Using an applescript in a cocoa-applescript application

I have an applescript I am trying to use in a project. I have everything set up so when you click a button it runs this:
set statusOld to checkStatus()
set statusNew to checkStatus()
repeat while statusOld is equal to statusNew
delay 1
set statusNew to checkStatus()
end repeat
if statusNew is true then
display dialog "Device Added - put some real code here"
display dialog "Device Removed - put some real code here"
end if
end repeat
on checkStatus()
set myString to do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType"
if myString does not contain "DR-BT101" then
return false
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "name:"
set myList to the text items of myString
set numberOfDevices to count of myList
set counter to 1
repeat numberOfDevices times
if item counter of myList contains "DR-BT101" then
if item counter of myList contains "Connected: Yes" then
return true
else if item counter of myList contains "Connected: No" then
return false
display dialog "Error Parsing"
end if
end if
set counter to counter + 1
end repeat
end if
end checkStatus
However, It will not run because of the "on checkStatus()" part. How would I fix this and also make it so the user can stop running the script?

It's pretty easy to block the user interface when converting AppleScripts that use repeat loops. For an example of the other approach that uses a repeating timer, create a new example project (named "Timer Example") with the following script. Then from *Interface Builder*, create a couple of buttons (named "Start" and "Stop") and connect the buttons to the doButtonStuff action. You can see the progress of things in the run console.
The main difference is that instead of a tight repeat loop that hogs the entire run loop, a timer is set up to check things every once in a while. Since the application is now free to do other things in between firings of the timer, your user interface stays responsive.
<pre style="
font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
font-size: 10px;
font-weight: normal;
margin: 0px;
padding: 5px;
border: 1px solid #000000;
width: 720px; height: 340px;
color: #000000;
background-color: #DAFFB6;
overflow: auto;"
title="this text can be pasted into Xcode 3.2.x (Snow Leopard)">
# MARK: -
# MARK: Application Properties
property thisApp : current application
property NSTimer : class "NSTimer"
property NSRunLoop : class "NSRunLoop"
script Timer_ExampleAppDelegate -- change the name to match your example project if needed
# MARK: -
# MARK: Script Properties
property parent : class "NSObject"
property myTimer : missing value -- this will be a repeating timer
property statusOld : missing value -- this will be the original status
# MARK: -
# MARK: Interface Builder Actions
on doButtonStuff_(sender)
log "doButton..."
set theButton to (sender's |title| as text)
if theButton is "Start" then
log "timer started..."
if myTimer is missing value or not myTimer's isValid() then -- check if the timer is already running
set myTimer to NSTimer's timerWithTimeInterval_target_selector_userInfo_repeats_(2, me, "doCheck", missing value, true) -- create
NSRunLoop's mainRunLoop()'s addTimer_forMode_(myTimer, thisApp's NSDefaultRunLoopMode) -- start the timer
end if
else if theButton is "Stop" then
log "timer stopped..."
myTimer's invalidate() -- stop the timer
end if
end doButtonStuff_
# MARK: -
# MARK: Script Handlers
on doCheck()
script check
on checkStatus()
log "checkStatus..."
set myString to (do shell script "system_profiler SPBluetoothDataType")
if myString does not contain "DR-BT101" then return false
set tempTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters -- save existing delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "name:"
set myList to the text items of myString
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tempTID -- restore delimiters
repeat with anItem in myList
set anItem to contents of anItem -- dereference list item
if anItem contains "DR-BT101" then
if anItem contains "Connected: Yes" then
return true
else if anItem contains "Connected: No" then
return false
end if
end if
end repeat
display dialog "Error Parsing" -- oops
end checkStatus
end script
if statusOld is missing value then set statusOld to check's checkStatus()
set statusNew to check's checkStatus()
if statusNew is equal to statusOld then return -- no change
if statusNew is true then
-- myTimer's invalidate() -- stop the timer
display dialog "Device Added - put some real code here"
-- myTimer's invalidate() -- stop the timer
display dialog "Device Removed - put some real code here"
end if
end repeat
end doCheck
end script</pre>

