Video acquisition framerate

I've been trying to acquire images from a camera at 30 fps for time-sensitive image processing. Currently I have a while loop with imaq grab acquire wired to imaq avi write frame. The loop timing is controlled by a wait (ms) function. Obviously the framerate is dictated by the loop timing, which is my main problem. For 30 fps, it is 33.333333 ms per frame which causes a rounding error within the loop timing. Thus, I am getting more frames than I should because it is grabbing frames slightly faster than it should be.
I'm sure many others have solved this problem, but the solution is not apparent to me. So does anyone know how to properly control the framerate?
Go to Solution.

It looks like the bind you are in is because the OS (all PCs actually) and the camera only have a 1kHz clock, so you are stuck with 1ms intervals.  In software, there are always many ways so here you go:
Hack solution:
Vary the time of your delay loops:  33,33,34,33,33,34,...  This fixes your round off error, but will give you up to 0.6666ms dither in your signals.
Better hack solution:
Feedback to vary the time of your delay loops:  run a timer and use that to set the timing to either 33 or 34 depending on where your <1ms rounding error is at that particular time.
Expensive, best solution:
Get a camera you can set the timing in hardware.
Best solution with what you've got:
Get off of the windows 1ms timer.  The structure to use is a timed loop (under timed structures in the structures panel).  It will default to your Windows 1ms timer, but you can use any hardware timing you have.  One of your boards will likely have a 1MHz timer, which will improve your timing and dither issues by 1000x.  If you still need more, you can then use some of the hacks above.  
Ultimately this is a hardware problem and would be 'best' solved in hardware.  However, there are always lots of ways to do it.  In fact, I'm sure the NI gurus can come up with many more.
Best of luck.  Play around with these fixes and keep learning,

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    I've had a similar problem with an anlogue VCR. I sorted that out by plugging the coax output into the TV-in socket using the coax adapter that comes with the Qosmio and then tuning the TV into the video. I was then able to record the video output just like any other TV programme. The recorded TV files are saved in the dvr-ms format and this can be imported into WinDVD Creator 2 provided you have a MPEG11 decoder installed.

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    Is this an analog TV tuner? You may try my toolkit at:
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    Is this an analog TV tuner? You may try my toolkit at:
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    Attachments: ‏69 KB

    First, you have to know that your camera must be Direct Show, otherwise, you won't be able to use it in LabVIEW.
    If it is compatible, then you will be able to grab image using IMAQ USB, but keep in mind that this set of VI is no longer supported as IMAQdx is fully compatible with DirectShow cameras, and much better than IMAQ USB.

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    1 - moved to the correct forum
    2 - Exactly what is INSIDE the video you are editing?
    Codec & Format information, with 2 links inside for you to read
    Report back with the codec details of your file, use the programs below... A screen shot works well to SHOW people what you are doing for screen shot instructions
    Free programs to get file information for PC/Mac
    Does your video use a VARIABLE Frame Rate or a Constant Frame Rate?

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    jeff au;
    You may want to check IVision for LabVIEW:

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    I hope you can help me, the VI is attached. Thanks!
    Go to Solution.
    trigger_cam.jpg ‏345 KB
    trigger_stop.jpg ‏354 KB
    Conditioning MS vi ‏68 KB

    Hi Gak,
    Thanks for the suggestions. I still didn't got it to work though. I moved the stop command to inside the while loop like you said but it didn't work. The problem seems to be in the communication between the producer/consumer loops. When I run the VI in highlight, the queue message "trigger camera" leaves the producer and arrives at the consumer loop in the appropriate time, starting the "trigger camera" state of the case structure. However, the message "stop" doesn't seem to be sent by the producer loop, so the consumer doesn't receive a signal to start the "stop" state of the case structure. Can you think of anything I should change in the producer loop so that the second state (stop) is added to the queue?
    About the functional global, I read about it, it seems that either that or a local variable could work, but I don't quite know how to implement it in my state machine, since the stop of the first while loop isn't activated in the "stop" state but in the "shutdown" state. It works more or less like this: after 10 loops of triggering and stopping the camera, light and valve (so after acquiring 10 movies), it goes for shutdown. Can you show me what you had in mind with the functional variable?
    Untitled.jpg ‏286 KB

