Using Decode Or Case Statement / Any Method

Dear All,
In my table Fields are
My Input parameters are
1. TranYear
2. TranMonth
3. Tag1
4. Tag2
My requirement is
Tag1 Input are 0,1,2
Tag2 Inputs are 0,1,2
If Tag1 is 0 then checking TranYear/TranMonth And
Tag2 Is 0 Then ApprovedBy Is Not Null only
Tag2 Is 1 Then ApprovedBy Is Null only
Tag2 Is 2 Then both(Approved/unApproved)
If Tag1 is 1 then checking ApprovedYear/ApprovedMonth And Tag2 Passing 0 Default
If Tag1 is 2 then checking TranYear/TranMonth Or ApprovedYear/ApprovedMonth And
Tag2 Is 0 Then ApprovedBy Is Not Null only
Tag2 Is 1 Then ApprovedBy Is Null only
Tag2 Is 2 Then both(Approved/unApproved)
Based upon the input details select details

dont quite understand your table structure requirement but it sounds like you want a conditional join.
looks like you are always joining on the tran year tran month but according to your 2 flags decides the rest of the join
I started something here where I am joining on the tran year / tran month then setting an indicator based on your flags
then just select the rows where this indicator is true.
anyway you can modify it to your needs
                  EXTRACT (YEAR FROM TO_DATE ('2010', 'YYYY')) TranYear,
                  EXTRACT (MONTH FROM TO_DATE ('Oct', 'Mon')) TranMon,
                  10 approved_by,
                  EXTRACT (YEAR FROM TO_DATE ('2010', 'YYYY')) ApprovedYear,
                  EXTRACT (MONTH FROM TO_DATE ('Nov', 'Mon')) ApprovedMon
             FROM DUAL
           UNION ALL
           SELECT 2,
                  EXTRACT (YEAR FROM TO_DATE ('2009', 'YYYY')),
                  EXTRACT (MONTH FROM TO_DATE ('Jul', 'Mon')),
                  EXTRACT (YEAR FROM TO_DATE ('2009', 'YYYY')),
                  EXTRACT (MONTH FROM TO_DATE ('Dec', 'Mon'))
             FROM DUAL),
     input AS (SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM TO_DATE ('2010', 'YYYY')) TranYear,
                      EXTRACT (MONTH FROM TO_DATE ('Oct', 'Mon')) TranMon,
                      0 tag1,
                      0 tag2
                 FROM DUAL)
               CASE tag1 || '.' || tag2
                  WHEN '0.0'
                     CASE WHEN Approved_By IS NOT NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END -- if they are both 0 join on  Tran Year, Tran Month and Approved by not null
                  WHEN '0.1'
                     CASE WHEN Approved_By IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END -- if they are 0,1 then Tran Year, Tran Month and Approved by is null
                  WHEN '0.2'
                     0 -- CASE  --Then both(Approved/unApproved)  i Don't know what this means
                /* WHEN '1.0' then whatever
                    when  '1.1' then whatever
                    when '1.2  then whatever
          FROM t, input
         WHERE t.TranYear = input.TranYear AND t.TranMon = input.TranMon)
WHERE ind = 1

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             CLOSE upd_spbpers_upd_cur;
          END IF;
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             FETCH upd_spbpers_upd_cur
              INTO v_pidm,v_birth_state,v_birth_city,v_latino_ind,v_latino_options,
             EXIT WHEN upd_spbpers_upd_cur%NOTFOUND; 
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                           set SPBPERS_ETHN_CODE  = CASE
                   WHEN v_latino_ind            IS NOT NULL THEN (spbpers_ethn_code = v_latino_ind,spbpers_activity_date = sysdate)     
                   WHEN v_latino_options        IS NOT NULL THEN (spbpers_ethn_code = v_latino_options,spbpers_activity_date = sysdate)
                   WHEN v_indn_alaska_opt       IS NOT NULL THEN (spbpers_ethn_code = v_indn_alaska_opt,spbpers_activity_date = sysdate)
                   WHEN v_indn_alaska_other     IS NOT NULL THEN (spbpers_ethn_code = v_indn_alaska_other,spbpers_activity_date = sysdate)
                   WHEN v_asian_options         IS NOT NULL THEN (spbpers_ethn_code = v_asian_options,spbpers_activity_date = sysdate)
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                     END IF;
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    Did the procedure compile ?
    Doesn't look like a right Decode syntax.
    DECODE (col1,'VAL1','This','VAL2','That','ElseThis')
    IF col1 = 'VAL1' THEN 'This'
    IF col1 = 'VAL2' THEN 'That'
    ELSE 'ElseThis'You can use CASE statement Instead of DECODE
    when      szscapp_amer_indn_alaska_other
         in ('XON','IND','JPN','KOR','PAK' ..... )  THEN '1'
    when      szscapp_hisp_or_latino_options
         in ('XCM','CUB','MEX','PRI','XSM','ESP','XOH' ...) THEN '2'
    END  SS

