VBscript HTA

Dear Exprt,
How to display value when start hta file.
<title>HTA Test</title>
    Sub Computername
        Dim objPC
           Set objPC = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Network" )
          objPC = objPC.ComputerName
    End Sub
  <input type="text" name="BasicTextbox" size="30"><P>
[email protected]

Thanks its work!
But when i add another textbox its load only last one not first
 <title>HTA Test</title>
    Sub window_onload
         Dim objPC
            Set objPC = CreateObject( "WScript.Network" )
           Computernm.value = objPC.ComputerName
    End Sub
      Sub window_onload
         Dim objPC
            Set objPC = CreateObject( "WScript.Network" )
           Username.value = objPC.UserName
    End Sub
<label for="Computer Name">Computer Name:</label>  <input type="text" name="Computernm" size="20"><P>
 <label for="Usernm Name">User Name:</label> <input type="text" name="Username" size="20"><P>
[email protected]

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     I have just started with VBScript, and I'm trying to make a simple portal for printer installation. The problem is that we have a setup with different printservers, with printers with some standard names. So the HTA lets you choose where you sit, and
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    What am i doing wrong?
    <title>Printer Installation</title>
    <script language="VBScript">
    Window.ReSizeTo 350, 125
    Function InstPrt(strPrtSrv)
    strPrtSrvName = "Print-Server-" & strPrtSrv
    strPrtShrNmAA = "\\" & strPrtSrvName & "\PrinterAA"
    strPrtShrNmBB = "\\" & strPrtSrvName & "\PrinterBB"
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    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Set colInstalledPrinters = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
    ("Select * from Win32_Printer Where ShareName = 'PrinterAA' or ShareName = 'PrinterBB' and not ServerName = strPrtSrvName")
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    Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
    PrinterPath = strPrtShrNmAA
    WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection PrinterPath, PrinterDriver
    PrinterPath = strPrtShrNmBB
    WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection PrinterPath, PrinterDriver
    WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter strPrtShrNmBB
    End Function
    <a href="#" onClick="InstPrt(a01)">Install PrinterAA & BB from Server A01</a><br>
    <a href="#" onClick="InstPrt(b01)">Install PrinterAA & BB from Server B01</a><br>
    <a href="#" onClick="InstPrt(c02)">Install PrinterAA & BB from Server C01</a><br>

    strPrtSrvName given ealier in the function? I cant call that in the Query?
    You cannot use a variable inside of a query and you cannot use a variable that is not in the file.  Your file has no variable with that name.
    You need to spend sometime learning VBScript first.  Run the code as VBScript then try to use it in an HTA.
    Here is a partial example:
    "Select * from Win32_Printer Where ShareName='PrinterAA' or ShareName='PrinterBB' and not ServerName='MyPrintServer'"

  • Auto-Centering VBScript based HTA

    Hi ScriptingGuys/All,
    I am using the command below to call a custom HTA from within VBScript, and am having real difficulties getting it to launch in centre screen, rather than tucked up in one corner as it currently is!
    sCommand = "mshta.exe ""javascript:{new ActiveXObject(""InternetExplorer.Application"")" _
    & ".putProperty('" & iRandom & "',window); window.resizeTo(" & WidthX & "," & HeightY & ");" _
    & "window.moveTo(" & ("screen.Width" & - WidthX) & "/2" & "," & ("screen.Height" & - HeightY) & "/2" & ")}"""
    As you can see, I have the code which I THINK should be there and should work in the 'window.moveTo' statement, but this seems to be ignored completely!
    ('WidthX' and 'HeightY' are the two parameters passed in when calling the function, that determine the desired size of the window)
    If anyone has any suggestions or can point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful!
    Many thanks,

    Hi jrv, thank you for your reply.
    I'm afraid I don't quite follow your first suggestion. The code I have isn't a 'native' HTA as such, it's an HTA generated from within a VBScript thus I'm not sure where/how your example would fit in with what I've got. If it helps here is the code I have;
    Function HTA(WidthX, HeightY)
    Dim iRandom, sCommand, oIE
    randomize : iRandom = Int(1000000 * rnd)
    sCommand = "mshta.exe ""javascript:{new ActiveXObject(""InternetExplorer.Application"")" _
    & ".putProperty('" & iRandom & "',window); self.resizeTo(" & WidthX & "," & HeightY & ");" _
    & "self.moveTo(" & ("screen.Width" & - WidthX) & "/2" & "," & ("screen.Height" & - HeightY) & "/2" & ")}"""
    With CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    .Run sCommand, 1, False
    Do Until .AppActivate("javascript:{new ") : Wsh.Sleep 10 : Loop
    End With
    For Each oIE In CreateObject("Shell.Application").Windows
    If IsObject(oIE.GetProperty(iRandom)) Then
    Set HTA = oIE.GetProperty(iRandom)
    HTA.document.write "<HTA:Application border=thin sysmenu=no contextMenu=no minimizebutton=no maximizebutton=no/>" _
    & "<body scroll=no style='font:normal 12pt Arial; background-color:whitesmoke; border-Style:inset; border-Width:2px'" _
    & "onunload='VBScript:If Not Done.Value Then window.event.cancelBubble=true : window.event.returnValue=false : Done.Value=true : End If'>" _
    & "<input type=hidden id=Done value=false><center><span id=Message></span>" _
    & "<input type=button id=buttonLock style='font:italic' onclick=Done.Value=""Lock"">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" _
    & "<input type=button id=buttonLogOff style='font:italic' onclick=Done.Value=""LogOff""><center></body>"
    Exit Function
    End If
    End Function
    I saw this example used in a
    previous post and have adapted it slightly for my needs.
    Why is it you say that performing the resize/move actions at the point of building the command won't work? The resize seems to work fine having it there, and the move code doesn't error as such it just doesn't do anything!

  • How can I stop a task sequence if a custom HTA preflight check fails?

    In our currently deployment method, we launch an HTA program before initiating the OSD process. This is only when run from the RAP menu, not via PXE.  When a user initiates OSD through that menu, they get a message prompting them to close Outlook, and
    a countdown of 5 mins, then OSD starts.  They also have the ability to click on an 'OK' button to proceed on their own.
    I've created a new script which checks WMI if Outlook and/or OCS are open, and if the machine is running on battery, spit out a "Failed" response and stop the HTA.  I've also added a "recheck" button to re-do the check, and an 'OK
    button if people jsut want to continue.  
    I'm curious if there is a way to prevent the task sequence from continuing if any of those conditions arent met.  Currently it just pops up and says "Failed, Cannot conitue", but if they close the window, the task sequence thinks the program
    has run, and the OSD migration starts.  I'd like to be able and get the script to cancel the OSD process if a check fails.
    Has anyone had success with this, using WINXP? I'd use the MS pre-flight check but it's only for WIN7.