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    presenter. Flash Player supports playback of video encoded in
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    Adobe does, however, also support via the Flash Media Live Encoder
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    currently does not support integration with FMLE or any other
    option for higher quality live video acquisition)
    Thanks again for your support and this great new
    I look forward to Cocomo having its official commercial
    release here in 2009! :-)
    Best regards,

    Hi Nigel,
    Thank you for your reply.
    Regarding the use cases ...
    1) Union For Regular Member Meetings.
    2) Pharmaceutical Training.
    The first has looked at Connect Pro and the second currently
    is using Connect Pro. Both cases seek both a higher quality video
    for the presenter as well as to be able to record (for archive and
    for "re-airing" by those unable to join live).
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    seems a reasonably unobtrusive solution. Then, should attendee
    video also be required, Sorenson via Flash Player should suffice.)
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    also an attraction (depending on pricing ;-)
    Again, thanks for the great work of your team and everyone at
    Adobe for bringing these solutions to the market.
    Best regards,

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    You may consider updating your iTunes to the latest version to fix bugs.
    Download iTunes

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    Movies play normally in Adobe Media Player and in .swf files generated out of Flash.  But after creating a
    Flash projector for PC, the video exhibits the glitches (horizonal tears) in pans and zooms.
    The Playback PC:  The media is played out of a custom-built PC consisting of:
    - Gigabyte motherboard, Intel Chipset 58
    - 6 gigs of ram
    - i7 Intel process (quad core) @ 2.66 gb
    - NVidia GeForce 9500 GT video card w 1gb ram
    - Super Ram Disk playback
    - 1 TB SEagate 7200 RPM HD w 32 mb cache
    - 550 w Corsair power supply
    Note:  We have downloaded and played some example H.264 videos accompanying David Hassoun's
    "Exploring Flash Player Support for H.264 Video and AAC audio" from the Adobe website.  We noted that
    the video viles played flawlessly in the QuickTime player, but when we brought them into Flash and
    generated a projector file, we saw the same horizontal tearing, particularly in motion shots and in

    I hope this is something Adobe is looking into.  There are lots of tutorials for making videos small and grainy for playback on phones and internet appliances, but very little in the way of guidance for making hi-def video look like hi-def video.
    A modern PC should be able to play hi-def off the hard drive with no problems, and there are players that do this (Quicktime, WMP, Nero), but when H.264 gets walled up inside a flash player, it seems to bog down.  The machine described above will easily decode and play back DV video in WMP at 25 Mbs, but both the Flash Player and Adobe Media Player give no joy when trying to playback h.264 at much lower bandwidths.
    Increasing the quality of the video compression doesn't seem to overtax the processor or the bus (since it plays well in other players), but in Flash Player, it seems to expose limits in the performance of the player.
    For authoring in Flash, what is the recipe for decent Hi-def?

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    Basically what I'm trying to do is capture video from a camera, run some video analysis for a certain duration, and store the raw footage for that same duration in an avi file. I'm using IMAQdx and a Logitech C920 camera to gather video. When I run the program, I want there to be an output of the raw video on the front panel. When I then hit a button, I would like the camera to save a .avi file of the video for a set number of frames and concurrently run some analysis and display the results on another display on the front panel. The purpose of the raw footage in the .avi file is to be able to run the analysis again at a later date.
    I've attached both a screenshot and the .vi file to this post. When I run the current script, I'm confronted with one of two possible errors (not sure why they're different from time to time). The Video Acquisition Block either "Time Out"s or the Write to AVI block issues an incompatible image type error. The reason why I'm baffled by this is because when I take it out of the case statement and have it run with the rest of the program, the .avi file is generated accurately and stored.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    Script Image.png ‏39 KB
    11_30_12 ‏271 KB

