Video "finishing"

Are these the steps involved in what is called "finishing" or have I got it wrong? Anything not mentioned here?
color-correct for broadcast safety
review/QC video for drop-outs & artifacts
switch from low-res "offline" editing to high-res "online"
What about applying filters to "stylize" video for subjective, non-technical reasons ... after the editing work is done? Is that considered finishing or not?

Those are some of the steps in post production but the list is not complete and yours is not in a standard sequence. IN fact, there is no complete list or standardized order. Finishing video is job-specific and output-specific. Every producer has her own idea of what those steps are; every editor has to be flexible enough to deal with the boss's list. Your effects house, your photographers, and your finishing house all have their own workflows and procedures. You just edit.
color-correct for broadcast safety
This is best handled while shooting, use a light meter, know how your camera functions, know the limitations of your format and codec. "Color-grading" is another topic all together.
review/QC video for drop-outs & artifacts
Dropouts are on the tapes, you will know about them while you're capturing. "Artifact" is too subjective to define. Your artifact is my dropout. My artifact is your quantization error.
switch from low-res "offline" editing to high-res "online"
All depends on when you think your edit is locked. Not your decision, usually, in a production where "finishing" is part of the lexicon.
What about applying filters to "stylize" video for subjective, non-technical reasons ... after the editing work is done? Is that considered finishing or not?
That's not finishing, that's editing. Stylization is the decision of the director.
Do yourself a huge favor and invest in a few books on filmmaking. Your local library probably has several.

Similar Messages

  • Is it possible to prevent slide advancement before video finishes?

    Hi all,
    I've imported a couple of .flv videos and placed them on separate slides.
    The user would watch these videos before reaching a couple of quiz questions.  I want to prevent the user from advancing before the video finishes, and, after the video finishes, have the project advance to the next slide, automatically.  So, essentially the user would sit back, put their feet up, and be able to watch several videos without having to touch the computer.  They would also be unable to "cheat" and reach the quiz questions before the video is done.
    Is there a way to do this?  I'm using a trial version of Captivate 5.  I'm thinking I'll have to make custom navigation buttons.
    Thanks in advance!

    I figured it out.  I used this blog to get rid of the default navigation: .html
    And then on the video slides I changed the properties to get rid of the skin on the flv video, displayed it for the rest of the slide, and paused the slide until the end of the video.
    Important to note: it didn't work if I added my own navigation buttons in there.  The video would reach the end and then it would not advance.

  • External Flv video finish goto first frame

    I insert 1 external flv video in maintimeline 2 frame.
    when video finished goes to 1st frame.
    Plz Help Me............
    Thanks & Regards,

    function f(e:MouseEvent):void{
    // make sure to use the allow fullscreen html template (file>publish settings>html).

  • Wait on frame until video finishes?

    Does anyone know if there's a way to tell flash to wait on a
    frame until a video finishes playing, and then go to the next
    frame? (I'm using progressive download. It has audio that needs to
    stay in sync.)
    Thank you for your help!