    Interesting. Thanks for the response.  Is there anybody out there that can assist with VBS part of the solution?
    Here's the code I'm working with.  Currently the battery piece isnt working as it should but I can figure that our, eventually.  I'd like to get Jason's proposed solution in the code.  If this isn't the right place, I'll take this somewhere
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>OSD Preflight checks</title>
    APPLICATIONNAME="OSD Preflight checks"
    <!-- #region STYLEs-->
    <style type="text/css">
    H1{color:Black;text-align:center;font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 26px;}
    .Version {float:left; font-size:1.0em;font-style:italic;color:#888888;font-weight:bold;}
    .Header1 {width: 180px; text-align: right;font-weight:bold;}<!-- '1st column heading -->
    H2 {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align: center;}
    H3 {font-style: italic;}
    .style2 {width: 180px; text-align: left;}
    .Header2 {width: 150px; text-align: right;font-weight:bold;}<!-- '2nd column heading -->
    .style4 {width: 410px; text-align: left;}
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    text-align: center;
    .hidden {display: none; visibility: hidden;}
    </style><!-- #endregion -->
    <script language="VBScript" type="text/vbscript">
    ' Script
    ' Version
    ' Purpose To check a machine is suitable for taking an OS deployment
    ' Modular design
    ' Verbose "Debug Mode"
    ' In-built data validation
    ' Custom error handling
    ' Custom error codes - 90x0
    ' Generic WMI handler
    'BUGfix: Change CLng to CDbl to avoid overflow (in GetRAM)
    'fixed - moved head section to top to become head > script > body
    'fixed - fCheckModel display with leading ,
    'fixed - fgetmodels dictionary list
    Option Explicit
    ' #region GLOBAL DECLARATIONS: Persistent fold region
    'GLOBAL Vars
    'Things to just display (in GUI)
    Dim strRAM
    Dim strCPUInfo
    Dim strCPUName
    Dim strCPUDesc
    Dim iCPUCount
    Dim iCPUCoreCount
    Dim iRAM
    Dim strBIOSver, strBIOSDate, strBIOSInfo
    'Time related
    Dim TimerInterval 'timer to refresh HTA at start
    Dim iTimer 'abort timer
    Const iAbortTimeout=300000 'delay before window closes (in milliseconds)
    Dim pbTimerID
    Dim pbHTML
    Dim pbWaitTime
    Dim pbHeight
    Dim pbWidth
    Dim pbBorder
    Dim pbUnloadedColor
    Dim pbLoadedColor
    Dim pbStartTime
    Dim objModelsDict,colKeys,strKey 'models
    Dim objApprovedMakesDict
    'Misc GLOBAL vars
    Dim blnDebug 'set TRUE to trigger debug mode
    Dim bAbortBuild 'Boolean flag to abort or not abort
    Dim strTemp 'throwaway/scratch
    Dim strNamespace 'wmi default namespace for ANY machine
    Dim strComputer 'wmi reference to current machine, just .
    Dim strService 'WMI service
    Dim strQuery 'custom WQL
    Dim ErrMsg 'custom error messages
    Dim iErrMode 'State machine for error mode
    Dim lFlags 'WMI flag
    Dim strDisks
    'Pre-requisites - things that will cause build to abort if values do not meet spec
    Dim strHTAVendor 'Make of hardware
    Dim strHTAVendorState
    Dim strHTAModel 'Model of hardware
    Dim strHTAModelState 'Model state
    Dim strHTARAM 'RAM
    Dim strHTARAMState 'RAM state
    Dim strHTACPUSpeed 'Processor speed
    Dim strHTACPUCores 'Number of cores
    Dim strHTACPUFullInfo 'CPU + cores
    Dim strHTAHDD 'Disk info
    Dim strHTAHDDState 'Disk state
    Dim strHTACheckRAW 'NTFS check
    Dim strHTAArchitecture 'Processor support
    Dim strHTAProduct 'Product ID
    Dim strHTAOutlook 'Outlook running
    Dim strHTAOutlookState 'Outlook state
    Dim strHTABattery 'Battery check
    Dim strHTABatteryState 'Battery state
    'for WQL filters
    Dim strWQLPCInfo 'Pre-req - (1) for various inc. domain role (servers)
    Dim strWQLRAM 'Pre-req - (2) RAM
    Dim strWQLCPU 'Pre-req - CPU speed string (not int)
    Dim strWQLBootOrder 'Pre-req - Boot order string
    Dim strWQLSATAMode 'Pre-req - HDD mode
    Dim strWQLGenericBIOS
    Dim strWQLCPUCount 'Pre-req - how many CPUs
    Dim strWQLCPUInfo
    Dim strWQLFSType 'Pre-req - Check HDD not RAW (i.e. is NTFS)
    Dim strWQLDisks 'Disks
    Dim strWQLChassis 'Machine type
    Dim strWQLID 'Unique code from OEM
    Dim strWQLProc 'is Outlook running = False
    Dim strWQLBattery 'is on Battery = False
    Const cProblem = " Problem!"
    Const cRunAgain =" RunCheck: Run System Check Again"
    Const cSuccess = " Success!"
    Const cPassed=" Pass"
    Const cFail=" Fail"
    'Pre-requisite to check: SET VALUES HERE vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
    Const cApprovedOEM="Hewlett-Packard"
    Const LegacyOEM1="Dell Inc."
    Const LegacyOEM2="IBM"
    Const cMinimumMemoryMB = 1000 'RAM in MB
    'Const cMinimumMemoryMB = 1000000 'force fail test data RAM in MB
    Const cMinFS="NTFS"
    ' Const cMinFS="HPFS" 'force fail test data
    Const iMinCores=1
    'Const iMinCores=10099 'force fail cores test data
    Const iMinCPUSpeed=2 '20 'in GHz
    'Const iMinCPUSpeed=90000 'in GHz
    Const iMinCPUArch=32
    'Const iMinCPUArch=64
    ' #endregion
    ' To hide anything use ID.className = "hidden", to show set to "", e.g. NotFoundArea.className = "hidden"
    Sub Window_Onload
    VersionSpan.InnerText = objOSDPreReqChecks.Version 'Get version
    self.moveTo 100,100 'Move window top left
    StatusBar.InnerText="Validating machine..."
    document.body.style.cursor = "wait" 'hourglass cursor
    'Call PreflightChecks 'use for testing as a VBS only, otherwise HTA timer will call below
    TimerInterval = window.setInterval("PreflightChecks",10)
    End Sub
    Function PreflightChecks
    ' #region HEADER NOTES: Persistent fold region
    'Version history
    'ver 5 OCTOBER 2011 - added error handler
    'ver 3rd Nov - removed HPonly queries
    '// Solution: Custom Script for use with MDT - Adapted from hardwareinfo.vbs Mikael Nystrom – http://deploymentbunny.com
    'Typical BIOS content
    'Processor Speed = 2133/1066 MHz
    'Boot Order = Network Controller,ATAPI CD-ROM Drive,USB device,Hard Drive,Diskette Drive,PnP Device #2,PnP Device #3,PnP Device #4,PnP Device #5,PnP Device #6,PnP Device #7,PnPe #8,PnP Device #9,PnP Device #10,PnP Device #11
    'SATA (disk) mode: *IDE,--,RAID,-- or IDE,*AHCI,RAID
    'On Error Resume Next
    ' #endregion
    ' #region CONSTANTS: Persistent fold region
    'Fields available in HP BIOS
    Const sAsset = "Notebook Asset Tag"
    Const sOwner = "Notebook Ownership Tag"
    Const sMan = "Manufacturer"
    Const sNoteModel = "Notebook Model"
    Const sCPU = "Processor Type"
    Const sCPUSpeed = "Processor Speed"
    Const sRAM = "Memory Size"
    Const sModel = "Product Name"
    Const sBIOSName ="System BIOS"
    Const sBIOSVer = "BIOS Version"
    Const sBIOSDate = "BIOS Date"
    'Other BIOS stuff you could use too
    'Const sOwnerTag = "Enter Ownership Tag"
    'Const sBIOS = "PCID"
    'Const sBIOS = "Define Custom URL"
    'Const sBIOS = "Set Alarm Time"
    'Const sBIOS = "PCID Version"
    Const TextMode="1" 'text case sensitive for dict obj
    'WMI core constants
    Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = 16 'wmi - Causes the call to return immediately.
    Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = 32 'wmi - Causes a forward-only enumerator to be returned.
    'Forward-only enumerators are generally much faster and
    'use less memory than conventional enumerators, but don't allow calls to SWbemObject.Clone_
    'Advisory config values - as in "you want to the change these"
    Dim strHTABootOrder
    Dim strHTASATAMode
    'Dim strHTACPU
    ' #endregion
    ' #region WQL: Persistent fold region
    lFlags = wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly
    'Queries of things to check (HP)
    strWQLBootOrder = "select Name, value from HP_BIOSSetting where Name='Boot order'"
    strWQLSATAMode = "select Name, value from HP_BIOSSetting where (Name='SATA emulation' or name='SATA device mode')"
    strWQLDisks ="SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive where mediatype like 'Fixed%hard disk%'" 'win32_disk only avail after W7
    strWQLFSType ="SELECT * from Win32_LogicalDisk where DriveType='3'" 'only bother with HDDs
