Validation on Select List

I have a select list named "Bed #" (from no.1 to no.99)
What I need to do is when the user select a no. of bed, I would like to remove that number from the list values of "Bed #"
For example, I select "Bed #" = 8, it will remove the value "8" from the list values.
Thanks for your help. Eric

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate.
I have a tabular form with one region,hre's the sql:
Named LOV = BEDS
So like I said, when the user insert a bed from the field "BED' , I would like to remove the value entered from that field.
Thanks again

Similar Messages

  • Conditional Validation on Textfield(s) based on Select/List - help needed.

    Hey Gang,
    I have a simple page where a select/list menu with values "1" through "5" determines how many following textfields require validation. There is an "onchange" event which calls a function to update the validation. Below is my code:
    [ body tag *spry js/css scripts are called in head]
    <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
          <select name="menu" id="menu" onchange="menuFunction()">
            <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option>
            <option value="1">1</option>
            <option value="2">2</option>
            <option value="3">3</option>
            <option value="4">4</option>
            <option value="5">5</option>
        <span id="sprytextfield1"><input type="text" name="text1" id="text1" /></span><br />
        <span id="sprytextfield2"><input type="text" name="text2" id="text2" /></span><br />
        <span id="sprytextfield3"><input type="text" name="text3" id="text3" /></span><br />
        <span id="sprytextfield4"><input type="text" name="text4" id="text4" /></span><br />
        <span id="sprytextfield5"><input type="text" name="text5" id="text5" /></span>
    <p><input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit" /></p>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function menuFunction() {
          var menuNum = document.getElementById('menu').value;
         for(i=1; i<=5; i++) {
               if(i<=menuNum) {
                    eval("var sprytextfield" +i+ "= new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(\"sprytextfield" +i+ "\")" );
               } else {
                   eval("var sprytextfield" +i+ "= new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField(\"sprytextfield" +i+ "\", \"none\", {isRequired:false})" );
    [ / body tag etc... ]
    The function seems to work when it requires the validation for the textfields, but not when removing the validation. I've tried doing  eval("sprytextfield" +i+ ".destroy()"); as well without success.
    I've searched through forums and could not find an answer to this (sorry if I missed it)  ... so hopefully somebody can point me in the right direction. (*I found the post w/ the link -- however that page doesn't seem to work *Chrome)
    Thanks for any help! =)

    Have a look here
    If that doesn't help please come back here.

  • Validating selection list in struts!

    Hello all,how can i validate the selection list in struts using validation.xml file.
    I have the list populated in the following manner:
    <html:select property=...>
    <html:option value="">Select your gender</html:option>
    <html:options collection property=.....>
    </html:select>If the user submits the page without selecting any options the default:"Select your gender" without any value will be posted and the validation should validate this and generate some error message on the same page.

    You can use the selection list by using the Transaction code and selecting create with reference.
    For eg, go to VA21 (quotation) and click on create with reference on the menu bar (top left hand side), once done a pop up box opens where you have an option of proving the preceeding document number and choosing the option selection list. All the item listed in the previous document will be shown and you can select which itmes you wish to copy.

  • How can I have multiple-selection list box "select at least one checkbox" option active only when the section it's in is visible?

    Hi, I'm using SP13 and InfoPath2013.
    I created a custom form and published it to SP13 document library.  This form has many MSLB.  Depending on the checkboxes selected in the 1st MSLB, the other MSLB will either hide or show.  Each MSLB is in its own section.  The requirement
    is to have each MSLB to have at least one checkbox selected.  Well, the problem is that when that MSLB isnot checked in the 1st MSLB it is not visible and shouldn't require any checkbox to be selected.  However, the form can't get submitted instead
    an error dialog would pop up and ask user to make a selection for MSLB that is not even displayed.  Is there any way to fix this besides unchecking all MSLB to be not required at least one selection?  Thank you.

    I follow your reply post here and still doesn't work.  I also noticed your screen shot of selecting a field is not the same as what I see in InfoPath 2013.  
    Here is what I did, 
    1.Check At least one selection required for
    these Multiple-selection List Boxes
    as you want .
    2.Create a Formatting  rule for the 2nd
    Multiple-selection List Box.
    3.Add a  Condition as below:
    4.  I get a validation error if I don't
    select at least one checkbox in the hidden MSLB control when submitting.
    I think I'm following all the steps correctly
    but please let me know if I'm not.