    > I have imported an FLV and on import chose
    > rather than embedding the video, because I read that if
    > video has audio in it, it will stay syncronized better
    > progressive than with embedded video.
    I can neither confirm nor deny which plays better. But it's
    good to
    know we're dealing with external video.
    > Flash automatically put the video into an FLVPlayback
    > component.
    Yupper. :) Now we're getting warmer.
    > I would like to have the video play to the end, and then
    > have the Flash movie automatically go to the next frame.
    Here's the scoop. Just about everything in ActionScript can
    described as an object. Objects are defined by something
    called classes,
    which you may think of as object blue prints. The FLVPlayback
    for example, is defined by the FLVPlayback class, and you can
    look up this
    class entry in your documentation. Components are listed in
    the Component
    Language Reference and ActionScript clases are listed in the
    2.0 Language Reference.
    Classes define the properties of an object (the
    characteristics it has),
    its methods (things it can do), and its events (things it can
    react to). So
    class entries should definitely be your first stop, always.
    If you're
    dealing with a movie clip, look up the MovieClip class. If
    you're dealing
    with a dynamic or input text field, look up the TextField
    class, and so on.
    Consulting the FLVPlayback class, then, we find that
    extends the MovieClip class and wraps a VideoPlayer object.."
    Okay, what
    does that mean? Well, in this context, it means that any
    instance -- such as the one on your Stage -- contains all the
    (properties, methods, and events) of a movie clip, because it
    *extends* the
    MovieClip class. So this particular case is something of a
    wild goose
    chase. Normally, the answers you want are already at hand.
    FLVPlayback is
    a little different. But the documentation continues: "... and
    wraps a
    VideoPlayer object," so now we know to get more information
    by looking up
    the VideoPlayer class.
    Bingo. Here's were we find the answer. The VideoPlayer class
    an event VideoPlayer.complete (see the Events summary in its
    class entry).
    It also contains a method VideoPlayer.addEventListener(),
    which means we can
    "listen" for the complete event. Good news.
    So ... give your FLVPlayback Component instance an instance
    Select it and look at the Property inspector. Let's name it
    vp, short for
    video player. Create a new layer and name it "scripts" --
    this is where
    we'll put your ActionScript.
    var listener:Object = new Object();
    listener.complete = function() {
    vp.addEventListener("complete", listener);
    Here's what's going on. Events of the sort we're dealing
    with can be
    handled with a listener. A listener is just a generic Object
    instance -- so
    in line 1, we're declaring a variable arbitrarily named
    listener. It's of
    type Object and is set to a new Object instance.
    This listener object acts as a proxy for the FLVPlayer
    (actually, the
    VideoPlayer) complete event. Via this listener, we assign a
    function to a
    complete property. In this example code, I'm simply having it
    trace() the
    string "complete!" to the Output panel. You'll want to have
    it send the
    main timeline to frame 2 -- _root.gotoAndStop(2);
    Finally, our FLVPlayer instance, vp, invokes the
    VideoPlayer.addEventListener() method to become a listener
    for "complete"
    events from the listener object.
    Done. Badda bing. :)
    stiller (at) quip (dot) net
    Dev essays:
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

  • Video not showing after video finished rendering.. worked before rendering

    after editing a project to burn to dvd ... creating the fbi warning, the opening menu and the submenus... all with motion... and all working fine, i uploaded the video ... and before it finished rendering, the video worked like a champ.... now after the rendering is over, and i click "simulate" to view the project ... the fbi warning works just fine ... but the actual movie itself does not. the audio works fine ... and can be heard clearly... but the video is nothing but completely black.
    even when i scroll the video editing section where i chaptered it and what not, the video will not move. it just stops at the screen frame where i placed the mouse to start the video... but the audio continues.
    i'm sure this is a setting i have overlooked as i've already authored DVD's before and never had this problem.
    i thought the video was bad and even reloaded the video and let it render again .... anyone have any suggestions?
    imac g5   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    update::: figured out that the video was somehow corrupt. doesn't make any sense... but i just deleted and reloaded it and it works now...
    new issue ::: when going to burn the DVD ... now i keep getting into the 20% range and then it says "video bitrate too high" ... so i've adjusted that repeatedly on the preference menu of studio pro ... and still getting the same issues.

  • Youtube videos finish early on Macbook 2010

    Hi all, I'm having a problem with my Macbook whereby all Youtube video's "finish" ridiculously early (around 15 seconds in) when the videos are longer than that. This is making youtube becoming a very frustrating experience on the Macbook and Youtube works fine on my PC.
    The Macbook is fully up to date, is the May 2010 version (2.4Ghz, 4GB ram, G320m etc). Does anyone have any way of fixing this or suggestions on how to fix this? I love my Macbook but it's getting incredibly frustrating to use in place of my PC at the moment.
    Thanks for any help.

