Using NON Oracle as Source

Hi all,
I need to implement an ETL with OWB where the source DB is Sybase and the target DB is Oracle.
Please help me to implement this module can I get any document or link, which helps me in achieving this?
Please help me ASAP Many thanks in advance,
Anurag S.

Please help me ASAP Many thanks in advance,
Edited by: user11695742 on Jul 15, 2009 4:22 AM

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    In case of Unix look at this thread
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    If you use Windows configuration will be simpler (all steps should be performed on server with target database/OWB Control Center).

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    Directly in the source component, or in the expressions property of the data flow?
    If the latter, what happens when you preview your expression?
    MCSE SQL Server 2012 - Please mark posts as answered where appropriate.


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    Thank you

    There is no other way.. you have to use either Global variables or parameter lists to pass values from one form to another form.. With in the form you can always use null canvas item to store and pass values in different program units or triggers..
    have a nice day

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    There is no other way.. you have to use either Global variables or parameter lists to pass values from one form to another form.. With in the form you can always use null canvas item to store and pass values in different program units or triggers..
    have a nice day

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    generally, SCAN can be used for 10g databases and you discovered the first half: for 10g databases you will have to modify the REMOTE_LISTENER entry for each 10g database instance to point to the SCAN listeners (as opposed to pointing to the remote local listeners, which is the default in 10g). You could even have the databases registers themselves with SCAN and the remote listeners, if you wanted to... It's more or less a matter of configuration. But for simplification reasons, I will stick to the case where you have your 10g databases register with the SCAN listeners only.
    Now the other half is the client and the client configuration. An 11g Rel. 2 client configured for RAC would have a TNSNAMES entry that has only one address line for the RAC databases. The host entry in this one address line should point to the SCAN (the SCAN name is ideally resolved in DNS). A 10g client configured for RAC would have as many address lines in the TNSNAMES as you have nodes in the cluster.
    The 10g client SCAN configuration would then be in the middle so to speak: You would have 3 address lines in your TNSNAMES, in which each host entry would resolve to one SCAN address (I assume you will use the recommended default of 3 SCAN IPs). If you choose, you can have a name resolution for each of your SCAN IPs, but this would not be required. Now, why would you do it this way? Because this configuration will always work and does not make you dependent on certain functionality that your DNS server may or may not offer.
    For the remaining questions: SCAN is a DNS entry resolving one name to more than one (typically 3) IP addresses. OID is short for Oracle Internet Directory, which is a complete LDAP server. And you are right that there is no document how to configure 10g clients for SCAN from Oracle yet. However, there is a quite good document on SCAN on, but I am sure you are aware of it already.
    Hope that helps. Thanks,

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    and my data-sources-alias.xml is now:
    The "EAR generatation has finished successfully", but when "Deploy to J2EE Engine", I got the error below:
    1) How to define data-sources-alias.xml to use Oracle data source?
    2) I found the link (SDA Deployment error) talking about "sda-dd.xml".  How to create "sda-dd.xml" and make it use substitution variables "MYDS"
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:41 PM /userOut/deploy ( [Thread[Deploy Thread,5,main]] INFO:
    [003]Additional log information about the deployment
    <!HELP[Manual modification of the header may cause parsing problem!]/>
    <!LOGGINGVERSION[ - 630_SP]/>
    <!FORMATTER[ %s: %m)]/>
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:39 PM  Info: -
    Starting deployment -
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:39 PM  Info: Loading selected archives...
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:39 PM  Info: Loading archive 'C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\SDM\program\temp\temp856850022Ear.ear'
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Selected archives successfully loaded.
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Actions per selected component:
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Update: Selected development component '50022Ear'/''/'localhost'/'2005.' updates currently deployed development component '50022Ear'/''/'localhost'/'2005.'.
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Saved current Engine state.
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Error handling strategy: OnErrorStop
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Update strategy: UpdateAllVersions
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Starting: Update: Selected development component '50022Ear'/''/'localhost'/'2005.' updates currently deployed development component '50022Ear'/''/'localhost'/'2005.'.
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: SDA to be deployed: C:\usr\sap\J2E\JC00\SDM\root\origin\\50022Ear\localhost\2005.\temp856850022Ear.ear
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: Software type of SDA: J2EE
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:40 PM  Info: ***** Begin of SAP J2EE Engine Deployment (J2EE Application) *****
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:41 PM  Info: Begin of log messages of the target system:
    05/12/20 15:53:40 -  ***********************************************************
    05/12/20 15:53:41 -  Start updating EAR file...
    05/12/20 15:53:41 -  start-up mode is lazy
    05/12/20 15:53:41 - Missing substitution value for variable [MYDS].
                              at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
                              at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
                              at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
                              at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    05/12/20 15:53:41 -  ***********************************************************
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:41 PM  Info: End of log messages of the target system.
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:41 PM  Info: ***** End of SAP J2EE Engine Deployment (J2EE Application) *****
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:41 PM  Error: Aborted: development component '50022Ear'/''/'localhost'/'2005.':
    Caught exception during application deployment from SAP J2EE Engine's deploy API: Missing substitution value for variable [MYDS].
    (message ID:
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:41 PM  Info: J2EE Engine is in same state (online/offline) as it has been before this deployment process.
    Dec 20, 2005 3:53:41 PM  Error: -
    At least one of the Deployments failed -

