Using jdbc StoredProcedure to return from a function an array of objects

I am trying to call a stored procedure(function) using jdbcTemplates with no inputs which returns a list of objects.
I previously used the same function returning a cursor and used the following example:
which worked fine.
I now want to return the same objects which relates to a table but in a list and have tried to follow the example in
But have had no success and did not understand the example GetPersonProc.
I dont understand why it works for the cursor and not a list.
I would very much appreciate some help.

Can anybody help me with the code of how to return a resultset from a web service. i have put the resultset data's in an object array and tried to return it, but in the client side no data comes ,,, i mean it is printed as null.... and plz tell me where to specify the return type of a object in the wsdl file....

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    Hi Andy,
    have a look at the help for configuring a JDBC Sender adapter:
    It mentions all the settings you'll need to make e.g. the connection URL as posted above.
    And it also lists how an XML file looks like that contains the query results according to the SQL Select statement in the adapter.
    <column-name1>column-value</ column-name1>
    <column-name2>column-value</ column-name2>
    <column-name3>column-value</ column-name3>
    <column-name1>column-value</ column-name1>
    <column-name2>column-value</ column-name2>
    <column-name3>column-value</ column-name3>
    So you have to create a datatype, message type and message interface to match this structure (of course you'll need to substitute column-name1 etc. with the column names in your select statement).
    Now if you want to create a flat file from that, you have to create an XML representation of that flat file and use the content conversion in the receiver file adapter as defined here:

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    Best Regards

    Frank tnx for repply
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    SELECT decode(:0,'VALOR1', 'VALOR1','SINVALOR') VALOR,
    FROM DEPT Dept
    SELECT decode(:0,'VALOR1', 'VALOR1','SINVALOR') VALOR,
    FROM EMP Emp===================================================
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        vo.setWhereClause("DEPTNO = :0");
        ViewObject vo1 = getEmpView1();
        vo1.setWhereClause("EMPNO = :1");
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    Errors from my Jdeveloper Debug level are:
    06/04/26 21:55:03 [915] Bind params for ViewObject: EmpView1
    06/04/26 21:55:03 [916] Binding param 1: VALOR1
    06/04/26 21:55:03 [917] ViewObject: EmpView1 close single-use prepared tatements
    06/04/26 21:55:03 [918] QueryCollection.executeQuery failed...
    06/04/26 21:55:03 [919] java.sql.SQLException: Missing parameter IN o OUT on index:: 2=======================================================
    (EMPNO = :1) <- this value is never passed

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    <CFFUNCTION name="GetPersonLog" returntype="query">
        <CFARGUMENT name="STUDENTID" type="numeric" required="Yes">
        <CFQUERY name="qry" datasource="#connection_string#">
            SELECT tblStudentLog.STUDENTLOGID, tblStudentLog.STUDENTID,
            <!---GETDATE() AS TESTTHIS,--->
            FROM  tblStudentLog LEFT OUTER JOIN
            tblStudentDiscipline ON tblStudentLog.StudentDisciplineID = tblStudentDiscipline.StudentDisciplineID
            WHERE tblStudentLog.STUDENTID = <CFQUERYPARAM value = "#studentid#">
            ORDER BY tblStudentLog.LOGDATE DESC
        <CFRETURN qry>
    You see I have a REMmed out line to get a test date.  If I check the results in CF using cfdump, all dates come back as dates.
    In flex, the handler for the call to this function is simple:
            private function PersonLogHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{
                personlog = event.result as ArrayCollection;
    If I stop the code here and evaluate the results in debug mode, I find that the LOGDATE result is an array of values, while the LASTUPDATED field is a date.
    If I put back the GETDATE() AS TESTTHIS, statement in the cfc function, then the result includes LOGDATE as a date object, but now the TESTTHIS result is an array.
    I have experienced this on 2 different machines, and it has brought my development to a standstill.  I can't thin of what changed to start these problems, except that I am now using the FlashPlayer 10 (with debugger).  This happens in Firefox and IE.  I am using FlexBuilder 3 and Coldfusion 8.

