiveVote = getEffectiveVotes($id); 
#     echo $effectiveVote; 
# elseif(!$r) //voting failed 
#     echo "Failed!"; 
# ?>  

These forums are for development with Java. Not JavaScript, which is an entirely different language. And AJAX is JavaScript. You need to use Google and find a JavaScript forum for your question (or a PHP forum if your question is really about PHP).

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    Hi Satyakam,
    In the text variable properties make sure that in the replacment path you have chosen "Text" to appear date as per user setting . Other wise as in your case it must be set to "Key" which always shows in the format YYYYMMDD.
    Hope that helps.
    Mr Kapadia

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    Hi user42,
    with CVI 8.0, you cannot create or configure shared variables. However, you can read or write to an already configured LabVIEW 8.x shared variable from CVI using the DataSocket API.
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    Why are you using dynamic SQL statements? Why not just use something like this instead in your PL/SQL. I also replaced the leading // in your Xpath with just / since you start from the root node.
    select *
      INTO l_dummy
      from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('' AS "XSD", default ''),
                    passing xmltype(l_xml)
                    ab xmltype path '.' ) t;Also, the above returns two rows, which I suspect is not what you want. Here is the pure SQL version for you to debug.
    select *
      from xmltable(XMLNAMESPACES('' AS "XSD", default ''),
                   passing xmltype('<definitions name="F1" targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <xsd:schema targetNamespace="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
    <xsd:element name="SVARCHAR2-F1Input">
    <xsd:element name="A-VARCHAR2-IN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="F1Output">
    <xsd:element name="RETURN" type="xsd:string"/>
    <message name="F1InputMessage">
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    <message name="F1OutputMessage">
    <part name="parameters" element="tns:F1Output"/>
    <portType name="F1PortType">
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    <output message="tns:F1OutputMessage"/>
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                   ab xmltype path '.' ) t

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    return (name as Unicode text)
    end tell
    end tell
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    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFDDFF;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
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    Is there anybody our there with an idea of what is happening here?
    Code snippet:
    Dim OraSession As OracleInProcServer.OraSessionClass
    Dim OraDatabase As OracleInProcServer.OraDatabase
    Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase(my database", "my connect", 0&)
    OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "my_bind", 0, ORAPARM_INPUT
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").DynasetOption = ORADYN_NOCACHE
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").serverType = ORATYPE_NUMBER ' Bind Var Type
    Dim RS As OracleInProcServer.OraDynaset
    strSQLstatement= "Select * from my_table where igz= [my_bind] "
    Set RS = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset(strSQLstatement, &H4)
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").Value = myValue
    Cheers and thanks a lot :)
    Michael Sonntag

    We connect from a VB 6.0 program via OO4O to an Oracle 8.1.7 database, using bind variables in connection with select statements. Running ok, but performance again by using bind vars not as good as expected!
    When looking into the table v$sqlarea, we were able to detect the reason. We expected that our program submits the sql statement with bind vars, Oracle parses this once, and with each select statement again, we do not have a reparse. But: It seems that with each new session Oracle reparses the sql statement, that is, Oracle is not able to memorize or cache bind vars and statements. Even more worrying, this kind of behaviour was visible with each new dynaset, but the same database/session.
    Is there anybody our there with an idea of what is happening here?
    Code snippet:
    Dim OraSession As OracleInProcServer.OraSessionClass
    Dim OraDatabase As OracleInProcServer.OraDatabase
    Set OraSession = CreateObject("OracleInProcServer.XOraSession")
    Set OraDatabase = OraSession.OpenDatabase(my database", "my connect", 0&)
    OraDatabase.Parameters.Add "my_bind", 0, ORAPARM_INPUT
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").DynasetOption = ORADYN_NOCACHE
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").serverType = ORATYPE_NUMBER ' Bind Var Type
    Dim RS As OracleInProcServer.OraDynaset
    strSQLstatement= "Select * from my_table where igz= [my_bind] "
    Set RS = OraDatabase.CreateDynaset(strSQLstatement, &H4)
    OraDatabase.Parameters("my_bind").Value = myValue
    Cheers and thanks a lot :)
    Michael Sonntag

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    far. Thank you in advance for your help.
    Attachments: ‏2083 KB

    You may be able to use arrays to speed up your program, but bear in mind that the TPC is pretty much guaranteed to be slower than your computer (as it's likely to have lower system specs).
    You'll want to use the array manipulation functions to combine and retrieve your data (most useful will likely be "Build Array" and "Index Array," see context/LabVIEW help for more details). Once you have the data in an array, you can likely pass it through a shared variable configured for an array datatype.
    I'm not sure if/how much of a speed boost it will give you, but I think it's definitely worth trying. If you're not sure about the speed, try simply cutting your variable count in half and see what kind of speed increase you get with the same amount of code but fewer variable values being transmitted through your network connection.
    Good luck!
    Caleb Harris
    National Instruments | Mechanical Engineer |

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    I've created a branching scenario with the cpInfoElapsedTimeMS variable to have my quiz time out after a set time and it works great if I don't have the Quiz Preferences set to Submit All. Because I must allow my learners to go back and review their answers before submitting to the LMS, I need to use the Submit All setting, which stops the variable from working properly. Any suggestions? Thanks!

