Using two PCI 6221 on a target PC

Hi all,
I'm currently working on a project which requires real time control, and I was wondering if I can install two PCI 6221 boards on a target PC.
I've tried using one PCI 6221, which works fine, but what if I add another one?
Also, would I need better CPU for that?
Just let you know, I'm using CVI 9.0 under Windows XP
Thank you for your help.

They are both development environments, so the answer is the same for CVI.
This is more of a hardware question and would be appropriate in the Real Time forums board.
Adnan Zafar
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Coleman Technologies

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  • Using two PCI 6221 boards on a target PC

    Hi all,
    I'm currently working on a project which requires real time control, and I was wondering if I can install two PCI 6221 boards on a target PC.
    I've tried using one PCI 6221, which works fine, but what if I add another one?
    Also, would I need better CPU for that?
    Thank you for your help.

    They are both development environments, so the answer is the same for CVI.
    This is more of a hardware question and would be appropriate in the Real Time forums board.
    Adnan Zafar
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    Coleman Technologies

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    Hello Hellraiser24,
    This question has actually been discussed in another thread here:
    I hope this helps,
    DE For Life!

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    If either of the PCI-1407 cards is rev E or higher, then you need to have NI-IMAQ 2.5.1 or higher installed. You can find the revision by looking at the assembly number on the card, 184895x-01, where x is the revision. Otherwise, I would troubleshoot this like any other NI PCI card. Make sure you have the latest version of the NI-IMAQ driver. Try the cards in multiple slots and in multiple computers if feasible. Does each card work fine when installed by itself? Is there anything unusual about this computer (industrial PC, unusual chipset, etc)? Narrow down the problem to one particular card, slot, or computer. You can also try updatin
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    Go to Solution.

    Is it possible to do something as simple as this:
    or will I need to put the trigger on PFI0?

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    Hello Nins,
    The first thing to notice is that you are going far beyond the specifications of the 6221 if in fact you are sampling at 8000 kHz. Something I can tell you is that when you are performing fast acquisitions and processing the data at the same time, it is sometimes advised to have an acquisition loop (procucer loop) and a processing loop (consumer loop) and transfer data between the two. That way, you can put a wait in the consumer loop and use a waveform graph to plot the data rather than using a Chart wich requires memory.
    Hope this helps some...

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    Thank you,

    Set your oscilloscope to use 1MOhm impedence.  Your problem is that the maximum current for those DIO is 24mA.  1V/50 Ohms = 20mA.  So you are current limiting the digital outputs.  If you need more current, then you need to add in some digital buffer chips that can output more current.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • PCI-6221 high CPU usage

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    The CPU usage for the 9 EMG signals is ~50%.  The second input is video acquisition using an IMAQ 1411 card acquiring 30 samples per second with real time display.  The third input is a serial connection which samples at 1Hz.  Each of these codes uses approximately 4% CPU when running separately.  Each has the option of saving the data while still continually displaying on the front panel. The video acquisition utilizes the grab image setup along with notifiers for saving the data.   To link  the saving of the files (using case structures) to a single control button on the front panel , I created local boolean variables. The EMG readings use a timed while loop.  The serial connection uses a timed while loop cycling at the same frequency.  The video acquisition uses a while loop contained within a for loop.
    Thanks for your continued help!
    Message Edited by nins on 07-06-2005 02:47 PM

  • NI PCI 6221 and SCB-68 and timer

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    Hi Fazi,
    The SCB-68 has pinout labels for E-series DAQ cards while the NI PCI-6221 is one of the newer M-series DAQ cards.  The Single Two-Signal Edge-Separation Measurement you want to take is possible with your card.  Below is a KnowledgeBase article which gives the SCB-68 pinouts for M-series cards. Let me know if this fully answers your question or I assumed something wrong.
    SCB-68 Quick Reference Label for M Series
    Alex A.
    Applications Engineer

