Very Strange Problems

I have been fighting with this board for about a week and I just don't know what to do. My original plan was to take my two 80GB Western Digital PATA hard drives and put them in a RAID-0 array. This was the main reason for the purchase of this board.
First Install
I got the system up and going on Windows XP MCE 2005 on the RAID-0 array. From there I installed the newest NFORCE drivers, following with the rest of the device drivers. I installed Unreal Tournament 2004(patched) which proceeded to crash the system every time I shut the game down. Every time it crashed like that the RAID array would not be detected with a soft boot. I chalked that up to some issue with the game, and continued to install and run other games and apps successfully. Then came the MACHINE_CHECK_EXCEPTION blue screens, at that point I decided to hop on the forums (here) and check out what was going on.
Second Install
After reading many posts I decided it was a good idea to just start over without the NVIDIA IDE drivers. From what I read RAID will not work without the drivers which resulted in me taking apart the array. I left both drives in and installed XP MCE 2005 for the second time. Unreal Tournament 2004 still crashes after the program is shut down and now the system seems to hang on the boot from CD-ROM until a cold boot is performed. I have not seen a BSOD yet on the second install and will be testing it tonight. It was a very random problem with the first, so it may be hard to reproduce.
Some odd things other odd things I have not been able to figure out:
One of the CD-ROMs disappeared for no apparent reason in the first install. After a cold boot it came back.
The MSI Core Center utility does not display system temp nor does it report the NB temp. I have not been able to find anything about if this is normal or not.
Some general info for anyone who has ideas:
IDE-0 Master: 80GB Western Digital Special Edition
IDE-0 Slave: 80GB Western Digital Special Edition
IDE-1 Master: LiteOn 16x DVD-ROM
IDE-1 Slave: Sony 8x Dual Layer DVD+/-RW
The memory is in DIM slots 1 and 2
It just seems that there are some very odd things going on. Any ideas as to why this thing keeps hanging on the IDE devices after crashing?
Thanks in advance for any and all help,

Supershanks, I think you hit the nail on the head there. I exited UT2k4 about 7 or 8 times with out crashing after I removed one of the optical drives. Do you think there is any chance of getting RAID working with my PATA drives?
Edit: Forgot to say thank you, so here it is,

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    My problem is, even I've written the SQL in the correct syntax, in my java code, it just look like this
    adc.SQL("insert into test(subject, content) values('" + sf.filter(subject.getText()) +"'"
                                  + "," + "'"
                                  + sf.filter(board.getText()) + "')" );
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    With my best,
    Zike Huang

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        set titlebar sy-dynnr with p_netwk.
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            it_fieldcatalog = gt_fieldcat[].
        call method g_grid->set_frontend_layout
            is_layout = gs_layout.
        call method g_grid->refresh_table_display.
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    The specifications define an operating range up to 35 degrees.

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    Have you tried emptying your cache?

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    This is totally bewildering me.
    Any clue?
    Thank you.

    The problem is not only in qt applications. I run openbox and this is the output I get when using the command-line script pdfmerge to merge pdf files:
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=48, glyph=0030 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=49, glyph=0031 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
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    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=37, glyph=0025 in the font VerdanaItalic . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=34, glyph=0022 in the font VerdanaItalic . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=54, glyph=0036 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=44, glyph=002c in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=50, glyph=0032 in the font VerdanaBold . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
    GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Missing glyph CID=77, glyph=004d in the font Verdana . The output PDF may fail with some viewers.
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  • A very strange problem in microsoft access

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    Recently I wrote a simple java application which use microsoft access as the database. I connect the database sucessfully and I've even done the regular expression to filter the invalid text characters, everything works fine util I do the following SQL:
    insert into test values 'client for updates'
    Here test is my table name
    I found this perticular string 'clent for updates' is very strange, it can't be inserted into the database, I try 'client for up' or something else, they all work.
    Could anyone tell me what happened?
    With my best,
    Zike Huang(jim)

    My problem is, even I've written the SQL in the correct syntax, in my java code, it just look like this
    adc.SQL("insert into test(subject, content) values('" + sf.filter(subject.getText()) +"'"
                                  + "," + "'"
                                  + sf.filter(board.getText()) + "')" );
    where subject is a textfield and board is a JTextArea and sf is a string filter which use regular expression, I basically want to insert the string in these component into the database, Many strings work, but client for updates can't be inserted.
    With my best,
    Zike Huang

  • [Mysql-Connector] A very strange problem !

