Validating forms

Excuse me guys.... can any body help me with with some examples where you can validate forms on netbeans "I m working with servlets"
thank you very much

Client-side? Check to see if the field is empty.
Server-side? Check to see if the file has uploaded
successfully, and if it
had the proper extension.
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
Adobe Community Expert
(If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
- DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
Tutorials & Resources
"SnakEyez02" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:g6kta1$a1g$[email protected]..
>I think the question posed was asking if you are using a
pre-made or custom
>file upload script and what language the form is in (ie:

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    You can specify addional error locations. See this example: ubmit.html

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    Thanks in advance..
    Edited by: VIKRANT HANDE on Sep 15, 2009 9:11 AM

    Please check in KON* series table in SE16N transaction. I guess KOHN table may help you out. You can see other similar tables.
    In any one of the table you will find validity data.

  • Validating forms in jsp using javaScript

    Hi all i'm trying to validate this form with javeScript. i was testing it with just the <input type=text name= file> first. it works but after the alert message it still posts to writeXML......
    i tried putting the fuction valid() after the <form> tag but it still posts it to writeXML.jsp.......can anyone help me please........What i want to do is make sure that something is typed in all the forms befor posting to writeXML..Thanx
    <head> <title>Create MultipleChoice Questions</title> </head>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function valid(form) {
         if(form.file.value == "")
         alert("Please enter the file name")
    <body bgcolor="#cccccc">
    <% int count = 0;
    String number = request.getParameter("nOfq");
    int qNumber = Integer.parseInt(number); %>
    <form action="writeXML.jsp" method="POST">
         <table bgcolor="silver" border="1" width="75%">
         <tr align="center"><td><b>Type in the Name of your Questionnaire here eg. BlackHistory.      Dont leave any spaces between letters</b><br>
         <textarea name="file" rows="1" cols="25"></textarea><br>
    <% for(int i=1;i<qNumber+1; i++) { %>
         <tr align="center" bgcolor="#336699"><td><b>QUESTION <%= count %>: </b><br>
         <tr align="center"><td><b>ENTER QUESTION:</b><br>
         <textarea name=<%="questionText"+i%> rows="5" cols="65"></textarea><br>
         <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 1:</b><br>
         <textarea name=<%="choice_1"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br>
         <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 2:</b><br>
         <textarea name=<%="choice_2"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br>
         <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 3:</b><br>
         <textarea name=<%="choice_3"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br>
         <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 4:</b><br>
         <textarea name=<%="choice_4"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br><br><br>
         <tr align="center" bgcolor="#679995"><td><b>CORRECT ANSWER:</b><br>
         <textarea name=<%="cAnswer"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br><br><br>
    <% } %>
    <td align="center"><input type="submit" name="next" value="NEXTT" onClick="valid(this.form)">
    <td align="center"><input type="hidden" name="qCount" value="<%=count+1%>">

    this Corrected code works perfectly
    <head> <title>Create MultipleChoice Questions</title> </head>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function valid(form) {
    if(form.file.value == ""){
    alert("Please enter the file name");
    <body bgcolor="#cccccc">
    <% int count = 0;
    int qNumber=-1;
    String number = clearNull(request.getParameter("nOfq"));
    if(! number.equals(""))
    qNumber = Integer.parseInt(number);
    <form name="frmValid" method="POST" >
    <table bgcolor="silver" border="1" width="75%">
    <tr align="center"><td><b>Type in the Name of your Questionnaire here eg. BlackHistory. Dont leave any spaces between letters</b><br>
    <textarea name="file" rows="1" cols="25"></textarea><br>
    <% for(int i=1;i<qNumber+1; i++) { %>
    <tr align="center" bgcolor="#336699"><td><b>QUESTION <%= count %>: </b><br>
    <tr align="center"><td><b>ENTER QUESTION:</b><br>
    <textarea name=<%="questionText"+i%> rows="5" cols="65"></textarea><br>
    <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 1:</b><br>
    <textarea name=<%="choice_1"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br>
    <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 2:</b><br>
    <textarea name=<%="choice_2"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br>
    <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 3:</b><br>
    <textarea name=<%="choice_3"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br>
    <tr align="center"><td><b>CHOICE 4:</b><br>
    <textarea name=<%="choice_4"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br><br><br>
    <tr align="center" bgcolor="#679995"><td><b>CORRECT ANSWER:</b><br>
    <textarea name=<%="cAnswer"+i%> rows="2" cols="50"></textarea><br><br><br>
    <% } %>
    <td align="center"><input type="submit" name="next" value="NEXTT" onClick="valid(this.form)">
    <td align="center"><input type="hidden" name="qCount" value="<%=count+1%>">
    private String clearNull( String sField ) {
    return ( sField == null ) ? "" : sField;