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    Dear BMAJTZ,
      The counter frequency (the maximum speed available) is configured by the Task in the background. In our case, the counter is set to detect edges, so it always uses the maximum speed available. If an edge occurs, the count value increases by 1, and this accumulated count value (stored as a binary number) is read by the DAQmx Read VI, and converted to meters. So if your encoder input is slow enough for the 80 MHz card to handle, you won't miss any ticks, even if you only read the value occasionally.
    You can find further information about counters and encoders on these links:
     Also if you can tell me the approximate frequency of your encoder signal, and how often you nedd the position info, I can do some benchmarking for you to see if your card is capable of the task.
    Best regards:
    Andrew Valko
    National Instruments
    Andrew Valko
    National Instruments Hungary

  • Q: Re: Q: Acquiring data using two E series devices connected by RTSI and streaming data to disk

    << (My first posting)
    I use two E series PCI Cards, connected by RTSI. I'd like to stream the data
    from both cards to a binary file and to add a header to it.
    I also need to somehow read (plot) the stored data, this with another VI.
    The whole should be then integrated into an existing program, that used just
    one acquisition card.
    Till now I have tried to combine "Two E-series Shared" and "High
    Speed Data" into another VI, and I have tried to read the stored
    data with the "High Speed Data". The problem is that I fight with
    one error after another, what prevents me from going further.
    I use LabView 6.1, under Windows 2K.
    Has somebody by chance already done something similar and would agree to
    share with me their experience? TIA for any suggestion.
    Victor Manta
    "Ben" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Victor,
    > I have done a lot of similar work.
    > Exactly what did you try and what specific errors did you encounter?
    > What you are trying is do-able provided the hardware you have suuports
    > it.
    > Please post (both here and to the DAQ group)
    > the details of the hardware you are using,
    > versions of software being used,
    > Examples that you are using,
    > error codes that occured,
    > posibly post example code showing the problem.
    > Ben
    Hi Ben,
    I use two PCI-MIO-16E-1 cards, connected by RTSI. I'd like to stream the
    data from both cards in real time to a binary file, after having added a
    header to it.
    For tests, on the channel 0 of each card is applied the same square wave,
    100 Hz.
    Yes, the hardware support RTSI. I use LabView 6.1.
    Till now I have:
    1. Combined the "Two E-series Shared" and the "High
    Speed Data" into a DAQ VI. To do this, I have "doubled" and
    adapted the "High Speed Data". For testing purposes the data are
    stored in two files, always the same ones (the old ones being overwritten
    after each acquisition).
    2. "Doubled" and adapted "High Speed Data" into another VI, for
    reading from both files, mentioned earlier.
    What already works:
    - The headers for both files are correctly stored (VI point 1.)
    - The acquired data from the first card (device 1) are correctly stored (VI
    point 1.)
    - The VI (point 2.) that reads both files and displays the results works
    What doesn't work:
    - The acquired data from the second card aren't stored at all (VI point 1.)
    - An error message says: "Error -10608 occurred at AI Buffer Read. Possible
    reason: NI-DAQ LV: No transfer is in progress for the specified resource."
    I think that I understand this message, but I don't know how to continue.
    The DAQ VI can be downloaded from (please click the link, then the link on
    that page; about 100K, zipped):
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Victor Manta
    PS. I don't know which DAQ group you mean.