    Try updating your Adobe Flash Player or try Chrome which includes the latest version automatically.

  • Slide doesn't advance after video finishes playing

    Hi Everyone, I'm having a problem getting my slides to advance to the next slide after the flv/f4v files I inserted are finished playing. I have the slide set to On Exit: go to the next slide and I also have increased my slide duration to be as long as the video. I tried looking up this issue on but the only option I found was creating a continue button for the user to click that will advance to the next slide after the video has finished playing but I don't want to have to do this Is the continue button my only option or is there a properties panel setting I am somehow missing? help!!!

    Hello Avary
    Welcome to Adobe Forums
    Here are the steps that you can follow
    - Create a blank project
    - Inser the flv video
    - Use the same Actions and observe that you are facing the same issue or not
    - if on a new blank project it works fine
    - Then try to copy all the slides in your original project (in which you are facing issues)
    - Create a new project exactly of the same dimension (width and height)
    - Paste all the slides and observe the issue is resolved or not
    - If not then try to recreate prefernces of Captivate 5
    Adobe Captivate 5:
    Close Adobe Captivate.
    Locate the preference folder:    
    Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Local\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 5 folder
    Windows XP:  C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Local Settings\Application Data\Adobe\Adobe Captivate 5 folder
    Mac:  /Users/[user name]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Captivate 5 folder
    Rename the preference folder.
    Restart Adobe Captivate. A new configuration folder is automatically created.
    Here is the knowledge base article that i found on Adobe Website
    If you still face the same issue after all these steps, you can contact Adobe support
    Hope it helps !!!

  • Do i need to let the video finish encoding before i burn?

    I want to burn a dvd in idvd.  I know it begins to encode while you're still working on the dvd, but if i finsh editing the dvd and it hasnt been fully encoded in the project info tab, can i just burn it and encoding will hapen durig the burn or do i have to wait til encoding is done.

    Burn - will cont. the encoding process - Can not burn until calculated.
    BUT - There is another more recommended way to do this - as problems can occur
    • Start in iDVD when Lay-out/Menus and all is done WITH - Save as a DiskImage
    • Test this (when calculated) - with DVD-tool to see that all menus plays as intended and all Chapters starts where they are supposed to do etc.
    • Then either
    - Let iDVD burn (will do a re-calculation = takes much time) - or -
    - Burn the .img by using - Disk Util tool - Will make a DVD-copy and need no re-calculating
    BUT - both in iDVD and Disk Util tool - SET down Burn speed to x2 or x4 to get a much better DVD (less burn errors)
    To get best possibly result (to me) I do
    • use Verbatim DVDs - Cheap brands usually works for Data-DVD - BUT NOT AS Video-DVDs
    • DVD-R - as they play on more and even older DVD-players (never DVD+/-RW)
    Yours Bengt W

  • No Audio on Youtube ONLY if Video Finishes Loading - Help

    Hi All,
    I recently upgraded my PC (new everything), and am running Windows 7 Home 64-Bit (w/ all recommended Windows Updates), with the latest version of Firefox (19.0).
    So if I go to Youtube and try and watch a Video (Flash Player), I get Audio ONLY on the initial playthrough (No Pausing).
    If I Pause it, and let the video load for even a few seconds (or if the bar reaches to the end), I notice that I get NO Audio.
    If I Refresh the page, and just let it play, there WILL be Audio again.
    Very annoying.
    Does anyone have any suggestions to fix this? Thanks.

    First I'd try disabling hardware acceleration to see if that makes a difference.
    How do I disable or enable hardware acceleration?
    If it does, please update your video driver and re-enable acceleration.  If it does not, then please check to see if you have the following Windows update installed.
    KB2670838 – Platform Update for Windows 7 x64
    If so, please uninstall it and try Flash Player out again.