  • Dynamic return from a function based on an argument

    I have a function that I am using to output a nested list of
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    the function works wonderfully except that i want to be able
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    being passed
    i want the list to be displayed twice on the same page, one
    with output in a table, and one with output in a drop down box
    i thought the easiest way would be to create an argument that
    can be used in IF statements
    look at my code below
    <!--- establish default values --->
    <cfparam name="output" default="">
    <cfparam name="catNameOutput" default="">
    <cfparam name="indent" default="">
    <cffunction name="GenerateCategories" access="public"
    <!--- this holds the outermost parent value being passed
    to the function --->
    <cfargument name="GenCatParent" type="uuid"
    required="yes" default=0 >
    <!--- this holds the nested level we are on --->
    <cfargument name="level" type="numeric" required="yes"
    default=0 >
    <!--- this holds the output_type we need for display
    purposes --->
    <cfargument name="output_type" type="numeric"
    required="yes" default=0 >
    <!--- grab the children of the received category --->
    <cfquery name="rsCategoryChildren"
    SELECT * FROM dbo.BlogCategories
    WHERE catParent = '#GenCatParent#'
    ORDER BY catName ASC
    <cfloop query="rsCategoryChildren">
    <!--- keep track of the indentation needed depending on
    which level we are at --->
    <cfloop from="0" to="#arguments.level#" index="i">
    <cfset indent = indent & "  ">
    <!--- if the nest is being used in the dropdown on the
    category manage page, we need to use option tags --->
    <cfif arguments.output_type EQ 1>
    <cfset catNameOutput = "<option value='" & catPK
    & "'>" & indent & Trim(catName) &
    <!--- if the nest is being used in the table on the
    category manage page, we need to use table row tags --->
    <cfif arguments.output_type EQ 2>
    <cfset catNameOutput = "<tr>
    <td>edit</td> <td>delete</td> <td>"
    & indent & Trim(catName) & "</td>
    <cfset output = output & catNameOutput>
    <!--- reset the indentation --->
    <cfset indent = "">
    <!--- check for children of this child --->
    <cfquery name="checkForKids" datasource="webdsn">
    SELECT * FROM dbo.BlogCategories
    WHERE catParent = '#rsCategoryChildren.catPK#'
    ORDER BY catName ASC
    <!--- if there are any, call this function recursively
    <cfif checkForKids.recordcount GT 0>
    <cfset GenerateCategories(genCatParent=catPK, level =
    level +1, output_type = arguments.output_type)>
    <cfreturn output>
    <cfquery name="rsCategoryParents" datasource="webdsn">
    SELECT * FROM dbo.BlogCategories
    WHERE catParent IS NULL
    ORDER BY catName ASC
    and here is how i am calling the function for each situation
    (the table and the dropdown):
    <table width="100%" class="managementtable">
    <tr bgcolor="#F6F6F6">
    <td> </td>
    <td> </td>
    <td>Category Name</td>
    <cfloop query="rsCategoryParents">
    <cfoutput><tr> <td>edit</td>
    <td>delete</td> <td>#Trim(catName)#</td>
    <cfset recursivecats =
    <select name="select">
    <cfoutput query="rsCategoryParents">
    <option value="#catPK#">#Trim(catName)#</option>
    <cfset recursivecats =
    calling the function for the table and the dropdown on the
    same page does not work
    if the function is first called with the argument for table,
    it tries to also output the table formatted code when the function
    is called again (even if it is called again with the argument for
    is there another way i can have the same function output two
    different sets of data based on an argument? what am i doing wrong
    thanks for your time