    "Filipe A." wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Victor;
    > You can definitely accomplish that task with the DAQ boards you have
    > and Labview.
    > It would be good if you could be more specific as far as what type of
    > errors you are seeing and how you are integrating both VIs.
    > Regards
    > Filipe A.
    > Applications Engineer
    > National Instruments
    Maybe Mr. Filipe A. could help me? Please see below, and TIA.
    Victor Manta
    "Victor Manta" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > << (My first posting)
    > I use two E series PCI Cards, connected by RTSI. I'd like to stream the
    > from both cards to a binary file and to add a header to it.
    > I also need to somehow read (plot) the stored data, this with another VI.
    > The whole should be then integrated into an existing program, that used
    > one acquisition card.
    > Till now I have tried to combine "Two E-series Shared" and
    > Speed Data" into another VI, and I have tried to read the stored
    > data with the "High Speed Data". The problem is that I fight
    > one error after another, what prevents me from going further.
    > I use LabView 6.1, under Windows 2K.
    > Has somebody by chance already done something similar and would agree to
    > share with me their experience? TIA for any suggestion.
    > Regards,
    > Victor Manta
    > >>
    > "Ben" wrote in message
    > news:[email protected]...
    > > Hi Victor,
    > >
    > > I have done a lot of similar work.
    > >
    > > Exactly what did you try and what specific errors did you encounter?
    > >
    > > What you are trying is do-able provided the hardware you have suuports
    > > it.
    > >
    > > Please post (both here and to the DAQ group)
    > > the details of the hardware you are using,
    > > versions of software being used,
    > > Examples that you are using,
    > > error codes that occured,
    > > posibly post example code showing the problem.
    > >
    > > Ben
    > Hi Ben,
    > I use two PCI-MIO-16E-1 cards, connected by RTSI. I'd like to stream the
    > data from both cards in real time to a binary file, after having added a
    > header to it.
    > For tests, on the channel 0 of each card is applied the same square wave,
    > 100 Hz.
    > Yes, the hardware support RTSI. I use LabView 6.1.
    > Till now I have:
    > 1. Combined the "Two E-series Shared" and the "High
    > Speed Data" into a DAQ VI. To do this, I have "doubled" and
    > adapted the "High Speed Data". For testing purposes the data are
    > stored in two files, always the same ones (the old ones being overwritten
    > after each acquisition).
    > 2. "Doubled" and adapted "High Speed Data" into another VI, for
    > reading from both files, mentioned earlier.
    > What already works:
    > - The headers for both files are correctly stored (VI point 1.)
    > - The acquired data from the first card (device 1) are correctly stored
    > point 1.)
    > - The VI (point 2.) that reads both files and displays the results works
    > What doesn't work:
    > - The acquired data from the second card aren't stored at all (VI point
    > - An error message says: "Error -10608 occurred at AI Buffer Read.
    > reason: NI-DAQ LV: No transfer is in progress for the specified resource."
    > I think that I understand this message, but I don't know how to continue.
    > The DAQ VI can be downloaded from (please click the link, then the link on
    > that page; about 100K, zipped):
    > Thanks a lot in advance.
    > Regards,
    > Victor Manta
    > PS. I don't know which DAQ group you mean.

  • Q: Acquiring data using two E series devices connected by RTSI and streaming data to disk

    I use two E series PCI Cards, connected by RTSI. I'd like to stream the data
    from both cards to a binary file and to add a header to it.
    I also need to somehow read (plot) the stored data, this with another VI.
    The whole should be then integrated into an existing program, that used just
    one acquisition card.
    Till now I have tried to combine "Two E-series Shared" and "High
    Speed Data" into another VI, and I have tried to read the stored
    data with the "High Speed Data". The problem is that I fight with
    one error after another, what prevents me from going further.
    I use LabView 6.1, under Windows 2K.
    Has somebody by chance already done something simi
    lar and would agree to
    share with me their experience? TIA for any suggestion.
    Victor Manta