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    AAA 1000 Scheduled
    AAA 1000 Processing
    BBB 1001 Inspector
    BBB 1001 Scheduled
    BBB 1001 Processing
    BBB 1001 Inspector
    CCC 1002 Scheduled
    CCC 1002 Processing
    CCC 1002 Inspector
    CCC 1002 Scheduled
    CCC 1002 Processing
    CCC 1002 Inspector
    Required Output...
    INSNAME INSID sum_of_scheduled sum_of_Processing sum_of_Inspector
    AAA 1000 1 1 0
    BBB 1001 1 1 2
    CCC 1002 2 2 2

    And if you want it with CASE statement:
    WITH test_table AS
       SELECT 'AAA' insname, 1000 insid, 'Scheduled'   status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'AAA' insname, 1000 insid, 'Processing'  status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'BBB' insname, 1001 insid, 'Inspector'   status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'BBB' insname, 1001 insid, 'Scheduled'   status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'BBB' insname, 1001 insid, 'Processing'  status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'BBB' insname, 1001 insid, 'Inspector'   status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'CCC' insname, 1002 insid, 'Scheduled'   status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'CCC' insname, 1002 insid, 'Processing'  status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'CCC' insname, 1002 insid, 'Inspector'   status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'CCC' insname, 1002 insid, 'Scheduled'   status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'CCC' insname, 1002 insid, 'Processing'  status FROM DUAL UNION ALL
       SELECT 'CCC' insname, 1002 insid, 'Inspector'   status FROM DUAL
    SELECT insname
          ,SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'Scheduled'
                    THEN 1
                    ELSE 0
              ) sum_of_scheduled
          ,SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'Processing'
                    THEN 1
                    ELSE 0
              ) sum_of_processing
          ,SUM(CASE WHEN status = 'Inspector'
                    THEN 1
                    ELSE 0
              ) sum_of_inspector         
      FROM test_table
    GROUP BY insname

  • How to use REGEXP for case statement

    Hello everyone, I'm very new here and am struggling with a using REGEXP in a case statement, OK I am using the REGEXP to find all strings that match a specific format for a particular brand of product, for example serial numbers, and I need to be able to say something like [case when(xx.brandid) = '123' then if xx.serialnumber REGEXP_LIKE(xx.serialnumber,'[A-za-z][A-za-z][A-za-z]\d{5,}[A-za-z]$') then 'TRUE' else 'FALSE' end "TRUE/FALSE".]
    Help would be greatly appreciated with this as I feel like I'm going backwards trying to figure this out
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    Like this?
       when xx.brandid = '123' and
            regexp_like(xx.serialnumber,'[A-za-z][A-za-z][A-za-z]\d{5,}[A-za-z]$') then

  • Grouping using report query / Case statement in toplink

    I have following tables
    1. Student with columns id, gender
    2. Subject_Score with columns id, student_id, subject_id, score
    To get scores grouped by subject, I am doing
    ExpressionBuilder subjScoreBuilder = new ExpressionBuilder();
    ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(SubjectScore.class);
    Vector responses = (Vector) serverSession.executeQuery(query);
    Float score = (Float) queryResult.get("average-score");
    This works fine. It gives avg score per each subject
    Now i want both in one query
    A) avg score per subject
    B) avg score per subject per gender
    I want to achive this in one query
    I am doing like:
    ExpressionBuilder subjScoreBuilder =new ExpressionBuilder(SubjectScore.class);
    ExpressionBuilder studentExpBuilder = new ExpressionBuilder(Student.class);
    Expression expression = subjScoreBuilder.get("studentid").equal(studentExpBuilder.get("id")));
    ReportQuery query = new ReportQuery(SubjectScore.class, expression);
    query.addAverage("average-score", subjScoreBuilder.get("score"));
    query.addGrouping( subjScoreBuilder.get("subjectId"));
    query.addGrouping( studentExpBuilder.get("gender"));
    This gives me avg scor per each subject per gender. i.e.
    it applies grouping on both subjectId & gender.
    This is fine.
    But I also want avg score per each subject (group on subject only) in same query.
    1. How can we achive it?
    2. is there something like Case statement in toplink?      
    Thanks a lot for any help.

