Video effect, cross dissolve works sporadically

I am new to Final Cut Pro. I try to use the simple dissolve and it works sometimes but not other times. This is very frustrating. Any suggestions?

GOTTA have overlap...that is what handles are...
#1 Transitions "Insufficient Content"
Shane's Stock Answer #1: Trying to add a Transition and get the error "Insufficient Content"
A full 1 second cross fade reaches 15 frames into each clip. So, if you want to change a cut to a cross fade, there has to be at least 15 additional frames of each clip. Say you're trying to cross fade from one clip into the very first frame of a second clip. FCP cannot 'create' 15 more frames of the second clip to do a cross fade. If they're not there, you're out of luck.
What you are running into is that you are marking an out point at the far edges of a clip then adding a cross dissolve, say 30 frames (one second) in duration. Since the dissolve is centered on the cut, it will start 15 frames before the cut, and try to go 15 frames AFTER the cut...which it can't do. What you need to do is plan how long your dissolve will be and back-time your cut so that it works.
You need to make sure that your clips have enough media (called 'handles') at the beginning of the incoming clip and at the end of the outgoing clip for the transition. For example, if you have a 1 second (30 frame) dissolve, your in and out point need to be at least 15 frames from the edge of the clip.

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    GOTTA have overlap...that is what handles are...
    #1 Transitions "Insufficient Content"
    Shane's Stock Answer #1: Trying to add a Transition and get the error "Insufficient Content"
    A full 1 second cross fade reaches 15 frames into each clip. So, if you want to change a cut to a cross fade, there has to be at least 15 additional frames of each clip. Say you're trying to cross fade from one clip into the very first frame of a second clip. FCP cannot 'create' 15 more frames of the second clip to do a cross fade. If they're not there, you're out of luck.
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    You need to make sure that your clips have enough media (called 'handles') at the beginning of the incoming clip and at the end of the outgoing clip for the transition. For example, if you have a 1 second (30 frame) dissolve, your in and out point need to be at least 15 frames from the edge of the clip.

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    Tom, I figured it out. The audio for the video clip was overlapping the edit (i.e. it extended to the left, so that the video clip's audio ran under the still pic). When I got rid of the (easily replaced) audio, the regular cross-dissolve worked.
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    Thanks for your prompt responses ... I really appreciate it.
    Merry Christmas!

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    Thanks for trying...
    Very strange...and not discounting your proficiency with FCP.
    When you place the dissolve end on edit, the dissolve shows up on the end of the clip? but then the clip never dissolves to black?
    Yes, the dissolve will show up on the end of the clip, but it plays back as if it is not there. This happens whether it is rendered or not. If I use a cross dissolve between two clips, it plays back perfectly. 'Some' of the clips will dissolve to black but the majority play back as though the transition is not there.
    Any chance you're working with a 'favorite' dissolve that may have it's begin/end parameters adjusted?
    Tried that and went back and got the original transition and made sure everything was set how it should be. I thought for sure it owuld be the prefs, but no such luck.
    Any chance you've got your video layers scrolled downwards and there's a clip on a lower track?
    No, I have made sure there is only one track with nothing underneath.
    Are any of these clips nested?
    Thanks for trying though.

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    Bruce Watson

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    Basically, a handle is media that extends beyond what exists in the timeline. You can use the search feature of this forum for hours of amusing and informative reading.
    When you exported out of fcp to ae, you effective lost any possible handle, because you started at what you wanted to be the middle of the dissolve.

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    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    When you playback the Timeline, with the Cross-Dissolve applied to the AE Comp (on both ends), how do the Transitions playback?
    For more info on Handles, this article might be helpful:
    Good luck,

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    Try making the clip with the Multiply Effect into a Compound Clip and then adding the Dissolve.

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    However once I added the cross dissolve going from the video to the image and then again from the image ot the next video  snippet -- it fadically shifts the frame of the video going left as it fades.
    At roughly 2:26 of this flv video.
    Where you see the rear of the jeep and the tag line "Adios Alaska".
    It's my first ever video edit so don't laugh.  It's the best I could do given all the garage I hd to work with.
    Any other suggestions are appreciated too.

    What I do is extend my 2nd and 3rd track clips beyond the cut point, then disable the right side of the cut on tracks 2 and 3.
    I then line up the dissolve across the three tracks. This works great, especially if I want to maintain the continuity of the disabled tracks for later use.
    I use different methods depending on how much work I want to do, what I have available in front of me and any other effects at that particular point in time.

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    I am not sure if I am zeroing in on what you seek so please clarify...on
    I want the pan/zoom feature to start the moment the subsequent image becomes visible.
    Do you mean fading in visible versus or completely visible at the end of the transition? Whatever the case, I have not
    found a scenario to fit what you are describing.
    However, here are my suggestions for you to consider...
    1. What is the alignment of the Cross Dissolve transition - Left Clip, Between Clips, or Right Clip. If Between Clips, please try Left Clip alignment.
    2. What is the duration of the Cross Dissolve transition - you could try varying the transition duration. If less than 1 second, then please read the
    details for minimum transition duration in the following
    Please let me know if any of the above worked for you in what you were seeking regarding pan and zoom effect and video transitions.
    Thank you.

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    I really do not want to re-install FCP in this middle of this focus group project. I'm using FCP 5.

    Yes Michael, there are enough handles on both sides of the split, which is actually in the middle of the clip. When I double-click the transition in the timeline after I've added it, it still comes up as the default one second in the preview window, whereas if there was not enough clip on either side, it would be less. And since the split is in the middle of a long clip (approx. 15 mins), the handles would definitely not be the issue.
    Most of the other transitions seem to work, just the cross dissolve, dither, and one other dissolve (I can't think of it at the moment, and I'm no longer at work to look) are giving me this problem.
    They look just like the other transitions I've added previously in the timeline, but they don't show up in the program window. The clip just jumps slightly when the marker moves across the transition.

  • Cross Dissolve transition does not work after cutting the tails of both ends.

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    Thank you very much!!

    I am trying to put together a recruiting video. I was out recording a bunch of people talking about the organization, when I am working with something like this I usually try to shorten the 3 or 5 minute clip I have from one person and just connect the parts of the clip that need to be on the screen, that requires several cuts during the clip and merge the good parts together using the cross dissolve. It is very simple and I have done several times, but for whatever reason during certain parts of the clip when applied will not work. The clips are usually 1 to 3 minutes long and I need to extract the good parts making no more than 1 minute for each peson talking.

  • I cannot edit the Cross Dissolve in the Effects Control Panel in Premiere Pro CC 2014

    If I put a film dissolve between two clips on my timeline, and then click on the film dissolve, I'm able to go to my Effects Window and drag clip A (Top Bar) to the right and trim lets say 3 seconds then go to Clip B (Bottom Bar) and drag to the left to take off lets say 10 seconds off the beginning of clip B.  That very method worked for cross dissolves until this latest update for CC 2014.  It forces me to use ripple edit in the timeline on each endpoint of each clip instead of flying through it in the effects window by clicking each dissolve in the time line.  It's just weird that they would take that out for only the cross dissolve which I prefer using more than anything and not the rest of the dissolves. Does anyone have a clue why? Or is this a bug?

    That is correct. This is the only transition where the workflow has changed.
    You can now make it into a preset.
    BTW I dont use it often but i dont like it either not being able to adjust the cross dissolve in the EC.

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