    Yeah, I think the main problem you had was a scoping one. For
    the second function call, the output variable already contained all
    of the output code from the first function call. In fact, I
    wouldn't be surprised to find that the output string for the second
    function call contained the output of the first plus the output of
    the second, and that it didn't render correctly on screen. A
    View Source would have determined that.
    Anyhow, I suggest that you VAR your output variable as
    cf_dev2 suggests, and delete the three CFParam lines at the top.
    Further, your recursive call would therefore need to return it's
    result to the output variable, thus completing the recursive loop.
    See below:
    <!--- this holds the output_type we need for display
    purposes --->
    <cfargument name="output_type" type="numeric"
    required="yes" default=0 >
    <CFSet Var Output = "">
    <CFSet Var catNameOutput = "">
    <CFSet Var indent= RepeatString("  ",
    <!--- grab the children of the received category --->
    <cfquery name="rsCategoryChildren" datasource="webdsn">
    SELECT * FROM dbo.BlogCategories
    <!--- if there are any, call this function recursively
    <cfif checkForKids.recordcount GT 0>
    Output = Output & GenerateCategories(genCatParent=catPK,
    level = level +1, output_type = arguments.output_type)>
    This is what I suggest with your code. HTH :)

  • How to compare a boolean value returned from a function in a sql query

    Hi all
    i have a function which return boolean true or false.
    mean while i am writing a sql query which should check this function and will return a result set only when it is true. how will i use a function which returns boolean in a sql query..
    thanks in advance'

    I don't think this is possible - i'm not sure. Can you post your function script? The reason why am i asking this is --
    satyaki>set serveroutput on
    satyaki>create or replace function test_satf(emno in number)
      2  return boolean
      3  is
      4    v_cnt   number(5);
      5    v_flg   boolean;
      6  begin
      7    select count(*)
      8    into v_cnt
      9    from emp
    10    where empno = emno;
    12    if v_cnt = 1 then
    13       v_flg := TRUE;
    14    else
    15       v_flg := FALSE;
    16    end if;
    18    return v_flg;
    19  exception
    20    when others then
    21      v_flg := FALSE;
    22   return v_flg;
    23  end;
    24  /
    Function created.
    satyaki>desc emp;
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    EMPNO                                     NOT NULL NUMBER(4)
    ENAME                                              VARCHAR2(10)
    JOB                                                VARCHAR2(9)
    MGR                                                NUMBER(4)
    HIREDATE                                           DATE
    SAL                                                NUMBER(7,2)
    COMM                                               NUMBER(7,2)
    DEPTNO                                             NUMBER(2)
    satyaki>select count(*) from emp;
    satyaki>select empno,test_satf(empno)
      2  from emp;
    select empno,test_satf(empno)
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06553: PLS-382: expression is of wrong type
    satyaki>select to_char(test_satf(empno))
      2  from emp;
    select to_char(test_satf(empno))
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06552: PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    ORA-06553: PLS-382: expression is of wrong type
    satyaki>create or replace function test_satf(emno in number)
      2  return varchar2
      3  is
      4    v_cnt   number(5);
      5    v_flg   varchar2(10);
      6  begin
      7    select count(*)
      8    into v_cnt
      9    from emp
    10    where empno = emno;
    12    if v_cnt = 1 then
    13       v_flg := 'TRUE';
    14    else
    15       v_flg := 'FALSE';
    16    end if;
    18    return v_flg;
    19  exception
    20    when others then
    21      v_flg := 'FALSE';
    22   return v_flg;
    23  end;
    24  /
    Function created.
    satyaki>select test_satf(empno)
      2  from emp;
    14 rows selected.Or, may be i'm missing something.
    Satyaki De.

  • How to collect returns from recursive function calls without a global var?

    Usually global variables shouldnt be used, I was told. Ok. But:
    How can I avoid using a global var when recursively using a function, when the function returns an object and when I want to have the collection of all these objects as the result?
    For example, I think of determine the users of a group including group nesting. I would write a function that adds the direct group members to a collection as a global var and call itself recusively if a member is another group. This recursively called function
    would do as well: Update the global var and if needed call itself.
    I'm afraid this is no good programming style. What algorithm would be better, prettier? Please dont focus on the example, it is a more general question of how to do.