    'Generic WMI query strings
    strWQLGenericBIOS="SELECT Manufacturer,SMBIOSBIOSVersion,ReleaseDate FROM Win32_BIOS WHERE PrimaryBIOS = True"
    strWQLCPUCount= "SELECT NumberOfProcessors,NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_ComputerSystem"
    strWQLCPUInfo="SELECT Name,DataWidth,description,MaxClockSpeed,NumberofCores,NumberOfLogicalProcessors from Win32_Processor"
    strWQLPCInfo="SELECT Domain,DomainRole,SystemType,Manufacturer,Model,TotalPhysicalMemory FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"
    ' strWQLPCInfo="SELECT Domain,DomainRole,SystemType,Manufacturer FROM Win32_ComputerSystem"
    strWQLChassis="SELECT ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure"
    strWQLID="SELECT IdentifyingNumber,UUID from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct"
    strWQLRAM="SELECT * FROM Win32_PhysicalMemory"
    strWQLProc="SELECT * FROM Win32_Process"
    strWQLBattery="SELECT * FROM BatteryStatus Where Voltage > 0"
    ' #endregion
    ' #region MAIN algorithm
    ' MAIN
    '1) Check make (vendor)
    '2) Check model (in list)
    '3) Check RAM >x
    '4) Check HDD TYPE (HDD is not RAW)
    '5) Check CPU architecture
    '6) Check outlook
    '7) Check battery
    window.clearInterval(TimerInterval) 'Reset timer to 0
    ' blnDebug=True
    bAbortBuild=False 'default to DON'T abort
    ' bAbortBuild=True
    'Build list of approved vendors
    Set objApprovedMakesDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    objApprovedMakesDict.add cApprovedOEM,"OK"
    objApprovedMakesDict.add LegacyOEM1,"OK"
    objApprovedMakesDict.add LegacyOEM2,"OK"
    objApprovedMakesDict.add "Lenovo","Testdata"
    If blnDebug Then Stop
    '1) all machines check make
    strHTAVendor=fCheckVendor(strWQLGenericBIOS) 'check vendor in BIOS - if vendor not approved ABORT without proceeding
    If bAbortBuild=True Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - goodbye cruel world"
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    StatusBar.InnerText="Vendor: " & strHTAVendor & vbTab & " " & strHTAVendorState
    '2) Discover current Model
    strHTAModel=fGetModelName(strWQLPCInfo) 'get model name from WMI
    strHTAModel=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAModel,"'Discover Model - fGetModelName'") 'validate
    Call fGetModels 'get list of all valid models (from text file)
    '2a) Model number (optional)
    strHTAProduct=fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber(strWQLID) 'manufacturer's product ID
    strHTAProduct=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAProduct,"'Discover ID - fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber'")
    ' StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & vbTab & "Product Code: " & vbTab & strHTAProduct
    '3) Check installed Memory
    strHTARAM=fGetRAM(strWQLRAM) 'find RAM size
    strHTARAM=fUniversalCheckData(strHTARAM,"'Detect RAM - fCheckRAM'")
    strHTARAM=fCheckRAM(strHTARAM) 'check RAM meets req
    If strHTARAMState=cFail Then Exit Function
    '4) Disk format IS NTFS
    strDisks=fGetDrives(strWQLFSType) 'Get formatting info for all drives
    strHTACheckRAW=fUniversalCheckData(strDisks,"'Detect filesystem - fCheckNTFS'") 'Validate data
    strHTACheckRAW=fCheckNTFS(strDisks) 'Check FS format is acceptable (not RAW)
    If strHTACheckRAW=cFail Then Exit Function
    'Generic CPU calls
    strHTACPUFullInfo="CPUs:" & fGetCPUInfo(strWQLCPUInfo) & " with CPU cores:" & iCPUCoreCount
    strBIOSInfo="BIOS version: " & strBIOSver & ", dated " & strBIOSDate
    '5a) CPU Speed check (info from http://www.robvanderwoude.com/wmiexamples.php)
    strCPUInfo=WMI(strWQLCPUInfo,strNamespace) 'Get CPU details
    strTemp=split(strCPUInfo,"@"): strHTACPUSpeed=strTemp(1)
    strHTACPUSpeed=fUniversalCheckData(strHTACPUSpeed,"'Check processor - fCheckCPUSpeed'") 'Validate data
    strHTACPUSpeed=fCheckCPUSpeed(strHTACPUSpeed) 'Check CPU clock speed
    '5b) cores check
    strHTACPUCores=fUniversalCheckData(iCPUCoreCount,"Check core count - fCheckCores") 'Validate data
    iCPUCoreCount=fCheckCores(iCPUCoreCount) 'pass or fail?
    '5c) CPU address width
    strHTAArchitecture=fUniversalCheckData(strHTAArchitecture,"Check core count - fCheckCores") 'Validate data
    '6) Check outlook
    '7) Check Battery
    'end checkss
    document.body.style.cursor = "default"
    'Display hardware values in GUI (in table)
    Vendor.innerhtml = strHTAVendor 'Use str...var..STATE if you want Pass/fail text instead
    Model.innerhtml = strHTAModel
    Product.innerhtml = strHTAProduct
    RAM.innerhtml = strHTARAM
    CPUspeed.innerhtml = strHTACPUSpeed
    CPUInfo.innerhtml = strHTACPUFullInfo
    HDDFS.innerhtml = strHTACheckRAW
    BIOSversion.innerhtml = strBIOSver
    BIOSDate.innerhtml = strBIOSDate' CPUName.innerhtml = strCPUDesc 'GetCPUName
    End If
    ' #endregion
    End Function
    'generic WMI queries, by field and namespace
    Function WMI(strQuery,strNameSpace)
    'Aim: generic WMI calls
    'return value of BIOS
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colItems,objItem
    Dim objWMI
    Const strService = "winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}//" 'binding to WMI
    Const strComputer = "." 'this machine
    Set objWMI = GetObject(strService & strComputer & strNamespace) 'GLOBAL wmi
    Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery(strQuery,,lFlags)
    For Each objItem In colItems
    If Err Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "WMI query: " & strQuery & " in " & strNamespace & objItem.Name
    Call ErrHandler("WMI error " & strQuery,1)
    WMI=objItem.Name 'Return value
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetModelName(strWQLPCInfo)
    'Aim: Get model name from BIOS - WMI field sometimes varies if laptop, so try two
    'Return STRING: Model string from BIOS or "UNKNOWN" if null
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colPCInfo,objPCItem
    Dim strModel
    Set colPCInfo = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strWQLPCInfo,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("fGetModelName: Error querying WMI " & strWQLPCInfo,2)
    For Each objPCItem In colPCInfo
    If Not IsNull(objPCItem.Model) Then
    ' iRAM=objPCItem.TotalPhysicalMemory
    If (strHTAVendor=cApprovedOEM And IsLaptop = True) Then ' resort to HP specific query for older laptops
    if strModel="" then strModel=QueryHPBIOS(sModel) 'try alt value
    End If
    End If
    End If
    If strModel = "" Then
    fGetModelName = "UNKNOWN"
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetRAM(strQuery)
    'Aim: get RAM installed. NB Win32_ComputerSystem::TotalPhysicalMemory may not be accurate
    'Return integer
    On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
    Dim colItems, item
    Dim iTotalMemory
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("fGetRAM: Error querying " & strQuery,2)
    iTotalMemory = 0
    For Each item In colItems
    iTotalMemory = iTotalMemory + CDBL(item.Capacity)/(1024^2)
    End If
    If iTotalMemory = "" Then
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetCPUInfo(strQuery)
    'Aim: query WMI for CPU info - number and number of cores
    'Return: function=CPU count, var for the cores: iCPUCoreCount, strHTAArchitecture, strCPUDesc
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colItems, objItem
    Dim NumberOfProcessors
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("GetCPUInfo: Error querying " & strQuery,2)
    For Each objItem In colItems
    If Err Then
    If Not IsNull(objItem.NumberOfCores) Then
    NumberOfProcessors = Trim(objItem.NumberOfCores) 'NumberOfProcessors
    End If
    If Not IsNull(objItem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors) Then
    iCPUCoreCount = Int(Trim(objItem.NumberOfLogicalProcessors))
    End If
    If Not IsNull(objItem.DataWidth) Then
    strHTAArchitecture=Trim(objItem.DataWidth) & "-bit"
    End If
    If Not IsNull(objItem.description) Then
    strCPUDesc = Trim(objItem.description) 'cpu name
    End If
    End If
    If NumberOfProcessors = "" Then
    NumberOfProcessors = "UNKNOWN"
    End If
    fGetCPUInfo = Int(NumberOfProcessors)