    << (My first posting)
    I use two E series PCI Cards, connected by RTSI. I'd like to stream the data
    from both cards to a binary file and to add a header to it.
    I also need to somehow read (plot) the stored data, this with another VI.
    The whole should be then integrated into an existing program, that used just
    one acquisition card.
    Till now I have tried to combine "Two E-series Shared" and "High
    Speed Data" into another VI, and I have tried to read the stored
    data with the "High Speed Data". The problem is that I fight with
    one error after another, what prevents me from going further.
    I use LabView 6.1, under Windows 2K.
    Has somebody by chance already done something similar and would agree to
    share with me their experience? TIA for any suggestion.
    Victor Manta
    "Ben" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hi Victor,
    > I have done a lot of similar work.
    > Exactly what did you try and what specific errors did you encounter?
    > What you are trying is do-able provided the hardware you have suuports
    > it.
    > Please post (both here and to the DAQ group)
    > the details of the hardware you are using,
    > versions of software being used,
    > Examples that you are using,
    > error codes that occured,
    > posibly post example code showing the problem.
    > Ben
    Hi Ben,
    I use two PCI-MIO-16E-1 cards, connected by RTSI. I'd like to stream the
    data from both cards in real time to a binary file, after having added a
    header to it.
    For tests, on the channel 0 of each card is applied the same square wave,
    100 Hz.
    Yes, the hardware support RTSI. I use LabView 6.1.
    Till now I have:
    1. Combined the "Two E-series Shared" and the "High
    Speed Data" into a DAQ VI. To do this, I have "doubled" and
    adapted the "High Speed Data". For testing purposes the data are
    stored in two files, always the same ones (the old ones being overwritten
    after each acquisition).
    2. "Doubled" and adapted "High Speed Data" into another VI, for
    reading from both files, mentioned earlier.
    What already works:
    - The headers for both files are correctly stored (VI point 1.)
    - The acquired data from the first card (device 1) are correctly stored (VI
    point 1.)
    - The VI (point 2.) that reads both files and displays the results works
    What doesn't work:
    - The acquired data from the second card aren't stored at all (VI point 1.)
    - An error message says: "Error -10608 occurred at AI Buffer Read. Possible
    reason: NI-DAQ LV: No transfer is in progress for the specified resource."
    I think that I understand this message, but I don't know how to continue.
    The DAQ VI can be downloaded from (please click the link, then the link on
    that page; about 100K, zipped):
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Victor Manta
    PS. I don't know which DAQ group you mean.

  • PCI 6221 Generating a Voltage Output

    Hello everyone,
    I am trying to use a PCI-6221 to provide an analog output voltage of 5V and use the AI to read the returned signal using labview. Does anyone know how I can do this using this hardware device?
    Thank you

    Hi lrving9,
    First you will need the DAQmx driver, here is the link for you to install the latest version.
    NI-DAQmx 15.0.1
    If you already have it, then go ahead and take a look at this examples:
    This one shows you how to output an analog DC voltage.
    Community: Output a Constant Analog Voltage
    Then do you have a connector block to connect the signals?
    If you do, then you can just create a task to read a Continuos Voltage Input, like in this example
    Community: Voltage - Continuous Input
    If you do not have a connector block and have no way to connect the AO to an AI, then you can read the internal AO channel, like shown in this link (there is an example at the bottom):
    Is It Possible to Read the Value of Analog or Digital Output Channels?
    Also when you install the driver some examples are installed as well, this shows you how to get to them:
    Where Are NI-DAQmx Examples Installed?

  • Can the M Series PCI 6221 control 24 VDC solenoid valves like the NI 9477?

    I am working on a project where three solenoid valves requiring 24 VDC and 8 Watts must be controlled by a PCI 6221 multifunction DAQ.
    I read on the NI website that an external power supply and the NI 9477 can be used together to actuate solenoid valves.  Since I already have the PCI 6221,
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  • High CPU load when sampling from two PCI 4472

    LabVIEW 8.6, DAQmx 8.7.2  PC: Pentium 4  3.2 GHz, 2 GB Ram, Windows XP Prof Service Pack 2
    I have an application with two PCI-4472 cards connected together with a RTSICable and I am sampling at 44.1 kHz.
    When I only sample from one of the cards the CPU load is about 2-3 % regardles of whitch off the cards I am sampling from.
    But when I sample from both cards ths CPU load goes up to 50-60 %.
    I have made an clean VI with only an DAQ Assistant and this gives the same result: 3% + 3%  = 60% ... ???
    What can I do to get the CPU load down when using two PCI-4472 cards ?
    Kind regards
    Leif Christensen

    This is happening to me too, but i found a solution. try to change the way you look at music , on the left of search is 4 buttons, List view , Album List view, Grid view , Cover Flow view. try to change the view, then view your cpu usage, it worked for me, but not for my friend, so im not sure that it will work

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