UT2004 Screen Res.

I'm not sure where to ask this question other than here at an Apple Support site where there are users who have Macs.
How would I increase my screen resolution to 1440x900 in Unreal Tournament 2004 (Intel)?

Locate the unreal.ini file (probably in (username)/Library/Preferences or the UT folder, just use Find) then open it in any text editor (such as TextEdit). There should be a section that lists available resolutions. Add yours to the list, in the same format as the others, and save the file.

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    Ok thanks Linxup I would recommend posting in the respective forums for each of those software titles as opposed to the Creative Cloud Download & Install forum.  The relevant forums are as follows:
    InDesign - InDesign
    Illustrator - Illustrator

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    If you choose File > Export > Adobe PDF (Interactive), the default is 72 ppi, but you can set it to a higher value. All images will automatically be convert to RGB, with, I believe, an sRGB profile, according to Dov.

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    That would be, "Detect Displays."
    Initial choices:
    After pressing the Option key:
    Please provide the model number of your HP display.

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    > any simple ways of resolving this???
    Not really. The page must be built from the ground up to fit
    in the lowest
    expected browser viewport size (screen resolution is really
    NOT the variable
    you need to consider).
    Your nearly identical pages are built in flexible tables -
    <table width="105%" border="0" cellspacing="0"
    (why 105%?)
    and are resizing just the way you have told them to.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "i H8 Nicknames" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:ee66uo$m11$[email protected]..
    > hi all i desgined some pages (using the same template
    cause im lazy!!!!)
    > in
    > 1280 x 1024 screen res if veiwed in this res its fine
    but if viewed in a
    > lower
    > res it all goes out of place so to speak any simple ways
    of resolving
    > this???
    > effected sites:
    > www.asbestosbags.co.uk www.shrinkfilm.org.uk
    > www.refusesacks.org.uk
    > any help would be appreciated.

  • I just bought a Dell Precision M3800 laptop - screen res 3840 x 2160  when I open photoshop the task bar and tools and layers etc are in 4pts size   I changed my % in my image in my control panel and if I go to open file the drop down boxes are in good pt

    I just bought a Dell Precision M3800 laptop - screen res 3840 x 2160  when I open photoshop the task bar and tools and layers etc are in 4pts size   I changed my % in my image in my control panel and if I go to open file the drop down boxes are in good pt sizes  how do I make the layers and tool bars bigger?  Please help@

    Windows will scale applications display or windows will not scale application display depending on how the application is coded.  Photoshop is coded in a way that its display is not scaled by windows.  Photoshop knows about your displays high pixel count not its resolution  so it uses its pixels  however it does not scale its UI to make it usable on your display.  Other application let Windows  scale their display output.   For example Microsoft default for is Surface Pro 3, 216 ppi display is to scale applications display up 150% so the surface pro 3 display which has 2160x1440 pixels a 216 ppi resolution look like at display with the user is using with 1440x960 pixels.  The Application works like the display is 1440x960 and Windows scale those pixels to the displays using the displays  2160x1440 pixels the effectively changing it resolution to 144ppi rather than the actual 216ppi.
    The reg update  and external manifest file  effectively tells photoshop its working on such a size display display some number of pixel wide and some number photoshop uses that as the display size  in turn Windows scale those pixels to use the displays 2160x1440 pixels efector lowing its 216ppi resolution.  Photoshop CC 2014 2X UI would be like using windows 200% option applications would be shown the are working on a display 1080x720 instead of the Surface Pro 3 2160x1440. Note that 1080x720 does not meet PS requirement of 1024x768.  Photoshop UI would not fit on the Surface Pro 3 display..
    Since you have a 4k display if you have CC 2014 you can use its 2x UI effectively Photoshop will be running on a 1920x1080 display and have half the resolution of you 4K display  3840x2160 pixels four native pixels are use as a single pixel.   1920x1080 pixels exceed PS requirement.

  • CacheAsBitmap:  screen-res ( meaning post container transforms) or not?

