Using JetDirect 175x with LJ 3200 and getting offline after a short time

I have a HP LJ 3200 connecting to my home network via a JetDirect 175x print server, using a D-Link router. All was good until I updated the firmware on the D-Link router. This changed the network IP scheme from 192.168.15.x to 192.168.0.x. I decided to change all devices to 0.x. I get a connection to the print server and am able to print but it seems to timeout, the printer shows offline on my laptop, after a while of inactivity. I am unable to ping the device after that. I unplug the network cable and plug it back in and it re-connects. Is that a setting I need to make to keep the connection open? Thanks. ..

Thats the problem with the third party apps. You have no luck until they update it to work properly.

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    INFO: Database Event:DatabaseController: Error executing database query.
    ERROR: Communications link failure due to underlying exception:
    MESSAGE: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
    STACKTRACE: Software caused connection abort: recv failed
         at Method)
         at Source)
         at com.mysql.jdbc.util.ReadAheadInputStream.fill(
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         at com.mysql.jdbc.Statement.executeQuery(
         at com.softnet.database.DatabaseController.executeDatabaseQuery(
    I know the query is good because it works all other times just not after about 8 hours.

    Thanks for the responces. For the connection pooling I would open 5 connections and keep them open. So i though maybe after 8 hours after not being used they would timeout. Thats why i turned off conection pooling and create a new connection each time. Anyways i'll post the code below incase i made a mistake somewhere.
    package com.softnet.database;
    /************************ DatabaseControler **************************/
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.softnet.database.DatabaseConnectionPool;
    import com.softnet.database.DatabaseSettings;
    public class DatabaseController
    implements DatabaseListener
         //Used to make sure the database driver is loaded
         private boolean databaseDriverState = false;
         //Used to store a database connection
         private Connection databaseConnection = null;
         //If to user connection pooling or not
         private boolean useConnectionPooling = false;
         //Used to hold the connection pool varible
         private DatabaseConnectionPool connectionPool = null;
         //Used to store database settings
         private DatabaseSettings databaseSettings;
         //Used to hold the DatabaseController listeners
         private List databaseControllerListeners = new ArrayList();
         //min number of connections for connection pool
         private int minNumberOfConnections = 1;
         //max number of connections for connection pool -1 is unlimited
         private int maxNumberOfConnections = -1;
         //DatabaseController Constructors
         public DatabaseController(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings)
              this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
              databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
         public DatabaseController(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings, boolean useConnectionPooling, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
              this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
              this.useConnectionPooling = useConnectionPooling;
              this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
              this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
              if(useConnectionPooling == true)
                   connectionPool = new DatabaseConnectionPool(databaseSettings, minNumberOfConnections, maxNumberOfConnections);
                   databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
         public DatabaseController() {}
         //Database Settings Get/Set
         public DatabaseSettings getDatabaseSettings()
              return databaseSettings;
         public void setDatabaseSettings(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings)
              this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
         //Connection Pooling Get/Set
         public boolean getConnectionPooling()
              return useConnectionPooling;
         public void setConnectionPooling(boolean useConnectionPooling, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
              this.useConnectionPooling = useConnectionPooling;
              this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
              this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
              if(useConnectionPooling == true)
                   if(connectionPool == null)
                        connectionPool = new DatabaseConnectionPool(databaseSettings, minNumberOfConnections, maxNumberOfConnections);
                   if(connectionPool != null)
                        connectionPool = null;
         //Return if there connected
         public boolean isConnected()
              boolean isConnected;
              if(databaseConnection != null)
                   isConnected = true;
                   isConnected = false;
              return isConnected;
         //Used to connect to database or get a connection for the connection pool
         public void connect()
              if(databaseDriverState == false)
                   databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
              //If we dont have a current connection, make one
              if(databaseConnection == null && databaseDriverState == true)
                   if(useConnectionPooling == false)
                             databaseConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                        catch (SQLException sqle)
                             //Raise event
                             raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error connecting to database. \nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
                             databaseConnection = null;
                        databaseConnection = connectionPool.getConnection();
         //Used to disconnect from the database or give back the connection to the connection pool
         public void disconnect()
              if(databaseConnection != null)
                   if(useConnectionPooling == false)
                             //Close DB Connection