  • Can you make a emeded flash video disspear when finished

    IS the a paramater or other setting to make a flash video
    finish when it is finised. Its just a simple screencast video that
    i want to totaly dissapera when completed

    The only way I know to get html into flash is in a in a
    dynamic textfield and what is allowed is very limited. I suppose
    you were thinking of something in flash that looks like a table
    that would be easy enough. Just do it after the end of the video
    and it always helps to use multiple layers if there's any degree of

  • Exit out of video and return to stage frame 1

    Ive manged to create a flash player that incorporates a video
    using a online
    tutorial with the code below.
    All is working well but at the end of the video I want to
    exit out of the
    video and return to the stage at frame 1. The reason being
    is; before a user
    hits play an interface image (containing info) is displayed.
    When they hit
    the play button the video appears and plays over the
    interface image.
    problem is at the end of the video the layer containing the
    image is still
    covered by the video. when the video finishes I need a line
    of code to exit
    and return the player to the original state without the
    presecence of the
    video layer.
    any ideas? thanks in advance
    var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
    var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
    rewindButton.onRelease = function() {;;
    playButton.onRelease = function() {"modular.flv");
    pauseButton.onRelease = function() {
    var videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100);
    var amountLoaded:Number;
    var duration:Number;
    ns["onMetaData"] = function (obj) {
    duration = obj.duration;
    function videoStatus() {
    amountLoaded = ns.bytesLoaded / ns.bytesTotal;
    loader.loadbar._width = amountLoaded * 200;
    loader.scrub._x = ns.time / duration * 200;
    var scrubInterval;
    loader.scrub.onPress = function(){
    scrubInterval = setInterval(scrubit, 10);
    loader.scrub.onRelease = loader.scrub.onReleaseOutside =
    function () {
    videoInterval = setInterval(videoStatus,100);
    function scrubit() {*duration));

    Inside the videoStatus() function Check the Current Time and
    Total time for video completion. Some time the Video doesn't have
    exact Time when comparing to the Total duration so use Math.floor
    to compare. if you still facing problem also check the Buffer
    status and Video status too.

  • Unable to delete videos from my iad

    I am unable to delete videos from my ipad.  When I go to Settings - Usage - Storage; the video section will show up as no data in it even if it has multiple videos downloaded from itunes in it.  I am using iOS 7.0.4 on a new iPad mini Retina 64GB.  I am seeing the same problem on my iPhone 5S. 

    I was puzzled by this since ios7 I waited for  7.1 and thought it was fixed as it seems to go away. Now its back in 8.0 and 8.0.2.
    It seems somewhat related to incomplete accounting of downloaded video and music too on the device and applying to storage left on device as these two icons are not showing up under usage in settings, even with show all selected.
    Here is what I did:
    Go to "Videos" under settings, turn off "show all videos", this will show only videos that presumably are on your device.
    Go to Videos" app and you should see video that is presumably downloaded to device, select the cloud icon and as unintuitive as it seems, download the video as if it is not already on the device.
    When one or all of your videos finish, go to "Settings", "General", "Usage", you will see an increase in available storage.
    While there, select "Manage Storage" and "Videos" should show up in usage and an amount of MB or GB.
    Select "Videos" under storage and your videos will present. Select "Edit" in upper right corner.
    Select red "minus symbol", delete.
    As you do this you will see more and more of your devices storage coming back in available storage.
    This is similar to or is a memory leak issue that needs to be addressed. It apparently hasn't yet.
    The same process works with Music. I haven't seen this as an issue in dealing with apps.

  • How to trigger based play a text, video and animated symbol

    I have an animated text followed by a video followed by animated symbol. I have a next button with the following commands
    The problem:
    I can go next from the text to the video but have to wait till the video finishes playing then the symbol comes in automatically. if i click next while the video is playing. The animation progresses in the symbol and it misses the starting animation.
    What i want is while the video is playing and i click next the video stops and the slide starts to play.
    Project file here:
    Can anyone help ?

