VCloud: vShield Edge FW Rules

Hi all
I'm looking for a way to get and set firewall rules on a vShield Edge firewall in a vCloud environment.  My final target is to write two scripts; one that will export the firewall rules from a given vShield Edge firewall to CSV and another script that will import them from CSV into another vShield Edge firewall.  This is to help with a DR scenario where we'll shift a public IP block from a public facing vShield Edge in one vCloud environment to one in another environment.
I need to do this through the vCloud API or PowerCLI because, if I do it directly at the vShield Manager, vCloud won't know about the changes that have been made.  I'm not a Powershell expert by any means but I'm picking things up as I have a need for them.  I've looked through several blog posts people have written and it looks as though I need to dig down into ExtensionData as there aren't get and sets for the info I'm after.  I've found some info which is really close to what I'm after in this post:
Deepdive: vCloud vApp Networks | Geek after Five
This covers pulling the information from the GetNetworkConfigSection method in the Extensiondata of a vApp.  The issue I have is that the vShield Edge / network I'm after information from, isn't actually in a vApp.  It's a bit of a funny setup but I've got a vShield Edge firewall connected to the Internet and to an Org Network.  No VMs or vApps are connected to the Org Network.  Instead, I have about a dozen vApps, each with a vApp network and a vShield Edge connecting the vApp network to the Org Network.  This was a strategy recommended by VMware to overcome the limitation of 10 networks on the public facing vShield Edge and works brilliantly in that respect.  However... the public facing vShield Edge and Org Network are not in a vApp I can't use $vapp.ExtensionData.GetNetworkConfigSection()
Thinking about it while writing this, I guess one option would be to create another vApp and add the Org Network to it, then I might be able to get the info using GetNetworkConfigSection() but I wonder if there is a better/proper/prettier way to do it.
thanks in advance!

So one of my more skilled colleagues matured this script and incorporated forcing you to specify both the OrgName and the VSE name to reduce errors as well as input from a CSV. I'll have a go at incorporating existing rules via VSM api soon.
# Replaces all rules for a given vshield with the ones from a CSV file.
# CSV header is: Num,Descr,Proto,SrcIP,SrcPort,DstIP,DstPortRange,Policy,Direction,isEnabled,EnableLogging
# Note: SrcPort can be -1 (for any), any or a port number. DstPortRange can be any or a port number range (ex: 22-26)
param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="vCD Server")][alias("-server","s")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$CIServer,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Org")][alias("-vOrg","o")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$orgName,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="OrgNet")][alias("-orgNet","n")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$orgNet,
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="CSV Path")][alias("-file","f")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$csvFile
# Add in the VI Toolkit
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {
Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {
Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud
try {
Connect-CIServer -Server $CIServer 2>&1 | out-null
} catch {
#Search EdgeGW
try {
  $myOrgNet = Get-Org -Name $orgName | Get-OrgNetwork -Name $orgNet
  $edgeHREF = $myOrgNet.ExtensionData.EdgeGateway.Href
  $edgeView = Search-Cloud -QueryType EdgeGateway -ErrorAction Stop | Get-CIView | where {$_.href -eq $edgeHREF}
} catch {
[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Exception: " + $_.Exception.Message + " - Failed item:" + $_.Exception.ItemName ,"Error.",0,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Exclamation)
#Item to Configure Services
$fwService = New-Object
$fwService.DefaultAction = "drop"
$fwService.LogDefaultAction = $false
$fwService.IsEnabled = $true
$fwService.FirewallRule = @()
Ipcsv -path $csvFile |
foreach-object `
$fwService.FirewallRule += New-Object
$rowNum = $_.Num -as [int]
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].description = $_.Descr
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols = New-Object
switch ($_.Proto)
"tcp" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.tcp = $true }
"udp" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.udp = $true }
"any" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.any = $true }
default { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.any = $true }
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].sourceip = $_.SrcIP
if ($_.SrcPort -eq "any" ) { $srcPort = "-1" } else { $srcPort = $_.SrcPort }
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].sourceport = $srcPort
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].destinationip = $_.DstIP
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].destinationportrange = $_.DstPortRange
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].policy = $_.Policy
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].direction = $_.Direction
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].MatchOnTranslate = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.MatchOnTranslate)
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].isenabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.isEnabled)
$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].enablelogging = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.EnableLogging)
#configure Edge
Example of the csv file:
0,Allow incoming 80 to webS,tcp,any,any,,80,allow,in,true,true,false
1,Allow incoming 22 to webS,tcp,any,any,,22,allow,in,true,true,false
2,Allow all outgoing,any,any,any,any,any,allow,out,true,true,false
Example of invocation:
.\load_firewall_rules.ps1 -s -o "Org" -n "DmzNet" -f .\test_csv.csv

