Using mouselistener and class extending jbutton

I wondered if anyone could advice, I am trying wrote a class which lowers the border of a jbutton when the button is clicked, and stays lowered until clicked again. In the sameway as bold does in ms word.
I understand I can use setBorder(raised) or setBorder(lowered).
But I was unsure which method here to place this code.
Thank you
public class AddButton extends JButton implements MouseListener{
protected Border raised = new SoftBevelBorder(BevelBorder.RAISED);
     protected Border lowered = new SoftBevelBorder(BevelBorder.LOWERED);
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { }
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) { }
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) { }
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { }
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) { }
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { }
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) { }

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.border.Border;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Test3 extends JFrame {
  Border rb = BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder(),
         lb = BorderFactory.createLoweredBevelBorder();
  JButton jb1 = new JButton("I am Button"), jb2 = new JButton("Hear me roar");
  public Test3() {
    Container content = getContentPane();
    content.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    jb1.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
    jb2.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
      public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent me) {
    JToggleButton jtb = new JToggleButton("Toggley Button");
  public static void main(String[] arghs) { new Test3(); }

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        String winText;
        Rectangle2D bounds;
        boolean isTop;
        Color bgColor;
        Color fgColor;
        int Margin;
        Font font;
        int fontHeight;
        int fontWidth;
        // some other contstructors here
        public AppletWindow(String winText, int x, int y)
            this.winText = new String();
            this.winText = winText;
            this.Margin = 10;
            this.fontHeight = 12;
            font = (new Font("SansSerif", Font.PLAIN, this.fontHeight));
            this.fontWidth = font.getSize()/2;
            int j = 0;
            int Width = 1;
            int Height = 1;
            for (int i=0; i<this.winText.length()-1; i++){
                if (this.winText.charAt(i) == '^'){    
                    if(Width < (i-j)){
                        Width = (i-j);
            } // end for
            this.bounds = new Rectangle(x, y,
                    Height*10+Margin*2 + fontHeight);
            this.bgColor = Color.BLACK;
            this.fgColor = Color.ORANGE;
            boolean isTop = false;
        // all the mouse methods here
        // a method to paint the window to the screenIn my main (applet) i have these lines in the init()
      public void init() {
        } but when i click on the window or do anything to it, it does not respond. I had set up inside the appletwindow class so it would print out "applet window" on any mouse actions but none of them print.
    Thanks In advance