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    1.  Suppose you have a Sprite which contains a shape instance within.
    2.  The sprite is scaled down ( let's say 50% ), and added to the stage, but the shape it contains is left unscaled.
    3.  Now, if the shape has CAB enabled, is the cached bitmap rendered at the final screen res, post container transforms ( in this case, the cached bitmap would be 50% smaller than the shape ), OR Is the cached bitmap rendered at 100% the size of the shape, and then downsampled when it is drawn onto the screen?
    ...why is this relevant?
    For example:
    A)  IF it turns out that cached bitmaps resulting from CAB are screen-res ( post all container transforms ), then it might make sense to set CAB to true even on a Bitmap instance, if one of its parent containers is scaled up or down ( so as to minimize the resampling effort, every time the bitmap is drawn to the screen ).
    B)  In the earlier example, with the unscaled shape within a scaled sprite, IF it turns out that cached bitmaps resulting from CAB are NOT screen-res ( meaning NOT post container transforms), then it might be advantageous to move the shape out of its container and apply the 50% scaling on it directly ( again, to minimize the resampling effort required to draw the cached bitmap onto the screen ).

    Here is a question I'd love to find the answer to:
    1.  Suppose you have a Sprite which contains a shape instance within.
    2.  The sprite is scaled down ( let's say 50% ), and added to the stage, but the shape it contains is left unscaled.
    3.  Now, if the shape has CAB enabled, is the cached bitmap rendered at the final screen res, post container transforms ( in this case, the cached bitmap would be 50% smaller than the shape ), OR Is the cached bitmap rendered at 100% the size of the shape, and then downsampled when it is drawn onto the screen?
    ...why is this relevant?
    For example:
    A)  IF it turns out that cached bitmaps resulting from CAB are screen-res ( post all container transforms ), then it might make sense to set CAB to true even on a Bitmap instance, if one of its parent containers is scaled up or down ( so as to minimize the resampling effort, every time the bitmap is drawn to the screen ).
    B)  In the earlier example, with the unscaled shape within a scaled sprite, IF it turns out that cached bitmaps resulting from CAB are NOT screen-res ( meaning NOT post container transforms), then it might be advantageous to move the shape out of its container and apply the 50% scaling on it directly ( again, to minimize the resampling effort required to draw the cached bitmap onto the screen ).

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    It's not that big of a deal to change screen size.... it's not like I change preferences every day, just after setting up.

    Thanks, that worked. I appreciate your help. My res is set at 800 by 600 and this is the first time I've had a problem where I could not see the OK and Cancel buttons even after moving the preferences box as high as it will go. I guess it has something to do with the upgrade. Do you know if I change to a higher res, is there a way to make the visible screen fill up the monitor?

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    Are you able to specify a resolution to virtualbox itself? If not, then try finding the GNOME resolution switcher. I don't use GNOME but I know that it should have that built-in.
    If all else fails, try `xrandr -s 1024x768`
    Obviously, you'll need xrandr for it to work.

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    2) Will their be an option on screen size in the UK? 
    PS: I'd buy the laptop today - no joke - if I could get the HP Envy 15 with a 1920 X 1080 screen res (I'd love to receive a call from HP :-) 

    Same here. When I asked the question on the Contact HP page, I got no response.
    Why do we get the cut down screen, when you can't even buy it with that screen in the US?
    Message Edited by jdunkerley on 11-03-2009 02:36 AM

  • CS3 using screen res instead of tablet res

    I'm having a problem where Photoshop is using screen resolution, instead of tablet resolution, for getting the data used to render the line.  This is affecting my work because I do things in pretty high resolution, and I'll draw a line when zoomed out, then zoom in and it will have a pixely edge.  Well, it won't quite have a pixely edge, but it'll use the screen pixel data to figure out where to render the line.
    I attached the image below to show what happens when I draw the same line at various zoom levels.
    I'm using an Intuos3 with Photoshop CS3 Extended on Windows 7 Home  Premium.
    Anyone have any ideas?

    Might be a Windows 7 issue.
    See if there are any driver updates for your tab
    let using Windows 7.
    (carriage return compliments of Jive)

  • Does quality of screenshot image depend on screen res?