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    Is this something to do with the API or just a scripting issue - if so, can anyone suggest how to append on to the existing set?
    So obviously the following line seems to create a new instance of the firewall:
    $fwService = New-Object
    Because the next 3 lines after are setting the main firewall parameters again - something you wouldn't need to do if we were just adding new rules to the existing firewall.
    $fwService.DefaultAction = "drop"
    $fwService.LogDefaultAction = $false
    $fwService.IsEnabled = $true
    Is there a way to use a PowerShell command such as add-member rather than new-object?
    param (
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="vCD Server")][alias("-server","s")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$CIServer,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="Org")][alias("-vOrg","o")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$orgName,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="OrgNet")][alias("-orgNet","n")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$orgNet,
    [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage="CSV Path")][alias("-file","f")][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][string[]]$csvFile
    # Add in the VI Toolkit
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {
    Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
    if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null ) {
    Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Cloud
    try {
    Connect-CIServer -Server $CIServer 2>&1 | out-null
    } catch {
    #Search EdgeGW
    try {
      $myOrgNet = Get-Org -Name $orgName | Get-OrgNetwork -Name $orgNet
      $edgeHREF = $myOrgNet.ExtensionData.EdgeGateway.Href
      $edgeView = Search-Cloud -QueryType EdgeGateway -ErrorAction Stop | Get-CIView | where {$_.href -eq $edgeHREF}
    } catch {
    [System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show("Exception: " + $_.Exception.Message + " - Failed item:" + $_.Exception.ItemName ,"Error.",0,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Exclamation)
    #Item to Configure Services
    $fwService = New-Object
    $fwService.DefaultAction = "drop"
    $fwService.LogDefaultAction = $false
    $fwService.IsEnabled = $true
    $fwService.FirewallRule = @()
    Ipcsv -path $csvFile |
    $fwService.FirewallRule += New-Object
    $rowNum = $_.Num -as [int]
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].description = $_.Descr
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols = New-Object
    switch ($_.Proto)
    "tcp" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.tcp = $true }
    "udp" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.udp = $true }
    "any" { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.any = $true }
    default { $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].protocols.any = $true }
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].sourceip = $_.SrcIP
    if ($_.SrcPort -eq "any" ) { $srcPort = "-1" } else { $srcPort = $_.SrcPort }
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].sourceport = $srcPort
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].destinationip = $_.DstIP
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].destinationportrange = $_.DstPortRange
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].policy = $_.Policy
    #$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].direction = $_.Direction
    #$fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].MatchOnTranslate = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.MatchOnTranslate)
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].isenabled = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.isEnabled)
    $fwService.FirewallRule[$rowNum].enablelogging = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($_.EnableLogging)
    #configure Edge

    Agree with Ed, you can publish CAS array VIP to internet, and use it to configure Federated Delegation.
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

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    Take a look at:
    They'll do the job!

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    BR,  M.

    Hi Mtrcek,
    The fact that it  gets to the 'Deploy OVF Template' step and then fails still points to one of two possible things:
    1. DNS
    2. Storage
    1. DNS - When you say you put entries in hosts files it tells me you are looking at the DNS on the VC or ESX hosts. What you need to check is the DNS on the vShield Manager. DNS servers need to be configured on the vShield Manager, also a good way to test is to log in to the CLI of the vShield Manager and from there ping by hostname the VC and the ESX servers.
    2. Storage - make sure there is enough space on the datastore where you are deploying the vShield Zones firewall and make sure there are no latency/slowness when writing to the disk. A quick test is to install the vShield Zones firewall on local disk, just to rule out the shared storage being the issue. Of course, this is not the recommended installation location and I would strongly suggest to uninstall and then re-install on shared storage once the issue is fixed (Assuming there are issues with shared storage).
    ne more thing I noticed from the screenshot is that you have not applied the license keys for vShield App and vShield Edge. I mention this because you say your test plan requires Edge and most likely vShield App (not the free version: Zones). You will need to apply the license keys in order to be able to deploy Edge.
    Please check DNS/Storage.
    vShield Data Security Installation Fails
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    NAME=deploy OVF template Target=VMWARE-Data Security-xxxx
    Status=operation timed out
    The DNS setup for vShield Manager may not be consistent with the DNS setup for the host in vCenter Server.
    Change the vShield Manager DNS setup so that it matches the host setup.
    please rate if it helps.

