Verification du cadencement Daqmx

J'ai besoin de prouver que le cadencement Daqmx fait bien son boulot.
Je suis dans une boucle while qui fait des acquisition régler a 1000 Hz par la fonction DaqMx.
J'aimerais savoir comment vérifier qu'entre chaque pas de la boucle while il se passe bien 1 ms !
En prenant le temps (horloge Windows ?) je n'ai pas les milliseconde de disponible.
Peut on utiliser une autre prise de temps afin d'obtenir l'heure en ms?
Par exemple trouver la valeur que renvoi la fonction temporisation : "Attendre un multiple de ms" qui renvoi l'heure en ms si je ne me trompe pas.
Sinon j'avais pensé à utiliser un nombre d’échantillon fini de 1000 et vérifier qu'il c'est bien écoulé 1 seconde pour toutes l'aquisition.
Ou faut t'il que je prenne l'heure exactement pour retomber sur 1 seconde et valider le fonctionnement du cadencement par fonction DaqMx?
Avant l'entrée dans la boucle et à la sortie? ou à la premiere itération et a la sortie de la boucle ? ou encore à la première et dernière itération de la boucle ?
Merci d'avance,
Résolu !
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Non le cadencement matériel est garantie.
Une fois le cadencement matériel imposé alors la carte s'occupe de prendre les échantillons à labonne vitesse et remplit un 'buffer', la fonction lecture elle va aller lire dans ce 'buffer'.
Si par exemple je cadence matériellement la carte à 1kHz, celle-ci rempli le buffer à 1000échantillon par seconde , je peux très bien avec la fonction lire prendre 10 échantillons à chaque tour de boucle donc un temps d'attente de disponibilité d'échantillon de 0.1sec ou bien lire 1000 échantillons et alors la boucle attends que 1000 echantillons soit disponible dans le buffer.
La vitesse matérielle de la carte ne change pas. Elle fait son boulot et prend bien 1000éch/sec.
Pour bien comprendre le phenomène utilisez sous MAX le test panel de votre carte, mettez vous sur une voie d'acquisition puis régler acq continue 1000Hz fréquence acquisition puis 1000 echantillon à lire, le graphe se lmet à jour toute les sec, mettez 100 echantillon à lire le graphe se met à jour en 0.1sec et pourtant la fraquenec d'acquisition n'a pas changé.
Greg S.
LV 7.1 8.2 8.6 2009 2011 2012 2013
N'oubliez pas de complimenter cela fait toujours plaisir.

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    This is the expected behavior. Validating attributes is tricky when attributes are dependent upon other attributes. There are two main approaches that can be taken by NI-DAQmx.
    One, when every attribute is set, NI-DAQmx could verify the value of that attribute in the context of the task (i.e., in the context of all other attributes). This is problematic for at least a couple of reasons. One, validating the task after every attribute is set is time consuming and not efficient. Two, validating the task after every attribute is set requires that customers set attributes in a specific order such that dependent attributes are set after their dependencies. This would dramatically decrease the usability of NI-DAQmx. In fact, if attributes are mutually dependent, this approach is impossible.
    The second approach is that NI-DAQmx doesn't verify the task until it is forced to do so. Starting a task forces it to be validated. Querying an attribute also forces the task to be verified since the value of an attribute may be dependent upon the value of another attribute.
    As you've noticed, we've taken the second approach with NI-DAQmx. This approach leads to a more efficient execution as well as allow customers to set attributes in an arbitrary order. If you want to force the task to be verified in order to check for errors, you can do so explicitly at the desired time. However, the need to check attributes for errors is most often needed when the application is under development and the NI-DAQmx error reporting features makes it easy to determine which attribute has been set to an invalid value even when that error is not reported immediately.
    Now, in reality, the way NI-DAQmx handles attributes is a bit more complicated than what I just described. Since some attributes are not dependent on other attributes or, since some attribute values can never be valid regardless of the values of other attributes, these attributes are verified when they are set and errors are returned immediately. We refer to this as coarse attribute verification. For example, if you set the sample rate to 100 MHz on an E-Series device you will immediately get an error.
    Hope this helps clarify the behavior.
    Geoffrey Schmit
    Fermi National Accelerator Laborary

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    Je joins mon vi (qui ne marche pas...).
    Merci de votre aide et bonne soirée !
    Pièces jointes : ‏29 KB

    Bonjour et merci de ta réponse.
    Je ne suis pas sûr de bien comprendre comment faire ce que tu dis. DAQmx a encore beaucoup de zones d'ombres pour moi... 
    Dans le vi joint, j'ai essayer de faire ce que tu dis. Il fonctionne, mais les deux pulses ne sont pas synchrones.
    Est-ce que STP tu pourrais le regarder rapidement et me dire si c'est bien ce à quoi tu pensais ?
    Merci beaucoup !
    Pièces jointes : ‏25 KB

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    D'avance merci pour votre aide.