    I have to include screenshots of  data analysis screens (Excel and SPSS) for some writing I am doing. I have been capturing screenshots and saving them as .png files. My question is: does the quality of the screenshot image depend on the resolution of the monitor, or is it independent of the display? That is, if I take a screenshot from a low-res monitor versus a high-res one (e.g., retina display) of a particular Excel spreadsheet, will it make any difference in the resolution of the image that is saved? Wondering whether the screenshot takes an image from the actual displayed image or from the source code (in which case it may be unaffected by the quality of the monitor). I need screenshots as high quality images, as these will be printed by the publisher.
    I am using Grab on a Mac and also using GreenShot on Windows to take the screenshots.
    Any help will be appreciated.

    After thinking about your post and you are sending this project to a publisher/printer. You best bet is to give the publisher/printer a call and ask them. If you send something that they can't use... they will have to redo what you have done and charge you for it.  A computer screen shot when it comes to printing is low-resolution. Especially images that contains mostly text, for example; Excel spreadsheets. You will be sending them a grayscale image. (You should be sending a bitmap image. Bitmap images need to be three times the resolution compared to a grayscale image.)
    (I was in the publishing/printing business for over 28 years and had to deal with this on a daily basis with customers supplied images. Either the images were too blurry or pixilated when printed... looks good on the screen, looks bad on the printed paper. Nine times out of ten we had to redo the customers supplied images.)
    Message was edited by: David M Brewer

  • New Cinema Screen res disappointing

    I have the DVI anodized 23" cinema screen, which is wonderful. I just bought the new clear panel 23" cinema screen, which I needed for my new aluminum clad MacBook, and am really disappointed with the resolution of the screen. The aluminum anodized screen is sharp, sharp. But, even set at 1980 res., the new clear panel display is not. In fact, I can't even display a full-res HD 1980 video image on the clear panel display without about half of the image being cropped.
    Very disappointed and trying to figure out why the clear panel screen, which uses the mini plug instead of DVI looks so lousy.

    The problem is that you've set the displays as 'mirrored', which forces the second (external) display to be identical in content to the primary. The primary is your MacBook 15 (?) that has a native res of 1440x900, if memory serves. This is the reason for the perceived poor performance of the LED Cinema Display 24. Just uncheck 'mirrored' in your display settings and run the external display (independently) at its native rate of 1920x1200.
    The best you can do, if mirroring the displays is required, is to set the external to native rate. But, you still will have he issue of inflating, and effectively de-res'ing, the primary display image.
    Hope this helps.

  • Screen Res Problems

    I have hooked up my G5 to a Cinema LCD Screen, It popped right up and ready to go but the res was at about 820x640 so I changed it now my screen is back and did not revert back to the settings so I could find the one the worked for me. What do I do? I have rebooted unplugged the monitor and everything can someone help me? Thanks

    Try the steps listed here (It's for a Mac Mini but sold work with any Mac):

  • Screen Res. of 1080p loads pages too small to read and no fix/adjustments.

    I have an MSI K9A2 Plat.MoBo with Asus 4850 Video card that runs well. My Monitor is a 32" Vizio w/HDMI, running @ a preferred screen resolution of 1080p. With the new Firefox 5 all pages load too small to read. I can modify text size but text overlaps while still not large enough to read. If I drop Screen resolution to 720p it all looks OK but the higher res. of course plays movies better and I prefer high resolution for general use as well.
    I have had no issues of this type with Firefox v3.8..., in fact I have no issues at all with running Firefox 3.8
    Thank you
    Greg Hallee

    Make sure that you do not run Firefox in full screen mode (press F11 or Fn + F11 to toggle; Mac: command+Shift+F).<br />
    If you are in full screen mode then hover the mouse to the top to make the Navigation Toolbar and Tab bar appear.<br />
    You can click the Maximize button at the top right to leave full screen mode or right click empty space on a toolbar and use "Exit Full Screen Mode" or press F11.<br />

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