Using database connection in a servlet and get errors after 8 hours

I'm running a poker script using applet/servlets and it works great. But for some reason about about 8 hours that database layer stops working. At first I thought it was the connections to mySQL that were timing out (because im using connection pooling) but after turning pooling off (I now create the connection each time) I'm still seeing that same error (I can create a connection but when I do an action ex. like a select statment I get an error). What i'm wondering could it be that the driver I load with Class.forName() some how unloads it's self after x amount of time not being used? Not sure if that is it but if anyone could give me some insight that would be great. The Error i recieve is below:
INFO: Database Event:DatabaseController: Error executing database query.
ERROR: Communications link failure due to underlying exception:
MESSAGE: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
STACKTRACE: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
     at Method)
     at Source)
     at com.mysql.jdbc.util.ReadAheadInputStream.fill(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.util.ReadAheadInputStream.readFromUnderlyingStreamIfNecessary(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.readFully(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.reuseAndReadPacket(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(
     at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeQuery(
     at com.softnet.database.DatabaseController.executeDatabaseQuery(
I know the query is good because it works all other times just not after about 8 hours.

Thanks for the responces. For the connection pooling I would open 5 connections and keep them open. So i though maybe after 8 hours after not being used they would timeout. Thats why i turned off conection pooling and create a new connection each time. Anyways i'll post the code below incase i made a mistake somewhere.
package com.softnet.database;
/************************ DatabaseControler **************************/
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.softnet.database.DatabaseConnectionPool;
import com.softnet.database.DatabaseSettings;
public class DatabaseController
implements DatabaseListener
     //Used to make sure the database driver is loaded
     private boolean databaseDriverState = false;
     //Used to store a database connection
     private Connection databaseConnection = null;
     //If to user connection pooling or not
     private boolean useConnectionPooling = false;
     //Used to hold the connection pool varible
     private DatabaseConnectionPool connectionPool = null;
     //Used to store database settings
     private DatabaseSettings databaseSettings;
     //Used to hold the DatabaseController listeners
     private List databaseControllerListeners = new ArrayList();
     //min number of connections for connection pool
     private int minNumberOfConnections = 1;
     //max number of connections for connection pool -1 is unlimited
     private int maxNumberOfConnections = -1;
     //DatabaseController Constructors
     public DatabaseController(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings)
          this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
          databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
     public DatabaseController(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings, boolean useConnectionPooling, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
          this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
          this.useConnectionPooling = useConnectionPooling;
          this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
          this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
          if(useConnectionPooling == true)
               connectionPool = new DatabaseConnectionPool(databaseSettings, minNumberOfConnections, maxNumberOfConnections);
               databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
     public DatabaseController() {}
     //Database Settings Get/Set
     public DatabaseSettings getDatabaseSettings()
          return databaseSettings;
     public void setDatabaseSettings(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings)
          this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
     //Connection Pooling Get/Set
     public boolean getConnectionPooling()
          return useConnectionPooling;
     public void setConnectionPooling(boolean useConnectionPooling, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
          this.useConnectionPooling = useConnectionPooling;
          this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
          this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
          if(useConnectionPooling == true)
               if(connectionPool == null)
                    connectionPool = new DatabaseConnectionPool(databaseSettings, minNumberOfConnections, maxNumberOfConnections);
               if(connectionPool != null)
                    connectionPool = null;
     //Return if there connected
     public boolean isConnected()
          boolean isConnected;
          if(databaseConnection != null)
               isConnected = true;
               isConnected = false;
          return isConnected;
     //Used to connect to database or get a connection for the connection pool
     public void connect()
          if(databaseDriverState == false)
               databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
          //If we dont have a current connection, make one
          if(databaseConnection == null && databaseDriverState == true)
               if(useConnectionPooling == false)
                         databaseConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                    catch (SQLException sqle)
                         //Raise event
                         raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error connecting to database. \nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
                         databaseConnection = null;
                    databaseConnection = connectionPool.getConnection();
     //Used to disconnect from the database or give back the connection to the connection pool
     public void disconnect()
          if(databaseConnection != null)
               if(useConnectionPooling == false)
                         //Close DB Connection
                    catch(SQLException ignore) {}
                         databaseConnection = null;
                    databaseConnection = null;
     public ResultSet executeDatabaseQuery(String sSQL)
          ResultSet databaseResult = null;
          if(databaseConnection != null)
                    Statement databaseStatement = databaseConnection.createStatement();
                    databaseResult = databaseStatement.executeQuery(sSQL);
               catch(SQLException sqle)
                    //Raise event
                    raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error executing database query.\nSQL: " + sSQL + "\nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
          return databaseResult;
     public int executeDatabaseUpdate(String sSQL)
          int rowsAffected = -1;
          if(databaseConnection != null)
                    Statement databaseStatement = databaseConnection.createStatement();
                    rowsAffected = databaseStatement.executeUpdate(sSQL);
               catch(SQLException sqle)
                    //Raise event
                    raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error executing database update.\nSQL: " + sSQL + "\nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
          return rowsAffected;
     //Used to load the Database Driver
     private boolean loadDatabaseDriver(String databaseDriver)
          boolean driverLoaded;
          if(databaseDriver.equals("") == false)
                    //Load Database Driver
                    driverLoaded = true;
               catch (Exception e)
                    //Raise event
                    raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error loading database driver. \nERROR: " + e.getMessage());
                    driverLoaded = false;
               driverLoaded = false;
          return driverLoaded;
     //Wrap the DatabaseConnectionPool Error to the DatabaseController
     public void databaseEventOccurred(DatabaseEvent de)
     //Event Handling Code
     //Used to add database listeners (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
public synchronized void addDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseControllerListener)
//Used to remove a listener from the list (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
public synchronized void removeDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseControllerListener)
//Used to send the raise event to the listeners
private synchronized void raiseDatabaseEvent(String databaseError)
DatabaseEvent databaseEvent = new DatabaseEvent(this, databaseError);
Iterator listeners = databaseControllerListeners.iterator();
     DatabaseListener listener = (DatabaseListener);
/********************* DatabaseConnectionPool **************/
package com.softnet.database;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import com.softnet.database.*;
import com.softnet.database.DatabaseSettings;