  • Multiple Select List looping thru PL/SQL function body returning SQL query

    I have a Multiple Select List. I want to loop through the values from the Select List and process them in a PL/SQL function body returning a SQL query. Currently, my code only returns the SQL SELECT results of one item in the select list. How do I change my code to make it return the results of all of the items in the select list? (I tested it and it is definitely picking up all the values in the select list).
    s   VARCHAR2(20);
    q varchar2(32767);
    -- htp.p('COUNT: '||selected_items.count);
      FOR i in 1..selected_items.count LOOP
      s := TO_CHAR(selected_items(i));
    -- htp.p('First: '||s);
    -- htp.p('Second: '||:s);
    -- htp.p('Third: '||TO_CHAR(selected_items(i)));
      q:= 'SELECT  '||
    'SUBSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,1,INSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,''-'')-1) AS INSTRUMENT, '||
    'SUBSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,INSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,''-'')+1, LENGTH'||
    ' (orig_geo_loc_sys)) AS ORIG_LINENUM, '||
    'sum(orig_intrl) orig_intrl, '||
    'sum(orig_extrl) orig_extrl, '||
    'sum(recv_intrl) recv_intrl, '||
    'sum(recv_extrl) recv_extrl '||
    'FROM line_usage_sum_view '||
    'WHERE TO_CHAR(orig_geo_loc_sys) LIKE ''' || s ||'%'' '||
    --'WHERE TO_CHAR(orig_geo_loc_sys) LIKE ''2213003%'' '||
    'AND switch_id = ''' || :P1_SWITCH_ID || ''' ' ||
    'AND call_start_date > TO_DATE(''30-NOV-1999'') ' ||
    'AND call_clear_time > TO_DATE(''30-NOV-1999'') '||
    'AND '||
    'TO_DATE(:STOPDATE, ''dd-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'') '||
    'GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (orig_geo_loc_sys)';
    -- htp.p('SQL query: '||q);
      RETURN q;
      END LOOP;
    Thank you,

    First, I would be careful of introducing SQL Injection possibilities. Any time I see
    'Select ... ' || :P123_FOO || ' ... '
    I worry about sql injection. In your case you are converting :P50_SELECTED_INSTRUMENTS into selected_items and then selected_items into s. So when I see
    'WHERE TO_CHAR(orig_geo_loc_sys) LIKE ''' || s ||'%'' '||
    I think, "I could use sql Injection and hack this."
    So, I would do some validation on :P50_SELECTED_INSTRUMENTS or some other method to avoid this.
    I'm not certain I understand your query. Do you really intend to allow the user to select the beginning of a string and then find all rows that start with that string? Or, do you just want to let them find when it matches the string. This is one way if you want to do matching:
    s VARCHAR2(32767);
    q varchar2(32767);
    -- Change the : separate string to be comma separated with quoted strings
    s := '''' || replace(:P50_SELECTED_INSTRUMENTS, ',', ''',''')|| '''' ;
    -- htp.p('COUNT: '||selected_items.count);
    q:= 'SELECT '||
    'SUBSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,1,INSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,''-'')-1) AS INSTRUMENT, '||
    'SUBSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,INSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,''-'')+1, LENGTH'||
    ' (orig_geo_loc_sys)) AS ORIG_LINENUM, '||
    'sum(orig_intrl) orig_intrl, '||
    'sum(orig_extrl) orig_extrl, '||
    'sum(recv_intrl) recv_intrl, '||
    'sum(recv_extrl) recv_extrl '||
    'FROM line_usage_sum_view '||
    'WHERE TO_CHAR(orig_geo_loc_sys) in (' || s ||' ) '||
    --'WHERE TO_CHAR(orig_geo_loc_sys) LIKE ''2213003%'' '||
    'AND switch_id = ''' || :P1_SWITCH_ID || ''' ' ||
    'AND call_start_date > TO_DATE(''30-NOV-1999'') ' ||
    'AND call_clear_time > TO_DATE(''30-NOV-1999'') '||
    'AND '||
    'TO_DATE(:STOPDATE, ''dd-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'') '||
    'GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (orig_geo_loc_sys)';
    -- htp.p('SQL query: '||q);
    RETURN q;
    If you want to do something more like you originally stated, try this:
    s VARCHAR2(20);
    q varchar2(32767);
    -- htp.p('COUNT: '||selected_items.count);
    q:= 'SELECT '||
    'SUBSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,1,INSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,''-'')-1) AS INSTRUMENT, '||
    'SUBSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,INSTR(orig_geo_loc_sys,''-'')+1, LENGTH'||
    ' (orig_geo_loc_sys)) AS ORIG_LINENUM, '||
    'sum(orig_intrl) orig_intrl, '||
    'sum(orig_extrl) orig_extrl, '||
    'sum(recv_intrl) recv_intrl, '||
    'sum(recv_extrl) recv_extrl '||
    'FROM line_usage_sum_view '||
    'WHERE 1=1 ';
    FOR i in 1..selected_items.count LOOP
    s := TO_CHAR(selected_items(i));
    q := q || ' and TO_CHAR(orig_geo_loc_sys) LIKE '''|| s ||'%'' ' ;
    q := q || ||'%'' '||
    --'WHERE TO_CHAR(orig_geo_loc_sys) LIKE ''2213003%'' '||
    'AND switch_id = ''' || :P1_SWITCH_ID || ''' ' ||
    'AND call_start_date > TO_DATE(''30-NOV-1999'') ' ||
    'AND call_clear_time > TO_DATE(''30-NOV-1999'') '||
    'AND '||
    'TO_DATE(:STOPDATE, ''dd-MON-YYYY HH24:MI'') '||
    'GROUP BY GROUPING SETS (orig_geo_loc_sys)';
    -- htp.p('SQL query: '||q);
    RETURN q;
    Hope this helps...

