Video feed choppy & "stretchy" screen

hello, i am having some trouble(s) with my video display; first the top third of the screen is all blurred with horizontal lines, "stretching" the windows and desktop up into the top inch of the moniter. second, video feeds are coming in choppy, only refreshing about every 2 seconds, i thought this was a memory/space issue, but i cleared out the hd to free it up and the problem is still occuring. the audio comes through fine. thank you for any help you may offer.

I had a similar issue once with my eMac. I don't know if it is exactly the same problem but for helps sake I will mention it anyways.
My display started behving similar to the way you described. And at first I suspected interference because there was a refrigerator on the other side of the wall and sometimes the cooling unit in refrigerators can be the culprit.
Anyways I moved the computer hoping that this would solve the problem but unfortunately no luck. I next took it in to an Apple Repair Technician an found out that the problem was an I-VAD cable had gone bad. This most likely is the cause of your display problems. Unfortunately it sounds like your warranty is long expired and the required repair was $900 (I had AppleCare Protection thankfully.) So in your case you might be better off just getting a new Mac since the one you are currently using is quite outdated.
Hope this helps.

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  • How To Select One Video Feed During A Conference

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    I thought it was possible in iChat to select which of the two conference windows would be full screen. But I don't seem to be able to find a way to do this.
    To be clear –
    I have a video which is essentially my video feed.
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    I thought about trying a video/audio conference, but can't figure out how to invite them to a video chat if they are both audio only. ...
    This can be done if the Buddy goes to the Video menu and Disables the Camera (or Video chat if Lion).
    However you are right in that iChat presumes there will be video and still places the place holder for that "Video"
    I must admit to not having tried this with two Audio Only Buddies whilst sending Video myself.
    Logic says it should be possible.
    iChat does base the video quality on what it can manage.
    This is based on your upload speed and that (download) of the Buddies.
    (one Buddy can slow thing up to an extent that in 3 and 4 way chats the Video will drop off - normally the last person added)
    If you can get One Way Video with two Audio Only Buddies the Bandwidth issue should not raise it's head.
    However things to try:-
    In iChat Menu > Preferences > Video section set the Bandwidth Drop down to 1Mbps  (Also try it at 500kbps)
    The 500kbps is high enough for 3 and 4 way full on Video chats  but you may have issues if the Streamed Video is more detailed than the 640 X 480 pixels for ichat Best rate in iChat 5  (720 X 480 in iChat 6). AT this point you lose out to iChat trying to process the Video.
    Strangely the Yahoo App for Mac does exactly what you want. (At least in one to one chats)
    It deals with Video as a Stream that others can then look at whilst Audio is more like ichat in that it is Buddy to Buddy.
    I don't have enough Buddies in Yahoo (And using the Yahoo App to test this further.
    9:28 PM      Thursday; February 9, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Can't get video feed

    Hey! I've attached several cameras to my computer, and OnLocation has recognized the camera. It'll even say "Video feed interrupted" or something like that when I disconnect the camera. However, I haven't been able to get any image in OnLocation of any kind. All I get is a blank screen. Any suggestions?

    Since you're shooting DV, not HDV, that rules out the trial version as the cause--the trial does not support HDV.
    Which means more questions:
    * Do you have any other programs running that could be grabbing the video stream. (Only one program can tap into that stream at a time.)
    * How long is the FireWire cable? (Longer cables are more likely to fail, although that's less of a concern with DV than DVCPROHD.)
    And some suggestions:
    * Try another FireWire cable.
    * Try a different FireWire port or, if possible, a different card altogether
    * If no other cables or cards are available, try at least unplugging the cable from the computer and plugging it back in and/or cycling power on the camera.
    Also, you did not respond re: the version you're running.

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    I am trying to get a good copy of my home video on DVD using IDVD.  On editing the video all the viewing screens show the video perfectly in HD.  When I burn the video to DVD all the end results are buzzy with squiggly lines.  Any fix?  Thanks?

