Validation of multiple empty fields in dynamic form

I have created multiple fields dynamic form consisting of both mandatory & optional fields. Since the mandatory fields are validated by default, I want to validate the optional fields while submitting as PDF document dynamically and prompt me to continue or discard the submission. Also validating each & every field is not valid option as my form contains more than 200 fields.
I have tried with the below script which I successfully used to lock the form but in validating the empty fields I have a problem. Although I populate all the fields in the form, still I receive the validation message. Can anybody help me out on this issue?
for (var nPageCount = 0; nPageCount <; nPageCount++) {
var oFields = xfa.layout.pageContent(nPageCount, "field");
var nNodesLength = oFields.length;
// Set the field property.
for (var nNodeCount = 0; nNodeCount < nNodesLength; nNodeCount++) {
if (oFields.item(nNodeCount).isNull = 1 && oFields.item(nNodeCount).length < 0){"All the form fields are not completed, Do you want to continue","Field Validation", 2, 2);

I discovered how to accomplish this using the Manage Dynamic Form Wizard and changed the "Display as" field property from "Text field" to "Text" for the fields I wanted read only.
Now I have another problem, the properties of one of the fields (for comments) was "Text area" when I changed it to "Text" I now have this extremely long line that streches the width of the browser.
Is there a way to get this line to wrap? This is he line I'm working with...
<td class="form_results"><?php echo KT_escapeAttribute($row_rssubmissions['sub_comments']); ?></td>
I found the answer to this problem, Günter had answered it in another post.

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    XSL-T and FO stylesheets would be another way. Depends on whether you prefer code or XML.

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    You can check to see if it contains a string once by using the contains function, but there isn't a very clean way to do what you want. If you wanted to guess at the maximum number of occurrences, then you could:
    Box A has your initial. Set Box B to do a concat of string-before and string-after of Box A where it copies Box A minus the string we're looking for. Then we have Box C that does the same thing to Box B. Repeat as many times as you see necessary.
    String: "1"
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    Box B - "23451234512345"
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    Box D - "234523452345"
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    Here you go
    CREATE TABLE tmp (Name CHAR(1),Forecast INT,Stock INT)
    INSERT tmp SELECT 'a',100,300  
    INSERT tmp SELECT 'b',300,400 
    INSERT tmp SELECT 'c',200,250
    INSERT tmp SELECT 'd',200,300
    -- dynamic pivot (SQL Server 2005/2008)
    DECLARE @pivot_cols NVARCHAR(1000);
    SELECT @pivot_cols =
            STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT '],[' + Name
                   FROM tmp
                   ORDER BY '],[' + Name
                   FOR XML PATH('')
                   ), 1, 2, '') + ']';
    DECLARE @pivot_query NVARCHAR(2000);
    SET @pivot_query =
    SELECT Name,SUM(Forecast) Forecast,SUM(Stock) Stock FROM tmp
    GROUP BY Name ) tmp UNPIVOT
     Col for [GROUP] IN (Forecast,Stock)
    ) as UnPvt ) pvt
    PIVOT (MAX(Col) FOR Name IN (' + @pivot_cols + ')) j'
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    Hi Paul
    Your scrip didn't quite work. But it helped me in the right direction. Thanks a lot.
    I made the script like this:
    RIrekvUdv1.Prver.Effekt1.RIrekv_Prv_1::calculate - (JavaScript, client)
    //{{Start Generated Content//
    is705ViewerRequired = false;
    //End Generated Content}}//
    encodeBarcode() { 
    var str = AntmskStd.rawValue + "\n"  
    + xfa.resolveNode("Effekt1[" + this.parent.index + "].Prvetyp").rawValue + "\n" 
    + xfa.resolveNode("Effekt1[" + this.parent.index + "].PrveAnt").rawValue + "\n"; 
    return str;}
    getInstanceData(node) { 
    var str = ""; 
    var nNodeLength = node.length; 
    for (nNodeCount=0; nNodeCount < nNodeLength; nNodeCount++) {str
    += node.item(node).rawValue + "\n";}
    return str;}
    = encodeBarcode();

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    You could write a page-level 'PL/SQL Function Body returning error text' validation where you loop over your dynamic form elements (htmldb_application.g_fnn), check the values and raise errors as needed.