  • Problem writing a sql query for a select list based on a static LOV

    I have the following table...
    ID          Number     (PK)
    APP_ID          Number     
    REQUESTED     Date          
    APPROVED     Date          
    VALID_TIL     Date
    DEPT_ID          Number     (FK)
    I have a search form with the following field item variables...
    P11_DEPT_ID (select list based on dynamic LOV from depts table)
    P11_VALID (select list based on static Yes/No LOV)
    A report on the columns of the Validations table is shown based on the values in the search form. So far, my sql query for the report is...
    WHERE d.DEPT_ID = v.DEPT_ID(+)
    AND (d.DEPT_ID = :P11_DEPT_ID OR :P11_DEPT_ID = -1)
    This query works so far. My problem is that I don't know how to do a search based on the P11_VALID item - if 'yes' is selected, then the VALID_TIL date is still valid. If 'no' is selected then the VALID_TIL date has passed.
    Can anyone help me to extend my query to include this situation?

    Hello !
    Let's have a look at my example:create table test
    id        number
    ,valid_til date
    insert into test values( 1, sysdate-3 );
    insert into test values( 2, sysdate-2 );
    insert into test values( 3, sysdate-1 );
    insert into test values( 4, sysdate );
    insert into test values( 5, sysdate+1 );
    insert into test values( 6, sysdate+2 );
    select * from test;
    def til=yes
    select *
      from test
      where decode(sign(trunc(valid_til)-trunc(sysdate)),1,1,0,1,-1)
    def til=no
    select *                                                                               
      from test                                                                            
      where decode(sign(trunc(valid_til)-trunc(sysdate)),1,1,0,1,-1)
    drop table test;  It's working fine, I've tested it.
    The above changes to my first idea I did because of time portion of the DATE datatype in Oracle and therefore the wrong result for today.
    For understandings:
    1.) TRUNC removes the time part of DATE
    2.) The difference of to date-values is the number of days between.
    3.) SIGN is the mathematical function and gives -1,0 or +1 according to an negative, zero or positiv argument.
    4.) DECODE is like an IF.
    Inspect your LOV for the returning values. According to my example they shoul be 'yes' and 'no'. If your values are different, you may have to modify the DECODE.
    Good luck,

  • Unable to create a dynamic action ALERT to be generated on a Select List when particular value is selected.