    I was facing another issue.
    As you can see in the test project. There is a video. It has a simple opacity at the end. When i enable controls for the video and pause and play in the browser to see specific parts. but what happens is that the video fades out when the playhead reaches that point and other slides fade in.
    What i want to do is when the pause button is pressed in the video, the playhead stops and only when the video has ended or the next button clicked, the next slide appears.
    Can you please tell me how to achieve this ?

  • Why is the audio outrunning the video?

    First off, I'd like to say thanks to the gentlemen who helped with my last question; you guys lead me to the information that allowed me to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it.  I now have a new problem that's making me tear my hair out, and I'm hoping you guys can help me with this one as well. 
    I'm attempting to make a video resume to supplement my paper resume in order to get a job with a technology educator called Techshop.  I have an old video production degree, but I'm new to digital editing.  For equipment I have a reasonably powerful computer (it exceeded the specs), a Panasonic HC-V10 camera (it records in ACVHD lite 720 60p, I think), Premier Elements 10, and a file viewer and converter called Wondershare Video Converter Platinum. 
    My troubles all started when I, in my beginner's ignorance, didn't use Premier to capture the video clips off my camera directly, but instead took the SD card out and transfered the files onto my computer's hard drive directly.  I no longer have the video on the SD card, all I have is the files.  There is too much video to re-shoot; I need to use this footage. 
    I set up my project as ACVHD lite 720 60p and, again not understanding what I was doing, washed all the raw footage through the video converter.  This was to get the resolution of the video up to 1280X720 from 960X540 and to label the video instead of just having numerical codes (pre-sorting).  I was changing the resolution because I couldn't find a Premiere preset for that resolution.  I converted the audio at 48 MhZ (after initially converting at a sample rate of 44.1, which seemed to cause a problem-though in hindsight, it may not have), which is the same as my project preset.
    After converting the footage, it appeared to play perfectly in Wondershare.  I looked at the footage with MediaInfo, and it appeared to match my video presets exactly.  I used Get Media to pull the files into Premiere, and that's when it hit the fan.  The audio was outracing the video!  At the start of the clip it appeared to be in synch.  A few seconds in, and there was 'something funny going on'.  A minute in and it was badly out of synch, and a few minutes into a clip (several takes in one clip) it was so badly out of synch I couldn't even match the sections up.  The audio ended before the video in every clip I imported.  I'm not sure, but I think it's losing about 2 seconds a minute.  I also tried a test export, and the problem was exactly the same.
    Now here's the interesting wrinkle.  When I look at the Properties of the clips in Wondershare and MediaInfo, they both tell me the frame rate is 29.97 fps and the audio is sampled at 48MhZ.  However, when I look at the Properties of the same clip in Premiere, it says the audio sample rate was 48MhZ, but the frame rate is 29.00!  If I'm calculating this correctly (though I'm not certain I am), I think losing .97 frames per second accounts for the audio/video missmatch-the video is playing slightly slower than the audio.
    As an afterthought, when I Get Media the files into my Premiere project, I get a tiny message at the bottom of the screen that says Premiere is Conforming each video with a progress bar, leading me to believe that the project presets do NOT match the source video; only problem is, Wondershare and MediaInfo say it does!
    What is happening?  How come Premiere is saying that these files have a framerate of 29.00 fps when everything else says they're 29.97?  Did I convert it oddly?  I checked, and I set the frame rate on Wondershare to 29.97 (which is what it and MediaInfo both say the video is playing at).  I even re-converted some of the video from the raw source with Wondershare at at 29.00 setting, and it STILL has the missmatch problem.  Did Premiere interpret it strangely?  If so, any idea why?  It doesn't appear to need to Render-there's no red bar above my project or anything.
    Also, is there a way I can tell Premiere to play the video back with the same audio rate, but at 29.97 fps instead of the 29.00 fps it says it's using?  Or stipulate that the video files be played at the correct rate, or something?  Or really, any other ideas on how to address this issue?  Uncoupling the video and audio and then time-stretching seems very imprecise and cumbersome, so I'd rather not try it.  I'd like to simply adjust Premiere to use the video correctly, since my video is already labeled and correctly sized (and some of it is cropped and color corrected too). 
    Edit: I just loaded in the unconverted footage for kicks, and the audio problem doesn't seem to be occuring.  Simple fix, right?  Well...I'd like to still figure out what's going on for future projects.  I also would like to still use the converted and labeled video since I took SO LONG pre-sorting it!  Lastly, I had at one point attempted to load all the unconverted footage into Premiere and just re-label there, but Premiere spat up a message that it was "running low on system resources" and soon locked up/stopped responding.  My computer doesn't seem to be able to handle 135 video clips in one project, and thus my need to pre-sort.  Just wondering, but is it the preview images that are the problem?  If I chop up the footage into multiple folders, will that help?
    I have already read the articles by Bill Hunt and others about "File format as a wrapper" and "What's in a Codec" and such-VERY informative!-so no need to point me to one of them unless I've clearly forgotten something. 
    Gentlemen, I thank you in advance for your advice and assistance, and I am very appreciative that you make your experience available to new users such as myself.  Thanks again!