    I put a query in a WAD or when I Execute a Query from the Query designer.  When I run the query the variable on the filter kicks in and it requests I select something e.g. cost centre. When I do the drop down in the variable to select a cost centre I dont get a list of cost centres. Only ?? where a cost centre should be. However when I select a ?? it does know what the cost cejtre is as it populates the variable with a cost centre. All the cost centre data is loaded etc.

  • Use Session Variable with row-wise initialization

    I use an initialization block in order to load some translations in my repository (version is :
    SQL :
    Values :
    CN_INCOMING, Incoming, en
    CN_OUTGOING, Outgoing, en
    CN_INCOMING, Réception, fr
    CN_OUTGOING, Emission, fr
    etc ...
    I checked the row-wise intialization.
    The query is correct and returns the right values (I check in the log file ..).
    So far, So good.
    But when I want to use session variables in a column expression (in repository) like  :
    I got the error: [nQSError: 23006] The session variable, NQ_SESSION.CN_OUTGOING, has no value definition.
    If I used the same formula directly in Answers it's working correctly.
    Do I have to necessarily do this in answers or is there a way to do this in the repository.
    Thanks in advance

    Yes I already tested this point, when I don't use a row wise initialization it's working, but I don't want to create one variable for each translations that I need to use in column formula if you know what I mean.
    I don't understand why we can't use this kind of variable in this context ..but if I have to create the column in my analysis, I will do that, but it's not really user friendly
    Anyway thanks for your time.

  • Using environment variables with ubbconfig

    How do I use enviroment variables in the ubbconfig file? For example I have a server
    to which I pass a number of parameters in the CLOPT tag, some of them happen to
    be filenames and I'd like to put in an environment variable to represent the path.
    For example:
    I have: "-f /home/users/admin/domain/etc/filename.txt" and want to use this instead:
    "-f $APPPATH/filename.txt" where APPPATH is an environment variable that contains
    the path: /home/users/admin/domain/etc
    Is this possible? or something like it?
    thanks in advance.

    i think there is a better way to do the same thing.
    you can use tuxgetenv function in your program to get the value of a
    environment variable,maybe it's more convenient.
    "Francisco Colmenarez" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3eb2d59f$[email protected]..
    How do I use enviroment variables in the ubbconfig file? For example Ihave a server
    to which I pass a number of parameters in the CLOPT tag, some of themhappen to
    be filenames and I'd like to put in an environment variable to representthe path.
    For example:
    I have: "-f /home/users/admin/domain/etc/filename.txt" and want to usethis instead:
    "-f $APPPATH/filename.txt" where APPPATH is an environment variable thatcontains
    the path: /home/users/admin/domain/etc
    Is this possible? or something like it?
    thanks in advance.

  • Averages in a query using a variable with Replacement Path: Replacement wit

    I have two queries. Query1 has a handful of characteristics, one of which is used in a formula where I used replacement path in order to be able to use it in some calculated key figures. I also have a couple of key figures that are not calculated and they are averages.
    The second query has a characteristic value variable that is replaced with the first query. This replacement value variable is placed into the filter section and the characteristic itself is placed in the rows section. I am bringing in the same calculated key figures that were in my first query as well as the normal key figures that are averages.
    The issue I am having is the regular key figures that I am bringing in are coming in summed up instead of as averages. Is it possible to bring the normal key figures in Query1 as averages into Query2?
    There is more information in the thread below if you need more background.
    [Replacement Path and Aggregation;
    PS - I am using 7.0.

    Hi Satyakam,
    In the text variable properties make sure that in the replacment path you have chosen "Text" to appear date as per user setting . Other wise as in your case it must be set to "Key" which always shows in the format YYYYMMDD.
    Hope that helps.
    Mr Kapadia

  • Using Session Variable with Conditional Formatting Filter

    I'm trying to add a condition to my report in order to flag all opportunities that have a close date that is in the past. The way I'm trying to do this is by adding a condition to say when close date is less than current_date, flag the column with an image.
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    Can anybody assist please?

    Create a new column and write a CASE WHEN condition like case when close date < current_date then 'Y' ELSE 'N' END.
    Then on your actual date column, you can do conditional analysis based on the newly created column for values having Y then the image.
    finally, you can hide the newly created column.

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    Hi All, Recently, we have upgraded to HTMLDB 2.0 from HTMLDB 1.5. I have a SQL report. One of the columns is based upon LOV - Display as Text (Based on LOV, does not save state). For the "Ids" of the report, it should display the corresponding "Names

  • Change password oc IC Web

    Hi everybody, I have a question about Interaction Center Web Client - CRM 5.0 Do you know if exists a view or a BSP application when the users can change it's own passwords ? Thanks.