    I rarely needed to create/use recursive functions. Here's one example I did:
    function New-SBSeed {
    Function to create files for disk performance testing. Files will have random numbers as content.
    File name will have 'Seed' prefix and .txt extension.
    Function will start with the smallest seed file of 10KB, and end with the Seed file specified in the -SeedSize parameter.
    Function will create seed files in order of magnitude starting with 10KB and ending with 'SeedSize'.
    Files will be created in the current folder.
    .Parameter SeedSize
    Size of the largest seed file generated. Accepted values are:
    New-SBSeed -SeedSize 10MB -Verbose
    This example creates seed files starting from the smallest seed 10KB to the seed size specified in the -SeedSize parameter 10MB.
    To see the output you can type in:
    Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -Filter *Seed*
    Sample output:
    Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
    -a--- 8/6/2014 8:26 AM 102544 Seed100KB.txt
    -a--- 8/6/2014 8:26 AM 10254 Seed10KB.txt
    -a--- 8/6/2014 8:39 AM 10254444 Seed10MB.txt
    -a--- 8/6/2014 8:26 AM 1025444 Seed1MB.txt
    Function by Sam Boutros
    v1.0 - 08/01/2014
    $Acceptable = @(10KB,100KB,1MB,10MB,100MB,1GB,10GB,100GB,1TB)
    $Strings = @("10KB","100KB","1MB","10MB","100MB","1GB","10GB","100GB","1TB")
    for ($i=0; $i -lt $Acceptable.Count; $i++) {
    if ($SeedSize -eq $Acceptable[$i]) { $Seed = $i }
    $SeedName = "Seed" + $Strings[$Seed] + ".txt"
    if ($Acceptable[$Seed] -eq 10KB) { # Smallest seed starts from scratch
    $Duration = Measure-Command {
    do {Get-Random -Minimum 100000000 -Maximum 999999999 |
    out-file -Filepath $SeedName -append} while ((Get-Item $SeedName).length -lt $Acceptable[$Seed])
    } else { # Each subsequent seed depends on the prior one
    $PriorSeed = "Seed" + $Strings[$Seed-1] + ".txt"
    if ( -not (Test-Path $PriorSeed)) { New-SBSeed $Acceptable[$Seed-1] } # Recursive function :)
    $Duration = Measure-Command {
    $command = @'
    cmd.exe /C copy $PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed+$PriorSeed $SeedName /y
    Invoke-Expression -Command:$command
    Get-Random -Minimum 100000000 -Maximum 999999999 | out-file -Filepath $SeedName -append
    Write-Verbose ("Created " + $Strings[$Seed] + " seed $SeedName file in " + $Duration.TotalSeconds + " seconds")
    This is part of the SBTools module and is used by the
    Test-SBDisk function. 
    Example use:
    New-SBSeed 10GB -Verbose
    Test-SBDisk is a multi-threaded function that puts IO load on target disk subsystem and can be used to simulate workloads from multiple machines hitting the same SAN at the same time, and measure disk IO and performance.
    Sam Boutros, Senior Consultant, Software Logic, KOP, PA (Please take a moment to Vote as Helpful and/or Mark as Answer, where applicable) _________________________________________________________________________________
    Powershell: Learn it before it's an emergency

  • How to use JDBC to access "returning " clause

    I think it is important to note here that you DO NOT have to use SQLJ for this. You can achieve the same result in plain JDBC. You must put the PL/SQL block in a CallableStatement object.
    CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("declare myReturnValue table_name.field_name%type; begin insert into table_name (field1, field2, ... fieldn) values (?, ?, ... ?) returning fieldx into ?; end;");
    To get hold of the "returning" parameter, register it as an OUT parameter (method 'registerOutParameter').
    That should do it!! Email me if you need further explanation,

    I think it is important to note here that you DO NOT have to use SQLJ for this. You can achieve the same result in plain JDBC. You must put the PL/SQL block in a CallableStatement object.
    CallableStatement cs = conn.prepareCall("declare myReturnValue table_name.field_name%type; begin insert into table_name (field1, field2, ... fieldn) values (?, ?, ... ?) returning fieldx into ?; end;");
    To get hold of the "returning" parameter, register it as an OUT parameter (method 'registerOutParameter').
    That should do it!! Email me if you need further explanation,