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    Ready to hear a strange story ?
    I have a weird problem to use the MySQL-connector under Linux (Debian).
    I have no problem in windows XP, all is working fine !
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    Message: Invalid authorization specification message from server: "Access denied for user 'root'@'monkinetwork' (using password: YES)"
    SQLState: 28000
    ErrorCode: 1045 Here the software I'm using :
    Tomcat 5.0.28
    MySQL-Connector version is : mysql-connector-java-3.0.15-ga-bin.jar
    JDK Version : 1_5_0_01. Servlet-Examples and JSP works fine! So I don't think the problem come from JDK.
    MySQL version : MySQL-SERVER-4.1.9-2 : All is working under console mode !
    Here's My Servlet
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    public class TEST1 extends HttpServlet {
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException  {
        PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
       String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/HeroDB";
       String user = "root";
       String password = "password";
        out.println("<br> DRIVERS JDBC : OK!");
        Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password);
        out.println("<br> Database connection : OK!");
    catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
             out.println("Error with JDBC Drivers !");
    catch(SQLException ex) {
            out.println("<br> ERROR MESSAGE <br>");
       while (ex != null) {
                    out.println("<br>Message: " + ex.getMessage ());
                    out.println("<br>SQLState: "  + ex.getSQLState ());
                    out.println("<br>ErrorCode: "  + ex.getErrorCode ());
                    ex = ex.getNextException();
    AND THE HTML PAGE in order to access to the Servlet :
    <TITLE>DataBase Test</TITLE>
    <H2 ALIGN="CENTER">DataBase TEST</H2>
    <FORM ACTION="http://localhost:8080/TEST1">
    Theses codes works very well under windows, but under linux system here what I've got :
    Message: Invalid authorization specification message from server: "Access denied for user 'root'@'monkinetwork' (using password: YES)"
    SQLState: 28000
    ErrorCode: 1045 Well, the web.xml file is well configured.
    Anyway : I already tried with class:, but I have the same message error !
    By the way, it's very strange that I can play with MySQL under the terminal but not throught tomcat.
    Any suggestions please , because it's giving me a very hard time ! ?
    Thank you !

    MySQL does authentication based on usernames and hosts. See

  • Very strange problems since upgrading.

    Ok, since I did a Pacman -Syu a week or so ago, I've been having some very strange issues.
    Number one, about 60-70% of the time I am completely unable to log into the box, I end up rebooting over and over to finally get the desktop environment to successfully load. It ran fine before. My rc.conf looks like this:
    MODULES=(dm_mod fuse)
    INTERFACES=(eth0 eth1)
    gateway="default gw"
    DAEMONS=(syslog-ng network netfs crond hal fam apcupsd httpd mysqld ntpd gdm)
    What will happen is gnomes new login screen (I assume it's gnomes new login screen anyway), will pop up, I'll log in by selecting name, entering password... all fine. Then the hard drive will go nuts for a second or so (expected), and I'll get an untitled window that pops up and says:
    unable to update ICEauthority file /home/user/.ICEauthority
    Which is strange, since to my understanding, I've never installed or used ICE. Then another window pops up with more information that I am unable to remember (too long). Then it will grind a bit, then stop at the same leaf background gnome startup used, then a final window will pop up complaining that Nautilus is unable to create the directories  "/home/user/Desktop" or "/home/user/.Nautilus".... which is complete horsecrap since those directories have existed on this hard drive for years now.
    Then it simply stops at the leaf background, and nothing else loads. So of course my first thought when I upgraded was, aw crap, X needs some work again. So I immediately do a {CTRL}-{ALT}-{F2} to get a bash prompt... and suddenly the plot thickens... I get nothing, just a blank screen with a cursor in the upper left. No bash login, nothing. So again I figure, ok, no big deal, I logged on F7, I'll just go back and kill X... I go back, still leaf screen, then hit {CTRL}-{ALT}-{BSPACE}... nothing. I can't kill X, and I can't get a bash login. I'm stuck. The only command that works is {CTRL}-{ALT}-{DEL}.
    So of course being the lazy bastard that I am, and this box being a MythTV box, I figure, no problem, I'll fix that later since if I reboot enough I can get logged in and everything is fine, I'll just leave it running like I always do. Except for last night when I decide to tackle the problem. I thought I was being very smart when I removed 'gdm' from the final daemon in /etc/rc.conf... until I realized that just left me with a computer that had booted, but NO BASH LOGIN PROMPT. Nothing, no way to control the computer at all. I was just sitting there watching my Mythbackend spit out notices and errors one by one, unable to get any sort of # or $. I managed to grab an old archlinux CDrom and use it to rescue the system by restoring an old /etc/rc.conf, but I have no understanding why I would not get a login prompt.
    So you see, I'm quite stuck. I cannot seem to get any sort of command-line login prompt without X running (terminal still works) to fix things. And 60-70% of the time, X/gnome will not finish starting up. Any help?
    Last edited by jeremyrainman (2009-12-02 14:24:10)