    I believe in SQL you would need two queries to do this directly, so you will need to issue two queries.
    You could select the Count and Avg, this would give you all the data need to compute the Avg yourself.
    (count(male) * avg(male) + count(female) * avg(female)) / (count(male) + count(female))

  • I am having issue in group by using decode and case in pl/sql

    my query is some thing like this but having more column in select. when i am firing this query it is giving result but that is not proper
    my problem is , like if there are 3 more values for uh.sflowtype (0,1,2) then group by is not working for them and those are coming in different row , i need them to be combined
    query is :
    select substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) DateTime,
    ( case
    when uh.sflowtype=7 then 'sms'
    when uh.sflowtype=9 then 'mms'
    when uh.sflowtype=10 then 'gprs'
    else 'voice'
    end )
    as flowtype from e_vpn_usagehistory uh where 1=1 and uh.nspid='1' AND ((substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) >= 20130507 )
    AND (substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) <= 20130606)) GROUP BY substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8),uh.sflowtype
    order by substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) DESC
    result :
    20130507 voice
    20130507 voice
    20130507 voice
    20130507 sms
    20130507 mms
    but i need
    20130507 voice
    20130507 sms
    20130507 mms
    so what should i do?
    please suggest me

    996962 wrote:
    my query is some thing like this but having more column in select. when i am firing this query it is giving result but that is not proper
    my problem is , like if there are 3 more values for uh.sflowtype (0,1,2) then group by is not working for them and those are coming in different row , i need them to be combined
    query is :
    select substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) DateTime,
    ( case
    when uh.sflowtype=7 then 'sms'
    when uh.sflowtype=9 then 'mms'
    when uh.sflowtype=10 then 'gprs'
    else 'voice'
    end )
    as flowtype from e_vpn_usagehistory uh where 1=1 and uh.nspid='1' AND ((substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) >= 20130507 )
    AND (substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) <= 20130606)) GROUP BY substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8),uh.sflowtype
    order by substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8) DESC
    result :
    20130507 voice
    20130507 voice
    20130507 voice
    20130507 sms
    20130507 mms
    but i need
    20130507 voice
    20130507 sms
    20130507 mms
    so what should i do?
    please suggest meWell, you are grouping by substr(uh.sstartdatetime,1,8),uh.sflowtype
    so different values of sflowtype that aren't 7,9 or 10 will be grouped separately.
    You therefore need to group by your case statement instead of just the sflowtype.
    The most worrying thing though is that you have sstartdatetime that appears to be a varchar2 and not a date.
    If it is a date, you are applying a substr (which applies to strings) to a date. you then compare the result
    of the substr to a number.
    This is a recipe for future problems: sort it out using the correct conversion functions with format masks.
    Edited by: Paul Horth on May 14, 2013 1:25 PM

  • Decode Vs Case Statement

    What will be good for proformance wise:
    Decode or Case in a sql statement.?????

    See the following link for Tom Kyte's opinion (point #4 in his first answer):,F4950_P8_CRITERIA:1243867216406

  • To use Boolean function in DECODE or CASE statement

    Hi all
    I have a scenario where i need to use a boolean function inside DECODE statement. When i tried this way iam getting "ORA-06553: PLS-382: expression is of wrong type".
    I doubt whether i can use boolean function inside DECODE or not?
    My query will be like this:
    select decode(my_fuction( ),'TRUE',1,'FALSE',0) from dual;
    Any help is highly appreciated.

    Overloaded functions must differ by more than their
    return type . At the time that the overloaded
    function is called, the compiler doesn't know what type
    of data that function will return. The compiler cannot,
    therefore, determine which version of the function to
    use if all the parameters are the same.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • Pivoting using Model Clause Vs pivoting using Aggregate Fun(Case) statement

