Using outputs in WSN-3202

Good morning,
I have a doubt. You are aware that the sensor WSN-3202 has 4 analog inputs and4 digital outputs, a doubt arises in respect of this sensor outputs.
For example, for connecting a LED (6V) to one of the outputs of the sensor, I have to do?
Best regards,
Hugo Santos
Hugo Santos
Student at ISEC - Master Mechanical Equipment and Systems

Good morning,
for programming in LabView plates WSN, I need to have LabVIEW WirelessSensor Network Module Pioneer?
For example, I need to have input and output, can do the way is down?
Hugo Santos
Student at ISEC - Master Mechanical Equipment and Systems
input_output.jpg ‏15 KB

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    Hi Ahmed,
    The availability of a microsecond resolution for timing depends on the onboard clocks or setup that the system allows. These nodes are often used to control/acquire in a non-continuous way to save battery. Therefore, they are required to wake/sleep in cycles that take a couple of minutes generally. What are you exactly trying to do with the node?

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    Put a precision resistor in the loop and read the voltage across the resistor.  For a 5VDC voltage input, use a 250 ohm resistor.

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    Go to Solution.

    Thank you for the reply.
    I use a wsn-3226. There seems that there is no option to send data with radio message.
    Here a print screen of my sequence, it is fairly simple, I don't understand why it's getting stuck in always on power.
    I also tried to change the power setting with a user message and it worked. But it is unpracticable, I really need that to work. I use sensor that need to be power up at least 2 sec before sampling.
    Thank you
    non working sequence.png ‏72 KB

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    Hi Surya,
         Thanks for the reply. But, my question was how to print labels from VL02N when i pack a material on this delivery.

  • Problem in using output type for purchase order

    Hi experts,
         I am using output type for first time so may be i have done wrong configuration for po output type.The steps i have done are :-
    1) Going to  tcode NACE->Selected  the row u201CEF Purchase Orderu201D and clicked on u201CProcedures".
    2) In procedures there are 2 procedures for the application EF (Purchase Order). To proceed further, we would need to find out the procedure that is currently active.Gone to transaction SPRO. In this, navigate as Materials management -> Purchasing ->Messages -> Output control -> Message Determination Schemas ->Define Message Schema for Purchase Order
    3) Clicking on u201CAssign Schema to Purchase Orderu201D. So, the procedure RMBEF1 is active for EF (Purchase Order) . 
    4) Go back to transaction NACE. Select u2018EFu2019 and click on u201COutput typesu201D.
    5)  Let us use the output type u201CNEU name purchase orderu201D for this purpose. Double-click on NEU.
    6) Ensured  that the checkboxes u201CAccess to conditionsu201D and u201Cmultiple issuingu201D are checked and the access sequence is 0001(DocType/PurchOrg/Vendor).Only 0001 and 0002 is available in f4 help for this.
    7) Now clicked on u201CProcessing Routinesu201D on the left hand side. Ensured that there is an entry for Medium u2018Au2019 (Distribution ALE).
    8) After that going back to the main screen of NACE. Select EF (Purchase Order) and clicked on u201CCondition Recordsu201D.
    Select NEU and clicked on u201CCondition recordsu201D. The pop-up box appears that gives three radio button option :-
      1) Purchasing output determination :purchasing org / vendor for EDI
      2) Purchasing output determination :doc. type / purchasing org /vendor
      3) Purchasing output determination :document type
          but it is not having option only for purchasing organisation through which we can send idoc for changes or creation of PO in that particular now if i choose 2) i have to give doc type and purchasing org both bcoz they are mandatory fields and value for vendor.
    9)  Also i  have done the necessary ALE configuration (not covered in this document). In the partner profiles, use the message type u201CORDERSu201D and the IDOC type u201CORDERS05u201D.In the tab u201CMessage Controlu201D, used the process codes u201CME10u201D and u201CME11u201D for u201CPO Createu201D and u201CPO Changeu201D respectively.
    but the idoc is not generated many times when po is changed and when once it is generated it is giving error
    Please suggest solution.
    Thanks in advance

    In me22n in messages tab after looking into  processing log it is giving->No recipient found for message type ORDCHG in the
    ALE model ,next time giving error as no idoc items belonging to purchasing document found,when i changed message type to ORDCHG the  status is green in messages tab it is giving-> error occured while idoc xyz is sent and in WE02 status is red 02
    error passing data to port(could not find code page for receiving system)