    ' iCPUCoreCount = Int(NumberOfLogicalProcessors)
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber(strWQLID)
    'Aim: Get UUID from Win32_ComputerSystemProduct
    'Return: great big integer
    Dim colSys,objSys
    Dim strUUID
    On Error resume next
    Set colSys = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strWQLID,"WQL",lFlags)
    If Err then
    Call ErrHandler("fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber: Error querying " & strWQLID,2)
    For Each objSys In colSys
    If Not IsNull(objSys.IdentifyingNumber) Then
    strUUID = Trim(objSys.IdentifyingNumber)
    End If
    If strUUID = "" Then
    fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber = "UNKNOWN"
    fGetComputerSystemProdIDNumber = strUUID
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetDrives(strQuery)
    Dim colDisks,objHDD
    Dim strDriveType, strDiskSize, strDisk
    Dim strDiskFSType
    Dim iGBUnits
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim iRAW
    Set colDisks = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery)
    For Each objHDD In colDisks
    Select Case objHDD.DriveType
    Case 1 strDriveType = "Drive could not be determined."
    Case 2 strDriveType = "Removable Drive"
    Case 3 strDriveType = "Local hard disk."
    Case 4 strDriveType = "Network disk."
    Case 5 strDriveType = "Compact disk (CD)"
    Case 6 strDriveType = "RAM disk."
    Case Else strDriveType = "Drive type Problem."
    End Select
    strDiskFSType = objHDD.FileSystem
    'Find C
    If objHDD.Name="C:" Then
    If isNull(objHDD.FreeSpace) Then
    If blnDebug=True then Call ErrHandler("ALERT!! Volume " & objHDD.Name & "is RAW",1) 'Abort/clean
    fCheckDrives="ALERT!! Volume " & objHDD.Name & "is RAW"
    End If
    End If
    strDiskSize = Int(objHDD.Size /iGBUnits) & "GB" 'calc size of disk
    strDisk = strDisk & VbCrLf & "Vol " & objHDD.Name & " (" & strDriveType & ") size: " & strDiskSize & " (free: " & Int(objHDD.FreeSpace /iGBUnits) & "GB), " & strDiskFSType
    If (Err.Number <>0) Then
    Call ErrHandler("WMI Property Query Error: [" & Err.Number & "]",2)
    fGetDrives = -1
    Exit Function
    End If
    End Function
    Function fUniversalCheckData(varData,strStage) 'template
    'Aim: Check value passed...
    'is not blank
    'is in range x..y
    'spelt OK
    'is in a list
    'format is text, numeric
    'return: string: the original value
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim Err
    if blnDebug Then StatusBar.InnerText = StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Validating " & strStage & " data..."
    If Err Then
    Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Error discovering value in " & strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
    Select Case varData
    Case IsEmpty(varData) Or IsNull(varData)
    Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Error in "& strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
    Case IsNumeric(varData)
    If varData<0 Then
    Call ErrHandler("WARNING: Value negative"& strStage,2) '1=Quit,2=Warn
    End if
    ' & varData &
    Case IsDate(varData)
    Case Else
    fUniversalCheckData=varData 'Data OK - return value unchanged
    End Select
    End If
    End Function
    'Checks - follow if true DO, if false warn/abort
    Function fCheckBattery(strQuery)
    'Aim: Find if battery is running
    'Return pass/fail
    On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
    Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10
    Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20
    Dim colItems, item
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\WMI")
    Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM BatteryStatus Where Voltage > 0", "WQL", _
    wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)
    For Each item In colItems
    if objItem.PowerOnline = True Then
    strHTABatteryState = cFail
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckBattery",strHTABattery & " Laptop running on battery. OSD Cannot continue."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTABatteryState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Laptop on Battery. Please plug into an outlet before proceeding."
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    strHTABatteryState = cPassed
    End if
    End Function
    Function fCheckProcess(strQuery)
    'Aim: Find if outlook is running
    'Return pass/fail
    On Error Resume Next 'equiv to Err.Clear
    Dim colItems, item
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strQuery,"WQL",lFlags)
    For Each item In colItems
    if item.Name = "OUTLOOK.EXE" Then
    strHTAOutlookState = cFail
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckOutlook",strHTAOutlook & " running. OSD Cannot continue."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAOutlookState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Outlook Running, please close outlook before proceeding."
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    Elseif item.Name = "communicator.exe" Then
    strHTAOutlookState = cFail
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckOutlook",strHTAOutlook & " running. OSD Cannot continue."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAOutlookState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "FATAL ERROR - Communicator Running, please close OCS before proceeding."
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript")
    strHTAOutlookState = cPassed
    End if
    End Function
    '1 - Make
    Function fCheckVendor(strVendor)
    'Aim: Check make is one the OS/build is designed For
    'Return: STRINGS for "Make", BIOS version and BIOS date (generic): strHTAVendorState pass or fail
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim colItems,objItem
    Set colItems = GetObject("winmgmts:").ExecQuery(strVendor, "WQL", lFlags)
    For Each objItem In colItems
    if objApprovedMakesDict.exists(strHTAVendor) then
    strBIOSDate=Mid( objItem.ReleaseDate, 5, 2 ) & "/" & Mid( objItem.ReleaseDate, 7, 2 ) & "/" & Left( objItem.ReleaseDate, 4 )
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckVendor",strHTAVendor & " found. The build will not work on this make of hardware"
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAVendorState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    end if
    End Function
    '2 - Models check
    Function fCheckModel(strThisModel)
    'Aim Check target machine is in list of models
    'Return string
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking model..." & VbCrLf
    If objModelsDict.exists(trim(strThisModel)) then ' if current model in objDict then huzzah
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "Model detected: " & vbTab & strHTAModelState
    Err.Raise 9010,"fCheckModel",strThisModel & " found. The build will not work on this model of hardware"
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTAModelState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1)
    end if
    End Function
    '3 - RAM
    Function fCheckRAM(strRAM)
    'Aim: Check installed RAM > x
    'Return string digits with units, e.g. 4GB
    'use strHTARAM for value
    ' Memory Preflight Check (from MDT2012)
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking RAM..."
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Call ErrHandler("Error occurred while calculating computer's memory.",2)
    End If
    fCheckRAM = Int(strRAM/1024) & "GB" 'format in GB
    If Int(strRAM) > cMinimumMemoryMB Then
    strHTARAMState=cPassed 'Sufficient memory - show whole number in GB"
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "RAM installed: " & vbTab & strHTARAMState
    Err.Raise 9030 ,"fCheckRAM","Not enough memory in this machine!" & " Required physical memory is: " & cMinimumMemoryMB & " MB."
    Call ErrHandler(ucase(strHTARAMState) & ": " & Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'abort build
    End If
    End Function
    '4 - NTFS disk
    Function fCheckNTFS(strDiskFS)
    'Aim: Check HDD is NTFS
    'Return string
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking file system is not RAW..."
    If Instr(1,strDiskFS,cMinFS,VBTextCompare)<>0 Then