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    Merci régis
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    Bonjour regisdumestre,
    Merci d'avoir posté sur le forum National Instruments.
    Voici mes remarques (le moins en vrac possible sur ton VI):
    En premier lieu, vous semblez contrôler la LED en fonction de la valeur lu par le biais de la PT100. Or votre acquisition est en mode continu et vous récupérer les échantillons par paquet de 10 à une vitesse de 1,95Hz. En conséquence, vous récupérez un tableau de 10 valeurs tous les 10/1,95 ~ 5s ce qui peut semblait être en désaccord avec l'idée de contrôle. A votre place, je serais tenté de faire une acquisition point à point cadencée matériellement.
    Résultat: vous récupérez à chaque tour de boucle un unique échantillon à la fréquence de 1.95Hz (si vous ne la changez pas); et un scalaire et toujours plus simple à gérer qu'un tableau
    Ensuite, pour la génération, il reste à comparer l'unique valeur avec votre seuil pour obtenir l'état haut ou bas que vous souhaitez générer.
    Vous trouverez en pièce jointe un morceau de code (que je n'ai pas pu tester en réel sur du matériel)
    Bonne journée,
    Open Diagram First
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    Résolu !
    Accéder à la solution.
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    Hello experts,
    I have a case in my importation process with excise duty (IS-OIL). I have the following scenario: Purchasing Ed free material and receive it in ED paid Storage Location. So I use Handling type 00 and Valuation type TAX in the PO excise duty item data. I woul like to kwon Which is the standard process for the invoice verification of the excise duty cost when the handling type is 00 and the valuation type TAX?. And How can I do the invoice verification (MIRO) if there is not a specific line in the purchase order history for the excise duty cost?
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    Account                       Transaction
    1. STOCK FUEL          S                    BSX (Stock account)
    2. STOCK FUEL            H             BSX (Stock account)
    3. STOCK EXCISE DUTY     S             SVO (ED Account)
    4. EXCISE DUTY FUEL           H             ZZP (ED Account)     
    The problem is that the 4th account must be STOCK EXCISE DUTY ACCOUNT from SVO transaction.
    I would be grateful if someone could help me with these cases.
    Thank in advance.

    Dear Prashant,
    Thanks for reply, but i checked my excise cond types, in all conditions, cond cat is blank & cond class 'A' is maintained i.e. Discount & Surcharge.
    My problem is that, my excise value is not got posted in net receivable value in accounts. This problem arise, when we make sales order, Net Value field doesn't pick excise there & while invoicing, it post only the base value & rounding off adjustments at header level. I don't know, from where this Net Value field in sales order is picking the value but my problem will solve if my grand total value(base valueexciseedu cess+higher edu cess) will pass to Net Value field while making sales order. Kindly help.

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    Use "Manage your Account" to change the primary email address.

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    Task #2 - Analog Generation
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    3. Generate
    Task #3 - Set two bits low

    duplicate post. continue here

  • NO Disk error when DAQmx is referenced

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    I'm using Visual Studio 2012 and MS 2013
    The DAqmx version is
    Has anyone seen this before and is there a fix?
    DAQMX Error.JPG ‏22 KB

    See Top 25 Bugparade: # 4264750
    This is a SecurityManager - Problem and the
    System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());
    File[] roots = File.listRoots();
    Then you will see the problem...
    I tried the following workaround:
    before you access disk. (or JFileChooser)
    SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManger();
    // disable the SecurityManger
    // this special disk access needs no SecurityManager..
    ... popup JFileChosser or make FileAccess..
    // restore the old SecurityManger
    It's not the best solution but it works..
    hope this will help,
    EDI Organisation

  • PO valueless that goods receipt value once Invoice verification is done

    HI Gurus,
    have created a PO for Value 2500 with Account assignment F (Order), done Invoice verification for value 2500. Then I have changed this line item value to 1500 in POand then tried doing Goods receipt against the PO. This way I was expecting system to throw an error at the tiem of GR but it posted GR successfully that too for an value of 2500 without giving an error or any message system should not post 2500 value as PO value at the time of GR was 1500 or it should have posted a GR for value 1500.
    Pls assist me in understanding the system behavior.
    Thank you in advance.

    I guess you need to ristrict changing value for PO line item if  Invoice verification is done that will solve lot many problems

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    I am attempting to distribute Adobe Flash updates using SCUP 2011, SCCM 2012 R2, WSUS ver4 and Windows Server 2012.  Everything installs without error.  I have acquired a certificate for SCUP signing from the internal Enterprise CA.  I have
    verified the signing certificate has a 1024 bit key.  I have imported the certificate into the server's Trusted Publishers and Trusted Root CA stores for the computer.  When I attempt to publish a Flash update with Full content I receive the following
    2015-02-13 23:00:48.724 UTC Error Scup2011.21 Publisher.PublishPackage PublishPackage(): Operation Failed with Error: Verification of file signature failed for file:
    I have redone the certificates three times with no luck.  I can import metadata, but any attempt to download content results in the verification error.

