Using Command + 1/2 with Expose to reorder windows

I am able to use Expose to show open windows but if I try to use Command + either 1 or 2 to reorder the windows either alphabetically or by application, nothing happens.

I have found a solution but would still appreciate any response as to why it does not work the way it is supposed to. I can get the reordering by pressing both the option and the command keys as well as either 1 or 2 (but this still doesn't explain why it does not work with only the command key).

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    Hi John:
    Thanks but, I had already done this. I was having THAT problem with Encore (could not even initialize before tanking) when I first installed it and that's when I updated the Roxio engine. I don't know what else there is to update or correct at this point.
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    I am sorry for the poor documentation of Extension Manager which causes you so much trouble.
    1. You can use BridgeTalk API to ask specific version of Extension Manager to do something. There is sample in packaging_extension.pdf about this. You don't need to know the installation path of Extension Manager. One thing to note is that the value of is version specific, i.e. "exman-5.0", "exman-5.5" send this message to different version of Extension Manager, so you can change this value to install/enable/disable/remove extensions using different version of Extension Manager. More detailed documentation of BridgeTalk can be found by clicking "Help" menu then clicking "Javascript Tools Guide CS5" in "Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5".
    2. Specific version of Extension Manager only manage extensions for corresponding version of product. You should use Extension Manager CS5 to install extensions for Photoshop CS5. The reason that the extension you installed for Photoshop CS5.1 using Extension Manager CS5.5 is displayed for Photoshop CS5 in Extension Manager CS5 is that two versions of Photoshop specified the same directory for Extension Manager to manage extensions. This is a defect and will cause some problems if multiple versions of Photoshop co-existed in one machine. But "to find  previous (CS5) extension manager and to enable it" should work for you, I guess you use command line to enable it and specify wrong product name (see #3) so that it doesn't work.
    3. When using command line, you should specify "product" attribute with the name displayed at the left panel of Extension Manager. So "Photoshop CS5 32" is correct. Remember to enclose it with double quote because of existence of space character.
    4. As above mentioned, use display name of Photoshop, and call proper version of Extension Manager by BridgeTalk.

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    Shaji P.K.
    Server for NFS was unable to validate licensing information at this time, the server will be nonfunctional until this information can be validated

    Hi All,
         Operating System: Windows 2008 R2 Enterprise SP1
    H/w:  VMware virtual machine vmx 09
    Installed: File server role with "Services for network file system"
    Server for NFS and Client for NFS services and up and running.
    But when I try to create an NFS share using the folder properties the NFS Sharing tab is missing.
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    Tried to create the NFS share using command line but that too failed.
    Request all to kindly assist me in isolating and fixing this issue.
    Thank you so much
    Shaji P.K.
    Server for NFS was unable to validate licensing information at this time, the server will be nonfunctional until this information can be validated
    NFS server is so weak (especially for 2008 R2) and keeping in mind you run that all hosted by VMware ESXi the best thing you can do is to get rid of using Windows as a NFS server completely and spawn a FreeBSD or Linux VM with a decent and recent version
    of Samba.
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    Hey! I had the same problem you did just today when I was trying to get my second iPhone to sync. What you need to do with music or anything extra that you doing you have to creat a second playlist or picture or anything that you would like to use, so that you can add to the second device that you are going to be using. I am not sure if that will help but it helped me out a lot!! Good luck!

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    acrobat src des start end
    so for example
    adobe file.pdf my_folder 3 5
    Is this possible? There are many chunks and I don't want to manually do it for every chunk. Command line would be much easier...

    I can't find any programs... sorry.
    Can you create one for me please.
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    [program] [src path/src file] [destination path/file name] [start page (inclusive)] [end page (inclusive)]
    for example:
    acrobat ./my_file.pdf ./my_folder/chunk1.pdf 3 5
    if start page == end page, then it only extracts that one page.
    So this way I can just stack these comands on a .bat file or something (maybe like 100 commands), then run the bat file, and it will create all the files.
    Thanks for doing this, it is appreciated.

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    used the install disc with not luck. tried some commands in single user mode, no luck.

    need to figure out how to remove an unknown admin password on a mac.
    used the install disc with not luck. tried some commands in single user mode, no luck.

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    Open the Speech pane of System Preferences and check whether either the listening key or the speech key has become set to that keystroke; if so, change the setting.

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    Its possible? Someone can help me?
    Example of create_user procedure:
         p_user_name => 'NEWUSER2',
         p_first_name => 'FRANK',
         p_last_name => 'SMITH',
         p_description => 'Description...',
         p_email_address => '[email protected]',
         p_web_password => 'password',
         p_developer_privs => 'ADMIN:CREATE:DATA_LOADER:EDIT:HELP:MONITOR:SQL',
         p_default_schema => 'MY_SCHEMA',
         p_allow_access_to_schemas => 'MY_SCHEMA2',
         p_change_password_on_first_use => 'N',
         p_attribute_01 => '123 456 7890');
    Thank you.

    Did you try it like this?
       l_workspace_id      number;
        l_workspace_id := apex_util.find_security_group_id (p_workspace => 'MY_WORKSPACE_NAME');
        apex_util.set_security_group_id (p_security_group_id => l_workspace_id);
         p_user_name => 'NEWUSER2',
         p_first_name => 'FRANK',
         p_last_name => 'SMITH',
         p_description => 'Description...',
         p_email_address => '[email protected]',
         p_web_password => 'password',
         p_developer_privs => 'ADMIN:CREATE:DATA_LOADER:EDIT:HELP:MONITOR:SQL',
         p_default_schema => 'MY_SCHEMA',
         p_allow_access_to_schemas => 'MY_SCHEMA2',
         p_change_password_on_first_use => 'N',
         p_attribute_01 => '123 456 7890');

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    when trying to startup with install disc inserted,all i get is an apple logo.when using command v keys,it seems to see the cpu, but doesn't list any drivers.any idea what,s wrong?

    That is the wrong system disc, the Mid 2007 Mac Mini's originally came with Tiger 10.4. You must have been sent the wrong disc, because that gray 10.6 system disc is obviously for a later Mac.
    Mac mini (Mid 2007) - Technical Specifications
    At this point I'm afraid that your options are very limited.
    1. Call Apple, have your serial # handy and ask for a replacement Tiger disc set. Problem is that it wouldn't be of much use, except for maybe running the Apple Hardware Test.
    Apple - Support - iMac - Service FAQ
    2. Purchase a Retail Snow Leopard Upgrade disc.
    Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard - Apple Store (U.S.)
    As for the RAM, if 2GB is shown in both Apple / About This Mac and in the Activity Monitor then there is a pretty good chance that's it OK. Of course it is hard to test without the original disc set and in your case may need to be done with a third party RAM checker like Memtest OS X

Maybe you are looking for

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