    fCheckNTFS=cMinFS 'disk format is OK (NTFS)
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & " File system: " & cPassed
    Err.Raise 9040 ,"fCheckNTFS","WARNING: Disk not correct file-system. Type required is: " & cMinFS & "." & VbCrLf & _
    "The deployment will fail unless you reformat the target disk immediately."
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",2) 'halt build
    End If
    End Function
    '5 - CPU checks
    Function fCheckCPUSpeed(strCPU) 'any HW
    'Aim: Check CPU speed
    'Return string = number + appropriate units, e.g. 5HGz (strCPU)
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU spec..."
    Select Case Right(strCPU,3) 'check units
    Case "MHz"
    strCPU=Left(strCPU,4)/1000 'reformat to GHz
    Case "GHz"
    strCPU=strCPU 'unit already OK
    Case Else
    Call ErrHandler("CPU units are unknown",2)
    End Select
    'Check clock speed
    If Int(Left(trim(strCPU),1))>=iMinCPUSpeed Then
    fCheckCPUSpeed=strHTACPUSpeed 'CPU is fine i.e don't change value
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU Speed: " & cPassed
    fCheckCPUSpeed=cFail 'already in GHz
    Err.Raise 9050,"fCheckCPUSpeed","CPU speed pre-requisite failed. Minimum processor clock speed is: " & iMinCPUSpeed
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'halt build
    End If
    End Function
    Function fCheckCPUArch(strCPUArch) 'any HW
    'Aim: Check CPU width
    'Return string
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU bus width..."
    'Check clock speed
    If Int(Left(trim(strCPUArch),2))>=iMinCPUArch Then
    fCheckCPUArch=strHTAArchitecture 'CPU is fine i.e don't change value
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU width: " & cPassed
    fCheckCPUArch=cFail 'already in GHz
    Err.Raise 9052,"fCheckCPUArch","CPU width pre-requisite failed. Minimum processor width required is: " & iMinCPUArch
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",1) 'abort build
    End If
    End Function
    Function fCheckCores(iCores)
    'Aim: Check hardware (CPU) has a minimum number of cores
    'Return Integer
    On Error Resume Next
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & "Checking CPU cores..."
    If iCores>=iMinCores Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "Core count: " & vbTab & cPassed
    'StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & vbTab & "CPU cores: " & cPassed
    Err.Raise 9051,"fCheckCores","WARNING: Not enough cores on the CPU to support the build. Minimum CPU cores is: " & iMinCores
    Call ErrHandler(Err.Description & " (Code: " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Source & ")",2) 'halt build
    End If
    End Function
    Function fCheckHPCPUSpeed 'HP ONLY
    'Aim: Check CPU speed
    'return: string
    'Check CPU speed
    On Error Resume Next
    strWQLCPU = "processor speed"
    Select Case Right(strTemp,3)
    Case "MHz"
    strTemp=Left(strTemp,4)/1000 'reformat to GHz
    Case "GHz"
    strTemp 'is OK
    Case Else
    Call ErrHandler("CPU is unknown",2)
    End Select
    'Check clock speed
    If strTemp>=iMinCPUSpeed Then
    fCheckCPUSpeed= strTemp & "GHz"
    Err.Raise 9050,,"CPU speed pre-requisite failed"
    Call ErrHandler("CPU is too slow",1)
    fCheckCPUSpeed=cFail 'already in GHz
    End If
    End Function
    Function fGetModels
    'Aim: Read external text file
    'return: dictionary object - models as key, integer as value e.g. Dell Optiplex,12
    'On Error Resume Next
    Dim objFSO
    Dim objFile
    Dim strFile
    Dim strEntry
    Dim n
    Dim strfilepath
    Dim iLineCount 'count lines to avoid listing first item with ,.
    Set objModelsDict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    set objFSO=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Const ForReading=1
    strfilepath = Left(window.location.pathname,InStrRev(window.location.pathname,"\"))
    strFile=strfilepath & "Models.txt"
    set objFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile,ForReading)
    'read in each line of data until you reach the end of the file
    do While objFile.AtEndOfStream<>True
    'you can now do what ever you want with the line as referenced with the strEntry variable such as
    'echoing it back (e.g. wscript.Echo strEntry) or passing it as a variable to a function of subroutine (e.g. MyFunction strEntry)
    objModelsDict.Add strEntry,iLineCount
    If blnDebug then
    If iLineCount=1 Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & ", " & trim(strEntry) 'list models
    End If
    End If
    End Function
    Function ErrHandler(strErrorMsg,iErrMode)
    'Aim: to handle error states
    ' 1 = Abort
    ' 2 = Warn
    'Return 'Appropriate text message explaining the error
    Const msgTitle="SCCM Deployment Preflight Checklist"
    'On Error Resume Next '< don't use that as we want to KEEP the error properties
    If iErrMode=1 Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=strErrorMsg 'overwrite status with Error message
    ' StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & " " & strHTAOutlook & " " & strHTAVendor & " " & strHTAVendorState & _
    ' VbCrLf & " " & strHTAModel & strHTAModelState & _
    ' VbCrLf & " " & strHTARAM & strHTARAMState & _
    ' VbCrLf & " " & strHTAHDD & strHTAHDDState
    iTimer = window.setTimeout("Abort", iAbortTimeout, "VBScript") 'Abort (close) after n seconds
    'MsgBox strErrorMsg,vbExclamation,msgTitle
    ElseIf iErrMode=2 Then
    StatusBar.InnerText=StatusBar.InnerText & VbCrLf & strErrorMsg & " " '& "(" & Err.Description & " :" & Err.Number & ")"',vbExclamation,msgTitle
    End If
    End Function
    Sub Abort
    'Aim: Quit gracefully
    End Sub
    <!-- #region BODY -->
    <br />
    <span style="version"> <span id="VersionSpan"></span></div>
    <div style="text-align: center;">
    <H1 style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: large; text-align: center; color: #000000; text-transform: capitalize">System information</H1>
    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="width: 912px"
    <tr class="h1">
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px; height: 18px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="height: 18px"><em id="VendorCaption">Vendor</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2" style="height: 18px"><span id="Vendor"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2" style="height: 18px"><em id="ModelCaption">Model</em></td>
    <td align="center" class="style4" style="width: 400px; height: 18px"><span id="Model"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="ProductCaption">Product ID</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2"><span id="Product"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="RAMCaption">Memory(in MB)</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="RAM"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="CPUCaption">CPU speed (in GHz)</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2"><span id="CPUspeed"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="CPUInfoCaption">No: CPU\Cores</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="CPUInfo"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="DiskFSCaption">Filesystem info</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2"><span id="HDDFS"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="CapableArchCaption">Architecture</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="CapableArchitecture"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header1" style="width: 76px">
    <td align="right" class="Header1"><em id="BIOSVerCaption">BIOS version</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style2" ><span id="BIOSVERSION"></span></td>
    <td align="right" class="Header2"><em id="BIOSDateCaption">BIOS Date</em></td>
    <td align="left" class="style4" style="width: 400px"><span id="BIOSDate"></span></td>
    <div class="StatusBar">
    <br />
    <Span id="StatusBar">Loading...please wait.</Span>
    </div> <br><br>
    <div align="center">
    <input type="button" name="btnStop" id="btnStop" value="Continue" onclick="Abort">
    <input type="Button" value="Re-Scan Machine" name="button1" onClick="Window_Onload" class="button">
    </body><!-- #endregion -->