    If you remove the $ and braces (as shown below) it will work.

  • Can Apex 4.1.1 see non-Oracle tables across dblinks using gateway?

    OS: Windows7 64-bit
    APEX: APEX 4.1.1
    OracleXE: 11gR2
    Oracle ODBC Gateway: 11gR2
    Remote DB: Sybase Anywhere 10
    When trying to develop an application (e.g. interactive report), APEX does not see tables from remote database even after public synoym is created in local OracleXE schema that current workspace points to?
    I can with no issues -- via APEX SQL Workshop -- run SQL that accesses the remote database tables through the dblink.
    Any suggestions?

    user601798 wrote:
    When trying to develop an application (e.g. interactive report), APEX does not see tables from remote database even after public synoym is created in local OracleXE schema that current workspace points to?
    I can with no issues -- via APEX SQL Workshop -- run SQL that accesses the remote database tables through the dblink.
    Any suggestions?Create a view on top of the synonym.
    Apex can work with the views. It does not work well with synonyms. But keep the synonym, since that makes your view indepentent of the name of the DB link.
    So the typical recommened structure would be:
    remote database table
    -> access via db link
    -> synonym on remote table
    -> View on Synonym
    -> Apex uses View (Wizards etc.)
    If using a non oracle DB you might come across problem with certain concepts like ROWIDs. Obviously cyou can't build a form depending on a rowid, when working with a non oracle database. It should work with a normal primary/unique key however.
    Edited by: Sven W. on Aug 15, 2012 12:46 PM

  • Do we need to buy license to use Toplink in non Oracle application server?

    Can Oracle Toplink be used freely without any license required when deploy in non-Oracle internet application server?
    Please advise.
    Thank you.

    From the TopLink FAQ:
    "Under the OTN license, TopLink is free to download for evaluation and use during development. A production license is included with all editions of OracleAS or can be licensed separately for $5K per CPU."
    Your situation would require a separate license.

  • 305500 non-Oracle exception when I use forms 6i to open a excel

    I get a 305500 non-Oracle exception when I use forms 6i to open a excel file. Does anyone know what the problem is? Any solution/workaround for this?

    Hi, this problem mainly happens if you try to close an excel sheet which you have not open or you are trying to open an excel sheet twice with the same name.

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    Hi Nilesh,
    Yes it is definitely possible to use other IDEs for BIBeans development but use of JDeveloper makes it really easy as it has got lot of BI Beans wizards. In other IDEs though it is possible, it will be very tedious to create reports and graphs etc and do over all development.
    As far as deployment on other appserver goes, I have deployed BIBeans applications (Servlet) on atleast 3 containers (Tomcat, OC4J and weblogic). Since BIBeans builds a standard java servlet application, it should be possible to deploy on any servlet container.
    Hope it helps.

Maybe you are looking for