    There are several layers to this Q
    A. There are no HD in DVD - DVD is as standard only SD-Video what ever tools used to produce it !
    iDVD or DVD-Studio Pro or Roxio Toast™ - will only make SD-Video on DVD
    B. DVD can be better or worse
    • Using "Share to iDVD" is no good way - Better is Share to Media Browser and as Large (NOT HD as result will be worse)
    • Using iMovie'08 or 09 or 11 - are not tools to chose if highes quality is of importance - iMovie up to HD6 or FinalCut any version is far better as they send over all lines to iDVD and not only every second one.
    • Using Right encoder quality depending on movie and Manu duration is very important
    • Use of high quality brand of DVD - is important - I use Verbatim DVD-R
    • Type of DVD - DVD-R plays on more DVD-Players (even old ones)
    • Burn speed - I set it down to x4 - resulting in less burn errors - plays on more players
    • I secure a minimum of 25Gb free space on Start-Up Mac OS hard disk as iDVD and Mac OS needs this and it can not be taked from other hard disks - has to be here.
    • What You feed iDVD does matter
    Video codecs
    Audio file formats
    Photo file formats
    Yours Bengt W

  • Video feeds on trunked port

    Here's my current setup:
    Cisco 4948 switch connected to a Linksys SRW2008 switch to a AmiNET125 and laptops. 
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    Now we are trunking the port from the Cisco switch to the Linksys, and through software we are trunking the laptops.  My Cisco switch port is setup trunked and allowing all 3 VLANs.  I setup the Linksys (or hope I did correctly) to trunk and allow all 3 VLANs.  My workstations only access VLAN 10 and 100.  I can now no longer bring up the multicast IP on the AmiNET or the laptops.  Like I stated before, the video feed is running on VLAN 20.  Is there some sort of additional configurations needed for my Linksys that I'm missing so that I can view the video on my AmiNET?  Do I need to create a multicast group in the Linksys in order to view it? 
    I'm not as worried about the laptops, but need the feeds on the AmiNET.
    Any help is extremely appreciated!

    Right now, there is no way to inject a live wired video feed to the pad.  Maybe next year. 
    But if you are in a goofy 'try this' mode....
    1.  Face time.  If the bowling alley has a viable wifi network, do a face time connect, put an I phone on a stick and see the screen on your pad.
    Or if there is no wifi,
    2 an app called tango does video conference over 3G.  Not real good, and totally dependant on signal quality, and eats away at your data cap, but would work in a pinch.

  • Flash Video Jerky / Choppy Fullscreen Chrome

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    Dell 1764 running Win 7 x64 on a Core i5 processor, 4Gig RAM.
    all builds of chrome in the last couple of years, w/ and w/out the included flash (i.e. disabling in about:plugins).
    24mbps cable connection, with no buffering issues noted
    Cleared cookies, history, temp files, ran anti-virus and spyware.
    Have always been up-to-date w/ windows updates.
    Fullscreen videos that do work flawlessly:
    Netflix using the Silverlight plugin.  Youtube HTML5 videos.  Any DVD's or downloaded videos play perfectly in VLC and MPC.
    So, in summation:  Flash vidoes in fullscreen are Jerky/choppy using Chrome browser.  When I right-click and allow that menu to remain on top, jerkiness goes away.  Cancel the right-click menu, problems return.

    No worries.  I appreciate the feedback, and just want to make sure I'm understanding the data that I'm collecting clearly. 
    We're aware that there are random short-lived problems that happen during transitions in and out of full-screen and scrubbing.  We have a number of bugs open on the engineering team around it.  In general, these are usually complex timing-related problem with a bunch of interrelated, moving parts (codec, network latency, buffering, stream quality, hardware, browser, etc).  They're really hard to debug.  It continues to be a big area of focus for both the dev and quality engineering teams, and something we're investing a lot of time and energy into improving. 
    Also, it's worth pointing out that we test a pretty large matrix of graphics cards, and we partner directly with many of the GPU vendors -- but there's a ton of fragmentation and we can't check every single card that's out there in the world.  If we see a bunch of bugs coming in about a particular configuration, we do our best to track the card down and take a look. 
    If you find instances where you're able to reproduce playback problems consistently, please file a bug.  Include a direct link to the video/videos that you can consistently reproduce the video problems with, and include the output of dxdiag (or the graphics card info from the System Information tool on Mac).  OS and Browser versions are also very useful.
    I'm not personally involved in the work around PPAPI for Flash Player, but we have a whole team working on building a great experience for Chrome and Pepper.  Disabling PepperFlash where it's enabled will generally cause Chrome to fall back to the stanadard NPAPI-based Flash Player instead.  Keep an eye out for announcements about preview releases for Flash Player on PPAPI -- I'm sure the team will appreciate your feedback once they become available.  

  • I have a football game recorded on a DVD R disc that I was trying to view on my MacBook using DVD Player.  The video comes onto the screen, but immediately freezes, and then disappears.  An error message comes up saying that DVD player unexpectedly quit.