    Well i made my own window manager. So i pass the mouse events from the applet to the window manager and then to all the windows like so
    main (the appletscenemanager is my "window manager")
        AppletSceneManager asm = new AppletSceneManager();
        Thread repaintMe;
        // double buffering stuff
        Graphics bufferGraphics;
        Image offscreen;
        Dimension dim;
        public void init() {
        dim = getSize();
        offscreen = createImage(dim.width,dim.height);
        bufferGraphics = offscreen.getGraphics();
        String winText = new String();
        int j = 0;
        int k = 0;
        for (int i=0; i< 25; i++){
            winText = "Window: " + i + '^';
            asm.addWindow(winText, j*160, k*120,160,120);
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e) {
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
        }then in my applet scene manager (which holds the windows in a linked list)
        public void processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e){
            AppletWindow temp = null;
            System.out.println("e.gid" + e.getID());
            for(AppletWindow aw :appletWindows){
                if(aw.processMouseEvent(e) != null)
                temp = aw;
            if (temp != null){
        }and in the actual window class its getting a little messy, its hard to tell which window is currenty being acted upon because i find if the window was clicked using .contains so if windows are on top of each other several can .contains(e.getpt()) and then several are "selected" at one time, which causes problems
        public AppletWindow processMouseEvent(MouseEvent e)
            if (e.getID() != e.MOUSE_DRAGGED)
                dragging = false;
            if (e.getID() != e.MOUSE_DRAGGED)
                sizing = false;
            // we are in this window pay attention
            if(e.getButton() == e.BUTTON1)
                setTopMost(true);                   // set it to topmost
                alpha = makeComposite(0.9F);        // make this one less transparent
            if(e.getID() == e.MOUSE_DRAGGED && isTopMost()  // are they draggin me?
                    && this.titleBounds.contains(e.getPoint())){dragging = true;}
            if(e.getID() == e.MOUSE_DRAGGED && isTopMost()
                        && this.sizeBounds.contains(e.getPoint())){sizing = true;}
            alpha = makeComposite(0.5F);
            return this; // let them know it was us !
        return null; // it aint my fault!
        // window operations stuff
        public void moveWindow(Point pt){
            this.bounds.x = (int)(pt.getX() - (this.bounds.width/2));
            this.bounds.y = (int)(pt.getY()-5);
            this.titleBounds.setBounds(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y,
                    this.bounds.width, fontHeight);
                    (int)this.bounds.getMaxY()-resizeWH,resizeWH, resizeWH);
        public void sizingWindow(Point pt){
            if((pt.x - bounds.getMaxX()) > 0 && (pt.y - bounds.getMaxY()) > 0){
            this.bounds.width = (int)(bounds.width + (pt.x - bounds.getMaxX()));
            this.bounds.height = (int)(bounds.height + (pt.y - bounds.getMaxY()));
            this.bounds.width = (int)(bounds.width - (bounds.getMaxX() - pt.x));
            this.bounds.height = (int)(bounds.height - (bounds.getMaxY() - pt.y));       
            this.titleBounds.setBounds(this.bounds.x, this.bounds.y,
                    this.bounds.width, fontHeight);
                    (int)this.bounds.getMaxY()-resizeWH,resizeWH, resizeWH);
        public boolean contains(Point pt)
            if (bounds.contains(pt))
                return true;
            return false;
        }As anyone can see im getting no feedback what so ever from these forums (as usual), so i might be doing this the very hard way.
    here is the applet if anyone wants to see it run []

  • How to use the Rectangle class to draw an image and center it in a JPanel

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    I have divided the code into three parts. They are all supposed to be on one file in order to execute.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class CenterRect extends JPanel {
        public static Rectangle srcRect;
        Insets insets = null;
        Image image;
        MyImage imp;
        private double magnification;
        private int dstWidth, dstHeight;
        public CenterRect(MyImage imp){
            insets = getInsets();
            this.imp = imp;
            int width = imp.getWidth();
            int height = imp.getHeight();
            srcRect = new Rectangle(0,0, width, height);
            setDrawingSize(width, height);
            magnification = 1.0;
        public void setDrawingSize(int width, int height) {
            dstWidth = width;
            dstHeight = height;
            setSize(dstWidth, dstHeight);
        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            Image img = imp.getImage();
         try {
                if (img!=null)
                    g.drawImage(img,0,0, (int)(srcRect.width*magnification), (int)(srcRect.height*magnification),
              srcRect.x, srcRect.y, srcRect.x+srcRect.width, srcRect.y+srcRect.height, null);
            catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {e.printStackTrace();}
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    new Opener().openImage();
    class Opener{
        private String dir;
        private String name;
        private static String defaultDirectory;
        JFrame parent;
        public Opener() {
         public void initComponents(){
            parent = new JFrame();
            parent.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        public void openDialog(String title, String path){
            if (path==null || path.equals("")) {
                FileDialog fd = new FileDialog(parent, title);
                defaultDirectory = "dir.image";
                if (defaultDirectory!=null)
                name = fd.getFile();
                if (name!=null) {
                    dir = fd.getDirectory();
                    defaultDirectory = dir;
                if (parent==null)
            } else {
                int i = path.lastIndexOf('/');
                if (i==-1)
                    i = path.lastIndexOf('\\');
                if (i>0) {
                    dir = path.substring(0, i+1);
                    name = path.substring(i+1);
                } else {
                    dir = "";
                    name = path;
        public MyImage openImage(String directory, String name) {
            MyImage imp = openJpegOrGif(dir, name);
            return imp;
        public void openImage() {
            openDialog("Open...", "");
            String directory = dir;
            String name =;
            if (name==null)
            MyImage imp = openImage(directory, name);
            if (imp!=null);
        MyImage openJpegOrGif(String dir, String name) {
                MyImage imp = null;
                Image img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(dir+name);
                if (img!=null) {
                    imp = new MyImage(name, img);
                    FileInfo fi = new FileInfo();
                    fi.fileFormat = fi.GIF_OR_JPG;
                    fi.fileName = name;
           = dir;
                return imp;