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    Unfortunately, I hadn't understood that you needed the fields to expand in height and everything below them to move down the page. In that case, you'll need to use flowed subforms.
    Having all objects move to the left side of the page is expected when setting a subform to flowed. That's because the flow is top-down, left-right.
    One thing you could try is making the text field that needs to be centered exactly as wide as the flowed subform and then setting its left- and right-hand margins to an equal number. This would ensure an equal amount of space on the left- and right-hand sides and because the field would be as wide as its flowed container (subform), entering multiple lines of text would result in everything below moving down.
    I've attached a sample form where the page subform has been set to flowed, the text field at the top is a multi-line/height-expandable text field with its width set to the page width and its left- and right-hand margins both set to 2in and the button and check box objects are pushed below the text field.
    When text is entered into the text field, it expands in height and causes the button and check box to move down.
    To achieve other horizontal and vertical positioning/offsets, you could play with the margins of all the fields that need this.
    Adobe Systems

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    Thanks a lot in advance,

    Okey once more a try...
    Normally you don't get a list of the fields that didn't pass the validation. So, you have to script the list by yourself!
    If you put the validation script in the exit field that means if the user doesn't enter the field, the script won't be executed.
    You could make an additional script into presave, presubmit, validate or whatever that will force the user to go to the field.
    For example make a field only mandatory if the user doesn't enter anything.
    Way to make mandatory fields that won't be shown if the user had provided response
    if (this.rawValue == null) {
    this.validate.nullTest = "error";
    this.edge.color.value = "255,0,0";
    this.assist.toolTip.value = "This field is mandatory, please provide a response...";
    else {
    this.validate.nullTest = "disabled";
    this.border.edge.color.value = "255,255,255";
    this.assist.toolTip.value = "This field is optional...";
    Will JUST get mandatory if the user doesn't provide response. (Is an older script I got here and changed slightly for you.)
    Do the parts in the event that should "fire" them. Probably divide it into two parts with two if statements instead of the else...
    Think good about the event!
    Way to make a list of what things the user has forgotten!
    You can make an invisible TextField that will be shown AND populated if the user tries to submit something invalid.
    Calculate Event of the Textfield:
    this.rawValue = " "
    if (Dezimalfeld1.rawValue == null)
    {this.rawValue = this.rawValue + "*Please enter something into Dezimalfield1, Page1,...                                                    ";}
    if (Dezimalfeld2.rawValue == null)
    {this.rawValue = this.rawValue + "*Please enter something into Dezimalfield1, Page1,...                                                    ";}
    (Of course you've got to name the fields exactly.
    All scripts are JAVASCRIPT!)

  • Form validation error with mandatory fields and signature field

    I have seen that many other users are facing this issue, and they partialy do solve it with some workarounds. However, none of them applies to my case.
    I have a dynamic form (can be registration form for example) where user fills in bunch of fields. Some of them are mandatory.
    When user signs the form, I get our favourite validation error popups that filed this and this did not validate. (I think that the signature is not valid too once I get these errors).
    Workaround would be to set all fileds in the form as optional, however, the presign and postsign events work only in A9 and I need the form to be compatible with ver. 8 too.
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    Any ideas how to acomplish such a scenario?

    solved by myself.
    You have to install and configure the reader rights credentials mentioned in note 736902

  • Dynamic form fields collection order?

    I have a basic dynamic form feild with Instances that allow a user to enter data in a Table Row then, if neededed, ADD another row/instance to enter more.
    The form worls well and is processed via Tracker.
    Tracker and the exports to .csv of the data adds all the instances of new rows to the END of the spreadsheet and tracker form responses dispaly..  In other words it seems to process the entire form and all its fields in order, ignoring any new instances, THEN goes back and begins collecting the instances adding them to the end columns of the response spreadsheet.  Would be much easier to parse/read/collect responses if any new instances were collected and recorded next to the same location where the first instance occurred.
    Hope that makes sense.  For example if I had:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    The data collection would appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    But I would prefer is to appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    ... with the dynamic new isntances collected and recorded adjacent to each other.  Doesnt seem like much until you have a long form with multiple new instance form options and all new instances seem to be arbitrarily thrown onto end of collection spreadsheet.
    Many thnaks!