    miau wrote:
    Maybe you are ot allowed to write the ICEauthority file...what is the output of
    ls -l /home/user/.ICE*
    output is:
    $ ls -l /home/user/.ICE*
    -rw------- 1 user user 12878 2009-12-02 11:41 /home/user/.ICEauthority
    schuay wrote:
    Not having a bash login prompt looks either like
    a fscked /etc/inittab. Your output should look like this:
    ~]$ grep tty /etc/inittab
    c1:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty1 linux
    c2:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty2 linux
    c3:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty3 linux
    c4:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty4 linux
    c5:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty5 linux
    c6:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 38400 tty6 linux
    Or this:
    I looked through that thread there, it sounds like a udev + kernel 31 issue? so I promptly did:
    $ uname
    And suddenly became alarmed that I'm not seeing a linux version number. Why would this happen? I went through what fixed it for other people on that thread (renaming udev directories, reinstalling udev), and it hasn't made any difference, so I think this is a different issue.
    The other two suggestions in this thread would seem to be worthless since the /.ICEauthority file has the proper ownership/permissions.
    Still at a loss. wiping and reinstalling is not pretty on a mythbox with nearly a terrabyte of recorded TV.

  • 10.4.10 update and very strange problem with Mac Mini

    Dear All,
    I have just updated my Mac Mini Intel and I am having a strange problem.
    My Mac Mini has problems booting up. Sometimes I get through the login screen as normal but my wallpaper shows and there are no desktop icons, no dock, no top of screen finder menu bar. Some other times I get stuck in the progress bar of the booting up.
    I tried to run utilities from install disk and there were no problems detected.
    The VERY STRANGE thing is that several times now as I put my fingertip onto the power button laying it on the button but not pressing it yet (because I would like to shut down the system), the system kicks in and becomes unfrozen!!!
    Someone in the forum says that this problem is related to the airport receiver which is near the power button.
    What do you think about it???
    MacBook and MacMini   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    ok, I have found a kind of fix for the problem, although may run a hardware test to check something!.
    I unplugged all USB and Firewire devices, I turned off Bluetooth and Airport, reinstalled the 10.4.10 combo update, when it restarted the starting mac osx screen took barely a second or 2 to load (my comment above is becuase from when I first got it on Sunday I noticed it was slow to boot up, also noticed that the screen resoulution I have set does not kick in until I log on, although this may be becuase this mac mini is an intel one). The computer booted up very quickly and I tuend on bluetooth and airport with no issues and plugged all the usb and fireware devices back in. I again turned the airport off and restarted and again it booted up very quickly logged on and swithced the airport back on. I decided to reboot with the sirport on and it got stuck at the end of the os x starting up screen, I waited a few mins switched it off and on again and it booted up fine although slower. I dont mind turning the airport off when I power down as the mac usually stays on anyway. I assume Apple will release a fix for this as a lot of people seem to have the problem so think I will stay put with this for the time being. It was taking a several goes to get to the login screen before but usually got there every few boots.