  • How does Validated Form tag insert the error message?

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    the error message is set to display on top of the wrong field. This is an attribute
    that I set in the <portlet:validatedForm> tag called "messageAlign", but I want
    to know how this is inserted or what I can do to line it up above the text field
    because it is moving all the elemnts around in the table cell. Any insight would
    be helpful.

    Hard to know what the cause is  because it's like this
    I know what I did to cause this. I upgraded my one of my hard drives, renamed the drive and moved the folder. The missing pictures it can't find were added with the option in the advance menu "copy photo to library" turned off.
    and this
    What I did is added a small SSD as my primary drive. Put the OS and all the apps on it.  Moved my iPhoto and iTunes libraries to an large external.  Most of the picture it is not having a problem wth.  Only certain ones.  Don't actually think I unchecked tha prefeence, but it's acting like i have.  
    seem to be written by two different people.
    This thread
    has details on how one user hacked the SQL database to fix the issue. Not for the faint hearted. Back up first.

  • How to iterate dyna validation form using jstl tag

    i have create dyna validation form in struts-config.xml
    <form-bean name="DynaValidationForm"
    <form-property name="username" type="java.lang.String" />
    <form-property name="cityName" type="java.lang.String[]" />
    and i want to disply these value on my jsp by usig jstl tag
    <c:forEach var="form" item="${DynaValidatorForm.????????}">
    <c:out value="form.username">
    but problem is item is of collection object And in dyna validation form
    how can i create the collection object or to call this .
    please help me

    posting the same question more than once won't
    increase your chances of getting an answer.
    sometimes nobody knows or no one is interested in
    putting in the time to figure out an answer. your
    question might be one of those.
    %sometimes I get the feeling that I'm actually helping someone do me out of a job.

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    Lulu Clark wrote:
    ...... are you saying that it is not a valid form of payment for iTunes?
    The context of this thread implies iTunes.

  • Partial validation form

    Hi guys! In my project i need to submit a whole form but validate only part of it. I`m planning to develop partial validation form, custom button for the form, and validation zone (envelopes the components that will be validated). I`ll use the following example:
    Any suggestions/discussions are welcome.

    As it signalled the page of Youtube, expected this answer, but like my knowledge in this matter is scarce, had to ensure me that the problem was not the browser or the absence of a package.
    Thank you for answering

  • Error While validating Form 24Q

    Dear Experts.
        We have implemented the note-2003817 (Dependent Note - 1886576) for the validation error ""T-FV-4064. Invalid Salary Details Record length" . The Note has been implemented successfully, but after implementing, we got the another error " T-FV-4023 'Income chargeable under the head Salaries (332-333)' not equal to difference of 'Total Salary 332' - 'Gross Total of 'Total Deduction under section 16' under associated Salary Details-Section 16 Detail'" for all the employees.
    Can anybody please suggest any notes released recently by SAP for the above issue.
    The FVU Version used : 4.2 (TIN-NSDL)
    It is very urgent as this should be filed within a week..
    Please help me out.

    Here is a suggestion, if you are on ECC 6, the form HR_IN_TAXF16NX_P and HR_IN_TAXF16000Y are not delivered. You need to copy it from client 000. Check if these forms are present in your client.
    I had the same problem with ECC 6, when the forms were copied from 000, the error was rectified.
    Hope it helps.