    I have a football game recorded on a DVD+R disc that I was trying to view on my MacBook using DVD Player.  The video comes onto the screen, but immediately freezes, and then disappears.  An error message comes up saying that DVD player unexpectedly quit.  My MacBook operating system is Mac OS X, version 10.5.8.  DVD Player is App version 5.0.3, framework version 5.0.7.
    However, the DVD+R works on both my Dad's and my brother's laptops.  My Dad's laptop is an iBook G4 with Mac OS X operating system, version 10.3.9.  The DVD Player is version 4.0.  My brother's laptop is a MacBook Pro with Mac OS X operating system, version 10.7.2.  The DVD Player is App version 5500.26.1 and framework version 5.5.0.  The DVD+R plays fine on their laptops, but will not play on mine.

    Lao Bo,
    yes, you can locate and copy a file from your HD to a USB key using UNIX commands. If you know the exact name of the file which you’re trying to locate, try this:
    find / -iname filename -print
    This command will search your entire internal disk for the particular filename. If you know that it’s within a particular user account, then you can save search time with this variation:
    find /Users/username -iname filename -print
    Either variation of this command will print all files found which have the given filename. Presuming that you’re able to identify the correct file, you can copy it to a USB key using the command
    cp -p filename_returned_by_find /Volumes/USB_volume
    If you’re not sure which volume name your USB key has, this command will show you what the possibilities are:
    ls /Volumes
    Please let me know if you have any trouble with these commands.

  • After upgrading to mountain lion, my ip camera video feeds time out

    I've been using my iMacs for a few years to monitor six ip Camera video feeds.  The cameras I use are both FOSCAM and AXIS brands.  I've used a few third party software solutions to do the monitoring, but I could also always use Safari to access a camera at a time by putting that camera's IP address in the address field and logging into the camera. 
    After upgrading to Mountain Lion, my video feeds started timing out when using DComplex's IP Camera Viewer, so I thought initially it was strictly an issue with that third party app.  However, I then logged into my cameras using Safari and they timed out as well.  Similarly, when using Axis Camera viewer, my video feeds would time out.  It seems as whatever the issue, it does not affect Firefox, because I can still login and monitor 1 feed at a time using that browser without any timeout issues, and for some odd reason, the FOSCAM only program uFoscam works, but the problem for me with that app is that it only works with Foscam, and not the Axis cameras (besides it's an inferior program to IP Camera Viewer in my opinion as well).
    Has anyone encountered this problem and come up with a solution?  I'm thinking it's some sort of plugin or video codec problem, but it's well above my paygrade to figure it out.

    I'm having the same problem with both my Vivotek wired network camera and Panasonic wireless network cameras. At first I thought this was an issue with the video framework in Mountain Lion, but if Firefox is working (I haven't tried it yet), it sounds like it may be an objective-c video library that has been changed. It's possible Firefox is using an objective-c interface that calls an objective-c function that isn't called by Safari or IP Camera Viewer, etc., (possibly a function that is on its way to be deprecated) or Firefox could use it's own library that directly calls the video framework.
    Could be the Mountain Lion objective-c framework has a buffering issue.
    Since this is occuring in both 3rd party software and Apple software, it sounds like it's an Apple issue. 3rd party applications typically utilize the Apple Developer objective-c frameworks to access video frameworks/libraries (for example, MJPEG). Thus, contacting 3rd party developers may not solve the situation (unless they can figure out a temporary bandaid--possibly figuring out the video framework call that Firefox uses and patching their software to do the same (not a simple task), but could still provide more feedback to Apple via their developer status.
    Has anyone attempted to record from their cameras via iMovie or Final Cut Pro X HD? I will try mine later tonight to see if it records the hanging. If it does, then it's looking more and more like Apple's the culprit.
    My suggestion is for everyone to file a bug report via

  • Video Lagging/Choppy videos on Macbook Pro

    I am having a problem while watching videos online: video lagging/choppy videos. Sometimes the video is stuck in a certain frame although I still have the sound on the background; sometimes the video slows down completely (frame+sound). It started around one month ago, and exists in several different websites, I couldn`t solve it by myself. I am not very good with computers. I tried to uninstall/reinstall flash player, as well as disable hardware acceleration, and the problem is still there. Also somedays the videos are working fine, and somedays they are all bad independent of websites. I tried to use different browsers (chrome/firefox/safari), but the problem persists.
    I am using a Macbook Pro and bought it in the beginning of January this year (right now it is running OS X 10.7.4) with flash player version
    I would very much appreciate if you can help me.

    mellskucukoglu, uninstall all adobe products then install Adobe Flash Player, Adobe Reader, Adobe Air, Adobe Shockwave Player. Make sure to select the operating system correctly behind the link. Turn off your antivirus till you finish installation as suggested below the webpage. If it still doesn't work check for OS X 10.7.4 updates.
    If it still doesn't work then go for Adobe Live chat in this link . Sometimes they are busy. If they can't help. Think about any changes that you made before this issue like installaling any new apps. Uninstall them. If it still doesn't work then install Adobe Flash Professional CS 6. After installing check for adobe updates and update them all. It should work at this point.  If not ,watch this
    If the issue persists switch to Windows XP SP3 or Windows 7.