    I don't know why the audio sync problem is happening but I can offer a workaround that has helped me salvage files that were not able to be reshot.  The common denominator for the audio sync problems I have encountered in (some, not all) clips were 60fps.  It has been a while since I had to do this so please bear with me as I am doing this from memory.  Also, this is based on PE10 but will probably work with older versions but I don't own any.
    1.  Right click the clip in your timeline and select "Unlink Audio and Video"
    2.  Click any other place on your timeline to de-select the problematic clip and then click on the AUDIO portion to only select it.  To confirm that you did it correctly only the audio portion of the clip will be highlighted.
    3.  Right click on the highlighted auido clip and select "Time Stretch...".  A small box will pop up with 4 adjustments - Speed, Duration, Reverse Speed and Maintain Audio Pitch.  Here is where the trial and error begins.
    4.  If I recall, I used a few different methods to determine how much to stretch the audio to get things right.
                              a) You could determine how much time there is between the audio finishing and the video finishing by subtracting the values in the timeline counter.  Remember the last two numbers are frames and not fractions of a second.  Now add that value to the "Duration" value in the second line down in the open box.  It should get you pretty close to back to normal sync. If not good enough you can tweak the duration to get it right.  Next, check the box to "Maintain Audio Pitch" or you will sound funny.  If the pitch sounds funny you could add the "PitchShifter" effect from the audio effects toolbox though I have not had to this.
                             b)  You could click into the speed % box and enter an amount up to two decimal places in value.  Based on the fact that mediainfo says the clip is 29.00 fps (for whatever reason) I would try (29.00/29.97=.9676 X 100 =) 96.76% and see what happens.  Check the ' Maintain the Audio Pitch" box as above.  If this works then it may serve as a confirmation that Elements is indeed incorrectly interpreting the clips properties.
                             c)  Run and Gun.  Just start changing duration values or Speed percentages until you get it right.  Ya know, caveman style.
    Another way that is possible I'm guessing is to click and drag the audio into sync.  Do steps 1 and 2 above.  Expand the timeline to show the waveform better.  Hover your cursor over the right side of the audio clip until the backwards "C" shows up.  Click and drag the clip to the right using the waveform as a visual reference.  I have not done it this way but in theory it should work.
    When you get everything the way you want it you can trim off the audio portion that overruns the video to make them the same physical size.  Then hold the shift key down while selecting both the audio and video portions of the clip.  Be sure they are both highlighted.  Right click on the clips and select "Link Audio and Video" to relink the clips. 
    Hope this helps you.  It is not ideal by any standard but what workaround ever is.  Good luck.