  • Validating Form Fields

    Hi All,
    I am using Flash 8;ActionScript 2.0.
    I have a form with serveral input fields. I want to validate
    these fields. For example make sure the email input is in the
    correct format, that the telephone input has only numbers, etc.
    All of the tutorials I have looked at attach the AS to the
    submit button. I do not want to do this. What I'd like to set up is
    have AS check the input field entry to make sure it's correct PRIOR
    to the submission of the form.
    Is this possible?
    This is the AS for the form with no validation:
    tl = this;
    nameTF.tabIndex = 1
    emailTF.tabIndex = 2
    companyTF.tabIndex = 3
    phoneTF.tabIndex = 4
    messageTF.tabIndex = 5
    //End Tabs
    sendBtn.onRelease = function() {
    if (checkFormF()) {
    } else {
    function checkFormF():Boolean {
    if (nameTF.text == "Name" || companyTF.text == "Company" ||
    emailTF.text == "E-mail" || phoneTF.text == "Phone" ||
    messageTF.text == "Message" || nameTF.text == "" || companyTF.text
    == "" || emailTF.text == "" || phoneTF.text == "" || messageTF.text
    == "") {
    return false;
    } else {
    return true;
    function sendEmailF() {
    sendLV = new LoadVars();
    receiveLV = new LoadVars();
    receiveLV.onLoad = function(s) {
    if (s) {
    sendLV.name1 = nameTF.text; = emailTF.text;
    sendLV.message1 = messageTF.text; = phoneTF.text; = companyTF.text;
    function initF() {
    nameTF.text = "Name";
    companyTF.text = "Company";
    emailTF.text = "E-mail";
    phoneTF.text = "Phone";
    messageTF.text = "Message";
    label_01 = "Name";
    label_02 = "Email";
    label_03 = "Company";
    label_04 = "Phone";
    label_05 = "Message";
    nameTF.text = label_01;
    emailTF.text = label_02;
    companyTF.text = label_03;
    phoneTF.text = label_04;
    messageTF.text = label_05;
    this.onEnterFrame = function() {
    nameTF.onSetFocus = function() {
    if (nameTF.text == label_01) {
    nameTF.text = "";
    nameTF.onKillFocus = function() {
    if (nameTF.text == "") {
    nameTF.text = label_01;
    emailTF.onSetFocus = function() {
    if (emailTF.text == label_02) {
    emailTF.text = "";
    emailTF.onKillFocus = function() {
    if (emailTF.text == "") {
    emailTF.text = label_02;
    companyTF.onSetFocus = function() {
    if (companyTF.text == label_03) {
    companyTF.text = "";
    companyTF.onKillFocus = function() {
    if (companyTF.text == "") {
    companyTF.text = label_03;
    phoneTF.onSetFocus = function() {
    if (phoneTF.text == label_04) {
    phoneTF.text = "";
    phoneTF.onKillFocus = function() {
    if (phoneTF.text == "") {
    phoneTF.text = label_04;
    messageTF.onSetFocus = function() {
    if (messageTF.text == label_05) {
    messageTF.text = "";
    messageTF.onKillFocus = function() {
    if (messageTF.text == "") {
    messageTF.text = label_05;
    Your help is much appreciated,

    I don't have a solution for you. The reason that the existing
    solutions that you've found use the submit event is quite simple.
    It's the least intrusive place to check for errors. You have a
    limited number of events where you can place this content checking
    code. If you wanted to test the email address that the user entered
    after that entry was made, how would you do that? You can tell when
    the user gives focus to the textfield, you can tell when the user
    enters a character, you can tell when the textfield loses focus.
    None of these events is really appropriate for testing the content.
    What is the problem with waiting until the submit button is