  • VirtualBox fails with script error on Wizard.hta

    Hi there.
    We have MDT working successfully for physical client machines but when attempting to install via VirtualBox we get an error after the PXEBOOT and WinPE stages. It is when the Wizard.hta script attempts to run and we see a window stating "Wizard.hta
    Script Error".
    If anyone can think what might be causing this or how I can troubleshoot this further it would be most appreciated.

    Ran it again and now get the following:
    Script: X:\Deploy\Scripts\ZTIGather.wsf
    Line: 0
    Char: 1
    Error: : VBScript
    Code: 800705AA
    Source: Windows Script Host
    I can press F8 to get a command prompt and see the file.
    Unsure of the error code.

  • OSD HTA and Task Sequence Variable

    Have a unusual issue that I cannot seem to find a answer anywhere or if it's even possible. I'm am very aware on how to setup a HTA to pass variables to the Task Sequence but there is a point where I want the HTA to display the current value of a TS Variable(s).
    It's a custom variable that is set on a prior step via a VB script. Anyone know of a simple way to call and display the value in HTML/HTA.

    The variables are available using the same COM Object that you use to set them: Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment. The below VBScript will dump every variable to the screen. You can take this and just add it something you've displayed in your HTA like a static
    control or text box.
    Set env = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")
    Wscript.echo "Dump of All Task Sequence Variables"
    For Each TSvar In env.GetVariables
    Wscript.echo "Variable " & TSvar & " = " & env(TSvar)
    Jason | http://blog.configmgrftw.com | @jasonsandys

  • HTA application queries to AD in windows PE

    Hi all,
    i have created a hta application which checks for users in a specific OU and sets a TS variable to true if the user exist in that OU and false if they don't.The script is running in win-PE mode but when i am using my username to login it looks like it's
    not able to query ad for the user and always sets the TS variable to false.
    rest of the TS runs only when the variable is set to true else it shutdowns the machine.
    Script is working fine when executed manually.
    how to make HTA to connect to AD in Win-pe mode.(this hta script is calling a vb function to connect to AD).

    This is the script i am using :-
    <style type="text/css">
      @import url("pos.css");
    Login :
    <hta:application id="objAD"
        applicationname="AD Query"
    sub Window_onLoad
    window.resizeTo 400,400
    End sub
    function fnCheckAccess()
    strDomain = "Server"
    MsgBox strDomain
    MsgBox strUserID
    MsgBox strUserPWD
    dim objDSO
    dim objUser
    dim strPath
    strPath = "LDAP://" & strDomain & "/OU=Users,DC=" & strDomain
    On Error Resume Next
    set objDSO = GetObject("LDAP:")
    if Err.Number <> 0 then
        MsgBox "Incorrect Password for " & g_strDomain & "\" & g_strUserID & "." & vbCRLF & vbCRLF & "Error " & Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, 16, "Access Denied"
        fnCheckAccess = False
        fnCheckAccess = True
    end if
    On Error Goto 0
    Set env = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSEnvironment")
    set oTSProgressUI = CreateObject("Microsoft.SMS.TSProgressUI")
    env("ALLOWOSDBUILD") = "NO"
    If  fnCheckAccess = "True" then
      env("ALLOWOSDBUILD") = "YES"
    End If
    set objDSO = Nothing
    set objUser = Nothing
    end function
    function Clear()
    Username.value = ""
    password.value = ""
    end function
    <BODY Background="Graphics\sheet2.jpg" text="#000000" >
    <font face="segoe ui light"><H3><center>To Start Deployment enter username password</center></H3></font>
    <div id=T1>
    Username: <input type="text" name="Username">
    <div id=T2>
    Password: <input type="password" name="password">
    <input id=add type="button" value="Login"_name="run_button" onClick="fnCheckAccess">
    <input id=Clear type="button" value="Clear"_name="run_button" onClick="Clear">
    Script is running fine when executed in deployed os but in win pe mode it's failing to connect with ad.
    Please help.

  • Having problem with x-ua-compatible" content="IE=11 and Script in HTA

    I'm trying to modify the gradient demo found here https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/forefront/en-US/7e146a5e-11cb-42ae-abbe-fe757ed539f9/gradient-not-working-on-htas-in-windows-8 with a button but I can't make it work
    As long as I have <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=11" /> my HTA says that test is not defined but I have the gradient background
    IF i comment out this line test works but I will not get the gradient background
    I really would like to have both :)
    Can anyone assist
    <title>Gradient Example</title>
    <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=11" />
      APPLICATIONNAME="Gradient Example"
    <script language="VBScript">
      sub test
        msgbox "Hello"
      end sub
    <body STYLE="background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000000 0%, #0000FF 100%);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#000000', EndColorStr='#0000FF');
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    font: 14 pt arial;
    color: white;">
    Is this cool or what?
    <center><BUTTON onclick="test">Exit</BUTTON>

    Here is one way to make vbscript work:
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Gradient Example</title>
    APPLICATIONNAME="Gradient Example"
    <script type="text/vbscript" language="vbscript">
    Sub vbxit
    MsgBox "VB Goodbye!"
    End Sub
    <script type='text/jscript'>
    function xit(){
    alert("JS Goodbye!");
    background-image: linear-gradient(to right, #000000 0%, #0000FF 100%);
    filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Gradient(GradientType=0, StartColorStr='#000000', EndColorStr='#0000FF');
    height: 1000px;
    margin: 0;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: fixed;
    font: 14 pt arial;
    color: white;
    <h2>Is this cool or what?</h2>
    <center><input type='button' onclick="xit()" Value='Exit'></center>
    <center><input type='button' onclick="vbxit" Value='Exit2'></center>

  • ODBC access from HTA script fails

    I am trying to connect to Oracle via ADO from a HTA(HTML Application) script.
    I have trying both DSN and DSNLESS connections, see code below.
    I have also tried the Microsoft ODBC for Oracle, Oracle 9i ODBC and Oracle10g ODBC drivers.
    I have tried doing the connection from both vbscript and javascript.
    Everything I try gives me the "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager} Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed" error.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated!
    *** CODE ***
    <script Language="JavaScript"><!--
    function dotheconnectionx()
    var sConnect="DSN=prod2;UID=tts;PWD=tts";
    var objConnx= new ActiveXObject( "ADODB.Connection" );
    objConnx.Open( sConnect );
    <script language="vbscript">
    Dim objConn
    Dim rsetQuery
    Dim tmpSQL
    Dim tmpDSN
    Dim strConn
    strConn="Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; CONNECTSTRING=prod; uid=TTS; pwd=tts;"
    sub dotheconnection
    Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConn.ConnectionString = tmpDSN
         If objConn.errors.count <> 0 Then
              alert("problem connecting to the database")
         end if
    end sub
    <body onload="dotheconnection();">