                        catch(SQLException ignore) {}
                             databaseConnection = null;
                        databaseConnection = null;
         public ResultSet executeDatabaseQuery(String sSQL)
              ResultSet databaseResult = null;
              if(databaseConnection != null)
                        Statement databaseStatement = databaseConnection.createStatement();
                        databaseResult = databaseStatement.executeQuery(sSQL);
                   catch(SQLException sqle)
                        //Raise event
                        raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error executing database query.\nSQL: " + sSQL + "\nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
              return databaseResult;
         public int executeDatabaseUpdate(String sSQL)
              int rowsAffected = -1;
              if(databaseConnection != null)
                        Statement databaseStatement = databaseConnection.createStatement();
                        rowsAffected = databaseStatement.executeUpdate(sSQL);
                   catch(SQLException sqle)
                        //Raise event
                        raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error executing database update.\nSQL: " + sSQL + "\nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
              return rowsAffected;
         //Used to load the Database Driver
         private boolean loadDatabaseDriver(String databaseDriver)
              boolean driverLoaded;
              if(databaseDriver.equals("") == false)
                        //Load Database Driver
                        driverLoaded = true;
                   catch (Exception e)
                        //Raise event
                        raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error loading database driver. \nERROR: " + e.getMessage());
                        driverLoaded = false;
                   driverLoaded = false;
              return driverLoaded;
         //Wrap the DatabaseConnectionPool Error to the DatabaseController
         public void databaseEventOccurred(DatabaseEvent de)
         //Event Handling Code
         //Used to add database listeners (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
    public synchronized void addDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseControllerListener)
    //Used to remove a listener from the list (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
    public synchronized void removeDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseControllerListener)
    //Used to send the raise event to the listeners
    private synchronized void raiseDatabaseEvent(String databaseError)
    DatabaseEvent databaseEvent = new DatabaseEvent(this, databaseError);
    Iterator listeners = databaseControllerListeners.iterator();
         DatabaseListener listener = (DatabaseListener);
    /********************* DatabaseConnectionPool **************/
    package com.softnet.database;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import com.softnet.database.*;
    import com.softnet.database.DatabaseSettings;
    public class DatabaseConnectionPool
         //min number of connections
         private int minNumberOfConnections = 1;
         //max number of connections -1 is unlimited
         private int maxNumberOfConnections = -1;
         //Store the connections
         protected Hashtable databaseConnections = null;
         //Database Info
         protected DatabaseSettings databaseSettings;
         //to hold Driver state
         private boolean databaseDriverState = false;
         //To hold connection checker
         private DatabaseConnectionCheck connectionChecker = null;
         //Used to hold the DatabaseConnectionPool listeners
         private List databaseConnectionPoolListeners = new ArrayList();
         public DatabaseConnectionPool(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings, int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
              this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
              this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
              this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
              //Load Driver
              databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
              //Create connection
         public DatabaseConnectionPool(int minNumberOfConnections, int maxNumberOfConnections)
              this.minNumberOfConnections = minNumberOfConnections;
              this.maxNumberOfConnections = maxNumberOfConnections;
         //Database Settings Get/Set
         public DatabaseSettings getDatabaseSettings()
              return databaseSettings;
         public void setDatabaseSettings(DatabaseSettings databaseSettings)
              this.databaseSettings = databaseSettings;
         //Driver State Get
         public boolean getDatabaseDriverState()
              return databaseDriverState;
         public void createConnections()
              if(databaseDriverState == false)
                   databaseDriverState = loadDatabaseDriver(databaseSettings.getDatabaseDriver());
              //Create all connections and load the minimum in the Hashtable
              if(databaseConnections == null)
                   if(databaseDriverState == true && minNumberOfConnections != 0)
                        databaseConnections = new Hashtable();
                        for(int i = 0; i < minNumberOfConnections; i++)
                                  databaseConnections.put(DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword()), Boolean.FALSE);
                             catch(SQLException sqle)
                                  //Problem break loop and destroy any connections
                                  //Raise event
                                  raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseConnectionPool: Error creating database connections. \nERROR: " + sqle.getMessage());
              //If no connection check exists create one
              if(connectionChecker == null)
                   connectionChecker = new DatabaseConnectionCheck(this);
         public Connection getConnection()
              Connection connection = null;
              boolean errorWithConnection = false;
              Enumeration connections = databaseConnections.keys();
              synchronized (databaseConnections)
                        errorWithConnection = false;
                        connection = (Connection) connections.nextElement();