    Hi everyone, this should be so easy, yet I am stuck.
    I have a form region with an item P110_VESSEL_ID.   This item is a select list.   It is based on the query: 
    select distinct v.vessel_name, v.vessel_id
    from vessels vessels v, frequent_fishermen ff
    where ff.dea_permit_id = :G_PERMIT_ID and
    ff:vessel_id = v.vessel_id
    select v.vessel_name, v.vessel_id
    from apex_collections a, vessels v
    where collection_name = 'SUPVES_COLLECTION' and
    a.c002 = v.vessel_id
    If the user decides against the values in the select list query, they may opt to SELECT ALL VALUES.  This SELECT ALL VALUES is a POST ELEMENT TEXT on P110_VESSEL_ID.
    <a id="popVessels" href="#"><font color=blue>Select from ALL Vessels</a>
    This all works fine.
    The issue is that when the user selects a vessel name = 'UNKNOWN' and it's corresponding vessel_id value, I would like an ALERT to appear indicating that they should double check that the vessel is UNKNOWN and not that the is no vessel. 
    I created a dynamic action
    event= change
    select type = item
    item = P110_VESSEL_ID
    True ACtion #1 is the ALERT.
    I currently have no other logic, but cannot even get this to work.  Any thoughts.   I have also tried the SELECT TYPE = jQuery Selector = select[name='P110_VESSEL_ID'] but that does not work either (though I am not certain if the value should be P110_VESSEL_ID or the static name of VESSEL_ID).
    Any help is appreciated.
    ps.  the page is not submitted when the vessel is changed.  There is other data that needs to be entered both in this region and others and many validations run when submit, so the submit would not be an option.
    thanks again,

    KarenH wrote:
    I created a dynamic action
    event= change
    select type = item
    item = P110_VESSEL_ID
    True ACtion #1 is the ALERT.
    This should work.  Sometimes I've see where there is other javascript on the page that may have some errors and is causing the dynamic action code to not be executed.  Use your favorite browser script console to try and determine if this may be the case.
    P.S. Your jQuery selector can be: select#P110_VESSEL_ID

  • Making Read Only A select List Item

    I am using Application Express version.
    If the date field is future date then the Select List field should become Read only.
    I tried to make "read only".
    When I made it "read only" '>[] is displayed???
    Does some one have a solution?

    Hi Leckraj,
    I assume that
    the select list is not displayed at all.means that your page item is not rendered as a select list input control, but it's rendered as text only, right? That's the nature of the read only condition, it will render almost all controls as text only.
    About the dynamic action solution. That can be simplified and doesn't require a hidden item or JavaScript.
    1) Create a dynamic action which fires for the "Page Load" event
    2) As (Server Side) Condition Type set "exists (SQL quer returns...)" and specify your SQL statement
    3) Use a "Disable" action to disable your select list page item
    The above dynamic action will only be included and executed on the page, if the SQL statement returns a value.
    Note: Please keep in mind that dynamic actions are browser based operations, for a skilled user it's no problem to enable the select list and modify the value. To secure it you should add a server side validation to verify if the user is really allowed to modify the value. That's the difference to the "Read Only Condition", because in that case the APEX engine guarantee that the value can't be modified.
    Member of the APEX development team
    My Blog:
    APEX Plug-Ins:

  • How to Restrict Users Rights to Change Select List

    Good morning everyone,
    I've got a select list that is populated using a basic query on a table. Lets say the items in the list are A,B,C and D.
    At the moment the users are able to choose any of those options and they are written to the database as expected.
    I want to prevent users from selecting option D unless they are a member of an authorization scheme, say SchemeX.
    I've tried a validation process but can only access the current database value not the value that the user is attempting to set.
    I've successfully used
    to test whether a user is a member of SchemeX but can't quite get my hands on the value the user is trying to set.
    Any ideas would be gratefully received :-)

    Thanks for the replies.
    I tried the disable options method but unfortunately that doesn't work on IE 6 .. all my users are forced to use IE 6 at the moment. Works fine in Opera which I can use for testing purposes.
    Drawing on inspiration from this thread I managed to sort it out. I set "Display Extra Values" to YES in my Select List and inserted this query as the "List of values definition" :
    'WHERE STATUS<>''Closed''' ||
    END IF;
    If the user is a member of OR_AUTHORISE_MANAGE they get the full list. If they are not they get the list minus "Closed" ... unless the record has already been set to "Closed" in which case it is added as an "Extra Value".
    Thanks for the nudges :-)

  • Select list / Pop up box - Read only ??