  • Validating forms in struts

    I'm developing an application using struts and my web server is tomcat 4. i have a add page with different fields. How do i validtate these fields in struts. The following are my entries
    <action path="/AddOpportunitiesAction"
    <forward name="addOpportunity" path="/addOpportunity.jsp"/>
    <forward name="DisplayOpportunitiesAction" path="/"/>
    <forward name="DisplayAccountAction" path="/"/>
    i have extended addopportunityForm as ValidatorForm. i have given the rules in vaidator.xml as
    <form name="AddOpportunitiesForm">
    <field property="opportunityName"
    <arg0 key=""/>
    The following entry show the getter setter method in addopportunityForm
    public final class AddOpportunitiesForm extends ValidatorForm{
    private String opportunity_name;
    public void setOpportunityName(String name) {
    this.opportunity_name = name;
    public String getOpportunityName() {
    return this.opportunity_name;
    Note: IN addopportunity.jsp the property of my name field is opporutniyName and not opportunity_name
                   Opp. Name <font color="red"> * </font>
                   <html:text name="AddOpportunitiesForm" property="opportunityName"/>
    RESULT: I'm not able to validate the field
    Pls help me out.
    mail me at [email protected]

    Here is my code below.
    my serverside validation is working fine but my client side validation doesnt work.
    Struts config:
    <form-bean name="courseCriteriaForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
    <form-property name="paperId" type="java.lang.Integer"/>
    <form-property name="passingMarks" type="java.lang.Integer"/>
    <form-property name="totalMarks" type="java.lang.Integer"/>
    <form-property name="StudentListmarks" type="org.aptech.lms.common.StudentListMarks[]"/>
    name ="courseCriteriaForm"
    scope = "session"
    <forward name="success" path="/pages/admin/CourseMarksDetail.jsp" />
    <forward name="error" path="/pages/admin/CourseMarksDetail.jsp" />
    scope = "session"
    name ="courseCriteriaForm"
    <forward name="success" path="/pages/admin/CourseMarksUpdateSuccess.jsp"/>
    <forward name="cancel" path="/"/>
    <forward name="error" path="/pages/admin/CourseMarksDetail.jsp"/>
    <forward name="noerror" path="/pages/admin/MarksFail.jsp"/>
    MY JSP
    <html:form action="/updateCourseMarks" onsubmit="return validateCourseCriteriaForm(this);" >
    <html:javascript formName="courseCriteriaForm"/>
    <table class="tableborder">
    <tr class="subtablerow2"><td class="boldtext">Total Marks : <bean:write name="courseCriteriaForm" property="totalMarks"/> </td>
    <td class="boldtext">Passing Marks : <bean:write name="courseCriteriaForm"property="passingMarks"/></td>
    <table class="tableborder">
    <html:hidden name="courseCriteriaForm" property="totalMarks" />
    <logic:iterate id="StudentListmarks" name="courseCriteriaForm" property="StudentListmarks" >
    <bean:write name="StudentListmarks" property="userinfo_id"/>
    <bean:write name="StudentListmarks" property="firstname"/>
    <bean:write name="StudentListmarks" property="lastname"/>
    <c:if test="${StudentListmarks.marks == '-99'}">
    <html:text name="StudentListmarks" property="marks" indexed="true" value="NA" />
    <c:if test="${StudentListmarks.marks != '-99'}">
    <html:text name="StudentListmarks" property="marks" indexed="true" />
    <html:text name="StudentListmarks" property="remarks" indexed="true"/>
    <logic:present name="display" scope="session">
    <div align="center"><html:submit styleClass="button"/><html:cancel styleClass="button" /></div>
    <form name="courseCriteriaForm">
    <field property="marks" indexedListProperty="StudentListmarks" depends="required,mask">
    <arg0 key="errors.marks.required11"/>
    <arg1 key="errors.marks.mask"/>
    <!-- <arg2 key="CourseCriteriaForm.totalMarks" name="totalMarks"/>-->
    <!--<arg3 key="errors.validatemarks" name="validatemarks"/>-->
    <var-value>^[NA0-9]{2}[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*$</var-value>
    <!--<field property="totalMarks" depends="validatemarks"/>-->
    could u please tell me why my client side validation doest happen