  • SapScript Form by email: Using output medium 5 - several email address

    Hello, ppl
    I've been doing some developing concerning the send of correspondence by email.
    I've used output medium 5, and have have build email recipient parameters as follow:
    Getting email address:
      CLEAR address.
      SELECT SINGLE smtp_addr FROM adr6
      INTO address
      WHERE addrnumber  = p_adrnr
        AND persnumber  = space
        AND flgdefault  = 'X'.
      IF  address IS INITIAL.
        p_device = 'PRINTER'.
    create recipient
      swc_create_object lo_recipient 'RECIPIENT' space.
    swc_set_element   lt_container 'SendAsACopy'
      swc_set_element   lt_container 'AddressString'
      swc_set_element   lt_container 'TypeID'
      swc_call_method lo_recipient   'CreateAddress' lt_container.
      swc_object_to_persistent lo_recipient p_persistent_recipient.
    create sender (current user)
      swc_create_object lo_sender 'RECIPIENT' space.
      swc_set_element lt_container 'AddressString'
      swc_set_element lt_container 'TypeID' 'B'.
      swc_call_method lo_sender    'CreateAddress' lt_container.
      swc_object_to_persistent     lo_sender p_persistent_sender.
    And have called open_form as follows:
           EXPORTING form = xformular
                     language = ekko-spras
                     OPTIONS = itcpo
                     archive_index  = toa_dara
                     archive_params = arc_params
                     device = xdevice
                     dialog = xdialog
                     mail_sender     = p_persistent_sender
                     mail_recipient  = p_persistent_recipient
           EXCEPTIONS canceled = 01.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        PERFORM protocol_update USING '142' ekko-ebeln space space space.
        retco = sy-subrc.
    Everything works fine ... problem is i need to send the email to several adresses and also add some as CC: instead of TO: in the email parameters.
    Is this possible?
    As far as i know mail_ricipient only allows one email reference ...
    Please, provide some help.

    LOOP AT <receiver_table>.
                w_email = <receiver_table-mailid.
    *-- Create persistent send request
      send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).
    *--Add document to send request
      CALL METHOD send_request->set_document( document ).
    *-- Get sender object
      sender = cl_sapuser_bcs=>create(<Sender mailid / userid ).
    *--Add sender
      CALL METHOD send_request->set_sender
          i_sender = sender.
      recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( w_email ).
    *--Add recipient with its respective attributes to send request
      CALL METHOD send_request->add_recipient
          i_recipient = recipient.
    *--set send immediately flag
      send_request->set_send_immediately( 'X' ).
    *--Send document
      CALL METHOD send_request->send( ).

  • How to use Output Transmission Medium 8 (Special Function)

    Hi All,
    May I get how to use output transmission medium 8(Special Function) in Output Determination.

       configure output type with transmission medium 8
        in nace transaction and assign it to driver program
        and so that entry exist in table tnapr and use
       RSNAST00 program to send output as email.
      Before you have create entry in va02->header-output->
      with processsing status 0 . 

  • Mail with PO doc and link document iwhile using output type 7 - Urgent

    Hi all,
    I'm facing a problem for my customer.
    I need to send a mail with the PO forms and all link document of each item .
    This mail have to be send to several user maintain with transaction MN05 and user want to change the recipient of the mail in MESSAGE Screen of PO so we try to use output type 7 which allow this modification .
    Unfortunatly, with this output type i can't add by abap code document in the mail .
    Does somebody face the same problem or add a solution to retrieve all recipient define by the user ?
    Best regards.

    Requirement Cancel

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    Thanks a lot!

    You can use SAP change documents.
    Please refer to the link below:

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    We are looking to implement a label for Deliveries through various processes which include manual and MIGO.
    We have already implemented the GR label using the output type WEE1, however, we need to implement another label for Goods Issue as well.
    From our understanding we need to use output type ET01 for delivery labels. However, we need inputs on how to implement this output type. And can we also print this output form through MIGO, as I understand message is determined only at the delivery level which comes after MIGO?
    Please correct me if the output type ET01 is not meant for deliveries/GI label.
    Anil Japa

    Hi Anil,
    Can you check this link MIGO

  • How to use output type in Outbound IDOC

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where I have to trigger the outbound idoc by using output type 'ZCON'.How to program this or any idea how do i acheive this......................
    Please help.
    Thanks in Advance

    You will have to take help of functional guys so that they can configure mentioned output type in NACE.
    Apart from that you might have to do some coding as well with condition like
    IF nast-kschl EQ 'ZCON' AND nast-nacha EQ '6'.
    Please check NAST table for more details and let us know if you still need some help.

  • Trigger Workflow using Output types

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    We have a Z-output type configured through NACE, which will be generated on shipment document creation, and then we should trigger our Z- workflow.
    Please let me know how to achieve this fuctionality....
    With Regards,


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