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    Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'FileData'. Cannot convert value "C:\2007TransportRules.xml" to type "System.Byte[]". Error: "Cannot convert value "C:\2007TransportRules.xml" to type "System.Byte".
    Error: "Input string was not in a correct format.""
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Import-TransportRuleCollection], ParameterBindin...mationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentTransformationError,Import-TransportRuleCollection
        + PSComputerName        : ex2013-mb1.MYDOMAIN.local
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    I've seen an official list but, rules that were Edge transport rules are the first ones that come to mind. After the import you can look in the EAC and it should show you any rules that have errors or you can stare and compare the rules to your 2007 environment
    to determine if any weren't imported. 
    DJ Grijalva | MCITP: EMA 2007/2010 SPA 2010 |

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    For the red line style, L.EDGE, the xml def is:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <svg height="1in" width="1in">
    <g class="line" style="fill:#FF33FF;stroke-width:1.0">
    <line class="base"/>
    For the blue line style, L.FEATURESTYLE, the xml def is:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <svg height="1in" width="1in">
    <g class="line" style="fill:#3366FF;stroke-width:1.0">
    <line class="base"/>
    For the geometry (edge primitive) theme, TOPO_EDGE, the xml def is:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <features style="C.FACE"> </features>
    <features style="M.NODE"> </features>
    <features style="L.EDGE"> </features>
    For the topology(feature) theme, GLOBAL, the xml def is:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <styling_rules theme_type="topology" topology_name="MGF_TOPO">
    <features style="L.Featurestyle"> </features>
    For the base map, TEST2, the xml def is:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <theme name="TOPO_EDGE"/>
    <theme name="GLOBAL"/>
    As I said earlier, this does display blue lines after a restart of MapBuilder but upon first creating this map and themes, the initial display is red lines.
    As to error 2: I understand now that Acquis probably does a specialty mapping of metatdata and uses the NODE$ table, applying the style definition for the edge theme (M.NODE) to display them.

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    As of vSphere 6 there is no more vCNS available to buy. So unless you already have Cloud Suite you will need to consider something like NSX or a third party.
    I use Edge firewall devices between my portgroups to ensure isolation. If those portgroups are on different VLANs then port group isolation still works. However, you then need to bridge the gap.... an edge style firewall does this for you. There are several virtual versions of these firewalls.
    pSwitch <-> Cable <-> pNIC <-> vSwitch <-> portgroup <-> EDGE FW <-> portgroup <-> vSwitch <-> workloads trust zone 1
                                                             EDGE FW <-> portgroup <-> vSwitch <-> workloads trust zone 2
    The above works just fine for me. And if you want to ensure no traffic goes between the portgroups put each trust zone in its own VLAN, but that does mean the EDGE FW needs to bridge between VLANs. You can also do something similar with microsegmentation of workloads tagged as trust zone 1 and trust zone 2 depending on how you want to split things. Microsegmentation works within each trustzone to either act as a secondary defense, I.e. VMs in trust zone 1 cannot talk to trust zone 2 or you can say XYZ vms in tust zone 1 cannot talk to ABC vms in trust zone 1.
    Lots of uses there. any virtualized EDGE FW can work here btw, does not need to be VCNS (if you do not already own it)
    Best regards,
    Edward L. Haletky
    VMware Communities User Moderator, VMware vExpert 2009-2015
    Author of the books 'VMWare ESX and ESXi in the Enterprise: Planning Deployment Virtualization Servers', Copyright 2011 Pearson Education. 'VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing the Virtual Environment', Copyright 2009 Pearson Education.
    Virtualization and Cloud Security Analyst: The Virtualization Practice, LLC -- vSphere Upgrade Saga -- Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

  • Graduated filter substitute?

    I'm far away from being a professional photographer but I do enjoy landscape photography. I've been playing around with Lightroom 3 and I love what I can do with my pictures in there. My big problem is that I also love Apple products and all the syncing that comes with it. I really want to move over to Aperture but I can't find a decent substitute for the graduated filter that Lightroom 3 has. I've tried the Brushes (dodge and burn) but they leave me with edges. It ends up looking bad. I've tried experimenting with the exposure but that changes the whole picture, not the sky or the ground (which is mostly what I want to adjust in my pictures). I've also played around a bit with highlights and shadows but, as with exposure, it's the whole picture that is being altered.
    Any suggestions?
    Thanks so much