    This is the second part. It is a continuation of the first part. They are all supposed to be on one file.
    class MyImage implements ImageObserver{
        private int imageUpdateY, imageUpdateW,width,height;
        private boolean imageLoaded;
        private static int currentID = -1;
        private int ID;
        private static Component comp;
        protected ImageProcessor ip;
        private String title;
        protected Image img;
        private static int xbase = -1;
        private static int ybase,xloc,yloc;
        private static int count = 0;
        private static final int XINC = 8;
        private static final int YINC = 12;
        private int originalScale = 1;
        private FileInfo fileInfo;
        ImagePanel win;
        /** Constructs an ImagePlus from an AWT Image. The first argument
         * will be used as the title of the window that displays the image. */
        public MyImage(String title, Image img) {
            this.title = title;
             ID = --currentID;
            if (img!=null)
        public boolean imageUpdate(Image img, int flags, int x, int y, int w, int h) {
             imageUpdateY = y;
             imageUpdateW = w;
             imageLoaded = (flags & (ALLBITS|FRAMEBITS|ABORT)) != 0;
         return !imageLoaded;
        public int getWidth() {
             return width;
        public int getHeight() {
             return height;
        /** Replaces the ImageProcessor, if any, with the one specified.
         * Set 'title' to null to leave the image title unchanged. */
        public void setProcessor(String title, ImageProcessor ip) {
            if (title!=null) this.title = title;
            this.ip = ip;
            img = ip.createImage();
            boolean newSize = width!=ip.getWidth() || height!=ip.getHeight();
         width = ip.getWidth();
         height = ip.getHeight();
         if (win!=null && newSize) {
                win = new ImagePanel(this);
        public void draw(){
            CenterRect ic = null;
            win = new ImagePanel(this);
            if (win!=null){
                ic = win .getCanvas();
                int width = win.imp.getWidth();
                int height = win.imp.getHeight();
                Point ijLoc = new Point(10,32);
                if (xbase==-1) {
                    xbase = 5;
                    ybase = ijLoc.y;
                    xloc = xbase;
                    yloc = ybase;
                if ((xloc+width)>ijLoc.x && yloc<(ybase+20))
                    yloc = ybase+20;
                    int x = xloc;
                    int y = yloc;
                    xloc += XINC;
                    yloc += YINC;
                    Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
                    if (count%6==0) {
                        xloc = xbase;
                        yloc = ybase;
                    int scale = 1;
                    while (xbase+XINC*4+width/scale>screen.width || ybase+YINC*4+height/scale>screen.height)
                        if (scale>1) {
                   originalScale = scale;
                   ic.setDrawingSize(width/scale, height/scale);
        /** Returns the current AWT image. */
        public Image getImage() {
            if (img==null && ip!=null)
                img = ip.createImage();
            return img;
        /** Replaces the AWT image, if any, with the one specified. */
        public void setImage(Image img) {
            this.img = img;
            JPanel panel = ImagePanel.panel;
            width = img.getWidth(panel);
            height = img.getHeight(panel);
            ip = null;
        /** Opens a window to display this image and clears the status bar. */
        public void show() {
        /** Opens a window to display this image and displays
         * 'statusMessage' in the status bar. */
        public void show(String statusMessage) {
            if (img==null && ip!=null){
                img = ip.createImage();
            if ((img!=null) && (width>=0) && (height>=0)) {
                win = new ImagePanel(this);
        private void waitForImage(Image img) {
        if (comp==null) {
            comp = ImagePanel.panel;
            if (comp==null)
                comp = new JPanel();
        imageLoaded = false;
        if (!comp.prepareImage(img, this)) {
            double progress;
            while (!imageLoaded) {
                if (imageUpdateW>1) {
                    progress = (double)imageUpdateY/imageUpdateW;
                    if (!(progress<1.0)) {
                        progress = 1.0 - (progress-1.0);
                        if (progress<0.0) progress = 0.9;
    public void setFileInfo(FileInfo fi) {
        fi.pixels = null;
        fileInfo = fi;

  • How to use logging in the actions classes extends standart actions?