  • Hibernate-very strange problem, help please

    Hi, i got such a strange problem that im sure you ll think im doin crazy talk :) , i dont see why this would happen at all, i have a class called "Package", mapped to a table "package". whenever i do a query on this table using hibernate, even the simplest "find all" kinda of query, hibernate does update on the table b4 doin the query! even more weird, it does the update when the first query on this table happens, it deletes all values of a column (yes only this column); then if i do the same query again, no update at all. however if now i mannuall add those missing values, it does the update again and deletes them! sry its confusing, heres my code and more of wat i done:
    The mapping Package.hbm.xml
    <hibernate-mapping package="">
    <class name="Package" table="package">
    <id name="id" column="study_package_id" type="long">
    <generator class="sequence"/>
    <property name="name" column="name" not-null="true"/>
    <property name="satTiming" column="sat_timing" not-null="false"/>
    <property name="satSubjects" column="sat_subjects" not-null="false"/>
    <property name="sunTiming" column="sun_timing" not-null="false"/>
    <property name="sunSubjects" column="sun_subjects" not-null="false"/>
    <set name="classes" inverse="true" cascade="delete-orphan" lazy="true">
    <key column="package_id"/>
    <one-to-many class="Class"/>
    For example initialy i populated database using hibernate, like this:
    package_id, name, sat_timing, sat_subjects, sun_timing, sun_subjects
    1 no.1 9-12 business 9-12 law
    2 no.2 9-11 business 9-11 law
    Then after i populated this database, i did this query:
    <b>List res=getHibernateTemplate().find("FROM Package");</b>
    and you can see the log file as such: (excerpt)
    16:23:06,687 INFO TransactionFactoryFactory:31 - Using default transaction strategy (direct JDBC transactions)
    16:23:06,703 INFO TransactionManagerLookupFactory:33 - No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
    16:23:09,968 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:46 - begin
    16:23:09,968 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:50 - current autocommit status: true
    16:23:09,968 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:52 - disabling autocommit
    <b>16:23:10,640 DEBUG SQL:324 - select</b> studypacka0_.study_package_id as study1_, as name12_, studypacka0_.description as descript3_12_, ....... from _3AT_package studypacka0_
    Hibernate: select studypacka0_.study_package_id as study1_, as name12_, studypacka0_.description as descript3_12_, as day12_, studypacka0_.sat_timing as sat5_12_, studypacka0_.sat_subjects as sat6_12_, .......
    16:23:10,734 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:83 - commit
    <b>16:23:10,796 DEBUG SQL:324 - update</b> _3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    Hibernate: update _3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    <b>16:23:10,812 DEBUG SQL:324 - update </b>_3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    Hibernate: update _3AT_package set name=?, description=?, day=?, sat_timing=?, sat_subjects=?, sat_hours=?, sun_timing=?, sun_subjects=?, sun_hours=?, unit_price=?, years_id=?, group_id=? where study_package_id=?
    <b>16:23:10,812 DEBUG SQL:324 - update</b> _3AT_package set name=?, description=?,
    16:23:10,953 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:173 - re-enabling autocommit
    16:23:10,953 DEBUG JDBCTransaction:96 - committed JDBC Connection
    as you can see, it does update and changed table field values to this:
    package_id, name, sat_timing, sat_subjects, sun_timing, sun_subjects
    1 no.1 business law
    2 no.2 business law
    ---------- all tiimings are gone. and now if i re-do the same query, there are NO UPDATE operations....howver if i add some values to sat_timing, sun_timing, and re-do the query, very surprisingly, i saw those update operations which delete all timing values again!
    im totally lost... i havent changed any config, this doenst happen to my other classes at all but just this one.... any ideas please! even some thought of what may caused this would be great help! thank you!

    well i got the setters wrong.... being so stupid i am... sry for creating such a long and massy thread.

  • Very strange problem: Error for Overall result  due to a custom infocube?

    I have a strange problem:
    In my query the sumgt function doesn't work for the calculation of a percentage (es: 'KFA' %A SUMGT 'KFA').
    The coloumn of the formula is full of red X.
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    It is possible that there are some parameter to be set at infocube level that make the SUMGT wrong?
    I'm sorry for my poor english,
    Message was edited by:
            Alberto Maggini

                   Your problem might be a UNIT problem. If you are using key figures in a formula with different units, you will have the "red X" outcome.
                   Try using the NODIM() function in each formula element.
    L. Felipe

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