  • Validation Form - User Availability

    I am doing a user registration UI for a web project. Our
    database has usernames unique. I dont want the user to create an
    account, submit form, then come back and see they have an error:
    username is already taken. I would like to put a button next to the
    username input field called Check. This button i want it to check
    the username availability. I have a php function that returns true
    or false depending on the username check. I want this to be a
    validation widget to my input field. Can this be done using spry
    1.6? If, yes could you point out some hints?

    you can achieve this behavior by using Spry sending the
    username when the Check button is pressed and receiving as response
    the xml with the existent usernames. Your custom function will
    submit the form via XHR. The callback function will interpret the
    response from the server.
    You can see an example on this
    Also you should consider a security issue if you return the
    xml containing the usernames, because it will be available for all

  • Include type scripts for validating forms

    I'm new to AIF, but to internet development. here is my question.
    I have a template of a form that our HR department use in 94 different variations.
    I will use the AIF with the form and data merging to be presented to the end-user. they will have the ability to fill online or download with fill option.
    My concern is the client side validation for each form variation. Is there a way to include a client side script file to eliminate an unique form for each variation or having the specific script in each form.

    my guess- the recipient email address is using spam assassin
    or a similar
    filter. It's seeing the default first line of the email and
    giving it two
    points on it's rating system thinking it's the old matt
    wright formmail 1.6
    the fix- if it's a script you installed and can touch and
    modify, is to edit
    the script so it's got a different first line in the body of
    the email.
    If it's a host installed system wide script you can't touch-
    install your
    own like nms-formmail or phpformmail (and edit the first line
    of the
    outgoing email's body text)
    This is the line to search for in the script:
    Below is the result of your feedback form. It was submitted
    change it to something else. Watch out for any characters you
    might need to
    escape in that scripting language like ' when making the
    further sluthing- ask the client to send you the full source
    of the incoming
    email, or the email that's been sent to their spam box so you
    can see the
    email headers. Spam Assassin put it's scores in the header
    and you can see
    why it's been trashed.
    > interesting read, but my problem is different. The
    results of the form are
    > being flagged as spam by the people receiving.
    Adobe Community Expert, dreamweaver

  • Related to struts validation form

    Hi all,
    When entering validations on a form in validation.xml, If you have a
    fieldA with "depends=required,maxlength" and FieldB with "depends=required,email".
    If when i give fieldA with 40characters but its permitted length is 20 and FieldB is empty. Now when i click submit button it shows the error only for fieldB.
    When i give a correct email id in fieldB then FieldA error for max length is triggered..
    Is there a way for both to appear at the same time when the
    Submit button is first clicked?

    You may have more luck if you ask this in a forum devoted to Struts. There's one at their own homepage over there at

  • Validating form by function

    i try to validate my form (items in them) with functions wich returns 1 or 0.
    Here is one of the function:
    create or replace
    function firmennamecheck(        p_firmenname IN VARCHAR2
    ) return NUMBER
    l_firmenname VARCHAR2(255);
    l_firmenname := p_firmenname;
    IF regexp_like(l_firmenname, '^[[:alnum:][:space:]]{2,80}$') OR l_firmenname IS NULL THEN
      RETURN 1;                                                                      
      RETURN 0;
    END IF;
    end firmennamecheck; My problem is the whitespace. If I give an input of one whitespace in the text field, they returns 0 (this is ok!),
    but if I insert more then one whitespaces in the text field, they also say, its ok!
    ' ' = no error message. (a big problem for mandatory items!)
    'XYZ Inc' = no error message (how I want it!)
    If I Use this expression:^[[:alnum:]]{2,80}$ then it's not more possible to insert text like 'XYZ Inc', because there is a whitespace.