    Hi all,
    I have a select list to populate a field in an ApEx application. The select list is populated by a query on a table and as such there is no option to input any non-standard items via free text into that field - all values must be chosen from the select list.
    My issue now is that the select list is getting quite large and is really not the easiest way to select data from a list.
    A popup LOV is perfect for the searching through available values but it leaves the text box available for "free text input", allowing non standaerd data to be entered into that field.
    Is there any solution to this?

    You can use Validation to enforce correct entry. The approach I use is to use custom popup. See example below:
    You can set the text box's attributes to readonly="true". This will keep the textbox disabled thereby preventing free form data entry. Users will be forced to pick data from the custom popup page.

  • Spry select list code to wire it to html data table SET column?

    I am making a page based on Figure 15-14, Pg 878, in David Power's book, "Dw CS4 with CSS, Ajax and PHP. I have two separate html data tables hidden in the page, one for the specialties drop down select list and the other for the teachers master/detail regions. These are populated with php and working well. The spry select list and master/detail regions are working great except for one issue. The column in my html data table that is being filtered ("Specialty" in my code = 'Category' in the book's example code) is a SET column (with possible value of 1, 2, 3, 4, and/or 5). Clicking on the drop down menu brings up the records with a single value beautifully. The result for records with multiple values is a spry error "Invalid row number: 0". After four different versionings and methods of messing with this, I still haven't a clue. Please help me with how to rewire the Spry select list code so that it will read the records that have multiple items in that column. I have included the code below.
    var data_set_teachers = new Spry.Data.HTMLDataSet(null, "teacher_data"); = '1';
    function chooseSet(dataSet, row, rowNumber)
    if (row["Specialty"] == {
       return row;
    return null;
    function changeSet(set) = set;
    var rows = data_set_teachers.getData();
    for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
       if (rows[i]["Specialty"] == set) {
    var data_set_specialties = new Spry.Data.HTMLDataSet(null, "specialty_data");

    Well I'll be damned!
    What's done in the sample app is, of course, the intuitively obvious choice and is exactly what I started out trying to do the first time round.
    But as I mentioned before, when I first tried it (yes: I'm pretty sure I set the "for" attribute on the inlineMessage components), I got the non-unique component id exception for the inlineMessage component(s) after adding the second (but not the first) row to the page.
    Anyway, after dragging my inlineMessages to the exact same position as those in the AppModel example, now things work fine (except I think I'd like a line break before the message and to change the row/column styles so the values and messages line up properly...the look is rather ugly in the AppModel example when there are validation messages displayed).
    Not sure, but I'm thinking maybe there was an issue with where the inline message markup was placed, my first time through, relative to the data table value bound component and the column header facet?
    I was using the application view drag 'n drop feature the first time round and dragged the inlineMessage component to the spot just below the data table value bound component and hence just above the column header facet. In the AppModel example, OTOH, the inline messages are placed just after the column header facet.
    Of course, I will now try to duplicate the original exception.
    If I can (and it is an issue with placement), I will post back some sort of bug report or RFE. Otherwise, I'll post back declaring what a bone head I've been...;-)
    Anyway, thanks for the quick response, v.

  • Select List to check duplicate values before putting into another item

    Hi All ,
    I have a select list which contains .. country regions like ( APAC , EMEA etc ) .
    When I select any region , all the countries belonging to the region fills in another item .
    Suppose I select APAC , all the countries like India , Japan etc all fills in another item .
    But the problem is , if I select twice APAC , it fills duplicate values . Its filling duplicate values .
    I want to put validation or check for country value ...
    Suppose I select ' APAC ' it fills all APAC countries in another item . Now Again If I select APAC then it first check the item whether the country is there or not . If already APAC countries are there in the Item then it will show an error message that " Value already Exist ' .
    I am not able to fix this problem . it is creating duplicate values in database table .
    Please some one help me on this ..