  • Ipod freezes when playing video through dock

    Okay, this is a challenging one. I will be surprised if someone can help me figure this one out, but I will be very grateful!!
    Picked up a brand new 60gb 5th generation video ipod the other day. 1.1 update already installed. Everything worked great. Was able to play videos through the AV dock, no problem, and was able to hook it up to the JBL stereo for the ipod, no problem.
    Here is where it gets interesting. I took an avi video from my digital camera, and used Quicktime Pro to convert it into a .mov Apple Quicktime movie. I am using Windows XP. I then imported that .mov movie into itunes. Then I right clicked on the file and told itunes to convert it into the ipod format. I then hooked the ipod up to the computer, and the video was transferred to the ipod with no problems.
    Then I was able to play the video with no problem on the ipod screen (not hooked up to the AV dock). Then I inserted the ipod into the AV dock that is hooked up to my tv. I played videos this way without a problem, before I loaded this new home made video. When I played the new video, I answered Yes to Tv Out, and right after that point my ipod froze up. No video played at all. Then I had to reset my ipod.
    I tried this again several times, with the same result. This was now happening with regular videos that I downloaded from itunes. Also now, when I hooked the ipod up to the JBL stereo, and just tried to play a song, the ipod would freeze up. However, songs and videos play fine when the ipod is not hooked up to a dock.
    It seems to me like my home made video somehow corrupted the software drivers for the port on the ipod.
    Then to fix the problem, I finally had to do the dreaded RESTORE. I could not update the ipod, because I was already at version 1.1. I tried rolling back to an earlier version, but the updater told me that the update was not compatible with my ipod.
    The RESTORE did fix the problem. The ipod was completely back to normal. I could hook it up to the JBL and the AV dock with no problems. Until...yes, I tried playing the home made video again. I just wanted to see if it was a fluke. Same problem came back....arrghhh!
    He is another weird observation. I can start the video playing on the ipod, without it hooked up to the dock, and answer Yes to tv out. The video starts playing, then I can insert the ipod into the dock, while it is still playing, and the video plays fine on the tv, through the dock! Until the video finishes. Once the video finishes, the ipod freezes up again.
    I wonder if this is a hardware problem, and I should just return my ipod. It seems like a software problem to me. I think if it is my home made video that is corrupting my ipod, I think itunes should be smart enough to not copy something to my ipod that is going to corrupt it., sorry that was very long-winded. Anyone have any suggestions?
    Dell Dimension 2.8ghz P4   Windows XP   2.25GB of RAM

    All I can suggest is to re-encode the video as m4v with QT Pro, there might've been a problem in encoding. Also, try sending this same video (setting TV Out to Yes) with the iPod not plugged into the dock and with an Apple RCA cable, if you have one, hooked up to a TV. If that works, the dock connector might be damaged (unlikely) but it's possible. So once you've re-encoded, see if the dock situation works then. Good luck.

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  • Cant send msg to RFC Response

    Hi, I have RFC XI BPM Jdbc scenario, in which, I am raising an exception when database connection fails, and sending a message back to the RFC like "failed". But I am not getting any mapping error in the repository, but couldnot map at runtime....whe

  • No Sender Agreement (Specific)

    Dear All I have gone through SDN forums and found a number of threads where this problem is discussed. Most of the answers include Re - activate ID objects : not always helpful Delete and recreate ID objects : not possible in production environments

  • Syntax error in the Interactive form methods

    Hi all, In one of the method of the interactive form i am using the below statement DATA:LS_ZDYN_TBL_FORM type WD_THIS->ELEMENT_ZDYN_TBL_FORM. When i use the above statement i am getting the following syntax error The type "WDCTX_ZDYN_TBL_FORM" is un

  • Unable to connect netgear DG834G wireless to macbook

    Hi I am unable to connect the Netgear Router DG834G wireless to my Macbook. It works fine through the ethernet cable but when i try and connect wireless it says invalid password?