    Would the time out error happen every time you run the VI? In addition, do these errors have a code?
    I was able to replicate the issue and initially believe that it might be that we are simultaneously opening two sessions to the same camera. Could you simply take a finite number of images from the first acquisition and chain the second one via sequence structure? It would limit the viewer to only view the video on the other Image Display during saving the AVI, but it might be worthwhile looking into. 
    It might also be worthwhile to consider enquewing a certain number of images whenever the button is pressed, but that would require some more programming logic.
    Simon P.
    National Instruments
    Applications Engineer

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    Look up the help on the command line program then use the system exec to run that.  I'd start by figuring out what you need to do with an empty command prompt to play with.
    Also I've seen others do this same thing using ActiveX which VLC installs.
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines - Hooovahh - LabVIEW Overlord
    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

  • Dv video time stamp with analog input

    I have a dv video which I want to time stamp with a analog input.  For the video, which is dv brought into the computer with ieee1394, LabView calls up a C++ program which then stores the video.  Simultaneously, in the program which calls up the C++, an analog signal is also stored (seperately).  I know it sounds tricky as well as messy but this is the best we've been able to work out, given the uncorroperative nature of LabView with dv camera.  Does anyone have suggections for time stamping these two signals so that I know exactly where in the video the analog signal occurs?  The PCI board we use is the NI 6014, which I know is timestamp capable, but I dont know if it can stamp the video feed since it doesnt come in through the NI card.
    All thanks in advance for any help!

    Does your DV camera have any sort of timing or triggering signals? Without these, it will be virtually impossible to correlate measurements. It is cetainly possible to accurately time an analog input with your DAQ card, but correlating these to the digital video would be extremely difficult. Is this video streaming in real time? Or are you reading it off of an already-recorded tape? If this video is streaming in real time, with an acquisition started in software, I would suggest attempting to start the software DV reading at the same time as your DAQ task. If you do have an external signal that can trigger the video acquisition, then I would suggest using that same signal to start your analog acquisition.
    Hope this helps,
    Ryan Verret
    Product Marketing Engineer
    Signal Generators
    National Instruments

  • Nearly Happy - video to iPod

    Hi Now I can come close to what I want.
    My imported DVD results in
    - a BW/W picture on my TV and
    - picture + sound looks like a lots of drop-outs
    Not very good
    BW/W I thought was a NTSC / PAL problem so I cahanged frame rate to 25 fps
    Chequed the iPod but it was set to PAL
    My settings in HandBrake (0.7.0) is as follows:
    File Format MP4 file
    MPEG-4 Video / AAC Audio
    Language: None
    Unknown (LPCM)
    framerate (fps): 25
    Encoder: FFmpeg
    Target size (MB): 700 dimed
    Average bitrate (kbps): 1000
    and 2-pass encoding
    Picture setting: 480 x 368
    Anything more that I can select ??
    Can I do it in another way ??
    Yours Bengt W

    Go to this helpful link.
    Unknown (LPCM)
    160--------Why are you using these setting for Audio?
    Try Language 1---ENGLISH (MPEG"
    and Lnaguage 2---NONE
    framerate (fps): 25
    Encoder: FFmpeg
    Target size (MB): 700 dimed
    Average bitrate (kbps): 1000
    and 2-pass encoding-----You might want to try these setting for Video.
    FRAMERATE(fps)---Same As Source
    ENCODER---264 (First select AVC/H.264 VIDEO under Destination/Codecs)
    QUALITY---Target size=700 Average Bitrate (kbps) 600
    Constant Quality---Click it and slide bar to 90%
    and 2-pass encoding---For the iPod, you really don't need this setting.
    Picture setting: 480 x 368---Use 320 for iPod.
    Try the link I gave you, it should help you.
    Good Luck=have fun.........DRL

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