public class DatabaseConnectionPool
     //min number of connections
     private int minNumberOfConnections = 1;
     //max number of connections -1 is unlimited
     private int maxNumberOfConnections = -1;
     //Store the connections
     protected Hashtable databaseConnections = null;
     //Database Info
     protected DatabaseSettings databaseSettings;
     //to hold Driver state
     private boolean databaseDriverState = false;
     //To hold connection checker
     private DatabaseConnectionCheck connectionChecker = null;
     //Used to hold the DatabaseConnectionPool listeners
     private List databaseConnectionPoolListeners = new ArrayList();
     public DatabaseConnectionPool(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
          this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
          this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
          this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
          //Load Driver
          databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
          //Create connection
     public DatabaseConnectionPool(int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
          this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
          this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
     //Database Settings Get/Set
     public DatabaseSettings getDatabaseSettings()
          return databaseSettings;
     public void setDatabaseSettings(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings)
          this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
     //Driver State Get
     public boolean getDatabaseDriverState()
          return databaseDriverState;
     public void createConnections()
          if(databaseDriverState == false)
               databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
          //Create all connections and load the minimum in the Hashtable
          if(databaseConnections == null)
               if(databaseDriverState == true && minNumberOfConnections != 0)
                    databaseConnections = new Hashtable();
                    for(int i = 0; i < minNumberOfConnections; i++)
                              databaseConnections.put(DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword()), Boolean.FALSE);
                         catch(SQLException sqle)
                              //Problem break loop and destroy any connections
                              //Raise event
                              raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseConnectionPool: Error creating database connections. \nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
          //If no connection check exists create one
          if(connectionChecker == null)
               connectionChecker = new DatabaseConnectionCheck(this);
     public Connection getConnection()
          Connection connection = null;
          boolean errorWithConnection = false;
          Enumeration connections = databaseConnections.keys();
          synchronized (databaseConnections)
                    errorWithConnection = false;
                    connection = (Connection) connections.nextElement();
                    Boolean state = (Boolean) databaseConnections.get(connection);
                    //If connection is not used, use it.
                    if(state == Boolean.FALSE)
                         catch(SQLException e)
                              //Problem with connection remove connection and replace it
                                   connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                              catch(SQLException sqle)
                                   errorWithConnection = true;
                         if(errorWithConnection == false)
                              // Update the Hashtable to show this one's taken
                              databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.TRUE);
                              // Return the connection
                              return connection;
               //All connections being used check to max to see if we can make a new one
               if(maxNumberOfConnections == -1 || maxNumberOfConnections > databaseConnections.size())
                         connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                    catch(SQLException sqle)
                         errorWithConnection = true;
                    if(errorWithConnection == false)
                         databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.TRUE);
                         return connection;
          //If not connections free and max connections reached wait for a free connection
          return getConnection();
     public void returnConnection(Connection connection)
          boolean errorWithConnection = false;
          //Make sure connection still works
          catch(SQLException e)
               //Problem with connection remove connection and replace it
                    connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
               catch(SQLException sqle)
                    errorWithConnection = true;     
          if(errorWithConnection == false)
               databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.FALSE);
     public void destroyConnections()
          Connection connection = null;
          if(databaseConnections != null)
               //Close all connections
               Enumeration connections = databaseConnections.keys();
               while (connections.hasMoreElements())
                    connection = (Connection) connections.nextElement();
                    catch(SQLException ignore) {}
               //Free up hashtable
               databaseConnections = null;
     private boolean loadDatabaseDriver(String databaseDriver)
          boolean driverLoaded;
          if(databaseDriver.equals("") == false)
                    //Load Database Driver
                    driverLoaded = true;
               catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                    //Raise event
                    raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error loading database driver. \nERROR: " + cnfe.getMessage());
                    driverLoaded = false;
               driverLoaded = false;
          return driverLoaded;
     //Event Handling Code
     //Used to add database listeners (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
public synchronized void addDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseConnectionPoolListener)
//Used to remove a listener from the list (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
public synchronized void removeDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseConnectionPoolListener)
//Used to send the raise event to the listeners
private synchronized void raiseDatabaseEvent(String databaseError)
DatabaseEvent databaseEvent = new DatabaseEvent(this, databaseError);
Iterator listeners = databaseConnectionPoolListeners.iterator();
     DatabaseListener listener = (DatabaseListener);
class DatabaseConnectionCheck extends Thread
     private DatabaseConnectionPool connectionPool;
     DatabaseConnectionCheck(DatabaseConnectionPool connectionPool)
          this.connectionPool = connectionPool;
     public void run()
                    //check threads every 30 seconds
                    if(connectionPool.databaseConnections != null)
                         Connection connection = null;
                         Enumeration connections = connectionPool.databaseConnections.keys();
                         synchronized (connectionPool.databaseConnections)
                                   connection = (Connection) connections.nextElement();
                                   Boolean state = (Boolean) connectionPool.databaseConnections.get(connection);
                                   //If connection is not used, use it.
                                   if(state == Boolean.FALSE)
                                        catch(SQLException e)
                                             //Problem with connection remove connection and replace it
                                                  connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionPool.databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), connectionPool.databaseSettings.getUserName(), connectionPool.databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                                             catch(SQLException sqle)
                                                  connection = null;
                                             // Update the Hashtable with new connection if its not null
                                             if(connection != null)
                                                  connectionPool.databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.FALSE);
          catch(InterruptedException ignored) {}     
Basicly the why it works is the connection pool hold the database connections. When the user needs a connection they use the database controller to request a connection (By create a instance and called the connect() method) and the connection is either created or grabed from the connection pool. After the user is done with the connection they call the disconnect() method which closes the connection or returns it to the connection pool.