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    Well, webviews can get very complicated depending on what you are doing.  Your application will cache its own stuff in your user's ~/Library/Caches folder, so you don't need to set up anything extra for that, anyway.
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                    set s to track_name_html as text
                    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "- "
                    set track_name1 to text item 2 of s
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                    set track_name1 to track_name_html as text
                end try
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            end if
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            set my statuseditable to true
            set timetx to do shell script "date +'%H:%M'"
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    You can set the window transparency with something like:
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    theWindow's setOpaque:false
    I haven't seen a way using public APIs to blur behind the window, but I'm not sure about using ASObjC with stuff like Core Image, anyway.
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    You can use NSTrackingArea to set up the area(s) you want to track.  For example, if you have a view named "myView" that you wanted to use, you can set up a tracking area by specifying the rectangle (I am going to use the entire view) and tracking options with something like:
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        log "mouseEntered"
        log theEvent's userData() -- data specific to a trackingArea
      end mouseEntered:
      on mouseExited:theEvent -- cursor has exited a tracking rectangle
        log "mouseExited"
        log theEvent's userData() -- data specific to a trackingArea
      end mouseExited:
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    on myButtonHandler_(sender)
            set theFolder to POSIX path of (the path to current application)
            set theFile to theFolder & "/Contents/Resources/"
            display dialog (the path to me)
            return void
        end myButtonHandler
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    [AppDelegate myButtonHandler:]: «script» doesn’t understand the «event earsffdr» message. (error -1708)
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            set theFolder to POSIX path of (the path to current application's NSBundle's mainBundle()'s bundlePath())
            set theFile to theFolder & "/Contents/Resources/"
            display dialog theFile
        end myButtonHandler
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  • Setting text item delimiters in Cocoa-Applescript App

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    the following code seems to fail  to set the text item delimeter  to + when I run it in Coca-AppleScript
    --  TSTAppDelegate.applescript
    --  Test Text item Delimiters
    --  Created by Frank Caggiano on 12/22/12.
    --  Copyright (c) 2012 Frank Caggiano. All rights reserved.
    script TSTAppDelegate
      property parent : class "NSObject"
              on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
      -- Insert code here to initialize your application before any files are opened
              end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
              on applicationShouldTerminate_(sender)
      -- Insert code here to do any housekeeping before your application quits
                        return current application's NSTerminateNow
              end applicationShouldTerminate_
        on tstTxtDel()
            set text item delimiters to "+"
            set d to "-s"
            set r to do shell script "curl  " & d & " | ~/Desktop/"
            display dialog "r is " & r
            set rr to every text item of r
            display dialog "rr " & rr
            display dialog "curl " & first text item of rr & " -o "
    end script
    However if you put the tstTstDel() function in the Applescript editor it works as expected.
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    $s ="";
    while (<>) {
        $s .= $_;
    $s =~ m{class="comic"(.*)<div class="footer">}si;
    ($link, $caption,$jj) = ($1 =~ m{<img src="(.*)" alt=.*class="quote">(.*)(</div>.*</div>)}si);
    print $link, "+", $caption, "\n";
    I know this worked in the past. The Coca-Applescript app was written at least as far back as Snow Leopard. The site I am parsing changed their format and I was updating the app as a means to learn the new Coca-Applescript environment.
    Any help appreciated

    OK found it, I needed to use
    set Applescript's text item delimiters to "+"
    instead of just
    set text item delimiters to "+"
    I suppose it is a scoping thing.

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    Perhaps something like:
    myTableView's addCell_OfType_WithHandler("This is a text cell", text, "myHandler:")
    I would appretiate any responses and brief descriptions on the matter.

    You did not answer my first question, which was not an idle question. I'll answer here, but if cross-chatter appears in a different thread I'll ignore it. You'll have to keep track of the mess yourself.
    Apple_For_The_Win wrote:
    At this point, I've dragged a Table View onto my window, in Xcode. I've connected it to the value "myTableView", and that's where I need help. I'm specifically trying to add cells into the table view.
    I'll assume that 'connected it to the value "myTableView"' means that you've control-dragged in XCode from the table view in Main Menu.xib to a property in your applescript app delegate called myTableView. If that's not the case, please correct me.
    I prefer to use an array controller for this, so please drag an array controller object into main menu.nib. once you've done that, do the following:
    open the applescript app delegate and add a new property called "tableController"
    select the table view in the object list (you may need to open some disclosure triangles to reach it). and add appropriate (an) column name(s). you can hide column titles later if you like, but having named columns makes life easier.
    select the array controller in the object list
    rename the array controller "table data"
    open the attributes inspector, and then add the column name(s) as key(s) in the object controller area
    open the bindings inspector, and where it says "controller content", open the disclosure arrow and bind the content to the App Delegate object on the model key path self.tableController
    select the table view in the object list again, then go down a level and select each column in turn
    for each column, open the bindings inspector, and where it says "value", open the disclosure arrow and bind the content to the Table Data object with the controller key arrangedObjects model key path being the name of the column (which is the name of the key in the controller as well)
    back in the applescript app delegate, add code like the following:
      -- create a list of records, where each record represents a row and the column name is the record key
      set myData to {{column_1_name:"hello"}}
      -- convert it to an NSArray and add it to the controller content. don't forget the *my* keyword, or it won't work
      set my tableController to NSArray's arrayWithArray:myData
      -- may or may not be needed
      myTableView's reloadData()
    That should populate the table with simple text. if you want something more complicated (like buttons or links) then create the more complicated elements separately and add them to the data.