    Hi David,
    so this is a form where user can register on my website. In this case it is a "dealer". They give information about comanpy name, first name, last name.....
    And I want to validate this form.
    Company name is "Name Ihrer Firma" and could contain numbers and letters.
    In this case I use this Exp. '^[[:alnum:][:space:]]{2,80}$'.
    Now its possible to type in letters and numbers also whitespace characters.
    But the problem are the whitespace characters!
    The user can type in a company name like " ". Just full of whitespaces! and the validation says "its okay!" and submit the page and the data gets inserted in the user table.
    Result Example:
    select * from user: shows me the user with a company name full of whitespace charactes!
    1. Numbers, Letters and Whitespace charecters are allowed
    2. Whitespaces not at the begin of the textfield
    3. Only typing whitespaces without letters are not allowed!
    David Gale I try your code, but its not working on the first time :-/
    I think You forgot some [] more.
    The finish reg. '^[[:alnum:]]{4,40}([[:space:][:alnum:]]{1,40})*$'But somethink works not fine. maximal 40 characters are allowed. I test it and type more then 40 characters in, sumbit it and without an error messages. :-/ this means, that the reg. is not 100% right! but whats wrong in the code?
    Edited by: Mr.Nedo on 06.04.2011 05:56

  • Validation form code?

    ok. So I have these boxes-
    First Name
    Last Name
    Re-Type Password
    I also have a register button.
    I have properly linked my javascript and checked for any
    mistakes but when I click the register button, I get an error
    saying that I am missing parts of my form where I want an alert box
    to come up instead.
    Attached is my Javascript.

    What does the error message say, exactly. And can we see the
    By the way,
    > errorMessage += "Please enter less letters.\n";
    wouldn't you want to say "Please enter fewer letters.\n"?
    > errorMessage += "Please choose select a button.\n";
    I have no idea what this says....
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "Night_Watch" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > ok. So I have these boxes-
    > First Name
    > Last Name
    > E-Mail
    > Username
    > Password
    > Re-Type Password
    > I also have a register button.
    > I have properly linked my javascript and checked for any
    mistakes but when
    > I
    > click the register button, I get an error saying that I
    am missing parts
    > of my
    > form where I want an alert box to come up instead.
    > Attached is my Javascript.
    > // JavaScript Document
    > // ---------------------- Form
    > Validation ---------------------------------
    > // this file will work with registration.html
    > function validate(){
    > /*this runs when the user clicks the submit button*/
    > var valid = true;
    > var errorMessage="";
    > var minLength = 3;
    > var maxLength = 9;
    > /*VARIABLES END-----------------------*/
    > /* FIRST NAME START---------------*/
    > var
    > if(firstName.length < minLength){
    > valid = false;
    > errorMessage += "Please enter more letters.\n";
    > }
    > if(firstName.Length > maxLength){
    > valid = false;
    > errorMessage += "Please enter less letters.\n";
    > }
    > /*FIRST NAME END------------------------*/
    > /*LAST NAME ENDS--------------------------*/
    > var lastName=document.getElementById("lastname").value;
    > if(lastName.length < minLength){
    > valid = false;
    > errorMessage += "Please enter more letters.\n";
    > }
    > if(lastName.Length > maxLength){
    > valid = false;
    > errorMessage += "Please enter more letters!.\n";
    > }
    > /*LAST NAME ENDS-------------------------------*/
    > /*RADIO BUTTONS START--------------------------*/
    > var format = document.myForm.format; /*this will target
    the two radio
    > buttons*/
    > /*the variable format will actually be an array
    > alert(format.length);
    > alert(format[0].value);
    > alert(format[1].value);*/
    > if(format[0].checked==false &&
    > valid = false;
    > errorMessage += "Please choose select a button.\n";
    > }
    > /*RADIO BUTTONS END---------------------------*/
    > var hasLetters = false;
    > var hasNum = false;
    > var passCheck =
    > for(i=0; i < passCheck.length; i++){
    > /*look at each letter and character ... one at a time*/
    > var letter = passCheck.substr(i,1);
    > if ( isNaN(letter)){
    > /*isNaN checks to see if the letter is not a number*/
    > /*when this is false it means we have a letter*/
    > hasLetters = true;
    > /*alert("password requires numbers and letters.");*/
    > } else {
    > hasNum = true;
    > }
    > }
    > if (hasNum !=true){
    > errorMessage += "-.-"\n"
    > }
    > if ( valid == false ){
    > alert(errorMessage);
    > }
    > }

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