                        Boolean state = (Boolean) databaseConnections.get(connection);
                        //If connection is not used, use it.
                        if(state == Boolean.FALSE)
                             catch(SQLException e)
                                  //Problem with connection remove connection and replace it
                                       connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                                  catch(SQLException sqle)
                                       errorWithConnection = true;
                             if(errorWithConnection == false)
                                  // Update the Hashtable to show this one's taken
                                  databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.TRUE);
                                  // Return the connection
                                  return connection;
                   //All connections being used check to max to see if we can make a new one
                   if(maxNumberOfConnections == -1 || maxNumberOfConnections > databaseConnections.size())
                             connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                        catch(SQLException sqle)
                             errorWithConnection = true;
                        if(errorWithConnection == false)
                             databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.TRUE);
                             return connection;
              //If not connections free and max connections reached wait for a free connection
              return getConnection();
         public void returnConnection(Connection connection)
              boolean errorWithConnection = false;
              //Make sure connection still works
              catch(SQLException e)
                   //Problem with connection remove connection and replace it
                        connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), databaseSettings.getUserName(), databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                   catch(SQLException sqle)
                        errorWithConnection = true;     
              if(errorWithConnection == false)
                   databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.FALSE);
         public void destroyConnections()
              Connection connection = null;
              if(databaseConnections != null)
                   //Close all connections
                   Enumeration connections = databaseConnections.keys();
                   while (connections.hasMoreElements())
                        connection = (Connection) connections.nextElement();
                        catch(SQLException ignore) {}
                   //Free up hashtable
                   databaseConnections = null;
         private boolean loadDatabaseDriver(String databaseDriver)
              boolean driverLoaded;
              if(databaseDriver.equals("") == false)
                        //Load Database Driver
                        driverLoaded = true;
                   catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
                        //Raise event
                        raiseDatabaseEvent("DatabaseController: Error loading database driver. \nERROR: " + cnfe.getMessage());
                        driverLoaded = false;
                   driverLoaded = false;
              return driverLoaded;
         //Event Handling Code
         //Used to add database listeners (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
    public synchronized void addDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseConnectionPoolListener)
    //Used to remove a listener from the list (Its sync'd so you can change the listeners when firing an event)
    public synchronized void removeDatabaseListener(DatabaseListener databaseConnectionPoolListener)
    //Used to send the raise event to the listeners
    private synchronized void raiseDatabaseEvent(String databaseError)
    DatabaseEvent databaseEvent = new DatabaseEvent(this, databaseError);
    Iterator listeners = databaseConnectionPoolListeners.iterator();
         DatabaseListener listener = (DatabaseListener);
    class DatabaseConnectionCheck extends Thread
         private DatabaseConnectionPool connectionPool;
         DatabaseConnectionCheck(DatabaseConnectionPool connectionPool)
              this.connectionPool = connectionPool;
         public void run()
                        //check threads every 30 seconds
                        if(connectionPool.databaseConnections != null)
                             Connection connection = null;
                             Enumeration connections = connectionPool.databaseConnections.keys();
                             synchronized (connectionPool.databaseConnections)
                                       connection = (Connection) connections.nextElement();
                                       Boolean state = (Boolean) connectionPool.databaseConnections.get(connection);
                                       //If connection is not used, use it.
                                       if(state == Boolean.FALSE)
                                            catch(SQLException e)
                                                 //Problem with connection remove connection and replace it
                                                      connection = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionPool.databaseSettings.getDatabaseURL(), connectionPool.databaseSettings.getUserName(), connectionPool.databaseSettings.getUserPassword());
                                                 catch(SQLException sqle)
                                                      connection = null;
                                                 // Update the Hashtable with new connection if its not null
                                                 if(connection != null)
                                                      connectionPool.databaseConnections.put(connection, Boolean.FALSE);
              catch(InterruptedException ignored) {}     
    Basicly the why it works is the connection pool hold the database connections. When the user needs a connection they use the database controller to request a connection (By create a instance and called the connect() method) and the connection is either created or grabed from the connection pool. After the user is done with the connection they call the disconnect() method which closes the connection or returns it to the connection pool.