  • Is there a way to use Illustrator to draw over a live video feed coming from my microscope?

    Hi, we use illustrator to draw (trace) over static images of mite specimens taken under a microscope. Although this works, it would be much better to be able to draw directly from the live video feed coming from my microscope. The specimens are dead, so they are not moving around, however, we need to focus down through the specimen in order to see all details. We normally take montage images, but because the specimens are clear there are many artifacts present and we frequently have to consult the specimen under the microscope to double check things. My students and I have hundreds of drawings to complete and are looking for a way to streamline the process. If we could avoid making montage images and draw direct from the video feed, it would revolutionize the way we approach our research. Is there a way to display the video feed and then overlay Illustrator so that we can directly trace over the image (we use a Wacom tablet, but that shouldn't make a difference) so we can focus at different levels and draw the entire organism?
    Thanks for your help

    Maybe it's possible to have live video in Illustrator, but you would most certainly need to write your own plugin.
    So this community would be suitable:

  • How can I make a video feed in Muse?

    So, I have a youtube channel, and I really want to have a website that people can go to see my videos as well. So I am wondering, is there any way that I can set up an automatic video feed in adobe muse so that every time I upload a video, it will be put on my website? I am not familiar with coding, that is why I use muse, but I could if I learned. If I can't set up an automatic video feed, do you have any ideas of a classy way to show all my videos? I can go in and manually add them evey time I upload a new one, but I want a classy way to display them so users can pick which ones to view and stuff.
    Thanks so much for your help!

    I doubt MU can do this.  It's pretty limited in scope &  I don't think it supports server-side code which you would need to parse feeds.  But feel free to post your question in the MU forum.  Maybe somebody there has a workaround.
    Nancy O.

  • I would like to use slideshow in lightroom to export my video as a full screen 1920x1080 video with text overlays.  I am using text overlay in lightroom as it reads from the metadata that is easy for me to input in the library screen.  When i export from

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    I dont understand anything you said in your post.
    Do you have a specific question about video production?
    The forums are for individual technical or creative issues that users have with video production. I am sur someone will be able to help you, but and to get a response it is best to ask a specific question.
    Is this about a technical problem you have or something about setting up a web site? If its the latter this is the wrong forum.

  • My computer will no longer stream videos? The videos are choppy and show static?

    Hello! My macbook pro just recently stopped streaming videos from facebook, youtube, hulu, etc... The videos are choppy and show static. The sound play back is fine but the picture is definitely unclear. I was hoping that there was a simple solution to this as I have never had an issue with this computer before.

    Thanks, Lawrence. I figured that was what I was going to have to do in the end. I have a few games with quite a few hours invested, and I worry that I'll lose the progress I have as they do not save to the cloud. I may have to bite the bullet, and just take the plunge to resolve this. I just want a way to easily transfer my "Home Computer" for my iPhone. My laptop is years old and in need of being replaced, and it's about time to upgrade my phone. These life events piling up are making me consider switching to a friendlier OS. I'm not using this as a threat. I just hope some apple high up will read this, and realize that we need alternatives. Life happens.
    Thank you both Paul and Lawrence. I clicked "This helped me" not knowing it would remove the option to choose "This fixed my problem" too. For anyone else reading this thread. Using the guide provided has done both. It has helped me and given me a fix to my current problem. Lawrence has also provided me with the last bit of information I feel is missing from wjosten's guide. That syncing will completely erase all of your data and reinstall it in one fell swoop. It's a great fix. Even if it isn't the exact one I wanted. Thank you again!

  • When I tgry to drop a video from the main screen to a time line with no secuence i receive an error with no number, just tell me the progran stop working and the program closes can you help me please

    please someone who help me please
    when I tgry to drop a video from the main screen to a time line with no secuence i receive an error with no number, just tell me the progran stop working and the program closes

    You need to help us first ...
    Computer specs:
    OS, CPU, RAM, GPU, vRAM ... and also disc layout & connections can be useful (as in, "2 internal hard-drives and an external on Thunderbolt connection for exports")
    Program specs:
    Specific build of Premier Pro from the bottom of the "About" splash screen off the "Help" menu is best.
    Footage file type: MXF, AVCHD, MOV, m2s, what?
    Even the camera it was shot on can be of interest at times.
    And did you use media browser to import, then project panel to drag & drop?

Maybe you are looking for