    I have a basic dynamic form feild with Instances that allow a user to enter data in a Table Row then, if neededed, ADD another row/instance to enter more.
    The form worls well and is processed via Tracker.
    Tracker and the exports to .csv of the data adds all the instances of new rows to the END of the spreadsheet and tracker form responses dispaly..  In other words it seems to process the entire form and all its fields in order, ignoring any new instances, THEN goes back and begins collecting the instances adding them to the end columns of the response spreadsheet.  Would be much easier to parse/read/collect responses if any new instances were collected and recorded next to the same location where the first instance occurred.
    Hope that makes sense.  For example if I had:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    The data collection would appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    But I would prefer is to appear as:
    dynamic field (with otpion to add additional items/entries)
    dynamic field extra entry 1
    dynamic field extra entry 2
    dynamic field extra entry 3
    ... with the dynamic new isntances collected and recorded adjacent to each other.  Doesnt seem like much until you have a long form with multiple new instance form options and all new instances seem to be arbitrarily thrown onto end of collection spreadsheet.
    Many thnaks!

  • How to make dynamic form fields update?

    This is going to be an ugly post, fair warning! :)
    I have a form that gets it's labels and text input field
    names dynamically from a database. Rather than having the form
    hardcoded, we are able to add new columns to a table and the form
    automatically adds new labels and fields via CFQUERY.
    When the form is completed and they submit (method post), the
    database is supposed to update. However, because our input field
    names are being populated via query, we can't write a static update
    query when we add new form items.
    So, I do have a solution to this (in my head), but I'm stuck
    at a bit of logic and am having trouble getting it out in code. I'm
    looking for a way to write #FORM.#fieldname## (here is where it
    gets ugly). Since the form submits by post method, I am left with a
    bunch of FORM.fieldname's on my action page (and fieldname is
    generic for what the actual variables are).
    So here's how I am updating:
    I have a table (call it table1) that contains a column of all
    the column names of my data table (table2). This table is used for
    query purposes only, no data is updated here from the form.
    I query table1 to call all the names of the columns in
    <cquery datasource="exdb" name="exname">
    SELECT columnName
    FROM table1
    Then I write the update query which will update items as they
    are looped using CFOUTPUT:
    <CFOUTPUT QUERY="exname">
    <cfquery datasource="exdb" name="exupdate">
    UPDATE table2
    SET #columnName# = #FORM.<columnName>#
    WHERE itemID = #FORM.itemID#
    This is my dilemma. As you can see, the cfoutput is a loop..
    so let's take the first item in the loop, call it "name1". So our
    update query says SET name1 = #FORM.name1#, and this will update
    the table with whatever was submitted in name1's input field. The
    cfoutput loops again, this time it's name2. SET name2 =
    #FORM.name2#. Now the form does include a hidden input of itemID to
    specify where the table should be updating, as you can see above.
    So, now that you see how this works, my problem is getting
    #FORM.<columnName># to be FORM.name1, FORM.name2, etc.
    In Coldfusion you would write #FORM.variable# to call a FORM
    item. However, since the variable is pretty much undefined and we
    use a query to populate it, we need to do #FORM.#variable## where
    #variable# needs to be resolved before #FORM._______#
    Are you with me on this? It's very complex in explanation,
    but if you need more info, I can provide it more clearly. Let me
    know what you guys think. Really, I have the solution, but getting
    #FORM.#columnName## to resolve is another problem. I think what i
    need is to figure out the order of operation for that statement, so
    #columnName# resolves first.

    You'll want to use the scope structure notation when dealing
    with your form variables. The variable Form.SomeVar can also be
    written as Form["SomeVar"]. Using this syntax, you can do something
    like this:
    UPDATE table2
    SET #columnName# = #FORM[columnName]#
    WHERE itemID = #FORM.itemID#
    You may also want to look into the following to help optimize
    your code:
    1) check out how to use <cfqueryparam> - it might speed
    your code up a bit.
    2) depending on the DB you are using, you may be able to
    combine all of your UPDATE SQL commands inside 1 <cfquery>
    </cfquery> block. This will allow you to do all your database
    actions with 1 DB connection, instead of a bunch (works in MSSQL,
    not sure about Oracle or MySQL)

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