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    In Cocoa-Applescript Xcode, what handler is called when the Status-Bar-Icon for my app is clicked? Are there any variables or connections that I have to make?

    Thanks Red_menace! I don't know what the Apple community would do without you.
    For others viewing this question, the following is the proper format, for Cocoa-Applescript:
    property NSStatusBar : class "NSStatusBar"
    property StatusItem : ""
    on applicationWillFinishLaunching_()
    set StatusItem to NSStatusBar's systemStatusBar's statusItemWithLength_(current application's NSSquareStatusItemLength)
    StatusItem's setAction_("myAction:")
    end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
    on myAction_()
    say "Hello!"
    end myAction_
    Where "myAction:" is the action that you want to call when the Status-Bar-Item is clicked. It should also be noted that this handler will not be called if a menu or view is already linked to it's click action.

  • Simple introduction/tutorial on how to make Cocoa-Applescript Applets?

    I'm looking for a simple tutorial on how to make Cocoa-Applescript Applets.  I'm pretty new to Applescript, but fairly good at it, and I was wondering how Cocoa-Applescript Applets worked.  I was curious as I've been wondering if it was possible to somehow display images in Applescript, and it apparently is the only/easiest way.  My problem is that I haven't been able to find any tutorials on using it, so I was wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction, that'd be great!
    thanks in advance

    The main difference is with how the Cocoa APIs are used - in addition to the AppleScript and AppleScriptObjC release notes, there are some examples and resources at Mac OS X Automation.  Note that in Yosemite, AppleScriptObjC is available to all scripts, not just applets and libraries.

  • How to display an image in Cocoa-Applescript?

    I made my script, but for a welcome message there is no image. How do I display one embeded in a dialog box with text underneath? I'm making this with ApplescriptEditor, not Xcode. Let's say this image was called "MCL.PNG". Thanks in advance.

    A Cocoa-AppleScript uses the Cocoa frameworks, so that is what I thought you were talking about.  A regular AppleScript display dialog can only use an icon, and it is positioned on the left without any text (unless the text is a part of the icon).  If you have an icon file, you can use an alias or file reference using the with icon parameter for the command (see the Standard Additions scripting dictionary), for example:
    display dialog "testing" with icon file "path:to:your:icon"

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    Actually, in testing something else with Thunderbird as the receiving email client, I found that blanks in the Full Name entry box works when the recipient does not have a history with you. My earlier tests were from one account to another of my accounts, but viewing the received message in Mail. Mail knew the address so added the Full Name from history. The Thunderbird I was testing another issue with, was a virgin installation, and had the same recipient account, but not the sending one, setup. In Thunderbird only the actual email address came in, and no name.

  • Capture an image using the web camera from a web application

    Hi All,
    Could anyone please share the steps what have to be followed for capture an image using the web camera from a web application.
    I have a similar requirement like this,
    1) Detect the Webcam on the users machine from the web application.(To be more clear when the user clicks on 'Add Photo' tool from the web application)
    2) When the user confirms to save, save the Image in users machine at some temporary location with some unique file name.
    3) Upload the Image to the server from the temporary location.
    Please share the details like, what can be used and how it can be used etc...

    1) Detect the Webcam on the users machine from the web application.(To be more clear when the user clicks on 'Add Photo' tool from the web application)There's not really any good way to do this with JMF. You'd have to somehow create a JMF web-start application that will install the native JMF binaries, and then kick off the capture device scanning code from the application, and then scan through the list of devices found to get the MediaLocator of the web cam.
    2) When the user confirms to save, save the Image in users machine at some temporary location with some unique file name.You'd probably be displaying a "preview" window and then you'd just want to capture the image. There are a handful of ways you could capture the image, but it really depends on your situation.
    3) Upload the Image to the server from the temporary location.You can find out how to do this on google.
    All things told, this application is probably more suited to be a FMJ (Freedom for Media in Java) application than a JMF application. JMF relies on native code to capture from the web cams, whereas FMJ does not.
    Alternately, you might want to look into Adobe Flex for this particular application.

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