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    I tried rebooting.  It didn't change anything.

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    Not by Apple but see this
    SANDBERG 440-45 Adaptor 30 Pin to Lightning Connector
    Try Amazon in your Country

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    Many thanks.
    With those symptoms, I'd try the following document:
    Apple software on Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store
    (If there's a SpeedBit LSP showing up in Autoruns, it's usually best to just uninstall your SpeedBit Video Accelerator.)

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    Apple - iCloud - Learn how to set up iCloud on all your devices

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    You must authorize the second computer with the same Adobe ID.
    There are sometimes issues with this registration: if you have them ....
    Sometimes ADE gets its registration/activation confused and in a semi-authorized state.
    Uninstalling and reinstalling does not help.
    Unfortunately, it often then gives misleading error messages about what is wrong.
    A common incorrect message informs you that the ID is already in use on another computer and cannot be reused.
    This can often be resolved by completely removing any authorization using ctrl-shift-D to the Library screen on ADE (cmd-shift-D if on Mac).
    Restart ADE, and then reauthorize with your (old) Adobe ID.

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    What do I do now to get each of our iPods synched with our own libraries?

    Thanks Zevoneer. The "Restart ipod service" worked and itunes is now recognizing my ipod! Hooray!
    Okay, now how do I synch all of our ipods with our individual libraries (I don't want all of my kids' songs and vice versa)? We each have hundreds of songs on our ipods that we don't want to lose.
    Thanks again!

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    Do you qualify for a tax free purchase?  The online stores will collect the required taxes for their country and region.  I know in the USA, if you are a tax free corporation, and you purchase it directly with a corporate account, you can get an item tax free using the company account and the corporations registered tax exempt number.  But an individual citizen cannot avoid paying the appropriate required taxes when shopping the online Apple web store.

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    Stop using it and Return it to the Place of Purchase and get it checked... ASAP...

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    No, nothing will prevent the computer from going to sleep when you close its display except third-party hacks that are designed to do exactly that. I strongly advise against using any of those, as they may interfere with successful entry into clamshell mode (and they carry other downside risks as well). Just wait until the computer is asleep (with its sleep light pulsing), then press any key on the keyboard. It sounds as though your setup is working as it's designed to do.

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    Mail > Window > Previous Recipients

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    If I got a new Mac book pro soon, would it helps backuping everything?

    awesome121, he does not an an iCloud account. You need iOS 5 or later for iCloud and the poster said he has iOS 4.
    awesome121 wrote:
    DO you have a icloud account?

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    Go to iTunea>Preferences>Devices and see if there is a backupright at the time you did the update. Then try restoring from that backup. If the apps are in your iTunes library, any app data will be restored to the iPod.
    When restoring from an iOS 4 (or later) backup, if the device had a passcode set, iTunes will ask if you want to set a passcode (and remind you that you had protected your device with a passcode). iTunes will not ask you to set a passcode when restoring from iOS 3.x and prior backups.
    Therefore, remembe the passcode that you enter this time.
    It appears that if you restore from a backup, that backup is not subseqyently overwritten by the next backup.

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