    Also useful:
    Put down brushstrokes at different strengths.  Use "color overlay" to see.  Feather between strokes as well as between stroke and non-stroke.  Note that Feather is also strength-settable (afaict).
    Brushes are stupendously variable.  I find them the least well-used and understood aspect of Aperture.
    For the quick'n'dirty GND filter, use the Polarize Quick Brush, turn off "Detect Edges", set size to whatever is one-fourth the distance from horizon to top of Image, set softness to c. 0.3 and Strength to 1.0 and draw a swath across the top of the Image.  Change strength to 0.9 and come back the other way with swath #2 just below the first.  Repeat at 0.8 and 0.7.  Set Strength back to 1.0 and Feather the three in-between edges, and the fourth (lowest) edge as needed.
    Note that "Detect Edges" works as an Eraser as well.  It is often easier (IME) to erase to the edge of a form as it is to fill outside the form to the edge (the rule of thumb is simple: detect edges from the side of the edge with the least tonal variation).  I almost always lightly feather all edges detected w. "Detect Edges".
    Try to avoid relying on "Detect Edges".  It is needed much less than commonly thought, imho.  (Any draftsman could tell you this.  We perceive with our brains, and our brains are massively motivated completion machines.  You are generally better off under-specifying an edge and letting the viewer "find it", than over-specifying it and bringing attention to it.)
    OP:  Note that almost every Adjustment except "Exposure" can be brushed on/brushed off, and that there are separate Quick Brushes for each of the four slider-controls in the Enhance Brick.
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger

  • New vCloud Suite Purchase and Install - No Edge Gateway?

    vCloud Suite 6 no longer comes with vCNS, but does allow upgrading customers to bring their existing vCNS product forward. So what does a new customer do when installing an Edge cluster to secure things without vCNS? Is it pretty much mandatory to purchase either NSX or some other 3rd party virtual network and security product?

    I've found the solution on another thread and it goes like this:
    1) install the most recent Nokia Software Updater
    2) install the most recent Nokia PC Suite
    3) uninstall Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver from Add or Remove programs in Control Panel
    4) install the older Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver (6_85_10)
    Restart your PC if asked to do so.
    Here is the rapidshare link for the Nokia Connectivity Cable Driver (6_85_10) if you have trouble finding it.​tivity_Cable_Driver_rel_6_85_10_0_eng.msi.html

  • Gray area between vertical ruler and edge of page – remove

    I have a pages file where there is a large gray area between the edge of the page and the vertical ruler. I don't know where it came from but I want to get rid of it. I have a new file that I just opened from my templates and he does not have this large gray area.
    I tried looking, clicking on things and scratching my head and nothing works.
    I tried to add a couple J pigs to show what I'm talking about but can't do it. Anyway any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    I'm not sure what you're seeing.
    Check the documents printer settings. They may be set for different printers. Perhaps Any Printer. If they'e not set for your printer, change them and see what you get.

  • Lync Edge and Proxy server public DNS records port forwarding rules

    Hi All
    I have question in regards to port forwarding rules for port 443 of simple url.
    I have 4 public ip addresses.
    1 edge server (4 nics , 3 running with different ip for sip, meet and dialin in DMZ network, 1 connected to internal local network).
    1 proxy server (2 nics, 1 running with an ip which is in DMZ same as edge, and 1 connected to internal local network)
    1 front end (lync 2013 standard installed.) connected to internal local network
    1 office web apps . connected to internal local network
    The question is that I am using 3 public ip addresses respectively on public DNS records for sip, meet and dialin(av) and using port 443 which has been set on edge server. So , I can use 3 DMZ network ip address on edge for sip, meet
    and dialin (av) port forwarding from 3 public ip addresses as per in Microsoft document.
    However, I also have a reverse proxy .Hence, my understanding is all public DNS records except SIP and port 443 should be pointed and port forwarded to reverse proxy ip address which is in DMZ network as it would redirect 443 and 80 to 4443 and 8080 to front
    Now the question has been clear, if simple URLs public DNS record and port forwarding rules for port 443 should be pointed to reverse proxy server, why they need to be set on each ip address and port number in Front end server topology to edge server?
    If anyone knows, please give a help how to set it correct and what is supposed to be a correct configuration for a topology lync 2013