    This is running off my laptop for development and I have several version of the Oracle client installed. Specifically 8, 9 and 10.
    I can connect via ODBC from a query tool using the specified DSN and can connect to the specified database using several Oracle tools.
    I haven't tried doing this from a VBS but I will try that to see if it works or gives any diagnostic info
    I tested as a vbscript .VBS and get the same results and the .HTA
    *** vbscript code ***
    Dim objConn
    Dim rsetQuery
    Dim tmpSQL
    Dim tmpDSN
    Dim strConn
    strConn="Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle}; CONNECTSTRING=prod; uid=TTS; pwd=tts;"
    sub dotheconnection
    Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    objConn.ConnectionString = strConn
         If objConn.errors.count <> 0 Then
              Wscript.echo objConn.errors.count
              Wscript.echo "problem connecting to the database"
              Wscript.echo objConn.errors(0).description
              Wscript.echo objConn.ConnectionString
         end if
    end sub
    Edited by: JL Hainsworth on Mar 10, 2009 1:32 PM

  • OSD: end of TS: hta with message, ok then reboot

    We would like to have a hta at the end of the task sequence which shows a predefined text then an ok button which reboots the pc. Rest of desktop should not be usable.
    Any examples on howto do that?
    Jan Hoedt

    Try the script below, it should do the thing.
    cscript.exe "%SCRIPTROOT%\MDTMessageBox.wsf" /text:"Applications Installed" /type:64 /title:"Close"
    <job id="MDTMessageBox">
    <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIUtility.vbs"/>
    <script language="VBScript">
    '# This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not
    '# intended to be used in a production environment.
    '# We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code
    '# and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided
    '# that You agree:
    '# (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product
    '# in which the Sample Code is embedded;
    '# (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which
    '# the Sample Code is embedded; and
    '# (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and
    '# against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise
    '# or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code.
    ' // ***** Script Header *****
    ' // Solution: Solution Accelerator - Microsoft Deployment Toolkit
    ' // File: MDTMessageBox.wsf
    ' // Purpose: Custom script to display a MsgBox or Popup box during LTI.
    ' // Usage: cscript.exe MDTMessageBox.wsf /text:"<message text>"
    ' // [/type:<button/icon type>] (MsgBox buttons argument value: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sfw6660x(v=VS.85).aspx)
    ' // [/title:"<title of the pop-up message box>"]
    ' // [/seconds:<seconds the pop-up message box is displayed>]
    ' // [/returnexit] (If specified, the button click return value will be used as the script exit code.)
    ' // [/returnvar:<task sequence variable to set with the button click return value]
    ' // Version: 1.0.2
    ' // History:
    ' // 1.0.0 MDM 06/04/2010 Created initial script.
    ' // 1.0.1 MDM 06/23/2011 Added /returnexit switch.
    ' // 1.0.2 MDM 06/23/2011 Added /returnvar switch.
    ' // ***** End Header *****
    '// Global constant and variable declarations
    'Option Explicit
    Dim iRetVal
    '// End declarations
    '// Main routine
    On Error Resume Next
    iRetVal = ZTIProcess
    ProcessResults iRetVal
    On Error Goto 0
    '// Function: ZTIProcess()
    '// Input: None
    '// Return: Success - 0
    '// Failure - non-zero
    '// Purpose: Perform main ZTI processing
    Function ZTIProcess()
    oLogging.CreateEntry "------------ Initialization " & oUtility.ScriptName & " -------------", LogTypeInfo
    ZTIProcess = Success
    sText = ""
    bUsePopup = False
    bButtonReturnIsExitCode = False
    iScriptFailure = 8
    If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("text") Then
    sText = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("text")
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /text switch specified with value: " & sText, LogTypeInfo
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /text switch must be specified. Exiting script.", LogTypeError
    ZTIProcess = iScriptFailure
    Exit Function
    End If
    If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("title") Then
    sTitle = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("title")
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /title switch specified with value: " & sTitle, LogTypeInfo
    End If
    If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("type") Then
    nType = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("type")
    If (IsNumeric(nType) = False) Then
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /type switch must a numeric value. Exiting script.", LogTypeError
    ZTIProcess = iScriptFailure
    Exit Function
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /type switch specified with value: " & nType, LogTypeInfo
    End If
    End If
    If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("seconds") Then
    bUsePopup = True
    nSecondsToWait = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("seconds")
    If (IsNumeric(nSecondsToWait) = False) Then
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /seconds switch must a numeric value. Exiting script.", LogTypeError
    ZTIProcess = iScriptFailure
    Exit Function
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /seconds switch specified with value: " & nSecondsToWait, LogTypeInfo
    End If
    End If
    If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("returnexit") Then
    bButtonReturnIsExitCode = True
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /returnexit switch specified. The button click return value will be used as the script exit code.", LogTypeInfo
    End If
    If WScript.Arguments.Named.Exists("returnvar") Then
    sTSVariable = WScript.Arguments.Named.Item("returnvar")
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /returnvar switch specified with value: " & sTSVariable, LogTypeInfo
    sTSVariable = "MessageBoxReturn"
    oLogging.CreateEntry "The /returnvar was not specified. Default task sequence variable of MessageBoxReturn will be used.", LogTypeInfo
    End If
    If bUsePopup Then
    intButton = oShell.Popup(sText, nSecondsToWait, sTitle, nType)
    intButton = MsgBox(sText, nType, sTitle)
    End If
    oEnvironment.Item(sTSVariable) = intButton
    oLogging.CreateEntry "Button value returned: " & intButton, LogTypeInfo
    If bButtonReturnIsExitCode Then ZTIProcess = intButton
    oLogging.CreateEntry "------------ Departing " & oUtility.ScriptName & " -------------", LogTypeInfo
    End Function
    Juke Chou
    TechNet Community Support

  • HTA VBS errors in WinPE are blank! Why?

    Hi folks,
    I have an HTA which has some VBS.
    Whenever I get a script error, a blank dialog box appears. Blue top bar, with an X, no text, and a large white box, no text or buttons.
    The WinPE version we are using, if I type VER, is 6.1.7600.
    Any ideas why this happens... and how to fix it? Would be really handy to know what line my script errors occur on. At the moment I have to put msgbox's in to try to catch where the error lies.

    "You should not use the Body "onload" to generate an error.  There is no UI when the onload
    event is fired.  onload is usually used to set up variables prior to display of the body."
    The same problem happens if I present a button in HTML and fire the function that way. It is not related to the onload event. Regardless of whether it's a button trigger or an onLoad trigger (or any other event), the error appears in Windows 7, but not Windows
    PE. I just used the onLoad event in my example to show a quick issue without any interaction.
    "Errors in HTML/HTA are not handled the same as in VBScript an are platform sensitive.  JUst
    write good HTA code and debug it prior to running on PE."
    As you mentioned, platform sensitive. Something that runs in Windows 7 may not run in WinPE due to missing
    components and other issues. I need to debug in PE for the solutions I am creating.
    "The MDT currently eliminates  the need for an HTA in most cases.  Try using the MDT to
    build your UI interaction."
    Doesn't help my issue here. My question remains; I'm trying to find the answer to a specific question,
    not workarounds or alternatives.
    "Deployment issues with PE are better posted in the deployment forum ass there is a larger body of
    expertise there."
    I'm not deploying anything... but I would be happier to post in a PE forum if there is one as this isn't
    particularly a scripting issue (there is no code problem). Would you regard the deployment forum a PE forum? If so, I'll move over there. Otherwise, do you have a better suggestion that would act as a PE forum?