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    For example I added followed lines in basketPerform() method of Z_ExtMaintainBasketDispatcherAction:
    boolean isDebugEnabled = log.isDebugEnabled();
    log.debug("++++++++++++++++ Test tracing in B2B_SNG. ++++++++++++++++");
    but in there was no such line neither in log file nor in trace file.
    How I can use logging functionality in my own classes? I need it for tracing and logging.
    CRM 5.0
    regards, Lev

    Well, here is solution. I created a log formatter and log destination like this:
    <log-formatter name="" type="TraceFormatter" pattern="%d,%-3p %t %s %l %m"/>
    <log-destination name="application_sap.com_crm.b2b" type="FileLog"
        count="10" effective-severity="ALL" limit="10000000" pattern=".\log\applications\isa_ru.log">
    <formatter-ref name=""/>
    and new log controller like this:
    <log-controller effective-severity="ALL" name="ru.sng.isa">
    <destination-ref name="application_sap.com_crm.b2b" association-type="LOG"/>
    in file META-INF\log-configuration.xml
    Thanks everybody for help!
    Regards, Lev.

  • Extending JButton class , getting black text , Why??

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    public class JIconButton extends JButton {
    public JIconButton(String label, String file, Icon rollovericon) {
    super(label,new ImageIcon(file));
    and when i construct a button from my new supercool :) JIconButton class everything works just fine but the label (text) on the button is black..
    what can I do to get the default (purple) color back???

    It's proabably reverting back to the system default which is 'black' if you set up purple, then it's not picking it up.
    Jus-a-litle idea:
    Write a more() function and call it again in ;-)
    void init more(){                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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    When I start Firefox, about 15 seconds after I start it, my Firefox freezes for about 1 minute. I found out that it is my Hotmail that makes Firefox freeze.
    First I thought it was my computer, but I have 2 other girls in my class that use Hotmail and Firefox and their computer also freezes for 1 full minute.
    This is very annoying, what can I do to change this?
    xxx ellen
    p.s. I am from the Netherlands, maybe that has something to do with it?

    Try deleting cookies and cache:
    1. Tools| Clear recent history
    2. Time range to clear: Everything
    3. If it isn't already selected, select '''Cookies''' and '''Cache'''
    4. '''Clear now'''
    '''Check cookie exceptions'''
    1. Tools | Options | Privacy Panel
    2. Set '''Firefox will: Use custom settings for history.''' '''Insure Accept cookies for sites and accept third-party cookies''' is selected
    3. Click '''Exceptions'''. If the misbehaving site is in that list, select it and click '''Remove site'''
    '''Safe Mode'''
    Add-ons can cause problems with not being able to log into certain websites. To see if this is the case with your issue, run [[Safe mode]]. When you get to the safe mode window, select Continue in Safe Mode. If this resolves your problem, see [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]] and [[Troubleshooting plugins]]
    Also see [[Updating Firefox]] and [[Cannot log in to websites]]

  • I have an Airport Extreme as my router and am using time capsule to extend the network in my new house. My ISP is only providing me 4-5 ip addresses and wants me to set up my router to issue out new ip addresses for all my devices.How do I fix this?Help

    I have an Airport Extreme as my router and am using time capsule to extend the network in my new house. My ISP is only providing me 4-5 ip addresses and wants me to set up my router to issue out new ip addresses for all my devices.How do I fix this?Help.
    They said I need to change my settings to NAT settings. I haven't been able to figure out or find anything. I have also spoken to Apple Support on the phone for hours without being able to figure out how to do this ( i don't think he knew much either lol.) Please help me because I've got about 15-20 devices in my house that require to be connected to the internet and this is just making things ridiculously slow and painful for me.

    It is on DHCP & NAT under router mode yet my isp is still the one issuing ip addresses to my devices instead of the router issuing them

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