    Hi Joyce,
    This is embarrassing, I used that very post as my guide when deploying my certificate templates, but failed to change the bit length to 2048.  Thank you for being my second set of eyes.
    I changed my certificate key bit length to 2048, deleted the old cert from all certificate stores, acquired the a new signing cert, verified the key length was 2048, exported the new cert to pfx and cer files, imported into my Trusted publishers
    and Trusted Root Authorities stores, reconfigured SCUP to use the new pfx file, rebooted the server and attempted to re-publish the updates with the following results:
    2015-02-16 13:35:44.006 UTC Error Scup2011.4 Publisher.PublishPackage PublishPackage(): Operation Failed with Error: Verification of file signature failed for file:
    Is there a chance this content was already created and signed with the old cert, so installing the new cert has no effect?  In ConfigMgr software updates I see 4 Flash updates, all marked Metadata Only (because they were originally published as "Automatic." 
    No Flash updates in the ConfigMgr console are marked as downloaded.  I can't find any documentation on how the process of using SCUP for downloading content for an update marked Metadata Only actually works. 
    Comments and suggestions welcome.

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    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

  • USB 6009 DAQmx Deployment

       I have created a 4 channel differential data logging scope with a NI USB-6009. I would like to deploy this 'easily' to many of my colegues. I have app builder and the ability to build apps, but I would like to include the correct drivers for the 6009 in with the installer (although I have selected NI_DAQmx Core Runtime and NI_DAQmx MAX config support).
       For the running of the app, I have created a Task that consists of 4 channels. I would like it for my end user not to have to configure this. Does anyone know how I might acheive this? My experience of deployment is limited.
    Many thanks, Alec

    Hi Alec,
    It's also worth installing DAQmx MAX Configuration Support from the install builder if you still want to be able to modify the tasks from MAX as well.
    Best Regards,
    National Instruments - Tech Support

  • USB 6009 and DAQmx Base Concerns

    I just received a USB-6009 multifunction DAQ device along with DAQmx Base for use on Windows XP with LabWindows/CVI ver 7.1.  Both the 6009 and DAQmxBase are successfully installed however I have several questions, I hope I am missing something obvious:
    1. The Task Configuration Utility is not needed for use with LabWindows/CVI?  I believe I read this in the Getting Started Guide.
    2. There is no function panel for the DAQmxBase functions?  I even searched the installation CD and found no .fp files.  So the only way to know what functions are available with DAQmxBase is to open the NIDAQmxBase.h file and search through the function prototypes?  Then, to know what a function does it is necessary to open the C Function Reference Manual via the Windows Start button and search for the function name of interest?
    3. When creating a digital input or output channel with DAQmxBaseCreateDIChan or DOChan is it only possible to setup a "channel" as an entire port?  Is it not possible to setup a channel as a single input or output line?  Similarly, once the channel is configured is it only possible to read or write an entire port with DAQmxBaseReadDigitalU8 or WriteDigitalU8?  I was expecting something similar to the DIG_out_line function used in Traditional NI-DAQ where a board number, port number, line number and state are passed so that a signal output line can be set on or off.
    Thanks in advance for the assistance,
    - Aaron

    Aaron T. wrote:
    Hello,   I just received a USB-6009 multifunction DAQ device along with DAQmx Base for use on Windows XP with LabWindows/CVI ver 7.1.  Both the 6009 and DAQmxBase are successfully installed however I have several questions, I hope I am missing something obvious:   1. The Task Configuration Utility is not needed for use with LabWindows/CVI?  I believe I read this in the Getting Started Guide.  
    **The Task Configuration Utility is not necessary, except that there is significant functionality missing from DAQmx Base but present in the utility. That includes a lot of what DAQmx calls "proerties", and includes things like the convert rate for AI scanning.
    2. There is no function panel for the DAQmxBase functions?  I even searched the installation CD and found no .fp files.  So the only way to know what functions are available with DAQmxBase is to open the NIDAQmxBase.h file and search through the function prototypes?  Then, to know what a function does it is necessary to open the C Function Reference Manual via the Windows Start button and search for the function name of interest?  
    **I don't use CVI so I don't know anything about this. It strikes me that even if you have such a panel reading the documentation is a good idea
    3. When creating a digital input or output channel with DAQmxBaseCreateDIChan or DOChan is it only possible to setup a "channel" as an entire port?  Is it not possible to setup a channel as a single input or output line?  Similarly, once the channel is configured is it only possible to read or write an entire port with DAQmxBaseReadDigitalU8 or WriteDigitalU8?  I was expecting something similar to the DIG_out_line function used in Traditional NI-DAQ where a board number, port number, line number and state are passed so that a signal output line can be set on or off.  
    **Well, the ReadMe file says that USB-6008/9 is supported with both Line I/O and Port I/O. On the other hand, the documentation for DAQmxBaseCreateDOChan and DAQmxBaseCreateDIChan say for the lineGrouping parameter, "Always pass DAQmx_Val_ChanForAllLines." So your question is a good one! Perhaps one of the NI engineers can comment on this.
    - Aaron
    Thanks in advance for the assistance,
    John Weeks
    WaveMetrics, Inc.
    Phone (503) 620-3001
    Fax (503) 620-6754

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