  • Selecting from a function that returns a sys refcursor or an alternative

    I have a query that returns a resultset of three columns, namely SSN,PAID_YEAR and PAID_TOTAL. From this query I can:
    Create a view and then query it.
    Create a function and return resultset
    If I go the first way a simple query like the following takes more than 20 seconds:
    I know that is because when I query a view the engine first brings all the rows of the view and then it filters the rows for the criteria supplied.
    If I go the second way I can send a parameter and make the engine look only for those rows that match the condition and return the recordset. But I do not know how to then SELECT from that returned resultset. I took a look at pipelined tables but didn't quite get how to benefit them. So my ultimate question is if it's somehow possible to select from the resultset that is returned from a function like this:
    SELECT * FROM FUNCTION_1(12132323232).
    If yes, then how, if no, what would be an alternative way?

    I know that is because when I query a view the engine first brings all the rows of the view and then it filters the rows for the criteria supplied.
    No - you don't 'know that' because it isn't true. Just check the explain plan for yourself. Oracle can still use any appropriate indexes so that only the rows needed are returned.
    So my ultimate question is if it's somehow possible to select from the resultset that is returned from a function like this:
    SELECT * FROM FUNCTION_1(12132323232).
    No - you can't do it like that. You have to use the TABLE function to treat the function result set as a table:
    'SELECT * FROM TABLE(FUNCTION_1(12132323232)).
    -- type to match emp record
    create or replace type emp_scalar_type as object
      (EMPNO NUMBER(4) ,
       ENAME VARCHAR2(10),
       JOB VARCHAR2(9),
       MGR NUMBER(4),
       SAL NUMBER(7, 2),
       COMM NUMBER(7, 2),
    -- table of emp records
    create or replace type emp_table_type as table of emp_scalar_type
    -- pipelined function
    create or replace function get_emp( p_deptno in number )
      return emp_table_type
        emp_cv EmpCurTyp;
        l_rec  emp%rowtype;
        open emp_cv for select * from emp where deptno = p_deptno;
          fetch emp_cv into l_rec;
          exit when (emp_cv%notfound);
          pipe row( emp_scalar_type( l_rec.empno, LOWER(l_rec.ename),
              l_rec.job, l_rec.mgr, l_rec.hiredate, l_rec.sal, l_rec.comm, l_rec.deptno ) );
        end loop;
    select * from table(get_emp(20))

  • Building the varchar string to return from a pl sql function

    i'm new with pl/sql and i'm having trouble trying to build the string that i want to return from a function that is inside a package. it seems my problem stems from the fact that i'm trying to incorporate a variable (varchar2) into the string to be returned. below are two attempts that i've made which do not work:
    function test_policy (p_schema_name IN varchar2, p_object_name IN varchar2) return varchar2 as
    predicate_value varchar2(2000);
    user_name varchar2(100);
    select first_name
    into user_name
    from employees
    where first_name = SYS_CONTEXT('hr_app_context', 'username');
    predicate_value := 'first_name = ' || user_name;
    predicate_value := 'first_name = ' || '' || user_name || '';
    return predicate_value;
    end test_policy;
    Can someone help me with the proper syntax to build my string for the return value? Thanks.

    this function implements the code for a policy i've created. basically, the policy says that when i do a select on the employees table, i should only see a record whose first_name = sys_context('hr_app_context', 'username'). so, when i perform a simple select * from employees, i get an error which says policy predicate has error. i'm pretty sure the error is caused by how i'm building the return value for that function. if i hard code some return value like:
    predicate_value := 'first_name = ''HR''' ;
    the select statement above works fine, and i only see the record from employees where first_name = 'HR'

  • Feeding an Array of Objects returned from a remote object using AMFPHP Remote procedure calls.

    Hi guys,
    I am working on an AIR Application that Uses Flex and AMFPHP remoting, The returned data type is an array of objects containing a sting an a url to an image on the server, How do bind this to a tilelist so i have a list with images representing the icons and the string representing labels of the Tilelist?