    I just wanted to know which option is better for pivoting the data if the data is like:
    Grp1 Grp2 Day_week Sales
    1 1 Sun 200
    1 1 Mon 100
    1 2 Sun 1000
    and so on...
    The output should be:
    Grp1 Grp2 Sun Mon ......
    1 1 200 100.....
    1 2 1000 NULL....
    I have tested the same using sum(decode...) method and also model clause:
    select grp1, grp2, sum(decode(day_week,'SUN',sales)) SUNDAY , sum(decode(day_week,'MON',sales)) MONDAY from pivot
    group by grp1, grp2
    order by grp1, grp2
    select grp1, grp2, sun , mon, tue, wed, thr, fri, sat
    from pivot
    return updated rows
    partition by (grp1, grp2)
    dimension by ( day_week)
    measures( result, 0 mon, 0 tue, 0 wed, 0 thr,0 fri, 0 sat, 0 sun)
    RULES upsert
    mon[0]= sales['MON'],
    tue[0]= sales['TUE'],
    wed[0]= sales['WED'],
    thr[0]= sales['THR'],
    fri[0]= sales['FRI'],
    sat[0]= sales['SAT'],
    sun[0]= sales['SUN']
    ) order by grp1, grp2
    There are 4K records in the table. The first query is taking app (.125 seconds) and the second query (.230 seconds).
    Pls tell how the model clause can give better performance and I want to use it for pivoting in all my APIs.

    > I read somewhere while searching on net.
    And now you can't find it anymore? I wouldn't believe anything you read somewhere while searching on net, unless it has some kind of proof attached.
    > You pls tell is it so or it depends upon volume of data.
    Also i tested on some data and reults were better in
    case of using normal startegy rather than model.(case
    provided above).
    So you have tested it yourself already. The model clause is great in a few cases (string aggregation, calculating values based on calculated values), but this doesn't seem to be one of them. On 11g you might want to consider the PIVOT operator.

  • Using ISNULL in CASE statement

    I need to write a query that will gimme the resultsets based on a data comparison with some values, Those values that are null in the result set needs to be replaced with an empty string which can be obtained using ISNULL function. My question here is,
    how to incorporate this in a SELECT statement that has CASE expression. I coded some thing like this but the result set for the column is returning zero instead of an empty string. The data type for this column ABC is varchar(10)
    SELECT top 20
    WHEN ABC IN (8,9,10,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21) THEN 10
    WHEN ABC IN (31,32,33) THEN 30
    WHEN ABC IN (53,52,54,55) THEN 50
    WHEN ABC IN (61,62) THEN 60
    else ISNULL(ABC,'')
    Any help is appreciated
    Many Thanks,

    SELECT top 20
    WHEN ABC IN (8,9,10,13,14,15,16,17,19,20,21) THEN '10'
    WHEN ABC IN (31,32,33) THEN '30'
    WHEN ABC IN (53,52,54,55) THEN '50'
    WHEN ABC IN (61,62) THEN '60'
    else ISNULL(ABC,'')

  • More effecient way of using Decode and CASE

    Is it possible to use both case and decode together? I feel I have too many decode and I am not sure how to write this in a more efficient way.
    I would really appreciate any help.
    Thank you so much in advance!!!
    SELECT  Person_ID,Work_ID,
        CASE WHEN NBR = 1 THEN
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 1, field1)) aug_one_field1;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 1, field2)) aug_one_field2;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 1, field3)) aug_one_field3;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 1, field4)) aug_one_field4;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 1, field5)) aug_one_field5;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 1, field6)) aug_one_field6;
        CASE WHEN NBR = 2 THEN
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 2, field1)) aug_two_field1;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 2, field2)) aug_two_field2;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 2, field3)) aug_two_field3;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 2, field4)) aug_two_field4;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 2, field5)) aug_two_field5;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 2, field6)) aug_two_field6;
        CASE WHEN NBR = 3 THEN
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 3, field1)) aug_three_field1;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 3, field2)) aug_three_field2;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 3, field3)) aug_three_field3;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 3, field4)) aug_three_field4;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 3, field5)) aug_three_field5;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 3, field6)) aug_three_field6;
        CASE WHEN NBR = 4 THEN
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 4, field1)) aug_four_field1;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 4, field2)) aug_four_field2;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 4, field3)) aug_four_field3;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 4, field4)) aug_four_field4;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 4, field5)) aug_four_field5;
                MIN(DECODE(NBR, 4, field6)) aug_four_field6;
       FROM (SELECT Person_ID,Work_ID, NBR
                   fiel1, field2, field3,field4,field5, field6,
                  FROM field_rep
       GROUP BY Person_ID,Work_ID