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    Presumably you have tried rebooting?
    If you have windows updates set to automatic it is possible that one of the recently applied updates has done this.
    Best wishes

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    There shouldn't be any .class file in your webapps folder. I hope you mean that you created a subdirectory under webapps, with a WEB-INF under that and /classes and /lib under that. Your servlet .class file and its package directory structure belong under webapps/yourApp/WEB-INF/classes, right?
    You can create database connections in a servlet, although I agree with the previous poster that you'd be better off putting database code into objects that you could test off-line, without the servlet.
    You've got to have the JDBC driver JARs in the webapps/yourApp/WEB-INF/lib directory, for starters.
    If you get really adventurous you can create a pooled JNDI data source, but maybe that's another day's work. Get the basic connection working first.

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    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unfortunately, a number of users appear to have encountered this problem. Some of these users have reported that the problem just disappears the following day or shortly after. Other users have found various other solutions to this problem.
    Firstly, are you receiving any date and time errors when you turn on your Apple TV?
    Check that you are properly connected to the Internet, by ensuring that you have a proper IP address and not one starting with 169. Also check that your location for the iTunes Store is set correctly, if so you might try changing it and then changing it back.
    If the problem persists try restarting the Apple TV by removing ALL the cables for 30 seconds, or resetting it using the reset option under general. You should also try restarting your router, or if this doesn't work you might like to try a restore.

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    Error 1603
    Follow the steps listed below for Error 1604. Also, discard the .ipsw file, open iTunes and attempt to download the update again. See the steps under Advanced Steps > Rename, move, or delete the iOS software file (.ipsw) below for file locations. If you do not want to remove the IPSW  in the original user, try restoring in a new administrator user. If the issue remains, Eliminate third-party security software conflicts.
    Error 1604
    This error is often related to USB timing. Try changing USB ports, using a different dock connector to USB cable, and other available USB troubleshooting steps (troubleshooting USB connections. If you are using a dock, bypass it and connect directly to the white Apple USB dock connector cable. If the issue persists on a known-good computer, the device may need service.
    If the issue is not resolved by USB isolation troubleshooting, and another computer is not available, try these steps to resolve the issue:
    Connect the device to iTunes, confirm that the device is in Recovery Mode. If it's not in Recovery Mode, put it into Recovery Mode.
    Restore and wait for the error.
    When prompted, click OK.
    Close and reopen iTunes while the device remains connected.
    The device should now be recognized in Recovery Mode again.
    Try to restore again.
    If the steps above do not resolve the issue, try restoring using a known-good USB cable, computer, and network connection.
    The above is from the 2nd link below.
    Update and restore alert messages on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    iOS: Resolving update and restore alert messages
    iPad: Unable to update or restore
     Cheers, Tom

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