  • Ipod and Windows Vista - VBScript

    When trying to downlaod Itunes 7.1.1 - I am getting an error message "Itunes can not be installed beacuse Visual Basic Script is not installed or has been diabled". Dell tried downlaoding it still the same error message. They say Apple is not compadable with Itunes yet.

    even though the following document talks about Windows XP rather than Vista, try using the instructions for registering VBScript.dll from it:
    iTunes and QuickTime for Windows cannot be installed without Visual Basic Script (VBScript)

  • Can No Longer Read Uninstall Keys with vbscript package run by SCCM

    I've been using vbscript packages in SCCM for over a decade, and one thing I do is use the registry to determine if I need to uninstall an old program with the Value:
    Example code snip:
    UnstKey = "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{81BE0B17-563B-45D4-B198-5721E6C665CD}"
    UnstVal = wshShell.RegRead(UnstKey & "\UninstallString")
    If I run this manually, it works great, but all of a sudden, when I run a vbscript like this in SCCM it now returns: 
    Invalid root in registry key "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{...}\UninstallString"
    I normally run everything whether or not a user is logged on as System, but I did a test, and it even fails if I run the package as the user, which really surprised me. I check permissions in registry key, and Everyone has read, System has Modify.
    This code was working about a month ago. No changes to SCCM that I know. Sadly, we are still running 2007 SP2
    Please help!

    If anyone else stumbles on this issue, you're almost certainly running into the issue with 64bit clients.  Config Manager Agent runs as a 32bit process so won't read the registry key from the location you're expecting.  This uninstall strings will
    be in the following location:
    If you need an existing VBScript to run you'll want to call the following:
    Hope this helps.  I should have spotted this with my Config Manager earlier.  Had me scratching my head for a while.

  • Need help in writing a vbscript

    I need help in wring a vbscript. I have serached for the vbscript on the net, but could not find any.
    I need to add a file to an msi using vbscript. - That's the requirement.
    For this I have done the following with the help of vbscript.
    1. With the insert statement I inserted a new copmonent in the FeatureComponent Table.
    2. Now the next thing I did is, I inserted a new row in the File table using insert statement again. The file is uncompressed.
    3. Since the file is a non-version file I also added a row in the MSIFileHash table.
    4. Also, now added the Component in the component table.
    After doing this I am able to see the chnages in the mst, however whrn I try to install it I get an error 2725 (Invalid database tables).
    Can somebody please post a vbscript which can add a file to an msi?

    Hi All,
    Thanks for all your responses.
    Yes, It is not so easy. I never said it was.  Thanks for pointing out Orca. We use Orca on a daily basis.
    What exactly I am looking at, is this.
    We have some standard applications which needs to be repackaged every month. The repackaging process is same and does not change at least for these packages. So I was actually looking at automating these things.
    What I did so far.
    First we have created an object for Windows installer. I have then taken a copy of the original msi and then opened the database of this temporary msi database in transact mode. Once the database is opened we can use select, insert, update
    and delete statements to update the database.  
    I could successfully add a registry to the msi. The component was also added successfully to the component table. I also could make changes to the Property table.
    The tricky part comes with the addition of file to the file table.
    The addition of file requires the following steps.
    1. Add a new row to the file table. This can be done with the Insert statement.
    2. We then need to associate the file to a new component or any other component already existing in the msi. In my case I am creating a new component.
    3. We then have to associate this components to a feature in the FeatureComponents table.
    4. Since the file I am adding is a non-versioned file, a new row also has to be added to the MSIFILEHASH table.
    I could see the changes that I have done using the mst. But when I try to install the msi with the mst, I get the error 2725. I checked everything. All the other steps except for the file addition works fine.
    To check whether I am indeed right, I have did this.
    Skipped the file addition part to the msi. Every other change that I make works and I am able to install the msi with the mst successfully.
    For obvious security reasons I will not be able to share the vbscript with you. If you guys think, that this is not a right forum for this question, please let me know the right forum. I have been stuck with this issue from the past 6 months. Any help would
    really be appreciated.

  • VBScript editor with Intellisense/Code Hinting support for Adobe App

    I am looking for some tool to write my InDesign VBScript files in. I would really like to know if there is any which support Intellisense/Code hinting for Adobe programs (InDesign especialy). Do you have anything to recommend?
    I am quite good at hacking my computer, so no registry change etc. is a problem for me, I just can not find any. I already tried PrimalScript 2009 but it doesn not work.
    What I need is that in following block of code
    Set myInDesign = CreateObject("InDesign.Application.CS4")
    Set myDialog = myInDesign.Dialogs.Add
    I will get list of all methods/properties after I write the dot after "myInDesign" in second line. But it never worked. I even tried to put "InDesign.Application.CS4/C:\ProgramData\Adobe\InDesign\Version 6.0\cs_CZ\Scripting Support\6.0\Resources for Visual Basic.tlb" line into Options>Text editor>Type libraries.
    I am using Windows Vista SP1 and I have Adobe Creative Suite CS4 installed (upgrade from CS3 which was upgraded from CS2)
    Thanks a lot for any help/suggestion, as I start feeling desperate.

    Hi Everyone!
    As I have said, I waited for next service release, which is as of now PrimalScript 2009 version 5.0.614 and I did some testing with it.
    WinXP EN Professional
    - Just pointing PrimalScript 2009 to typelib, no creative suite installed, working
    - Installed Creative Suite CS3 Czech (trial mode) - Working, no need to setup anything
    - Installed Creative Suite CS3 + CS4 Czech (trial mode) - Need to point PrimalScript 2009 to correct typelib, then 100% working
    Windows Vista SP1 Ultimate EN (in trial/not activated mode)
    - Just pointing PrimalScript 2009 to typelib, no creative suite installed, working
    - Installed Creative Suite CS3 Czech (trial mode) - Need to point PrimalScript 2009 to correct typelib, then 100% working
    - Installed Creative Suite CS3 + CS4 Czech (trial mode) - Need to point PrimalScript 2009 to correct typelib, then 100% working
    Windows 7
    I am not planning to use Win7 in near future, so I did not not run any test on it.
    Windows Vista SP1 Home Premium Slovak (fully activated)
    - Installed Creative Suite CS3 + CS4 Czech (full mode) - Not working. This is my main machine. It is Creative Suite CS2 upgraded to CS3 then CS4 (it is running for years without reinstall). I use CS3/CS4 side by side for some older projects. There are still references to CS2 in registry. I tried pointing PrimalScript 2009 to correct typelib, but to no avail. My conclussion is that there is someting messed with its config or registry, but I am pretty sure it would run after complete system reinstall.
    Both WinXP EN Pro and Vista SP1 Ultimate EN were clean install into MS Virtual PC 2007, with only Creative Suite and PrimalScript 2009 5.0.614 installed into each machine so I made sure there are no other issues involved.
    As I spend 80% of my time with developement of websites and scripting of MS Office/Creative Suite, I have some virtual machines set up for testing purposes. I will use one of them for development in PrimalScript and move it to main (real) Windows Vista Home Premium Slovak installed once I will decide to completely reinstall it. The need for seting up the typelibray link is no deal for me, as it is working as expected then, and I expect a lot ;-)
    So problem solved, I found o program I will use. There may be others which do better or are cheaper (but I do not know about any) but $299 is not a big issue when I get what I want.
    P.S.: The solution with making VBScript code with VBA declaration (using Dim) is not a solution I like, as I would need to comment it out everytime I run/edit  the script and it would be pain in the *** while debugging it as i would need to do lot of comment/uncomment cycles and i can use my ime better then doing the monkey work as some fo the scripts I write are quite huge and I prefer to build them incrementaly and test/debug a lot.
    I wish to thank everyone for their help and suggestions,

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