    Thanks alot John and Frank.
    John to answer your question, I just felt the 24 or more decode will slow down the systems performance, hence I was trying to find a better way to do it.
    This is a sample data but I want it pivoted hence the reason for using the decode. I have oracle 10g. These are sample data
    Person_id work_id NBR      field1     field2     field3     field4 field5 field6
    1       ao334   1     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_A        HH       55667      1
    1       ao334   2     5/2/2011   9/9/2013     block_Z        HL       11111      3
    1       ao334   2     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_A        HH       22222      1
    1       ao334   4     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_A        HH       zzzzz      7
    1       z5521   1     10/5/2006  12/31/2012     block_C        SS       33322      1
    1       z5521   2     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_C        SS       21550      1
    1       z5521   3     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_R        SS       10000      1
    1       z5521   4     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_D        SS       99100      5
    1       z5521   5     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_P        SS       88860      1
    1       z5521   6     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_G        SS       99660      8
    1       ob114   1     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_A        HH       52333      1
    1       ob114   2     1/2/2009   1/9/2010     block_A        HH       88888      1Output will look like this
    Person_id work_id  aug_one_field1 aug_one_field2 aug_one_field3 aug_one_field4 aug_one_field5 aug_one_field6 aug_two_field1 aug_two_field2 aug_two_field3 aug_two_field4 aug_two_field5  aug_two_field6
    1       ao334        1/2/2009       1/9/2010       block_A       HH             55667          1              5/2/2011       9/9/2013       block_Z        HL                      11111          3

  • How do I use switch and case statements to fill more than one other field?

    Hi all,
    I'm new to the community.
    I'm trying to make an existing form more user friendly for my coworkers. I want to use a switch and case approach in a drop-down list field so that the selection fills two seperate other fields with different info related to the selection.
    I can already do this with one field, but if I add a second target field under an existing case the text doesn't appear there when I make the selection from the dropdown.
    Basically, I'm asking if I can do this:
       case "1": // Selection 1    Row2.Field1
    = "text for field 1";
        Row1.Field2 = "text for field 2"; 
    It works if the "row1.field2" option isn't there, but not when it is present.
    Any takers?

    I'm not sure if I will be able to send you the form. There may be too much to redact.
    Would this last bit of code in the cell affect anything?
    = "open"; // enable field
    Row2.Field1.caption.font.fill.color.value= "0,0,0"; // set caption to black
    That is, do I also need to repeat the same thing for the second target cell (Row1.Field2)?
    What would be possible hang ups that would prevent it from working correctly?
    By the way, I'm not sure if my other attachment posted. I am trying again.

  • Using Decode or Case

    Hi All,
    I have an issue cannot resolve myself, need help.
    DA1> desc test_case
    Name Null? Type
    DA1> select * from test_case;
    10 DAILY 2000 2050 2008 4050
    20 Weekly 11000 12000 2008 23000
    30 Bi-Weekly 23000 24000 2008 47000
    40 Monthly 47000 45000 2008 92000
    50 Yearly 500000 490000 2008 990000
    We have now decided that for ID 40 and 50 the following is the criteria.
    1. the ID_DESC will be concatenated ' (N/A)'
    2. the LOAN_AMT will be shown same as that of Bi-Weekly.
    40 Monthly (N/A) 47000 45000 2008 47000
    50 Yearly (N/A) 500000 490000 2008 47000
    I was able to do the follwoing:
    DA1> select id,
    2 decode(id, 40, id_desc || ' (N/A)',
    3 50, id_desc || ' (N/A)',
    4 id_desc) id_desc,
    5 cur_amt,
    6 prv_amt,
    7 year,
    8 loan_amt
    9 from test_case;
    10 DAILY 2000 2050 2008 4050
    20 Weekly 11000 12000 2008 23000
    30 Bi-Weekly 23000 24000 2008 47000
    40 Monthly (N/A) 47000 45000 2008 92000
    50 Yearly (N/A) 500000 490000 2008 990000
    I am unable to figure out how to assign the loan_amt for ID 30 to ID 40 and 50.
    this query is used in a report.
    Note: the actual table and its values are different.
    thanks for all the help;

    Thanks to all,
    Finally I figured it...
    Below is the query...
    DA1> select id,
    2 decode(id, 40, id_desc || ' (N/A)',
    3 50, id_desc || ' (N/A)',
    4 id_desc) id_desc,
    5 cur_amt,
    6 prv_amt,
    7 year,
    8 decode(id, 40, (select loan_amt
    9 from test_case
    10 where id = 30),
    11 50, (select loan_amt
    12 from test_case
    13 where id = 30),
    14 loan_amt) loan_amt
    15 from test_case;
    10 DAILY 2000 2050 2008 4050
    20 Weekly 11000 12000 2008 23000
    30 Bi-Weekly 23000 24000 2008 47000
    40 Monthly (N/A) 47000 45000 2008 47000
    50 Yearly (N/A) 500000 490000 2008 47000

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