    We assume that the object have these two fields:
    -     label
    -     image
    so you may first pass the Array to the dataProvider of the TileList and make an ItemRenderer (with a label and a image). Then in the ItemRenderer, access to the objects fields with data:
         <mx:Label text="{data.label}"/>
         <mx:Image source="{data.image}"/>

  • Executing Select query using JDBC Receiver Adapter

    I created couple types in Oracle and also new function instead of procedure
    Can I execute the above query using JDBC Receiver Adapter.
    select *
    from  the ( select cast( apr.get_distribut('', '', '', 'hdfcgd', 'CAN') as dsrTable )
             from dual );
    If possible how my message structure should look like...

    Hi vikram,
       If you use JDBC as Receiver Adapter you can only post the data to the data base I do no think so we can select the records from the data base.
       If you use JDBC as Sender hope,we can the select query in the sender communication channel.
        Hope I am clear.
      Thanks and Regardds,

  • How to Connect Microsoft SQL 2000 database using JDBC

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    I want to connect Microsoft SQL 2000 database using JDBC. I want from initial steps also. (about JDBC driver & its installation)

    Just checkout the SQL Server JDBC Driver Documentation at the manfacturer's site:

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    Name BLOB,
    Tags VARCHAR2(40)
      try {                 // for restaurant System.out.println();System.out.println();System.out.println(); System.out.print("  Creating Statement for Photo...\n");             stmt2 = con.createStatement ();                       stmt2.executeUpdate("delete from PHOTO"); stmt2.executeUpdate("commit"); PreparedStatement stmt3 = con.prepareStatement ("INSERT INTO PHOTO VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");             System.out.print("  Create FileReader Object for file: " + inputFileName1 + "...\n");             FileReader inputFileReader2 = new FileReader(inputFileName1);             System.out.print("  Create BufferedReader Object for FileReader Object...\n");             BufferedReader inputStream2  = new BufferedReader(inputFileReader2);             String inLine2 = null;                         String[] tokens; //            String[] imageFilenames = {"c:\\photos\\in1.jpg","c:\\photos\\in2.jpg","c:\\photos\\in3.jpg","c:\\photos\\in4.jpg","c:\\photos\\in5.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\in6.jpg","c:\\photos\\in7.jpg","c:\\photos\\in8.jpg","c:\\photos\\in9.jpg","c:\\photos\\in10.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb1.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb2.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\arb3.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb4.jpg","c:\\photos\\arb5.jpg","c:\\photos\\den1.jpg","c:\\photos\\den2.jpg","c:\\photos\\den3.jpg", //  "c:\\photos\\den4.jpg","c:\\photos\\den5.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop1.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop2.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop3.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop4.jpg","c:\\photos\\hop5.jpg"};               File file = new File("C:\\photos\\in1.jpg");            \\ ( Just for example  )           FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(file);                         while ((inLine2 = inputStream2.readLine()) != null) {               tokens= inLine2.split(",");             st2 = new StringTokenizer(inLine2, DELIM);                                                             stmt3.setString(1, tokens[0]);               stmt3.setBinaryStream(2, fs, (int)(file.length()));               stmt3.setString(3, tokens[2]);               stmt3.setString(4, tokens[3]);               stmt3.setString(5, tokens[4]);               stmt3.execute(); //execute the prepared statement               stmt3.clearParameters(); 
    As i am able to enter one image file by above code in1.jpg in to the oracle database.... but i am not able to insert all the image file in to the tell me what should i do.... and can you give me the example on the basis of the above code of mine...
    do reply as soon as possible..

    jwenting wrote:
    that depends. Putting the images in BLOBs prevents the file locations stored in the database from getting out of synch with the filesystem when sysadmins decide to reorganise directory structures or "archive" "old" files that noone uses anyway.True, but it really comes down to a business decision (cost-benefit analysis). If you have the bucks, the expertise, and the time, go with the Blobs, otherwise go with the flat files.

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