    Hi George
    Thanks for your reply. Attached is my topology which could make my it bit clear. You may see the public dns host record from the image. I set sip, meet, dialin , and owa 4 host records. The first 3 records are pointed to lync edge by doing a NAT with port
    443 which is the same as per you said. However my understanding is they should be pointed to reverse proxy instead as for instance, I need with port 443 to be redirected to port 4443 through reverse proxy server to the front end. So when the external
    customers who do not have lync client installed to their machine then we can shoot a lync meeting and send to them via outlook and they just need to click on join lync meeting link in the email to join in such a meeting based on IE. (Is my understanding correct?)
    If lync web meeting works like so , then the question is why I need to set three SAME addresses in front end topology builder for edge and make them point to edge server instead? 
    1. Access Edge service (SIP.XXX.COM) ---> I understand that it is used for external login lync front end.
    2. Webconf edge server(Can I set to which is the same as simple URL that points to reverse proxy?) ----> If I can set this address to be the same as simple url address that points to reverse proxy, why should it need to be NATed to edge
    instead? TO BE HONEST, if I HAVE tested, if I set this url as which means to use a single FQDN and ip address with port 444 and points simple url to reverse proxy, it will still work to join lync meeting sent by
    outlook.I DO NOT REALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT this URL used for at this stage.
    3. AV edge --- same as webconf
    Wen Fei Cao

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    I am building the website, and I need a ruler tool. I have been looking for it, but I can't find in anywhere.
    Please help!

    An horizontal ruler that allows you to add add/edit breakpoints is aviable on the top of the document window. If you need a "classic" horizontal/vertical ruler, like InDesign, Illustrator and other Adobe applications, it's not aviable on Reflow.

  • Is there a ruler for the side edge of the paper?

    Pages provides a ruler at the top of the document, is there one for the side of the document?

    Yes, see Menu > Pages > Preferences.

  • How to migrate vShield to another vCenter?

    I have a vCenter 5.1 infrastructure with 2 ESXi 5.1 hosts and vShield implemented with 2 Edges.
    I need to migrate this 2 ESXi hosts to a new vCenter 5.5.
    Migrate the hosts is not the problem, my question is: how I migrate vShield Manager, Edge, etc to the new vCenter (vShield Manager was already upgraded to version 5.5.x)?

    Best approach is to export your existing firewalls and rules from the first vShield Manager. Setup a new one within the new location. Import all the firewall rules into the new vShield Manager. You may have to fix up your networks on the firewalls however.
    Best regards,
    Edward L. Haletky
    VMware Communities User Moderator, VMware vExpert 2009-2015
    Author of the books 'VMWare ESX and ESXi in the Enterprise: Planning Deployment Virtualization Servers', Copyright 2011 Pearson Education. 'VMware vSphere and Virtual Infrastructure Security: Securing the Virtual Environment', Copyright 2009 Pearson Education.
    Virtualization and Cloud Security Analyst: The Virtualization Practice, LLC -- vSphere Upgrade Saga -- Virtualization Security Round Table Podcast

  • Issues with EDGE connection - Curve 8520

    I have been having problems with the Blackberry EDGE internet connection on my phone for the past 3 months. I thought it may be a problem with my mobile provider, Yoigo, but they have told me they don't know what's wrong and cannot fix the problem.
    The connection shuts itself off randomly without warning and I no longer receive emails, fb notifications or whatsapp messages. I know that it has stopped because 'EDGE' in the top right hand corner turns to lower case 'edge'. In order to fix it I have found that I have to go to host routing table in options and re-register myself with the Blackberry Internet Service, wait for the message to tell me that I am now registered again and then wait... and wait! Sometimes it comes back after 5 mins, other times I have to re-start the device after 1 or 2 hours.
    Does anyone know how I could fix this issue for good, because this happens at least twice a day now and it's driving me crazy!!
    Appreciate it!! Thanks in advance!

    Hi LauraM22
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    If your Connection drops frequently then it might a problem with your Carrier Network , but still you can perform those steps in a sequence  :
    1- Register your Handheld .
    KB00510 : How to register a BlackBerry smartphone with the wireless network
    Wait till a Registration messages comes in your message box.
    2- Delete and Resend your Service Book
    KB05000 : Delete the service book for the BlackBerry Internet Service email account from the BlackBerry smartphone
    KB02830 : Send the service books for the BlackBerry Internet Service
    ( Wait till a Registration Message comes in your message box for each email that you have configured on your device )
    3-  Then perform a battery pull restart like this while the device is powered On remove your battery wait for a min. then reinsert it back
    Try it and see if that helps , If problem still Continues then to rule out any software issue you can Reload your device Software , to do that first do a backup of your device using Desktop Software , once it is done you can reload your Device OS , for help refer to this KB :
    KB03621 : How to Reload BlackBerry Device Software and application using BlackBerry Desktop Software
    Good luck.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

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