    Patrick ,
    Sorry , I am correcting my words ..
    I am using Multiselect List ( P11_REGION) having regions APAC , EMEA , LAD etc .
    When I select Region like APAC , it fills all the countries of APAC and puts into a List .
    If again I select APAC , it again fills all the APAC countries and puts into a list which causes duplicacy .
    I have one Application Process which returns Country according to Region selection and puts in the list .
    So , what i want is when user twice selects region APAC , it searches the list whether APAC countries are there or not . If countries are already exists then it show an error otherwise Puts the countries in the list .

  • What is Maximum size for Multi select list?

    We are using the select_list_from_query given " size=10 attribute " so getting as multiselect list ,but there is a constraint for multiselect list where we can display only 1000 values max i guess,I have around 10,000values to display in list but getting error as given below , how can i overcome this problem in apex?? please suggest me..
    getting error saying : ORA-06502: PL/SQL  numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    Edited by: Anoo on Sep 2, 2009 8:00 AM
    Edited by: Anoo on Sep 2, 2009 8:06 AM

    First of all, I wouldn't use a multiselect list but a shuttle item since this is much better from the handling point of view. Second, the Patrick's comment is valid. You could use the filetering on the shuttle like in this example
    where your approach would be to show no results by default and give a user a chance to reduce the nubmer of options by choosing some groups from a select list or by typing in some sting.
    Denes Kubicek

  • ORA-30563, Outer Join not allowed in select list

    I can not find any information about this error message that I am getting.
    I have just upgraded my Oracle database from Version 7.3 to Version 8.1.7, a stored procedure that was written in v7.3 has outer joins in the select statement.
    when trying to run this proc in version 8 I get this meesage.(ORA-30563, Outer Join not allowed in select list)
    code ex:
    decode(alt.advise, NULL, NULL, AA.act_yr(+))||'-'||AA.act_per(+)||'-'||AA.Acc_per_no(+)) as advise_no
    from alt, AA;
    Is there any information about this message anywhere? or does anybody know if this is a known issue with oracle ver 8.1.7?

    It appears to have been a bug in 7.x
    From a metalink note on bugs fixed in 8i (doc 132632.1)
    974742 Oracle does not report an error if (+) is specified in select-list. The OUTER JOIN operator (+) is only valid in WHERE clause predicates. As this is not flagged as an error the query can give unexpected results. The correct action to avoid this problem is to fix the query.

  • Color entries in select list

    Say I have a dataset like (status_code,status_desc,color). A select list uses the code & desc but I would like to use the color of each status to be used as the background color for that entry. Patrick shows how to do this for a simple case right using the Element properties but how would this be done in my example?
    I was thinking of using apex_util.json_from_sql to get the status_code & color in a Before Footer process and use Javascript to set the colors. But I couldn't figure out how to use the JSON as an associative array i.e. row[status_code] = color.
    Comments? Thanks

    Hello Vikas,
    >> But when the page is submitted, Complete will be stored in session state and this is not one of the values returned by the LOV query …
    Yes, sorry about that, I forgot I’m also using a Post Calculation Computation on the item, which calls a function that builds a matching value to the LOV. Something like:
    select_list_color(:P1_SELECT);The body of this function is, of course, depends on the way/source to derive the status color. In my case, it looks like:
    function "SELECT_LIST_COLOR" (
      p_color_name in VARCHAR2
    ) return VARCHAR2
      l_color_code  varchar2(20) := '';
      if p_color_name is not null then
        select code into l_color_code
        from mis_color_code
        where color = p_color_name;
      end if;
      return p_color_name || ':' || l_color_code;
    >> … so the LOV item needs to have "Show Extra Values" turned on
    That’s not good enough as the Extra Value doesn’t include color code so the select list entry will not be colored (which defeat the original purpose).
    >> Or maybe you have an after-submit computation to join the Complete and Green again so page rendering continues to work fine.
    That’s also not good enough. First, I don’t want to impair the integrity/consistency of the session state. Secondly, if, for example, you are using ARF to populate the select list item, you’ll have the same problem, so after-submit computation is not enough.
    The best solution I could think of is to use the Post Calculation Computation. So far it’s working very good.
    Your solution, using AJAX, is also valid (and more importantly, it seems to work for you) however, in this specific scenario, where all the information is actually available to you pre-rendering the page, another trip to the database seems too costly (especially in my case, where some of the communication is over the Internet, using very crowded lines).
    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Forthcoming book about APEX: Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

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